A Usability Survey at the University of Mississippi Libraries for the

A Usability Survey at the University of Mississippi
Libraries for the Improvement of the Library
Home Page
by Elizabeth Stephan, Daisy T. Cheng, and Lauren M. Young
Available online 27 January 2006
A usability survey was conducted at the
University of Mississippi Libraries as part of the
ongoing assessment of the library and its
services. By setting criteria to measure the
success of the survey, librarians at UM were
able to assess if the library home page
successfully met the goals and mission statement
of the library.
Elizabeth Stephan is Business Reference
Librarian/Assistant Professor,
The University of Mississippi, MS 38677, USA
Daisy T. Cheng is Head of Cataloging/Assistant Professor,
The University of Mississippi, MS 38677, USA
Lauren M. Young is Instructor/Outreach Services Librarian,
Rowland Medical Library,
The University of Mississippi Medical Center,
Jackson, MS 39216-4505, USA
The University of Mississippi Libraries has maintained a Web
site since 1994. Its earliest version was based on a static
format that provided access to the library catalog, a subject
guide, a personnel directory, and library hours. The pages
were poorly coordinated, the navigation not intuitive. A
usability survey was administrated to a group of high school
students in the summer of 2003 with the goal of collecting
user feedback on the site. The results indicated that improvement was necessary.
In July 2003, a Web Redesign Task Force was formed to
overhaul the Web site in order to provide a more dynamic
and logical structure that would provide easier navigation
and understanding. The task force was under the time
constraint of having the new pages revamped by the
beginning of the fall semester. The new library Web site
was launched in September 2003 without further site
analysis. Most users seemed to like the new site much
better than the old one. A few public service staff reported
that some of the users were confused and were unable to
find information. As a fundamental part of the University of
Mississippi Libraries’ mission is to ‘‘increase access to
information and communication on campus,’’1 and as the
Internet has become the predominant medium for the dissemination of library resources, it was essential that the adequacy of
the new Web site be assessed, specifically the new home page. A
Usability Survey Committee was formed to conduct a survey to
assess the library home page as a part of the ongoing
assessment of the library and its services. Certain criteria were
established to determine whether the home page had met our
goals of increasing access to information. Our benchmark for
success was for at least 75% of students to be able to
successfully complete each task. If the criteria for success
were not met, the results would be used to improve the design
of the page.
The committee consisted of six faculty and staff members
and began meeting in January 2004. As indicated by Nicole
Campbell, a usability survey is ‘‘a method that tests how a
user interacts with a system. The participant is given a list of
pre-defined tasks to accomplish using the system and asked
to dthink out loudT about their thoughts, reactions, and
feelings.’’2 The committee decided to adopt this method as
The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Volume 32, Number 1, pages 35–51
January 2006 35
an assessment tool in order to improve the library home
In February 2004, a usability survey was administered to
a group of twelve undergraduate students. Each student was
asked to complete eight tasks as administrators observed and
documented their actions. The tasks included both simple
and more complex searches and included using the library
home page, the library catalog, and databases from outside
There was not an abundance of literature discussing usability
surveys as a form of assessment. We analyzed the existing
body of literature from two angles. We selected a few
articles that discussed facets of successful library Web sites
and then turned to literature discussing usability surveys,
their use, design, implementation, and effectiveness. The
articles chosen were for the most part limited to academic
library settings for more direct application to our survey
planned for the University of Mississippi Libraries.
As a foundation, select resources were consulted that
highlighted elements necessary for library Web sites to be
deemed successful. In one such article, Sandra Shropshire
outlines her efforts to identify primary concerns that four
medium-size academic libraries had regarding their Web
sites. Shropshire found many concerns to be echoed at all
four institutions, including a lack of enough staff to create
and maintain an effective site and to answer patron
feedback; the need for a library Intranet; the need for a
designated back-up person in the absence of the systems
librarian; the navigation of the when/why/how of redesign;
and the integration of the OPAC with the rest of the site.
Without these core elements in place, a library will not be
able to meet users’ needs efficiently and effectively.3
Leo Robert Klein reminds academic librarians that Web
sites are meant to serve the patrons’ information needs, not
the librarians’. He contends that library users are busy, nonselective, and far more interested in finding their resource
than in learning how to navigate a convoluted library Web
site. He challenges librarians to embrace elements found in
popular sites such as Google, as these are the sites with
which their patrons seem to be most comfortable.4 Nicole
Campbell looks closely at this issue as well and urges
librarians to make sure that all of the hard work that goes
into library Web site design and maintenance leads to a
product that the patron can actually use.5
Before starting a usability survey, one must always ask:
What exactly is usability? All academic libraries actively
seek to have a streamlined, intuitive Web site for their
patrons. Susan McMullen notes that distance learning
programs and users’ remote access preferences heighten the
need for self-explanatory Web sites, as there is sometimes
not an opportunity provided for formal instruction. Some
sites still prove to be difficult for new users and experienced
users alike, failing to lead users through the pages to the
information sought, and turning them off from the library
Web site all together.6 Characteristics such as these, contend
Elaina Norlin and CM Winters, are what make a site unusable. In order to ascertain if a library site is usable, the
back-door approach of finding what does not work, achieved
with a usability survey, proves to be far more fruitful than
lauding one’s self on what does work.7
36 The Journal of Academic Librarianship
Much of the literature emphasizes the amount of
preparatory work required in the creation of a usability
survey. In the National Institute of Standards and Technology
Virtual Library redesign project in 2001, librarians consulted
with focus groups to get verbal feedback on the site’s
strengths and weaknesses, as well as consulting with a
professional in the creation of their usability test design.8
Continually recording usage statistics for the site and noting
the most used pages will help to identify areas on which to
concentrate.9 From this information, librarians can derive
specific, answerable questions for the survey that will
illuminate gaps in test takers’ knowledge.10 Scripted recruitment and test dialogue ensures consistent testing,11 as does
practicing test administration on an individual before
performing the actual test.12
When dealing with the actual testers, a contrived crosssection of the user population is encouraged, as are incentives
and a preconceived strategy for testing locations and structure.13 The body of literature indicates that shorter (half-hour)
tests with a few specific questions are preferable to longer
tests.14 According to Jakob Nielsen, libraries engaging in
usability testing will achieve the best results when testing a
small number of participants multiple times in order to reach
the target fifteen test-user goal.15
Making sure that survey participants are comfortable is
always a concern when conducting a usability survey. Several
usability survey case studies that offer suggestions on this point
are featured in Campbell’s Usability Assessment of LibraryRelated Web Sites. In a survey performed at the University of
Nevada-Las Vegas, student workers were used to administer the
survey as a way to reduce intimidation.16 A survey performed at
Arizona State University was administered in an empty office
decorated with posters, plants, and items to help ensure privacy
and a relaxed atmosphere.17
The literature indicates that across the board, testers
employed the ‘‘think-aloud’’ method and acted as observers,
recording qualitative measurements such as the test taker’s
level of satisfaction with his answer and quantitative
measurements such as the pathway taken to arrive at the
correct Web page and the amount of time taken to do so.
