U.S. GOVERNMENT / AP – COLLEGE PARK HIGH SCHOOL kropfpolisci.com INSTRUCTOR: MR. KROPF / (925) 682-7670 EXT # 2229 / kropfj@mdusd.org SPRING SEMESTER, 2016. Welcome! I look forward to exploring the discipline of political science and government with each of you, and assisting you with other academic problems or concerns. I will be available before and after school to answer any questions you may have. COURSE DESCRIPTION: During this course, we will examine various historical, philosophical, and legal aspects of our government, to gain a fuller understanding of how we as a nation fit into a rapidly changing world. Using the “4 Theories of American Government” as a theme, we will explore the numerous institutions and processes which comprise our system of government. COURSE OBJECTIVES: By the completion of the course, students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate a basic understanding of some of the concepts and terminology used in the philosophy of science and political science. 2. Identify and explain the four most commonly debated theories used to describe our system of government. 3. Identify the historical context and the philosophies of those who framed the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. 4. Understand the dynamics of our “separation of powers” and the institutions (the courts, the executive, the legislature, and the media) that comprise them. 5. Identify the principles of federalism, and identify how state and local governments differ from those at the federal level. 6. Analyze and critically evaluate some of the important and contemporary issues in the world today, based on 1 – 5 above. 7. Demonstrate the necessary test-taking skills and strategies for success on the AP Government exam given in May of 2016. COURSE TEXT: James Q. Wilson and John J. DiIulio, Jr. American Government. Instructor will provide other assigned readings which we will read in class and on the web. COURSE METHODOLOGY: Class will consist primarily of lectures and class discussions, which will serve to amplify and clarify text materials. Students will also be expected to do a significant amount of reading and drills in preparation for the AP Government exam in May. Student progress will be evaluated through class exams and written essays. EXAMINATION/EVALUATION: Students should be prepared to do a significant amount of written essays and practice AP quizzes. Purchase of an AP exam guide (Barron’s, ARCO, or Kaplan) is strongly recommended. Homework will consist of reading and preparing your written research projects. There is no mid-term but you should plan on the final exam in June to be cumulative. Class participation in discussions is encouraged. Student participation in class is an indicator of interest and shows that the student is keeping up with the assigned readings. Grades will break out over a normal letter grade percentage scale (100-90% = “A”, 89-80% = “B”, etc…) and I will supply you with a grade formula so you will always know your grade. Assignment weights will be the following: 10% - Documentary video participation 20% - Multiple choice quizzes 30% - Essay exams 25% - Final exam 15% - Research thesis Extra credit projects are neither necessary nor allowed in this course. COURSE OUTLINE – U.S. GOVERNMENT AP AG = American Government (class text) / IN = Instructor notes and web readings Unit One Course Introduction – The Nature and Study of American Government: Readings: AG, Chapters 1 (pp. 1 – 15) and 4 (pp. 75 – 96) and 22 (pp. 576 – 587) and IN. Unit Two The Constitution: Readings: AG, Chapter 2 (pp. 16 – 47) and IN. Unit Three Federalism: Readings: AG, Chapter 3 (pp. 48 – 74) and IN. Unit Four The Legislative Branch (Congress): Readings: AG, Chapter 13 (pp. 316 – 366) and IN. Unit Five The Executive Branch (President): Readings: AG, Chapter 14 (pp. 367 – 408) and IN. Unit Six The Judicial Branch Readings: AG, Chapter 16 (pp. 437 – 466) and IN. Unit Seven The Bureaucracy: Readings: AG, Chapter 15 (pp. 409 – 436) and IN. Unit Eight Public Opinion and the Media: Readings: AG, Chapters 7 (pp. 154 – 176) and 12 (pp. 291 – 314) and IN. Unit Nine Political Participation and American Political Parties: Readings: AG, Chapters 8 and 9 (pp. 177 – 229) and IN. Unit Ten Elections and Campaigns: Readings: AG, Chapter 10 (pp. 230 – 263) and IN. Unit Eleven Political Interest Groups Readings: AG, Chapter 11 (pp. 264 – 290) and IN. Unit Twelve The Policy-Making Process: Readings: AG, Chapter 17 (pp. 468 – 490) and IN. Unit Thirteen Economic, Social, and Environmental Policy: Readings: AG, Chapters 18 (pp. 491 – 510) and 19 (pp. 511 – 528) and 21 (pp. 559 – 574) and IN. Unit Fourteen Foreign and Military Policy: Readings: AG, Chapter 20 (pp. 603 – 650) and IN. Unit Fifteen Civil Liberties and Civil Rights: Readings: AG, Chapters 5 and 6 (pp. 97 – 152) and IN. Units One Through Fifteen Wrap Up! Final Thoughts, Course Conclusion, and Final Preparation: Readings: All Chapters in AG.