APA Citation Guide_Print Version.doc

Citation Guide for CBA Students
by Brad Matthies, M.L.S.
About This Guide
This guide is based on our adaptation of the APA style for citing business sources. Though
common sources are covered (e.g., books, magazines, journals, etc.) this guide primarily
provides citation guidance for unique electronic business sources that are often found in
library databases. Since there is no "official" citation style for business writing, this guide
represents one possible way to cite business sources. Consequently, your instructor may
prefer that you use one of the many citation styles that are available (possibly their favorite),
or they may have adapted a specific style for their particular class.
Therefore, you should ALWAYS check with your instructor for specific writing instructions
before using the style presented here.
Finally, this guide is a supplement to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association, not a substitute for it. Therefore, it will not have an example for every source
type that you may try and cite. You may have to consult the Manual for specific sources.
Copies of the APA Manual are located at the Irwin Library Reference Desk, Science Library
Reference Desk, and at the Writer’s Studio.
Purpose of Citing
The three main reasons to include citations in your papers are:
To give credit to the authors of your source materials.
To enable readers to look up your source materials.
To demonstrate that your paper is well-researched.
What to Cite
You are required to cite all direct quotations and paraphrased factual statements, ideas, or
concepts—basically any ideas that are not yours. The only things that do not need cited are
facts that are common knowledge, like the date of World War II.
Failure to cite is considered plagiarism and can result in a failing grade for your paper,
or the entire course.
Direct Quotes
If you use a direct quote, make sure you put quotation marks around it. For example:
According to Thorton (1998), “Nissan’s sales are expected to
grow over the next eight years” (para. 3). When using a direct quote
from print sources make sure you use page numbers.
©2005 Butler University Libraries
Updated 11/14/2007
Direct Quotes (continued)
Much like the above example, many electronic sources do not include page numbers. If this
happens to be the case then you need use paragraph numbers in the place of page numbers,
and include the abbreviation para.
Direct quotes containing 40 or more words should be double-spaced and according to the
American Psychological Association (2001):
Display a quotation of 40 or more words in a freestanding
block of typewritten lines, and omit the quotation marks.
Start such a block quotation on a new line, and indent
the block about ½ in. (1.3 cm, or five spaces) from the
left margin (in the same position as the new paragraph).
(p. 117)
Factual statements, ideas, or concepts THAT ARE NOT YOUR OWN should be paraphrased.
For example, suppose you read in Datamonitor (2003): “The slumping economy will
significantly impact how companies like Microsoft will stay competitive among industry
leaders” (para. 5). In addition, you also read in Berquist (2004): “Companies like Dell,
Apple, and Microsoft will need to consider global competition if they want to remain industry
players in the future” (para. 7).
Paraphrased correctly, the above information may be presented like this: According to
Datamonitor (2003), one of Microsoft’s challenges is to compete with its peers in a declining
economy. In addition, some analysts believe that global competition will also affect
Microsoft’s competitive edge in the years to come (Berquist, 2004).
©2005 Butler University Libraries
Updated 11/14/2007
Source Lines
Source lines appear under charts, tables, figures, and other graphics. To avoid plagiarism or
copyright violations, source lines should give credit to the source of the graphic or data. A
source line begins with the word source and contains the same information that would appear
in your reference list:
Source: Butler University Libraries. (2004). Image of books. Retrieved April 29, 2005, from
(Note: For specific formatting guidelines for charts, tables, and graphs, please refer to the
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th ed.)
Reference Lists
APA style uses the author-date method of citing for direct quotes and paraphrases. Your
reference list contains full citations to all of the references you used to create your paper. So,
what you cite in-text should refer the reader to the corresponding entry in your reference list:
According to Jones (2003), markets will rebound by 2004.
Reference List:
Jones, G. (2003). The ups and downs of markets. Journal of Investment, 62(1), 69. Retrieved
September 1, 2004, from Business Source Premier database.
For an example of how your Reference List should look please refer to the “Model Business
Footnotes and Endnotes
The APA publication style does not allow for the use of footnotes or endnotes. If you choose
to use notes you should first check with your course instructor to make sure that notes are
acceptable. Then you need to consult The Chicago Manual of Style (5th ed.).
