Excerpt from “The Secret Lion” by Alberto Alvaro Ríos One Thursday we were walking along shouting this way, and the railroad, the Southern Pacific, which ran above and along the far side of the arroyo, had dropped a grinding ball down there, which was, we found out later, a cannon-ball thing used in mining. A bunch of them were put in a big vat which turned around the crushed the ore. One had been dropped, or thrown—what do caboose men do when they get bored—but it got down there regardless and as we were walking along yelling about one girl or another, a particular Claudia, we found it, one of these things, look at it, picked it up, and got very excited, and held it and passed it back and forth, and we were saying “Guythisis, this is, geeGuythis . . .”: we had this perception about nature then, that nature is imperfect and that round things are perfect: we said “GuyGodthis is perfect, thisisthis is perfect, it’s round, round and heavy, it’sit’s the best thing we’veeverseen. Whatisit?” We didn’t know. We just knew it was great. We just, whatever, we played with it, held it some more. And then we decide what to do with it. We knew, because of a lot of things, that if we were going to take this and show it to anybody, this discovery, this best thing, was going to be taken away form us. That’s the way it works with little kids, like all the polished quartz, the tons of it we had collected piece by piece over the years. Junior high kids too. If we took it home, my mother, we knew, was going to look at it and say “throw that dirty thing in the, get rid of it.” Simple like, like that. “But ma it’s the best thing I” “Getridofit.” Simple. So we didn’t. Take it home. Instead, we came up with the answer. We dug a hole and we buried it. And we marked it secretly. Lots of secret signs. And came back the next week to dig it up and, we didn’t know, pass it around some more or something, but we didn’t find it. We dug that whole bank, and we never found it again. We tried. Name Class Date 7th Grade- Periodic Assessment Practice Criterion A: Understanding of the Text 1. Read and annotate the above passage for what is being said, significant ideas, confusing ideas, and interesting ideas. (2 pts) 2. Summarize the excerpt in two sentences. What is it about? (2 pts) 3. What is the narrator’s attitude towards his/her subject? (2 pts) 4. What words suggest how he feels about the subject? (2 pts) 5. Identify a quotation that expresses a major idea different from the idea you identified in number 2. What is the idea? (2 pts): Criterion C: Appreciation of Literary Elements and Techniques 6. Identify what you consider to be the most significant literary technique used by the author and provide a specific quotation that is an example (2 each pts): Literary Technique A: Example from the text: 7. Describe the effect of the literary technique you identified above and explain why you think the author used these specific literary elements and techniques (3pts for the discussion of the effect and 3pts for the discussion of author’s intention, 6pts total)? Effect of Literary Technique A: Why did the author use this technique?