Energising Money An introduction to energy currencies and

Energising Money
An introduction to energy currencies and
Energising Money
Executive Summary ......................................................................... 5
1. Introduction .................................................................................. 8
2. Nature and the economy ............................................................ 10
2.1 The problem of ecological overshoot....................................... 10
2.2 Economic theory and natural resources .................................. 12
2.3 Where does money come in?.................................................. 17
3. Money, the economy and nature ............................................... 18
3.1 The nature and history of money ............................................. 18
3.2 Problems with modern money ................................................. 21
3.3 The case for anchoring money ................................................ 26
3.4 How to anchor money – what anchor? .................................... 27
4. Energising money: monetising energy ..................................... 34
Why energy? The conceptual historical roots ..................... 34
A taxonomy of energy-related money ................................. 35
What energy? ................................................................. 37
Which monetary functions? ............................................. 39
Possible combinations – what works and what not? ....... 40
4.3 Summary: Energy’s place in the ecology of money ................. 53
5. Design and implementation of energy money .......................... 55
5.1 Designing and managing monetary functions .......................... 55
5.2 The golden rule of a stable value relation ................................ 56
5.3 Governance, scale and capacity issues .................................. 57
5.4 Summary: From theory to practice .......................................... 59
6. Conclusions and next steps ...................................................... 60
Appendix: selected energy currency and accounting projects .. 63
Endnotes ......................................................................................... 66
Energising Money
List of featured energy currencies
Examples 1: currency concepts based on a basket of commodities 28
Bancor (Keynes 1941)
Exeter Constant (Borsodi 1971-4)
Terra TRC (Lietaer)
Examples 2: currency concepts based on a single commodity
Currencies based on Grain/Food
Currencies based on H2O
Currencies based on CO2 Emissions
Examples 3: Emergy
Examples 4: WAT (Japan)
Examples 5: “debit” based energy currency concepts
Kilowatt Cards (Robert Hahl, Falls Church, VA)
Examples 6: “credit” based energy currency concepts
Energy Notes (R. Swann)
Sonnenscheine (K. Vosshenrich, Steyerberg, D) and REGIOenergie
(L. Schuster/K. Vosshenrich)
Eco-regional business partnership (R. Grandits)
‘Solar shares’ based on a shopping voucher
(Waldviertler / Wegwartehof / Sonnentor)
Wära (historic example)
Examples 7: More complex energy currency concepts
Renewable Energy Dollar (S. Turnbull)
Ebcu (R. Douthwaite)
Petro unit and International Energy Clearing Union (C. Cook)
Human and Resource Economic system (Forty Foundation)
List of figures
Figure 1: Economy, nature and money ....................................................... 9
Figure 2: Earth’s ecological footprint with ‘business as usual’ and ‘rapid
reduction’ scenarios. Source: Global Footprint Network. ...........................11
Figure 3: Conventional economics production process with substitutable
factors of production. ..................................................................................13
Figure 4: Entropic production process with non-substitutable natural
resources and waste ...................................................................................16
Figure 5: UK inflation since 1800 ...............................................................24
Figure 6: Taxonomy of Energy-related Money ..........................................38
Energising Money
Executive Summary
The world is facing an ecological crisis. Our economic system
fails to properly account for the natural resources on which
human prosperity depends. But attempts to remedy the
problem, for example through environmental taxation, fail to
address an elephant lurking in the room: the monetary system.
Energy-related money offers a means to improve the qualities of
the monetary system, while also stimulating the low-carbon
energy transition we urgently need.
Modern interest-bearing bank-debt money creates the illusion of
exponentially growing wealth and an unceasing demand for economic
growth and/or inflation. In return, it has delivered instability and
misallocation of investment, and encouraged myopic policy-making.
To make the economy work for the planet, and therefore for the longterm interests of humanity, we need to change how money works. We
need a feedback loop between nature and the economy. This report
examines the potential of energy-related monetary instruments –
currencies and accounting frameworks – to provide such feedback.
Since energy is as fundamental to the economy as it is to the natural
sciences, it is an attractive option upon which to base such feedback.
This report is a first attempt to systemically review the rich and
burgeoning field of energy money proposals and projects. We present
a new taxonomy of energy money to guide the reader through this
work. It charts the functions of money, the important characteristics of
energy, and the relationships between the two. From this we gain key
Renewable energy can be used to improve money’s key functions:
a unit of account, medium of exchange and store of value
Redesigning money can also be a driver of change within the
energy system by creating targeted currencies that incentivise
more ecologically sustainable consumption, mobilise investment in
renewable energy, and encourage energy efficiency.
Such different objectives require different currency designs, and thus
searching for a single ‘perfect’ energy money model is unwise. A more
Energising Money
effective proposal would be to encourage a range of different and
complementary schemes at local, national and international levels.
Global systemic reform
At the global level, there is a need for one or more stable reference
units of value attached to the planet’s natural sustainable resources.
For example, renewable energy used to produce kilowatt-hours
(KWH) of electricty. This would help to ‘price nature into markets’,
thereby improving the ecological efficiency of the economy. Similarly,
concretely relating money to natural resources would make clear that
such resources cannot be simply substituted for other inputs (labour
or capital in the form of the productive assets), a misconception which
lies at the heart of conventional economics’ understanding of
production. To be effective, these kinds of models will probably
require top-down monetary reform to create systemic change. Further
research is required both on the concepts and into the practical
considerations of their implementation.
Stimulating local and regional energy transition
At local or regional levels, ‘debit-energy currencies’ – whereby units of
energy are held in a pre—paid form like bank deposits - might be
useful to promote more sustainable consumption, as well as to guard
against rising energy costs. In contrast, ‘Credit-energy currencies’
seem promising to fund investment in renewable energy production.
These latter ‘self-financing’ currencies would be redeemable in local
participating businesses and over the longer term directly with the
producers of local renewable energy. Many of the case studies in this
report illustrate the potential of local and more narrowly focussed
energy currencies to engineer a low carbon energy transition from the
‘bottom-up’. Developments in internet and mobile communication
technologies offer the opportunity for rapid upscaling of these kinds of
models. For these a different research agenda is required: How can
we best capture the lessons learned, disseminate the knowledge,
replicate and scale-up the success, and transfer the models across
national boundaries and different institutional infrastructures?
Separate but linked currencies could be issued, perhaps by the same
‘energy banks’ or at a national level, as a means of payment without
the need to be backed directly by energy if they are referenced to an
energy standard. That way, the long historical tension between using
one kind of money as a store of value and means of exchange
simultaneously could be addressed.
Shaping an agenda for research and action
Ultimately, a unified global energy money system might be both
possible and desirable, but the most likely route to this will be via
incremental experimentation, innovation, and development of a
multiplicity of new energy monies.
Energy money can potentially address some of the most systemic
challenges facing our world and should not be left to academic and
policy fringes. We call on a range of other actors, in addition to
currency designers, to consider and support energy currency
Energising Money
innovations, in particular local government and other public sector
agencies, environmental NGOs and charitable foundations.
At the same time, energy money designers and thinkers should
engage with civil society and public sector actors, understand their
needs and identify how energy currencies can help them achieve their
goals. Where schemes are stalled by regulatory or policy obstacles,
promoters of energy monies should seek to mutually support one
another in gaining acceptance and support among policymakers for
allowing currency competition and innovation. Energy money offers an
exciting research field on the intersection of physics, economics and
ecology; the best minds from all of these fields are needed to further
develop some of the ideas portrayed in this report.
In 1935, H.G. Moulton defined what he called “procreative property”
as “the processes by which society expands its power to make nature
yield its resources more abundantly”.1
By adding the words ‘on a sustainable basis’, we could consider this
the ultimate test of any money system – whether it promotes or
inhibits such processes. The current system fails the test. Energyrelated money shows great potential to do better and so deserves
wider and more serious consideration. The idea of linking energy to
money is not a new one, but perhaps it is an idea whose time has
Energising Money
1. Introduction
In the aftermath of the banking rescue packages of October 2008, nef
called for joined-up solutions to the ‘triple crunch’ of financial chaos,
oil depletion, and climate change.2 Today, such joined-up thinking
appeared as elusive as ever as world leaders battle a pro-longed
economic depression and multilateral agreement on action on climate
change remains low on the political agenda. This report begins by
briefly examining two propositions that could explain the scale of the
interlocking ecological and financial challenges that we face today:
Economic activities, are intrinsically linked to the ecological system
on which they are dependent. The financial system is not.
Conventional economic theory does not sufficiently capture the
significance of this relationship, limiting the effectiveness of
conventional policy responses. This argument is set out in Chapter
The monetary system has become increasingly divorced from the
productive capacity of the economy, resulting in inflation, asset
bubbles, and banking instability. As such it exacerbates the
problem of ecological overshoot, as described in Chapter 3.
Despite compelling evidence for these propositions, the relationships
both between economic activity and nature, and between money and
economic activity, remain poorly understood. Ecological economics
and realistic monetary economics remain at the margins of policy and
academia at national and international levels. This needs to change.
In order to advance thinking in both these fields, we turn to a concept
that has a surprisingly long academic pedigree and an increasing
interest in practical implementation: energy-related currencies.
We can conceptualise a set of bilateral relationships between the
economy, nature and money as illustrated in Figure 1, where we can
describe impacts in both directions between the economy and natural
world, and the economy and money. This report explores the third
relationship, between money and nature, that is missing.
In Chapter 4 we develop a taxonomy of energy monies that aims to
aid understanding of their objectives, functions and practical features,
and illustrate this with a number of energy currency schemes in theory
and practice.
Energising Money
In Chapter 5 we consider implications for the design and
implementation of energy monies, and how they relate to the broader
landscape of complementary currencies and monetary reform.
Finally, in Chapter 6 we offer some conclusions.
The aim of the report is to stimulate thinking and action, to perhaps
build on the most promising proposals and to seek a better monetary
system that can deliver us prosperity and well-being within the
planet’s ecological limits.
Figure 1: Economy, nature and money
Energising Money
2. Nature and the economy
“...the increase of wealth is not boundless. The end of growth
leads to a stationary state. The stationary state of capital and
wealth… would be a very considerable improvement on our
present condition.”
John Stuart Mill, Principles of Political Economy, 18483
The world has reached a tipping point. We face deepening ecological
crises with multiple threats from climate change, water shortages,
spiralling energy costs, biodiversity loss, deforestation, ocean
acidification, over-fishing and soil degradation. Inequality is rising fast
and billions live on the edge of hunger. In this chapter we give a brief
overview of why economic activity has an increasingly negative impact
on the environment.
2.1 The problem of ecological overshoot
For most of humanity’s existence, we have remained comfortably
within the carrying capacity of the planet. However, a mounting body
of scientific evidence suggests that this is no longer the case. Whilst
the earth has the capacity to recycle some wastes back into the
environment, from around 1970 humanity began turning resources
into waste faster than waste can be turned back into resources (see
Figure 2). Since then the planet has been in global ‘ecological
overshoot’, and we are depleting the very resources on which human
life and biodiversity depend. Indeed in 2008, the most recent year for
which data are available, the footprint exceeded the Earth’s bio
capacity – the area of land and productive oceans actually available to
produce renewable resources and absorb CO2 emissions – by more
than 50 per cent.4 In other words, it takes the Earth almost 18 months
to produce the ecological services that humanity uses in one year.
The UK’s footprint, to take an example, has grown such that if the
whole world wished to consume at the same rate it would require 3.4
planets the size of Earth.
The result is collapsing fisheries, diminishing forest cover, depletion of
fresh water systems, and the build-up of carbon dioxide emissions
causing catastrophic and irreversible climate change. Aside from the
ecological damage, overshoot also contributes to resource conflicts
and wars, mass migrations, famine, disease and other human
tragedies. This tends to have a disproportionate impact on the poor,
who cannot buy their way out of the problem by getting resources
from somewhere else.5
Given the incredible inefficiency of the present model of economic
growth and its ecologically catastrophic impacts, developed countries
need to consider seriously reducing levels of material throughput and
associated consumption. For while renewable sources of energy are
abundant, the environmental impacts, time, resources and the
expense required to capture their energy means that a longer-term
Energising Money
Figure 2: Earth’s ecological footprint with ‘business as usual’
and ‘rapid reduction’ scenarios. Source: Global Footprint
goal for society should be to live on ‘sufficient’ energy rather than
simply meeting demand.7 In addition, rich countries are not in a
position to lecture poorer countries on their carbon emissions whilst
we continue to consume goods they produce in vast quantities.
The challenge is to radically reduce our energy use through lowered
consumption, changed lifestyles and energy efficiency, and to then
transform the remaining energy use to as close to one hundred per
cent renewable energy as possible. Renewable energy includes water
(hydro, tidal, wave), wind, solar and biomass. As the late Kenneth
Boulding8 put it, we need to move from a ‘Cowboy Economy’ focussed
on enhancing the speed of production and consumption, to a
‘Spaceman economy’, where gains from technological change are
genuine only if we also maintain the ecosystem on which we depend.
For low income populations and countries, the challenge is to increase
energy use dramatically. Whilst conventional economics assumes that
new energy sources will be called forth as prices of fossil fuels rise,
the real imperative of achieving equitable prosperity is to ensure
energy is both widely available and affordable. Rebalancing this
inequality in access to energy will inevitably lead to smarter planning
of infrastructure and communities at a variety of different scales.
Society is required to address a key question: How much is enough?
However, conventional economic theory is ill equipped to answer.
Energising Money
Box 1. The notion of ‘capital’ in conventional economics
Capital is understood in conventional (classical and neo-classical)
economics as any humanly-produced thing that can enhance a
person’s power to perform economically useful work – thus a spear
was capital for a caveman and sewing machines are capital for
clothes makers. Another term would be the ‘means of production’.
Capital goods are not consumed, though they may wear out through
the production of goods and services. Capital is distinct from land (or
natural resources) in that it must itself be produced by human labour
before it can become a factor of production. Capital should be
understood as a stock, whose value can be estimated at a certain
point in time. In contrast, investment (or finance) is normally
understood as a flow of money over a time period (e.g. a month or a
year). The conventional economics theory of growth is based upon
firms using money to increase their stock of procreative assets, a
process often referred to as ‘capital accumulation’ or ‘capital
Critiques of conventional economics point to the importance of other
forms of capital in the production process, including the role of human
and intellectual capital and natural capital. Karl Marx and John
Maynard Keynes both emphasised the importance of ‘financial
capital’ – non-productive assets that still provide an expected future
return – as distinct from the means of production. Thinkers such as
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and Silvio Gesell were concerned with the
inequity and inefficiency of money as a non-productive asset
providing a return while the means of production wore out.
The classical economists of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
were conscious of the role that nature played in the economy, with
land featuring as key economic input. There was little sense that
infinite economic growth was either possible or even desirable, as
Mill’s comment above illustrates. However, as industrial economies
grew, the dependence of the economy on nature became of
decreasing concern. For the bulk of the twentieth century, humanity
has been able to enjoy high levels of growth in material consumption
that has been driven in part by technology and increasing productivity,
but also has been dependent on the extraction of fossil fuels – the
consumption of the stored energy of many millennia – and the Earth’s
capacity to absorb the economy’s pollution and waste.
This ‘flamboyant period’ is now over.10 The growth we are now
experiencing can be thought of as ‘uneconomic’ in the sense that the
costs – climate change, species extinction, ocean acidification, global
energy shortages – outweigh the poorly distributed benefits.11 Why
does conventional economics have a ‘blind spot’ when it comes to the
natural world?
2.2 Economic theory and natural resources
Economics is generally defined as the study of the allocation of scarce
resources in order to maximise welfare. In the world of conventional
Energising Money
economics, the key resources, or ‘inputs’, are considered to be labour
and capital in the form of productive assets12 (see Box 1 for discussion
of the concept of capital).
In conventional economics, the economy is generally understood as a
system with a circular flow of exchange between households and
businesses. Households provide firms not just with labour, but also
land, natural resources and financial assets, which they collectively
own. In return they receive payments in the form of wages, interest,
dividends, rents and profits. Firms combine these ‘factors of
production’ to produce goods and services that are consumed by
households (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: Conventional economics production process with
substitutable factors of production.
All models are necessarily a simplification of the real world. However,
we suggest there are three significant flaws with this theory of
production which all help to explain why the degradation of natural
resources and eco-systems seems unstoppable under our present
economic system.
First, there is the problem of externalities – impacts that are not priced
and so are not taken into account by markets. This is already well
recognised by environmental economists. As shown in Figure 1, the
disconnection between money and nature means that there is no
market feedback information to counter environmental costs.
