File - Magistra Cannon's Website

Latin II LESSON PLANS: February 22 – March 11, 2016
dies Lunae
Hebdomas Octova
Hebdomas Nona
dies Martis
dies Mercurii
Hebdomas Decima
February 22
February 29
March 7
Objective: Stage 29
Objective: Stage 29
Objective: Stage 29
Lesson: View "Masada" in class &
take notes on everything until you can
narrow down your topic
Lesson: Project Tech Demo / Q’n’A with
Mrs. Johnson in class today
Lesson: **MASADA Projects DUE!!
Project Presentations in class
Homework: Submit Reflections in
Google Form by 8am for sharing!
Homework: Project Feedback Form
(after you present)
March 1
March 8
Objective: Stage 29
Objective: Stage 29
Objective: Stage 29
Lesson: View "Masada" in class &
take notes on everything until you can
narrow down your topic
Lesson: View Personal Reflections in
class today
Lesson: **MASADA Projects DUE!!
Project Presentations in class
Homework: work on projects!
Homework: Project Feedback Form
(after you present)
February 24
March 2
March 9
Objective: Stage 29
Objective: Stage 29
Objective: Stage 29
Lesson: View "Masada" in class &
take notes on everything until you can
narrow down your topic
Lesson: In-Class time to work on your
Lesson: **MASADA Projects DUE!!
Project Presentations in class
Homework: work on projects!
Homework: Project Feedback Form
(after you present)
February 25
March 3
March 10
Objective: Stage 29
Objective: Stage 29
Objective: Stage 29
Lesson: Finish "Masada" in class &
take notes on everything until you can
narrow down your topic
Lesson: MASADA PROJECT small
group work- share your project, critique
your group members work, & help each
other to make it your best work.
Complete & submit the Peer Advising
Group Worksheet!
Lesson: **MASADA Projects DUE!!
Project Presentations in class
Homework: Narrow down to 3 ideas
PSAT10 This Week
February 23
dies Iovis
Magistra Cannon
Homework: Narrow down to 2 ideas
Homework: Character
Conflict/Challenge Reflection
Worksheet in eBackpack
Homework: Project Feedback Form
(after you present)
Homework: Project work!
dies Veneris
February 26
March 4
*Spring Pep Rally
March 11
Objective: Stage 29
Objective: Stage 29
Objective: Stage 1-30 Review
Lesson: Finish "Masada" in class &
take notes on everything until you can
narrow down your topic *OR* Work
on Personal Reflections in class today
Lesson: In-Class time to wrap up work
Lesson: Verb Dice Review w/partners in
class today. Want to get ahead over the
break? If so, start on Stage 30 Vocab…
Homework: Project work!
Homework: No HW over Spring Break!
Homework: Plan / script your Personal
Reflection & work on original images
No HW- EPICOSITY NIGHT! March 24, May 13
Latin II LESSON PLANS: March 21 – April 8, 2016
dies Lunae
Hebdomas Prima
Magistra Cannon
Hebdomas Secunda
Hebdomas Tertia
March 21
March 28
April 4
Objective: Stage 1-30 Review
Objective: Stage 30
Objective: Stage 31
Lesson: Vocabulary Review in class
Lesson: Warm Up- Trans C p.196; Go
over WU & then Jigsaw rotation through
“Dignitas” pp 193-4 story
Lesson: Warm Up- Read pp 218-19 &
Take notes from the book; Go over WU
& Trans #1 from C & D p.218 and D
p.219; then Trans Models pp 212-213 in
Homework: Stage 30 Vocabulary List
Homework: Trans C p.199
Homework: Stage 31 Vocabulary List
dies Iovis
dies Mercurii
dies Martis
March 22
March 29
**English 1 STARR
April 5
Objective: Stage 1-30 Review
10 + Objective: Stage 30
Objective: Stage 31
Lesson: Speed-Read old Stages to
practice reading skills, improve
translation skills, and review
Lesson: Warm Up- C p. 200; Go over
HW/WU; Read “Polyspaston” p.197 in
pairs/small groups, then start HW if time
Lesson: Warm Up- Trans C2, D2, and
D5 from pp 218-19; Go over WU and
then Trans “Adventus” p.214 on the big
screen with back-up
Homework: Translate p.198 of “Poly”
Homework: Finish trans & Finish
Ablative Absolute C & D exercises
March 23
March 30
April 6
Objective: Stage 30
9th Objective: See 3/29 10th+
Objective: Stage 31
Lesson: Warm Up- Trans Models
p.192; Correct Models then prepare to
Jigsaw “Dignitas” pp 193-4
10th+ Objective: Stage 30
Lesson: R/S/T “Salutatio I” pp 216-17
in class today
Homework: Study Vocab!!
Lesson: Go over HW & Review Stage 30
for tomorrow’s test together in class
Homework: Prepare to teach your
section of the Jigsaw Trans on Monday
Homework: Study for Test!
