Concept of r-selected and K-selected Organisms Organisms adapted to survive in unstable environments are referred to as r-selected. r-selected organisms’ live in settings where population levels are well below the maximum number that the environment can support i.e. the carrying capacity, there numbers are growing exponentially at the maximum rate at which the population can increase if resources are unlimited. Organisms that are r-selected tend to be small, short lived, and opportunistic, and to grow through irregular boomand-burst population cycles. Examples include insects, annual plants, bacteria, frogs and rats etc. Species considered pests typically are r-selected organisms that are capable of rapid growth when environmental conditions are favorable. Organisms adapted to survive in stable environments are referred to as K-selected. This is because they live in environments in which the number of individuals is at or near the environment's carrying capacity (often abbreviated as K). K-selected species are typically larger, grow more slowly, have fewer offspring and spend more time parenting them. Examples include large mammals, birds, and long-lived plants such as redwood trees. K-selected species are more prone to extinction than r-selected species because they mature later in life and have fewer offspring with longer gestation times. Fig 5: Typical characteristics of r-selected and k-selected organisms Table 1: Reproduction in r-selected and K-selected species Feature Norway rat (r-selected) African elephant (K-selected) Reaches sexual or reproductive maturity 3-4 months 10-12 years Average gestation period 22-24 days 22 months Time to weaning 3-4 weeks 48-108 months Breeding interval (female) Up to 7 times per year Every 4 to 9 years Offspring per litter 2-14 (average 8) 1 average, 2 high Source: 1 Many organisms fall between these two extremes and have some characteristics of both types. Ecosystems tend to be dominated by r-selected species in their early stages with the balance gradually shifting toward K-selected species. In a growing population, survival and reproduction rates will not stay constant over time. Eventually resource limitations will reduce one or both of these variables. Populations grow fastest when they are near zero and the species is uncrowded. A simple mathematical model of population growth implies that the maximum population growth rate occurs when the population size (N) is at one-half of the environment's carrying capacity, K (i.e., at N = K/2). In theory, if a population is harvested at exactly its natural rate of growth, the population will not change in size, and the harvest (yield) can be sustained at that level. In practice, however, it can be very hard to estimate population sizes and growth rates in the wild accurately enough to achieve this maximum sustainable yield. Availability of resources, such as light, water, and nutrients, is a key control on growth and reproduction. Some nutrients are used in specific ratios. For example, the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus in the organic tissues of algae is about 16 to 1, so if the available nitrogen concentration is greater than 16 times the phosphorus concentration, then phosphorus will be the factor that limits growth; if it is less, then nitrogen will be limiting. To understand how a specific ecosystem functions, it thus is important to identify what factors limit ecosystem activity. Resources influence ecosystem activity differently depending on whether they are essential, substitutable, or complementary. Essential resources limit growth independently of other levels: if the minimum quantity needed for growth is not available, then growth does not occur. In contrast, if two resources are substitutable, then population growth is limited by an appropriately weighted sum of the two resources in the environment. For example, glucose and fructose are substitutable food sources for many types of bacteria. Resources may also be complementary, which means that a small amount of one resource can substitute for a relatively large amount of another, or can be complementary over a specific range of conditions. Resource availability serves as a so-called "bottom-up" control on an ecosystem: the supply of energy and nutrients influences ecosystem activities at higher trophic levels by affecting the amount of energy that moves up the food chain. In some cases, ecosystems may be more strongly influenced by so-called "top-down" controls namely, the abundance of organisms at high trophic levels in the ecosystem. Both types of effects can be at work in an ecosystem at the same time, but how far bottom-up effects extend in the food web, and the extent to which the effects of trophic interactions at the top of the food web are felt through lower levels, vary over space and time and with the structure of the ecosystem. 2 Food Chains and Food Webs The simplest way to describe the flux of energy through ecosystems is as a food chain in which energy passes from one trophic level to the next, without factoring in more complex relationships between individual species. Some very simple ecosystems may consist of a food chain with only a few trophic levels. In food chains, each organism is shown as feeding on only one other type of organism or otherwise as a linear feeding relationship. Most organism feed on more than one other organism. Some feed in both grazing and detrital food chains. Carnivores at the higher trophic level have highly varied diets and operate as secondary, tertiary, quaternary and higher consumers. Some animals, including humans, feed on organisms at all trophic levels; plants, animals and fungi (omnivores). Grazing and detrital food chains interlink in a complex manner and the mesh of interlinking food chains is called a food web. Fig. 6: Food chains and Food webs Drastic changes at the top of the food web can trigger trophic cascades or domino effects that are felt through many lower trophic levels. The likelihood of a trophic cascade depends on the number of trophic levels in the ecosystem and the extent to which predators reduce the abundance of a trophic level to below their resource-limited carrying capacity. Some species are so important to an entire ecosystem that they are referred to as keystone species, connoting that they occupy an ecological niche that influences many other species. Removing or seriously impacting a keystone species produces major impacts throughout the ecosystem. Within ecosystems, different species interact in different ways. These interactions can have positive, negative, or neutral impacts on the species involved (Table 2). 