ABSTRACTS First Annual AOSS Community Poster Reception

ABSTRACTS First Annual AOSS Community Poster Reception Steve Ackerman 3‐3:30: Row1 Satellite Views of Cloud Cover over the Great Lakes Region This presentation describes satellite observations of cloud properties over the Great Lakes. We make use of the MODIS instrument to view changing cloud properties during winter cold air outbreaks as they move over the Great Lakes, and the Patmos‐X AVHRR data set to explore long term trends in cloud cover. (Co‐authors, Heidinger, Maddux, Holz, Frey) Robert Aune 3‐3:30: Row1 A Local Real‐time Mesoscale Prediction System for MODIS Direct Broadcast Sites 3:30‐4: Row1 Near‐Casting Convective Destabilization Using Objective Tools Which Optimize the Impact of Sequences of GOES Moisture Products Scott Bachmeier 3‐3:30: Row1 CIMSS Participation in the Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration Training (VISIT) Program The Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration Training (VISIT) program plays a vital role in teaching National Weather Service forecasters how to better understand and utilize the wide variety of satellite imagery and products that are available to them. VISIT also helps to prepare end users to be ready to use some of the new satellite images and products that will be available when the next generation of polar‐orbiting (JPSS) and geostationary (GOES‐R) satellites become operational. The Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) has been an active partner in the VISIT program since its inception in 1998. Justin Bagley 3‐3:30: Row1 Rain followed the plow: What is the potential for land cover change to impact the evaporative sources of Earth's breadbaskets? Kaba Bah 3‐3:30: Row1 Preparation for the use of the GOES‐R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) The capabilities of the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) that will be on board the GOES‐R satellite are being demonstrated by using AWIPS, McIDAS‐V and Google Earth to visualize and analyze simulated GOES‐R ABI data. These simulated images were created by the GOES‐R Algorithm Working Group (AWG) who used super computers to run high resolution numerical models, which were then input into the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) advanced radiative transfer models. Kristina Bartowitz 3‐3:30: Row1 Upslope movements of bird species in four life zones of Monteverde as a result of directional climate change Directional climate change has shown upslope movements of bird species in both observational studies and theoretical studies in the Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica. Of the 94 species recorded in this study, 26 species had moved upslope from lower elevations, which shows that there is a significant percentage of upslope movement. There is a need for more comprehensive observational studies of upslope movements in birds in tropical montane habitats to determine higher resolution elevational ranges in order to develop and implement successful conservation methods. Sam Batzli 3‐3:30: Row1 WisconsinView WisconsinView is a consortium of educational institutions, state agencies, and others in Wisconsin focused on catalyzing and coordinating remote sensing activities throughout the state in the five broad areas of research, education, outreach, technology transfer, and data access. WisconsinView is a full member of the AmericaView consortium, an independent 501(c)3 organization that receives base funding from the US Geological Survey. AmericaView is a growing consortium of state consortia with 37 current members that strive to enhance the coordination of remote sensing data access and use in their states. The aim is to make remote sensing educational information and data accessible to K‐12 teachers, the university system, private colleges, technical colleges, state, local, regional, tribal and federal agencies, as well as the private sector. This poster describes the vision of WisconsinView, the structure of the WisconsinView consortium, and provides examples of recent activities and accomplishments including the development of web services for streaming remote sensing data to end users and efforts to coordinate and integrate remote sensing education across the state at all levels. 4‐4:30: Table Demo of SSEC Web Mapping Service Project This poster is a live demo of the SSEC Web Mapping Server. Our goal is to make it easier for SSEC scientists to share visual representations for their data and results with colleagues and the general public. By creating a standards‐based WMS, we now have the ability to share data and imagery on a multitude of client applications. Imagery and information, once it is processed through the WMS server, becomes available for WMS‐capable desktop software (such as ArcGIS and McIDAS‐V), web browsers, and mobile devices. The view of the data can be embedded into an existing webpage as a Google Maps mash‐up complete with animation, or viewed on a smart phone or iPad. Concurrently we are developing native Android, iPhone, and iPad apps that take advantage of mobile technology. Eva Borbas 3:30‐4: Row1 The MODIS MOD07 Collection 6 products The National Aeronautics and Space Administration/Earth Observing System (NASA/EOS) Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) continues to provide valuable information about the Earth's water cycle and the Earth’s surface from aboard the Terra since 2000 and the Aqua satellite since 2002. The operational algorithm for retrieving temperature and moisture profiles and total column ozone from infrared (IR) radiances observed by the MODIS instrument is a clear sky synthetic regression retrieval algorithm called MOD07. The MOD07 retrieval algorithm uses clear‐sky radiances over land and ocean for both day and night from eleven MODIS infrared channels (25, 27‐36). New version