March 24
March 31
**English 2 STARR
Homework: Study Vocab & Finish
Translation pp 216-17
April 7
Objective: Stage 1-30 Review
9 Objective: Stage 30
Objective: Stage 31
Lesson: **Stages 1-30 Vocabulary
Test in class today and then continue
Speed Reading exercise
Lesson: Go over HW & Review Stage 30
for tomorrow’s test together in class
Lesson: Warm Up- Compare your RST
group’s trans with a neighboring
group’s work & see if/why you have
differences & figure out what is correct;
then Correct your RST Trans pp 216-17
Homework: Study for Test!
Homework: Study Vocab!
dies Veneris
March 25
No School
School Holiday
April 1
April 8
Objective: Stage 30
Objective: Stage 31
Lesson: **Stage 30 Test in class today;
after the test, read pp 203-208
Lesson: Warm Up- Vocab Review; then
*Stage 31 Vocab Quiz; and then Read
“Salutatio II” together in class today.
Homework: No HW after a Test
Homework: Trans B & C p.221
Latin II LESSON PLANS: April 11 - 29, 2016
dies Martis
dies Lunae
Hebdomas Quarta
Magistra Cannon
Hebdomas Quinta
Hebdomas Sexta
April 11
April 18
April 25
Objective: Stage 31
Objective: Stage 32-34
Objective: Stage 32-34
Lesson: Warm Up- Trans P p.332; Go
over HW & WU; and then Speed Read
Stage 31 stories in class today.
Lesson: Warm Up- Trans Lines 1-5
p.241; Read “Cena Haterii” pp 241-42;
Assign jigsaw sections of next Trans
Lesson: Read “Ultio Epaphroditi”
p.274; then Trans “Insidiae” pp 276-77
Homework: Study Stage 31
Homework: Prepare your section of the
Jigsaw Translation
April 12
April 19
April 26
Objective: Stage 31
Objective: Stage 32-34
Objective: Stage 32-34
Lesson: Review Stage 31 together in
class today
Lesson: Warm Up- Trans C p.246; Go
over WU & then Jigsaw rotation through
“Philosophia” pp 241-42 story
Lesson: Read “Exitium I & II” pp 27980 together and Review Vocab
Homework: Finish Trans & Study Voc
Homework: Study, study!!
Homework: Finish trans & Study Voc!
dies Mercurii
Homework: Study Stage 32 Vocab
April 13
April 20
April 27
Objective: Stage 31
Objective: Stage 32-34
Objective: Stage 32-34
Lesson: **Stage 31 Test in class today
and then Read pp 224-232
Lesson: Warm Up- Review Stage 32
Vocab; *Stage 32 Vocab Quiz; and then
Trans Models p.256 and start “Tychicus”
p.257 together
Lesson: *Stage 32-33 Vocab Quiz; and
then the last story “Honores” pp 282-83
in class today
Homework: No HW after a Test
Homework: Study for Stages 32-34
dies Veneris
dies Iovis
Homework: Stage 33 Vocabulary List
April 14
April 21
April 28
Objective: Stage 32-34
Objective: Stage 32-34
Objective: Stage 32-34
Lesson: Warm Up- Trans the verbs
listed in D p.240; Go over WU; then
Read Models pp 236-7; and then split
into speakers & Trans pp 238-39 sort
of on your own
Lesson: Warm Up- Trans lines 18-21
p.258; Go over WU; then Read the rest of
p.258 “Tychicus” story
Lesson: Review Stages 32-34 together in
class today
Homework: Study!
Homework: Word Study B p.271
Homework: Stage 32 Vocabulary List
April 15
April 22
Objective: Stage 32-34
Objective: Stage 32-34
Objective: Stage 32-34
Lesson: Warm Up- Trans B p.240;
Perform “Euphrosyne Revocata” pp
238-39 to check work; then check WU
Lesson: Group Read/Trans “In Aula
Domitiani I & II” pp 260-62 together in
class today
Lesson: **Stage 32-34 Test in class
today; after the test, select project
groups & topics
Homework: Study Vocab & Trans B
Homework: Stage 34 Vocabulary List
Homework: Start projects so that you
have 2 weekends!
**TSJCL Today!
April 29
Latin II LESSON PLANS: May 1 - 20, 2016
dies Martis
dies Lunae
Hebdomas Quarta
Magistra Cannon
Hebdomas Quinta
May 1
May 9
Objective: Stage 1-34 Review
Objective: Stage 1-34 Review
Lesson: Multimedia Review Projects
Lesson: ** Multimedia Review Projects;
Audience Participation 20 pts each day
Hebdomas Sexta
May 16
No School
School Holiday (Snow Day)
Homework: Outline tasks &
responsibilities – Submit this in
eBackpack folder
Homework: As assigned / Study!
May 2
May 10
May 17
Objective: Stage 1-34 Review
Objective: Stage 1-34 Review
Objective: Exam Review
Lesson: Multimedia Review Projects
Lesson: ** Multimedia Review Projects;
Audience Participation 20 pts each day
Lesson: Q’n’A, Guided Practice, Quiet
Study Time, etc. If exempting,
**Algebra 1 STARR
Homework: Projects!
