Corporate Responsibility


Deliver Experiences that Enrich and Nourish Lives


Our focus

Is to always concentrate on areas where we know we can really make an impact. The scope for Corporate Responsibility is vast and it is very easy to try to be “all things to all men” and as a consequence, end up achieving very little.

Over the years we have had to change direction on occasions as the tough economic climate moved the priorities and we anticipate allowing for nimble realignments to always be a factor for this area of work.

Our core subjects of Health and Wellbeing,

Employee Welfare, Environment and Community will remain constant, but the actions within them will adapt as we progress on our journey.


Our focus

Contents 3

Introduction 4

Our UK CR vision 5

We have achieved some amazing things 6

Case studies 8

Integrity 12

Moving forward 14

Health and wellbeing 16

Employee welfare 18

Environment 20

Community 22



we do everything with integrity




Our CR Programme has been in place now for five years and has received a range of recognition, both internally and externally.

We live in an ever changing world, within and outside our own company, with diverse challenges and as such, it’s important that our CR agenda is reviewed to ensure we continue to focus on the areas that make a real difference to our people, our clients and the world around us.

Our recently revised company mission, to Deliver

Experiences that Enrich and Nourish Lives, could not apply more to our Corporate Responsibility programmes around the world.

On a global scale, Aramark Building Community

(ABC) is our company-wide signature philanthropic and employee volunteer programme dedicated to enriching lives in local communities around the world. So far, the impact has benefited 3.5 million children, individuals and families as 18,000

Aramark employees have participated since the implementation of ABC.

For the UK, our aim, CR vision and pillars remain the same but our focuses within them have been adapted according to the feedback and decisions of our recently formed CR Stakeholder Group.


• To develop Aramark’s performance in all of

these impact areas and to be seen as an industry

leader in the CR arena and a place where the best

people want to work

• To support our clients’ CR strategies and bring

added value through the services we provide

This strategy summarises our key achievements over the past five years and our focus for the next three years.


Our UK CR vision


take care of the planet and the people living on it


are seen as Industry

Leaders on the CR agenda


procure our goods with the impact on the environment in mind


we do everything with integrity


value the people who work for us and support their health and wellbeing



We have achieved some amazing things


has been named by the Ethisphere Institute - a leading international organisation dedicated to the creation, advancement and sharing of best practices in business ethics, governance, anti-corruption and sustainability - in its list of


Most Ethical Companies

(WME) for 2013

We focused our efforts on supporting

British producers

, spearheaded by our flagship sponsorship of British Food Fortnight, and achieved company-wide license for Assured Food

Standards in 2011

We have raised over

£300,000 for charity, particularly focusing on Children in Need

Aramark is the only global food and facilities services business

on the list and this is the third time the company has received the honour

We received the

2012 FSM

CSR award

We removed

5 tonnes

of saturated fat from our customer’s diets by moving one line of milk from semi-skimmed to 1% and an additional tonne

by removing butter and margarine from back-of-house use to an unsaturated fat alternative

We have driven our health and safety culture which has resulted in numerous awards from and the prestigious


Sword of


award going to our offshore team, who have achieved the accolade four times


Gerard O’Sullivian, Culinary Director

The prestigious

RP Global

Sustainability Award was presented to Aramark at the Beyond London 2012 Awards, recognising its legacy from feeding athletes and workforce at the

London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics

We measured our

Carbon Footprint


2008 and identified travel as our main impact area. We have since reduced this impact by 15%.

In 2012 we commenced a programme to focus on our supply chain distribution and are on target to reduce our emissions in this area by

33% by the end of 2013

We have driven the sales of One Water, selling over 3 million bottles resulting in us installing

44 water pumps in Africa benefiting over

90,000 people

Through our Employee Benefits programme over


participants have received more than

£20,000 worth of savings

or benefits to date

…and most importantly of all

We have embedded a CR culture throughout our organisation, with all of our employees understanding we have a responsibility to our people and planet and we have many examples of excellent contributions going above and beyond expectations across our contracts.