When Susan Feldman of Datasearch, an information system
Web design company, performs tests on prototype sites for
clients, she videotapes the sessions for later review.18
Fourteen students observed while doing personal research
at Roger Williams University were tape-recorded while
performing tasks in the think-aloud, observation/interview
The literature we reviewed makes several points very clear:
There are differing opinions on what made a Web site ‘‘usable’’;
different opinions exist about how a survey should be
administered; and the length of studies varied from institution
to institution. All of the above literature helped us develop and
administer a usability survey that fit our needs and goals.
The goal of the usability survey at the University of Mississippi
Libraries was to improve access to library resources through
library home page by examining the way the undergraduate
used the home page. The objectives were as follows:
1. to find out if students could find the basic library sources,
for example a book, a journal article, a newspaper article,
and personal account information, from the library home
page; and
2. to see if 75% of the participants successfully completed
various tasks using the most efficient number of clicks.
Survey Design
The survey administered to a group of high school students
the previous summer was adopted as a starting point. Two of
the tasks – locating a copy of Rolling Stone magazine and
locating an article about Internet retailing in EbscoHost – were
taken directly from the previous survey. The remaining content
was modified based on input from reference librarians who
deal directly with students and who had observed common
problems with the home page.
It has been noted that for a one-hour session, the survey
should be limited to seven to ten tasks.20 Because we were
working within a 50-minute time frame and knew that we
needed to allow time for students and administrators to get
settled, we chose to limit our survey to eight questions.
Before it was administered to students, the survey was
tested on a non-library user and adjustments were made as
needed. We found that some of our language was too heavy
on ‘‘library ease,’’ meaning that only librarians would fully
understand the directions. When we asked our non-library
user to locate a copy of The Catcher in the Rye, we realized
we had not noted in the task that it was a book. As we
specifically wanted the users to find a book, that detail was
added. We also discussed whether we were telling students
how to complete the task by using language used on the
existing home page. If we asked students to find a subject
guide, was that going to skew the results since the link was
clearly labeled ‘‘Subject Guides?’’
We decided that in some cases we wanted to use terms used
on the existing home page because we wanted to know if
students understood what that term meant. On the other side of
this issue, we asked students to find an article in Ebsco. The
library’s Ebsco databases are labeled by their names, ‘‘Academic Search Premier (Ebsco),’’ ‘‘Business Source Premier,’’
etc. But both students and faculty refer to ‘‘Academic Search’’
simply as ‘‘Ebsco.’’ We wanted to know if students understood
how to get to the databases page and if they understood that
when they were looking for ‘‘Ebsco,’’ they were really looking
for ‘‘Academic Search Premier.’’
Fifteen library faculty and staff members were recruited to
administer the survey. Before the survey was conducted,
administrators were required to attend a training session. Not
everyone was familiar with the purpose of a usability survey,
much less how to administer a survey. To achieve uniformity of
survey results, administrators were trained on how to give the
survey, what to say, and what not to say (see Appendix A). Also
discussed were each of the questions and what type of comments and behaviors they were to look for and what to record.
We debated how to recruit students. Going by Jakob
Nielsen’s rule that with fifteen students you will learn what
you need, we decided to limit our survey participants to
fifteen undergraduate students. We wanted to have a crosssection of grade levels and looked at recruiting students
through mass e-mails or simply asking for participants from
students in the library. In the end, we did neither because
of time constraints. We had to complete the entire survey in
five weeks. This did not allow us the time we would have
needed for recruitment. Instead, we decided to recruit the
students from an existing library course. With the cooperation of the instructor, students from the class of
Introduction to Library Resources and Electronic Research
(EDLS 101) were selected for the survey. At this point in
the semester they had not covered the use of the library
catalog or other library resources. There were fifteen
students enrolled in the class, representing every grade
level. Only twelve students attended class the day of the
survey. We discussed recruiting three more students to raise
our number to fifteen. After looking at our results, we
decided that we had sufficient information to assess the
library’s home page.
Since we used students from a scheduled class, we
conducted our entire survey in a single fifty-minute period
instead of administering the survey over several weeks.
While this may not have been the ideal situation, it worked
with our schedule. We were able to separate the students so
that they could not hear or observe others taking the survey.
Students did not know before attending class that day that
they would be taking the survey, and each student was
given four points extra credit for participating. The
University of Mississippi requires any researchers using
human participants to file for permission through the
Institutional Review Board (IRB). The IRB required that
we have each student sign a release form and be given the
choice to not take the survey. The instructor of the class
was a member of the committee and did not take part in the
administration of the survey as she felt the students might
feel uncomfortable or that they were being graded if she
was involved.
