49ER ID CARD ONE CARD THAT DOES IT ALL! A 49er ID card allows It’s also a access to •Meal Plan card •Campus housing •Campus activities and programs •Athletic events and recreational facilities •Computer labs •Student Health Center •Library card And holds funds for •Optional Dining Account •49er Account To get a 49er ID card, you’ll need: • To be registered for classes; • Proof of University affiliation such as acceptance letter, class schedule, proof of registration or tuition bill; • Student ID number that begins with 800 (assigned at acceptance; appears on the acceptance letter). • One valid proof of identification such as a driver’s license, State Issued ID or Passport. ID Card Office | 127 Student Union (#69) Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM 704-687-7040 | aux.uncc.edu/49er 49er Card/Meal Plans Office Auxiliary Services Bldg. (#39) Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM 704-687-7337 | aux.uncc.edu VENDING AND ATM SERVICES Vending machines are liberally placed throughout campus. Almost every snack and drink machine accepts dollar bills, change, and the 49er Account. In the snack machines, healthier choices are in the column to the right. In the event of malfunction, cash refunds are available in the Auxiliary Services Office, or submit an online report/ refund request or call 704-687-7333 and a refund will be electronically credited to your 49er Account. ATMs are located at multiple campus locations: Barnhardt Student Activity Center, Cone University Center, Student Union and Prospector Building. CONTENTS CLICK ON THE SUBJECT YOU WANT TO SEE 49ER ACCOUNT 49ER ID CARD AUX SERVICES AND DINING VENUE MAP VENDING SERVICES Auxiliary Services Bldg. (#39) Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM MAIL & PACKAGE SERVICES MEAL PLAN DINING MEAL PLAN FAQS 704-687-7333 PARKING PERMIT INFORMATION ATM list and map: aux.uncc.edu/vending/atm REPROGRAPHICS - COPYING AND PRINTING Vending problem report form aux.uncc.edu/vending/refund TEXTBOOKS AND SUPPLIES VENDING AND ATM SERVICES -1- 49ER ACCOUNT THE EASY, SMART WAY TO PURCHASE GOODS AND SERVICES ON CAMPUS! The 49er Account is a prepaid convenience account. Advantages to the 49er Account include: Four ways to deposit funds onto the 49er Account: • Online at aux.uncc.edu; • In person at the 49er Card Office in the Auxiliary Services Building or the ID Card office in the Student Union; • By mail: Send check or money order to 49er Card Office, 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223. Include student’s ID number; make checks payable to “UNCC 49er Account.” • Via one of four VTS machines, located on the first and second floors of Atkins Library, Barnard Computer Commons, and RDH. (VTS machines accept only cash.) • Safe, secure, convenient • May be added to instantly online, 24 hours a day • Available semester to semester, year to year, as long as student is enrolled Good at over 100 campus locations: • Including Barnes & Noble at UNC Charlotte Bookstore, NinerTech, Campus Salon, Mail & Package Services, Parking and Transportation Services, Atkins Library, REPROS copy center, copiers and pay-for-print printers in library and labs, and Outtakes convenience stores, sports and theater concessions* • Campus vending machines and residence hall laundry facilities * 49er Account funds are not tax exempt in dining venues and conveninece stores. HOW MUCH TO PUT ON THE 49ER ACCOUNT? Here’s what the average student spends from the 49er Account per semester: Vending, pay-for-print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 Supplies, C-store items, laundry. . . . . . 150.00 Unspent funds stay available as long as the student is enrolled. Upon graduation or withdrawal, remaining monies over $5 are refundable. TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200.00 MEAL PLAN DINING A MEAL PLAN PURCHASE PROVIDES THESE ADVANTAGES: •Favorite Flavors: Many popular, national brands •Convenience: One card for all campus dining purchases •Diet Preferences: Vegetarian, vegan and healthy options are available at Crown Commons and RDH and many of the retail locations. •Savings: Purchases are up to 8.25% SALES TAX FREE! •Variety and Flexibility: Meal plans to fit your dining needs; many places to eat on campus include late evening and weekend dining -2- — continued next page MEAL PLAN DINING CONTINUED Students who live in residence halls without private kitchens are considered to be living in “required housing,” and