Homework: As assigned / Study!
dies Mercurii
Homework: TBD
May 3
May 11
May 18
Objective: Stage 1-34 Review
Objective: Stage 1-34 Review
Objective: Exam Review
Lesson: Multimedia Review Projects
Lesson: ** Multimedia Review Projects;
Audience Participation 20 pts each day
Lesson: Q’n’A, Guided Practice, Quiet
Study Time, etc.
Homework: As assigned / Study!
Homework: TBD
May 12
May 19
Objective: Stage 1-34 Review
Objective: Stage 1-34 Review
Objective: Exam Review
Lesson: Multimedia Review Projects
Lesson: ** Multimedia Review Projects;
Audience Participation 20 pts each day
Lesson: Last chance for Q’n’A &
Guided Practice in class; Kahoot.
Homework: As assigned / Study!
Homework: Study for Exams!
May 13
May 20
Objective: Stage 1-34 Review
Objective: Stage 1-34 Review
Objective: Exam Review
Lesson: Multimedia Review Projects
Lesson: ** Multimedia Review Projects
(Daily grade as WU or Activity for this
Group, No HW today); Audience
Participation 20 pts each day
Lesson: AFTHOTWTTF today.
Homework: Projects!
dies Iovis
May 4
Homework: Projects!
May 5
dies Veneris
**US History STARR
**Biology STARR
Homework: Projects!
Homework: Study for Exams!
Latin II LESSON PLANS: May 23 - 31, 2016
Magistra Cannon
Hebdomas Quarta
dies Martis
dies Lunae
May 23
Hebdomas Quinta
Hebdomas Sexta
May 30
Objective: Exam Review
Lesson: AFTHOTWTTF today.
No School
School Holiday
Summer Break!
Homework: Study for Exams!
May 24
May 31
Period 1 Exam 8:40-10:10am
No School
Teacher Work Day
Period 2 10:18-11:02am
Period 3 11:08-11:53am
Period 4 11:59am-12:44pm
Period 5 12:50-1:35pm
Period 6 1:41-2:25pm
Period 7 2:31-3:15pm
Period 8 3:21-4:05pm
Summer Break!
dies Mercurii
May 25
Periods 4/5 Exam 8:40-10:10am!
Attendance (period 2) 10:20-10:40
Period 3 Exam 10:50-12:20pm!
Summer Break!
Summer Break!
Summer Break!
Summer Break!
Summer Break!
Summer Break!
Tutorial/Make-Up 1:20-4:05pm
May 26
dies Iovis
Period 6 Exam 8:40-10:10am
Attendance (period 2) 10:20-10:40
Period 7 Exam 10:50-12:20pm
Tutorial/Make-Up 1:20-2:30pm
Faculty Meeting 2:45-4:00pm
dies Veneris
May 27
**End of Semester
Period 2 Exam 8:40-10:35am!
Period 8 Exam 10:50-12:20pm
-District Early Release-
Latin II LESSON PLANS: August 24 – September 11, 2015
Magistra Cannon
dies Veneris
dies Iovis
dies Mercurii
dies Martis
dies Lunae
Hebdomas Prima
Hebdomas Secunda
August 24
August 31
Objective: Welcome!
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Lesson: Latin Introductions, Syllabus
& Expectations, and “Quis Es?”
Google Form
Lesson: Finish Alphabet &
Pronunciation; Review Stages 1-3
Vocabulary; Discuss Vocab Quiz format
& Extra Credit options
Hebdomas Tertia
September 7
No School, Labor Day!
Homework: Submit “Quis Es?”
August 25
Homework: Fill in Stages 1-3 Vocab
September 1
September 8
Objective: More Welcome!
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Lesson: Review Latin Introductions;
Learn about Latin Club; play review
Kahoots Play the Name Game to
memorize classmates’ names;
Lesson: Warm Up- Fill in Stage 4 Vocab
Sheet; Review Stages 1-5 Vocab together
in class
Lesson: Review Declension 1-5
Endings, Practice Declining words,
Work on rebuilding memory of endings
Homework: Fill in Stage 5 Vocab Sheet
& Make paper flashcards for Stage 5
using the 3x5 notecards assigned from Fri
September 2
Homework: Review Stages 6-10 Vocab
Homework: Find the nearest restroom
& water fountain
August 26
Objective: Even More Welcome!
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Lesson: Play the Name Game to
memorize classmates’ names; Discuss
learning/study types; Talk about where
we go from here…
Lesson: Warm Up- Quietly quiz a partner
over the Stage 4 Vocab aloud & Get out
your HW; Learn a Flashcard technique
to Review Stage 5 Vocab; then Review
Stages 1-5 Vocab
Lesson: Warm Up- get out your vocab
materials & study quietly for 5 minutes,
then Review Vocabulary- students have
a chance to share & practice new
Homework: Study for the quiz!