Each student was assigned to an administrator, and each
administrator/student pair was assigned to a computer.
Students were given a number after they signed the release.
When they walked out of the library classroom they matched
their number with the number each administrator was given.
Administrators knew what their number was and to which
computer they were assigned, which helped to streamline the
process. We used office computers in the library’s Technical
Services Department as well as one additional office
computer and two computers in our computer lab. Each
student was read a statement explaining the purpose of the
survey and was reassured that they were not being tested
(see Appendix B).
It is not easy to make a student feel comfortable in a
cubicle of a busy office, but we did what we could. Our
administrators allowed us to use their cubicles and we were
able to find some empty areas in the same office. We placed
students in cubicles that would not be adjacent to one
another so they could not hear the other administrators or
students. We asked that personal items (pictures, notes, etc.)
be removed from computer monitors and asked that the
computer screens be set to the University of Mississippi
home page, the starting point of our survey.
We assigned three students to two other locations. Two
students were assigned to our bibliographic instruction room.
January 2006 37
Figure 1
Web Experiences
Figure 2
The University of Mississippi Home Page (www.olemiss.edu). The Arrows Point to the Links to the
Library’s Home Page. The University Libraries Link (1) Was the One Most Students Used; The Libraries and
Museums Link (2) was Used Less, Although this Link Took the User Directly to the Home Page While the
University Libraries Link Went to an Intermediary Page. The UM Home Page has Since Been Redesigned
38 The Journal of Academic Librarianship
We placed them far apart and chose administrators with quieter
voices in order not to disrupt each other. One student was
placed in a private office with one administrator. This student
took the longest to complete the survey. Whether this was
related to his location or not was inconclusive.
A student’s response to each question was scored by a
number of quantitative and qualitative measures that included
the number of clicks, the time it took to complete the task, as
well as the administrator’s observation of the student’s action
and his/her comments.
Quantitative Metrics
o Number of clicks to reach destination: a click was counted if
it took a student to a different page. If a student went back to
the previous page, that was counted as a click. If a student
clicked a checkbox on a page (i.e., ‘‘full-text’’ box in
EbscoHost), that did not count as a click.
o Time required to complete the task: the amount of time it
took to complete each task.
had completed the task; average when a student thought
he/she had completed the task but was not positive; and
low when a student did not think he/she had completed
the task.
Qualitative Metrics
Qualitative measures are based on the administrator’s
observation and both the administrator’s and student’s comments. These included the following:
o Signs of indecision: the administrator wrote down any
indecision or hesitation observed in student.
o Indications of frustration: the administrator recorded a
student’s frustration when he/she started to grumble or
mumble to himself or herself about the difficulty of the
o User comments: the student’s oral observations, such as
‘‘the catalog page looks a lot like the home page,’’ or
comments about what he/she would like to see, were
o Completed the task (yes/no): if a student said that he/she
could not reach the page, the task was not complete, even if
they had indeed reached the page and did not realize that
they had done so.
o Observer comments: the administrator’s own observations
and comments.
o Satisfaction level (high/average/low): administrators were
asked to rate high when a student was certain that he/she
Before the survey began administrators asked students a
number of questions ranging from their class and major to how
Demographic Questions and Results
Figure 3
Students Were Confused By the Multiple Listings for The Catcher in the Rye, But Seeing the Author’s Name
Listed in the Second Record Helped Some Students
January 2006 39
Figure 4
The Students Who Found a Record for Rolling Stone in Journal Finder (TD Net) Misinterpreted the
Record. They Thought the Library Only had it in Electronic Format
Figure 5
When Looking for a Copy of Rolling Stone, Most Students Did a Title Search in the Catalog. Many
Were Confused by the Results List. Not Seeing a Listing for Rolling Stone Magazine Lead Some to Think
we did not Have a Current Copy in the Library
40 The Journal of Academic Librarianship
comfortable they were with using the library Web page. This
information was used to help us understand our survey
What Class are You?
Our goal was to have an even representation of undergraduate class levels. More seniors participated than any other
class level, but as a whole there was an even representation of
What is Your Major?
As with the class level, we had hoped to get an even
representation of majors. In this survey business majors made
up half of our participants. Approximately 25% of UM students
are in the School of Business Administration, so our sample did
not accurately reflect the make-up of UM majors.
On a Scale From 1 to 10 (10 Being the Highest), How Much
Experience Do You Have Using the Library Web Page? and
On a Scale From 1 to 10, How Much Experience Do You Have
Using a Web Site, Such as Google, to Find Information?
The purpose of these two questions was to get a feel for
how the students ranked themselves in using both the
library Web resources and Internet search engines such as
Google. This provided context when looking at survey
results and what students felt their online research competencies were.
The average ratings that upper and lower classmen gave for
using the library Web page and ‘‘other’’ Web pages (Google,
Yahoo, etc.) were similar. The lowest score given for searching
the library Web page was 1; the highest, 8. The lowest for
‘‘other’’ was 2, the highest, 10 (Fig. 1).
Survey Findings
Find the University Library Home Page
While we have little influence over the design of the
University of Mississippi’s home page (www.olemiss.edu)
(Fig. 2), we wanted to know if students knew how to get to
the library home page; if a student cannot even locate the library
home page it is not possible for us to provide any online
Twelve out of twelve (100%) students completed this task;
of these, ten were noted as being highly satisfied and two were
at average satisfaction. No students were noted as having low
satisfaction because all completed the task. The average
number of clicks used to complete the task was 1. It took the
survey creators one click. The least number of clicks needed to
complete the task was one; the most was eight.