must choose a meal plan as part of the housing contract. These residences include Hunt, Moore, Sanford, Scott, Holshouser, and the suites in Cedar, Hawthorn, Hickory, Lynch, Miltimore, Oak, Sycamore, Walnut, and Witherspoon. UNC Charlotte offers three types of meal plans — Traditional, Block and All Declining Balance Plans — with choices available within each type. PLAN MEMBER DINING ELIGIBILITY CHART MEAL PLANS Housing and Class Status H A B C D E F G K Freshmen in Required Housing 3 3 3 3 3 Upperclassmen in Required Housing 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Freshmen and Upperclassmen in Non-Required Housing 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Commuters, Greek Villagers TRADITIONAL PLANS Traditional Meal plans H, A, B and C have two parts: The first part is the number of meal swipes provided per week, taken in either the Residence Dining Hall (RDH) or Crown Commons, the two all-you-care-to-eat dining facilities. The number of meals allotted resets weekly, on Monday morning. The second part is called Declining Balance, or DB. It is a specific allotment of funds attached to the meal plan, and can be used at any campus dining venue, including retail locations such as Einstein Bagels in the Student Union or Chick-fil-A in the Prospector building. DB funds can also be used for concessions and for goods at the four Outtakes convenience stores on campus. Traditional Meal Plans are offered with varying amounts of set meals and Declining Balance so that students can choose what best suits their college lifestyle. If, for example, Traditional Meal Plan C is chosen (it’s the most popular), a student may eat 10 meals a week at RDH or Crown Commons. There will also be $400 in DB funds available to spend on other meals, snacks or Outtakes convenience items over the course of the semester. (And that student will save 8.25% on all their dining purchases.) Unused meals do not roll over from one week to the next, and any unspent Declining Balance also does NOT roll over to the next semester. Traditional Meal Plans Selection and Price H 19 Meals per week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,915 $100 DB per semester A 14 Meals per week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,915 $200 DB per semester B 12 Meals per week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,035 $300 DB per semester C 10 Meals per week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,035 $400 DB per semester — continued next page -3- MEAL PLAN DINING CONTINUED BLOCK MEAL PLANS Block Meal Plans are constructed just like Traditional Meal Plans in that they consist of two parts: a set number of meal swipes and a specific amount of Declining Balance, “DB” funds. The difference is that Block Plan meals may be eaten anytime over the course of the semester. So if your student chooses Block Plan D, they have 150 meals for the semester and $100 in DB. They can eat those meals at anytime during the semester at RDH or Crown Commons. Unused meals do not roll over from one semester to the next and any unspent Declining Balance also does NOT roll overto the next semester. Block Meal Plans Selection and Price D 150 Meals per semester. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,630 $100 DB per semester E 125 Meals per semester. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,550 $175 DB per semester ALL DECLINING BALANCE MEAL PLANS An All Declining Balance Meal Plan is a debit account that may be used at any campus dining location, on-campus convenience stores and concessions. Any unused balance will carry over through the last summer session of the academic year of purchase. Please refer to the Member Dining Eligibility chart as these plans are limited primarily to commuters and students in non-required housing. All Declining Balance Plans Selection and Price F $1,820 DB per semester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,820 G $1,290 DB per semester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,290 K $695 DB per semester. