SAINT BONAVENTURE CATHOLIC PARISH At that time the LORD appointed seventy-two others whom he sent ahead of him in pairs. Luke 10:1 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 7, 2013 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time PASTOR’S CORNER Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, In today’s Gospel (Luke 10:1-20) Jesus sends the seventy-two on mission. He sends them to towns and places he intended to visit. They were going to prepare the way of the Lord. They comprise thirty-six pairs of disciples. The disciples would travel two by two. What I like about this is that people would see how they treated each other. Did they work well together? Did they help each other out? How they got along with each other would speak more eloquently than any of their preaching. It would show people that they put into practice the love of Christ. What instructions did Jesus give the seventy-two? The disciples were sent out like “lambs among wolves.” The harvest was abundant, the laborers were few. There would be sacrifices and joys. Their greeting when entering a house would be, “Peace to this household.” They would stay in one place eating and drinking what was offered them. They would cure their sick and announce, “The kingdom of God is at hand for you.” When the disciples returned to Jesus from preaching to the towns and villages they announced to Jesus, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us because of your name.” But Jesus emphasized what was really important, “Do not rejoice because the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” (Luke 10:20) You don’t have to go to faraway lands to be a missionary. The mission for many of you is to show compassion and love to your family, to be honest and hardworking at your job, to care for those around you. Your mission begins by listening to Jesus through personal prayer, family prayer, and community prayer especially Sunday Mass. “Sing praise to the glory of God’s name; proclaim his glorious praise.” (Responsorial Psalm 66) And now let me share a reminder. If you haven’t already made your pledge to the Diocesan Capital Campaign, please do so. Remember, if you are able to make a substantial gift but need more time to pay it off, you can spread your payments over four years. Envelopes are in the pews and in the parish office. Masses at the Christ Cathedral property begin in mid-July. They will be celebrated in the Arboretum. This is the original church on the former Crystal Cathedral property. Your donations to the Capital Campaign are already bearing fruit. The Arboretum was extensively renovated thanks to your donations. And this is only the beginning. For more information go to or www. I thank all those who have already pledged. I encourage everyone to give what you can to this Campaign. We are all part of the Diocese of Orange and so it is important to support the work of our Bishop and our Diocese. The Christ Cathedral Campus will be there for all us. We each need to do our part to help further the Good News of Jesus Christ at the parish level and on the diocesan level and beyond. “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers and sisters.” (St. Paul to Galatians 6:18) Page two me W e l c oOUR NEW PAROCHIAL VICAR FR. DICK KENNEDY Fr. Dick will introduce himself at all Masses this weekend. Come greet him in the parish hall after all Sunday Masses. Fr. Dick served the parishioners of St. Bonaventure as a young parochial vicar almost 40 years ago. He has served the people of the Diocese of Orange well as Diocesan Vocation Director, then as pastor of St. Mary Church in Fullerton, then as pastor of St. Barbara Church in Santa Ana. Now he comes to St. Bonaventure as a senior priest. Welcome Fr. Dick! PERPETUAL ADORATION 24 Hours of Prayer Begins Sunday, July 7 Perpetual Adoration begins this Sunday after the 5:00 p.m. Mass and continues until just before the 6:30 a.m. Mass July 8. We are invited to pray for all God’s people in the diocese, for our own spiritual development, and for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life. After sundown all church doors will be locked except the two front doors on the tabernacle and font sides. Your gift of one hour day or night will bring many blessings. July 7, 2013 Page three Ǥ Campaign Newsletter ƬǡʹͲͳ͵yͳʹ Ǩ Our parish continues to make progress as we work toward reaching our goal in our For Christ Forever Campaign. Many families have demonstrated their support to the campaign by filling out a pledge card. To those families who have contributed, thank you for your continued support! St. Bonaventure has pledged over $640,602 toward our goal of $1,807,232. This represents just over 36% of our goal from only 251 of our parish families. Please help us build on this success and reach our goal of 100% participation by making your pledge today! It is only through prayer and sacrifice that we can make this campaign a success. Please make your gift soon to reduce the amount of follow-up contacts our volunteers will be making over the next