Despite all of the students completing the task, not all of
them found the library page easily. There were two links to two
Figure 6
The Two Links Where Students Could Find the Library Hours (1 and 2). Before Finding the Correct Link,
Some Students Looked Under Library Quick Links (3)
January 2006 41
Figure 7
Nine Out of Twelve (75%) Students Were Able to Successfully Find the Course Reserves Page
different pages on the UM’s home page: the ‘‘University
Libraries’’ link went directly to the library site and the
‘‘Libraries & Museums’’ link went to an intermediary page
with separate links to both the library page and the Museum
page. Three out of twelve students reached the library page
directly through the ‘‘University Libraries’’ link. One student
began to do a keyword search on UM’s home page before he
saw the ‘‘University Libraries’’ link. Another student immedi-
ately clicked on the ‘‘University Libraries’’ and commented
that she did that because ‘‘she knew it was the library Web
Eight out of twelve went through the intermediary page.
One student did not realize the intermediary page was not the
library page. The administrator said, ‘‘Please go to the library
home page’’ when it became apparent the student did not
realize that he was not at the library home page.
Figure 8
Students had Problems with the Professor’s Name. Several Did Not Read the Instructions and Typed
‘‘E. Smith’’ Instead of ‘‘Smith, E.’’
42 The Journal of Academic Librarianship
One student clicked on the ‘‘University and Libraries’’
page and got stuck. He clicked back forth between the
UM’s home page and the ‘‘Libraries & Museums’’ page
several times before turning to Google. He found the
library site by doing a Google search for the ‘‘Ole Miss
Because of the two different links and paths to the library
home page, we were not surprised by the results. After the
survey was completed and the results tabulated, we did ask the
university webmaster to make both library links go directly to
the library home page.
Does the Library Have a Copy of the Book, The Catcher in
the Rye?
Locating items in the library catalog was key to the
assessment of our services. We wanted to know if students
knew where to go if they needed to look up a book, and if they
got there, if they could find one.
Ten out of twelve (83%) were able to successfully
complete this task, two out of twelve (17%) were not. Nine
were highly satisfied with their results, two had an
average satisfaction (meaning they thought they found
it but were not sure), and one was rated at low satisfaction. The average number of clicks used in this task
was 3.6 including those who did not complete the task. It
took the survey creators four clicks to complete the same
All of the students found the library catalog from the library
home page. Two students hesitated at the home page before
clicking on the ‘‘Catalog’’ link. The two unable to complete the
task got as far as the title list in the ‘‘Catalog’’ (Fig. 3). When
they got to the title list, they did not know which record was for
the book.
The Catalog proved confusing even to those who successfully completed the task. Like those who did not complete the
task, those who did were confused by the title page but
located the correct record. One student initially searched by
author but quickly realized his mistake when he did not get
any results. He was able to correct his initial search and
successfully locate the record. The ‘‘Library Search Engine’’
(MetaFind page) was used by one student, but when it locked
up he went to the ‘‘Catalog’’ and conducted a successful title
Does the Library Have a Current Copy of Rolling Stone
This proved to be the most difficult task. Three out of
twelve (25%) students were able to successfully complete
this task; nine (75%) were unsuccessful. Only one had a
high satisfaction rate with two average, and nine marked as
Figure 9
Twelve Out of Twelve (100%) Students Were Able to Locate a Subject Guide by Using One of
the Two Subject Links on The Library Home Page
January 2006 43
low. It took the students an average of five clicks, that
includes the number of students who did not complete the
task. It took the survey creators two clicks through ‘‘Journal
Finder’’ (TDNet page) and four through the Library
Students went different directions with this task. For their
initial search, six went to the ‘‘Catalog,’’ one went directly to
the ‘‘Library Search Engine,’’ one went to ‘‘Journal Finder,’’
and two went to the ‘‘Articles and Journals’’ page. We do not
know the path taken by two students.
Nine out of twelve students were not able to complete this
task, six went directly to the ‘‘Catalog,’’ and two went other
directions. Of the six who searched in the Catalog, two were
successful in locating a current copy of Rolling Stone; four
were not. Of the four unable to locate the magazine, two did
not try another route.
The two who did try a second route went to the ‘‘Articles &
Journals’’ page where one tried ‘‘Journal Finder’’ but was
unsuccessful, and the other student tried the ‘‘Library Search
Engine’’ without any success. He returned to the ‘‘Catalog’’
and did a title search but only found Rolling Stone books. At
this point, he stopped.
One student went directly to the ‘‘Article Quick Search’’
(MetaFind) on the ‘‘Articles & Journals’’ page. Unable to
locate the article, he went to the ‘‘Databases’’ page where he
stopped. At this point he commented, ‘‘either I went to the
wrong place or they do not have it.’’
One student skipped the ‘‘Catalog’’ and went directly to
‘‘Journal Finder,’’ where she was able to find a record for
Rolling Stone. When she saw the TDNet record she said, ‘‘I
guess it’s like EBSCO, not here in the library’’ (Fig. 4) (TDNet
records indicate whether we have a periodical in print, online, or
both). She either failed to see that it was available in print or did
not understand how to read the record.
The problems encountered with the ‘‘Catalog’’ were
similar to their problems with The Catcher in the Rye task.
They were confused by the title list (Fig. 5). Many students
did a keyword search instead of a journal title search. One
student did a journal title search and was still unsuccessful.
He scrolled up and down the results page while mumbling
‘‘Rolling Stone magazine, Rolling Stone magazine. . ..’’ The
first item listed was the record for Rolling Stone magazine;
we can speculate that because it did not read the Rolling
Stone magazine,’’ he did not click on it. This reaction to the
title list was common.