of this algorithm (Collection 6) will be promulgated soon. This paper introduces the new updates and offers local and global comparisons between the collection 5 and 6 products, using SGP cart site measurements and the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) retrievals and Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) products. Jason Brunner 3‐3:30: Row1 An Update on the GOES‐R ABI Overshooting Top and Enhanced‐V Anvil Thermal Couplet Detection Algorithms An overshooting convective cloud top is defined by the American Meteorological Society as a domelike protrusion above a cumulonimbus anvil, representing the intrusion of an updraft through its equilibrium level. A single overshooting top (OT) exists for less than 30 minutes and has a maximum diameter of ~15 km. Despite the relatively small size and short duration of an OT, storms with OTs often produce hazardous weather conditions such as aviation turbulence, frequent lightning, large hail, damaging wind, tornadoes, and heavy rainfall. OTs found in combination with a U or V shaped region of cold infrared window brightness temperatures (BTs) are often indicative of an especially severe thunderstorm. The method used for OT detection is called IRW‐texture because it utilizes BT spatial gradients (i.e. texture) to identify clusters of pixels that are significantly colder than the surrounding anvil cloud and have a size consistent with commonly observed OTs. Once an OT has been identified by the IRW‐texture technique, the focus can be directed toward the objective detection of the enhanced‐V signature. While the enhanced‐V is often highly variable in infrared imagery, the one aspect of the enhanced‐V that remains fairly constant are the arms of the V signature enclosing a warm region downwind of the OT to form an anvil thermal couplet. The anvil thermal couplet is the focus of the enhanced‐V detection algorithm. The IRW‐texture OT and enhanced‐V anvil thermal couplet detection algorithms are currently being developed for future operations with the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite Advanced Baseline Imager (GOES‐R ABI) within the GOES‐R Aviation Algorithm Working Group. As GOES‐R ABI will offer 2 km spatial resolution in the infrared channels, we can use current satellite instruments to emulate the imagery that will be available in the future with GOES‐R ABI. An update on the development of the OT and enhanced‐V anvil thermal couplet detection algorithms will be provided. In addition, some examples of algorithm output and validation using MODIS, AVHRR, MSG SEVIRI, CloudSat, and CALIPSO data will be included. 3:30‐4: Row2 The Development of a Western Hemisphere Trend Analysis of Fires and United States Fire Potential Product from Version 6.5 WF_ABBA Data The GOES WildFire Automated Biomass Burning Algorithm (WF_ABBA) at the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) detects and monitors fires across a global constellation of geostationary satellites. The GOES WF_ABBA processes data as soon as it arrives, and has also been applied to GOES data back to the start of GOES‐8 in 1995. The WF_ABBA is a dynamic multispectral thresholding contextual algorithm that uses the visible (when available), 3.9 μm, and 10.7 μm infrared bands to locate and characterize hot spot pixels. The most recent version, version 6.5, of the WF_ABBA includes Fire Radiative Power and a fire/metadata mask that provides information on processing regions, fire locations, fire confidence, cloud cover, block‐out zones, and saturated pixels. These metadata allow for refined trend analyses of fires, accounting for satellite scanning schedules, clouds, and other factors that can skew the raw number of detected fires and their properties. Fire summary statistics and locations have been generated with the WF_ABBA over the western Hemisphere from 1995 to the present. A trend analysis of fires is being generated for this time period and will be shown along with a discussion of societal impacts due to the fires. Examples of ancillary data that will be used to develop the fire potential product along with the fires detected by the GOES WF_ABBA from 1995 to present over the United States will be shown. The fire potential product aims to improve predictions of fire potential for a 24‐48 hour time frame over the United States. The fire trend analysis and, if proven successful, the fire potential product, will be of use to the Storm Prediction Center (SPC) forecasters and others for warning of potential locations of fire development. Corey Calvert 3‐3:30: Row2 Introduction of a Day/Night, Object‐Based, Quantitative Fog/Low Stratus Detection Algorithm for GOES‐R Chris Colose 3:30‐4: Row2 New Worlds & Exotic Climates: Exploring the Limits of Habitability Krissy Dahnert 4‐4:30: Row2 Disc Drill ‐ Deepest US Ice Core Ever Drilled Ankur Desai 3‐3:30: Row2 Novel approaches to estimating regional CH4 fluxes from a very tall tower Richard Dworak 4:30‐5: Row2 Comparison Between GOES‐12 Overshooting Top Detections, WSR‐88D Radar Reflectivity, and Severe Weather An Overshooting Top is associated with an intense updraft and cold cloud top temperature. Case studies have been shown to have OTs observed with flash flooding, large hail, severe wind and tornadoes. However, no OT‐severe weather comparison of significant size has been done over the United States. Therefore an OT‐severe weather comparison over the eastern two‐thirds of the U.S. is done for this study. This study also compares OT detections to radar. It will be shown that the maximum radar reflectivity occurs near the time of the observed OT. Ed Eloranta Row2 High Spectral Resolution Lidars for AMF2 and the North Slope Wayne Feltz 3:30‐4: Row2 University of Wisconsin proving ground participation within the NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed The University of