Seminars to Go


Seminars to Go

UGA Training and Development

Training and Development maintains a collection of video tapes available for check out, at no charge, to

UGA faculty and staff. While videos are an excellent method of disseminating information on a variety of topics, they are not intended to provide complete solutions to workplace issues and problems. For specific information regarding employment related issues, including UGA policies, contact the Director for Employee


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Two item limit per check out, please

One week maximum check out for Athens campus employees; three weeks for off-campus employees

Professional and Personal Development

10 Basics of Business Etiquette

(United Training Media), 20 minutes

A light approach to appropriate behavior in business situations, including relating to customers and coworkers.

Business Writing for Results

Vol 1: Cultivating the Desired Response from Your Writing, 35 min.

Vol 2: Moving from Planning to the Finished Document, 30 min.

Vol 3: Developing a Power-Packed Writing Style, 30 min.

(Fred Pryor Seminars)

Effective communication is key to rising to the top. Do you have a firm enough writing foundation to succeed? All it takes is mastering the simple rules and techniques here, rules guaranteed to polish your business writing. Acquire the basics of organizing your thoughts on paper. Overcome writer's block.

Choose words that elicit a positive response. Snappy letters, effective memos, perfect proposals, and clear, organized writing can now be yours.

Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics

Includes workbook.

(Fred Pryor Seminars)

This three tape series helps you expand your reading abilities.

Part One: 19 minutes

Part Two: 16 minutes

Part Three: 13 minutes

Finding the Up in Upheaval

(American Media, Inc.), 22 minutes

Learn how best to respond when change happens to you, how to accept and deal with change positively, how to communicate openly and honestly with others to understand your new reality, and how to look for opportunities and plan for the future you want.


How to Deal with Difficult People

Includes video workbook.

(CareerTrack Publications)

This three volume set provides strategies for getting results with people whose behavior is often difficult or abusive.

Volume One: 74 minutes

Volume Two: 76 minutes

Volume Three: 90 minutes

How to Overcome Negativity in the Workplace Vol. 1-4

(Fred Pryor Seminars)

When negativity goes unchecked, morale slips, productivity suffers, and people stop working well together.

This program looks at negativity from four distinct angles:

1) How it can affect you personally

2) Ways it can spread and infect an entire work force

3) What you can do to reverse its tide

4) How to spot and fix the problems within an organization that might be contributing to negativity

Volume 1: 77 minutes

Volume 2: 64 minutes

Volume 3: 62 minutes

Volume 4: 72 minutes

How Do You Put a Giraffe in the Refrigerator?

(Advanced Knowledge), 10 minutes

If meetings and training sessions are an essential part of your organization, you know the importance of getting off to a good start. Well, your team will snap to attention with this meeting opener. It will challenge any audience to think right out of the gate and out of the box. Using fun riddles and entertaining animation, this short video will supercharge everyone's brain before the real business of the session begins. The video's four problem-solving steps encourage everyone to look at challenges from a new perspective.

Consider simple answers before looking for complicated ones.

Think about the consequences of your actions. Use all available information.

Focus on the big picture, not just a small part of it.

How to Handle Difficult People Vol. 1

(National Press Publications), 46 minutes

Get more positive results from people than you ever thought possible. There's at least one in every job or business — that person whose sole purpose seems to be to make your life miserable. You don't have to fall victim to these people. Learn to deal effectively with difficult people and tough situations through the powerful, effective principles taught in this series.

Japanese Complete Course: Basic-Intermediate for Beginners or Those Who Want a Thorough Review

(Living Language, A Random House Company), Two 90-Minute Cassettes with 40 Lessons Japanese Course

Book, and a Japanese-English/English-Japanese Dictionary

The "Living Language Japanese Complete Course" teaches the basics of Japanese language and usage. It uses a highly effective speed-learning method developed by U.S. government experts to teach languages to overseas-bound service personnel and diplomats.

Learn French the Fast and Fun Way

(Barron's Educational Series, Inc.), 4 audio CDs and a 272-page illustrated book.

In just minutes a day, you'll pick up the language you need for most everyday situations---from meeting and greeting people to asking directions and handling simple business transactions. You'll learn the basic vocabulary for: introductions, finding your way, entertainment, dining, shopping, banking, using the telephone and mail services, medical help and emergencies. Plus: days of the week, months, seasons, weather, time, numbers, basic grammar, even a guide to road signs! The book's pronunciation guide helps you to speak; CDs give you the sound of the language as it is spoken.


Learn Spanish the Fast and Fun Way

(Barron's Educational Series, Inc.), 4 audio CDs and a 272-page illustrated book.

In just minutes a day, you'll pick up the language you need for most everyday situations---from meeting and greeting people to asking directions and handling simple business transactions. You'll learn the basic vocabulary for: introductions, finding your way, entertainment, dining, shopping, banking, using the telephone and mail services, medical help and emergencies. Plus: days of the week, months, seasons, weather, time, numbers, basic grammar, even a guide to road signs! The book's pronunciation guide helps you to speak; CDs give you the sound of the language as it is spoken.

