What's Ailing America? THE WORST CASE OF

What’s Ailing America?
Rebecca Carley, MD
I have been teaching people how to reverse their diseases with natural therapies
for about 16 years. My research has convinced me beyond a shadow of a doubt
that corruption of the immune system caused by inoculation with what I now
realize are bioweapon vaccines causes essentially all diseases under the
“internal medicine” umbrella, including all autoimmune diseases, seizures not
caused by trauma, as well as cancer. In fact, it is obvious to me that vaccine
induced diseases are the biggest epidemic the world has ever known. Yet,
almost never do the white coats admit that vaccines are involved, even when the
vaccinee’s symptoms manifest themselves within hours of the biological assault.
I receive phone calls and skypes from people all over the world who are seeking
help with the devastating effects that vaccines given to themselves, their children
or their pets have caused. The white coat always denies any possible link to
vaccines, even when the result is seizures (which is one of the few side effects
admitted to in the vaccine information statements put out by the CDC which are
supposed to be given out before vaccines are administered). The tragic
consequences of the insane vaccine agenda on families has brought me to tears
many times. Children with cancer (especially brain cancer), renal failure, brain
disorders of all kinds (especially autism), insulin dependent diabetes, juvenile
arthritis, toddlers with strokes and heart attacks after vaccines, etc., etc., etc.
However, the most heart wrenching devastation was related to me by a mom
from Florida, Joanna Rydzewski, who was a guest on my internet radio show on
8/17/13. The you tube archive of that show can be found at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzjGXAZ7LXI .
Without question, the consequences of vaccine damage on Joanna’s son are the
worst I have ever encountered. Joanna’s son, now 29 years old, started out
having seizures after his DTP vaccine. Subsequently, he developed autism (and
is non-verbal to this day). He also went BLIND, and has renal tubular acidosis (a
disease of his kidneys which causes him to be acidotic). He has had several
incidents of cardiac arrest as well; were it not for his Mom knowing CPR, he
would be DEAD.
The mechanisms by which vaccines cause disease are discussed in my paper
“Inoculations the True Weapons of Mass Destruction” which can be found at
www.drcarley.com . Neurological vaccine damage is primarily due to
demyelination, where the myelin sheath on nerves (which is an insulator like the
plastic coating on an electrical cord) is attacked by antibodies. The damage
caused by the autoimmunity itself (i.e., antibody against self) has several
mechanisms, including the following:
The antigens present in the culture media itself cannot be completely filtered and
separated from the organisms cultured thereon. Thus, any antibodies formed
against antigens from the culture cells themselves (for example myelin basic
protein from chick embryos or the 13 vaccines which now contain aborted human
fetal cells) can cross-react to form an autoimmune reaction against the myelin
basic protein in your myelin sheath, etc. See the package insert from Pfizer’s
Rabies vaccine from the 10th Edition of the Compendium of Veterinary Products
published in 2007 posted at
s%20insert.pdf , which states tissue origin vaccines contain extraneous protein in
addition to the [rabies] antigen that can lead to autoimmune disease. THIS IS
Molecular mimicry is due to similarity of proteins contained in organisms and
mammals. (For example, the measles virus is made up of proteins similar to
myelin basic protein; thus, antibodies formed against the measles virus antigens
subsequently also cause an auto-antibody attack against myelin basic protein in
the myelin sheath due to cross reactivity of these antibodies). This IS the reason
why autism rates have skyrocketed since the introduction of the live measles
virus vaccine. (Note that mercury has nothing to do with autism, which is actually
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE); the name was changed to hide the
measles vaccine as the true culprit).
Formation of immune complexes occur as antigens and antibodies interlock into
clusters which can then become trapped in various tissues, especially the
kidneys, lung, skin, joints, or blood vessels. Once trapped, these complexes
then set off an inflammatory reaction which lead to further tissue damage.
Intentional inclusion of antigens in vaccines to cause formation of antibodies that
attack specific hormones. Experiments done on women of childbearing age in
the Philippines and probably other locations where HCG (human chorionic
gonadotropin) intentionally placed into vaccines given these women resulted in
antibodies against the HCG hormone, and subsequent spontaneous abortion
thus occurred when the women became pregnant. The NATO book
“Immunological Adjuvants and Vaccines” published in 1989 describes, in the
chapter entitled “The Development and Preliminary Clinical Evaluation of an
Antifertility vaccine” how an antifertility vaccine has been developed
incorporating HCG in a vaccine with diphtheria toxoid; and that the vaccine will
soon be suitable for large scale clinical use. (No surprise that the DPT vaccine is
being pushed for women of childbearing age, and is even being given to
pregnant women). The task force (which involves many agencies within the
World Health Organization in this chapter as references) is in the process of
developing other fertility regulating vaccines as well. Could the escalating
problems with infertility in this country be due to women having been given
this anti fertility vaccine without their knowledge or consent?