©2005 Butler University Libraries
Updated 11/14/2007
Citing One Work by One Author in the Same Paragraph
According to the American Psychological Association (2001):
Within a paragraph, you need not include the year in subsequent references to a study
as long as the study cannot be confused with other studies cited in the article:
In a recent study of reaction times, Walker (2000) described the method…Walker also
found… (p. 208)
For more information about citing single and multiple authors start at page 207 in the
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.).
Citing Multiple Authors
For one to six authors APA requires the following format:
According to Adams and Ross (2006), now is a good time to invest.
Some analysts believe that now is good time to invest (Adams & Ross, 2006).
Reference List:
Adams, M., & Ross, J. (2006). Planning for the future. Dollar Magazine, 33(1), 7. Retrieved
September 1, 2004, from Business Source Premier database
With corporate growth on the rise it is becoming a trend to see a rebirth in small businesses
(Smith, Ross, Shelton, Frank, & Teslow, 2006).
Reference List:
Smith, M., Ross, J., Jones, G., Shelton, K., Frank, T., & Teslow, A. (2006). Big business in a
small town. Outreach, 22(2), 12-13.
For more than six authors APA requires that you use “et al.” to indicate the remaining authors
of the article.
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Citing Multiple Authors (continued)
Investments take a downturn but are expected to rebound (Dickens et al., 2006).
Reference List:
Dickens, J., Patsy, Q., Franko, S., Russel, B., Kurtz, K., Teddy, N., et al. (2006). Finance
Magazine, 12(3), 14.
Citing Sources with no Authors
In your reference use the first few words of the title as your author:
Ford gains in sales. (1998, December 5). Business Week, 57. Retrieved February 20, 1999,
from Business Source Premier database.
In-text cite the first few words of the reference list entry and the year. Use double quotation
marks around the title. This rule applies to all sources that lack an identifiable human
Automobile sales continue to rise (“Ford gains,” 1998).
Further questions concerning these and other topics can be answered by consulting the
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.). Copies are
located in the Irwin Library and the Science Library.
©2005 Butler University Libraries
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Citing in PowerPoint Presentations
Based on an interpretation of APA citing rules there are two possible ways to cite within the
context of a PowerPoint presentation.
The first method is to cite where you got the information by listing your source in parenthesis
at the bottom of your slide.
Method 1:
The second method involves an in-text parenthetical citation or direct quote and an
accompanying slide at the end of your presentation that lists all your references in
alphabetical order.
Method 2:
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PowerPoint Continued…
Method 2:
When citing in PowerPoint slides it is recommended that you pick one of the two described
methods and stick with it consistently throughout your presentation.
Citing Helpers
Citing programs like RefWorks, EndNote, etc., citing guides like the Pocket Manual of Style,
and various online citation generators should all be used with caution. These resources are
typically designed to help cite common sources and often provide incorrect information in
regards to citing unique business sources. If you do decide to use these resources ALWAYS
compare your citation to the examples in this guide.
©2005 Butler University Libraries
Updated 11/14/2007
Citation Examples: Business Source Types
Please note that in 2007 the American Psychological Association came out with new
guidelines for citing electronic sources. Most notable in this update are the inclusion of
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) numbers in the citation of resources from library databases.
One example:
Santee, B, & Wagner, M. (1998). The science of marketing. Journal of
Marketing,62(1), 79. doi: 10.1025/0009-9999.98.5.332
Be advised that this guide does not follow the 2007 DOI guidelines. Since this guide is
intended for undergraduate assignments it is much easier to locate a source by listing
the database, rather than the DOI number. One example:
Thornton, E., & Kerwin, K. (1998, November 2). Nissan is back in the mud. Business Week,
56. Retrieved February 19, 1999, from LEXIS/NEXIS Academic Universe database.
Therefore, unless your professor instructs you otherwise, please list the database from which
you retrieved your source.
