Peru Community Schools - Valparaiso Community Schools

Valparaiso Community Schools
2011-16 Strategic Plan
Board of Trustees
Jim Sarkisian, President
Brigid McLinn, Vice-President
Karl Cender
Jim Jorgensen
Mark Maassel
Dr. Andrew Melin
September 30, 2011
Strategic Plan Committee Members
Student Achievement and Instruction
Stacey Schmidt (Facilitator) (Central Office)
Jim Jorgensen (School Board)
Stephanie Murray (Special Education Coordinator)
Anne Wodetzki (Parkview Principal)
Chris Fields (Ben Franklin Principal)
Jim McCall (Flint Lake Principal)
Traci Coil (Hayes Leonard Teacher)
Bonnie Stephens (TJE Principal)
Lenore Hoffman (VHS Teacher)
Linda Davis (Central Teacher)
Gary Webster (Cooks Corner Teacher)
Garner Tullis (Ministerial Alliance)
Mark Heckler (Valparaiso University President)
Rex Richards (Valparaiso Chamber Executive Director)
Candace Shaw (Ben Franklin Parent)
Barbara Grimsgard (TJMS Parent)
Amy Thursby (Parkview Parent)
Ann Kessler (TJE Parent)
Facilities and Operations
Rob Haworth (Co-Facilitator) (Central Office)
Lynn Kwilasz (Co-Facilitator) (Central Office)
Jim Sarkisian (School Board President)
Jim Doane (VHS Principal)
Bill Eichelberg (Hayes Leonard Principal)
Aaron Case (Memorial Principal)
Beth Krutz (Central Principal)
Becky Rodriquez (Flint Lake Teacher)
Megan Skorupa (Memorial Teacher)
Gary Gross (Northview Teacher)
Charlie Foster (VTA President)
Jonathan Nalli (Porter Hospital CEO)
Stephen Meyer (VHS Parent)
Jennifer Bognar (Central Parent)
Spencer Skinner (Flint Lake Parent)
Amy Cory (Memorial Parent)
Ben Kessler (At-Large-Concerned Citizen)
Bob Wanek (At-Large-YMCA Exec. Dir.)
Derek Morrison (At-Large-Maintenance)
September 30, 2011
Community Relations
Andrew Melin (Co-Facilitator)(Central Office)
Jim Polite (TJMS Principal)
Tom Wisch (Cooks Corners Principal)
Loren Hershberger (Northview Principal)
Karl Keller (TJMS Teacher)
Helen Gioia (BFMS Teacher)
Donna Battista (Parkview Teacher)
Laura Bryan (TJE Teacher)
Jon Costas (Valparaiso Mayor)
Sharon Kish (United Way Executive Director)
Julie Dalton (Cooks Corners Parent)
Kerri Bennett (Hayes Leonard Parent)
Richard Lahey (Northview Parent)
Chris Pupillo (At-Large-Concerned Citizen)
Barb Young (Community Foundation Exec. Dir.)
Mary Kolar (At-Large-Food Service)
Christine Hisick (Valparaiso Comm. Liaison)
Student Achievement and Instruction
Goal #1: Each student will experience challenging and appropriate instruction.
Action Steps:
1) Curriculum
a) Design K-12 programming that addresses the daily needs of each student that is rigorous
and relevant in meeting academic standards (Response to Instruction).
Target – District-wide articulation of state, national, international, and common core
standards by subject and priority.
ii) Date – 2011-2012: Curriculum Revision for World Languages, New Materials
Implementation for Science and Mathematics, Curriculum Revision for Music, Art,
Physical Education, Business, Engineering and Technology, Family and Consumer
Sciences, Textbook adoption for Music, Art, Physical Education, Business,
Engineering and Technology, Family and Consumer Sciences.
iii) Date—2012-2013: Curriculum Revision for English/Language Arts, Assessment
Design and Textbook Adoption for World Languages, New Material Implementation
for Music, Art, Physical Education, Business, Engineering and Technology, Family
and Consumer Sciences.
iv) Date—2013-2014: Textbook Adoption and Assessment Design for
English/Language Arts, New Material Implementation for World Languages, and
Curriculum Revision for Social Studies.
v) Results—Advisory established. Curriculum is being revised according to the
textbook adoption cycle. Curriculum maps have been created in English/Language
Arts K-12 and in Math, Science, and Social Studies K-5.