Homework: Study Vocabulary!
September 3
September 10
Objective: Pronunciation
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Lesson: Roman Alphabet & Latin
Pronunciation Tackk
Lesson: Warm Up: Review Vocab quietly
while attendance I taken; **Stages 1- 5
Vocab Quiz; and then work through more
Review from the Latin Basics packet.
Lesson: **Stages 6-10 Vocab Quiz;
then Decline the assigned words, correct
& review; & Go back into the Latin
Basics more
August 28
Homework: Fill in Stages 6-8 Voc Sheet
& study while you do them
September 4
Homework: Fill in Stages 11-12 Voc
Sheets & study while you do them
September 11
Objective: Procedure & Review
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Objective: Latin I Refresher & Club
Lesson: Work through the Latin Basics
packet with a partner while Textbooks
are assigned in class today
Lesson: Review Declension Endings 1-5
in class, fill out a paper Declension
Ending sheet, and Go over Case Uses box
Lesson: Watch campaign videos, last
chance to sign-up for Latin Club to be
able to vote, and then vote for Latin
Club Officers
Homework: Cover your book & buy a
pack of 3x5 notecards for next week
Homework: Fill in Stages 9-10 Voc
Sheets & study while you do them
Homework: Make a video where you
introduce yourself in Latin & bring it to
class. Bonus for added content, no
more than 2 min long!
August 27
Homework: See if there is a
better/faster way to get to your classes
September 9
Homework: Fill in Stages 13-15 Voc
Sheets & study for quiz next week
Latin II LESSON PLANS: September 14 – October 2, 2015
dies Veneris
dies Iovis
dies Mercurii
dies Martis
dies Lunae
Hebdomas Quarta
Magistra Cannon
Hebdomas Quinta
Hebdomas Sexta
September 14
September 21
September 28
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Lesson: Warm Up- quiz a neighbor
over Stage 11/12 Vocab; then Review
Adjectives- positive, comparative, &
superlative; practice working with
endings as part of review
Lesson: Warm Up- quiz a neighbor over
Stage 16/17 Vocab; then Review
Adjectives & Adverbs; Practice
converting Adj to Adv; Go over irregulars
Lesson: Warm Up- Get out your device
& get ready for Kahoot Reviews! Play
student-made review challenge games &
Review all content covered so far
Homework: Study Vocabulary!
September 15
Homework: Study Adj & Adv for QUIZ!
September 22
September 29
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Lesson: Warm Up- quiz a neighbor
over Stage 13/14 Vocab; then Practice
working with degrees of Adjectives,
Correct the practice work & review
Lesson: Warm Up- quiz a neighbor over
Adj/Adv material briefly; then take
**Adjectives & Adverbs Quiz; after the
quiz, you may have time to work on HW
Lesson: Warm Up- Each row leader can
select 1 Review Kahoot from yesterday
to replay with their row, students should
try to improve upon yesterday’s game;
then Review for Test tomorrow
Homework: Study Vocabulary!
September 16
Homework: Fill in Stages 19-20 Voc
Sheets & study while you do them
September 23
Homework: Study for Refresher TEST!
September 30
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Lesson: Warm Up- quiz a neighbor
over Stage 15 Vocab; then quickly
review Adjectives to scaffold toward
introducing Adverbs; Review Adverbs
in class & take notes over 3 degrees
Lesson: Warm Up- get out your vocab
materials & study quietly for 5 minutes,
then Review Vocabulary- students have a
chance to share & practice new
Lesson: Quick questions; then begin
**Latin I Refresher (Part I) TEST
Homework: Study Vocab for Quiz!
September 17
Homework: NO HW- Epicosity Night!
September 24
October 1
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Lesson: **Stages 10-15 Vocab Quiz;
then Practice working with degrees of
Adverbs, Correct the practice work &
review as needed; Review Declension
Endings for TEST tomorrow
Lesson: Warm Up- quiz a neighbor over
Stage 18/19 Vocab; Review Declension
Endings, Declining, Adjs, & Advs in a
kahoot; then we will Review Vocab 16-20
as a class
Lesson: Warm Up-As quickly as you
can, write out what you remember about
Latin Verbs, & Share/Discuss; then
Begin Verb Refresher
Homework: Study Endings for Test!
September 18
Homework: Study for Vocab Quiz!
September 25
Homework: Practice with verb endings
via the assignment in eBackpack
October 2
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Lesson: Mini-Review of Endings; then
**Declension Ending TEST;
afterward work on your HW quietly
Lesson: **Stages 16-20 Vocab Quiz;
then Students may partner or work
individually to make a 5 question Kahoot
(or other digital quiz game) over all of
our current refresher material to
challenge their classmates next week
Lesson: Warm Up-Compare your HW
w/ a partner, Correct your HW, &
Submit it within the first 8 minutes of
class; then start working in the Latin II
Verb Refresher Packet
Homework: Fill in Stages 16-18 Voc
Sheets & study while you do them
Homework: Study Refresher Content!