Three out of twelve students were successful in completing
this task. Three went to the ‘‘Catalog’’ immediately; one
successfully found the record. The second student did a keyword
search and could not locate the record. The student returned to
the library home page and went to the ‘‘Articles and Journals’’
Figure 10
Eleven Out of Twelve (92%) Participants Were Able to Locate Their Library Account Information From the
Home Page. One Student Returned to the University of Mississippi Home Page and Looked Under Registration
44 The Journal of Academic Librarianship
page without any success. After returning to the library home
page a third time the student clicked on ‘‘Journal Finder’’ and
found the record. Another student tried the ‘‘Library Search
Engine,’’ and when that did not work he found the record in the
The different and numerous avenues students took to
complete this task demonstrated their determination to find
what they needed. They knew what the ‘‘Catalog’’ was and
how to find it but did not always know how to use it. It was
also evidenced that the ‘‘Articles and Journals’’ link was
confusing. Students immediately went there but were not sure
what to do when they got there. Or, they tried ‘‘Library Search
Engine’’ but it would not work (we did find out later that this
might have been due to some technical issues we were not
aware of at the time of the survey). We initially assumed
students would use the ‘‘Catalog’’ first and then ‘‘Journal
Finder.’’ While they did use the ‘‘Catalog,’’ few of them
noticed or tried ‘‘Journal Finder.’’
What are the Hours of the Library?
This was one of the easiest tasks for our students with
twelve out of twelve (100%) students completing the task.
Eleven students were noted as having high satisfaction, one
had an average satisfaction, and no students were marked at
low satisfaction. There were two links to the library
‘‘Hours’’ page on the library home page: one in the main
navigation bar at the top of the page and one in the blue
side box.
One problem we had with this task was that seven of the
twelve administrators did not note which ‘‘Hours’’ link the
students chose. We do know that three of the twelve chose the
‘‘Hours’’ link in the blue side box while only two chose the
link in the top navigation bar. Three students showed some
hesitation at the beginning of the task. Of those three, two
initially went to the ‘‘Library Quick Links’’ drop-down box
before seeing one of the links on the library home page (Fig. 6).
When the student noticed the ‘‘Hours’’ link he commented that
he ‘‘should’ve seen that [link].’’ One student, when asked
‘‘What are the hours of the Library?,’’ turned around and
responded, ‘‘Seven to midnight.’’ Then he realized he needed
to locate the hours on the home page. He immediately went to
the link in the navigation bar.
One general observation was that the most current hours
were found at the bottom of the ‘‘Hours’’ page, such as special
holiday hours or normal hours resumed. A reverse chronological order that places the most recent update at the top of the
Figure 11
When Looking for a Full-text Article, Students Were Not Sure Where to Go First, Some Went Directly to
Databases (1), Others Went to Articles and Journals (2). Those Unsure of Where to Go Clicked on the
Library Quick Links Box (3). Some Students Used the Library Search Engine (4) But it Would Lock Up
After They Entered Their Search
January 2006 45
page was determined to be clearer, and this was fixed shortly
after the survey was completed.
Does Prof. E. Smith Have Anything on Reserve?
This question was designed to see if students knew how to
locate course reserves from the library home page through the
‘‘Course Reserves’’ link. Most faculty tell their students they
have put an item on ‘‘reserve.’’ We wanted to know if students
knew to go to the ‘‘Course Reserves’’ link on the library home
page when looking for items on reserve.
Six out of twelve (50%) students were able to complete the
task; six were not. Three were highly satisfied with their
results, four were average, while five had low satisfaction with
their results. This task took students an average of 2.3 clicks; it
took the creators two clicks.
The results are misleading. Nine out of twelve were able to get
to the ‘‘Course Reserves’’ search page from the library home
page (Fig. 7). When searching for reserves by a professor’s name,
the user is instructed to search by professor’s last name. Of the
nine students who reached the ‘‘Course Reserves’’ page, three
entered ‘‘E. Smith’’ instead of ‘‘Smith’’ or ‘‘Smith, E.’’ Of the six
students who did complete the task, two did an initial search for
‘‘E. Smith’’ but realized their mistake, returned to the ‘‘Course
Reserves’’ page, and searched under ‘‘Smith’’ (Fig. 8). Of those
same six, three commented that they did not know course
reserves could be looked up through the library home page.
Six out of the twelve were unable to complete the task.
Three of these six were the students mentioned above who
located the ‘‘Course Reserves’’ page but searched under ‘‘E.
Smith.’’ The remaining three were unable to locate the ‘‘Course
Reserves’’ page. Two looked under ‘‘Contact a person’’ and
one said he did not know how to do that and did not make an
Suppose You are Taking a Class on a Subject Unfamiliar to
You; Find a Subject Guide Relating to That Topic
Twelve out of twelve (100%) of the survey participants were
able to complete this task. There was very little if any hesitation
shown by students. It took students an average of 1.6 clicks to
complete the task; it took the creators one. Several students
commented that it was ‘‘easy’’ or that this task was an ‘‘easy
one.’’ Each student was able to locate the ‘‘Subject Guides’’
page and then chose a subject and clicked on the link to a
subject guide.
One student showed some hesitation after he was read the
task. He looked over the home page and said, ‘‘I’m going to
say dSubject Guides.T’’ Another student had no problem
reaching the ‘‘Subject Guides’’ page. He chose the chemistry
Figure 12
Students Were Confused By the List of Databases. Many Tried to Click on the Basic Search or
Advanced Search Tabs at the Top of the Page But They Were Grayed Out. As a Result
of the Usability Survey, This Page is Being Phased Out of Use at UM
46 The Journal of Academic Librarianship
subject guide. When he reached the page for chemistry subject
guide he hesitated. Judging from his body language, he seemed
unsure. He scrolled up and down the page, noting the list of
databases and Internet sites. When he reached the bottom and
scrolled back to the top, he seemed satisfied he had completed
the task.
The library home page had two ‘‘Subject Guides’’ links: one
on the main navigation bar and one in the main set of links in
the center part of the page (Fig. 9). None of the administrators
noted the path the students took. But by looking at the average
number (1.6 clicks) of clicks it took students to find the subject
guide, it was evident that they went through either of the two
links on the library home page.