Secondly, contemporary theories have conflated man-made capital
with natural resources, essentially assuming that they are
substitutable. Finally, the role of energy in the economy is
underplayed at best and ignored at worst, leading to a strange
dissonance with the natural sciences.
Energising Money
Problem 1: Pricing nature and the climate
Markets value and assign costs (or prices) only to those things which
can be exchanged. To be exchanged on a market, something must be
subject to exclusive ownership and control and the ability to transfer
that exclusivity. This implies that it must be quantifiable in some way.
Yet many of the things that constitute natural resources – the sun, the
air, the sea, wild birds or biodiversity – cannot be quantified,
exclusively owned and hence cannot be exchanged on markets.
Attempts have and continue to be made to quantify natural resources
and account for them as natural capital, in particular forests, minerals
and fisheries, but their valuation is often deceptive. Thus, the
extraction of minerals is treated as a form of income, even though it is
really a form of living off ‘natural capital’ and depleting it.13 Most
resource exporting and importing countries today are guilty of this
‘accounting trick’ and are unwittingly impoverishing themselves as a
result.14 At a broader level, national accounting and the concept of
Gross National/Domestic Product similarly counts the destruction of
natural resources as income.15
Climate change is perhaps the ultimate example of the failure of the
market and its associated monetary system to guide human action
effectively towards a sustainable way of living. Indeed it has been
described as the ‘greatest market failure in history’ by Sir Nicholas
Stern. The atmosphere is a vital and universal collective good, a
global commons. It cannot be owned individually, yet it generates vital
life-maintaining services for humankind by absorbing CO2 and
preventing a critical rise of global temperatures and its disastrous
consequences. This ecosystem service of the atmosphere, like many
others, is not priced into our transactions. Whether attempting to price
nature into market is the best solution to this market failure is a hotly
contested question which we do not explore in this report.
Problem 2: Man-made capital is not a substitute for nature
In this framework, the basis of many models of the economy, all the
inputs to production apart from labour are grouped together under the
term ‘capital’. This has the important consequence of implying that
one can be substituted for the other. In other words, depleting nature’s
resources does not matter as long as the stock of man-made capital is
Furthermore growth is explained mainly through increases in the
quantity of labour and capital. The ‘residual’ economic growth not
explained by these two factors is generally explained away as a result
of advances in technology, or a ‘technology multiplier’.16 This theory
does not provide a complete explanation of economic growth. In the
words of ecological economist Robert Ayres, “…there is no theory,
based on general behavioural laws, to explain quantitatively why
some economies grow, but some faster than others and some do not
grow at all."17 We need to include other factors in our model of the
Production depends on physical material as well as labour and capital
(in the form of productive and financial assets). The ecological
economist Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen developed an alternative
theory of production that properly incorporates natural capital.18 He
distinguished between two different kinds of factors of production: first,
resource flows that are physically transformed into flows of product
Energising Money
and waste; and secondly, capital and labour funds (or stocks), the
agents of transformation that are not themselves physically embodied
in the product. There are various degrees of substitution between
different natural resource flows (you can substitute oil for gas or stone
for wood) and between the funds of labour and capital. But the funds
cannot substitute for flows of resources. Natural resources must
therefore be included as an independent factor of production,
rendering the long established neo-classical ‘production function’19
redundant (at least for the real world).
It is clear that labour, capital and natural resources are
complementary rather than substitutable. If you give a baker enough
money to double his number of ovens and chefs but tell him he can’t
have more flour and dough, he will struggle to make more bread. In
addition, as Herman Daly has pointed out, substitutability implies
reversibility, i.e. that we could substitute capital for natural capital.
This ‘calls in to question why human beings would bother with capital
accumulation in the first place since nature had already endowed us
with a near perfect substitute’.20
Problem 3: Understanding the role of energy in the economy
Many processes in nature, technology and human activity involve the
transformation of energy from one state to another. For example, light
from the sun is transformed into thermal energy in the warming of soil,
rocks and plants, and into chemical energy captured by the plants for
photosynthesis. The laws of thermodynamics are the principles
governing the accounting by which we keep track of energy as it
moves through such transformations. There are two established laws
of thermodynamics, an exception to which has never been observed.
The first law, also known as the law of conservation, states that, within
a closed system such as the earth, energy can neither be created nor
destroyed.21 All the energy that flows into any transformation process
– including all economic processes – must end up either as a useful
product, a stock change or a waste. The second law of
thermodynamics – the law of entropy – distinguishes different types of
energy-matter in terms of their availability and usefulness to us as
human beings. The law of entropy states that the availability of energy
to do useful work22 (‘exergy’) is reduced by every transformation
process, whilst at the same time the non-useful component increases.
Certain kinds of matter – such as fossil fuels – are low entropy and
easily transformed into useful work. But in the process of
transformation, their available energy is dissipated and we are left with
high entropy matter – in the case of fossil fuels, a combination of heat,
CO2 and other wastes which we cannot reuse (see Figure 4).
Such wastes and pollution, as we now know, have definite cost to
human beings and the planet. The phenomenon of global warming,
the toxification of the oceans and air and the resultant damage to
species can all be thought of as ‘economic bads’. The same amount
of energy-mass is still there but it has changed to a form that we
cannot translate into work and in many cases reduces human welfare.
Since all economic activity involves the use of natural resources, to
conceptualise it as a circular flow of exchange between households
and firms is incomplete. Such a model implies reversibility and only
quantitative changes (in the amount of labour and capital, for
Energising Money
example). But entropic flows are qualitative – they involve a one-way
transformation of matter from one state to another, from a state with
high energy availability to one with no availability23 (Figure 4).
Peasant agricultural economies where productive capital consisted
mainly of land, tools and animals depended mainly upon sunlight for
their sources of energy. As such, it was free and renewable and these
economies focused on producing goods with concrete use values –
such as livestock - which imposed their own limits on accumulation.
In contrast, the modern industrial economy depends more on the
concentrated and finite terrestrial sources of energy - fossil fuels and
minerals – in order to power the machinery that has replaced animals
and humans in the production process. Fossil fuels can be thought of
as the product of many thousands of years of solar energy condensed
into very low entropy matter (i.e. the type of matter that enables us to
transform it into useful energy at a much faster rate than sunlight).
Figure 4: Entropic production process with non-substitutable
natural resources and waste
Ayres and Warr have demonstrated the importance of energy to
industrial growth in a longitudinal study of the US economy since
1900.24 They use historical data which combines the exergy (useful
energy) content of fuel inputs (i.e. the ability to perform useful work)
and entropic conversion efficiencies. They show that the useful work
obtained from fuel resources has grown much faster than the
consumption of fuels themselves, owing to substantial improvements
in thermodynamic conversion efficiencies, and corresponding
Energising Money
reduction in waste. By including useful work in their aggregate
production function, rather than primary energy, they obtain an
extremely good fit to US GDP trends over the past century, thereby
eliminating the need for the mysterious technology ‘multiplier’. In this
model, improvements in thermodynamic conversion efficiency have a
dramatic effect on economic output and act as the primary engine of
economic growth.
There is considerable evidence that the world is reaching a saturation
point in terms of energy-conversion efficiency improvements and the
supply of such low entropy materials. In particular, this is the case in
regard to the conversion of fossil fuels into more useful, processed
energy (gas, electricity, woodchips etc.), technically described as
‘work’. Fossil-fuel carbon prices are almost certain to increase in the
future as carbon emissions controls are put into effect across the
globe at all stages of the production and consumption process. The
phenomenon of ‘peak oil’ is likely to have an even greater effect on
the price of energy as demand driven by the emerging economies
outstrips global production capacity. nef research suggests that only
half the oil and gas reserves which have been proven economically
recoverable can be burned up to 2050 if we are to avoid potentially
irreversible climate change.25
As prices rise, new sources of energy are coming into being as
economic theory would predict. However, as yet, there is no
convincing evidence that they can replace fossil fuels in term of the
ease of conversion from raw material into useful energy. The costs of
recovery are likely to be much higher than current costs and the
‘energy return on investment’ (EROI, a concept explained in Box 2,
page 33) will be much lower.26 Most of the alternatives, including
shale gas, require very large amounts of energy (and capital) to be
invested in the recovery of the raw fuels, and most estimates suggest
it will take many years before such sources reach the output levels of
fossil fuels today.27
2.3 Where does money come in?
We have highlighted three problems with the interaction between
nature and the economy. Why do we consider it important to examine
the impact of the money system?
Conventional economics treats money in a similar way to natural
resources in terms of their role in the economy – it is just assumed
into existence when required. In neo-classical models, money is a
neutral commodity that optimizes exchange, enabling us to move
beyond ‘barter’ and affecting only nominal prices and exchange rates
rather than real GDP, employment or consumption in the medium to
long-run.28 Money is just the oil that lubricates the consumption and
production processes.
In fact, as we explain in the next chapter, the nature and functions of
money, how it is created and who controls its allocation are in fact of
fundamental significance for the economy and its relationship with
nature. We argue that our current monetary system makes matters
Energising Money
3. Money, the economy and nature
"The essence of the contemporary monetary system is creation
of money, out of nothing, by banks’ often foolish lending."
Martin Wolf, Financial Times, 9th November 2010
Money is a social construct; a belief system held together by shared
norms formalised through legal, economic and political institutions. Its
creation does not follow physical laws any more than language follows
physical laws. But if we accept the proposition that the economy must
obey physical laws then does money also have to obey them?
Money has taken many forms throughout history. Societies have
linked their money to a greater or lesser degree with physical
resources. But modern money has become decoupled from such
resources. In this chapter we describe the nature of money and how it
has developed into its contemporary form. We consider its flaws
before considering whether anchoring money to nature is a potential
3.1 The nature and history of money
Money is generally defined in terms of the functions that it performs:29
1. Store of value – holding on to money gives us confidence in our
ability to access goods and services in the future. It gives us future
‘purchasing power’.
2. Medium of exchange – money enables us to conduct efficient
transactions and trade with each other. Money enables us to
exchange without the ‘double coincidence of wants’ which requires
both parties to have exactly the right quality and quantity of a
commodity to make an exchange.30
3. Unit of account – without a widely agreed upon unit of
measurement we cannot settle debts or establish effective price
systems, both key elements of market economies.
We will return to these functions of money when we examine energy
currencies in Chapter 4. Over the centuries many different forms of
money have been used to fulfil these functions, reflecting changing
political, economic and cultural dynamics.
The origins of money
The origins of money lie with the unit-of-account function. The earliest
evidence of money is the keeping of records of credit and debt, which
may have even preceded the written word.31 Historical and
anthropological research suggests that the state (or its ancient
equivalents, such as Chiefs or Palaces) has always been the prime
determinant of what counts as unit-of-account, via the levying of
Energising Money
For many thousands of years, in order to underpin trust in money as a
medium of exchange and store of value, currencies were often issued
either in the form of precious metals and thus with an inherent value,
or as tokens which reflected a defined quantity of whatever stock they
were issued for, as for example the Mesopotamian shekel which was
backed by wheat (see Examples 2). Other commodities included salt,
silk, dried fish, feathers, stones, cowry shells, beads, cigarettes,
cognac and whisky and livestock. 33 In 1715, the government of North
Carolina declared seventeen commodities, including maize and
wheat, to be legal tender, whilst tobacco stores in New England states
operated in much the same manner and enabled the crop to serve as
legal tender in Virginia and Maryland for almost two hundred years,
longer than the gold standard managed to survive.34
In his recent study on “Debt: The First 5,000 Years”, anthropologist
David Graeber argues that, due to a series of economic disasters
since the late seventeenth century caused by government interference
in money creation, it was unsurprising that “Newtonian economics (if
we may call it that) – the assumption that one cannot simply create
money, or even, really, tinker with it – came to be accepted by almost
everyone.” Consequently, in their view:
“… there had to be some solid, material foundation to all this, or
the entire system would go insane. True, economists were to
spend centuries arguing about what that foundation might be
(was it really gold, or was it land, human labour, the utility or
desirability of commodities in general?)”35
Although the unit of account (the measure of gold, or weight of wheat
etc.) has always been socially or politically determined, in all cases of
commodity-backed money there could be said to be a link between
real resources and energy and the monetary system. For instance,
gold required excavation, which in itself required energy, and wheat
required water and sunlight. Only if people had met their basic needs
of food, water and shelter would they invest time and effort in
extracting gold which would enable them to trade to receive more
advanced goods and services. As late ecological economist Richard
Douthwaite has pointed out, gold was thus a means by which
communities could recycle surpluses.36
It was only during the last three centuries that the economies of the
western world found ways of removing such natural constraints.
The evolution of modern money: Goldsmiths and fractional reserve
The origins of modern money lie in the domination of gold and silver
as commodities of exchange and states’ struggles to physically mint
enough of it to enable expansion and warfare. The coincidence of this
demand with the fraudulent practise of fractional reserve banking in
the late eighteenth century gave rise to modern banking and money.37
In medieval Europe, gold and silver were the primary media of
exchange. Merchants would deposit their coins with goldsmiths for
safekeeping, receiving ‘deposit receipts’ in return. It was soon found
easier simply to use the deposit receipts directly as a means of
payment rather than having to go to goldsmith and pick up the
Energising Money
corresponding coins. The goldsmith’s deposit receipts effectively
became a medium of exchange.
Since it seemed inconceivable that all of their customers would
choose to withdraw all of their deposits at exactly the same time,
goldsmiths soon realised that they could issue ‘new’ (and fictitious)
deposit receipts to people who wanted to borrow money. By charging
interest on these loans, goldsmiths were able to make a good and
exponentially growing return on this service for very little effort.38 Thus
they created new money and fractional reserve banking was born.
Goldsmiths needed to keep just a fraction of their total loan value in
the form of precious metal in their vaults. 39
Soon European sovereigns, unable to mint enough coinage or raise
enough taxes to meet the costs of increasingly expensive wars, also
began to borrow from goldsmiths and the practise of government bond
issuance was established. This involved the state guaranteeing to
repay the goldsmiths for their loan (with interest) over an extended
time period via future taxation.
Early fractional reserve practises were vulnerable to periodic losses of
confidence and “runs on the bank” as depositors sought to redeem
their receipts as commodities. Fearful also of defaulting sovereigns,
bankers and other members of the ruling elites decided to establish
central banks which eventually developed monopoly rights to print
paper money. Private banks continued to create credit when providing
customers with a loan in the form of book entries which could
subsequently be withdrawn as cash.
The twentieth century saw a brief period of relative stability in the
global financial system in the post-Second World War period when the
Bretton Woods agreement pegged every major currency against the
dollar, which itself was tied to a gold standard. The system enabled
the US to generate large surpluses, but it distributed these in
paternalistic fashion to support productive activity in its client
countries, preventing the kind of build up of indebtedness we have
seen in the Euro.40 This last fixed formal link between money and
anything physical41 was broken on August 15, 1971, when President
Nixon ordered the US Treasury to abandon the gold exchange
Money today: credit creation by commercial banks
In contemporary society, banks create money through extending
credit and expanding their balance sheets. When a bank makes a
‘loan’, it does not borrow money from anyone else. It simply adds an
accounting entry to its ledger in the form of an asset (the loan, money
I owe to the bank) and a liability, (a deposit – which the bank owes to
In modern, deregulated financial systems, central banks have chosen
to have a very limited ability to control credit expansion by banks.43
Whilst all banks must hold a proportion of central bank reserves in
order to settle their accounts at the end of any particular trading day,
the Central Bank is not in a position to deny the banking system
sufficient reserves. This is because bank’s liabilities (deposits) have
come to be used as the main medium of exchange in the economy –
hence if any bank was to become illiquid it could result in a collapse of
Energising Money
the payment system.44 The modern monetary system can thus be
thought of as ‘endogenous’ in the sense that banks ‘create loans and
look for the reserves later’45 rather than ‘exogenous’ with the central
bank determining the amount of reserves in the economy and limiting
bank’s credit expansion accordingly.46
In summary, we can see that the emergence of a system where the
bulk of the money supply is created as commercial bank credit had
very little to do with conscious design in terms of enhancing general
welfare or economic efficiency. It was instead the outcome of
historical accident and power relations, particular those between
banks and politicians. This system appears deeply flawed.
3.2 Problems with modern money
Modern fiat bank-debt money has a number of serious flaws: it
creates the illusion of wealth; encourages the build up of
unsustainable debt; and requires ever-increasing growth and/or
inflation. As a result, it serves poorly as both a store of value and
medium of exchange, as the two functions are forever in tension. It is
also highly unstable and pro-cyclical, discriminates against the future,
and is completely disconnected from social and ecological impacts.