Articles (Electronic)
Internet Newspaper:
Telschow, B. (2003, October 21). The politics of corporations. Wall Street Journal [Online],
Retrieved October 31, 2003, from http://www.wsj.com
Author of article. (Publication date including month and date if available). Title of article
(Only capitalize the first word of the title, subtitle, and proper nouns.). Newspaper
Title [Online]. Date article was retrieved and Internet location
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Articles (continued)
Journal Article from a Library Database:
Gilly, M., & Wolfinbarger, M. (1998). Advertising's internal audience. Journal of
Marketing,62(1), 69. Retrieved September 1, 1998, from Business Source Premier
Author of article. (Publication date). Title of article (Only capitalize the first word of the title,
subtitle, and proper nouns.). Journal Name, volume(issue), article page numbers (if
available). Date article was retrieved and name of database.
Magazine Article from a Library Database:
Thornton, E., & Kerwin, K. (1998, November 2). Nissan is back in the mud. Business Week,
56. Retrieved February 19, 1999, from LEXIS/NEXIS Academic Universe database.
Author of article. (Publication date). Title of article (Only capitalize the first word of the title,
subtitle, and proper nouns.). Journal Name, volume(issue), article page numbers (if
available). Date article was retrieved and name of database.
Magazine Article from a Library Database (no author):
Ford gains in sales. (1998, December 5). Business Week, 57. Retrieved February 20, 1999,
from Business Source Premier database.
Title as author (Only capitalize the first word of the title, subtitle, and proper nouns.).
(Publication date) Journal Name, volume(issue), article page numbers (if available).
Date article was retrieved and name of database.
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Articles (continued)
Newspaper Article from a Library Database:
Elliott, S. (1998, June 25). Research finds consumers worldwide belong to six basic groups
that cross national lines. New York Times, D8. Retrieved September 1, 1998, from
LEXIS/NEXIS Academic Universe database.
Author of article. (Publication date including month for monthlies and week for weeklies).
Title of article. Newspaper Name, section and page number (if available). Date article
was retrieved and name of database.
Articles (Print)
Reference to a print journal article, one author:
Kozinets, R. V. (2002). Can consumers escape the market? Emancipatory illuminations from
burning man. Journal of Consumer Research, 29(1), 20-38.
Author of article. (Publication date). Title of article (Only capitalize the first word of the title,
subtitle, and proper nouns.). Journal name, volume(issue), article page numbers.
Reference to a print journal article, two authors:
Peck, J., & Childers, T. L. (2003). To have and to hold: The influence of haptic information
on product judgments. Journal of Marketing, 67(2), 35-48.
Authors of article. (Publication date). Title of article (Only capitalize the first word of the
title, subtitle, and proper nouns.). Journal name, volume(issue), article page numbers.
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Books (Print)
Reference to an entire book:
Bank, D. (2001). Breaking Windows: How Bill Gates fumbled the future of Microsoft. New
York: Free Press.
Author or editor. (Publication date). Title. Publication Information.
Reference to a chapter or article in an edited book:
Moonitz, M. (1977). The environment of accounting. In Mueller, G. G., & Smith, C. H.
(Eds.), Accounting: a book of readings (2nd ed., p. 31). Hinsdale, Il: The Dryden
Author of chapter or article. (Publication date). Title of chapter or article. Editor of book (Ed.,
or Eds.). Title of book with chapter or article page numbers and edition. Publication
Entry in a reference book:
Wren, J. (1990). American motor league. In May, G. S. (Ed.), The encyclopedia of American
business history and biography: The automobile industry, 1896-1920 (p. 7). New
York: Facts On File.
Note: if the entry has no author, place the entry's title in the author position.
Microsoft Corp. (2000). In America's corporate families (Vol. 1, pp. 1087-1088). Bethlehem,
PA: Dun & Bradstreet, Inc.
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Brochures, Pamphlets, etc.
Citing Solutions Incorporated. (2005). Our company history [Brochure].
Indianapolis, IN.
Author or corporate author. (Publication date). Italicized brochure title. [Brochure]
Publication information if available and location.
Choices III (Simmons)
Demographics of sports beverage drinkers [Report]. (2001). Simmon's study of media and
markets. Retrieved October 25, 2004, from Simmon's Choices III database.