Homework: Finish class work OR enjoy
a break for the weekend
Homework: No HW after a Test
Homework: Practice w/Verb
Conjugation as assigned in class
Latin II LESSON PLANS: October 5 - 23, 2015
Hebdomas Septima
October 5
Hebdomas Octava
October 12
dies Lunae
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Lesson: Warm Up- Compare your HW
w/ a partner, Correct your HW, &
Submit it within the first 8 minutes of
class; then keep working in the Latin II
Verb Refresher Packet
Magistra Cannon
Hebdomas Prima
October 19
Objective: Stage 21
No School, Staff Flex Day!
Lesson: finish Bath Projects and
Prepare presentation – due Tuesday!!!!
Homework: Finish projects & prepare
Homework: Practice w/Verb
Conjugation as assigned in class
dies Martis
October 6
October 13
October 20
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Objective: Stage 21
Objective: Stage 21
Lesson: Warm Up- Compare your HW
w/ a partner, Correct your HW, &
Submit it within the first 8 minutes of
class; then finish working in the Latin
II Verb Refresher Packet
Lesson: Begin work on Bath Projects
today as our first query into the CLC Unit
III textbooks, starting with Stage 21 at the
Baths (Thermae) in Bath, UK (Aquae
Sulis); Watch “Austin’s Butterfly” then
get started
Lesson: Warm Up- Word Study B & C
p.25; Read Models pp 3-5 aloud
together, noting linguistic differences
from Latin I texts; then “Fons Sacer”
dies Iovis
dies Mercurii
Homework: Practice w/Verb
Conjugation as assigned in class
Homework: Finish projects & prepare
October 7
Homework: Click through the
instructions for the Bath Project- know it
October 14
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Objective: Stage 21
Objective: Stage 21
Lesson: Warm Up- Look over your
verb packets before today’s class
activity; Verb Review Board-Row
Game in class- no HW to the winners
Lesson: Continue to work on Bath
Lesson: Warm Up- Start filling out
Stage 21 Vocab List (PPs for verbs,
etc.); then Translate “Fons Sacer” p.6
w/a partner on paper in class. Submit a
legible copy in eBackpack when done.
Homework: Project Progress Grade #2
Homework: Practice w/Verb
Conjugation as assigned in class
October 21
Homework: Fill in Stage 21 Vocab List
October 8
October 15
October 22
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Objective: Stage 21
Lesson: Warm Up- Write down a
Question you want to ask or a task you
want help/practice with for today;
Review in class for your test tomorrow;
Q’n’A & Practice based on warm-up
Lesson: Progress Grade #2 Round-Table
your project plan & progress, and help
make each other’s better
Lesson: **Bath Projects Due!!
**Presentations in class
Homework: Study Stages 1-21 Vocab
Homework: Take action on your
improvement ideas & work on Projects
dies Veneris
Homework: Study for your TEST!
October 9
October 16 *Last Day of Grading Period
October 23
Objective: Latin I Refresher
Objective: Stage 21
Objective: Stage 21
Lesson: Take the Latin I Refresher
(Part 2- Verbs) TEST in class today
Lesson: Bath Projects – due Tuesday!
Lesson: **Bath Project Presentations
in class
Homework: No HW after a test!
Homework: work on projects!! Bring
what you need to finish your project with
you to school on Monday
Homework: Study Stages 1-21 Vocab
No HW- EPICOSITY NIGHT! Oct 30, Nov 10, Dec 7, Jan 27, Feb 25, March 24, May 13
Latin II LESSON PLANS: October 26 – November 13, 2015
dies Martis
dies Lunae
Hebdomas Secunda
Magistra Cannon
Hebdomas Tertia
October 26
November 2
Objective: Stage 21
Objective: Stage 21
Objective: Stage 22
Lesson: **Bath Project Presentations
in class
Lesson: Warm Up- Read pp 11-12, then
Trans E p.12; Correct WU & then Read
“Sentor Advenit” p.10 together quickly so
that students can Trans p.13 w/partner
Lesson: Check HW & correct it; Read
thru AOV pp 34-37 together aloud in
class, dramatic voices optional; then
finish Stage 22 Vocabulary List
Homework: Trans lines 1-10 p.14
Homework: Read p.38 & Trans E p.38
October 27
November 3
November 10
Objective: Stage 21
Objective: Stage 21
Objective: Stage 22 & 23
Lesson: Warm Up- Review Vocab
quietly; then *Stage 21 Vocab Quiz;
and then finish **Bath Project
Presentations in class
Lesson: Warm Up- Read p.15 & Do E
p.15; Correct WU & then go over Trans
p.13 and HW p.14; Finish Trans p.14
Lesson: Warm Up- C p.40 w/partner;
then Correct HW & WU; and then Read
“In Thermis I & II” pp 46-8 together,
aloud in class popcorn-style
Homework: Study Stage 21 Vocab for
Quiz tomorrow!