September 30, 2011
b) Design a K-12 Literacy (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) program that
challenges all students and specially address the needs of all readers and writers,
promotes content literacy, and stresses informational literacy. Informational literacy is a
set of abilities requiring individuals to “recognize when information is needed and have
the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.” Informational
literacy is increasingly important because of rapid technological changes and
proliferating informational resources.
Target– Establish a K-12 Literacy program that addresses all aspects of literacy.
Date – K-12 program designed by the 2013-2014 school year.
Results—District Literacy Advisory established.
Target—Evaluate, educate, and create a plan to address retention and remediation with
respect to IREAD-3.
v) Date—Present a plan to the school board in spring of 2012.
c) Design optional experiential education opportunities in and out of the classroom for students in
grades 6-12. Experiential education gives students opportunities to learn through relevant, reallife applications.
i) Target– Optional experiential education academies will be fully implemented in grades 6-12.
ii) Date – Begin researching experiential education in 2012-2013.
iii) Date—Develop a model for implementation in 2013-2014 and present this to the school
iv) Date—Fully implement the optional experiential education academies by the 2014-2015
school year.
v) Results—Experiential Learning Advisory established.
d) Establish a full day kindergarten curriculum for all students.
i) Target– Central Administration and the School Board will establish a full day kindergarten
ii) Date – Completed
iii) Results—Full day kindergarten has been implemented during the 2011-2012 school year.
Curriculum has been created by the kindergarten teachers. An Early Learning Advisory has
been established.
e) Investigate the establishment a public school preschool program.
i) Target–Central Administration and the School Board will investigate the establishment of a
public school preschool program.
ii) Date—2011-2012: Establish partnerships with preschools in Center Township.
iii) Date—2012-2013: Develop common assessment tools to evaluate preschool students in
Center Township.
iv) Date—2013-2014: Research the establishment of a public school preschool program.
v) Date – A final decision on the establishment of a public school preschool program will be
made by the 2014-2015 school year.
vi) Results—An Early Learning Advisory has been established.
2) Assessment and Data
a) Use reliable assessments for developing, monitoring, and informing instruction.
i) Target– The District Curriculum and Assessment Advisory will review assessment strategies
of VCS, research and suggest reliable assessment banks, research and suggest benchmark
assessments, and add and remove data points.
September 30, 2011
ii) Date—2011-2012: Meet with the Curriculum and Assessment Advisory to task them with
evaluating assessment strategies and tools used in the Valparaiso Community Schools.
iii) Date: 2012-2013: The Curriculum and Assessment Advisory will articulate and design a K-12
assessment plan for assessing the standards within the curriculum.
iv) Results—A District Curriculum and Assessment Advisory has been established.
b) Create and maintain an accessible and meaningful database.
i) Target– Central Administration will work to identify, develop, and implement a data
warehouse accessible by all teachers.
ii) Date – 2011: Finish customization of data warehouse.
iii) Date—2012: Implement the data warehouse district wide.
iv) Date—2012-2013: Evaluate needs to improve the data warehouse.
v) Results—A data warehouse tool has been purchased and is currently being customized to
meet VCS needs.
3) Instruction
a) Provide embedded, proactive, and professional development for all staff. Embedded
collaboration time for all staff will be scheduled.
i) Target – Central Administration, Staff, and the School Board will establish meaningful
collaboration time for K-12 departments and staff.
ii) Date – Implemented for the 2011-2012 school year.
iii) Date—Spring 2012: Evaluate collaboration as building staffs and administrative teams.
Create a plan to address the 2012-2013 school year.
iv) Target—All schools will make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP).
v) Date—All schools will make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for the 2011-2012 testing year
as reported in the fall of 2012.
vi) Results—Delayed start Wednesdays have been established.
b) Expand and embed a K-12 differentiated learning process for VCS schools based on best
practices. Differentiated instruction involves teachers adjusting their instruction to meet the
individual student needs.
i) Target – A Response to Instruction Advisory will create a process for K-12 instruction to meet
the needs of each learner.
ii) Date – Create a K-12 model for Response to Instruction and present it to the school board in
spring of 2012.
iii) Results—Response to Instruction Advisory established.
c) Continuously improve the alternative school’s ability to meet the needs of more diverse
learners. An alternative school gives students who struggle in the regular school environment
an opportunity for individualized instruction in an alternative school setting.
i) Target– Confirm alternative school approach including considering how to re-brand the
approach by the 2013-2014 school year.
ii) Date – 2011-2012: Research models.
iii) Date—2012-2013: Create a model to address the needs of these diverse learners. Present
this model to the school board in the spring of 2012.
iv) Results—Alternative School Advisory established.