We examine these problems in turn below.
1) Bank-debt money as ‘virtual wealth’
Pre-industrial economies focused on the production and accumulation
of goods with concrete use value – mainly food, tools and livestock.
Such goods, as products of the natural world, deteriorate over time
when hoarded, due to the laws of entropy. However, in modern
capitalist systems, as Marx noted, the goal is the accumulation of
abstract exchange value in the form of capital (or money) which does
not deteriorate nor obey any of the laws of the natural world. 47 In
contrast, abstract exchange value grows by itself, earning interest and
then interest upon the interest (compound interest).
Perhaps unsurprisingly, it was a scientist, the Nobel Prize winner
Frederick Soddy, who was one of the first to identify this paradox that
lies at the heart of capitalism. Soddy distinguishes between real
wealth – which is subject to the laws of entropy and is either ‘used up’
(as with gas or oil) or deteriorates (as with machinery or human
bodies) – and ‘virtual wealth’, or debt, which is not subject to such
Soddy provided a simple example to explain the contradiction.48 He
imagined two pig farmers keen on developing their stock. The first
farmer has two real pigs, requiring food and shelter, disposal of their
waste, with reproductive cycles and other natural limits on their ability
to ‘grow’. The second farmer, in contrast, has two, hyper-fertile
‘negative-pigs’, a mathematical quantity without physical existence
and capable of multiplying without limit. Both sets of pigs might grow
at a rapid pace initially but before long the law of entropy will limit the
further growth of real pigs, whilst the population of negative pigs will
continue to expand.49 The value of the negative pig will eventually fall
to be a small fraction of value of the positive pig (negative pig inflation)
and the owner of the negative pigs will struggle to exchange his
negative pigs for positive pigs (debt for real assets).
Energising Money
The financial crisis of 2008 destroyed the illusion that the vast build up
of debt in the developed world since the 1980s could somehow be
converted in to real assets. In 2012, as Herman Daly has noted, the
‘negative pigs’ still abound despite government and central banks
taking vast quantities of bad debt on their balance sheets; European
and American Banks remain stuffed full of assets – mortgage-backed
securities, government bonds, pension liabilities – which the real world
will never be able to fund.50 Soddy concluded that at the heart of the
modern economy lay a fundamental fallacy:
“You cannot permanently pit an absurd human convention, such
as the spontaneous increment of debt (compound interest),
against the natural law of the spontaneous decrement of wealth
When people invest and expect a rate of return determined by
interest, they are also engaging in this fallacy of misplaced
“Although it may comfort the lender to think that his wealth still
exists somewhere in the form of “capital”, it has been or is being
used up by the borrower either in consumption or investment, and
no more than food or fuel can it be used again later. Rather it has
become debt, an indent on future revenues…”52
For Soddy, the culture of exponential growth that dominates modern
economic systems can be seen at least partially to derive from
individual’s obsession with converting perishable wealth, based upon
real assets, into permanently enduring debt, that is not subject to the
laws of entropy and provides a permanent stream of future income.53
In reality, of course, real future income cannot grow as fast as virtual
monetary wealth. If everyone attempted to change their virtual wealth
(money balances) for real assets, it could obviously not be done
because all real assets are already held by someone. Yet we behave
as if money is real wealth because at an individual level, money is
easily exchangeable for real assets.
Society does benefit from virtual wealth since it can be seen as the
value of avoiding barter or the costs associated with a full commodity
currency. Virtual wealth is a collective agreement by individuals to use
a particular accounting mechanism to exchange with each other which
involves holding on to tokens not all of which can be translated in real
wealth. Whenever such tokens are issued into existence to any
particular individual, they in effect are borrowing from the community
which must give up real assets to the borrower when they spend the
tokens. This makes the process by which money is issued into the
economy enormously important to understand.
2) Structural drivers of monetary and un-economic growth
A number of monetary reformers have argued that interest-bearing
bank debt creates a structural growth or inflation dynamic in the
economy. As a result the contemporary money system is incompatible
with a steady-state economy or de-growth economy that remains
within ecologically finite limits.54 Firms that borrow at interest must find
additional funds to repay both the principal and the interest on the
loan, as well as generating profit. At the aggregate level, this implies a
steady increase in productivity or a steady expansion of debts, or
Energising Money
both, resulting in either growth or raising prices (inflation), or a
continuous redistribution of wealth from the poor to the rich.55
However, in reality the interest received by creditors, and the profits of
banks, are eventually recycled back into the economy in the form of
wages, consumption or investment. It is only the retained profits that
banks must hold on to as a proportion of their assets – usually termed
‘bank capital’ – to cover the potential risk of bad debts that can be
seen as being withdrawn from circulation in the economy.
Binswanger argues that any monetary system involving risk-based
lending activity which requires money will lead to a growth or
inflationary dynamic, even with all interest profits recirculating. 56
However, the growth assumptions made in relation to bank-debt are
often based upon the same ‘circular flow’ model of the economy
presented in chapter 2 (Figure 3, page 14). In this conception, money
flows and stocks are elided together – a loan from a bank, which is a
stock, is seen to be the same as a wage bill being paid out and
distributed around the economy, a flow. In reality, money is dispersed
through the economy at different times for different purposes and for
multiple transactions over time. So the same £100 loan could be used
to enable multiple iterations of wage payments and purchases before
it is returned to the bank.57
This means that theoretically it is possible for firms to both meet
interest payments and make profits without growth or inflation being
necessary.58 History suggests, however, that interest-bearing debtbased monetary systems in free-market capitalist economies often
lead to unsustainable increases in debt for particular classes (debtorclasses). In particular this seems to have been the case since the
1970s in developed nations as returns to capital assets have
increased at a much faster rate than returns to labour. This means
debtor classes have proportionately fewer funds to repay their debts
and may have to rollover their debts, incurring compound interest
which grows at an exponential rate that cannot be matched by any
increase in transactions.59 In such a case, large-scale redistribution of
wealth and income would be necessary to allow for a zero-growth or
zero-inflation economy. In reality, large-scale debt repudiation has
often been preferred in the face of societal breakdown. 60 Bank and
corporate profits that are ploughed into non-productive assets will
have a similar inequality-producing and destabilising impact on the
economy and lead to the need for greater debt for non-asset owning
In summary, we can conclude that even if the relationship between
debt-based money and growth is not a simple mathematical one,
when more complex factors such as unequal distribution of income,
wealth and financial stability are taken into account, the current money
system is one that is dysfunctional in the absence of constant
economic growth, inflation or massive redistributions of wealth and
3) The negative effect of bank-debt money on store of value and
means of exchange functions
Mainly because of the requirement to create growth and inflation in
order to maintain economic and social coherence, modern fiat bankdebt money has proved itself to be a very poor ‘store of value’. As
Energising Money
shown in Figure 5, inflation has become particularly rampant since the
deregulation of the financial sector in the 1970s.
Figure 5: UK inflation since 1800
Historically consumers have lost three to four per cent of their
purchasing power a year. 2000–2008 saw a particular period of low
consumer-priceinflation coupled with growth in developed countries
which many credited to be a result of central bank independence from
political interference, and a strong focus on inflation over other policy
goals. In fact, the period was accompanied by massive levels of asset
price inflation as banks pumped credit into housing markets and
consumers withdrew equity to maintain levels of consumption.
Because most indexes of inflation do not include real estate prices,
the bubble was missed and interest rates were kept at historically low
Creating more ‘sound money’ has proven historically difficult. If a
central bank ever ensures that the store of value function is
maintained perfectly (i.e. there is zero inflation), too little money gets
into circulation to provide easy trading conditions because of the need
for growth demanded by interest and the need for banks to hold
capital. Ultimately, different groups and communities will always have
conflicting interests over these two functions of money, a struggle that
was perhaps at its most clear before and after the American Civil War,
between the ‘Greenbacker’ farmers who wanted ‘easy money’ and the
bankers of the East Coast who wanted to maintain sound finance.64
According to monetary historian Glyn Davies, the history of money
can be seen as a struggle between these competing functions of
“…an unceasing conflict between the interest of debtors, who
seek to enlarge the quantity of money and who seek busily to find
acceptable substitutes, and the interest of creditors, who seek to
maintain or increase the value of money by limiting its supply, by
refusing substitutes or accepting them with great reluctance and
generally trying in all sorts of ways to safeguard the quality of
Energising Money
4) Discounting the future
Not only does interest on debt-based money allow virtual wealth to
detach from real wealth, and embed a structural driver of growth into
the money system, it also discounts the value of the future. For
example, renewable energy appears more ‘expensive’ than fossil fuel
energy (despite being free) largely because of the commercial rates of
interest charged by banks or the more expensive infrastructure
required to run such projects, which must be paid out over many
years.66 Interest takes no account of the benefits for future
generations of harnessing such abundant energy sources. Indeed
Douthwaite argued that the prices set by the market at any particular
time have nothing to with long-term values, and in particular ignore the
needs of future generations:
“the prices that emerge merely reflect the immediate wants of that
fraction of the worlds’ present population fortunate enough to
have the money to be able to express them….This inevitably
leads to a gross misallocation of resources in favour of the
5) Mis-allocation of credit leading to economic instability
One of the core features of the modern deregulated financial system
is the creation of credit for speculation, most of which inflates asset
prices and creates vast quantities of debt. Richard Werner, amongst
others, has shown how the incentives facing banks, with companies
holding limited liability, drive them towards such behaviour.68 Such a
monetary system is driven mainly by the confidence of banks and
firms and is thus inherently volatile and pro-cyclical.
Hyman Minsky’s ‘Financial Instability Hypothesis’ describes multiple
recurring phases in the capitalist process.69 At the beginning of such
cycles profits are low and banks act more conservatively, but over
time they improve. Both banks and firms grow in confidence,
becoming more leveraged with resulting over-investment in assets
that results in asset price inflation which breeds even greater
confidence; this eventually leads to ‘ponzi-financing’ where banks lend
on the basis of assumed increases in asset prices rather than
anything related to the real economy. Eventually, the ratio of debt to
income becomes unsustainable and defaults begin, leading to
contraction in loans. Growth and wages stagnate and the asset price
bubble eventually bursts as asset prices begin to fall. Debt-deflation
ensues, a situation whereby real outstanding debt increases as real
income falls, leading to the inevitable crash.
6) Mis-allocation of credit leading to social and ecological harm
In the same way that banks do not have regard for the
macroeconomic impacts of their activities, there are also no incentive
structures for banks to account for the social or environmental impacts
of the activities that they finance. Low-carbon infrastructure is underprovided with finance, often because of higher short-term profits, while
activities with negative externalities are funded. The existence of
externalities and market failure is well established in economic
literature. One approach to correcting these is to use regulatory or
market-based mechanisms such as green taxes to alter outcomes in
product and service markets. Ultimately this should alter the
investment returns from activities with high negative externalities, and
thus reduce demand for finance for these activities. However, another
Energising Money
and more direct approach to tackling the systemic failure to prevent
ecological overshoot of the economy identified in Chapter 2 could be
to embed environmental factors into the supply of finance itself. In the
next section we examine arguments for creating a link between nature
and money.
3.3 The case for anchoring money
Today’s monetary ‘monoculture’, with a few major national or
international currencies dominating global trade, is relatively unusual
when set in historical context.70 We have argued that the modern
system of bank credit money is flawed in terms of the quantity and
allocation of new money and, as noted above, because of its ability to
earn interest at a compounding indefinite rate. It is also flawed
because its value is not anchored to ecological values.
As the global banking bail-outs of 2008 and in the current stage of the
Eurozone crisis have demonstrated, banking failures are extremely
costly for states, taxpayers and citizens. And yet, to date, states have
shown little interest in revisiting the issue of who should create money
and how money should be designed.
In contrast, over the last thirty years there have been a growing
number of experiments with complementary currencies and different
forms of money which take seriously the arguments that money is
socially constructed and that multiple forms can and should coexist.
To some extent these are the modern expression of a much longer
history of monetary reform activism stretching back to the 19th Century
and the ideas of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and Robert Owen.71
Contemporary models include forms of mutual exchange such as
LETS and Time Banks, local currencies backed against national
currencies like most of the Regiogeld and Transition currencies, and a
wide range of other models and innovations. Many of these are rooted
in the critique of the contemporary financial system that is outlined
above, and as such have sought to democratise the creation of money
or address the instabilities and dysfunctions of the contemporary
financial system. However, the complementary currency and
monetary reform movements do not overlap entirely, and there is
considerable diversity in both. To date, ideas of energy money have
reflected a small niche within these fields, which are themselves
marginal within wider public and political discourse. Despite this, a
case can be made for considering anchoring money to nature in some
way, for at least three reasons:
1) Restoring trust
At a closer look, all dysfunctions of money are issues of trust. A
currency’s very essence is that people can rely on its various
functions. Whenever trust in a currency’s function is compromised,
people seek ways to compensate with other means: they calculate
and compare prices in a foreign currency or reference whose value
they trust more;72 they use for payment what others might consider
valuable, like cigarettes or potatoes during World War II; or they flee
from a currency by spending it for something which they expect to sell
again later without loss, like land and buildings, gold and diamonds, or
Energising Money
Much thought has been given to the question of how trust in a
currency can be established and maintained. Anchoring money to
something real seems to be an attractive option, not least because of
its roots in the cultural history of what people consider to be money.
2) Preventing ‘virtual wealth’, instability and ecological degradation
Introducing a link between money and nature could address several of
the issues with economics and money identified so far and create a
more stable monetary system that internalises nature in market prices.
Turnbull argues for introducing a feedback mechanism between
money creation and ecological issues:
“Modern money is not related to nature. While money is used to
allocate resources to exploit the environment, its environment
does not determine the characteristics of money. There is thus no
feedback mechanism for money to be a self-correcting agent in
nurturing nature. Because the modern forms of money are not
related to nature, the volume and cost of money have no natural
3) Promoting the energy transition
The first two reasons are about preventing harm, but new forms of
money could also actively promote good outcomes. Viable steps
towards a more ecological economy would include a reduction of
fossil energy depletion and a shift towards renewable energy
production. The underpricing of fossil resources in relation to their
environmental impact requires a recalibration of pricing to render
renewable energy production cheaper and more competitive, which
means fostering such investments today even if they do not seem
profitable in pure monetary terms. The combination of debt-based
money and the discounting of future returns at commercial rates of
interest particularly discriminates against renewable energy. Such
infrastructure has a high up-front investment cost followed by a long
stream of extremely low-cost returns, as the fuels themselves (solar,
wind, tides) are effectively free. The apparent economic (as well as
environmental) logic of renewable energy is overturned by the nature
of the monetary system itself. 74
In the next section we explore different attempts to create a monetary
system that relates more directly to the earth’s natural resources.
3.4 How to anchor money – what anchor?
There is more than one way in which money could be related to
nature. Two popular options are to directly reference a monetary unit
against a single commodity or resource, or a basket of resources.