Title of report [Report]. (2001). Simmon's study of media and markets. Date table was
retrieved and name of database.
Company Histories
Company History from Business & Company Resource Center:
Microsoft Corporation. (1999). International directory of company histories, Vol. 27.
Retrieved June 9, 2003, from Business and Company Resource Center database.
When no author is apparent, use the host organization or the title of the document.
(Publication date). Source of the company history. Date report was retrieved and name
of database.
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Company Histories (continued)
Company History from Corporate Website:
Microsoft Corporation. (2003). Microsoft timeline. Retrieved June 2, 2003, from
When no author is apparent, use the host organization or the title of the information.
(Publication date). Title of information. Date accessed, Internet location
Company Profiles
Company Profile from Library Database
Microsoft Corp. (2003). Microsoft company profile. Retrieved June 9, 2003, from Business &
Company Resource Center database.
Datamonitor. (2003). Microsoft corporation. Retrieved June 9, 2003, from
Business Source Premier database.
When no author is apparent, use the host organization or the title of the profile. (Publication
date). Title of profile. Date article was retrieved and name of database.
Company Profile from Corporate Website:
Microsoft. (October 25, 2002). The business of Microsoft. Retrieved June 23, 2003, from
When no author is apparent, use the host organization or the title of the information.
(Publication date including month and date if available). Title of information. Date
accessed, Internet location
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Country Reports
S&P Market Insight:
China economic statistics 2003 . (2003). 2003 CIA world fact book. Retrieved July
25, 2003, from Standard & Poor’s Market Insight database.
Title of report. (Publication date). Title of source. Date overview was retrieved and name of
Business Source Premier:
Social overview. (2003). China country review. Retrieved July 25, 2003, from Business
Source Premier database.
Title of report. (Publication date). Title of source. Date overview was retrieved and name of
ERIC Documents
Educational Resources Information Center report:
Markus, J.V. (1992). Teaching freshmen: A new approach to teaching business students
(Report No. NCRTL-RR-92-4). East Lansing, MI:National Center for Research on
Teacher Learning. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED. 346082).
Author of report. (date). Report title italicized (Report number). Publisher. (ERIC document
©2005 Butler University Libraries
Updated 11/14/2007
Industry/Market Research Reports
Euromonitor Report:
Entire Report
Euromonitor. (2003). Household furniture in the USA. Retrieved October 4, 2004, from
Euromonitor database.
Euromonitor as author. (Publication date). Title of entire report. Date report was retrieved and
name of database.
Selected Section
Euromonitor. (2003). Market size. Household furniture in the USA. Retrieved October 4,
2004, from Market Research Monitor database.
Euromonitor as author. (Publication date). Title of specific section. Title of entire report. Date
report was retrieved and name of database.
Business Insights Report:
Entire Report
Reuters. (2003). Commercial success in drug delivery: An analysis of key technologies and
products. Retrieved June 9, 2003, from Business Insights database.
Reuters as author. (Publication date). Title of entire report. Date report was retrieved and
name of database.
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Industry/Market Research Reports (continued)
Selected Section
Reuters. (2003). Introduction to drug delivery. Commercial success in drug delivery: An
analysis of key technologies and products. Retrieved June 9, 2003, from Business
Reuters as author. (Publication date). Title of specific section. Title of entire report. Date
report was retrieved and name of database.
Standard & Poors Industry Surveys (From Market Insight):
Corridore, J. (2003). Standard & Poors industry surveys: Airlines. Retrieved September 1,
2003, from Market Insight database.
Author of report. (Publication date). Title of report. Date report was retrieved and name of
Industry Overview (From Business & Company Resource Center):
Space research and technology. (2001). Encyclopedia of American industries . Retrieved
September 1, 2003, from Business &Company Center database.
Overview title. (Publication date). Title of source. Date report was retrieved and name of
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Internet Sources: General Information
When citing Internet sources, APA style asks that you follow two general rules:
1) Direct the readers as closely as possible to the information being cited—whenever possible,
reference specific documents rather than home or menu pages.
2) Provide addresses that work.
Excerpt from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.),
page 269.