More Fun, Less Stuff: The Challenges and Rewards of a New American Dream

(The Center for a New American Dream) 30 mins.

An entertaining, informative look at the hidden costs of the "more is better" definition of the American dream. Hosted by actor Danny Glover, this film features inspiring profiles of individuals, companies and organizations that are changing the way they consume to improve quality of life, protect the environment and promote social justice.

The Nine Deadliest Sins of Communication Vol. 1-3

(CareerTrack Publications)

You can trace almost every workplace failure or faux pas to inadequate communication skills. The sad part is most foul-ups could have been averted if people only knew how to avoid the nine deadliest sins of communication.

Volume 1: 90 minutes

Volume 2: 60 minutes

Volume 3: 90 minutes

No Privacy: Legal Issues in E-mail

(Includes desk reference)

(American Media, Inc.), 22 minutes

Consider e-mail:

Is public information, not private

Is a permanent, not temporary form of communication

Is for business purposes only (while you're at work)

Can create personal and professional embarrassment if misused

Can cause costly litigation if misused

Learn more about the appropriate use of e-mail and how to avoid problems associated with misuse.

Professional Development for Women in Management Vol. 1-3

(Fred Pryor Seminars)

Learn and use proven techniques that help you gain the respect of others, strengthen your position, and project a professional image.

Volume 1: 40 minutes

Volume 2: 30 minutes

Volume 3: 30 minutes



Coaching Skills for Managers & Supervisors Vol. 1-3

(Fred Pryor Seminars)

Great coaches inspire great achievement, expect sacrifice, demand excellence, inspire victory, and garner respect. Now you can use the same proven management techniques perfected by the most successful men and women in coaching to inspire, motivate, and create winners! This seminar gives you the essential coaching skills to immediately improve your day-to-day and long-term performance as a manager. You’ll learn how to be demanding of those you lead – but do it the right way. Make loyalty and commitment part of your team’s culture. The benefits of coaching you’ll find in this seminar will change your life as a manager forever.

Volume 1: 30 minutes

Volume 2: 30 minutes

Volume 3: 30 minutes

Correcting & Rewarding Employee Behavior

(American Media), 22 minutes

This program shows how correcting employee behavior--and then rewarding the employee for the improvement--can be used to dramatically elevate employee performance levels.

Dealing with Employee Discipline & Performance Problems Vol. 1-3

(Fred Pryor Seminars),

Every manager has had to (or someday will) deal with a "problem" employee. This is a practical program that deals with real-life problems and solutions. You’ll find out how to deal effectively and decisively with lack of cooperation, procrastination, insubordination, sloppy work, and complaining. Learn 10 reasons why employees can become problems. Identify the three major types of problem employees and develop strategies for working with each one. You’ll learn how to deal effectively and decisively with lack of cooperation, procrastination, insubordination, sloppy work, and complaining. Let this program help you with your most difficult "problem employee" challenge.

Volume 1: 65 minutes

Volume 2: 70 minutes

Volume 3: 70 minutes

How to Discipline Employees & Correct Performance Problems Vol. 1-4

(CareerTrack Publications)

Are you comfortable dealing with performance problems? This program gives you guidelines to help you recognize when a problem has gone too far to ignore any longer -- how to approach employees in a manner that wins cooperation -- and friendly ways to focus on solutions (instead of blame). You'll learn proven ways to discipline people verbally and in writing. You'll see how to lay out an explicit improvement plan. And you'll gain tips to help you keep the entire process positive -- giving you and your employees the strongest chances for success.

Volume 1: 30 minutes

Volume 2: 20 minutes

Volume 3: 30 minutes

Volume 4: 40 minutes

How to Supervise People Vol. 1-3

(Fred Pryor Seminars)

As a manager, you don’t accomplish something unless your people do. Your style and influence over people are as important to your position as your knowledge of your job. As a supervisor, you have to wear a lot of hats. Don’t you? You’re a friend, coach, boss, and mediator. You’re in charge – and it’s not always easy.

Now learn to delegate, discipline, deliver praise and criticism, get others to work effectively under pressure, and organize people, projects, and schedules on an ongoing basis.

Volume 1: 40 minutes

Volume 2: 40 minutes

Volume 3: 40 minutes


Management Skills for New Managers & Supervisors Vol. 1-3

(Fred Pryor Seminars)

With this program, you’ll learn to face the many unique challenges of new managers, including resistance from former peers, supervisors, and others. Learn to build greater confidence in yourself. Enhance your negotiating skills with top management and those you supervise. Identify four personality types and the best communication techniques for each. Avoid communication breakdowns and learn specific techniques to improve your results with others.

Volume 1: 60 minutes

Volume 2: 65 minutes

Volume 3: 70 minutes

Managing People through Change

(American Media, Inc.), 19 minutes

Help anticipate employee reactions to workplace change, and plan ways to involve employees in the change process. Remain positive, and lead employees through the denial, resistance, and exploratory phases of change.

Welcome to the Team

(Advantage Media, Inc.), 20 minutes

Disability etiquette in the workplace.


Supervising Differences

(Copeland Griggs Productions), 30 minutes

How supervisors, plant managers, and others can get the best out of their diverse workers.