1) Basket of resources
The idea behind anchoring money to a basket of commodities is to
allow money to mirror broadly what is considered valuable in use in
the real world. Basket based currencies seek to even out price
volatilities in the single commodities’ values and thus stabilise the
price relations between everything else. The result should be a
reference unit that can be used to circumvent inflation, especially
regarding world trade. As Lietaer describes in his Terra White Paper,
Energising Money
“Inflation is always defined as ‘the changes in value of a
standardised basket of goods and services.’ By selecting the
appropriate ingredients to be placed in the basket, the Terra can
be protected against inflation.”75
Currency concepts referring to a basket of ‘real values’ show a great
variety not only in choice and number of commodities but also in
terms of their architecture and characteristics. However, most are
aimed at global scale and include key commodities that reflect
important globally traded goods that have a high use value. Such a
basket backed currency should enjoy a sustained, high degree of
Greco, after studying Borsodi’s Exeter Constant experiment in detail
(see Examples 1 below), concluded that twelve to fifteen commodities
might be sufficient for defining the standard unit and set out how to
choose which commodities to put in the basket. He argued that the
chosen commodities should be:
“1. traded in one or more relatively free markets (freely
2. important in world trade (high volume);
3. important in satisfying basic human needs (necessity);
4. relatively stable in price (in real terms) over time (stability), and;
5. uniform in quality, or standardized quality (uniformity).”76
Examples 1: currency concepts based on a basket of
Bancor (Keynes 1941)
At the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, Keynes proposed to
politically install an International Clearing Union. The clearing
framework would include the ‘Bancor’ as an international reference
currency. Trade account balances would be measured in ‘Bancor’,
while each country would maintain a ‘Bancor’ account vis-à-vis the
ICU with a set of rules for adjustment of trade balances. While the
currency was meant to be based on the gold reserves of all
participating nations and not on commodities, Keynes’ plan also
included a ‘commodity board’ to account and adjust the member
nations’ trade balances of key commodities.77
Exeter Constant78 (Borsodi 1971-4)
So concerned was Ralph Borsodi about the inflationary potential of
Keynes’ proposals, he wrote a book in 1948 that sold half a million
copies called: Inflation is coming and what to do about it.79 He then
decided to walk his talk with an experimental issue of inflationresisting commodity based currency in his home town, Exeter. He
named the currency ‘Constant’ as it was meant to keep constant in
value and purchasing power while the economy fluctuated.80
Borsodi figured that if it was a good idea to back a currency with
gold and silver, it would be an even better idea to back it with a
whole market basket of commodities, including coal and oil.81 “[I]f
certificates were printed and distributed with the guarantee that
they'd always be 100% redeemable in fixed amounts of, say, 30 of
Energising Money
the world's most widely used resources ... those certificates would
automatically increase in value as the value of the resources
increased (in terms of constantly degraded national currencies).”82
And that’s what he did: Borsodi ‘invested’ funds of about
US$100,000 to continuously buy and sell key commodities on the
global market, in order to even out price balances between the
respective commodities and thus stabilise the Constant’s relative
purchasing power. Indeed, when Borsodi, after three years, closed
his experiment the Constant still bought the same worth of goods as
at the start, while the dollar had already lost 15% of its value.83 It is
worth mentioning that, in practice, the basket contained neither oil
nor coal, but petroleum, as the back of a 25 Constant note
Terra TRC (Lietaer)
Lietaer’s concept of the Terra TRC (Trade Reference Currency) can
be regarded as Keynes’ Bancor Plan and Borsodi’s Constant
reconsidered. In contrast with Keynes’ proposal, the Terra is not
meant to be established by governments but by businesses, as the
positive effects of a stable trading currency would be in their own
commercial interest. Among the ingredients of the Terra basket,
which are not accurately defined, crude oil is mentioned, as well as
Carbon Emission Rights85.
The Ven is a recently issued digital currency issued by Hub Culture
Ltd. that can be spent at Hub Culture events and in their online
shop on a large variety of third party products. It is freely
transferable between any Hub Culture account. The Ven´s selling
price is determined by a basket of over twenty weighted
components, most prominently currencies like Dollar, Euro,
Renminbi, Yen and others, but also commodities like gold, silver,
oil, agricultural produce and carbon futures.86 The basket of
reference prices makes the Ven a more stable accounting unit
compared to any single denomination, particularly for large-volume
future contracts.
Since Hub Culture does not redeem Ven for any standard currency,
the purchasing power of Ven as a store of wealth is only indirectly
guaranteed through the pricing of goods and services in the Hub
Culture online store. If more Ven would be purchased and retained
by its customers, Hub Culture Ltd. would, according to its founderdirector Stan Stalnaker, hedge the risk of fluctuating reference
prices by actually acquiring the corresponding volumes of
components of the pricing basket and thus effectively turning the
Ven into a commodity backed currency.87
To strengthen local subsistence, as is the key objective of the
Transition movement, North argues that a local basket could make
sense to give value to a local currency. This money would be “backed
Energising Money
by commodities that, it is hoped, will keep their value in ways that
‘fiat’, paper currencies fail to.”88
Basket currencies face their own particular challenge because the
value of the anchor as an independent reference unit is undermined
by the need for subjective judgement about their composition.
Administrative discretion about the finer details of the commodities
(i.e. which to include, in what proportions, when these should be
adjusted) introduce potential uncertainly and scope for
Furthermore, whatever commodities are in the basket, they can hardly
ever represent the complete set of planetary assets and resources,
and the additional complexity of a basket may not achieve much
advantage over simply choosing a single commodity, such as energy,
which can be considered universal to all production processes.
2) Single commodity
For centuries, we have been culturally trained to equate money with
gold and silver, and are still wedded to the idea that money itself
should be backed by something of value – or itself be of intrinsic
value, such as gold coins. Whilst gold and silver coins have been
used as a means of payment for thousands of years the history of
gold backed paper money, coins and deposits spans little more than
250 years.90 Sir Isaac Newton’s establishment of a new mint ratio
between silver and gold in 1717 can be seen as one of the tipping
points towards a true gold standard, where the gold functioned as a
reference value for the money instead of the intrinsic value of the
physical money itself. More recently, a plethora of privately issued
digital currencies have sprung up which at least claim to be gold
The problem with a gold standard is that the value of the currency is
completely dependent on the socially constructed value of that
commodity. If, for whatever reason, the commodity’s relevance should
decrease, the currency’s value is at risk.92 The same is true if a
spontaneous shortage or oversupply occurs, as happened repeatedly
throughout the history of the gold standard. Might it be possible to find
a single commodity anchor for money that is superior to gold or silver?
Such a backing would need to have at least one of the following
its value would be important in everyday life and business, and/or;
it would in itself be key to most other goods, and/or;
it would have a huge influence on many other economic factors.
This might apply for food, water, energy, land and an intact global
climate, just to mention a few. Indeed, a range of different singlecommodity type currencies apart from gold have been imagined or
Energising Money
Examples 2: currency concepts based on a single commodity
Currencies based on Grain/Food
Mendo’s Food Futures Credits (Willits, CA)
Mendo Credits are backed by reserves of stored food and circulate
in the town of Willits, California. As indicated on the note, a Mendo’s
Credits note at the face value (and price) of 10 US dollar can buy
“one of the following: 11 pounds of pinto beans, 11 pounds of brown
rice, 11 pounds of white rice, 17 pounds of triticale”, during a one
year period after issue. The supply of Mendo Credits is “strictly
limited to the supply of grains and beans in storage”, but, however,
“notes can also be issued in advance to finance a necessary
investment and purchase the food in the first place.”93
Historic antecedents
Similar food backed currency types have been successfully
introduced in Japan. Historical examples of “food credits” can be
traced back to the Babylonian ‘shekel’ (around 2000 B.C.) and the
‘corn-giro’ in Egypt, both representing a defined amount of
agricultural produce.94
Currencies based on H2O
Kubik (Germany)
Water may have considerable advantages when it comes to
backing a local currency. Imagine a municipality spends into
circulation redeemable vouchers for its public water supply – the
‘Kubik’, denominated in m³ drinking water – thus financing public
and social services or the maintenance of its local infrastructure. As
all residents of a town consume water every day and are obliged to
connect to the water grid (in contrast to the energy grid), literally
everyone could cash in the Kubik for his quarterly water bills and
therefore would certainly accept Kubik as a means of payment. The
Kubik could be spent at all public institutions and be used to pay
local taxes. Additionally, the Kubik value can be expected to be
relatively stable, because the average price of water hardly ever
Currencies based on CO2 Emissions
Emission rights represent tokens allowing use of the atmosphere.
Fungible, tradable assets result when these entitlement tokens are
divided up into small portions and certified. Their ability to hold a
value and therefore back a currency lies in their inherent scarcity,
which ideally reflects the maximum scientifically justifiable amount
of greenhouse gases that can be emitted over a time period. Private
emission trading schemes can be turned into “Carbon Currencies”
on two different bases: arrangements to use emission rights directly
as a currency (Carbon Emission Currencies), and arrangements
based on the revenue from their sale (Carbon Revenue
Currencies).96 Apart from these macro-level considerations, there is
a broad range of theoretical concepts as well as practical proposals
Energising Money
for national, sub-national or local “Emissions Reduction Currency
Systems” (ERCS), most of which would directly calculate with
(personal) carbon emission rights, or account for a relative
reduction of carbon emissions (‘white certificates’).
Carbon Credits
Two practical projects have recently been started in Australia. In
Oct 2010, an Australian Island claimed to having introduced world's
first trial of a personal carbon trading scheme, much along the lines
of the “carbon card” concept discussed in UK97 and some European
“Norfolk Island residents will be allocated the same number of
carbon units on a credit card, which they will spend whenever they
buy petrol and power. If they are frugal with non-renewable energy
consumption, and walk, cycle or drive an electric car, they will be
able to trade in leftover carbon credits at the carbon bank for cash
at the end of a set period. Each year the quota of carbon units will
be reduced, and the price of a high carbon emission lifestyle will
Boya (Australia)
In Jan 2011, an initiative lead by Sam Nelson launched the Maia
Maia Project100 in western Australia. According to the project’s
website and press release, a group decided to take action in carbon
emissions reduction and would then issue ‘Boya’ notes
denominated in kg of CO2 equivalent on the basis of actual
reductions. The Boya notes would be handed on and finally cashed
in for a small discount at – to date less than a handful of –
participating businesses. However, as the Boya notes are not
redeemable against anything at the issuer or any other institution
they represent no promise whatsoever to the bearer, and thus have
no predefined monetary value. This flaw in monetary design may
well be one of the reasons why the Maia Maia Project has remained
marginal until today.
In a way, these concepts may be considered as a special type of
energy backed currencies, as emission rights relate to the carbon
actually emitted when extracting and burning fossil fuels.
What is noticeable about the single commodity approach is that, while
those currencies usually refer to commodities of global importance,
they do not necessarily need to be governed or implemented on a
global scale.101
Energy may be a particular attractive option as a single commodity
backing given its centrality to the economic system, as explored in
chapter 2. Robert Swann, according to Douthwaite, “thinks that energy
is a better way of backing for a currency than a collection of
commodities because the long-run price of every product is related to
the amount of human, animal, renewable and fossil energy that went
into making it.”102 The various options for the design and issue of a
Energising Money
currency based on energy are examined in depth in the following
Energising Money
4. Energising money: monetising
“Every time we add our own labour to a product or perform a
service we expend energy …. Every time we exchange money
… [this] represents payment for previous energy that we
expended. Money, after all, is nothing more than stored energy
Jeremy Rifkin
Why energy? The conceptual historical roots
Up until 1905, scientists believed that the universe was divided into
two realms: the realm of energy, involving heat, light and wind; and
the realm of mass, with physical objects, natural and man-made.
There was thought to be no relation between the two. Then a 26-yearold Swiss patent clerk discovered that in fact the two were intimately
related, indeed they were just the same thing in different forms; solid
matter could explode apart and reveal hidden energy and vice versa.
That clerk was Albert Einstein and he put energy at the core of his
theory of relativity, with the most famous equation in physics: e=mc2.
Also known as the equation of ‘energy equivalence’, it essentially tells
us that everything is energy, and matter is only a temporary ‘solid’
state of energy.
Energy’s omnipresence makes it an attractive option for an
ecologically sound and universal measure of value. Visionaries like
Richard Buckminster Fuller,104 Herman Daly and Nicholas GeorgescuRoegen have received only limited recognition for the link they made
between energy and money. Ecologist Howard T. Odum took the idea
further, using global energy content as an ecological and economic
reference (see “Emergy” in Examples 3 below).
Odum considered the relationships between input and output of
energy in complex systems. In order to obtain energy in a usable form
and quality, a certain energy input is required first. For example,
extracting oil from tar sands requires more than two thirds of the
energy that is effectively extracted. The global availability of
renewable energy may be theoretically unlimited, but when it comes to
making use of it, it is in effect a ‘scarce’ resource. This ‘relative
scarcity’ of use energy (or ‘work’) is economically even more relevant
in that it forms a bottleneck for restorative and productive processes in
many circumstances: salt water to freshwater, synthesis of molecules,
extraction of minerals and resources and the clean-up of the
If investments were made by considering not their profit in money
terms (as an abstract value with no relation to planetary resources as
we have discussed) but in terms of energy output, those investments
with a a positive energy return on the energy invested (EROI) would
Energising Money
be preferably ‘financed’ (see Box 2), while less energy efficient
projects would be rendered less profitable.
A monetary unit that itself represents the energy dimension could
determine a process of resource allocation not much different from
conventional markets in terms of process, but very different
concerning outcomes. If the efficient production of energy is the
objective, then coupling energy production on the one hand and
allocation of the means of production and investment on the other
hand through an energy currency appears a logical step.105
How then, would we design an energy-related money? A key initial
question is to identify our objective. Are we attempting to change and
improve the money system in a general holistic sense, or are we
seeking a transformation in energy systems via linking energy to
money more concretely? Are we ‘energising money’ or ‘monetising
As we have already discussed, energy in its various forms may well
be considered as a potential means to improve certain qualities of
money; a more reliable store of value, a broadly accepted means of
payment, or a stable and universal unit of account that can be
different in different host environments. But energy-related money
may also be considered as a tool intentionally designed to improve
humans’ economic relation to energy and natural resources; to
incentivise sustainable local development, to accelerate a transition to
renewable energy, or to simply raise total renewable energy
production through self-financing instruments.
Which of these objectives predominates will have an impact on the
design and characteristics of energy money. In the next section we
consider these various objectives and characteristics and propose a
taxonomy to aid understanding of energy-related money.
A taxonomy of energy-related money
Energy-related money can be split according to two domains: its
relation to energy and its relation to money. Figure 6 shows the
spectrum of possible associations between money functions and
different energy concepts. Money characteristics and energy
characteristics are linked by two hinges in the middle of the figure.
Energy-related money can either be designed as a reference to a
certain energy type, or be physically backed by energy. In the latter
case, the currency may also be redeemable against its backing or
Some monetary functions are dependent on certain energy
characteristics and qualities, while others are higher-level and apply
for practically any type of energy – be it for a universal accounting
value or for a distinct kWh unit of generated electricity.
As a result, we are faced with three important design elements when
analysing or designing energy-related money:
what energy?
which monetary functions?
how should these be combined?
Energising Money
Box 2: Energy accounting metrics
The joule (J) is the basic and common unit of energy, work and
heat (the calorie being its historic predecessor and still widely
used today). It is one of the universal physical units in our
understanding of the natural world and for this reason often
chosen as the universal basis to describe and evaluate economic
phenomena. Since 1 joule roughly only equals the energy
generated by the human heart in one second, the kilojoule (1000
joule) is more often chosen as the basic unit to avoid large figures.
Energy can also be expressed as kilowatt-hours (kWh), meaning
the energy required to deliver 1000 watts of power for one hour. 1
kWh equals 1000 watts for 3600 seconds, or 3.6 million joules /
The joule is a unit that describes every form of energy: kinetic,
potential, electrical and temperature in absolute terms, without
taking into account that energy cannot be extracted and put to
work equally in all its manifestations. Most of the total energy
around us is not available for practical use, nor for industrial or
organic processes. Exergy describes the share of total energy that
can potentially be drawn from a source or system. In effect, exergy
is the energy that is available to be used. Depending on the
efficiency of harvesting this exergy, only a fraction of it can be
employed to facilitate processes, be it driving engines,
synthesising and transforming materials or producing other energy
forms like electric currents. For this reason, today we are mostly
concerned with high-gain or ‘high-quality’ energy sources such as
fossil fuels, or strong kinetic forces such as wind, steam or hydropower. Through the advancement of technology, more dilute
resources such as sunlight have recently entered the picture.
Energy Return on Energy Invested (EROI)
To make low-gain or dilute energy resources available for
consumption, a substantial input of energy is required for
concentration, processing and distribution. Even with fossil fuels
today, a surprising amount of energy is spent on extraction,
refinement and transportation before the final product is available
(e.g. diesel at the local gas station). For crude oil pumped in the
US the ratio of energy returned on energy invested used to be
roughly 100:1 one century ago, but is only 3:1 today and declining
with the depletion of easily accessible oil fields.107 This ratio is
called the EROEI. (When the same relationship is expressed not
as a ratio but as a subtraction of energy expended from energy
gained, it is called the Net Energy Gain).108 This metric proved
useful to describe, for example, how in the early days of
renewable energies the production of solar panels consumed
Energising Money
more conventional energy than their total yield in solar energy
throughout their operational lifespan. Through advancements in
photovoltaic technology, today´s solar panels are estimated to
produce 10-20 times more energy than expended during their
Embodied Energy
Embodied energy accounts for the total energy invested or
consumed throughout the whole lifecycle of a product. It serves as
an assessment tool for gross energy costs but does not make
reference to the different energy sources and their distinct quality
and availability, as discussed above.
What energy?
A general distinction proposed here is between energy as a
commodity and energy as an accounting value. Energy as a
commodity is produced and consumed and can be allocated and
traded. For energy in the form of an accounting value, possession and
trade are irrelevant factors. What is important is that it can be
measured and so there must be a socially agreed definition of a
respective energy unit when using it as a value reference.