Wisconsin‐Madison Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) has participated in the NOAA SPC/NSSL Hazardous Weather Testbed (NOAA HWT) in the Spring 2009 and Spring 2010. UW‐CIMSS has primarily focused on the demonstration of satellite‐based convective initiation, overshooting‐top/enhanced‐V, and WRF ARW simulated NWP decision support to prepare forecasters for future availability of GOES‐R radiances and products. These activities are part of the larger GOES‐R Proving Ground program with participation from other institutes including CIRA and NASA SPORT which provide valuable lightning data proxy and other related decision support aids like hail probability. This paper will focus on overview of satellite‐based detect of convective initiation, overshooting‐top/thermal couplet, and near real‐time NWP derived Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) radiances used within AWIPS/N‐AWIPS environment, training, and forecaster feedback. Michael Foster 3‐3:30: Row2 Large‐Scale Circulation Driven Trends in Tropical Deep Convection and the Consequences for Climate Change The PATMOS‐x product contains thirty years of global satellite cloud measurements allowing for studies performed on climate time‐scales. Tracking occurrence of deep convective cloud events in the Tropics reveals trends in deep convective activity over land for the past three decades, likely driven in part by changes in the Brewer‐Dobson circulation. Comparison of this record against HALOE stratospheric water vapor retrievals show a high correlation between deep convective events and moistening of the lower tropical stratosphere, strengthening the case that convective stratospheric intrusions are a nontrivial contributor to water vapor. Relatively small changes in stratospheric humidity can significantly impact the global radiative budget, indicating these results have potentially important consequences for climate change. Elise Garms 4:30‐5: Row2 Validation of a 3‐D Cloud Product (UW‐CAVP) Derived from NASA Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder (AIRS) Radiances with MODIS, CALIPSO, and NCEP GFS Using McIDAS‐V Version 1.0 A presentation of preliminary analysis results for the validation of a 3‐D cloud product, UW‐CAVP. The study uses McIDAS‐V to visualize and validate the CAVP product through comparison with collocated MODIS products, CALIPSO lidar cloud retrievals, and NCEP GFS model data. Jonathan Gero 3:30‐4: Row3 Investigating Climate Trends in 14 Years of AERI Observations at the ARM SGP Site 3:30‐4: Row3 On‐Orbit Traceable Blackbody Emissivity Measurement using the Heated Halo Method Jordan Gerth Row3 CIMSS' Role in the GOES‐R Proving Ground Josh Goetz 4‐4:30: Row3 Ice Core Drilling 101 ‐ Hand Augars Mathew Gunshor 3:30‐4: Row3 Intercalibration Activities at CIMSS in Preparation for the GOES‐R Era High spectral resolution polar‐orbiting satellite instruments, such as the Atmospheric InfraRed Sounder (AIRS) and the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI), can be used to intercalibrate infrared measurements from the global system of operational geostationary imagers. The international community of satellite operators, through the World Meteorological Organization, has recognized a need for an improved quantitative assessment of satellite calibration for applications such as climate monitoring and has formed an international committee to coordinate a Global Satellite‐Based Intercalibration System (GSICS). In addition to climate monitoring and sensor comparisons, intercalibration provides satellite operators with feedback on instrument operation and response to changes implemented from the ground. Comparisons between geostationary imagers and high spectral resolution polar orbiting sounders have provided an improved understanding of the calibration performance of all operational geostationary imagers. CIMSS is engaged in a retrospective analysis of all GOES Imagers using the historical records of both IASI and AIRS. In the future these intercalibration activities will be expected to give immediate feedback on the calibration accuracy of the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) on GOES‐R using the Cross‐Track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) on the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) as well as IASI. CIMSS is engaged in these activities to assess both past and current calibration of GOES sensors and to prepare for the cal/val activities being planned for the GOES‐R/JPSS era. Zachary Handlos 3‐3:30: Row3 Relationships Between Tropical Weather States and Large‐Scale Circulation Dan Hartung 3:30‐4: Row3 The temporal evolution of satellite‐derived deep convective cloud properties Andrew Heidinger 4:30‐5: Row3 An Introduction to the NOAA PATMOS‐x Climate Data Set Jay Heinzelman 3:30‐4: Row3 McIDAS‐V: A Data Analysis and Visualization Tool for Environmental Satellite and Geophysical Data McIDAS‐V is a free, open source, visualization and data analysis software package that is the fifth generation in SSEC's 35+ year history of sophisticated McIDAS (Man computer Interactive Data Access System) software packages. McIDAS‐V displays weather satellite (including hyperspectral) and other geophysical data in 2‐ and 3‐dimensions, and can be used to analyze and manipulate the data with its powerful mathematical functions. Derrick Herndon 3‐3:30: Row3 SATellite Intensity CONsensus (SATCON) Evaluation and Recent Changes The SATellite CONsensus (SATCON) algorithm developed at the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) objectively combines Tropical Cyclone (TC) intensity estimates analyzed from satellite infrared and microwave‐based methods to produce a weighted consensus estimate which is more skillful than the individual members. SATCON provides the TC forecaster with the ability to quickly reconcile differences in objective intensity methods, and