This was one task where we questioned our terminology. By
using the term ‘‘subject guide’’ in the task, we were leading
them directly to the ‘‘Subject Guides’’ link on the home page.
This question was loosely based on a question used in the
usability survey conducted in 2003 and the same terminology
was used. After some debate, the decision was made to use the
term ‘‘subject guide’’ considering that it was not only the term
used on the home page (which was out target of assessment)
but also the term most likely to be used by both teaching and
library faculty.
How Do You Look at Your Library Account?
A patron’s library account allows them to see what items
they have checked out, renew books, etc. Being able to find
this information will allow users to access their library
information easier and faster. While it is not a new feature
the University of Mississippi Libraries, we did not know if
students knew it was available or if they knew how to find their
Eleven out of twelve (92%) were able to complete this task;
one out of twelve (8%) were not. Eight were marked as being
highly satisfied, one had low satisfaction, and none were rated
as average. Three did not have a satisfaction level marked for
this task, but those three did complete the task. It took both the
students and creators an average of one click to complete this
Eleven out of twelve of survey participants were able to
locate the link and the page where their name and barcode are
entered in order to retrieve their library account information
(we did not ask them to enter their personal information).
Students commented that it was an ‘‘easy one’’ and said they
knew to go to ‘‘My Library Account’’ (Fig. 10). Of the students
able to complete the task, only one showed any sign of
hesitation. This hesitation was caused when the student
confused the catalog page with the home page. When he
returned to the home page, he was able to easily locate the ‘‘My
Library Account’’ link.
One student was unable to locate his library account. When
the task was presented to him, he commented that he ‘‘did not
know’’ and that he had ‘‘no clue’’ how to find the information.
He returned to the University of Mississippi home page and
looked under the Registration link.
This is another case where we may have found out more if
we had worded the task differently. We know that a large
majority of our students know how to find their library account.
Does the same majority know that this is where they go to see
if they have a book overdue or to renew a book? We can only
speculate that because they knew how to locate their library
account that they know what it is for.
Locate a Full-text Article in Ebscohost About Internet
This proved to be a difficult task. Five out of eleven students
(45%) completed the task; six out of eleven (55%) did not. One
student was classified as a ‘‘yes and no’’ because Ebsco timed
out before he could get to the search page; therefore, the
percentages for this task are based on eleven surveys instead of
Table 1
A Task was Considered Success if 75% of the Participants Completed the Task
Find the University Library Web page.
Does the library have a copy
of the book The Catcher in the
Rye by J.D. Salinger?
2 out of 12 (100%)
10 out of 12 (83%)
2 out of 12 (17%)
Does the library have a current
copy of Rolling Stone magazine?
3 out of 12 (25%)
9 out of 12 (75%)
What are the hours of the library?
12 out of 12 (100%)
Does Professor E. Smith have any
course reserves?
6 out of 12 (50%)
6 out of 12 (50%)
Suppose you are taking a class on
a subject unfamiliar to you, find a
subject guide relating to that topic.
12 out of 12 (100%)
How do you look at your library account?
11 out of 12 (92%)
1 out of 12 (8%)
Locate a full-text article in EbscoHost
about Internet retailing.
5 out of 11 (45%)
6 out of 11 (55%)
This table shows which tasks met our criteria.
January 2006 47
twelve. The satisfaction levels, however, did not match up with
the level of completion. Three out of eleven were noted to be
highly satisfied with the results, two out of eleven were
average, and six out of eleven were low. It took students an
average of 4.1 clicks to complete the task; it took the creators
of the survey three (Fig. 11).
Of the students who did not complete this task, many
experienced similar problems. Two students were confused by
the EbscoHost Web page they had to pass through to get to
Academic Search Premier (or any other Ebsco database). The
list of databases was in no particular order and was confusing
to students. Students that got stuck here tried to click on the
Basic Search tab but it was grayed out. After scrolling up and
down the page, clicking on grayed-out tabs, and reading
definition tabs, one student finally commented that he had ‘‘no
idea’’ how to locate an article. The other student stuck on this
page said he was ‘‘looking for some place to type dInternet
retailingT’’ but could not find one (Fig. 12).
Another student bypassed the library home page and went
directly to www.ebscohost.com. Because of the library’s
subscription, the site recognized him as a subscriber; he was
able to search using ‘‘Internet’’ and ‘‘retailing’’ as keywords.
He got sixty-six results but did not know how to access the fulltext articles.
One student never even tried. When asked to look for an
article in EbscoHost he asked, ‘‘What’s that?’’
The EbscoHost Web page also proved confusing to those
students who were able to complete the task. One student in
particular clicked all over the page including the grayed-out
Basic Search tab. She continued to click back and forth
between the alphabetical databases page and EbscoHost
Web. After reading the definitions of the Ebsco databases,
she chose the Newspaper Source where she found an article.
The ‘‘Library Search Engine’’ was another popular choice.
Some students were successful and some were not. One student
went to the ‘‘Library Search Engine’’ and searched for
‘‘EbscoHost.’’ After not getting any results, he searched for
‘‘Internet retailing.’’ He clicked on the fist result with ‘‘Ebsco’’
in the URL and was taken to an article in EbscoHost.
When designing this question we chose to ask students to
search in ‘‘EbscoHost’’ because most of their professors tell
them to find articles in ‘‘Ebsco’’ as opposed to Academic
Search Elite, Newspaper Source, etc. Students come to the
reference desk and ask for articles from Ebsco. In addition
to finding out if the library home page gave them enough
direction to get to a database, we wanted to know if they
associated any specific database with ‘‘EbscoHost.’’ We
found that most knew what EbscoHost was because several
Figure 13
The Redesigned Library Home Page
48 The Journal of Academic Librarianship
told us they had used it before. It was the library site in
combination with the EbscoHost Web page that caused
confusion. The library is in the process of phasing out the
EbscoHost Web page because of what we learned from the
usability survey.