1) Energy as an accounting value
Concepts based on energy as an accounting value try to provide a
framework and accounting system to evaluate products, services and
whole systems from the perspective of how much energy it took to
create them. The intention is to make any product, service or system
comparable in absolute energy terms and independent from volatile
market prices and hidden externalities.
Choosing energy as an accounting value makes intuitive sense, but to
be meaningful and operational it requires a sound understanding of
the systemic properties of energy and its appropriate metrics. We
consider these in Box 2.
Energy as an accounting unit has proven its relevance as a value
measure that helps to take environmental constraints into account for
human economic activities. Any of the metrics in Box 2 can
theoretically serve as the accounting value for currency designers
from which other monetary functions can be developed. Just as
(kilo)watt-hours or (kilo)joules are already used as the unit of account
for several of the currencies presented in this report, future concepts
could attempt to ‘coin’ any other physical standard into a means of
exchange to reflect, activate and internalise the energy consequences
of our economic activities.
Energising Money
Figure 6: Taxonomy of Energy-related Money
2) Energy as a commodity
Energy becomes a commodity when its distinct units can be
accurately measured, located and transferred one by one, that is:
when it can be possessed by either one person or by another. Or, to
give a much simpler definition: if it can’t be priced and purchased, it is
not a commodity.
For currencies based on energy as a commodity, there are a number
of questions that require addressing:
Does the respective commodity consist of a distinct quantity of use
energy (‘work’) of a certain quality (or density), in a form ready to
use and finally bought by a consumer (e.g. electricity, coal), or of a
primary energy source that requires refinement in order to be
usable (e.g. crude oil, biomass, solar, wind, etc.)?
Does the currency refer to energy that is consumed, or energy that
is saved (by not consuming it)?
Energising Money
Is the respective energy coming from renewable resources, thus
continuously produced and consumed in a flow, or from the
planetary stock of non-renewable sources?
Is the currency actually redeemable for the respective energycommodity or does it only refer to energy traded by third parties –
or to its price?
And, if it is redeemable: Is the energy available now or is it going
to be available in the future?
The answers to these crucial questions have further implications for
the design as well as for an adequate assessment of energy money.
Which monetary functions?
The first and basic distinction we propose here is to look at the
classical functions – unit of account, means of exchange and store of
value – that the energy money is supposed to fulfil.
A monetary unit can enable comparison and evaluation, accounting
and pricing without acting as a means of exchange or store of value.
To become a means of exchange it must be able to be allocated from
A to B, from one holder to another. If the units cannot be transferred,
payment cannot be made and debts cannot be settled. A currency’s
operability as an accounting unit and a means of exchange does not
require it to have a store of value function. But in order for a currency
to act as a store of value it must possess the other two functions – if it
does not, it may still be a store of value but not a currency.
For these reasons the three functions are shown in the taxonomy in a
dependent hierarchy; the store of value function and the means of
exchange function of a currency both depend on the unit of account
function. A currency’s means of exchange function can be supported
in one way or the other by the currency’s store of value function (with
the functional tension laid out earlier) but could also manage without
To help hold this distinction in mind, we will refer to money systems
that go beyond the sole accounting function as energy ‘currencies’. In
order to be feasible as a currency, according to the definitions and
distinctions laid out in this paper, the following criteria must be fulfilled:
The currency must fulfil more than just the unit of account function.
It must provide distinct standard units, and the related energy must
be of a uniform quality, in order to allow for quantifying the
currency’s nominal/face value.
The currency units must be small enough in terms of their
denomination and purchasing value, otherwise calculation and
payment of small or distinct prices would be impossible.
A policy must be defined as to how a currency is issued into the
economy and withdrawn.
Energising Money
Possible combinations – what works and what not?
There are many combinations that link the two functional domains of
energy and money, but not all combinations have been considered in
theory and practice as yet, and some don’t seem to be viable.
Energy money does not need to meet all monetary functions to be of
use. An energy money may be pegged to and even denominated in
kWh but nonetheless not be redeemable for the energy it relates to,
as for example, the Japanese WAT currency (see Box 4). Conversely,
a redeemable voucher may be backed by the electricity generated in a
photovoltaic power plant, but not necessarily be denominated in kWh.
For example, businesses in the Austrian region Waldviertel have
issued redeemable vouchers in exchange for and denominated in
Euro to finance solar energy production, which were not redeemable
for energy but only for goods and services sold by the issuing
business (see ‘solar shares’ in Box 6).
Furthermore, energy in whatever form can theoretically act as a
reference to compare goods and services without allowing the same
accounting units to be credited to anybody or used as a means of
payment.112 And, conversely, in order to function as a means of
exchange, an energy currency does not need to be physically backed
by energy. A mere reference to energy – or even a reference to its
price – may be sufficient. However, only if the respective unit of
energy allows for accounting, that is, quantifying the total and
subdividing it into small distinct units, many people subsequently
agree upon using the units as a means of exchange, for payment and
for settlement of debts. If the currency needs to provide the store of
value function as well (to convince people of its value, as is often
required by non-legal-tender currencies), only those units will work
whose value is defined by energy in the form of a commodity.
Moreover, it is possible to add energy as a commodity to a commodity
basket, and use this basket as a reference or backing for a currency
(see section 3.4 above). But it would be futile to include energy in the
form of an accounting value into any basket – as futile as trying to
add, for example, light and temperature into the same basket.
A number of selected proposals and practical projects are described
briefly in boxes below, with no claim to be complete. We begin with
non-redeemable units and then move on to redeemable units or
promissory notes.
1) Non-redeemable units
The tie between the two domains, money and energy, could be strong
or weak according to design preference. Energy money may provide a
link to energy without being redeemable for energy, as for example is
the case with ’Emergy’ (see Example 3 below). Such concepts can be
distinguished according to whether they are actually backed by or
rather pegged to (referenced to) the respective energy type. As
described for basket-based currencies, the crucial distinction is if the
commodity – in this case energy (or an entitlement to it) – is actually
held in the basket by the issuer of the currency or not.
Energising Money
Examples 3: Emergy
Elaborating on ecologist H. T. Odum’s work on energy quality,113 the
term ‘emergy’ was coined in 1986 as the common denominator for
energy inputs and flows from various primary sources. The unit
“emjoule” (Emergy Joule) accounts for the standardised energetic
value of products, processes and entire systems in reference to a
chosen primary energy base. The most commonly used base today
is the solar equivalent joule (seJ, also referred to as solar emjoule).
This expresses how much energy would need to be harvested for the
provision or production of a good, service or system if sunlight was
the only available energy source. In this way different sources of
energy are normalized to their energy quality and production inputs
are made universally comparable. This scaling is particularly useful
when considering the gradual depletion of standard energy sources
and sunlight as the primary and sustainable energy supply of the
whole biosphere. Other, less often used bases to scale emergy
include biomass, fossil-fuels overall, or coal alone.114
Emergy accounting has been applied successfully for the evaluation
and developmental strategies of such diverse systems as: the state
of West Virginia,115 an eco-village in Sicily,116 or ecosystems and
industrial installations, with the aim to evaluate their overall
environmental impact, the dynamics of their internal resource-flows,
their sustainability strategies or their total inclusive energy usage.117
(i) Non-redeemable units with an energy reference value
The role of energy could be simply to define a currency’s value
relative to something that was considered universally comparable.
The binding is no more than a social agreement to use something as
a value reference or standard (i.e. by fixing an artificial exchange rate
between the currency and its referential counterpart) and could just as
well be replaced by any other reference at any time.
Greco classifies the various value standards that have been proposed
as follows:
“1. a currency standard (an existing currency unit, like the U.S.
dollar or the U.K. pound sterling);
2. a commodity standard (a specified weight of some commodity,
like silver or gold);
3. an energy standard (a specified amount of energy, such as a
kilowatt-hour of electricity);
4. a labour standard (a statistical unit of labour productivity);
5. an index standard (a composite group – ‘market basket’ – of
basic commodities).”118
The reference value of a currency can also be established in the form
of a reference to an energy price, with the consequence that changes
in the valuation of energy relative to all other goods would affect the
Energising Money
value of the energy related currency. If and under what circumstances
a fixed energy-price relation could be reasonable is ultimately a matter
of design.
(ii) Non-redeemable (but still commodity-linked) energy currencies
It is quite possible to envisage a new value standard for a currency
linked to energy but not redeemable for energy. Indeed many thinkers,
including Lietaer, Douthwaite and Greco, have argued that currencies
have never really served well as a value measure and means of
exchange/payment and that it is not necessary for a currency to fulfil
both functions at the same time.119
A proponent of currency competition,120 Greco argues that
payment/settlement of debts could be fulfilled in any currency (legal
tender, complementary currencies, or private enterprise money) as
long as the parties involved were able to reference both the price of
the exchanged good as well as the price of the currency to an
agreeable and reliable universal value standard. Commodities, if
frequently traded, might demonstrate a stable, reliable average price
which reflects on their value and could thus be used as a reference for
the valuation and pricing of everything else:
“[U]sing a silver or gold unit of account does not mean that
payment must be made in silver or gold, or that paper notes and
ledger credits should be redeemable for silver or gold. Neither
would a ‘market basket’ unit need to be backed up by
commodities held for redemption. It just means that I owe you one
hundred dollars worth of something, and that worth is determined
by the current value of silver relative to all other goods and
services and currencies that might be used as payment. We need
not revert to commodity money or symbolic (redeemable) money
as a means of payment in order to have an honest money
The emergence of high frequency trading and multiple derivatives
leveraging spreads between anticipated rate differences on
commodities rather undermines Greco’s approach. Commodity
values, including energy, appear highly volatile in today’s globalised
Such an approach may be more valid at a local or regional level if the
currency users themselves have a hold on the commodity and the
market where it is traded, as is the case with the Japanese WAT
currency proposal. The WAT, although issued by its users on a peerto-peer basis, is pegged to a locally produced and consumed energy
2) Redeemable units (promissory notes)
The store of value function of an energy currency (as of any other
backed currency) is achieved best by one special currency feature: its
redeemability. If a currency is irredeemable, you never know what
(and how much) you will be able to buy with it in the future, as nominal
prices may rise or fluctuate. If it is redeemable, you know precisely
and reliably what real values you are entitled to receive, today or in
the future. In this sense, a redeemable commodity currency is a
hedge against future inflation of that particular commodity.
Energising Money
Certainly, any means of payment must fairly provide for the storing of
value – at least over a certain period of time – otherwise it couldn’t be
used to pay later. Thus, while a non-redeemable energy currency may
be good enough to measure and – possibly – to transfer value, a
redeemable energy currency may be better for the purpose of storing
value (saving).
Saving can take two different forms, reflected by redeemable energy
currencies: saving as hoarding, and saving as investment.
Examples 4: WAT (Japan)
Eiicho Morino, head of the Gesell Society in Japan, developed the
WAT project, which launched in 2000. Analogous to the Wära, the
WAT is issued as a bill of exchange, a paper IOU widely used by
businesses in Japan. The Wat is redeemable at the issuer against a
predefined amount of work. Six minutes of easy work is valued 1
WAT. At the same time the WAT currency is pegged to renewable
electricity: 1 WAT is referenced to – but not redeemable against – 1
kWh of ‘clean’ electricity produced in a citizen-owned power plant,
representing approximately 75-100 yen.122
(i) Saving as hoarding (debit principle)
Prepaid mobile phone units sold on plastic cards are now widely
available. Energy backed currencies, in their simplest form, are
essentially the same. With an energy currency redeemable against
energy readily produced and available today, be it physically stored or
generated on demand, the currency is nothing else than an energy
token or a redeemable energy unit on a debit card.
In some countries energy utilities have already introduced prepaid
electricity cards for private households simply to save effort with
customers’ repeated shortfalls in payment, e.g. in South Africa or in
the state of Arizona (USA).123 Those prepaid energy units would
become a currency as soon as they get used as a means of payment
between clients, that is, be transferred to third parties. This is already
done with mobile phone units. In some African countries, starting in
Kenya, safaricom’s mobile phone currency and banking product mPesa124 is used for most financial transactions.
Prepaid energy units would be the simplest example of an energy
backed currency. Three examples are illustrated below (see Examples
Individuals who participate in these debit currencies may do so purely
for convenience, but they are effectively securing themselves against
future inflation of energy prices. The objective of the schemes must be
seen more in terms of fixing dysfunctions on the monetary side rather
than reforming the ecological, or energy supply side of the economy.
In terms of economics, this kind of saving might be described as
‘hoarding’ rather than ‘investment’.
Energising Money
Examples 5: ‘debit’ based energy currency concepts
The redeemable voucher approach is certainly not limited to
electricity but can be used with any other energy type (or
commodity) to be allocated from a vendor to a buyer. For example,
a complementary currency named CHARCOAL (and also based on
charcoal) has been issued in Osaka, Japan. One unit equals 1 gram
of charcoal. According to Lietaer, “Charcoal is a widely produced
and used product in the area, and as the currency is redeemable in
this good, its acceptance is spreading easily.”125
Kilowatt Cards (Robert Hahl, Falls Church, VA)
Robert Hahl has developed a voucher scheme called Kilowatt
Cards. Based on the idea that price and value are not equivalent,
and often misinterpreted, Robert Hahl’s concept126 offers a platform
where Kilowatt Cards – vouchers denominated in 10 kWh of
electricity – can be purchased online from the Kilowatt-Hour Card
Corporation – located in Falls Church, Virginia – and redeemed to
pay electricity bills “in any residential utility account, anywhere in the
world.” Whilst the customer pays for consumed electricity by
redeeming his vouchers, the Kilowatt-Hour Card Corporation would
send the required payments to the utilities at their respective
electricity rate in the national currency. The Kilowatt Cards scheme
is thus effectively an international clearing framework for electricity.
RECS stands for Renewable Energy Certification System. A
renewable energy producer, for example a hydro turbine, registers
at RECS and then receives a certificate for each MWh of electricity
that is (expected to be) produced in a certain time period. The
certificate is mirrored in a database and can be traded. When a
supplier purchases a certificate and sells the related amount of
electricity to consumers, the certificate is charged off in the
database. RECS certificates thus realise monetary purposes and
commensurate to the primary notes in Shann Turnbull’s Renewable
Energy Dollar Concept (see below), but neither have been utilized
in that function as yet.127
(ii) Saving as investment (credit principle)
A redeemable energy currency, especially if used to provide for future
production, can offer more than just stabilising the value of money. It
can be designed as an investment tool as well. In that case one of the
key objectives could be to promote and accelerate a renewable
energy transition.
Energy tokens can serve to pre-finance the investment required to
produce the promised energy in the first place, if issued in advance
and spent into circulation for building the power plant. The more time
is allowed between issue and redemption, the more potent is the
Energising Money
currency’s credit function. The energy token thereby changes from a
debit to a credit type, from a promise for energy produced and
available today to a promise for future projected energy.
A simple and early example of this principle of ‘self-financing’ currency
systems was discovered in Eugene, Oregon by presenters of the
second E.F. Schumacher seminar in 1983. Shann Turnbull explained
the principle of creating self-financing currency to two female
attendees who missed his lecture as they were preparing meals to be
allowed to attend the six day seminar. The cooks were not impressed.
They had already put theory into practice as working members of Zoo
Zoo’s natural food resturant. Zoo Zoo’s (prison slang for ‘treats’) had
been nearly closed down two years earlier as their location did not
meet health standards. No bank finance was available to fund the
move to more suitable premises by the politically radical all gay
female workers collective, so Zoo Zoo’s issued vouchers entitling the
bearer to ten dollars worth of future food and drink after the restaurant
had relocated. They were sold to customers and the general public at
$9 each and became valid for redemption on a staggered basis
months later.128 Enough money was raised to enable the restaurant to
relocate and the notes, although not intended as a currency, were to a
limited extent circulated as one. A similar approach was taken by a
delicatessen in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, six years later,
issuing ‘Deli Dollars’ to pre-fund their deli.129
In 1977, well before the emergence of Zoo Zoo’s vouchers, Turnbull
had suggested in an opinion article in The Australian, a national
newspaper, that money be backed by kilowatt hours.130 Bob Swann,
who had worked with Borsodi in setting up the Constants in Exeter,
took up the idea as President of the E.F. Schumacher Society based
in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. The chairman of the society in
1983 was John McClaughry who was also a Senior Domestic policy
advisor to US President Reagan. These connections allowed the
Society to obtain permission to plan the issue of energy notes from
the comptroller of the US currency and the US Secret Service, whose
primary objective is to protect the nation’s financial infrastructure.131.