as a comparative guidance tool for evaluating subjective Dvorak estimates. Real‐time SATCON estimates have been provided to the National Hurricane Center, Australia Bureau of Meteorology and Air Force/Navy Joint Typhoon Warning Center along with other TC forecast agencies as part of a demonstration phase since the 2008 TC season. Michael Hiley 3‐3:30: Row4 Uncertainty Analysis for CloudSat Snowfall Retrievals Matt Hitchman 3‐3:30: Row4 Seasonal and ENSO Influences of Tropical Convection on SH Ozone During the Winter to Spring Transition The UTLS is a focal region for communicating energy, constituents, and momentum between the tropical upper troposphere (UT) and the extratropical lower stratosphere (LS). The usefulness of global satellite data sets in diagnosing dynamical processes and visualizing transport pathways is highlighted, including TOMS, NCEP, UKMO, ECMWF, and GEOS data. Here we focus on how changes in tropical deep convection on seasonal and ENSO time scales influence the distribution of column ozone in the SH. During each SH winter a maximum in column ozone develops south of Australia, which amplifies from August through October. It lies in the band 50‐60¬∞S and extends from the Southern Indian Ocean (SIO) to the Eastern Pacific. Its location is directly related to the geographical distribution of outflow from tropical convection in the UTLS, which is concentrated over the SIO. This southward flow of tropical air creates subtropical anticyclones in the UTLS and provides the angular momentum for the entrance to the Australian westerly jet. The ozone‐rich troughs in synoptic waves breaking on the jet contribute to the monthly mean ozone maximum poleward of the jet. As Indonesian convection contracts zonally and shifts eastward during SH spring, so do the Australian jet and ozone maximum. In addition, extratropical planetary waves become more active from August through October. Convective outflow surges lead to amplification of subtropical anticyclones, which often extend into the lower stratosphere and merge with stalling planetary wave ridges. Amplification of these ozone‐rich planetary wave ridges over the high latitude South Pacific contributes to the seasonal eastward shift of the ozone maximum. The UTLS over the SIO appears to be a sensitive region where tropical convection can influence extratropical planetary waves via excitation of subtropical anticyclones and propagation of Rossby wave activity through the connecting westerly waveguide. ENSO differences in SH TOMS column ozone and planetary wave structure in ECMWF data are explored for seven El Nino (EN) and six La Nina (LN) events. A westward shift in convection during LN of 30‐
50¬∞ corresponds to a 30‐50¬∞ westward shi of planetary wave patterns from the tropics to Antarctica and of the zonal asymmetry in column ozone. Column ozone anomalies correlate highly with barotropic temperature anomalies in the 150‐50 hPa layer. The underlying convective / synoptic changes for EN and LN are distinctive for each month. Jay Hoffman 3:30‐4: Row4 Geostationary Fire Detection with the WildFire Automated Biomass Burning Algorithm The Wild Fire Automated Biomass Burning Algorithm (WF_ABBA), developed at the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), has a long legacy of operational wildfire detection and characterization. In recent years, applications of geostationary fire detection and characterization data have been expanding. Fires are detected with a contextual algorithm and when the fires meet certain conditions the instantaneous fire size, temperature, and radiative power are calculated and provided in user products. The WF_ABBA has been applied to data from Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)‐8 through 15, Meteosat‐8/‐9, and Multifunction Transport Satellite (MTSAT)‐1R/‐2. WF_ABBA is also being developed for the upcoming platforms like GOES‐
R Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) and other geostationary satellites. Development of the WF_ABBA for GOES‐R ABI has focused on adapting the legacy algorithm to the new satellite system, enhancing its capabilities to take advantage of the improvements available from ABI, and addressing user needs. By its nature as a subpixel feature, observation of fire is extraordinarily sensitive to the characteristics of the sensor and this has been a fundamental part of the GOES‐R WF_ABBA development work. Katie Holman 4‐4:30: Row4 The Role of Moisture Flux Convergence in Extreme Precipitation Events in Madison, Wisconsin An investigation of model‐simulated extreme precipitation events and vertically integrated moisture flux convergence from the 20th and 21st centuries over Madison, Wisconsin, is presented. Results are compared with observations and reanalysis data. Bob Holz Row4 Observations of Ice in Maritime Straiform Clouds From CALIOP/MODIS Observations Collocated observations of MODIS imager and the CALIOP lidar provide a means for investigating the occurrence of ice in stratocumulus clouds in maritime environments. This poster presents a combination of case studies (individual MODIS granules) and global collocated observations investigating the occurrence of ice in stratocumulus. Christopher Johnson 3‐3:30: Row4 Pilot Error During Visual Flight into Instrument Weather: Performance Analysis Using Advanced Weather Simulation This research concludes a study funded by the Federal Aviation Administration aimed at understanding and ameliorating the problem of visual flight into instrument meteorological conditions. An experiment was designed using advance simulation with historic weather recreation capabilities, 16 pilots rated for visual flight only were tasked to conduct a simulated cross‐country flight in marginal weather. The pilots' abilities to aviate, navigate, communicate, and process weather information were measured and correlated with their demographics and their abilities to adhere to FAA regulations for visual flight. 