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $695 Any student signed up for a fall semester meal plan will automatically be assigned the same plan for spring semester Full terms, conditions, and policies: aux.uncc.edu/meal-plans OPTIONAL DINING ACCOUNT An Optional Dining Account (ODA) is a prepaid dining account that can be used at all campus dining locations, including Outtakes convenience stores. ODA is available to all students; deposits can be made anytime during the year ($5 minimum). Unused remaining balance rolls over from semester to semester, year to year, as long as the student is enrolled. This account can save up to 8.25% in sales tax with every dining purchase. For resident students, ODA can supplement a meal plan when declining balance (DB) funds have been spent. ODA is also a convenient choice for non-required students who live in Wallis Hall, Greek Village or on-campus apartments. BEST VALUE! Optional Dining Account Packages • Charlotte 300 – With $300 deposit, receive 3 FREE meals at RDH and/or Crown Commons. •Charlotte 500 – With $500 deposit, receive 5 FREE meals at RDH and/or Crown Commons. To receive the free meals promotion, Charlotte 300 and 500 ODA packages must be purchased online at dineon- campus.com/unccharlotte. -4- MEAL PLAN FAQs What is ‘Required’ Housing? ‘Required housing’ means that purchasing a meal plan is a required part of the contract for housing. Those who live in ‘required’ housing must purchase a meal plan each semester during their residency. How does my meal plan work? Your 49er ID card automatically (and in “real time”) keeps track of the two parts of your meal plan — the meal swipes and the declining balance (DB). Meals are taken in the all-you-care-to-eat dining facilities: RDH (Resident Dining Hall) which is adjacent to the highrise residence halls, or in Crown Commons, located in the Student Union. The plan is accessed by swiping your 49er ID card when entering. Meal swipes in the ‘traditional’ meal plans (A, B, C, and H) are reset weekly, on Monday morning. Meals unused after dinner on Sunday are not carried over into the next week. You may use only one meal swipe per serving period. Meals in Block Plan D are available for the semester and are counted down as they are used. This plan is good for the entire semester; allotted meal swipes and DB both expire at the end of the semester. Multiple meal swipes per serving period are allowed. The declining balance (DB) portion of a meal plan works like a debit account and may be used in all dining locations, including RDH and Crown Commons. Each time you use DB, you will receive a receipt showing the amount you have spent as well as your remaining balance. Which meal plan would be best for me? It’s helpful to consider the following when selecting your meal plan: • The number of meals and snacks you usually eat in a week; • How often you will dine in our all-you-care to eat facilities; • Your class schedule; • Where you will spend weekends. You would choose one of the Traditional meal plans (plans A, B, C, or H) if you plan to eat frequently in RDH and/or Crown Commons. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served during the week — brunch and dinner on weekends — a total of 19 serving periods. Traditional Plan meals reset weekly; you begin each Monday with your plan choice of the number of meals. Only one meal swipe may be used in a serving period. The register will display your remaining meal count. Generally, students who are very active and enjoy fuller meals select Traditional meal plans. These students have class schedules that allow for dining in a dining hall throughout the day. A ‘non-traditional’ style meal plan (Block meal plan D) is a good choice if you plan on eating fewer large meals during a given week. Meals are eaten in the all-you-care-to-eat dining halls, RDH and Crown Commons. The 150 meal swipes in this plan may be used at any time and when swiped, count down as used. The register will display your remaining meal swipe count each time it is used. You may use more than one meal swipe in a dining period, which allows a friend or parent to dine from your plan. Those who choose this plan tend to eat smaller meals, have narrower windows of time available for eating, are on campus less than four days a week, live close to home/leave campus frequently, are employed part- or full-time or are student athletes. With both Traditional Plans and non-traditional Block Plans, the declining balance (DB) portion of the meal plan you choose may be used in all other dining locations. Advice from the Meal Plans staff The biggest factors to consider when choosing a plan is if you enjoy all-you-care-to-eat dining and if you have a class schedule that allows you to get to Crown Commons or RDH during the day. Having friends and classmates to dine with also figures into how often you’ll choose to eat in the dining halls. Meal