Case studies


Following a recent product review by the Aramark food development team, the margarine previously used within our sites has now been replaced with a lower fat, buttery alternative. Using this new product allows us to maintain high level quality dishes while also making a concerted effort to move towards healthier eating for our clients and guests by reducing the saturated fat intake in our products.

The benefits from the swap allow for a considerable reduction in the saturated fat content – there is a

1g of fat difference per 10g serving.

There are even more health benefits associated with the switch, which makes the new product a direct, and healthier, replacement for butter as it’s packed with omega 3 and essential fatty acids.

This product swap will reduce at least one tonne of saturated fat from employees’ and customers’ diets per annum.


Aramark has achieved 100% in its assessment for the

British Safety Council’s

International Safety Award

2013, scoring 60 out of a possible 60 and receiving the award with a ‘distinction’.

The accolade is one of the most respected health and safety awards available to business and has been awarded to Aramark’s offshore team, headquarters in Dyce, Aberdeen.

Aramark’s offshore division looks after thousands of employees who work on offshore gas and oil installations and in the marine industry. Hotel and catering services and facilities management are the key activities but the company also provides anything from heli-deck management and equipment provision to gym equipment maintenance and architectural accommodation refurbishment.

The British Safety Council has described the news as a “fantastic achievement” for Aramark which

“clearly demonstrates your commitment to the health, safety and wellbeing of your workforce”.


We have driven the sales of One Water resulting in the installation 44 water pumps in Africa benefiting over 90,000 people. Three trips have been taken to visit our work, with clients and customers coming on the journey with us, to educate and engage them into continuing to work with us to continue our support for these incredible projects. A range of videos have also been produced that are shown around our business and on our website and intranet, to increase the reach of the challenges faced by the lack of water across Africa.



Case studies


In its role as soft service provider for BP at its North Sea Headquarters (NSHQ) in

Dyce, Aberdeen, Aramark has spearheaded a new waste reduction initiative which has seen recycling rates triple. The wide-ranging programmes it encompasses have engaged BP staff (1,500 people on site) and given BP an excellent CSR story to tell among its own stakeholders. It is an example of a foodservice supplier working as a true partner with its client, innovating in this core area of environmental responsibility. 240 tonnes of waste related to catering and facilities services were diverted from landfill at BP North Sea Headquarters in 2012, 72.5% of total waste.

Figures for 2013 show the percentage has risen to just under 96% - three times the rate in 2008 when just 27% was recycled.

Both figures are way in excess of the industry average of 52% stated by the Department of

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), in its

Commercial and Industry waste survey - with only just over 20% of waste currently going to landfill,

2013 levels far exceed BP’s target of 25%.

12 different waste streams are recycled and 570 tonnes of packaging has been saved since 2008.

Assuming disposal to landfill as a cost of £56/tonne, this equates to a saving of approximately £32,000.




At Aramark our overarching mission is to deliver experiences that enrich and nourish lives.

We can achieve our mission by focusing and following our key values...

Sell and Serve with Passion

Front Line First

Set Goals.

Act. Win.

Integrity and

Respect Always

…and applying these to the groups that matter most: our customers, clients, employees, shareholders and communities.

To help us deliver our value of integrity, we have a Business Conduct Policy which we implement throughout our business. In compliance with UK laws, it ensures everyone in Aramark is committed to act with the utmost integrity toward each group, conducting its business according to the highest ethical standards.

In addition to complying with the laws in each country in which Aramark conducts business, we must do everything in our power to avoid anything that could even remotely suggest impropriety in our business.

We take our Business Conduct Policy very seriously.

Compliance with it is required of all employees and the provisions to be followed fall under:

• Compliance and Disclosure

• Conflicts of Interest and Related Party Transactions

• Public Disclosure

• Compliance with Laws

• Employment/Equal Opportunity

• Sexual and Other Workplace Harassment

• Workplace Violence

• Environmental, Health and Safety

To take equal opportunity as an example, the policy outlines the principles behind diversity and the actions required for managing diversity as a force in achieving a competitive and motivated workforce. By promoting and encouraging a diverse workforce, Aramark will create an environment not only reflective of the communities from which it is drawn, but a workforce that will promote

contributions from all employees and sustain competitive advantage through a greater understanding of our customers.