Information housed on a web site:
Saba, J. (2000, December 19). Ten things you want to know. Retrieved June 2, 2003, from
Author of information. (Publication date including month and date if available). Title of
information. Date accessed, Internet location
Internet Sources
Information housed on a web site, no author:
Ford Motor Company. (2003). Historical stock prices. Retrieved June 2, 2003, from
When no author is apparent, use the host organization or the title of the information.
(Publication date including month and date if available). Title of information. Date
accessed, Internet location
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Updated 11/14/2007
Internet Sources (continued)
Information housed on a web site, no author or date:
Toyota Motors. (n.d.). Financial data. Retrieved June 2, 2003, from http://www.toyota.com/
When no author is apparent, use the host organization or the title of the information. (Use n.d.
for no date). Title of information. Date accessed, Internet location
Need more information about citing Internet sources?
Please see pages 232 – 238 and page 268 of the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association (5th ed.). Copies of the manual are available at the Irwin and
Science Library.
Matthies, B. (2005). Interview by Mike Adams. Notes. June 17. Butler University
Libraries, Indianapolis, IN.
Person being interviewed. (Interview date). Interview by Your Name. Format of interview
(e.g., Notes, Recording, Video, etc.). Month and day of interview. Location of
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Investment Reports
Investment Report from Library Database:
Berquist, T. (2004, July 29). Microsoft corp. Retrieved October 9, 2004, from Business and
Company Resource Center database.
Author or authors. (Publication date). Title of report. Date report was retrieved and name of
Key Business Ratios
Business Ratios from Dunn & Bradstreet’s Key Business Ratios Database:
Dun & Bradstreet. (2006). Ratios. Auto dealers and service stations.
Retrieved October 24, 2007, from Dun & Bradstreet’s Key Business Ratios Database.
Name of Database Vendor. (Date of ratios). Description of
Information. Title of report or line of business. Date information was retrieved and
name of database.
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Motion Pictures/Videos
Reference to a motion picture:
Santee, B. (Producer), & Woods, B. L. (Director). (2001). Corporate ethics [Motion Picture].
(Available from Big Sea Productions, Inc., 902 South Fourth, Norfolk, NE 68701.
Reference to a video cassette:
Santee, B. (Producer), & Woods, B. L. (Director). (2001). Corporate ethics [Video Cassette].
(Available from Big Sea Productions, Inc., 902 South Fourth, Norfolk, NE 68701.
Name of the primary contributors with their titles in parentheses (e.g., Producer, Director,
etc.). (Date). Title of film [Video Cassette or Motion Picture]. (Provide distributor
information of motion picture if known.)
Miscellaneous Company Financial Information
Standard and Poor's Market Insight Custom Excel Analytics Reports:
Standard & Poor’s IMS. (2003, July 22). Gap incorporated: annual income statement.
Retrieved July 25, 2003, from Standard & Poor’s Market Insight database.
Originator of information. (Report date include month and day). Company name: title of
report. Date report or information was retrieved and name of database.
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Miscellaneous Company Financial Information (continued)
Mergent’s Custom Reports (e.g., MS Excel, Word, etc.):
Mergent Online. (2003, July 25). Mergent custom report: balance sheet, cash flow. Retrieved
July 25, 2003, from Standard & Poor’s Market Insight database.
Name of database as author. (Date report was generated, with month and day). Mergent
custom report: description of selected sections. Date report was retrieved and name of
Standard and Poor's Research Insight Custom Reports (Compustat):
Standard & Poor's. (2003, July 25). Research insight custom report: holdings. Retrieved
July 25, 2003, from Standard & Poor’s Research Insight database.
Originator of information. (Report date include month and day). Research insight custom
report: title of report or name of items retrieved. Date report or information was
retrieved and name of database.
Stock Information
Stock Information from Library Database:
Thomson Financial. (2003, July 25). Gap Inc. stock quote. Gap Inc. company financials.
Retrieved July 25, 2003, from Business & Company Resource Center database.
Originator of quote. (Quote date, including month and day if available). Description of
Information including company name. Title of report or information given by
database. Date report or information was retrieved and name of database.