plan ‘C’ is the most popular plan chosen by freshmen because it’s a good choice for those who like the dining halls but also eat smaller meals or frequently eat on-the-run. Meal Plan ‘D’ is the least expensive and most flexible meal plan for Freshmen in required housing, allowing them to choose when to eat with no fixed dining periods to consider. Comparing plan ‘D’ to plan ‘C’: Plan ‘D’ provides an average of nine meals per week (150 meals/17weeks in a semester = 8.8). Plan ‘C’ yields 10 meals per week. Plan ‘D’ has $100 declining balance attached to the plan; ‘C’ has $400. The price of plan ‘D’ is $1630; plan ‘C’ costs $2035, a difference of $405. If you were to supplement plan ‘D’ by placing the difference between the cost of plan ‘D’ and plan ‘C’ into an Optional Dining Account (ODA) you would reap the benefit of having an average of nine meals per week in the dining halls with completely flexible dining hours, plus you would have $505 in declining balance/ODA funds to use for all other food venues. Still need help? Call our meal plan specialists at 704-687-7337 during regular business hours and we’ll help you choose the best plan. How can I check to see which meal plan I have chosen? Students may log into RMS and click on ‘Update Preferences’ and view or change their meal plan choice. For assistance, call the Housing Help Desk at 704-687-7522. What if I choose a meal plan and then change my mind? After the first day of classes, through the scheduled twoday room change period (September 6 and 7), you may request changes to your meal plan. That gives you about three weeks to use the plan and see if you have chosen the one that best suits your needs. You may also request a summary of — continued next page -5- MEAL PLAN FAQs CONTINUED how you’ve used the plan. A week before the change deadline, you will also receive an email reminder from the Meal Plans and 49er Card Office. These measures provide you the time and data needed to make an informed decision to either keep your selected plan or change it. Plan changes incur a $25 Meal Plan processing fee and meal plan charges are prorated. Can my financial aid or student loans pay for my meal plan? a reminder to every student to spend any remaining DB. Remember, DB can be used for anything in Outtakes convenience stores. Stock up on non-perishables, toiletries and laundry detergent. Use it, don’t lose it! What if I run out of DB funds? May I add more? Supplement the initial meal plan with Optional Dining account funds (ODA). ODA has a minimum deposit of $5; funds stay available as long as the student is enrolled. Financial aid can pay for your meal plan if you have enough to cover tuition and housing charges first. Any remaining financial aid or student loan funds will be paid toward your meal plan. Financial Aid will not prepay ODA nor 49er Account funds. — IMPORTANT DATES — AUGUST 16 ���������� Meal plans begin at lunch SEPTEMBER 6 ����� Last day for Required Housing What if I have DB left at semester’s end? students to change their meal plans and Non-required students to change or cancel a plan. Unspent DB that is part of a Traditional or Block Meal Plan, does NOT roll over to the next semester. A month before the end of every semester, the 49er Card Office sends MEAL PLAN AND DINING SERVICES CONTACT INFORMATION 49ER CARD OFFICE AND MEAL PLANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704-687-7337 Auxiliary Services Bldg. (#39). . . . . . . . . Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM aux.uncc.edu AUXILIARY SERVICES TOLL-FREE NUMBER. . . . . . . . . . 877-497-4949 DINING SERVICES & CATERING OFFICES. . . . . . . . . . . . 704-687-7040 127 Student Union (#69) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM dineoncampus.com/unccharlotte REPROGRAPHICS - COPYING AND PRINTING UNC Charlotte has a pay-for-print system in most computer labs and in the Atkins Library. The 49er Account is what’s required to pay for print jobs in these areas. On-campus document services are usually less expensive than what’s available locally, and you can use your 49er Account! REPROS offers complete document services such as: •Black and white copies •Covers •Binding (six types) •Colored paper •Oversized color printing on wide-format plotter •Foam Core mounting •Fax services Ink Spot remote printing REPROS’ Ink Spot is a “print from anywhere” enhancement to UNC Charlotte’s pay-for-print service. Students can send documents to print remotely, through any