**Late Start
dies Mercurii
October 28
November 4
November 11 *Veterans Day Assembly
Objective: Latin Composition
Objective: Stage 21
Objective: Stage 22 & 23
Lesson: Read through “Lucius
Marcius Memor” together pp 7-8, 7
then start Writing a Progressive Scary
Story in Latin; start working on your
story projects!
Lesson: Review for Stage 21 Test
together in class today
Lesson: Warm Up: Trans D p.49; then
read ATL pp 51-2 and Trans E p.52
together; and then Trans p. 50 on your
Homework: Study for Test!!
Homework: Finish Trans & Study
Stage 22 Vocab!
Homework: Study Vocab & projects!
dies Iovis
November 9
Homework: Study for Test!
Homework: Study Vocab!
October 29
November 5
November 12
Objective: Vocabulary & Composition
Objective: Stage 21
Objective: Stage 22 & 23
Lesson: **Stages 1-21 Vocabulary
Test; then keep working on your
Progressive Scary Stories!
Lesson: **Stage 21 TEST; then start
your Stage 22 Vocabulary Lists
Lesson: **Stage 22 Vocab Quiz; then
Correct Trans p.50 & Read “Britannia
Perdomita” pp 53-4 together
Homework: No HW after a Test!
Homework: Story projects!
dies Veneris
Hebdomas Quarta
Homework: Finish Trans & Do #1-3 of
B p.56
October 30
November 6
Objective: Latin Composition
Objective: Stage 22
Objective: Stage 22 & 23
Lesson: **Writing a Progressive
Scary Story in Latin; Stories due 15
min into class; and Share the finished
project in the last 30 minutes of class!
Lesson: Warm Up- Trans your model #,
based on your seat in the row & then we
will share/correct; then Read “Vilbia”
p.30 together and start Trans
“Modestus” pp 31-32
Lesson: Warm Up- Do # 4-6 of B p.56;
then Correct HW & WU; Review for
Stages 22-23 Test & Stage 23 Vocab
**Pep Rally
Homework: Finish Trans pp 31-32
No HW- EPICOSITY NIGHT! Dec 7, Jan 27, Feb 25, March 24, May 13
November 13
Homework: Finish Stage 23 Vocab List
& Study for your Test!
Latin II LESSON PLANS: November 16 – December 4, 2015
dies Lunae
Hebdomas Quinta
Hebdomas Sexta
Magistra Cannon
Hebdomas Septima
November 16
November 23
November 30
Objective: Stage 22 & 23
Objective: Stage 24
Objective: Stage 24 & 25
Lesson: Review for the Stages 22 & 23
Test in class today
Lesson: Warm Up- Compare & Correct
your Trans p.68; then Review Stage 24
Vocabulary in class today
Lesson: Warm Up- Trans EVENS of A
p.333, then Correct; then Read “Salvius
Consilium Cognoscit” pp71-2,
reviewing grammar & vocab
Homework: Study for Quiz & Test!
Homework: Finish your Deck/Guide
dies Martis
Homework: Stage 25 Vocab List
November 17
November 24
December 1
Objective: Stage 22 & 23
Objective: Stage 24
Objective: Stage 24 & 25
Lesson: **Stage 23 Vocab Quiz &
then Review for Stages 22 & 23 Test in
class today
Lesson: **Stage 24 Vocab Quiz & then
Review new grammar in class today with
Kahoot games, etc.
Lesson: Warm Up- Trans Model 1 p.86;
then Learn Indirect Questions &
Practice w/C p.91; and then finish
Models pp 86-7 & start “Strythio” p.88
Homework: Study for the Test!
No HW: Happy Thanksgiving!
dies Mercurii
November 18
November 25
Objective: Stage 22 & 23
Homework: Study Stage 25 Vocab!
December 2
**Activity Period
Objective: Stage 24 & 25
No School!
Lesson: *** Stage 22 & 23 Test; then
start your Stage 24 Vocabulary List
Flex Day
Lesson: **Stage 25 Vocab Quiz; then
finish “Strythio” p.88 and Read along
with Modestus Custos pp 89-90
Homework: No HW after a Test!
Homework: Read p. 94 & Trans C p.94
November 19
November 26
Objective: Stage 24
December 3
Objective: Stage 24 & 25
dies Iovis
No School!
Lesson: Warm Up- Finish your Stage
24 Vocab List; then Read “In Itinere”
p.66 together, introducing Cum
Circumstantial Clauses & the
Happy Thanksgiving!
Lesson: Warm Up: Trans EVENS of B
p.333; then Correct HW & WU; and
then Read/Trans “Modestus Perfuga”
pp 92-3 together
Homework: Finish Trans, if necessary
Homework: Read p.70 & Trans C p.70
November 20
November 27
Objective: Stage 24
December 4
Objective: Stage 24 & 25
dies Veneris
No School!