11 out of the 16 pilots committed violations, and findings show that previous exposure to inclement weather made the pilots better at collecting in‐flight weather reports and obeying FAA regulations. Pilots that penetrated instrument conditions were found to be more reliant on cockpit automation such as the autopilot and GPS, and misuse of automation lead some of the pilots into weather conditions that exceeded their aviation abilities. This study represents a validation of the advancement of flight simulation training using weather recreation algorithms. Jay Johnson 4‐4:30: Row4 WAIS Divide ‐ Why Ice Cores Na‐Young Kim 3‐3:30: Row4 Improved Dust Retrieval from Skyradiometer Measurements by the Use of Nonspherical Assumption Tanner Kuhl 4‐4:30: Row4 Cool Antarctic Ice Drilling Pictures Mark Kulie 3‐3:30: Row4 High‐latitude precipitation studies in support of GPM using combined active and passive satellite observations The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission will provide spaceborne dual‐frequency radar observations (Ku and Ka band, Dual‐frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR)) together with passive microwave observations ranging from 10 GHz to 183 GHz (GPM Microwave Imager (GMI)). The combination of active and passive instruments together with the relatively high inclination of the GPM core spacecraft will allow mid‐ and high‐latitude precipitation to be observed globally from space and should significantly boost our knowledge about precipitation at higher latitudes. In support of this mission, we use a combined active/passive modeling framework to study uncertainties in the radiative characterization associated with frozen hydrometeors. The modeling framework is applied to combined CloudSat, Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR‐E), and Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit‐B (AMSU‐B)/Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS) observations to coherently simulate all GPM passive microwave frequencies and radar returns at DPR frequencies. This combined modeling platform allows the active and passive response to precipitation to be modeled in a physically consistent framework and also enables uncertainties associated with the simulations to be readily obtained. Comparing observations with simulations, we were able to establish errors and error correlations on the modeling uncertainty of non‐
spherical hydrometeors in the frequency range 10‐160 GHz. Additionally, certain ice particle models produced implausible result and probably can be eliminated from consideration in future studies. A snowfall dataset based on active space‐borne radar observations was also developed and sensitivities to snowfall estimates are illustrated. This dataset will be a very valuable resource to GPM‐related snowfall algorithm development activities. Andrea Lang 3‐3:30: Row5 The Structure and Dynamics of Lower Stratospheric Fronts Matthew Lazzara 3‐3:30: Row5 The Antarctic Automatic Weather Station Program Don Lebar 4‐4:30: Row5 The First Decade of Ice Coring and Drilling at SSEC Ke Li 3‐3:30: Row5 Langmuir Circulation in the Presence of Lateral Density Gradients Comparably little is known about the impact of lateral density gradients associated with, e.g. submesoscale fronts on Langmuir circulation in the ocean surface mixed layer. In this investigation, two‐dimensional pewudospectral numerical simulations of the laterally stratified Craik‐Leibovich (CL) equations are performed to elucidate the effect of an imposed horizontal density gradient on Langmuir cells. The dominant instability mode is found to consist of counter rotating cells with up‐ and downwelling jets inclined to the vertical. Linear stability analysis confirms that, although no instability occurs in the absence of the CL vortex torque, the dominant instability mode exhibits growth rates exceeding those realized in a constant density fluid. An energy budget is used to gain insight into the physics of this cooperative instability. The fully nonlinear numerical simulations reveal a secondary instability, in which the tilted cells are laterally sheared, and a subsequent energy cascade to fine scales. 4‐4:30: Row5 Nonlinearility of Rossby‐Gravity Wave in the Ocean and Atmosphere Sanjay Limaye 3‐3:30: Kiosk Exploring Venus Brent Maddux 3‐3:30: Row5 10‐Years of Global MODIS Cloud Properties Ten years of MODIS data are now available for the construction of global to regional scale cloud climatologies. The vertical and horizontal distribution of clouds is the most fundamental assessment that can be made of the global cloud field. 3‐3:30: Row5 Wisconsin High Resolution Cloud Properties High spatial resolution cloud climatologies allow us to study regional to local cloud properties and process, at the same time as characterizing some systematic errors. Willem Marais 3‐3:30: Table MIPS ‐ Multi‐Sensor Image Processing System MIPS enables MODIS DB (Direct Broadcasting) sites to create KML and custom true (and false) color images on either global or local L1B data sets. MIPS also has the capability to process MERSI L1B data. The software has limited external dependancies, allowing the user to easily install the MIPS software package. Jonathan Martin 3:30‐4: Row5 The Role of Shearwise and Transverse QG Vertical Motions in the Mid‐Latitude Cyclone Life Cycle 4‐4:30: Row5 Tropical Transition: Composite Characteristics and Case Study of Hurricane Karen Galen McKinley 4‐4:30: Row6 The carbon cycle of Lake Superior: Balancing the budget with spatial heterogeneity 4‐4:30: Row6 Lake Superior's carbon cycle and Influence at the regional scale Jenn Phillips 4:30‐5: Row6 Ecological impacts of Great Carbon acidification Paul Menzel 3‐3:30: Row6 Global Cloud Cover Properties and Trends Inferred from 30 Years of HIRS Data