College Policy & Procedure - Midlands Technical College

College Bookstores
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Based on Policy Number and Title:
Midlands Technical College Policy 3.12
College Bookstores
Marshall White, Jr.
Senior Vice President for Business Affairs
Textbook Adoption
Beginning with the fall semester of the 1992-93 academic year, textbooks will normally be adopted
for a period of two (2) years. This new adoption list will be presented to the MTC bookstore
during the month of May every even numbered year, i.e. 1996, 1998, etc.
When an adopted textbook goes into a new edition, the bookstore will notify the appropriate
department, which will have the opportunity to change its adoption.
Changes to the adoption list may be made for academic reasons or in extenuating circumstances
with the approval of the appropriate vice president.
Whenever a department begins to consider a change of adoption, the bookstore will be notified so
that inventory can begin to be reduced.
If unused books, which are dropped from the adoption list before the end of the two-year cycle, can
be returned to the publisher, freight, as well as any other expense involved, will be charged to the
If unused books cannot be returned to the publisher, the department will be charged for the unused
Textbook Requests
The department chairs are responsible for submitting all textbook requests to the Midlands
Technical College bookstore at a predetermined date each term. These dates will be published in
the yearly academic calendar and will follow the final schedule submission date by at least a week.
All requests, from sources outside of the college, for information pertaining to adopted textbooks
under the Freedom of Information Act or otherwise will be directed to the Director
of Auxiliary Services for response.
The Textbook Manager will notify the department chair or their designees as to the availability of
the online adoption form for the upcoming term in accordance with the published dates in the
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academic calendar. The adoption forms will be filled in and transmitted electronically to the
Textbook Manager and all adoptions completed by the established due date.
The Director of Auxiliary Services will be notified by department chairs of any late submissions of
text orders beyond the deadline date.
At the same time that book requests are submitted each term, department chairs will request
supplementary reading materials or supplies that are required by faculty and their individual
If a late request for books requires special handling, the additional costs will be charged to the
department responsible.
Pricing Merchandise
Textbooks will be priced not to exceed the “Publisher’s List Price” shown on the publisher’s
New textbooks received with net pricing will be priced not to exceed a 25% profit margin.
Textbooks may be priced at a lesser margin if deemed appropriate by the Director of Auxiliary
An amount may be added to the price of each book to help defray the cost of freight. This amount
will be determined by the Director of Auxiliary Services.
The selling price for school supplies and miscellaneous merchandise will be determined by the
Director of Auxiliary Services and will be competitive with other area bookstores.
Textbook Buyback
The bookstore will buy back textbooks from students at any time during normal operating hours.
At the end of each semester, from the last day of class through the exam period, the bookstore will
conduct a book buyback at which time books needed during the upcoming term will be purchased
for 50% of the current price providing the book is in good condition. Books not needed the
following term will be bought from the students at the current wholesale price.
Wholesale guide prices will be given at all other times.
Workbooks and laboratory manuals, which have been written in, will not be purchased at book
buyback unless approved by the appropriate department chair.
Books that are missing pages will not be purchased at book buyback.
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Instructor Desk Copies
Desk copies will not be furnished by the bookstore unless they are charged to the appropriate
department’s budget. These purchases must be approved by the department chair prior to
Upon receipt of a replacement copy from the publisher, the department may return the book to the
bookstore within a reasonable time and credit will be issued to the department.
Desk copies are considered to be the property of Midlands Technical College (reference Procedure
3.12.2 – “Complimentary and Desk Copies of Textbooks”) and will not be purchased by the
Complimentary Copies
Complimentary copies are textbooks received by individual faculty members free of charge from
publishers but which have not been selected for adoption by the college. Complimentary textbooks
are considered to be the personal property of individual faculty members. Faculty complimentary
copies will not be requested or received from publishers by the bookstore.
Students who withdraw from a class before midterm may return their textbooks to the bookstore
for a refund or exchange provided they are accompanied by the original cash register receipt.
Textbooks may be returned for a full refund within the first ten days of class each term or within
ten days of the date of the receipt if purchase is after the beginning of the term.
Between the tenth day of class and midterm, books may be returned for 50% of the original prices.
The original sales receipt and an approved withdrawal slip listing the classes dropped, along with a
copy of the class schedule, must accompany the textbooks at that time of return.
New books, which have been marked in, will be treated as used books when returned for a refund.
Defective merchandise may be returned, with sales receipt, for a full refund or exchange if the
request is made within ten business days. The bookstore manager or supervisor will make the
decision as to refunds.
Stolen Books
In the event that a customer and the bookstore contest the ownership of a book, Security will be
notified and asked to take appropriate action. The bookstore will not refund money until the
contested ownership is settled.
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College Bookstores
Check Cashing
The bookstores will follow the guidelines set forth by the college.
Student’s personal checks will be accepted only for the amount of purchase.
Counter checks will not be accepted at any time.
Special Orders
Special orders for any non-stocked items may be taken at any time. The customer must tell the
bookstore manager exactly what is desired and give a source of supply if possible. The customer
must also give his name, address and phone number at the time of the request. All special orders
placed by customers (other than faculty and staff) must be prepaid in full or at least a 50% deposit
made for the total purchase. The 50% deposit is nonrefundable if the customer fails to pick up the
order and will be used to defray the expense to return the merchandise to the appropriate vendor.
Commercial Parcel Delivery Service
The bookstore offers commercial parcel delivery service for the faculty, staff and students of
Midlands Technical College. The customer will be charged only the actual amount for mailing the
An inventory will be conducted on an annual basis. The bookstores will be closed during this
All merchandise will be inventoried at cost and selling price.
Any merchandise, which is to be written off, will be verified by the auditors and the Business
Affairs office.
Central Stores
Charge account services are provided by the bookstores to college faculty and staff for
departmental purchases of office supplies and equipment. Merchandise is sold at bookstore cost
plus a 10% markup which covers the expense of freight and handling. Unless otherwise
authorized, all non-supervisory personnel will be extended a daily $500 credit limit for purchases
to the extent that their department budget allows. Department chairs will be authorized to make
purchases to the extent of the signature authority that the college has allowed them.