Because the usability survey was administered for our biennial
assessment, we assigned some criteria in order to measure our
success. For assessment purposes, the library home page would
meet our goals of making library resources accessible if at least
75% or nine out of twelve participants would be able to
successfully complete each task. The rate of completion ran
from three out of twelve (25%) to all (100%) students, with
five of the eight tasks completed by at least ten out of twelve
(83%) participants. Table 1 shows which tasks met our
requirements. Going by our criteria, we found users were able
to successfully complete the directional tasks (Q1, Q4, Q6, and
Q7) with at least eleven out of twelve students (92%) being
able to complete these tasks. The more complex tasks (Q2, Q3,
Q5, and Q8) proved to be more difficult. When students did not
know where else to go, they were drawn to the ‘‘Library Quick
Links’’ drop-down box and to the blue side box. We already
knew students liked the blue box but we had always dismissed
the drop-down box until we saw how much students used it. In
general, there was a lot of confusion between the library home
page and main ‘‘Catalog’’ page. On several occasions, students
would stop at the ‘‘Catalog’’ page not knowing they were not at
the library home page.
Some issues raised by the usability survey have been resolved
through Web design. We redesigned the library home page giving
more prominence to the ‘‘Databases’’ and ‘‘Subject Guides.’’ We
reordered the items in the blue sidebar box, and we plan on
redesigning the page header to make the ‘‘Home’’ and ‘‘InterLibrary Loan’’ links more visible. We eliminated the ‘‘Articles &
Journals’’ page and have begun working on a series of pages
devoted to how to use the ‘‘Catalog’’ and ‘‘Databases’’ pages (Fig.
13). At our request, the secondary ‘‘Library & Museums’’ page has
been eliminated. However, the UM home page has since been
redesigned and an intermediary page between www.olemiss.edu
and the library home page has been added.
Some issues will have to be addressed by instruction—both
in the classroom and at the reference desk. The survey showed
us where we need to concentrate our instruction and in which
areas students are having problems. ‘‘Journal Finder’’ is useful
but many students do not understand what it is for or how to
read the records. In conjunction with other committees, it was
decided to purchase the MARC records for journals we have in
electronic format. When students search for a journal in the
catalog, they will get a record for both the print and electronic
versions of a journal. ‘‘Journal Finder’’ will be phased out.
Some areas of the ‘‘Catalog’’ are causing confusion. We have
very little control over the design of the ‘‘Catalog,’’ but we
know what areas to concentrate on during instruction sessions.
A usability survey is a lengthy and time-consuming project.
Like some of the studies done by other universities, ours was
rushed due to the deadline. But the information we learned from
observing our users using the library resources was invaluable.
Looking back, there are things our committee knows now that
we should have done differently, but all in all we feel it was a
successful and worthwhile endeavor. Plans are in the works to
conduct a follow-up survey.
Instructions for Administrator
Be at Lyceum Circ Desk at 2:05
A watch
Book, folder, clipboard
It should be set up and ready to go when you get there. A
member of the committee will come around and check
computers before you arrive.
Survey Begins
Read Script to your student.
Time started: Time after you read script and before first
question asked
Time ended (on last page): Time last task completed
While students are completing each task they will ask a lot
of questions: ‘‘Is this right?’’ ‘‘Is this what you want?’’ ‘‘Did I
spell this correctly?’’ You can’t answer their questions. Some
possible responses to these questions: ‘‘Do you think it is
correct?’’ or read the question again. They may also say ‘‘Is
this what you wanted’’ when they get to the desired page. If
possible restate the question. Hopefully, they will realize they
are at the correct page. If after your prodding they do not
realize they have completed the task tell them to move on to the
next question.
Quantitative Metrics
Number of clicks to reach destination:
The number of clicks listed after each question is how it was
reached by one librarian. One click is considered a click that
takes them to a different page. If they go back to the previous
page, that is a click. If the click a check-box on a page (i.e.,
‘‘full-text’’ box in Ebsco), that does not count as a click.
Complete task: yes ____ no ____
If they get to the desired page they completed the task. If
they tell you they can’t get to the page then they did not
complete the task. Let them decide. If it is obvious they ca not
figure it out, say ‘‘let’s move on to the next question’’
Satisfaction level: High ___ Average ____ Low ____
Was the student satisfied with the result.
High: They completed the task and they know they
completed the task.
Average: They think they completed the task but they are
not positive.
Low: They did not complete the task or the completed the
task and did not know it.
Qualitative Metrics
Signs of indecision:
Use this to write down any indecision or hesitation you
might see. If they point towards ‘‘Journal Finder’’ while
looking for Rolling Stone and wonder if they should go there,
make note of that here.
January 2006 49
Indications of frustration:
When the student starts grumbling or mumbling to him- or
herself about how difficult something is, indicate that here.
What did they say? When did they get frustrated?
User comments:
We are looking for student observations: ‘‘The catalog page
looks a lot like the home page.’’ Or if the student makes a
comment about what they would like to see, put it here.
Observer comments:
Use this area to write any comments you have while
observing the student (i.e., for task #3 you might write: ‘‘Was
confused by word dmagazineT’’).
While these are your notes please understand others will be
reading them. We do not expect full sentences but they do have
to make sense.
TIME STARTED: _____________________________
Administrator’s Name_____________________________
Hello. My name is _____. I will be working with you in
today. Thank you for participating.
The library has used its Web site to provide information for
several years and we want to know if our Web site is useful to
undergraduate students. In order to find this out, we want to
watch how you and other undergraduates use the Web site. I will
be asking you to do a set number of tasks. I want to emphasize
that you are not being tested, and you are not being graded.