Aramark believes that a culture, which encourages the principles of diversity, will assist in the achievement of business strategy and provide growth and success to the business and all its stakeholders.

Aramark has built its business on the foundation of in integrity. Our Business Conduct Policy, and compliance with the 2002 Sarbanes Oxley Act, clearly demonstrates the transparency of our business model and how we achieve our value of Integrity and Respect Always.



Moving forward

To enable us to reflect on our successes and identify gaps that still need to be addressed, we have formed a CR Stakeholder Group. Although they are internal colleagues, they represent our external stakeholders’ needs.

The group consists of representatives from the following business units:








Education and Training









The group meets on a quarterly basis and has shaped the key target areas for our CR Strategy based on their working knowledge of our business and our client and customer needs. This strategy has been presented to the

UK Board and has its full support.

This group will continue to drive our strategy forward, making implementation decisions, communicating with their fellow colleagues and re-directing our focus when circumstances change.

We also hold a Supply CR Forum which brings together this critical group of stakeholders. We share our vision with them and work through plans for their own company initiatives to dovetail in with Aramark’s, forming a truly collaborative approach.

Our pillars below show our revised focus areas and the following pages outline in more detail how we are tackling these issues and specific targets.

Health and


Customer and










Training and














Corporate Responsibility



Health and wellbeing

Our mission to all customers, clients and employees will be to create healthier environments, build healthier communities and deliver healthier outcomes. We will do this through our established health and wellbeing programme, Healthy for Life.


Healthy for Life is our established health and wellbeing programme, and the main vehicle for communicating healthy eating choices throughout our menus in sites.

It has been designed to be a simple and educational programme which enables our customers to easily make an informed decision about what to eat, whilst learning about a healthier lifestyle.

This will be achieved through four key elements:

• Enabling – a healthy food environment

• Educating – our customers on health and wellbeing

• Encouraging – a heightened level of interest and appeal

for improving health and wellbeing

• Engaging – a connected community


Customers are informed of healthy choices available by use of posters, shelf labels and product stickers. We will communicate a different health and nutrition topic each month and simple hints and tips on healthy living are provided by simple table top marketing, leaflets and fliers.

Aramark employee training is essential to the Healthy for Life programme. It ensures we have a knowledgeable catering team who are able to help customers wherever possible. This also doubles up as a great way to help us in the development of our staff and their awareness on the importance of eating and acting healthy so we can sustain a healthy workforce.

Consumer programmes that highlight the availability of healthy dining alternatives and actively encourage and engage our customers and employees to participate in wellness events are also central to the programme.

These include:

• Healthy menu items and retail promotions

• Loyalty card schemes

• Health fairs and wellness events

• Social media messaging (for education sites)


Enhancement of employee benefits programme

All relevant Department of Health

Responsibility Deal pledges to be signed by the end of 2013 with progress reports produced from

April 2014

80% of contracts will participate in the

Healthy for Life programme by the end of 2014


Employee welfare

Our employees are our only true asset and it’s important that we take great care of them. It’s also vital that we take care of our clients employees when they are visiting our facilities and we are very proud of our health and safety statistics to date.


It’s critical that all of our employees and those of our clients go home in the same condition they come to work in.

We will do this by using the 50 Safety Champions that are now working within the regions across the UK. Each region is led by a Regional Safety Champion: Safety

Culture and Leadership and Process Improvement is constantly under review.

Having the right training and level of competency will ensure employees and our customers do not get injured or become ill whilst at work.

The Safety Champions in each region will actively engage with employees to ensure that we are all working in a safe way. Meetings, training sessions and posters will all be used to make sure employees are kept up to date with how they can help keep themselves, their colleagues and visitors safe.


It’s vital that we understand how our colleagues view working at Aramark which is why we have introduced an annual employee engagement survey.

The aim of the survey is to allow all employees to tell us how they feel in different areas, whilst working for

Aramark. All feedback is shared in a anonymous manner with the company, so that we as an employer can proactively look to improve on any areas colleagues feel, as a company, we could improve on.


The development of our teams is critical for business success. Not only do we need to give them the skills to excel at their jobs, we also need to provide opportunities to those that want to develop their careers.