Goal #2: Each student will be a contributing citizen in our democratic society.
Action Steps:
September 30, 2011
4) Program
a) Establish a comprehensive educational program and common vocabulary for the development
of our communities’ youth.
i) Target– Present a comprehensive educational program designed to engage the community
in establishing shared priorities and a common vocabulary for the development of our
communities’ youth.
ii) Target—Create a plan to address the state and federal mandates such as IREAD-3, Response
to Instruction, and the progressive discipline plan as a focus for the 2011-2012 year.
iii) Date – Fall of 2011: Meet with the Whole Student Committee to discuss these priorities and
design an approach to aide the advisories in their work.
iv) Date—December 2011: Hear from the Literacy Advisory, the Response to Instruction
Advisory, and the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Advisory as to the plan they
would like to present to the school board and offer revisions.
v) Date—Winter 2012: Hear revisions from the Literacy Advisory, the Response to Instruction
Advisory, and the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Advisory and offer any
additional insights.
vi) Date—Spring 2012: Meet to discuss priorities for research for the 2012-2013 school year.
vii) Results—Advisories have been established for Curriculum and Assessment, Literacy,
Experiential Education, Early Learning, Response to Instruction, Alternative Education,
Wellness, Character, Safety, Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Mentoring,
and Technology.
5) Wellness
a) Design a wellness program that allows students to maximize their ability to participate and
i) Target – Routinely screen for immunizations, vision, hearing, dental, and orthopedic
ii) Target—Emphasize physical activity and lifetime healthy behaviors.
iii) Target—Help students make healthy food choices at school.
iv) Target—Make available social, emotional, and substance abuse/prevention resources for
students and families.
v) Target—Welcome families as partners in their children’s education.
vi) Date – Wellness committee to meet multiple times throughout the school year every year.
vii) Date – 2012-2013: Present wellness opportunities in conjunction with other advisories for
consideration for the 2013-2014 school year.
viii) Results—Wellness Advisory established.
6) Character
a) Create an intentionally embedded environment that supports and encourages moral and social
character. Moral character is defined as what is just, honest, fair, noble, or true. Social
character is the outward appearance of moral character such as respect, responsibility, and
i) Target – Provide a wide array of extracurricular activities.
ii) Target—Provide community-based apprenticeships, internships, or projects.
iii) Target—Welcome families as partners in their children’s education.
iv) Date – 2012-2013: Present character opportunities in conjunction with other advisories for
consideration for the 2013-2014 school year.
v) Results—Character Advisory established.
September 30, 2011
7) Safety
a) Design a safe and secure school program that allows students to maximize their ability to
participate and learn.
i) Target – Establish and maintain behavioral expectations, rules, and routines.
ii) Target—Recognize positive behaviors.
iii) Target—Explore Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports.
iv) Target—Welcome families as partners in their children’s education.
v) Date – 2012-2013: Present character opportunities in conjunction with other advisories for
consideration for the 2013-2014 school year.
vi) Results—Safety and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Advisories established.
8) Mentoring
a) Design a mentoring program that allows students to feel adequately supported.
i) Target – Provide each student with an adult advisor or mentor.
ii) Target—Make each student feel valued.
iii) Target—Provide access to school counselors or other student support systems.
iv) Target—Welcome families as partners in their children’s education.
v) Date –2012-2013: Present character opportunities in conjunction with other advisories for
consideration for the 2013-2014 school year.
vi) Results—Mentoring Advisory established.
Finance and Operations
Goal: Demonstrate effective and efficient use of taxpayer dollars by using best management
practices and systematic long range planning to promote student achievement.