The frequency of occurrence of tropospheric clouds has been extracted from NOAA/HIRS polar orbiting satellite data from 1979 onwards using CO2 slicing to infer cloud amount and height. Algorithm adjustments for instrument noise, sensor to sensor differences, viewing angle, spectral response shifts, calculated versus measured radiance biases, changing CO2 and O3 amounts, and orbit drift have been studied. The HIRS sensor has been flown on fifteen satellites from TIROS‐N through NOAA‐19 and METOP‐A forming a 30‐year record. Sarah Monette 3:30‐4: Row6 Potential Uses for a Satellite‐Based Objective Overshooting Top Algorithm Margaret Mooney 3:30‐4: Row6 Infusing satellite data into earth science education with SAGE, ESIP and SNAAP This poster summarizes three synergistic efforts that promote and facilitate the use of satellite data in G6‐12 science education. Satellite Applications for Geoscience Education or SAGE (http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/sage/) is a web‐based resource that leverages satellite observations with teachers' connection to students to increase understanding of our planet's dynamic air and water systems. SAGE was developed in 2007 and features lessons in remote sensing, climate, meteorology, oceanography and geology. In 2010 SAGE was revised, streamlined and infused by SNAAP (Satellite‐based Nowcasting and Aviation Application) to include an aviation lesson and new applet. CDs of the revised course will be distributed at a NOAA‐
supported teacher workshop this summer in conjunction with the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) conference in Santa Fe New Mexico. Colleen Mouw 3:30‐4: Row6 Satellite Retreival of Phytoplankton Community Size Structure in the Global Ocean Jim Nelson 3‐3:30: Row6 GOES‐10 @ 60W ‐ A Wisconsin Perspective In 2006, following 8 years of service as the operational western U.S. geostationary satellite (at 135W), GOES‐10 was moved east to 60W to provide imagery and data for South America, as part of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Americas project (http://www.ssd.noaa.gov/PS/SATS/GOES/SA). South American viewing from GOES‐10 continued from late 2006 ‐ late 2009. During this time, data from the GOES‐10 Imager and Sounder instruments was received directly at a handful of South American sites, and near‐
realtime processing at the University of Wisconsin‐
Madison/SSEC/CIMSS provided imagery and several value‐added derived products to South American interests via the Web. The GOES‐10 data were also used in several capacities by scientists in the U.S. Tim Olander 3:30‐4: Row6 The Advanced Dvorak Technique (ADT) The ADT is a tropical cyclone intensity estimation algorithm that is used by tropical cyclone forecast centers globally to help determine the current strength of storms using satellite imagery, especially in regions where aircraft reconnaissance is not available. It is based upon the long‐standing but subjective Dvorak Technique developed in the 1970's and 80's by NOAA scientist Vern Dvorak, and is still used today. The ADT has advanced beyond the scope of the Dvorak Technique with the exploration of new research avenues, utilization of multi‐platform information, and the integration of cutting‐edge applications, making the ADT a requested tool for tropical satellite analysts worldwide. Jason Otkin 4‐4:30: Row6 New Large‐Scale Model‐Derived Proxy ABI Datasets Available for GOES‐R Research and Demonstration Activities Chang‐Hwan Park 3‐3:30: Row7 Nested‐observation error covariance matrices for 1d‐VAR approach The cloud top height (CTH) retrieval accuracy in optimal estimation is highly dependent on the proper specification of the background error covariance and the observation error covariance matrices. Specifically, cirrus CTH retrieval is most challenging due to the directly not measurable clear sky error and the complex off‐diagonal term. This study introduces two new methods : multi‐scale sensitivity restoration for clear sky error app roximation and its nested error covariance matrix. Ralph Petersen Row7 Atmospheric Observations from Commercial Aircraft ‐ An underutilized source of wind, temperature and moisture profiles Claire Pettersen 3:30‐4: Row7 On‐Orbit Absolute Radiance Standard for Future IR Remote Sensing Instruments An imperative of CLARREO is to tie measurements made to on‐orbit SI traceable standards. The figure at right illustrates the scheme to accomplish this objective. The IR instrument scene mirror views the ambient blackbody and space for traditional calibration. For radiometric validation it views the On‐orbit Absolute Radiance Standard (OARS) that has phase change materials for temperature calibration and a heated halo for emissivity determination. Grant Petty 4:30‐5: Row7 Constrained Optimal Detection of Over‐land Precipitation from TMI Jean Phillips 3:30‐4: Row7 Satellite See Wisconsin A History (Linda Hedges, Keely Merchant, Jean Phillips) This time line, developed for the Satellites See Wisconsin exhibition, features selected milestones in the history of satellite meteorology at SSEC. For more than 50 years, the University of Wisconsin‐Madison has been a leader in devising ways to view our planet through the eye of a satellite. In particular, scientists at the UW‐Madison Space Science and Engineering Center have been at the forefront of developing the satellite technology that makes it possible to see and study the intricacies of Earth’s atmosphere from space. Some of the earliest experiments, beginning in the 1950s, were led by Professor Verner E. Suomi, founder of the Space Science and Engineering Center, and Professor Robert J. Parent, of the UW‐Madison College of Engineering. John Rausch NA: Row7 Regional Analysis of Marine Boundary Layer Clouds Using PATMOS‐X Hank Revercomb 3‐3:30: Table Spectroscopy with the HIS This is a 25‐year‐old poster showing aircraft