‘World citizen’ Gary Davis then printed up some notes as featured on
the cover of this report. Swann and Turnbull in their book ‘Building
Sustainable Communities’ advanced the idea of promissory energy
notes to fund ‘community energy banks’ (see Examples 6 and 7).
Although the energy notes model was never put in to practise, Swann
was involved with the setting up of Deli Dollars and the Berkshire
Farm Preserve note, both of which shared the ‘sale-of-product-inadvance’ feature.132 Paul Glover heard of these projects when he
attended the third E.F.Schumacher seminar, which inspired him to
establish Ithaca Hours, a currency that is still circulating today.133
Examples 6: ‘credit’ based energy currency concepts
Energy Notes (R. Swann)
Robert Swann, one of the intellectual leaders of the E.F.
Schumacher Society, proposed an autonomous approach to
community banking, whereby a community-based organisation –
ideally, a community-electricity cooperative – would produce energy
and at the same time issue kilowatt-hour promissory notes (‘energy
notes’) for future delivery of electricity. The notes would be sold at
Energising Money
the current electricity rate to consumers and/or investors who would
obtain without cost a pro-rata equity share in the cooperative. In this
way the cooperative would raise the funds to purchase the wind
turbines, whose ouput was then sold to the grid. Sales revenues
were expected to pay for the turbines and their operations in less
than ten years. As the turbines had an expected life for over twice
this period, cooperative members would not only enjoy fixed prices
for power during the payback period, but would also then obtain
power at almost no cost for the remaining lifespan of the turbines134
Ideally the local power distributor would accept the pre-payment
notes in payment for bills of its customers.135
Sonnenscheine (K. Vosshenrich, Steyerberg, D) and REGIOenergie
(L. Schuster/K. Vosshenrich)
In Steyerberg, a village next to Hannover, the urban planner Kay
Vosshenrich projected another currency on the basis of energy
vouchers, anchored to the electricity production of a solar power
plant in the hands of a local cooperative. The idea goes back to the
‘REGIOenergie’ concept, a proposal for a regional complementary
currency backed by renewable energy, first published by
Schuster/Vosshenrich in 2005.136 The cooperative would receive an
income in national currency from the feed-in-tariff, while members’
investments would be repaid not in Euro but directly in
‘Sonnenschein’ – (‘sunray’) vouchers redeemable against effectively
produced kilowatt hours (and denominated in kWh). The
‘Sonnenschein’ currency would thus be spent into circulation by the
shareholders of the cooperative and circulate locally among
(mostly) residents until eventually used to pay an electricity bill. As
in the case of the Kilowatt Cards (see Examples 5), again here the
cooperative would play the role of a clearing institution to cash in
the vouchers, mediating between member-investors (producers),
consumers and the local grid operator.137 Although the cooperative
has successfully been set up and investments have been made in
solar power generation, the ‘Sonnenschein’ currency has never
been implemented.
Eco-regional business partnership (R. Grandits)
Rudo Grandits, who had already been involved in the ‘Waldviertler’
local currency project, recently prepared a concept for an ‘ecoregional business partnership’ for the ‘bio-energy-region’ Güssing.
The proposal combines an investment pool for local renewable
energy production with an anchored local currency. The currency’s
value (while denominated in Euro) would be secured by newly
installed energy productive assets.138 Intended as a tool to finance
the energy transition, the pool would be used to hand out
microloans at zero interest to SMEs at the start, to be invested in
small renewable energy projects. As soon as the pool has enough
resources to make major investments in power generation, it would
be provided that electricity could also be paid for directly in the
currency. The scheme is meant to help achieve local energy
Energising Money
autonomy and at the same time foster local demand - and thus a
more sustainable local economy.
‘Solar shares’ based on a shopping voucher (Waldviertler /
Wegwartehof / Sonnentor)
Heini Staudinger, creative owner of Waldviertler shoe
manufacturing and retailing company, has managed to establish the
Euro-backed Waldviertler currency139 in the Austrian region of
Waldviertel – a rural region facing serious economic problems. In
addition, he has successfully implemented a simple voucher based
investment scheme for renewable energy production.140 Clients can
invest in solar energy through buying vouchers, as in the examples
above. However, in this model they won’t become shareholders –
the investment is only a grant to the company. What is more,
vouchers are redeemable not against energy but against all
products offered by the company (shoes, textiles, furniture and
more). The receipts in national currency are invested in photovoltaic
panels, installed on a roof at the manufacturer’s production site. The
harvested electricity is fed into the local power grid and
recompensed through guaranteed national feed-in-tariffs. The
lender receives a respectable (nominal) return, or bonus. For a
grant of 200 Euro, vouchers at a value of 330 Euro are paid back,
eleven vouchers at 30 Euro handed over annually for 10 years (the
first one instantly) and only redeemable in the company’s shops.
That way, Heini Staudinger has to date raised more than €1 million
and invested in solar power, and at the same time tied even more
spending power to his company. The scheme has been applied by
neighbouring companies – such as the herbal producers
Sonnentor141 and Wegwartehof142, the latter partly investing in solar
heat for drying herbs – but also copied by organic farmers in
The Kiwah model, developed by Edgar Kampers and Rob van
Hilten of the Community Currency foundation QOIN,145 builds on
Swann’s energy notes concept by adding green behavioural
incentives and a green ‘loyalty’ program. National money is invested
in renewable energy that delivers the kilowatt hours that are the
backing of the Kiwah. Participants receive Kiwah in return on a
weekly or monthly basis but can also receive Kiwah if they shop in
participating sustainable businesses as a bonus. Kiwah can also be
spent with others in an online Kiwah community, including vetted
producers of energy-saving and sustainable products. Ultimately the
idea would be able to use Kiwah to pay for energy directly from
energy suppliers.
Wära (historic example)
The Wära currency was an emergency currency issued and
organized by companies in several German city regions during the
recession around the 1930’s. When a coal mine was closed in the
small municipality of Schwanenkirchen, 60 coal miners (of 500
Energising Money
inhabitants) lost their jobs and the local economy broke down
completely. Max Hebecker, a mining engineer and former
employee, purchased the mine in an auction. When he wanted to
resume production and banks refused to finance the investment, the
Wära-Society jumped in with a loan of 50,000, partly in Reichsmark
but mainly in Wära. Miners were employed and paid 80% in Wära
(i.e. bills of exchange), which were soon accepted by many
businesses and craftsmen in Schwanenkirchen and the surrounding
region. As the Wära-part of the loan was credit created for mining
coal, and repaid by the mining company by selling coal against
Wära, the respective Wära amount was effectively a coal backed,
credit type energy currency.146
Most of the successfully implemented ‘energy credit’ projects are
simple in terms of ownership and decision-making as they are run by
existing, often centrally managed businesses, but share considerable
complexity regarding the clearing of their currency: vouchers are
denominated not in kWh but in the national currency and (usually)
cannot be spent directly for the produced energy (in contrast to e.g.
the food backed Mendo’s credits).
In all these examples – apart from the Wära currency – the investment
function is provided through a pre-sale of promissory notes against
existing legal tender. The notes are not backed by reserves in national
currency, however. Rather, the production and installation of new
generating capacities is paid in promissory notes backed by future
production. The productive assets are thus bought on credit. They are
purchased today based on the expectation to be able to pay back in
energy production later.
As we saw in Chapter 3, however, modern banking involves the
creation of brand new credit to fund activity which does not require the
existence of savings in legal tender. To achieve a rapid and global
transition to a low-carbon economy, it would appear necessary to
leverage the power of credit creation by banks or central banks for
massive investment in renewable energy production or energy
efficiency. The concept of ‘Green Quantitative Easing (QE)’ to fund
such a transition and create jobs and sustainable prosperity has been
gaining some ground in policy circles.147 One of the big fears with QE
is inflation. But if QE money was issued in return for some of kind of
energy promissory note, which could later be redeemed for power,
this might be a way of controlling inflation and inflation expectations.
The quantity of QE money would have to relate strictly to future
productive capacity. Issued that way, energy currencies could be seen
as credit easing anchored to real world production. The Wära case
study is an example of such a model on a local level.148
(iii) Energy savings currencies
Energy savings, too, could form the anchor of an energy currency.
Energy savings currency proposals, or projects, usually relate to the
amount of energy saved against a predefined baseline of
consumption. Therefore, the amount of money issued remains small
and would never be sufficient to provide the total of liquidity required
Energising Money
for transactions in an economy. This may be one of the reasons why
energy savings currencies are normally designed as incentive units,
the units being given a higher value artificially and intentionally to
promote energy savings and efficiency.
From a standpoint of currency design, these schemes basically
provide a store of value function. If energy savings units are used to
purchase certain energy savings related products which would help to
save even more energy – and thus, purchasing power – in the future,
saving would take place in the form of an investment. Equally, units
generated by today’s savings could also be saved for future
consumption of the respective energy amount – when energy rates
may already have gone up. This would correspond more closely to the
savings as hoarding picture.
At the Université libre de Bruxelles, a research and development
programme has been set up to find and assess possible currency
based incentive solutions to enhance energy savings, in combination
with smart metering (SM) and demand side management (DMS)
technology. The INESPO programme involves accounting and
monetising of electricity as well as value propositions based on
projected Carbon Emissions Reduction (‘white certificates’). The
project is run at the Centre for Economic and Social Studies on the
Environment (CEESE).149
It is worth mentioning that there seems to be no intentional credit type
currency for energy savings and energy efficiency as yet.
(iv) More complex energy currencies
The store of value strength of the redeemable models described
above is also potentially their weakness in terms of the medium of
exchange function. Knowing their currency unit is effectively inflation
proof, people might prefer to hold their vouchers as long as possible,
instead of spending them.
One way to overcome this tension is to integrate the vouchers into a
more complex monetary framework, which also stimulates spending.
In his ‘Renewable Energy Dollar’ concept,150 Turnbull proposes that a
bank should mediate between the competing currency functions by
holding the vouchers as a reserve and issuing a second currency into
circulation which would be used as a means of payment – but
wouldn’t suit as a store of value, as it could not be redeemed for
Examples 7: More complex energy currency concepts
Renewable Energy Dollar (S. Turnbull)151
Arguing that production costs will be relatively stable and
comparable on an international scale, Turnbull suggests a
community currency based on the value of locally produced
renewable electricity. The ‘Renewable Energy Dollar’ would be built
on a two-level architecture: energy producers would continuously
issue dated promissory notes in strict relation to their future energy
production. Held by a ‘local energy bank’ as a backing asset or
reserve (‘primary notes’) these certificates would allow the bank to
Energising Money
issue undated Renewable Energy Dollars (‘secondary notes’),
which would be used in everyday life, for transactions and
settlement of debts as well as for payment of bills and local taxes.
Ebcu (R. Douthwaite)152
The ebcu (energy backed currency unit) is a fossil energy backed
currency and one of two currencies in a complex ecological
allocation framework, the other part being special emission rights
(SER) for carbon dioxide equivalents. According to Richard
Douthwaite’s proposal, both SERs and ebcus would be issued by
the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and allocated to national
governments on a per capita basis, their quantity continuously
decreasing. While SERs would be issued annually, ebcus would be
issued only once. “If a government actually used ebcus to buy
additional SERs from the IMF in order to be able to buy more fossil
energy, the number of ebcus in circulation internationally would not
be increased to make up for the loss. Instead, the ebcus paid over
would simply be cancelled and the world would have to manage
with fewer ebcus in circulation. In other words, the IMF's obligation
to supply additional SERs would be strictly limited by the amount of
ebcus it put into circulation.” If needed, countries could buy
additional SERs against ebcu, as well as buy and sell ebcus from
other nations; thereby exchange rates between ebcus and national
currencies would emerge.
A reduction of ebcus in circulation would result in rising ebcu energy
prices (i.e. not much different from a taxation of fossil energies),
which would “cut the level of economic activity in the country and
thus its level of energy use. In other words, national economies
could only expand at the rate they became more fossil-energy
efficient, which is just what we want.” In contrast to a tax based
policy, the interdependencies between the currencies would provide
for an automatic feedback and a self-adjustment of the relative
quantities, values and exchange rates, with the effect that the
currency itself would give a nation the respective market signal to
switch to the path of a low-carbon economy: As the ebcu would be
used for foreign trades, a relatively weak national currency, would
trigger and support a more efficient use and import substitution of
fossil energy, while along this path the national currency would be
revalued again.153 Douthwaite’s hope was that, “[u]nder this system,
countries would control their economies by adjusting the energy
supply rather than the credit supply as they do today.”
Petro unit and International Energy Clearing Union (C. Cook)
Chris Cook calls for a paradigm shift towards “Banking on Energy
(Rather than Currency or Gold)”154 which would in effect mean to
“price dollars in oil, not oil in dollars.”155 To achieve this, he
proposes to establish an International Energy Clearing Union’, and
an energy standard based on a nation’s reserves, to which a new
trade currency would be referenced but could not be redeemed.156
In this framework, “credit is granted bilaterally and interest-free, and
Energising Money
the only costs to the system user are the administration/accounting
costs and a share of any defaults. Furthermore, there is no reason
why transactions in a ‘Clearing Union’ need be settled in central
bank-issued money, since users may quite simply agree that they
will accept ‘money's worth’ in (say) energy or commodities instead
by reference to a value unit.” One of Cook’s examples to apply this
framework is the unitisation and clearing of natural gas, which
would refinance the massive loans which financed the gas
infrastructure interest-free “simply by selling Units redeemable in
natural gas to major consumers such as China, who thereby both
lock in a price, and may found a new global energy based reserve
Human and Resource Economic System (Forty Foundation)157
The Forty Foundation’s158 Human and Resource Economic System
would involve the use of three separate currencies for different
purposes. Within a single country there are three major different
types of activities – consumption, production and international trade
– for which money is needed. The currency for consumption is
called the ‘Life Unit’, which is backed by water and used only for the
acquisition of consumable goods and labour. The currency for
production is called the ‘Eco Unit’159 which is backed by energy and
used for production purposes such as acquisition of raw materials,
different machines and equipment, or other production needs
different from labour. The currency for international trade is called
the ‘World Wide Currency Unit’ which itself represents a conversion
coefficient to compare the prices of energy currencies of different
countries that is based on the following:
the country’s share in the global amount of greenhouse gas
the share in the global amount of water spent for production;
the share in the global amount of consumed energy (the value
of the currency is reduced by the percent of the share);
the coefficient of each average unit of energy consumed divided
by the average amount of energy spent for its production
according to the embodied energy input-output calculations (the
value of the currency is multiplied by the coefficient).
By separating out these different functions at different scales, the
aim is to “bring more sustainability to the whole financial system and
more importantly, will partly secure regular consumers from
financial misbalances and speculative activities on the international
currency market.”
Both the Renewable Energy Dollar (RED) and the ebcu concepts are
based on a dual-currency architecture, but work on very different
scales. As renewable energies can be ‘harvested’ locally and are
subject to natural diseconomies of scale as significant quantities of
energy are lost in transportation, Turnbull’s RED concept logically
leads to a decentralisation of the monetary architecture.
Energising Money
In contrast, Douthwaite’s ebcu focuses on the reduction of the
negative impacts of fossil energy depletion and demands a currency
framework dependent on highly centralised policy making. The basic
principle is to anchor the monetary base to two different limited
capacities of the planet: stored fossil energy, and the capacity of the
atmosphere to act as a dump for greenhouse gases. This is reflected
in the design of the currency and its management: both SER and ebcu
need to be managed centrally due to the necessary global policy
agreement; and both need to consider a rising currency value over
time due to the wanted reduction in the related asset.
The ebcu proposal contains some inconsistencies. For example, the
quantity of ebcus put into circulation – only once and forever – is
continuously reduced, but at the same time people are expected to
voluntarily exchange their national currency earnings in ebcu for
payment of imports. Doubts arise if the ebcu could work as a foreign
trade currency at all, given that its value will likely increase through
the reduced quantity in circulation. There could be an inherent conflict
between the means of exchange function and the store of value
Turnbull’s Energy Dollars approach seems more pragmatic. Here, the
energy producer in effect issues a store of value currency which
allows an ‘energy bank’ to issue its own exchange currency. But such
a bank could also create interest-free loans on a fiat basis to finance
the productive capacities in the first place, as outlined in the nonredeemable credit models above.