few days. SUGGESTED GIFT PLANS Can You Sacrifice? $216.35 per week $108.18 per week $64.91 per week $43.27 per week $32.46 per week $21.64 per week $12.99 per week Then Your 48 Monthly Payments Would Be About… $938 $469 $281 $188 $141 $94 $56 After a 10% Initial Payment of… $5,000 $2,500 $1,500 $1,000 $750 $500 $300 After 4 Years Your Total Pledge Would Be… $50,000 $25,000 $15,000 $10,000 $7,500 $5,000 $3,000 • Gift plans are based on a 10% down payment, however, a down payment is not necessary to begin your pledge. • Payment reminders will be mailed to you in accordance with your payment plan (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annually). • The Diocese also accepts gifts of stocks, direct debit and credit card payments. • Gifts can also be made online by visiting Ȉ ȈǤǤͳͶʹ͵͵Ȉǡͻʹͺ͵ ͳͶǤʹͻǤͲʹͷȈǤǤ Page four July 7, 2013 ANOINTING OF THE SICK Saturday, July 13 8:00 a.m. Mass Even with the economy starting to show improvement, there continues to be an incredible need within our community to assist those less fortunate. In 2012, HOPE assisted 21,200 individuals. As you have heard through the media, low inventories are still being seen at our local Food Banks where HOPE purchases food for distribution. In order to continue assisting those in need, during the month of July baskets normally used to collect holiday food donations will be placed at the doors of the church. As you do your weekly grocery shopping, we are asking that you please purchase non-perishable food items. Some suggestions include tuna, soups, meal-in-a-can, canned fruit, canned vegetables, cereal, rice, and macaroni and cheese. Thank you for your support! God bless you. “Anointing of the Sick can be administered to a member of the faithful who, after having reached the age of reason, begins to be in danger due to sickness or old age.“ (CL #1004) ST. BONAVENTURE SPANISH COMMUNITY CREATES NEW MINISTRY Information Table July 7 “Ministerio Misionero” is a new ministry that will serve the spiritual and material needs of remote and poor communities in Mexico, taking the Word of God and food and clothing. Stop by their information table after all Sunday Masses July 7. Or for more info call Ramon Verduzco at 235-1272 or Gabriela Campos at 658-1318. MEN'S CLUB MEETING Legion of Mary Thursday, July 11, 6:30 p.m. Consecration to Our Blessed Mother JOIN US ON JULY 10, as we begin a 33-day preparation for Marian Consecration. For six weeks we’ll individually read about and reflect on four great Marian giants: St. Louis Marie de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Blessed Mother Teresa, and Blessed John Paul II. They’ll teach us the secrets to drawing closer to the Heart of Jesus through the Heart of Mary. In our weekly meetings, Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the parish center, we’ll share our insights within our small group and then watch a 30-minute video. The video by popular author and speaker Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC will bring our individual reflections and group experience into a clear and liveable focus. Consecration will coincide with the Feast of the Assumption on August 15. You may sign up in advance at the parish office and order your materials. For more info contact Bill McElroy, 215-896-8513. Us ! Te e n s J o i n The Men’s Club has rescheduled their July meeting to the second Thursday of the month due to the 4th of July holiday. All men of the parish are invited. We will discuss projects and upcoming events. FAMILIES OF NAZARETH Being A Laborer For The Kingdom Of God “Everything that you do should serve to build and expand the kingdom of God.” —Tadeusz Dajczer, The Gift of Faith, p. 199 Small faith-sharing groups open to anyone seeking a deeper relationship with the loving presence of Jesus. Gospel reflection at www.familiesofnazareth. us. Call Mary Jane Bartee, 846-8434. July 7, 2013 Page five Knights of Columbus Golf Tournament BINGO NIGHT To Support Horizon Pregnancy Clinic Monday, July 8 If you or somebody you know likes golfing, and you would like to help support our local Pro-life Crisis Pregnancy Center, please sign up for the July 8 golf tournament being put on by Friends For Life Golf (FFLG) to benefit Horizon Pregnancy Clinic. Horizon provides caring and personal support to those in crisis pregnancy situations, and all of their services are free — that’s why they need our support. They offer pregnancy testing including ultrasound, options counseling and medical referrals, childbirth and parenting classes, and referrals for housing, adoption and social services. They are completely pro-life, and also offer abstinence presentations to schools, youth and young adult groups, and parents of teenagers. If you don't golf but want to support FFLG and Horizon, you could be a sponsor, or go to the post-tournament dinner, or buy some tickets for the opportunity drawing. To learn more about Horizon visit their web site at and also get details about the golf tournament and register through their “Golf For Life” link. H ave you ever thought