data that helped kicked off much of our high spectral resolution IR work. Jacola Roman 4:30‐5: Row7 Validation of Global Climate Model moisture trends for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) using GPS Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) observations in the U.S. Great Plains from 2000 to 2010 Patrick Rowley 3‐3:30: Row7 Interpretation of Real‐Time Weather and Climate Data for Spherical Displays Christopher Rozoff 3‐3:30: Row8 On the efficiency of secondary eyewall formation in tropical cyclones Karen Russ 3‐3:30: Row8 Response of the Hydrological Cycle to Global Warming in a Transient Simulation of the Last 22,000 Years Building on the work of Held and Soden (2006), this study examines the simulated response of global‐mean water vapor, precipitation, and other hydrological variables to increased temperature. The earlier work analyzed climate simulations of the 21st century generated for the Fourth Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The current study evaluates the first synchronously coupled atmosphere‐ocean general circulation model simulation of the past 22,000 years (the late Glacial through the Holocene) of Liu et al. (2009). I explore the response of the hydrological cycle to paleoclimate warming in terms of the spatial redistribution of various moisture variables. In the process, I test key assumptions of researchers studying the current global warming. KEYWORDS: hydrological cycle, transient simulation, global warming, late Glacial, Holocene Chris Schmidt 3‐3:30: Row8 Ozone estimation with the ABI Estimating total column ozone (TCO) via regression was first developed at the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) in the late 1990s for use with data from the GOES Sounder. Whereas previously ozone had been seen a something that only needed daily monitoring at best, the hourly updates and 10 km resolution of the GOES Sounder showed ozone to be a dynamic quantity that correlated very well with tropopause heights and by extension the weather we experience every day. The GOES‐R Advanced Baseline Imager makes it possible to continue this legacy product with better temporal and spatial resolution. TCO data is useful for aerosol transport studies and can be used to monitor tropopause fold events, and with high spatial and temporal resolution can assist in detecting potential areas of turbulence. The ABI Ozone algorithm has been developed and tested using proxy data consisting of imagery from the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI). SEVIRI is substantially similar to ABI with respect to ozone estimation and allows for testing with an extensive set of proxy data. This proxy dataset allows for creation of a large validation dataset when co‐located with data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on NASA’s Aura satellite. Tim Schmit 3:30‐4: Row8 GOES Imager Stray Light Correction GOES‐13/14/15 imagers and sounders are capable of scanning the sun without health and safety issues. However, NOAA has to cancel or replace all imaging within 6 degrees due to intolerable sun intrusion. The sun intrusion is more detectable on shorter wavelength IR channels (especially Channel 2) of the imager with the effect increasing as the scan mirror line‐of‐sight (LOS) gets closer to the sun. NOAA and ITT Industries have characterized the effect of the sun intrusion and developed a correction algorithm to reclaim more than 95% of the lost images. 4‐4:30: Row8 The History and Evolution of the ABI on the GOES‐R series History of the geostationary imagers, from ATS to the ABI on GOES‐R series Anthony Schreiner 3‐3:30: Row8 Diurnal Frequencies of the GOES Sounder‐Derived Cloud Product One of the primary strengths for the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) series of Imager‐ and Sounder‐derived products is the opportunity to examine and compare the diurnal cycle for specific atmospheric components (e.g. frequency of cloudiness) for varying time lengths. Comparisons of this type may show changes in seasonal trends with respect to the diurnal cycle within a given year, or comparisons from year to year. In addition to examining diurnal characteristics at a particular location, one can also investigate diurnal differences due to land/sea conditions or orographic differences, for example. Routine processing of the GOES Sounder and Imager Cloud Product at the University of Wisconsin‐Madison Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (UW‐CIMSS) has been ongoing for the past sixteen and ten years, respectively. These data are available in near‐real time on the CIMSS Real‐time web page (http://cimss.ssec.wisc.edu/goes/rt/). A technique for generating monthly frequencies of all‐cloud, high‐
level, mid‐level, and low‐level cloud at hourly intervals has been developed using the GOES Sounder Cloud Product. To date this technique has only been applied for the months July 2009 through March 2011 and is limited to the CONtinental United States (CONUS) plus the immediate surrounding waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Gulf of Mexico. A demonstration of this product will be presented. Future plans include the reprocessing of historical Sounder derived Cloud Product data and expanding this technique to include the derived Cloud Product from the GOES‐12 & ‐13 Imagers. John Sears 3:30‐4: Row8 Understanding the Role of the Upper‐Levels in Tropical Cyclognesis Ihor Sehinovych 3‐3:30: Row8 Responses of net carbon dioxide exchange in mountainous terrain of the northern hemisphere Justin Sieglaff 3‐3:30: Row8 Validation of UWCI Cloud‐Top Cooling Rate with LIghtning and Radar Matthew Sitkowski 4‐4:30: Row8 Precipitaiton Forecasts for the AOSS Building Mark Smalley 4‐4:30: Row9 Effects of spectral response function uncertainties on cloud height retrievals using CO2 slicing The 30 year record of polar orbiting