Thanks to this NATO Life Sciences book entitled “Immunological Adjuvants and
Vaccines”, it has now been revealed that it is the aluminum which is put into vaccines as
an adjuvant (to stimulate hyperactivity of the antibody response) which causes
production of IgE; the antibody of allergy and anaphylactic shock. This shocking
admission comes in this book after the statement on page 6 that aluminum was
introduced in 1926, before strict control by regulatory authorities was practiced; the
authors state that ”whether it would be allowed by regulatory authorities today is
far from certain”. (Note that now that this IS known, there is no attempt to remove it
from vaccines…better instead to sell “Epi-Pens” to the parents of children with life
threatening allergies to peanuts).
Thanks to this book, I now have the evidence that IgE production is due to the aluminum
in vaccines, as well as the fact that these mad scientists know exactly what they are
doing. In fact, on page 7 of this NATO book, they also discuss BLINDNESS and arthritis
as a consequence of adjuvants in vaccines.
Note that the "Legal" definition of Weapons of Mass destruction" follows (and can be
accessed in any law library under these headings; all states have equivalent statutes);
this can also be found at the top of www.drcarley.com :
West's North Carolina General Statutes Annotated
Chapter 14. Criminal Law
Subchapter X. Offenses Against the Public Safety
Article 36B. Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction
§ 14-288. 21. Unlawful manufacture, assembly, possession, storage,
transportation, sale, purchase, delivery, or acquisition of a nuclear, biological, or
chemical weapon of mass destruction; exceptions; punishment
(c) The term “nuclear, biological, or chemical weapon of mass destruction”, as used
in this Article, means any of the following:
(1) Any weapon, device, or method that is designed or has the capability to cause
death or serious injury through the release, dissemination, or impact of:
a. Radiation or radioactivity;
b. A disease organism; or
c. Toxic or poisonous chemicals or their immediate precursors.
(d) Any person who violates any provision of this section is guilty of a Class B1 felony.
There are many research articles that reveal the mad scientists’ never ending attempt to
use our own immune systems against us. A recent article I came across can be found at
http://vaccinenewsdaily.com/medical_countermeasures/326736-researchers-findmechanism-viruses-use-to-shut-down-the-bodys-defenses , where they have found a
way to make cells more likely to be infected with viruses. However, such research has
been going on for DECADES! The most heinous example are 2 memoranda published
by the WHO (World Homicide Organization) in 1972, which can be found at
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/issues/169484 (check near the bottom of the page
under “Memoranda”). The articles are written in mad scientist language, but the big
picture of these memoranda outline the ability to create bioweapon vaccines that:
Totally disable the immune system; then
2. Load cells of the body with viruses (which the above article will contribute to);
3. Switch the immune system on leading to a cytokine storm that will kill the host (a
cytokine storm occurs when a particular type of molecule in the body, known as
cytokines, activate the immune cells at the infection site and cause more immune
cells to flood the site of infection. This propagates what is referred to as a
cytokine storm, where far too many immune cells are caught in an endless loop
of calling more and more immune cells to fight the infection. The reaction ends
up inflaming the tissue surrounding the infection. When the infection is in the
lungs, this severe inflammation can cause permanent damage and will eventually
shut down breathing completely. The airways get clogged, and cells no longer
properly absorb oxygen; YOU DROWN IN YOUR OWN BODY FLUIDS.
of crimes against humanity, what is?
“Misprison of felony” is defined as “having knowledge of serious criminal conduct
and attempting to conceal it”. However, rather than proscecute these genocidal
maniacs, our government funds their research and then writes laws mandating
these bioweapon vaccines be given to our children and our pets.
If you need help in reversing your disease with natural therapies, please go to
www.reversingvaccineinduceddiseases.com/services to learn how Dr. Carley
does consults. You can access many archives of internet radio shows Dr. Carley
has done over the past few years at http://thelightofdayradioshow.com/archives/
RBN-BACKUP/commercialFree.html .Dr. Carley’s show “What’s Ailing America?”
can now be heard on www.freedomslips.com , studio B, every Saturday from 6-8