3 Table 2: Relationships between individuals of different species. Type of interaction Effect of interaction Examples Both species are harmed Oak trees and maple trees competing for light in a (population growth rates are forest, wading birds foraging for food in a marsh reduced). Predation One species benefits, one is Predation: wolf and rabbit Parasitism harmed. Parasitism: flea and wolf Both species benefit. Humans and house pets, insect pollination of Mutualism Relationship may not be flowers essential for either. One species benefits, one is Commensalism Maggots decomposing a rotting carcass not affected. Allelopathy (plants that produce substances One species harms another harmful to other plants): rye and wheat suppress (typically by releasing a Amensalism weeds when used as cover crops, broccoli residue toxic substance), but is not suppresses growth of other vegetables in the same affected itself. plant family Competition Ecological Pyramids Elton (1920) prepared the first pyramids which were based on mere field observations of numbers of animals in different sizes and classes. He observed that predators wee larger than their prey and that their relationships were quite specialized. Lindeman (1940) adapted pyramids to trophic levels irrespective of their sizes but discovered that it is more difficult to identify their trophic level. Feeding relationships and the efficiency of energy transfer through the biotic component of ecosystems have traditionally been summarized with pyramid diagrams. These give an apparently simple and fundamental basis for comparing: Different ecosystem Seasonal variation within particular ecosystem Change in an ecosystem In summary, pyramids have been used according to the following: Pyramid of numbers: Based on counting of organisms at each trophic levels Pyramid of Biomass: Based on weight (Dry weight) of each organisms at each level Pyramid of energy: Based on energy contents of organisms at each level (The most important). Pyramid of numbers The organisms of a given area or habitat are first counted and then grouped into their trophic levels. A progressive decrease in the number of organisms at each successive level is determined. 4 A diagrammatic rectangular box is used to denote the proportion of each trophic organism. Three important difficulties may arise: Producers vary greatly in size, but a single grass plant/algae is given the same status as a single tree, therefore, a true pyramid shape is difficult to obtain, e.g. parasitic food chains may also give inverted pyramids. Number range is so great that it becomes difficult to draw the pyramids to scale except with logarithmic scales which often becomes difficult to interpret. Exact trophic level of an organism may be difficult to ascertain. Pyramid of biomass Pitfalls in the use of pyramid of numbers can be overcome by using pyramid of biomass in which total mass of the organisms (biomass) is estimated for each trophic level. Each estimate involves weighing representative individuals as well as recording numbers. Ideally dry masses are compared. The rectangles used in constructing the pyramid represents the masses of each organism at each trophic level per unit area/volume. Standing biomass The biomass at the time of sampling, at a given time is referred to as standing biomass or standing crop biomass. This figure gives no indication of rate of production (productivity) or consumption of biomass. This can be misleading in two ways: If the rate of consumption (loss through being used as food) more or less equals the ate of production, the standing crop does not give any indication of productivity e.g. a fertile intensely grazed pasture may heave a smaller standing crop of grass, but a higher productivity, than a less fertile and ungrazed pasture. If the predators are small e.g. algae, they have a high turn-over rate (a high growth rate and reproduction balanced by a high rate of consumption/death). Although size may be small compared with trees, productivity may the same. 5 Fig. 7: Comparing the three Pyramids Ecosystem as a Cybernetic System Cybernetics concerns itself with control and communication in systems formed by living organisms and their artifacts. Every system is a set of different elements or compartments or units, any one of which exists in many different states, such that the selection of a state is influenced by the state of other components of the system. Elements linked by reciprocal influences constitute a feedback loop. The loop may be negative, or stabilizing, like the one formed by a heating unit and 6 a thermostat or the mechanisms regulating sugar level in the blood. Or the loop may be positive or disruptive, like the spread of an annihilating epidemic. Cybernetics can be found at different levels of life, e.g. cellular level, and organismal level and at levels where the interacting elements are individuals. Ecosystem is the study of systems at a level where interacting organisms may be considered elements of interaction, either among themselves, or with a loosely organized environmental matrix. A characteristic of negative feedback is that not only the entire system but also some selected states of the system show a considerable persistence through time, e.g. A predator – prey interaction. Human ecosystems are complex cybernetic systems that are increasingly being used by ecological anthropologists and other scholars to examine the ecological aspects of human communities in a way that integrates multiple factors as economics, socio-political organization, psychological factors, and physical factors related to the environment. • Predator-prey interactions: each keeping the other in a sustainable state • A small hymenopteran parasite can keep the number of grasshoppers in check, thereby maintaining the grass populations in a grassland ecosystem • The regulator has a minute proportion of the total biomass and represents < 1 % of the energy flow through the system 7 Density / Production Diagrammatic Representation of 'r' and 'k' Strategies 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 +ve feedback +ve and -ve feedbacks +ve feedback 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Time Reduction in Biomass Occurs For the following Reasons: 1. Not everything in the lower levels gets eaten. 