Internetconnected PC, tablet or smart phone. Sending documents from a PC or laptop is simple via Web upload; smart phones and tablets use the PrinterOn app, available for IOS, Android and Blackberry. The consumer then selects “UNC Charlotte” and specifies black and white or color printing. Uploaded documents reside in a print queue (for up to three days) until released at any Ink Spot print station. There are currently 15 Ink Spot-enabled locations placed for convenience in Atkins Library, Fretwell, Student Union, EPIC, and Center City, identified by an Ink Spot logo sticker. Ink Spot device location list. Ink Spot printing only works with the 49er Account. Lower level Prospector building (#34) | 704-687-0809 | aux.uncc.edu/copyprint -6- TEXTBOOKS AND SUPPLIES Barnes & Noble operates the bookstore for the University, a partnership built upon commitment to textbook value. •Barnes & Noble at UNC Charlotte has one of the lowest margins in the nation on new textbooks. Margins are the percentage bookstores add to the publishers’ wholesale price to cover shipping, stocking, etc. Lower margins mean lower textbook prices. • Rental and eBook options! Barnes & Noble has made these popular choices available to UNC Charlotte.* • 100% Price Match to all local booksellers’ textbook prices for the same, in-stock book. • Biggest selection of used books, sold at 75% of the new book price. • One of the best buy-back programs in the UNC system. If a book is being used again the following semester, you’ll receive up to 50% of the original price paid. And if you find a local buy-back offer higher, we’ll match it! • Knowledgeable staff, all closely familiar with UNC Charlotte faculty and class requirements, who will make sure you get the right materials for each course. TEXTBOOK RENTAL PROGRAM NO-WORRY TEXTBOOK RETURNS * Not all texts qualify for rental. Not included are older editions, texts packaged with software or other items and loose-leaf or perforated page books. There are pros and cons to both buying and renting textbooks. See “Buy vs. Rent, Factors to Consider” at aux.uncc.edu/bookstore 100% refund for textbooks with receipt up to August 25; with receipt and drop slip until August 28. • The rental period is for the duration of the semester. Books are due back at the bookstore on the last day of finals. Students can return the books in person or mail them to the bookstore. • Students may highlight or mark the rented books just as they would if they purchased a book with plans to sell it back. •Students may pay the rental fees by cash, check, credit, debit, 49er Account or Barnes & Noble gift cards. For security purposes, a valid credit card must also be provided regardless of the rental payment method. • Students may convert their rental to a purchase, but only during the first two weeks of class. • An email to remind students to return their books will be sent near the end of the semester. Books not returned (or returned in unusable condition) will be subject to replacement and processing fees. ALONG WITH THE BEST SELECTION OF TEXTBOOKS AND SUPPLIES, THE BOOKSTORE OFFERS ORDER TEXTBOOKS DURING TAX-FREE WEEKEND • the Official 49er Spirit Store with the largest selection of UNC Charlotte and Charlotte 49er apparel, gear and logoed merchandise available anywhere! •a large trade book section of general interest titles •magazines, gifts, cards and convenience items •software and computer accessories •If you order books online or in-store over the Sales Tax Summer Holiday (12:00 AM August 2 – 11:59 PM August 4) the bookstore will guarantee to process your order in time to save you 7.25% in sales tax. •You’ll have access to the best supply of rental and used books. Rental and used books are sold on a first-come first-served basis. By ordering early, you’ll have the best chance to save 25% with used books and 55% with rental program textbooks. •Book order can be picked up at your convenience in the bookstore, anytime after August 7, or you can choose to have it shipped to your home or residence hall. No other bookstore supports UNC Charlotte more! In fact, the bookstore: •funds scholarships •helps build and maintain new facilities like the Student Union and sports complexes •supports programs like SOAR, Homecoming, 49er Athletics and more •provides on-campus employment to over 100 students a year Located on the main level of the Student Union (#69) aux.uncc.edu/bookstore | uncc.bncollege.com | 704-687-7050 -7- MAIL & PACKAGE