In addition, the same dual currency architecture – redeemable, dated
primary notes issued by producers, and non-redeemable, undated
secondary notes issued by a bank on that basis – could also work for
different producers with a multitude of products and services, a
possible extension of the concept which Turnbull already mentioned
briefly in his first writings on the Renewable Energy Dollar.160
Although the RED was envisaged by Turnbull as a scheme to promote
decentralisation and support local renewable energy projects, he
believed that “[K]ilowatt hours of electricity could provide a universal
reference unit of value between communities of the world and within
By applying our taxonomy we can specify this further. It is the primary
notes which represent the store of value function and act as a
commodity backing for the kilowatt dollar notes, while only the
secondary notes provide a medium of exchange. Thus, while the
primary notes represent a value reference for the secondary notes,
there is no simple answer to the question if one or both could also
provide a universal reference unit of value. Difficulties arise regarding
the local availability and generation cost of different energy sources as
well as the energy quality – which might be less equal than it first
seems. Electricity can be provided with different voltage, with
alternating (AC) or direct current (DC), and especially if generated
from renewable energy sources can additionally show huge price
differences due to daytime peaks in production or demand. To handle
this, a clearing framework like Robert Hahl’s Kilowatt Cards could help
(see above), in combination with a networked real time supply and
demand side management technology.162
Energising Money
Cook’s ‘Petro unit’, at a closer look, merges Turnbull’s and Hahl’s
ideas on a macro level. The Petro Unit also describes a dual currency
architecture consisting of, first, a token redeemable for oil (like the
primary unit in Turnbull’s model); and second, a non-redeemable unit
(the secondary note), which he calls “‘money's worth’ in (say) energy
or commodities”, which is only referenced to the former. The relation
between both is managed by an International Energy Clearing Union
(IECU) providing the function of Turnbull’s ‘energy bank’ (to manage
value relations between primary and secondary notes) as well as the
global clearing function between different primary note issuers, as is
crucial in Hahl’s concept.
4.3 Summary: Energy’s place in the ecology of money
The challenges detailed above remind us that it is important not to
oversell the potential of energy money, particularly given that
complementary currency movements have been critiqued in the past
for being unable to live up to their claims.163 Given the still hypothetical
or early stage of development of many of the models described here,
perhaps the best way forward is to promote further innovation across
multiple approaches rather than lumping all our eggs, to mix
metaphors, in one currency basket. As North has argued:
“We need to build resilient communities in preparation for the
inevitable energy descent, and to facilitate the major cuts in
carbon emissions necessary to avoid dangerous climate change.
A vibrant diversity of alternative currencies is more likely to
protect us than a reliance on a single monetary monoculture that
may fail. This means we need to keep innovating with alternative
currencies until we develop more resilient models that do work
better than the early experiments we have today, which are
perhaps mere glimpses of what could be.”164
In contrast to our current monopolistic monoculture of money creation,
energy money could shape part of what North calls an “ecosystem of
currencies” or what Douthwaite described as an “ecology of money”
which would consist of at least four different types of currencies:
“One is an international currency, playing the role taken by gold
before the collapse of the gold exchange standard. The second is
a national or regional (sub-national) currency that would relate to
the international currency in some way. Thirdly, we would need a
plethora of currencies which (…) could be created at will by their
users to mobilise resources left untapped by national or regional
systems. Many of these user currencies would confine their
activities to particular geographic areas, but some would link nonspatially-based communities of interest. And fourth, as our current
money's store of value function can so easily conflict with its use
as a means of exchange, special currencies are needed for
people wishing to see their savings hold their value while still
keeping them in a fairly liquid form. (...) In addition to the four
types of money we have mentioned, there would be a need for
short-life currencies to fund particular projects.”165
Based on the typology developed in this report a closer examination of
Douthwaite’s global landscape of currencies can be undertaken, with
particular reference to energy money.
Energising Money
The international currency is intended to provide a reliable universal
value measure, as was once supposed to be provided by a known
aggregate of gold, physically stored. To replace this function with an
energy currency, the related energy would need to have a similar
character: a well-known aggregate of physically stored energy in a
uniform quality. Douthwaite’s ebcu proposal (Examples 7)
corresponds to this particular function.
National/regional/sub-national currencies would be issued as a means
of payment without the need to be related to energy, as they would
already be tied to the universal, international value units by taking
them as a reference or, if the international currency relates to a
commodity form of energy, by holding them as a reserve as during the
Bretton Woods period with gold.
Among the variety of user currencies, which are issued in a given
community (not necessarily geographical), the self-financing energy
currencies, such as Turnbull’s Renewable Energy Dollar would be
obvious choices, as well as VEN type models (see Examples 7 and
1). Similarly, credit type models could be used for Douthwaite’s fifth,
additional short life currencies.
Relating to the savings aspect, which could as well be seen as a
subcategory of the user currencies, the fourth currency category
would clearly be represented by redeemable (energy) voucher
currencies or debit currencies.
What this brief summary indicates is one of the core messages of this
report – that the energy money reflects an emerging field of diverse
theory and practice. Many of the concepts and proposals have barely
been tested yet, but there are enough encouraging signs to suggest
that, with the right kind of support, some of these ideas and initiatives
may be able to contribute to a more sustainable future.
Energising Money
5. Design and implementation of
energy money
“All who are really dedicated to the earliest possible attainment
of economic and physical success for all humanity – and
thereby realistitically to eliminate war – will have to shift their
efforts from the political arena to participate in the design
Richard Buckminster-Fuller
This section builds on the taxonomy and case studies, along with
wider literature on the currency field, to explore some key implications
for their design and implementation. These have been grouped under
three headings relating to currency: functionality, value, and
5.1 Designing and managing monetary functions
In section 3.2 it was argued that one problem with the modern
monetary system is the inherent tension between the store of value
and medium of exchange functions. This report suggests that at a
macro-system level energy monies might help to ameliorate this
tension by fulfilling some monetary functions and not others.
A useful example is the ‘Wörgler Sonnenscheine’ project (Box 6 in
chapter 4).167 Clients of the municipal energy supplier can invest up to
eight times 900 Euro into a renewable electricity generating plant with
a predefined capacity and receive Wörgler Sonnenscheine (i.e.
certificates for pre-paid electricity) at a face value of 900 Euro. In
contrast to the investment type voucher currencies mentioned above,
the annual production is being directly accounted against the annual
consumption over a period of 20 years in this case. While the currency
clearly performs the store of value function and the accounting
function, it does not fulfil the means of exchange function. Although
generated kWh units are used to settle the supplier’s debt, a transfer
of the certificates to third parties – which would render them into a
means of payment or exchange – is not intended by the issuer, and
also quite improbable due to their high face value.
Despite this example, it seems probable that currency designers will
usually face tensions between different functions. One important
insight of this report – and one that is somewhat counterintuitive – is
that the primary purpose of energy money may not itself be monetary.
For our credit based energy currency models (Examples 6) in chapter
4 – the energy notes, solar shares and Kiwah, the Sonnenscheine in
Steyerberg as well as their (rather different) namesake in Wörgl, the
primary function is to provide investment in renewables. Thus, whilst
this necessitates that they fulfil a monetary function (in this case store
of value) the ultimate purpose of the currency was not to reform
Energising Money
money, but to reform energy. In other cases – such as the global
reference currencies – the provision of a new form of money is the
ultimate purpose of the proposed system.
This implies that currency designers need to reflect on aims and
functions of any energy money system and how these interrelate. This
can be further complicated by the fact that, in many cases,
complementary currency systems can fulfil different functions for
different user groups. Indeed, it has been argued that successful
currency implementation necessitates the active management of
different functions.168 The most successful systems may be those that
manage to fulfil a range of functions for a range of different user
groups such as the German Regiogeld currencies.169 Furthermore, the
field of complementary currencies also demonstrates a considerable
degree of user innovation and ‘forking’ where new forms of system
evolve from antecedents.170 There is no reason to believe that similar
factors are not relevant within the field of energy money and will need
to be considered by system designers.
5.2 The golden rule of a stable value relation
If we accept that value is a social construction and money only a
medium, money’s value is contingent on the value it is believed to
represent. It is the issuer’s responsibility to ensure people hold trust in
their money. It is especially important in regard to energy money (and
other anchored currencies, in contrast to ‘fiat’ legal tender currencies)
that the relation between the medium (currency) and its counterpart or
backing (energy) must be objective. Any currency unit (or aggregate
of currency units) must refer one-to-one to a definite energy unit (or
aggregate of energy units) in a certain time and vice versa in order to
avoid double counting, and for the currency to work as a reliable
reference value.
While the one-to-one equivalence between money and ‘money’s
worth’ is blurred with monopoly fiat money because a note can only be
redeemed for another note of the same money and nothing else, the
trust relation is obvious when money is tied back to something real. A
promissory note redeemable against electricity at a certain date will be
accepted as a means of payment at a certain value only as long as
the promised electricity will truly be produced and supplied for this
note at the promised date. For example, Carbon Emission certificates
allowing energy producers and energy intense industries to emit only
a fixed amount of greenhouse gases in the period of one year, lose
their value if previously issued certificates are simply carried forward
to the next year’s period, as some companies have actually
The Great Depression and resultant hyperinflation led economists to
reflect deeply on the value of money. Ulrich von Beckerath, for
example, took on the idea of energy backing but had general doubts if
energy units were feasible for a currency. In particular he feared the
limitless availability of renewable energy would lead to another
hyperinflation.171 At a closer look, though, Beckerath mistook currency
inflation with changes in the general price level. Whilst it was true that
as more energy was harvested more currency could be issued, since
all goods would be re-priced in respect to the rising volume of energy
currency in circulation, such a scheme should not lead to inflation but
just a change in the general price level (in energy currency), a change
Energising Money
that would more accurately reflect the true cost of energy, in relation
to all other goods and services.
Swann, in his writings about energy notes, emphasises that “[t]he
community organisation or corporation would issue the notes only in
amounts equal to their projected output of electricity, thus avoiding
inflation of the currency”, and points out that “[t]he validity of the
energy notes does not, however, rest on the agreement of the utility
companies to redeem the notes”, but was secured by the actual
energy production of the community corporation that issued the
This golden rule is also valid for non-redeemable currencies. A major
critique of the Ven, for example, whose value is pegged not to distinct
quantities of a basket’s ingredients but defined in relation to their price
levels, is that the composition of the pricing-basket is not publicly
disclosed and can only be vaguely approximated from the varying
exchange rates of the Ven against other currencies. While this lack of
transparency may be uncritical in boom periods, it could provoke a
rapid flight from Ven, should people lose their trust in the composition
and management of the basket.
So the design principle here is clear: start with and maintain clear
transparency between the currency medium and the commodity
reference value.
5.3 Governance, scale and capacity issues
The governance of monetary systems relates to overall
implementation and oversight. Given that money has historically been
one of the least democratically organised institutions in human
society, there is particular importance for new money innovators in
getting governance right. In addition to the specific issues of
functionality and value discussed above, there are a number of other
critical factors that relate to the design of energy monies. In general
these issues relate to the way in which the money is managed,
administered and in some cases issued.
Human institutions themselves require a steady flow of energy in
order to maintain themselves.173 In the case of complementary
currencies, particularly those originating from the grassroots, much of
this energy has often arisen from volunteers or short term grant
funding. Arguably, this has been a contributory factor in the fragility of
many systems. Unless a system is incorporated into the functioning of
the formal public sector (or not-for-profit) actors and can thus be
supported by the redistribution of state or other accumulated surplus,
there is a need to consider how a currency system will be maintained
over time.
The type of organisation that might administer and manage an energy
money system will vary according to the nature of the system that is
being planned. Because energy monies often operate at the interface
between financial and energy systems the design of models can
potentially have an effect on both systems. For example, Kay
Vosshenrich, originator of the Sonnenschein model in Steyerberg (see
Box 6) has argued that our centralised money order is fuelled and
defined by a centralised fossil energy structure, and that a shift
towards renewable energy must lead us not only into ‘small scale
Energising Money
economies’ but consequently also into a decentralised money
order,174 as envisaged by Turnbull in 1983:
“Non-renewable power sources are less suitable for defining units
of value since a substantial proportion of their costs are fuel and
labour, the value of which (relative to the original investment cost)
may change over the life of the plant. Further technological
advances could make small, decentralized, environmentally
compatible energy sources even more competitive and so
suitable as a universal democratic basis for defining a unit of
The argument here is that certain forms of energy money could, if
structured correctly, lead to the development of not only decentralised
energy systems but also decentralised economic and financial
systems. Thus the rise of peer-to-peer banking and currency models
and other decentralised structures offers potential.176 For example,
Chris Cook has proposed using the legal structure of Limited Liability
Partnerships to create ‘capital asset partnerships’ in which
transactions can be priced with reference to an energy standard and
which can facilitate peer-to-peer credit and investment.177 Similarly,
the WAT (see Examples 4) is another example of a decentralised
production currency:
“[O]btaining these WAT-forms is free: they can be downloaded
from the WAT-website (…). Anybody accepting a bill
automatically becomes a ‘member’. This system is now spreading
rapidly and widely in Japan, but by its very design nobody knows
exactly what scale and how many participants are involved. It has
to be one of the most cost-effective means of payment in
existence, and it spontaneously creates ‘circles of trust’ among
sub-groups of participants. (…)[H]igh-level electronic security
systems are being developed by the Iwate Prefectural University
to eliminate the risk of frauds, reuse or denial of reception with
electronic WAT receipts.”178
Whilst the appeals of this form of distributed and decentralised
governance are clear, they do come with certain risks. The
management of large-scale distributed systems can be problematic,
as in the case of the Argentinian Trueque where the loss of control
over issuance of the currency at local levels has been cited as a
contributory factor in the dramatic collapse of the barter markets.179
Furthermore, a decentralised structure is clearly not suitable for all
systems, some of which rely on a centralised control over issuance
and coordination, as with the ebcu model or other models that would
attempt to ration the useage of fossil fuels or protect the atmosphere.
Finally there is a relationship between governance structure, the scale
of ambition, and the ability of monetary innovators to implement
practical proposals. There is an observable dichotomy between the
small-scale practical projects already in existence, and the proposals
for larger-scale systems that, at this stage, remain theoretical. The
latter are clearly more difficult to realise, yet the process of how such
systems can be put in practice is critical if they are not to remain as
idealised proposals. Any given project has implicit scale implications
that in turn influence the governance structures of the system. Here
there is a considerable gap in terms of research and knowledge.180
Energising Money
5.4 Summary: From theory to practice
This report has illustrated how energy monies could address the great
challenges facing our economy in theory. The question of whether
they can in practice is quite another. There are some encouraging
grassroots projects that are seeking to test and refine some of the
ideas. Yet there is also an implementation gap that faces many of the
proposals – the difficulty in translating idealised conceptual models in
messy realities. This report has begun to highlight some of these
design and implementation challenges – challenges that must be
addressed if many of these ideas are to ever move beyond their
theoretical form.
We should be cautious about the claims we might make on behalf of
any given system. It might not be enough to design better systems
and to attempt to have more control over systems that are complex,
unmanageable and with emergent properties. At best our control
might only ever be partial. This suggests that we should be humble in
our attempts to steer these complex systems.181 This is not to say that
we should not seek to develop new projects such as energy monies;
just that, as the analysis above suggests, they are unlikely to be silver
bullets or to proceed in the way that we expect.
Energising Money
6. Conclusions and next steps
This report has argued that the current ecological crisis is intrinsically
linked to the growth of the global fossil fuel driven economy. The
prevailing monetary system exacerbates this problem. Modern bankdebt money contributes to the expansion dynamic because of the
need for banks to charge interest and retain profits. Fiat issued bankdebt money also creates systemic short-termism, instability and procyclicality, and fails to allocate resources towards the building of a
sustainable and just economic system. Our ability to collectively
develop the necessary political responses to ecological overshoot is
hindered by a general lack of the understanding of the relationship
between nature, economy and money. This report has examined
whether efforts to link nature and money via new monetary
instruments might offer a means for systemic intervention.
The nascent field of energy money is rich in its variety and complexity;
this report is a first attempt to systematically consider the various
concepts. We provide a taxonomy for understanding the multiple ways
in which money and energy can be linked, and review some of the
different proposals and projects which have been developed. One
important conceptual discovery was to distinguish between schemes
that attempt to improve the functioning of money by linking it to energy
or other natural resources (‘energising money’) versus schemes that
attempt to use monetary instruments to better link the economy to
energy (‘monetising energy’). We hope that our framework and its
associated grammar can communicate some of the key features of
energy money to a wider audience.
We argue that energy monies could contribute to an emerging
‘ecology of money’, and in doing so could help reconnect money,
nature and the economy.