Lesson: Warm Up- Read p.73 & Trans
C p.73; then Correct HW & WU; and
then take notes on Imperfect &
Pluperfect Subjunctive and Cum
Circumstantial Clauses; and then start
reading “Quintus Consilium Capit”
Thanksgiving Break
Homework: Finish Trans p.68
No HW- EPICOSITY NIGHT! Dec 7, Jan 27, Feb 25, March 24, May 13
Lesson: Review Stages 24 & 25 for
Homework: Study for Monday’s Test!
Latin II LESSON PLANS: December 7, 2015 – January 8, 2016
dies Iovis
dies Mercurii
dies Martis
dies Lunae
Hebdomas Octava
Hebdomas Nona
December 7
December 14
Objective: Stage 24 & 25
Objective: Exam Review
Lesson: *** Stage 24 & 25 Test in
class today
Lesson: Review for the Exam
Hebdomas Prima
January 4
No School,
Staff In-Service / Work Day
Homework: Study for Exams!
**1st Day Students Back
December 8
December 15
January 5
Objective: Stage 24 & 25
Objective: Stage 26
Homework: Study for Exams
Period 1 Exam 8:40-10:10am
Period 2 10:18-11:02am
Period 3 11:08-11:53am
Period 4 11:59am-12:44pm
Period 5 12:50-1:35pm
Period 6 1:41-2:25pm
Period 7 2:31-3:15pm
Period 8 3:21-4:05pm
December 9
December 16
January 6
Lesson: Students who missed yesterday
will take the test today during class or
lunch in the Testing Center; Everyone
who took the test will go over it today
Objective: Exam Review
Lesson: Warm Up- Start your Stage 26
Vocab List; Review Vocabulary & 1st
semester main grammar points
Homework: Stage 26 Vocab List
Objective: Stage 26
Periods 4/5 Exam 8:40-10:10am!
Lesson: Review for the Exam
Attendance (period 2) 10:20-10:40
Homework: Study for Exams
Lesson: Read along with Magistra
“Adventus Agricola” p.106; then Read
p.113 & Trans C w/partner
Period 3 Exam 10:50-12:20pm!
Tutorial/Make-Up 1:20-4:05pm
Homework: finish C p.113 & study
December 10
December 17
January 7
Objective: Exam Review
Period 6 Exam 8:40-10:10am
Objective: Stage 26
Lesson: Review for the Exam
Attendance (period 2) 10:20-10:40
Homework: Study for Exams
Period 7 Exam 10:50-12:20pm
Lesson: Warm Up- Read p 110 & Trans
C p.110; Correct p.113 & WU; and then
Trans “In Principiis” pp 107-8 L
Tutorial/Make-Up 1:20-2:30pm
Faculty Meeting 2:45-4:00pm
Homework: finish Trans & study
December 18
January 8
December 11
Dies Veneris
Magistra Cannon
Objective: Exam Review
Objective: Stage 26
Period 2 Exam 8:40-10:35am!
Lesson: Review for the Exam
Period 8 Exam 10:50-12:20pm
Homework: Study for Exams!
-District Early Release-
Lesson: **Stage 26 Vocab Quiz; then
take notes on Purpose Clause & Review
other subjunctive clauses; and then start
Trans “Tribunus” p.111
Homework: Finish trans p.111
No HW- EPICOSITY NIGHT! Jan 27, Feb 25, March 24, May 13
Latin II LESSON PLANS: January 11 – 29, 2016
Hebdomas Secunda
dies Martis
dies Lunae
January 11
Magistra Cannon
Hebdomas Tertia
January 18
January 25
Objective: Stage 26
Lesson: R/S/T groups to Translate
“Contentio” pp 112-13
Hebdomas Quarta
Objective: Stage 27 & 28
No School,
School Holiday
Lesson: Read pp 142-44 together in
class, reviewing content; and then
“Testamentum” p.145
Homework: Finish & Submit legible
photo by 8am tomorrow
Homework: Finish Trans
January 12
January 19
January 26
**Magiistra Abest
Objective: Stage 26
Objective: Stage 27
Objective: Stage 27 & 28
Lesson: Warm Up- Read pp 118-20;
then Correct Trans pp 112-13; then
Review for the Test
Lesson: Warm Up- Trans # 1-3 of D
p.333; then Correct HW & WU; and then
Read/Trans “Sub Horreo” p.126 in class
Lesson: Read along with “In Aula
Salvii” pp 146-7, and then start
Translating “Cena Salvii” pp 149-50 on
your own
Homework: Study for the Test!
Homework: Finish class work & Study
Homework: Finish Trans
January 13
January 20
January 27
Objective: Stage 26
Objective: Stage 27
Objective: Stage 27 & 28
Lesson: Review for the Stage 26 Test
Lesson: Warm Up- Review quietly for
Vocab Quiz; then *Stage 27 Vocabulary
Quiz; and then start “Modestus
Attonitus” p.129
Lesson: R/S/T Trans “Belimicus Rex”
p.152 in class today
dies Mercurii
9:50 Main?