Wealth, Innovation, & Diversity: Putting Our Differences to Work in the 21st Century

(Star Thrower Distribution), 31 minutes

Takes you on a journey around the world to understand a fundamental truth: Without diversity, there can be no innovation. Without innovation, there can be no new wealth. Therefore, diversity is the key to creating wealth for all. Hosted by best-selling author and futurist, Joel Barker, this video contends that your organization will experience long-lasting success only when you reap the benefits of diversity by collaborating with individuals and enterprises that are different than yourself. Lessons are taught against such backdrops as Mach Picchu's ruins, a farm in Ireland, skyscrapers in Singapore and the forests, mountains and plains of America. Drawing from history, science and innovations of organizations and nations, Barker introduces a new premise for thinking and understanding diversity and a compelling need for change, offering a new vision for the 21st Century. He also explores the advantages of diversity and its role in our lives and world, bringing his powerful messages to a conclusion with a call-to-action for every organization and individual. Fully supported with a facilitator guide, workbook and CD-ROM with ready-to-use workshop materials.



Beyond Sexual Harassment (Management Version)

(American Media, Inc.), 15 minutes.

Offensive and inappropriate behavior on the job doesn't have to be sexual to be harassment. This video shows managers how to identify and prevent incidents involving age, gender, religion, and other not-so-obvious forms of discrimination.

Beyond Sexual Harassment (Employee Version)

(American Media, Inc.), 15 minutes.

Whether employees are engaging in harassing behavior or being harassed themselves, they need to know what their limits and their rights are.

Handling the Sexual Harassment Complaint

(American Media, Inc.), 5 minutes.

Respond correctly and legally to complaints.

Sexual Harassment Vol. 1-3

(Fred Pryor Seminars)

This three-part video series will help you define sexual harassment, and quip you with preventive methods that can save valuable time and money for both employees and management. Learn to recognize and minimize sexual harassment before it interferes with your job or company’s performance.

Volume 1: 65 minutes

Volume 2: 75 minutes

Volume 3: 75 minutes

Sexual Harassment: Issues and Answers

(CUPA), 19 minutes.

This video discusses this complex topic in the campus environment, defines the issues, and outlines responsibilities to prevent it.

Subtle Sexual Harassment, Program 1 - The Issue is Respect

(Quality Media Resources), 28 minutes

This video tackles complex issues. What one employee may consider sexual harassment, another may find perfectly acceptable. Both men and women can be and are victims of hostile work environments and subtle

Quid Pro Quo behavior. The standards by which such behavior is measured are changing. Attorneys, psychologists, and human resource professionals take you through the legal, psychological, cultural, and moral issues.

Subtle Sexual Harassment, Program 2 - Management's New Responsibilities

(Quality Media Resources), 28 minutes

This video examines the legal liability issues and questions of personal responsibility that managers and supervisors face. It also explores how we can create a workplace free of sexual harassment, the elements of a good sexual harassment policy, and how to handle complaints once they are received.



Stress Management for Women Vol. 1-2

(Fred Pryor Seminars)

Women have unique sources of stress in their lives – multiple-role conflicts, an inability to say "no" to colleagues or family members, perfectionism, the need to prove yourself, the need to "do it all." This program gives strategies to get through these stressful situations and more!

Volume 1: 30 minutes

Volume 2: 40 minutes


5-Minute Safety Shorts:

Good Safety is Good Business

The Invisible Killer--Carbon Monoxide

Near Misses

Salmonella--The Enemy Within

Self Help for Back Pain

Star Witness--Accident Reporting

Ergonomics Includes handbooks

(Coastal Video Communications Corp.)

Grounds Keeping Safely--Be A Pro

(Coastal Video Communications Corp.) 17 mins.

Explains the importance of operating equipment safely, with an emphasis on proper equipment usage and maintenance.

How to Investigate an Accident

(Long Island Productions) 13 mins.

Basic steps to collect information that will help others avoid a similar accident in the future. The goal is to prevent future injuries, not to assign blame.

Minimizing Back Strain on the Job

(Tel-A-Train) 25 mins.

Describes ways to protect your back from injury on the job.

Pesticide Safety--Worker Protection (English/Spanish Version)

(University of Idaho College of Agriculture)

Two segments: 14 mins. & 17 mins.

Provides information for agricultural workers in the safe handling of pesticides and safe practices in the agricultural workplace.


Powerful Forces

(Southern Company) 25 minutes

Safety around electrical equipment and electrical lines in industry, construction, and at home, with an emphasis on recognizing, reporting, and correcting hazards.

Safety in the Workplace

(Georgia Department of Labor) 29 mins.

Outlines the importance of using the right equipment, discusses broken equipment issues, and the benefits of keeping the workplace clean.

Science of Cause & Avoidance

(Long Island Productions) 16 mins.

Examines the relationship between the working environment and the events that lead to accidents and injuries. Identifies ways to reduce injuries.

Summer Grounds Keeping

(Cussco) 12 mins.

Describes the importance of operating equipment safely and what to check to ensure that equipment is safe to use.

Ready to check out a video or tutorial?



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