you might like to sing in one of St. Bonaventure’s choirs but were afraid you lacked the skills? Well, we have a class for you! This August our Director of Music Wingate Greathouse will offer an easy and fun, four-part class in choral skills on Thursday evenings (August 1,8,22,29) from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. in the church choir loft. The class will focus on the basics: Why choirs are part of our Catholic traditions How to make a good vocal tone How to read music How to sing in harmony The class is open to all ages, but children under age 18 must have a parent accompany them for the entire length of the class. Please sign up in the parish center. There is no obligation to join one of our choirs, but if you ever thought you might want to try, this is a great place to start. For more info contact Wingate at 8463359x497 or at music@stbonaventure. org. Family Summer Movies Begins August 2 Friday Evenings at 7:00 p.m. On the BIG SCREEN In the Parish Hall August 2: “A Man For All Seasons” August 9: “St. Thomas – Apostle of India” August 16: “St. Anthony – The Miracle Worker of Padua” August 23: “Xavier – Missionary and Saint” NOTE: All films are of a religious nature and appropriate for all audiences. Bring your kids, your friends and neighbors, snacks, drinks, popcorn, lawn chairs, blankets, whatever makes you comfortable. For more info please call the Adult Education Office, 846-3359x478. Saturday, July 20 6:00-10:00 p.m. St. Vincent De Paul Parish Hall Have some summer fun! Come out for bingo, refreshments and beverages for sale, and cash prizes. Minimum purchase is $10 for ten games with two cards per game, then $1 per game for two cards. Players must be 18 years or older. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Games begin at approximately 7:00 p.m. Invite other parishioners, friends and neighbors for a night of fun. The Knights of Columbus will return to St. Bonaventure parish hall for a third Bingo Night on Saturday, August 17. For more info e-mail Sal Mendoza at Knights of Columbus Clip ‘N Save Coupon FREE 3 Bingo Games (Two Cards per Game) Valid on July 20 at St. Vincent de Paul or August 17 at St. Bonaventure Limit one coupon per person. Players must be over 18. Page six July 7, 2013 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT As Christian stewards, our mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people through word, sacrament, service, and community life. Do you know when the first parish festival took place? Do you know how much it cost to build the church? This short quiz covers much of the history of our parish from the very beginning. Not only fun, but informative as well. To take the quiz, go to the parish web site: http:// and click on the sliding image that looks like the one above. It will be the first one you see on the home page. You can take the quiz as many times as you like. So if you don’t do so well, try again. Good luck and have fun! If you want to study first, visit our History page, which is located on the web site under: “OUR COMMUNITY” -> “ABOUT OUR PARISH” -> “HISTORY OF OUR PARISH”. CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING: Care for God’s Creation From Pope Francis’ June 5 (World Environment Day) address: “When we talk about the environment, about creation, my thoughts turn to the first pages of the Bible, the Book of Genesis, which states that God placed man and woman on earth to cultivate and care for it. And the question comes to my mind: What does cultivating and caring for the earth mean? Are we truly cultivating and caring for creation? Or are we exploiting and neglecting it? The verb ‘to cultivate’ reminds me of the care that the farmer has for his land so that it bears fruit, and it is shared: how much attention, passion and dedication! Cultivating and caring for creation is God’s indication given to each one of us not only at the beginning of history; it is part of His project; it means nurturing the world with responsibility and transforming it into a garden, a habitable place for everyone. Benedict XVI recalled several times that this task entrusted to us by God the Creator requires us to grasp the rhythm and logic of creation. But we are often driven by pride of domination, of possessions, manipulation, of exploitation; we do not ‘care’ for it, we do not respect it, we do not consider it as a free gift that we must care for. We are losing the attitude of wonder, contemplation, listening to creation; thus we are no longer able to read what Benedict XVI calls ‘the rhythm of the love story of God and man.’ Why does this happen? Why do we think and live in a horizontal manner, we have moved away from God, we no longer read His signs.” More to follow … Expectant Mothers Please pray for the good health and safety of all expectant mothers and their babies, especially those in our parish community — Becky Brown, Andrea Smith and Shara Resnikoff. Thank you for your prayers! If you’re an expectant mother of St. Bonaventure parish and would like your name added to our prayer list, please make a personal call to Joe Sullivan, 842-9707. We also invite you to notify us of the baby’s arrival so we can publish congratulations. HELP WITH PREGNANCY Pregnant women in need can turn for help to the Pro-Life movement. Birth Choice: 949-364-3928 (Mission Viejo, Open Mon-Fri) Birth Choice: 516-9045 (Orange, closed Mon and Thurs) Horizon Pregnancy Clinic: 897-7500 Life Center: 835-5433 (Santa Ana) Precious Life Shelter: 562-431-5025 (Los Alamitos) Viet Pro Life: 721-8557, 654-6877 FEDERAL PRIVACY REGULATION The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) prohibits all hospitals from informing churches of a patient’s presence unless the patient gives permission for the hospital to do so. If you are admitted to a hospital and would like a member of the clergy or a Eucharistic Minister to visit you, please notify the hospital or call the parish center at 846-3359x0. July 7, 2013 MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, July 7 7:30 Bice Buccimazza, RIP 9:00 Elizabeth Kristy, RIP 10:30 Carol Webster, RIP 12:00 Rudy Rivera, RIP 5:00 Michelle Gordan, RIP Monday, July 8 6:30 Imelda Custodio, RIP 8:30 Leopoldo Rodriguez, RIP Tuesday, July 9 6:30 Pat Wastal, RIP 8:30 Benjamin L. Cesar, RIP Wednesday, July 10 6:30 Helen Bees, INT 8:30 Rufina So, RIP Thursday, July 11 6:30 Mariano Ong, RIP 8:30 Martha Panerio, RIP Friday, July 12 6:30 Michael Pella, RIP 8:30 Rene Picard, RIP Saturday, July 13 8:00 Edda and Walter Verners, INT Please pray for the recently deceased, especially Bob Miller. FUNERAL INFORMATION Please check the parish center kiosk or visit our parish web site http:// Search “funerals.” BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT The Bereavement Support Group meets on Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. in the hall conference room during the summer months. PARISH PRAYER LINE The Parish Prayer Line is available 24 hours a day. Please call 846-3359x506. STEWARDSHIP “The ones who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.” —Dr. Albert Schweitzer Page seven PLEASE PRAYFOR THOSE WHO ARE ILL BAPTIZED INTO THE BODY OF CHRIST Dean & Stella Albright, Michel Arotcharen, Amalia Bastita, Rudy Borgonia, Eric Burr, Mike Callahan, Teresa Callinan, Sandy Castillo, Mrs. Chinnchi, Tim Clancy, Lauren Clancy, Baby Skylar Clark,Charlie Connors, Patrick Coponiti, Lolita Daclan, Andrew Dangl, Ryan Delcoure, Deborah Dudley, Louis Duvic, Patrick Earley, Genevieve Ellis, Linda Ermer, Al Follin, Nelly Galeana, John Galvin, Dennis Graves, Stefani Gray, Randy Harthorn, Baby Elijah Holmberg, Mary Huffman, Mary Hunt, Kaitlyn Immig, Lisa Johnson, Jeannie Kern, Laurie Kern, Rosemary Kern, Sue Kern, Donna Klein, Betty Laing, Bang Le, Blair Lenoir, Regina and Jim Lewis, Charles Lindner, Addison Locke, Connie Martin, Eileen Mette, Baby J.J. Moisa, Steve Montano, David Moreno, Ronald Morrison, Matthew Myer, Sharon Ozoskey, Jean Palombo, Steve Parker, Cecil Parkerson, Patty Parkerson, Lisa and Jennie Pedroza, Liam Peterson, Carmen Rangel, Cynthia Reqius, Rose Ronquillo, Marissa Sanz, Lisa Yorath-Schiappacasse, Margaret Schmitz, Jeff Scott, Gabriel Shipley, Michael Smith, Gary Snyder, Katherine Swift, Jim Tucker, Jose Carlos Valle, Melanie Walker, Amber Wallace, Sean Walsh Our parish family warmly welcomes our newest members baptized in May: Delila Alyssa Keyana Marie Alas Rosalie Faith Alas James Maximiliano Olivan Armenta Karla Valentina Gonzalez Eleora Sofia Miramontes Sarah Jane Cronin Jaelyn Jaylie Hernandez Tabitha Jane Rea Dayana Romero Sanchez Carson Robert Andrew Berry Angelo Dante Claveria Dylan Allen Cook Hailey Jane Cook Vittoria Petra Gonzalez David Anthony Benavente Jenna Leann Pagelinan Maximilian Cruz Medina WEDDING BANNS Dina Dimler and Tim Leland Saturday, July 13 SCRIPTURE READINGS Sunday, July 7: Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 66:10-14 / Psalm 66:1-7,16,20 / Galatians 6:14-18 / Luke 10:1-12,17-20 Monday, July 8: Genesis 28:10-22 / Psalm 91:1-4,14-15 / Matthew 9:18-26 Tuesday, July 9: Saint Augustine Zhao Rong, priest, and Companions, martyrs Genesis 32:23-33 / Psalm 17:1-3,6-7,8,15 / Matthew 9:32-38 Wednesday, July 10: Genesis 41:55-57;42:5-7,17-24 / Psalm 33:2-3,10-11,18-19 / Matthew 10:1-7 Thursday, July 11: Saint Benedict, abbot Genesis 44:18-21,23-29;45:1-5 / Psalm 105:16-21 / Matthew 10:7-15 Friday, July 12: Genesis 46:1-7,28-30 / Psalm 37:3-4,18-19,27-28,39-40 / Matthew 10:16-23 Saturday, July 13: Saint Henry Genesis 49:29-32;50:15-26 / Psalm 105:1-4,6-7 / Matthew 10:24-33 Sunday, July 14: Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Deuteronomy 30:10-14 / Psalm 69:14,17,30-31,33-34,36-37 / Colossians 1:15-20 / Luke 10:25-37 Page eight MINISTRY OF THE MONTH Contemplative Prayer T he Catholic Church has a rich heritage of contemplative prayer that has become increasingly popular, while revitalizing the spiritual lives of many throughout the Church. God is constantly drawing us close to him and prayer is the result of God’s constant invitation to us for a deeper intimacy with Him. There