Cargo Handling Sheet Non Shell Product Space chartered by Shell Chemicals on behalf of third party owner. Motiva Star 12 Document date: 18 August 2015 Original Document Cargo Handling Sheet: Motiva Star 12 Document date: Original Document Product shipped on behalf of external customer, CHS is for reference only. Information is obtained from owner’s SDS and other reference publications. Product Details: Product Name: Motiva Star 12 Shipping Name: Base Oil Chemical Family: Distillates (Petroleum Hydrotreated, heavy paraffinic) Product Code: SDS: Supplied by manufacturer Physical Properties Specific Gravity: 0.8751 @ 15 deg C. Kinematic Viscosity: 107 – 120 (cSt) @ 40 deg C. 12.2 (cSt) @ 100 deg c Vapor Pressure: < 0.5 (Pa) @ 20 deg C. Boiling Point: > 176.67 deg C Pour Point: -13 deg C. Flash Point: 269 deg C. Notes: Transshipments Check with shipper. Marpol Details: Marpol Annex: Annex I IMO Ship Type: Annex I or double hull vessel with a carriage of oil certification IMO Pollution Category: Annex I Oil Like: Yes High Viscosity: n/a Solidifying: n/a 2 Cargo Handling Sheet: Motiva Star 12 Document date: Original Document Color: Clear USCG: USCG compatibility group Cargo Handling Requirements: Prepurging of Vessel’s Tanks Flash point > 60 deg C. N2 Blanket Required: See prepurge Percent Oxygen in Nitrogen Blanket: See prepurge Vapor Space Purge: No Loading Temperature Range: Ambient -35 deg C. Transit Temperature Range: Ambient – 30 deg C Discharge Temperature Range: 30 – 35 deg C. Maximum Heating Coil Temperature: 50 deg C. Adjacent Maximum Cargo Temperature: 40 deg C. Notes: Carrier to check with shipper to ensure correct heating requirements. Regional Requirements: None noted at this time. Notes: If Nitrogen blanket is in place and Carrier chooses to transship, carrier must reapply nitrogen blanket on the cargo, both on the discharging and receiving ship, at their time, risk, and expense. Tank Acceptance Requirements: All shore and ship cargo lines and tanks are to be presented clean (residual free), dry, odor free, and rust free, with good gaskets and pressure tested heating coils. Stainless Steel or Coated Tanks : Coated may be used, carrier to verify suitability of coating for product. Wall Wash Required: No Wash Specifications: Maintenance of heating coils is to be verified in the ship’s log. If product is to be heated, heating coils are to be confirmed leak free. If product is not heated, heating coils are to be drained, dried and blanked off. 3 Cargo Handling Sheet: Motiva Star 12 Document date: Original Document Safety Information and Incident Reporting. Safety Information: For more detailed information, refer to the SDS or e-SDS for reportable spill/release quantities whether in the water, air or ground. Incident Reporting for vessels on Shell charter. International Registered Vessels: call Shell International Trading and Shipping in London on (44) 207-934-7777. Jones Act Vessels: call the Shell 24 hr. incident number at 713-241-2532. The USA National response center telephone number is 1-800-424-8802 Disclaimer The information contained in this publication is, to the best of our knowledge, true and accurate, but any recommendations or suggestions that may be made are without guarantee, since the conditions of use are beyond our control. Furthermore, nothing contained herein shall be construed as a recommendation to use any product in conflict with existing patents covering any material or its use. 4