HIRS and MODIS cloud heights has the potential to create a true cirrus cloud climatology. However, inter‐instrument biases in retrieved cloud heights must be addressed when assessing trends or cycles throughout the cloud height record. To estimate biases in CO2 slicing‐derived cloud heights resulting from variations in spectral response functions between these instruments, cloud heights for HIRS and MODIS instruments have been simulated using high spectral resolution measured radiances from AIRS. Estimated biases are presented. Dimitry Smirnov 3‐3:30: Row9 The Atlantic Meridional Mode: Observations, Modeling and Predictability 3:30‐4: Row9 Investigating long‐term temperature trends in New York City's Central Park: Why do means and extremes behave differently? There is no denying that the average global temperature has warmed since the start of reliable records. Explanations for this upward trend suggest both internal variability of the highly chaotic land‐
atmosphere‐ocean‐sea ice system as well as warming from increasing concentrations of human‐emitted energy absorbing gases. Using 134 years of daily weather data from New York City, we have found an average warming in both the mean high and low temperatures. However, this conclusion is too simplistic! We show that the calculated trends depend strongly on the season and the part of the distribution considered. Also, we single out extremes to investigate how record events depend on the length of the observed data. Attempts to model temperature extremes using a Gaussian and Generalized Extreme Value distributions depict the pros and cons of each: the Gaussian is unbounded and shows too much noise, while the GEV, which performs better, may be too constrained. Roseann Spangler 3:30‐4: Row9 SSEC Data Center ‐ Multi‐Satellite Data Ingest, Archive, Redistribution and Product Generation System The University of Wisconsin‐Madison Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) Data Center provides real‐
time and archive satellite data images and products to University, NOAA, and NASA researchers and commercial interests. The SSEC Data Center has ingested, redistributed, archived, and processed satellite data for over 35 years. The SSEC Data Center receives data from 9 different geostationary satellites and serves that data in near real‐time. A subset of the real‐time geostationary data is also relayed to the Unidata community. All received geostationary data are archived and stored online for rapid access by networked clients. A publicly available metadata inventory allows users to inspect and preview images in the Data Center’sarchive covering 30+ years of geostationary satellite data holdings. The SSEC Data Center also receives and serves data in near real‐time from 7 different polar orbiting satellites. These data are received via a domestic communication satellite relay and through the NOAA Data Distribution Server (DDS). The polar data supports several University, NASA, and NOAA projects including a test distribution to NOAA NWS field offices. The SSEC Data Center has setup several systems for monitoring incoming data feeds and our distribution of satellite data and products. These systems alert operators of any data delays, signal problems or hardware failures. The monitoring, in combination with redundant hardware, has allowed the SSEC Data Center to have very high reliability. Dave Stettner 3:30‐4: Row9 CIMSS Tropical Cyclone Web Site Presented is an overview of the products available on line from the CIMSS tropical cyclone research group. Kathleen Strabala 3‐3:30: Row9 Daily 1 km MODIS True Color Products from Direct Broadcast William Straka III 3‐3:30: Row9 McIDAS‐V Support for the GOES‐R Program Joe Taylor 3‐3:30: Row9 S‐HIS: The Scanning High‐resolution Interferometer Sounder 3‐3:30: Row9 E‐AERI Calibration Performance Certification 3‐3:30: Row9 The University of Wisconsin Space Science and Engineering Center Absolute Radiance Interferometer (ARI) David Tobin 4‐4:30: Row10 Analysis of IASI Data Gary S. Wade 3‐3:30: Row10 A history of ASPB: NOAA and UW mutually advancing atmospheric remote sensing A history and timeline of 35 years are shown of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Advanced Satellite Products Branch (ASPB), which has been co‐located at the University of Wisconsin‐Madison (UW) Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) since 1975. As part of the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) at UW, the ASPB presence can be described, and continues to be described, by the numerous branch members who spent station time in Madison over the years, and by their contributions to a wide variety of scientific projects and programs. Andi Walther 4‐4:30: Row10 Daytime Cloud Optical Microphysical Parameter Retrieval (DCOMP) Lee Welhouse 4‐4:30: Row10 Composite Analysis Of The Surface Effects Of El Nino Southern Oscillation Teleconnections of Antarctica Elena Willmot 3‐3:30: Row10 The analysis of Antarctic cloud mass transport events from composite satellite imagery An analysis of infrared composite satellite imagery reveals favored corridors where cloud masses advect warmer temperatures and precipitation onto the Antarctic continent. Characterizing their behavior as seen over a long period of time may lead to this knowledge being used toward logistics planning (e.g., not planning field activities during periods of transport events) and perhaps even applied in seasonal forecasting. Status of the project and initial results of the project will reviewed as well as the presentation of one significant transport event case study. Yong Zhang 3‐3:30: Row10 Comparisons of in‐orbit radiometric calibration results between the field measurements and the onboard blackbody methods of FY‐3A VIRR split‐window channels Hong Zhang 3‐3:30: Row10 GOES‐R Analysis Facility for Instrument Impacts on Requirements (GRAFIIR) 