now appears to be a “hunger of the heart” that people feel for a personal relationship with the Lord. Thus, we are called to the contemplative path where our hunger can be satisfied by way of contemplative “resting in God.” God wants to spend time with us so He can remain in our hearts; we grow spiritually with each moment we spend with the Him. To the extent that we allow ourselves to be moved by God’s indwelling Presence in us, we come to experience the Christ-life through contemplation of His Divine Word. Using the ancient practice of Lectio Divina — a slow, contemplative, attentive and prayerful pondering of Sacred Scripture, we are led to “hear God’s Word as it speaks to us personally, here and now, bringing about an encounter with Christ, the living Word of God.” (Pope Benedict XVI) The practice of Lectio Divina has no other goal than spending time with God through the medium of His Word. “We need to treat the Word of God as a person — not as a problem to solve or a code to decipher. The Word of God is a Presence — someone to get close to. When we love someone, our desire to get to know that person better never ends. Relish the richness of God’s Word with the same desire.” (Magnificat, Vol 13, #5, July 2011) This being said, the Contemplative Prayer Ministry is geared towards accompanying the Faithful in experiencing the Christ-life within us. We employ the Lectio Divina method both as a private and as a group exercise. Not everyone can or should live as a hermit. But no Christian can do without an ‘inner hermitage’ where God can be encountered. The hermitage is a place apart, a desert where a person comes to face-to-face with his true self, and in that meeting discovers God. It is a place of silence, of fear and fascination, of anguish and grace. What did Jesus do in solitude? He contemplated. His whole soul was before God. The beatific light bathed his mind; his will burned with charity. Let the desire to be with God goad you as often and intensely as it may. The trail you are following has no end except in God. Be generous. The Master himself will draw near to you. Contemplative Prayer Ministry welcomes men and women who are in need of deepening their relationship with God through His Word. Come and join us to contemplate and pray the Scriptures through the practice of Lectio Divina. We meet every Monday in Duffy West from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. For more info contact Thess Williams at 928-3385 or by e-mail Ministry of the Month is brought to you courtesy of Stewardship Ministry. Stewardship — it’s what we do after we say, “I believe.” To feature your ministry contact coordinator Jim Wallace at July 7, 2013 The Holy Father’s PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR JULY General: That the World Youth Day taking place in Brazil may encourage all young Christians to become disciples and missionaries of the Gospel. Missionary: That throughout the Asian continent, doors may be opened to the messengers of the Gospel. DRESS GUIDELINES IN CHURCH Out of respect for our Lord and your neighbor, it is requested that men and women, boys and girls dress modestly. The way we dress at church becomes especially germane during the summer months. So please avoid shorts, tank tops, spaghetti straps, low cut, backless, mini-dresses, halters, bare midriffs, tight fitting clothes, etc. Everyone is welcome at St. Bonaventure. All we ask is that your dress reflects our respect for our Lord and each other. The Legion of Mary offers ... REDISCOVER CATHOLICISM: A Spiritual Guide to Living with Passion Donation $3 per book. Available in the parish center. COFFEE & DONUT MINISTRY Aer Sunday Morning Masses July 7: No Donuts (4th of July) July 14: Served by Italian Catholic Federation July 21: Served by Spanish Ministry July 28: Served by Men’s Club July 7, 2013 Page nine RELIGIOUS EDUCATION YOUTH MINISTRY The mission of Religious Education is to help the children of our parish encounter Jesus Christ and to support and encourage the Catholic faith that is lived in the family. We serve children from preschool through 8th grade, including children with special needs. Call 846-1187 or e-mail “Empowering young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world!” Join us for Life Teen Mass Sunday at 5:00 p.m. Vacation Bible School July 15-19 Teen Help Needed: We have 150 children for Vacation Bible School this summer and are in need of more teen volunteers to help provide a spiritually enriching program! If you are an incoming 7th grader or older please call us if you can share your time and talents! Religious Education Office, 846-1187. Registration for 2013-2014 School Year: Returning families have been sent registration materials. Please return by August 1 for early-bird discount. New families — welcome! You can pick up registration materials in the parish center or Religious Education Office. Steubenville San Diego Retreat Mandatory Meeting Wednesday, July 10 at 6:00 p.m. Youth Room For all those going on retreat July 26-28. Dinner will be provided. Please