Homework: Study for the Test
**Activity Period
dies Iovis
Homework: Finish Trans p.129
January 14
January 21
January 28
Objective: Stage 26
Objective: Stage 27
Objective: Stage 27 & 28
Lesson: **Stage 26 Test in class;
afterward, start Stage 27 Vocab List
Lesson: Warm Up- Read p. 130 & Trans
B p.130; Correct HW & WU; Learn
Result Clauses
Lesson: Review for Stages 27-28 Test
Homework: Study for your Test!
Homework: No HW after a Test
dies Veneris
Homework: Trans E p.335
January 15
January 22
January 29
Objective: Stage 27
Objective: Stage 27
Objective: Stage 27 & 28
Lesson: Warm Up- Finish Stage 27
Vocab List; Read Models together
p.125, then flip to p.128 & Learn
Indirect Commands; start “Sub
Horreo” p.126 if time permits
Lesson: Warm Up- ODDS of B p.133;
Correct HW & WU; then Read/Trans
“Modestus Promotus” p.131
Lesson: **Stage 27 & 28 Test; and then
start Stage 29 Vocabulary List
Homework: No HW after a Test!
Homework: Finish Trans p.131 & Fill in
the Stage 28 Vocab List
Homework: Finish Stage 27 Vocab
List (si necesse) & Tras C p.128
No HW- EPICOSITY NIGHT! Feb 25, March 24, May 13
*LATE START 2/26 & 4/7
Latin II LESSON PLANS: February 1 – 19, 2016
Hebdomas Quinta
dies Lunae
February 1
February 8
Lesson: Read aloud, Popcorn Style
about Legionaries, Legions, Legionary
Fortresses, and Interpreting Ancient
Evidence pp 97-102, 117-120, 134-138,
and 156-163. 2 turns reading = credit
Lesson: Warm Up- Read A & B p.179;
Trans C p.179 together & go over HW;
then Read “Nox” p.169 aloud together
and then break into small groups to finish
“Nox” p.170 in class today
Homework: Stage 29 Vocabulary List
Homework: Finish Trans & Trans Odds
of A p.181
February 9
February 16
Objective: Stage 29
Objective: Stage 29
Objective: Stage 29
Lesson: Check for Vocab List, then
work through the Word Study on p.189
w/partner in class today
Lesson: Warm Up- Do #1 of D p.182;
then Check WU/HW; then Read p.172 of
“Nox” together and Translate “Masada
I” pp 172-3 in class today
Lesson: Intro MASADA Project, Q'n'A,
and Visual Note-Taking demo with
campus EdTechs
**Magiistra Abest
No School
Staff In-Service or Work Day
Homework: Read the Instructions
Homework: Pre-Read p.175
February 10
**Activity Period
February 17
Objective: Stage 29
Objective: Stage 29
Objective: Stage 29
Lesson: Read aloud A, B, & C p.171
together, then students Trans D p.171
by Rows to Compare & Share in class
today, then Complete a class synopsis
of ”to surround” in 1st person plural
Lesson: Warm Up- Trans lines 1-7 p.175
on paper; then Trans “Masada II” p.175
and “Arcus Titi” p.177 together at the
screen in class today
Lesson: View "Masada" in class & take
notes on everything until you can
narrow down your topic
February 3
dies Mercurii
February 15
Objective: Stage 29
Homework: Study Stage 29 Vocab
**Magiistra Abest
February 11
Homework: Explain the instructions to
your parent(s) and show them the
guidelines and resources- signed
parental verification due by Friday
February 18
Objective: Stage 29
Objective: Stage 29
Objective: Stage 29
Lesson: Warm Up- Trans #1-2 p.176;
then Read aloud A & B p.176 together
and students complete C p.176 on their
own and then strat Trans Models pp
166-168 in class today
Lesson: Correct HW & Finish Trans
p.178 together; then Review for Stage 29
Test together in class today
Lesson: View "Masada" in class & take
notes on everything until you can
narrow down your topic
Homework: Study for the Test!
Homework: Brainstorm ideas
February 12
February 19
Objective: Stage 29
Objective: Stage 29
Objective: Stage 29
Lesson: Warm Up- Review Vocab
quietly for the quiz; *Stage 29
Vocabulary Quiz; then Trans C p.182
& B p.181 in class today
Lesson: **Stage 29 Test in class today;
then Read pp 183-188
Lesson: View "Masada" in class & take
notes on everything until you can
narrow down your topic
Homework: Trans lines 1-15 p.178
Homework: Study Stage 29 Vocab
February 4
dies Iovis
Hebdomas Septima
Objective: Stage 25-28 on Legions
February 2
dies Martis
**Magiistra Abest
Hebdomas Sexta
Magistra Cannon
**Magiistra Abest
Homework: Trans Models pp 166-168
& Study Vocabulary
dies Veneris
February 5
**Magiistra Abest
*Area F Certamen Noctu
Homework: No HW
Homework: Word Patterns A & B
No HW- EPICOSITY NIGHT! Feb 25, March 24, May 13
Homework: Brainstorm ideas & Look
into your 3 top ideas
*LATE START 2/26 & 4/7