2. Not everything that is eaten is digested. 3. Energy is always being lost as heat. It is important to remember that the decrease in number is best detected in terms or biomass. Numbers of organisms are unreliable in this case because of the great variation in the biomass of individual organisms. A generalization exists among ecologists that on average, about 10% of the energy available in one trophic level will be passed on to the next; this is primarily due to the 3 reasons given above. Therefore, it is also reasonable to assume that in terms of biomass, each trophic level will weigh only about 10% of the level below it, and 10x as much as the level above it. Ecosystem Homeostasis Self-maintenance and self-regulation are the hallmark of all natural ecosystems. It has a tendency to resist change and to remain in a system of equilibrium. Cybernetics helps the ecosystem in achieving homeostasis by feeding back output information from the system to control future input. A feedback in this control must be a negative feedback. Homeostasis is the dynamic equilibrium among the living members of an ecosystem, and with their ever-changing environmental conditions, such as wind, rainfall, nutrient availability, air quality, and climate. Homeostasis mechanisms chiefly concern: 8 1. Matters cycling and energy flow, 2. Protection of production level, 3. System structure. The homeostatic mechanisms operate within the biotic structures of an ecosystem which, in turn, are fitted to the range of variability in the environmental factors of a given biotope. A homeostatic condition within an ecosystem implies that all aspect of ecosystem function are in balance. A balance must exist between production, consumption and decomposition, as well as between species within the system. No species can continue to increase beyond a reasonable limit, resources will place a check on growth and overcrowding. Environment also has a way to limit recycling wastes. Many a population regulates its own densities (self-regulation). For instance, phytoplanktons exerts positive feedback on zooplanktons and in turn, zooplanktons places a negative feedback on phytoplanktons. Phytoplanktons are autotrophs with a high reproductive potential; therefore zooplanktons maintain the outrageous growth pattern of zooplanktons. An increase in water temperature in the springtime, increases metabolic rate and respiration of aquatic plants and animals, it results in an increase in C02 and a decrease in O2. The higher level of free CO2 and increasing H2O temperature stimulate more rapid photosynthesis and plant growth which utilize CO2 and produce O2. Both O2 and CO2 tend to return to normal limits. Failure to regulate these ecological indices may result in a breakdown otherwise referred to as ecological catastrophe (ecocatastrophe). When ecocatastrophe occurs, a new structural and functional balance develops by a complete replacement of one type of component organism. Studies of biological systems proved that populations were controlled by homeostatic mechanisms that maintain their genetic structure. Two factors are responsible for the introduction of the concept of homeostasis in ecology: 1. It is necessary for ecological models, 2. A homeostasis system is based on the assumption of interrelated components of the internal structure of the biological system. Examples of Ecosystem Homeostasis 1. Attack Avoidance: In mammals and birds especially, members of the same species spend a lot of time and energy harassing each other, chasing each other, fighting (but not hurting each other much), and avoiding each other. This is called Attack-Avoidance behavior. 2. Overcrowding: An entirely different homeostatic process arises when a population of mammals explodes its numbers for some reasons. 9 In small consumers such as mice, rabbits and lemmings, over-crowding creates an increasing stress that damages the thyroid gland, which manufactures essential hormones. When population densities reach a critical point, the stress becomes extreme and much of the population simply drops dead from endocrine (hormone) system damage. 3. Prey Abundance: When the prey of predators such as owls is super-abundant, as at the peak of lemming and hare cycles, the predator will have more young. The snowy owl, for example, will lay up to eleven eggs at peak prey abundance where it normally lays three. So the predators become as super-abundant as prey. If a niche opens in an ecosystem, life fills it as quickly as possible. The prey population crashes. The predators have little choice. They can travel, or starve. 4. Multiple Births: In some species, such as deer, crowding results in single births. When the same species is not crowded, twins are the rule. Populations adjust themselves to "under crowding" as well as to overcrowding. If there is a niche (a way to make a living) available in an ecosystem, life will fill it. 5. Predation: This can also be seen as a homeostatic process of communities. Predator/prey relationships have an odd element of cooperation in them. Predators tend to kill the weakest members of the prey population, which include animals who are ill, old, or very young. Predators are unlikely to kill the strongest and fastest prey, who survive to pass along those traits to their offspring. Through natural selection, predation shapes the prey species as much as it shapes the predator. In other words, deer run fast because the slow ones were eaten. The conclusion is that predation helps regulate the health and stability of the community. In natural communities, what is good for the community is not always what is good for single lives. 6. Sustainability: Natural ecosystems are sustainable. That means that they can maintain themselves with some integrity. It does not mean that they remain in a fixed state; nothing can. Sustainable systems can and do change. 10