bring a blank white T-shirt to decorate. Confirmation Registration Now Open for Year One and Year Two Please come by the Youth Ministry Office to pick up a Registration Packet. Registration Fee is $100 if returned by July 21 and $125 if returned by August 18. No packets will be accepted after August 18. As a reminder you MUST re-register for the second year of Confirmation. Sunday: Teen Mass as always at 5:00 pm in the church Monday: SALTeens 6:00-7:30 pm in YM office Tuesday: LT Liturgy Prep, 5:00-6:00 pm in YM Office Tuesday: Youth Gathering, 6:00-8:00 pm in YM office Life Teen Petition of the Week DO YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE BIBLE? Catholic Bible Institute, Diocese of Orange Classes begin August 24 Schedule: August 24 – Orientation Session September 7 – The New Testament and Gospel of Mark October 5 – Gospel of Matthew November 2 – Gospel of Luke and Acts December 7 – Gospel and Epistles of John January 4, 2014 – Pauline Letters February 1 – Deutero Pauline Epistles March 1 – Catholic Epistles April 5 – Book of Revelation May 3 – New Testament Theology The instructor is biblical scholar Fr. Felix, S.J., Ph.D, Director of Biblical Education, Loyola Institute for Spirituality. For more info visit DIVORCE/SEPARATED SUPPORT MINISTRY We use a 13-session, Christ-centered program called DivorceCare. At DivorceCare, you will become part of a small support group of people who understand what you are feeling and will be able to extend positive encouragement. We meet on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month in Duffy West. Cost for the workbook is $15. A new program begins on August 8. For more info contact Glenda Mercado at 756-1072 or g7lenda@ For all the Catholic faithful, may they answer their baptismal call to mission through a bold expression of their faith in word and deed. Diocese of Orange CATHOLIC FAMILY FUN NIGHT Friday, July 19 Angel Stadium in Anaheim Tailgate and Pre-Game Fun! FREE food for the first 500 guests Tailgate at 5:00 p.m. // Game at 7:05 p.m. Angels vs. Oakland A’s Seating & Prices Right Field Pavilion $22 / Left Field Pavilion $25 / Field Box $36 / Terrace Box $35 Discount on group purchase of 50+ tickets. Purchase tickets online at For more info contact Mary Anderson at or 282-3055. Sponsored by Catholic Charities, Diocesan Catholic Schools, Knights of Columbus, Orange Catholic Foundation and Youth and Young Adult Ministry FAMILY WEBSITE “Familia,” a Catholic program committed to strengthening all families, has created a website for parents with young children to prepare for the next Sunday with games, puzzles, etc. Visit Page ten July 7, 2013 PAGINA DE LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA EL MINISTERIO MISIONERO Te invita a apoyarlo en sus jornadas misioneras que van tocando a Cristo Jesús con los más necesitados, a traves de la caridad, y el dolor de Cristo en los más pobres. Porque quien toca el rostro de un pobre toca el rostro de Cristo. Para más información comunicarse con Miguel Cerna, 341-5064 o Maria Lomely, 583-0438. Grupo de Oración Santa María de Guadalupe RETIRO DE INICIACION 2013 Septiembre 6,7,8 Viernes de 6:00 p.m. a Domingo a los 4:00 p.m. Marywood Center, 2811 E. Villarreal Drive, Orange Costo $50 (incluye transporte, comida y hospedaje) ADORACIÓN AL SANTÍSIMO “Venid y Adoremos” Domingo 7 de Julio Hora de la Comunidad Hispana 12:00-1:00 a.m. GRUPO CARISMATICO DE ORACION SANTA MARIA DE GUADALUPE Viernes 7:00 p.m. Alabanza, oracion y predicacion Coordinadora: Maria Rosas, 519-5302 Ven y conoce el amor de un Dios Vivo que te espera con los brazos abiertos y tiene un mar de misericordia para ti y tu familia. Para más información comunicarse con: Maria Rosas, 714-519-5302; Ines Gonzales, 714-916-1337; Silvestre Garcia, 714-330-1378; Micaela Malaca, 714-986-4802 GRUPO MUNDO NUEVO ¡DIVERSIÓN EN FAMILIA, COMIDA GRATIS, FUEGOS PIROTÉCNICOS! El Viernes, 19 de Julio sera la Noche Católica Familiar en el Estadio de Los Angelitos. Por favor únase a la comunidad Católica esta noche para ver el juego de Los Angelitos de Anaheim contra los Oakland A’s. Habrá comida gratuita para las primeras 500 personas que asisten al convivio del tailgate a las 5:00 p.m. el día del partido debajo de la “A.” El juego comienza a las 7:05 p.m. Los Boletos para el juego están a la venta de $22 a $36. Habrá boletos de descuento para grupos de más de 50. Compre sus boletos o para más información, visite www. OC-Foundation. org/Angels o llame o mande un correo electrónico a Mary Anderson o 282-3055. Patrocinado por: Caridades Católicas, Escuelas Católicas Diocesanas, Caballeros de Colon, Orange Catholic Foundation, Departamento de La Pastoral Juvenil. CLASES PRE-BAUTISMALES Tercer Domingo del Mes, 11:00 a.m. Tienen que registrarse en la oficina. Deberán asistir los Padres y Padrinos. Los Padrinos deberán estar casados por la Iglesia Catolica. Para poder tomar la clase deberán estar registrados y haber llenado y entregado las formas en la oficina antes del dia de la clase. No pueden registrarse y tomar la clase