SERVICES UNC Charlotte’s campus mail center services include: •Campus Mail Box rental •Certified Mail • Daily mail delivery to residence halls •Express Mail •Packing materials •Post cards •Postage Stamps •Registered Mail •USPS Package/Mail pick-up •US Passport Acceptance How to address mail to a residence hall student: •Student Name •Room number and Residence Hall •UNC Charlotte street address Campus Mailboxes: Ideal for students who would like the convenience and privacy of a consistent campus mailing address throughout their time at UNC Charlotte. Boxes are available in 6- and 12-month terms, which may be renewed as long as you remain affiliated with the University (whether a commuter or on-campus resident). Rates: $25/6 mo.; $46/12 mo. CAMPUS MAILBOX RENTAL Good for $10 off first time, 6-month campus mailbox rental at either Student Union or Prospector Building location. Limit 1 per customer. Expires 05/16/14 Window hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM Lower level Prospector building (#34) 704-687-0383 | aux.uncc.edu/mail Not open on holidays when the University is closed -8- PARKING PERMIT INFORMATION At UNC Charlotte, permits are required to park in any area other than Visitor parking decks and meters. Permit price is the same for students, faculty, and BUY YOUR PERMIT EARLY, ONLINE. Save yourself from standing in a very long line! RESIDE R NT PAR PERMIT KING Exp 8-15- 14 N1 NIGH T PA PERM RKING IT Ex p 12- 31-13 20 13 FA CU LT Y/ P STA Ex ER FF p 20 8- MIT P AR 16 15 14 -143 KIN G FS Ex 7 L2 ED 14 20 RICT 2013 REST T 27 PERMIT 4 ED LO 8-15-1 Exp ICT TR ES A R RMIT T 6 PE 8-15-14 p 6A C5001A R20001 A C5001AR20001A N3100 N31 1a 001 A FS FS 1A 1A LO 2014 $450 ��������Full year beginning with fall semester (Resident, Commuter, Faculty/Staff) Exp 8-15-14 01A A 70 A 01 l2 01 00 A270 60 01L 6A 600 6A Permit enforcement begins on the first day of class, every semester REGULAR PARKING PERMIT FEES C COMMUTER PARKING PERMIT 13 20 staff. Permission to park is granted equally (yes, Freshmen residents and commuters are allowed to park in designated parking areas) and there is enough parking for everyone. $130 ��������Night Students per semester (Fall, Spring, and Summer) If you don’t have a parking permit by then, plan to pay and park in a Visitor deck (if full, you will be directed to where you may legally park until a permit is purchased) or purchase a daily temporary permit from the Parking and Transportation Services Office (#23 on campus map) for $6 per day. $280 ��������Partial year beginning spring semester (Resident, Commuter, Faculty/Staff) Peak parking demand expected to be highest from 9:15 AM - 2:00 PM, Monday through Thursday $185����������Partial year beginning summer term (Resident, Commuter, Faculty/Staff) Based on the University’s scheduling of classes, parking areas that fill up earliest are: $15 ����������Registration of multiple vehicles (per registration periods) • Union Deck • Lot 18 (beside the Union Deck) • Lot 19 (in front of the Union Deck) • East Deck 2 and 3 • West Deck $165����������Two day Commuter (either Mon/Wed or Tue/Thu) per semester $6 ����������Daily Temporary Permits (available at Parking Services) DISCOUNT REMOTE PARKING PERMIT FEES Money-saving options for those willing to park along the margins of campus. $340 ��������Discount Remote Parking Lot 6A, corner of John Kirk and Cameron Rds. This lot is served by Campus Shuttle Rt. 50. (Commuter & Faculty/Staff only) $210 ��������Discount Remote Parking Lot 27, on Toby Creek Rd. near Harris Alumni Center. This is a walk-in lot, not on a Shuttle route. (Commuter & Faculty/ Staff only) If your first choice for parking is full, don’t circle! Have an alternative in mind (like North Deck, South Village Deck or Lot 6) that is farther out from the academic core and along a shuttle route. You may be surprised by how much easier it is to just park, ride, and get on with your day. Comprehensive permit, citation, campus shuttle and SafeRide information available on the Parking and Transportation Services website PARKING AND TRANSPORTATION SERVICES PaTS/Facilities Operations Bldg. (#23) Monday – Friday, 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM 704-687-0161 | pats.uncc.edu -9- - 10 UNC Charlotte Auxiliary Services unccaux unccdining unccbookstore unccparking AUXILIARY SERVICES AND DINING VENUE MAP 9201 University City Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28223-0001 www.uncc.edu aux.uncc.edu