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Stock Information (continued)
Stock Information from Internet:
NYSE. (2003, July 25). Gap Inc. stock quote. Yahoo! finance. Retrieved July 25, 2003, from
Originator of quote. (Quote date, including month and day if available). Description of
information including company name. Internet source for quote. Date accessed,
Internet location.
NYSE. (2003, July 25). Gap Inc. stock quote. New York Stock Exchange. Retrieved July 25,
2003, from http://www.nyse.com/marketinfo/p1020656068262.html?
Originator of quote. (Quote date, including month and day if available). Description of
information including company name. Internet source for quote. Date accessed,
Internet location.
SEC Filings/Annual Reports
Annual Report from Library Database:
Entire Report
Microsoft Corporation. (2002). Microsoft 2002 annual report. Retrieved June 9, 2003, from
LexisNexis database.
Name of company as author. (Publication date). Title of annual report. Date report was
retrieved and name of database.
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SEC Filings/Annual Reports (continued)
Specific Section of Report
Microsoft Corporation. (2002). Selected financial data. Microsoft 2002 annual report, 26 item
7. Retrieved June 9, 2003, from LexisNexis database.
Name of company as author. (Publication date). Section title. Title of annual report, section
number or identifier. Date report was retrieved and name of database.
Annual Report from Company Website:
Entire Report
Microsoft Corporation. (2000). Microsoft 2000 annual report. Retrieved October 4, 2000,
from http://www.microsoft.com/msft/ar.htm#
Name of company as author. (Publication date). Report title. Date accessed, Internet location.
Specific Section of Report
Microsoft Corporation. (2000). Selected financial data. Microsoft 2000 annual report, 26 item
7. Retrieved October 4, 2000, from http://www.microsoft.com/msft/ar.htm#
Name of company as author. (Publication date). Section title. Title of annual report, section
number or identifier. Date accessed, Internet location
©2005 Butler University Libraries
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SEC Filings/Annual Reports (continued)
10K from Library Database:
Entire 10-K
Wal-mart Stores Inc. (2003). Form 10-K. Retrieved July 25, 2003, from LexisNexis database.
Name of company as author. (Publication date). Title of SEC Filing. Date report was retrieved
and name of database.
Specific Page or Pages From 10-K
Wal-mart Stores Inc. (2003). Form 10-K, pp. 8-10. Retrieved July 25, 2003, from LexisNexis
Name of company as author. (Publication date). Title of SEC Filing, page or pages. Date
report was retrieved and name of database.
10K from Company Website:
Entire 10-K
Sears, Roebuck and Co. (2003). Form 10-K. Retrieved July 25, 2003, from
Name of company as author. (Publication date). Title of SEC Filing. Date accessed, Internet
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SEC Filings/Annual Reports (continued)
Specific Page or Pages From 10-K
Sears, Roebuck and Co. (2003). Form 10-K, p.10. Retrieved July 25, 2003, from
Name of company as author. (Publication date). Title of SEC Filing, page or pages. Date
accessed, Internet location.
Table Base Report
US flash memory market size in units, with percent of total by industry use, for 2002 [Table].
(2003, May 15). Purchasing, 132 (9). Retrieved July 25, 2003, from TableBase
Title of table [Table]. (Publication date, including month and day if available). Title of
originating source, volume (issue) if available. Date table was retrieved and name of
APA style does not allow for active links in your citation or periods at the end of any cited
URLs unless the period is part of the original URL
Microsoft. (October 25, 2002). The business of Microsoft. Retrieved June 23, 2003, from
Microsoft. (October 25, 2002). The business of Microsoft. Retrieved June 23, 2003, from
©2005 Butler University Libraries
Updated 11/14/2007
Additional Resources
1. American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association. (5th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological
Association. (Ref Desk BF76.7 .P83 2001)
2. For general writing help: Butler University’s Writers’ Studio located in Jordon Hall 304.
3. For help with citing business sources: Brad Matthies, Reference Librarian, Irwin Library
130 (bmatthie@butler.edu, 940-9549, AIM: Matthies67).
©2005 Butler University Libraries
Updated 11/14/2007