el mismo dia. Deberán llegar a tiempo, si la clase ya ha comenzado no se les admitira. Bautizos: Primer Domingo del Mes durante la Misa de 1:30 p.m. y Sabado 20 de Julio 10:00 a.m. Sabados 7:00 p.m. Enseñaza y crecimiento Instructor: Angel Arellano Coordinadora: Carmen Bermudez, 421-3716 HORAS DE OFICINA EN ESPAÑOL Susan Robles, Recepcionista Martes 5:00-7:00 p.m. Miercoles 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Jueves 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Viernes 1:00-5:00 p.m. Domingo 7:30-1:30 p.m. VIDA EN LA COMUNIDAD Misa En Español, Domingo 1:30 p.m. Confesiones Sabados 8:30 a.m., 3:30 pm., 8:00 p.m. BODAS Deben comunicarse a la oficina con por lo menos seis meses de anticipación antes de hacer los preparativos para su recepción. July 7, 2013 Page eleven VIETNAMESE COMMUNITY’S PAGE Chúa Nhật XIV Thường Niên Tháng 7 Cộng Đoàn Việt Nam tại Huntington Beach Linh mục Quản nhiệm: Cha Nguyễn Thành-Tài (714-846-3359 ext 414) Chủ tịch BCH: Ông Nguyễn Đức Chuyên (714-883-0729) Giờ lễ (Mass hour): Thứ 6 hàng tuần 7:15pm Thứ 7 (lễ Chúa nhật) hàng tuần 6:30 pm Chầu Thánh Thể (Adoration) Thứ 6 hàng tuần 6:45pm (trước lễ) Mùng 7 mỗi tháng 7-8 pm Nhóm Cầu Nguyện sinh hoạt từ 5-6 pm (thứ 2-5). Đầu tuần có phần học hỏi Thánh Kinh. Kính mời mọi người đến tham dự và cùng cầu nguyện. Sinh Hoạt Hội Đền Tạ Đức Mẹ Tháng 7 Đức Mẹ sẽ đến thăm các gia đình sau đây: Gia đình: A/C Mai Viết Duy Gia đình: Ô/B Hoàng Văn Đăng Gia đình: A/C Ngô Phúc Gia đình:Ô/ B Nguyễn Hùng Gia đình: A/C Đào Quý Hùng Quý gia đình nào muốn đón rước Đức Mẹ Xin liên lạc với hội Số phone: (714) 897-1387 Chân thành cảm ơn Cha, ông Chủ Tịch và Cộng Đoàn Phúc Âm của tuần Lu-ca 10, 1-12. 17-20 Hãy mừng vì tên anh em đã được ghi trên trời. Hội giúp lễ kêu gọi các em có lòng mến Chúa yêu người và những bậc cha mẹ muốn rèn luyện con em trong môi trường lành thánh tham gia giúp lễ hỗ trợ các cha trong các thánh lễ uy linh hàng tuần. Xin liên lạc bác Quang (714) 957-2714. Cha Quản nhiệm kêu gọi những ai có lòng nhiệt huyết và sự năng động để cùng Cha tham gia nhóm Đức Tin. Nhóm sẽ vạch ra các hoạt động của cộng đoàn trong năm Đức Tin nhằm nâng cao niềm tin vào Thiên Chúa và Giáo Hội, học hỏi thêm về công đồng Vaticano II và sách Giáo Lí Hội Thánh Công Giáo. Xin liên lạc với Cha quản nhiệm để tham gia. THÔNG BÁO Để cố gắng khôi phục thánh lễ Vọng Phục Sinh cho người Việt Nam, ban chấp hành rất cần những tư liệu, hình-phim ảnh của các ngày lễ Vọng Phục Sinh của người Việt nam các năm trước. Nếu ai có xin liên lạc với ban chấp hành. Xin chân thành cảm ơn. CHÚA MỜI GỌI Cộng đồng Việt Nam ở Huntington Beach luôn mở rộng cửa đón chào mọi người đến sinh hoạt và tham gia các hội đoàn. Nếu bạn và gia đình muốn tham gia xin điền tên, số ĐT và đưa phiếu này cho cha hoặc BCH. Tên:…………………………………….. ĐT:…………………………………….. Hội đoàn muốn tham gia:…………………………………………………….. Page twelve July 7, 2013 CATHOLIC LEGISLATIVE NETWORK Thank You to Our Donors We would like to recognize the following generous donors to the Building Fund. Donor List from August 7 to December 31, 2012 Miss Tricia Tensfeldt Miss Cindy Terhune Mrs Barbara Tetreault Mr & Mrs Lyle Theile Mr Jesus Toledo, Sr. Mr & Mrs Daniel Tolentino, Jr Mr & Mrs Joseph Totaro, Jr Mr & Mrs Thai Tran Mr Joseph Khac Tran Mr & Mrs Thuy Linh Tran Mr & Mrs Hung Tran Hoa Tran Mr & Mrs Ken Tran Miss Loan Tran My Hong Tran Mr & Mrs Sonny Tran & Thao Vu Mr & Mrs Tai Tran Mr & Mrs Tri Tran & Lilian Hoang Mr & Mrs Vincent Tran Mr & Mrs Don Trend Jason Truong Mr Loc Duc Truong Mr Philip Turek Mr & Mrs Edward Twining Mr & Mrs Francisco Urquidez Mr & Mrs Larry Utsler Mr & Mrs Alexander Valle Mrs Bonnie Vandermeulen Mr & Mrs Pablo Vasquez Mr & Mrs Luis Vazquez Mr & Mrs Lloyd Vierra Ms Patricia Vifquain VN Drugs Mr & Mrs Binh Vo Mr Joseph Vogrin Mr & Mrs Thiep Vu Kim Vu Mr & Mrs Ba Minh Vu & Lynn Chu Mr & Mrs Bao Thai Vu & Nguyet Nguyen Mr & Mrs James Vu Mrs Nhan Thi Vu Mr & Mrs Rudi Wagatha Mr James Wallace Mrs Barbara Walsh Mr Richard Wasiewicz Mrs Joanne Wastal Mr & Mrs Chad Weaver Mr & Mrs Cole Webb Mr & Mrs Philip Welander Mr & Mrs Daniel West & Dina McKenna West B.S. White Mr & Mrs Jim Whitworth Mr & Mrs Craig Wickwire Mr & Mrs Daniel Wicorek Mr & Mrs Douglas Williams Mr & Mrs Glenn Williams Mr & Mrs Robert Winchell Mr & Mrs Steve Winn Mr & Mrs Frank Wissel Mr George Woodley Woody’s Diner Mr & Mrs Scott Worrell Mr & Mrs John Yosick Mr & Mrs Ronald Young Miss Joanne Zahner Mr & Mrs Joseph Zeimen Mr & Mrs Clair Zellmer Mr Ted Zimmerman Mr & Mrs Don Zimmermann Mrs. Penella Zoern Mr & Mrs Mark Zolper Recent legislation in California and Washington illustrate the urgent need to keep Catholics informed and engaged in the public policy process. Since its inception five years ago, the Catholic Legislative Network has successfully informed Catholics and made our position clear to policy makers on many issues of concern. This network can become even more influential and effective as more Catholics join the network and become involved the process. Every week the Network provides more than 100,000 