Action Steps:
1) Continue and maintain meaningful engagement of the Board of Trustees and their appointed
designees with the public.
a) Target - Strategic Planning
b) Target - Scheduled public work sessions
c) Target - Traveling board meetings
d) Target - Viking University
e) Target - Civic Clubs and Organizations
f) Target - Ethnic and Religious Institutions
i) Date
ii) Results
• Align all district goals and objectives with the district budgets.
o Target - Monthly fund monitoring reports
o Target - Maintain a surplus in the general fund
September 30, 2011
Management & Administrative System
• Ensure a cohesive leadership system to implement district goals.
o Target - Annual goal setting conferences for all administrators, directors and their
support staff
o Target - Monthly leadership team meetings
o Target - Annual leadership retreat
o Target - Annual performance evaluations of all administrators, directors, and their
support staff
 Date
 Results
• Ensure operating infrastructure systems.
o Target - Human resource best practices are implemented
o Target - Deliver safe and efficient transportation
o Target - Supply healthy nutritional services efficiently and safely
o Target - Provide effective technology systems
 Date
 Results
• Provide safe, clean and well-equipped facilities acceptable to the community.
o Target - Provide ongoing high quality maintenance to buildings and grounds
o Target - Review accessible data regarding current facilities
o Target - Engage the community in a facilities discussion
o Target - Gather quantitative feedback regarding the communities attitudes and opinions
regarding facilities
o Target - Establish a long range facilities plan and potential triggers which engage the
 Date
 Results
Community Relations
Goal #1: All VCS constituents will be provided opportunities to be actively engaged in improving
student achievement.
Action Steps:
• Identify Key VCS Constituents: Parents, Churches, Senior Citizens, Local service organizations,
PTO/PTAs, Pre-schools, Advisory groups (Secondary), Not-for-profit organizations, Young
professionals, Business community, Regional Colleges, Political Leaders, Students, Private
Schools, Media
o Target – Sub-committee brainstorms list of constituents
 Date – Complete by February 1, 2011
 Results – Primary list completed by March 1, 2011
September 30, 2011
• Establish a Communications Advisory
o Target – Establish an advisory, complete a SWOT (Strengths/Weaknesses/
Opportunities/Threats) Analysis
o Target - Develop a survey to administer to staff, parents, and community, and identify
specific messages that need to be consistently disseminated to VCS constituents
 Date – Establish an advisory by June 1, 2011, complete a SWOT Analysis by
December 1, 2011, administer a survey by June 1, 2012, and identify specific,
consistent messages by December 1, 2012.
 Results – Advisory established and met on May 20, 2011.
Teachers & Parents
• Enhance engagement between teachers and parents
o Target – Maximize teacher utilization of “Edline” web-based software
o Target - Study and implement parent/teacher conferences
 Date – Maximize teacher utilization of “Edline” by September 1, 2012, and
establish parent/teacher conferences by December 1, 2012.
 Results
Social Service Agencies
• Enhance partnerships with local social service agencies, e.g., United Way, Family and Child
Services, Juvenile Probation, Gloria Dei, Opportunity Enterprises to better meet the needs of
all student populations
o Target – Coordinate a meeting with representatives of all local service agencies to
identify how to best meet the needs of all VCS students.
• Date – Hold the meeting by March 1, 2012
• Results
Drug Awareness
• Increase awareness of effects of student use of illegal substances and abuse of prescription
o Target – Utilize community substance abuse prevention professionals to develop and
deliver an awareness presentation to student, parent, and community groups.
• Date – Develop a presentation by May 1, 2012 and begin making presentations
by September 1, 2012.
• Results
Goal #2: Positive news, challenges, relevant educational public policies, and thorough programming
information will be shared with all VCS constituents.
Action Steps:
Communication Tools
• Identify key communication tools
o Target – Identify at least five to ten effective communication tools.
September 30, 2011
• Date – March 1, 2011
• Results – Currently produce and disseminate VCS information using the following
communication tools: Weekly district-level electronic newsletters, Buildinglevel newsletters, Automated phone messaging system, District and schoollevel web sites, Weekly column in Times newspaper, Public presentations to
parent and community groups
Address Language Barriers
• Partner with post-secondary institutions and community organizations to develop a core group
of trained adults able to assist in addressing language barriers.
o Target – Identify a core group of qualified individuals
• Date – Identify individuals by February 1, 2012
• Results
September 30, 2011