While you are doing these tasks please tell me why you are
doing what you are doing. If you click on a link, tell me why. It
is okay if you cannot complete a task or find some information;
there is no wrong answer. If you cannot complete a task, tell me
why and we will move on to the next item.
I will be taking notes on what you say and how you
complete the tasks. Again, I am not testing you. Try your best
to ignore me and everyone else in the room. While I am asking
you to dthink out loudT as you are completing these task I
cannot answer any questions you may have. Do you have any
questions before we begin?
Before we get started I have a few general questions to ask:
What is your class rank?
Class: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Other
What is your major? ________________________
On a scale from 1 to 10 with ‘‘1’’ being no experience to
‘‘10’’ being lots of experience, how much experience do you
have using the Library Web page?
On a sale from 1 to 10, how much experience do you have
using a Web site such as Google to find information?
1. Find the University Library Web page. (One click from UM
Web page)
Quantitative metrics
Number of clicks to reach destination:
Complete task: yes ____ no ____
Satisfaction level: High ____ Average ____ Low ____
Qualitative metrics
Signs of indecision:
Indications of frustration:
50 The Journal of Academic Librarianship
User comments:
Observer comments:
Please Return to the Library Home page
Please wait one moment
2. Does the library have a copy of the book, The Catcher in the
Rye by J.D. Salinger? (Four clicks from main library page)
3. Does the library have a current copy of Rolling Stone
magazine? (Two clicks through Journal Finder; four clicks
through catalog)
4. What are the hours of the library? (One click from main
library page)
5. Does Professor E. Smith have any course reserves? (Two
clicks from main library page)
6. Suppose you are taking a class on a subject unfamiliar to
you (Chemistry, Telecommunications, Civil Engineering,
Women’s Studies, etc.), find a subject guide relating to that
topic. (One click from main library page)
7. How do you look at your library account? (One click to
My library page) [They do not need to enter their personal
data. We just want to know if they know to go to ‘‘My
8. Locate a full-text article in EbscoHost about Internet
retailing. (Six clicks: four to get to Ebsco, two in Ebsco.)
Thank you for your time.
TIME ENDED:_______________________
1. Assessment Record for Department/Unit of University Libraries,
2001–2003, Form B: Expanded Statement of Institutional Purpose
Linkage, submitted 10 October 2003.
2. Nicole Campbell, ‘‘Usability Methods,’’ in Usability Assessment of
Library-Related Web Sites: Methods and Case Studies, edited by
Nicole Campbell (Chicago: Library and Information Technology
Association, 2001), p. 2.
3. Sandra Shropshire, ‘‘Beyond the Design and Evaluation of Library
Web Sites: An Analysis and Four Case Studies,’’ Journal of
Academic Librarianship 29 (March 2003): 95 – 101.
4. Leo Robert Klein, ‘‘The Expert User Is Dead,’’ Library Journal
128 (Fall 2003): 36.
5. Nicole Campbell, ‘‘Introduction,’’ in Usability Assessment of
Library-Related Web Sites: Methods and Case Studies, edited by
Nicole Campbell (Chicago: Library and Information Technology
Association, 2001), p. v.
6. Susan McMullen, ‘‘Usability Testing in a Library Web Site
Redesign Project,’’ Reference Services Review 29 (February
2001): 7 – 22.
7. Elaina Norlin & C.M. Winters, Usability Testing for Library Web
Sites: A Hands-On Guide (Chicago: American Library Association, 2002).
8. Susan Makar, ‘‘Earning the Stamp of Approval,’’ Computers in
Libraries 23 (January 2003): 16 – 21.
9. Marshall Breeding, ‘‘Library Web Site Analysis,’’ Library
Technology Reports 38 (May/June 2002): 22 – 35.
10. David King, ‘‘The Mom-and-Pop Shop Approach to Usability
Studies,’’ Computers in Libraries 23 (January 2003): 12 – 15.
11. Barbara J. Cockrell & Elaine Anderson Jayne, ‘‘How Do I Find an
Article? Insights from a Web Usability Study,’’ Journal of
Academic Librarianship 28 (May/June 2002): 122 – 132.
12. Breeding, ‘‘Library Web Site Analysis.’’
13. Janet Crum, Dolores Judkins & Laura Zeigen, ‘‘A Tale of Two
Needs: Usability Testing and Library Orientation,’’ Computers in
Libraries 23 (January 2003): 22 – 24.
14. Crum, Judkins, & Zeigen, ‘‘A Tale of Two Needs;’’ Makar,
‘‘Earning the Stamp of Approval.’’
15. Jakob Nielsen, ‘‘Why You Only Need to Test With 5 Users,’’
Useit.com: Alertbox (March 19, 2000), http://useit.com/alertbox/
20000319.html (accessed December 31, 2004).
16. Jennifer Church, Jeanne Brown & Diane VanderPol, ‘‘Walking the
Web: Usability Testing of Navigational Pathways at the University
of Nevada, Las Vegas Libraries,’’ in Usability Assessment of
Library-Related Web Sites: Methods and Case Studies, edited by
Nicole Campbell (Chicago: Library and Information Technology
Association, 2001), p. 110.
17. Kathleen Collins & JoseĢ Aguinaga, ‘‘Learning as We Go: Arizona
State University West Library’s Usability Experience,’’ in Usability Assessment of Library-Related Web Sites: Methods and Case
Studies, edited by Nicole Campbell (Chicago: Library and
Information Technology Association, 2001), p. 20.
18. Susan Feldman, ‘‘The Key to Online Catalogs that Work? Testing:
One, Two, Three,’’ Computers in Libraries 19 (May 1999): 16 – 19.
19. McMullen, ‘‘Usability Testing in a Library Web Site Redesign
20. Norlin & Winters, Usability Testing for Library Web Sites, p. 32.
January 2006 51