subscribers with a newsletter and updates on public policy, relevant Catholic social teaching and occasional action alerts to help them engage their elected officials. By publishing the Network and encouraging others to join you are adding your voice to thousands of Californians dedicated to bringing the values and wisdom of Catholic social teaching to public policy decisions. Stay Informed! Make a Difference! The Catholic Legislative Network — a cooperative venture of all 12 arch/ diocese in California — is a simple way to keep up on the public policy issues that Catholics care about. Together our voices will be heard. Sign up today at PARISH BULLETIN Please submit requests two weeks in advance of publishing date to bulletin@ For info call Bulletin Editor, Cindy Turley at 846-3359x462. To Our Bulletin Benefactors Heartfelt thanks to our advertisers who faithfully support the entire cost of publishing this bulletin. We could not provide this service without them. We know in turn how much they appreciate the patronage of our parish community. SAINT BONAVENTURE CATHOLIC PARISH 16400 Springdale Street Huntington Beach, CA 92649 714-846-3359, FAX 840-0480 PA RI S H C ENTER Office Hours Monday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m. Friday, 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Closed for lunch Mon–Fri,12:00–1:00 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 a.m.–2:30 p.m. Sunday, 7:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. Español, x340 Martes a Jueves, 5:00-7:00 p.m. Domingos, 7:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. PASTORALSTAFF M ASSSCH EDULE Saturday Vigil English Vietnamese 5:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Sunday Organ and Cantor 7:30 a.m. Children’s Choir 9:00 a.m. (Children’s Liturgy of the Word at 9:00 a.m. will resume in the fall.) Adult Choir 10:30 a.m. Contemporary Choir 12:00 p.m. Spanish 1:30 p.m. Life Teen 5:00 p.m. 1st & 3rd Sundays Sign Language 5:00 p.m. Weekdays Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m., 8:30 a.m. Friday, Vietnamese 7:15 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. Holy Days of Obligation as announced. PRAYERANDDEVOTION Pastor Rev. Joseph Knerr Parochial Vicars Rev. Angelos Sebastian Rev. Thanh-Tai Nguyen Rev. Rod Keller, Retired, In Residence Rev. John Block, Retired, In Residence Deacons Jim Andersen, Scott Ford, Vincent Tran Adoration of the Eucharist Weekdays 7:00-8:15 a.m. Saturdays 7:30-9:00 p.m. 24-hour adoration the 7th of each month Bulletin Editor Cindy Turley, x462 Rosary and Benediction Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., English First Friday, 6:45 p.m., Vietnamese Business Manager Nancy Cesar, 846-2447 Divine Mercy Chaplet Weekdays after the 8:30 a.m. Mass Saturdays after the 8:00 a.m. Mass Morning Prayer Weekdays 6:00 a.m., Saturdays 7:00 a.m. Rosary Weekdays 7:50 a.m., Saturday 7:30 a.m. Facilities Manager Linda Garofalo, 840-2845 SACRAMENTS Facilities Scheduler Celia Lee, x495 Anointing of the Sick, x0 Available anytime on request. Administered on the second Saturday of the month at the 8:00 a.m. Mass Music Director J. Wingate Greathouse, x497 Pastor's Secretary and Safety Manager Phyllis Vecchione, x499 Receptionists, x0 Carol McDermott, Fran Hay, Susan Robles Baptism, x0 Call the parish center. Funerals and Bereavement, x0 Call the parish center. Holy Orders and Religious Life, x499 Those discerning God’s call to priesthood, diaconate or religious life call Fr. Joe Knerr. Registrar, x313 Maria Nguyen, Marriage, x495 Contact Celia Lee at least six months prior to proposed wedding date. Safe Environment Coordinator Carol McDermott, x461 or x0 Reconciliation (Confession) Saturdays 8:30 a.m., 3:30 and 8:00 p.m. Thursdays before First Fridays 9:15 a.m. EDUCATION/FORMATION Adult Formation and Education, x478 Lynn Hearn, Director Christian Initiation of Adults, x462 Cindy Turley, Secretary Religious Education, 846-1187 Preschool through Jr. High Debbie Doke, Director Angela Scotti, Associate Director Summer Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Afternoon hours vary. Please call. St. Bonaventure School, 846-2472 Kindergarten through 8th Judy Luttrell, Principal Janice Callender, Vice Principal Colleen Hoffmann, Business Manager Vietnamese Religious Education Văn Phòng Giáo Lý, x834 Sr. Theres Tran, L.H.C., Director Youth Ministry, 840-6060 High School, Life Teen, Rite of Confirmation Kelli Burr, Director Miranda Montiel, Secretary Office Hours: Sunday, 11:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Monday-Wednesday, 2:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. PA R I S H M I N I ST R I E S Eucharistic Ministry, x0 To the Sick and Homebound H.O.P.E. Office, 846-3831 Geraldine “Gerry” Saitta, Director Emergency food and clothing Monday-Friday, 10:00 am-3:00 pm Pastoral Council, x305 Pastoral Visitation to the Sick, x0 Linda Wright, Coordinator Prayer Line, x506 For daily remembrance of prayer needs Respect Life Ann Conway, Team Leader, 840-7523 Lynn Hearn, Coordinator, 846-3359x478