We will do this in two key ways:

• Carrying out annual appraisals with all team members

and collating their results to provide a platform

for improvement

• Providing training for all employees in all job roles, mapped

out against their job descriptions and banding, to ensure

they have met the needs for their current role, but also to

provide an outline of skills required to develop their careers



Action plans created each year to increase the employee satisfaction rating from the annual survey

100% of employees employed for more than six months to complete training relevant to their role


RIDDOR reportable accidents



We take our responsibility to protect our environment very seriously and focus our efforts into three key areas where we can really make a difference.


The distribution of products to our business has a significant impact on the environment and as such, we have taken the decision to consolidate deliveries to reduce deliveries to our business. Over a rolling programme and using multi-temperature vehicles, we have set stretching targets to achieve an industry leading impact in this area.

It is also important that we continue to provide sustainable food solutions, and we will do this by buying British produce when in season, with the Red Tractor accreditation where possible, and also supporting British manufacturing. We will also continue to procure ethically sourced products from around the world, including Fairtrade and Rainforest Alliance.

and actions plans to improve consumption of energy within the kitchen areas but can also be extended to the entire client premises if required.


We are not always responsible for waste management and recycling within our client sites, therefore where we do not have control of the output, but we can control the input by reducing the waste we generate and ensuring we engage with our teams and customers to maximise the amount of recycling within our contracts and offices.

We will do this by:


As the world’s energy and water depletes, it is important to educate our people to minimise their consumption.

• Developing a range of communications collateral for Aramark to use within the Green Thread branding - this will particularly target recycling to encourage customers to segregate their waste correctly

One of our challenges in our clients’ sites is being able to accurately measure our consumption. Therefore, our focus will be on behavioural change.

• Working closely with our clients and their waste providers to ensure we fully understand the opportunities to improve performance

We will do this by raising awareness with our teams on energy and water conservation by re-launching our energy and water awareness programme via refreshed marketing and training materials.

We will also directly target areas that are within our control.

These will be:

• Reducing the amount of disposables we use across the business to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill


We will also make available, via Aramark Workplace Solutions, an environmental management programme that our clients can choose to utilise, which will include BREEAM assessments

• Work with our suppliers to target reductions in packaging waste

• Reduce our Food Waste in all of our operations across the UK in line with the Global initiative

• Set zero waste to landfill targets for our controlled offices


Increase the range of UK produced and manufactured lines year on year

Reduce food waste from 6% to 3% by 2015

Carbon emissions from deliveries to be reduced by 33% by the end of 2013




Aramark Building Community is our global banner for our community activities. We believe we have a responsibility to the communities we work in and other communities around the globe.

We will target our activities in the UK in three ways: Local, National and Global.


The continuing challenge of unemployment is our area of focus in our local communities. Enabling people to find fulfilling work is something we can contribute to, whether they are fresh from college or from disadvantaged situations, such as homeless or ex-offenders. We will do this under our Pathway to

Employment banner in the following ways:


We will continue to support charitable activities across the UK, such as The Salvation Army, RNLI, and

The Outward Bound Trust.

We will also look to work with organisations that are targeting the unemployment or health agenda where they can bring value to our broader CR targets whilst we are investing back in them.

• Create an accredited three-month programme that

provides a stepping stone to permanent work, which we

will deliver within our appropriate client locations

We will relaunch our Payroll giving scheme, enabling our employees to donate to the charities of their choice in a tax efficient way.

• Working with City Year, we will deliver career exploration

days within our Education business where appropriate and

also the Community Centres that we work with

• We will re-shape our volunteering programme to support

these activities in the areas local to our employees’ places

of work


We will continue to work with Global Ethics and its

One Water brand providing clean water to African countries. We are currently focusing on installations within Angola but will move this support to the areas in most need as and when required.


Develop a regionalised volunteering programme

Install 60 water pumps with

One Water by the end of 2016

Create a

Pathway to

Employment programme by the end of 2014



Aramark Limited

250 Fowler Avenue

Farnborough Business Park



GU14 7JP

Tel +44 (0)1252 529 000

© Aramark 2014. All right reserved.