In chapter 2, we set out three ways in which the economic system was
disconnected from nature:
pricing nature – the problem of market externalities;
non-substitutability – the illusion that man-made capital can
substitute for natural resources and eco-systems;
energy and entropy – the absence from theories of production of
an adequate account of the laws of thermodynamics and the role
of energy.
The attraction of energy monies (and indeed any money that is
anchored to natural resources) that focus on the unit of account
function is that they could help to price nature into markets, thereby
Energising Money
improving the ecological efficiency of the economy. Similarly, in
relating money to natural resources, they are set apart from the other
factors of production. This would bring into sharper relief the validity of
equating natural resources with man-made capital and labour in
theories of production. Both these might require top-down monetary
reform to effect systemic change. To tackle the third problem of the
dissonance of economic theory with the laws of thermodynamics,
energy-related money would seem to be a promising avenue, and
here it might be useful to have energy currencies operating at all
geographical scales allowing for bottom-up transformation of the
monetary and energy systems.
In chapter 3, we identified several problems with the modern monetary
system that arguably exacerbate the nature-economy disconnect
discussed above:
virtual wealth – the problem of compound interest allowing
monetary ‘wealth’ to diverge from the productive capacity of the
uneconomic growth – structural drivers of monetary growth
malfunctioning – the negative effect of interest-bearing bank-debt
money on store of value and means of exchange functions
discounting the future – undervaluing future wealth in economic
financial instability – the problem of money creation for
speculative rather than productive use
misallocation – lack of incentives for money to be created for
investments that create ecological and social value
Energy money can offer much scope for improvement in respect of
these flaws in the present money system. If energy is the backing for
money, then any returns must be related to returns in the real
economy, preventing virtual wealth from detaching money from
nature. This also helps to create a more stable financial system, as
speculative bubbles cannot arise purely from expansion in the money
Improving the performance of money as either a store of value or a
medium of exchange depends entirely on the design of the currency,
which must itself depend on the objectives of the currency. The
realisation that one currency may not be able to fulfil all functions well
is an important starting point and provides a strong case for
developing several complementary currencies to fulfil different
monetary functions.
Finally, solving the misallocation of financial resources is certainly an
area of great potential for energy currencies. In particular, the ‘credit’
currencies that can fund investment in renewable energy production,
or savings in energy consumption, could begin to redress the
structural bias in the current money system against infrastructure that
yields a long future stream of low-cost energy.
What next then for energy money? We can draw out four broad
recommendations from the findings of this report.
Energising Money
First, that a systemic ‘top-down’ reform of money accounting holds
great potential to address some of the key flaws in money-economynature relationships – in particular the problems of valuing nature, and
the illusion of virtual wealth. Further research is required both on
the concepts and into the practical considerations of
Second, we do not need to wait until these are solved to begin the
‘Great Transition’182 to an ecologically sustainable and socially just
economy. Many of the case studies in this report illustrate the
potential of local and more narrowly focussed energy currencies to
engineer a low carbon energy transition from the ‘bottom-up’. For
these, a different research agenda is required: How can we best
draw out the lessons, disseminate knowledge, replicate and
scale-up success by translating these across national
boundaries and different institutional infrastructures? Where
such schemes are stalled by regulatory or policy obstacles, promoters
of energy monies should seek to mutually support one another in
gaining acceptance and indeed support among policymakers for
allowing currency competition and innovation. 183
Thirdly and relatedly, we call on a range of other actors, other than
currency designers, to support energy currency innovations, in
particular local government and other public sector agencies,
environmental NGOs and charitable foundations. Energy money holds
the allure of addressing some of the most systemic challenges facing
our world and should not be left to academic and policy fringe. At the
same time, energy money designers and thinkers should engage with
civil society and public sector actors, understand their needs and
show how energy currencies can help them achieve their goals.
Fourthly, we hope this report will make it easier for campaigners,
scientists and thinkers in the world of monetary and energy reform to
come together more effectively as we search for a better kind of
economy. Energy money offers an exciting research field on the
intersection of physics, economics and ecology, and the best minds
from all of these fields are needed to further develop some of the
ideas in this report.
In summary, we believe that energy money might contribute to a
reframing of what we mean by terms such as ‘investment’ and
‘capital’. In his 1935 book The Formation of Capital, H.G. Moulton
defined what he called “procreative property” as
“the processes by which society expands its power to make
nature yield its resources more abundantly.”184
By adding the words ‘on a sustainable basis’ we could consider this
the ultimate test of any money system – whether it promotes or
inhibits such processes. The current system fails the test. Energyrelated money shows great potential to do better, and so deserves
wider and more serious consideration. The idea of linking energy to
money is not a new one, but perhaps it is an idea whose time has
Energising Money
Appendix: selected energy currency and accounting
Note: If you are reading an electronic copy of this report (available from
www.neweconomics.org/publications/energising-money), the title of each project/proposal listed below is
hyperlinked to its source on the internet. Please click to access.
Beckerath, Ulrich
Zur Freiheit, zum Frieden
und zur Gerechtigkeit
Benello, C.
Swann, Robert
Turnbull, Shann
Building Sustainable
Communities: Tools and
Concepts for Self-Reliant
Change (2nd Ed.)
Bosordi, Ralph
Exeter Constant
Cook, Chris
The Community is the
An approach towards
socially acceptable energy
saving policies via
monetary instruments on
the smart meter
Defilla, Steivan
Metrological Aspects of an
Energy/Based Currency
Dosch, Klaus
CO Cards
Degrowth and the supply of
money in an energy-scarce
Ecology of Money
Fawzi, Marc
P2P Energy Economy
Fleming, David
TEQs Tradable Energy
Deconinck, Geert
et al. (INESPO)
Fuller, Richard
Energising Money
Cosmic Wealth Accounting
Early discussion of labour,
power or energy as
monetary basis
Seminal proposal of kWh
as the basis for community
currency and community
banking innovations
Pioneering project of a
basket (including oil)
backed currency
Concept for collective
ownership of energy assets
and redeemable units
Currency proposal for
energy saving,
incorporating smart
metering technology
Rational and practical
explorations of an energy
Numéraire of Walrasian
Proposal for a consumer
cap and trade currency,
representing emission
Theoretical proposal to deal
with peak energy scenarios
through currency
Global proposal including
energy backed currency
unit (the ebcu) and
emission certificates issued
by the IMF
General framework for
peer-to-peer energy
production, distribution and
Transferable emission units
centrally allocated to
individuals and auctioned to
market, proposed by the
UK House of Commons
Theoretical proposal for
global energy management
and resource accounting in
In book: Peace
Berrima, Australia,
1983, pp 428-467
Book published by
Carpenter, Charlbury,
UK, 1997
Online Article
Online Presentation
Online Publication
Online Conference
Article: Ecological
Economics, 2011
Book published by
Green Books, Totnes,
UK, 2000
Online Publication
Published policy
In book: Critical
Pathby Fuller,R. B. &
Kuromiya, K.B., St.
Martins Press, NY,
Gogerty, Nick
Zitoli, Joseph
DEKO: An Energy Backed
Currency Proposal
Grandits, Rudo
Energy Backed Regional
Green Money
Working Group
Green Money Working
Hahl, Robert W
Kilowatt Cards
Hahl, Robert W
Fixed Reference Money
System based on Electrical
Hudon, Marek et
Innovative Instruments for
Energy Saving Poilicies
Lietaer, Bernard
Terra TRC
Lovins, Amory
Meyer, John Erik
The Perfect Currency
Morino, Eiichi
Accounting:Emergy and
Environmental Decision
Odum, Howard
Regiostar e.G.
Solar Cooperative and
Regional Currency
Sam Nelson (Maia
Maia Project)
Tangible and fungible
energy: Hybrid energy
market and currency
system for total energy
management. A Masdar
City case study
Kennedy, Scott
Energising Money
Central Bank to hold
electricity delivering assets
instead of government
bonds or gold to back the
national currency they
Proposal for coupling
regional currency and
investment in renewables
Campaign alliance arguing
for financial reform,
proposing stamp script and
energy currencies
Transferable certificates
redeemable for payment of
10 kWh electricity
Patent (US), describing an
intergrated electricity
currency system
Belgian academic research
project on energy saving
currency instruments
Global trade reference
currency backed by a
commodity basket
Theoretical proposal for
trading saved energy as
Theoretical proposal and
campaign for monetary
reform and global reference
currency backed by energy
Peer issued bills of
exchange in Japan,
denomitaned in kWh
General accounting
framework using emergy as
the base of value
Dutch platform prospecting
a loyalty/bonus points
currency for sustainable
consumption and
German regional currency
integrating local investment
in renewables
Local unbacked certificates
issued on saved CO
equivalent in Western
Policy proposal for a city
currency (Ergo)
denominated in and
redeemable for energyprovision
Online Publication
Project Website
Project Website
US-Patent, 2007
Research Project
Online Publication
Online Publication
Online Publication
Project Website
Book published by
John Wiley, NY, 1996
Project Website
Project Website
Project Website
Article: Energy Policy,
Volume 38, Issue 4,
April 2010, Pages
Currencies as a Viable
Pathway for Sustainable
Societal Transition
Stalnaker, Stan
(Hub Culture Ltd.)
Staudinger, Heini
Waldvierteler Sonnenstrom
Swann, Robert
The Place of a Local
Currency in a World
Timm, Hans
Turnbull, Shann
Options for Rebuilding the
Economy and the Financial
Turnbull, Shann
Energy Development and
Sustainable Monetary
Energy linked replacement
currency to avoid market
Turnbull, Shann
Killowatt-Hour Currencies
Pilot proposal for
community-energy backed
Winker, Grant
Proposal for an energy
backed US dollar
Vosshenrich, Kay
Sonnenscheine Steyerberg
Youssef, Hares
(40 Foundation)
Eco Unit, Human and
Resource Economic
Otsuka, Noriaki
Charcoal Currency, Osaka
Energy based system of
exchange that combines
the commodity and creditclearing characteristics
Digital currency, price
pegged to a commodity
basket including emission
Local project for investment
in renewable energies, with
dicount credit for local
General proposal for local
currencies redeemable for
Historic German regional
stamp script currency,
locally redeemable for coal
Proposal for financial
reforms using demurrage
money and energy linked
Partly implemented
regional voucher system,
redeemable for electricity,
coupling local trade and
renewable energy
Proposal for global political
and monetary reforms,
specifying a national
currency backed by energy
and an internationl energy
reference currency
Regional currency backed
by grams of charcoal in
Osaka Japan
Online Article
Project Website
Project Website
Online Publication
Online Article
Online Publication
In book: Urban Energy
Transition by P.
Droege, Elsevier,
Amsterdam, NL, 2008,
pp 121–140
In book: The Money
Changers by D. Boyle,
Earthscan, London,
UK, 2002, pp. 207 210
Online Publication
Project Website
Online Publication
Project Website
Note: if you are reading an electronic copy of this report (available from www.
neweconomics.org/publications/energising-money), the title of each project/proposal listed above is
hyperlinked to its source on the internet. Please click to access.
Energising Money
Moulton, H. G. (1935). The Formation of Capital. The Institute of
Economics, Brookings Institute, Washington, D.C., Publication No. 59.
Simms, A. and Boyle, D. (eds). (2008). Triple crunch: Joined-up solutions
to financial chaos, oil decline and climate change to transform the
economy. London: nef.
Mill, John Stuart. (1848). Of the Stationary State. Book IV, Chapter VI in
Principles of Political Economy: With Some of Their Applications to Social
Philosophy. London: J.W. Parker. Accessed from
http://www.econlib.org/library/Mill/mlP61.html#Bk.IV,Ch.VI, 17 August
Global Footprint network.
Moderate UN scenarios suggest that if current population and
consumption trends continue, by the 2030s, we will need the equivalent of
two Earths to support us.
See the ‘Up in Smoke’ coalition’s set of reports which reveal the threat
from global warming to reverse progress in human development and
render the Millennium Development Goals unachievable:
Global footprint network.
Johnson, V., and Simms, A. (2012). On the magic bullet. Atlas. See also
Moriarty, P., Honnery, D. (2010). Why Technical Fixes Won’t Mitigate
Climate Change. Journal of Cosmology 8: pp. 1921–1927.
Boulding, Kenneth. (1966). The Economics of the Coming Spaceship
Earth, in Jarret, H. (ed.). Environmental Quality in a Growing Economy.
Baltimore, Maryland: Resources for the Future/Johns Hopkins University
Press. pp. 3–14.
Soddy, F. Cartesian Economics: The Bearing of Physical Science upon
State Stewardship. p. 5.
Daly, H. (1996). Beyond Growth. Boston: Beacon Press.
Classical economists – such as Marx, Mill and Ricardo – also included
‘land’ as a key factor of production as a catch-all for natural resources but
since industrialization this has been relegated to minor significance.
‘Entreprenuerial ability’ is sometimes also included as a factor of
Ayres, R. U. and Warr, B. (2009). The Economic Growth Engine.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. p. 306.
Repetto, R. (1992). Accounting for environmental assets. Scientific
American: pp. 64–70, in Ayres and Warr (2009). ibid. p. 306.
Daly, H.E and Cobb, J.B. (1994). For The Common Good: Redirecting the
Economy Toward Community, the Environment, and a Sustainable
Future. Boston: Beacon Press. Chapter 3.
Energising Money
Solow, Robert M. (1956). A Contribution to the Theory of Economic
Growth. Quarterly Journal of Economics (The MIT Press) 70 (1): pp. 65–
94. doi:10.2307/1884513. JSTOR 1884513. Swan, Trevor W. (November
1956). Economic Growth and Capital Accumulation. Economic Record
(John Wiley & Sons) 32 (2): pp. 334–361. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4932
Ayres, R. U., and Warr, B. (2009). The Economics Growth Engine: How
Energy and Work Drive Material Prosperity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Georgescu-Roegen, N. (1971). The entropy law and the economic
process. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press.
Cobb, C. W.; Douglas, P. H. (1928). A Theory of Production. American
Economic Review 18 (Supplement): pp. 139–165.
Daly, H. (2011). Growth, debt, and the World Bank. Ecological Economics
72(0): pp. 5–8.
Clausius, R. (1851). XVIII. On the moving force of heat, and the laws
regarding the nature of heat itself which are deducible therefrom. The
London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of
Science 2(9): pp. 102–119.
Ayres and Warr (2009: xix). op cit, usefully define ‘work’ defined as the
service obtained from raw energy by first-order conversion – also known
as ‘exergy’ – and ‘power’ defined as the rate at which works is performed,
or work done per unit of time.
Daly, H. E. (1995). On Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen's contributions to
economics: an obituary essay. Ecological Economics 13(3): pp. 149–154
Ayres, R. U.; Ayres, L. W.; Warr, B. (2002). Exergy, Power and Work in
the U. S. Economy 1900–1998. Insead's Center For the Management of
Environmental Resources, 2002/52/EPS/CMER
Johnson, V. Unburnable carbon. London: nef (the new economics
The concept and measurement of EROI was pioneered by Charles Hall of
the State University of New York’s College of Environmental Science and
Forestry. A list of publications on energy can be found at
Johnson, V., Sims, A., Greenham, A. (2012). The economics of oil
dependence: a glass ceiling to recovery. London: nef.
Johnson, V., Sims, A., Greenham, A. (2012). The economics of oil
dependence: a glass ceiling to recovery. London: nef.
For classic accounts of the neutrality of money, see Menger, C. (1892).
On the Origins of Money. Economic Journal 2: pp. 239–255 and Walras,
L. (1954). Elements of Pure Economics. London: Allen & Unwin.
Other functions commonly ascribed to money include a ‘standard for
deferred payments’ and ‘common measure of value’. Davies, G. (2002). A
History of Money. Cardiff: University of Wales Press. p. 27.
Energising Money
Jevons, W. S. (1896/1875). Money and the Mechanism of Exchange. New
York: Appleton and Company.
Davies, G. (2002). A History of Money, Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
pp. 50–55.
Knapp, G. F. (1905). The State Theory of Money. London: MacMillan;
Innes Innes, A., M., (1913). What is Money? Banking Law and Journal.
May 377–408; Grierson, P. (1977). The Origins of Money. London:
Athlone Press. p. 19–21.; Graeber, D. (2011). Debt: The First 5000 years.
Brooklyn, NY: Melvyn House.
Douthwaite, R. (1999). The Ecology of Money. Devon: Green Books. p..
Galbraith, J. K. Money: Whence it came and where it went.
Harmondsworth: Penguin. p. 76.
Graeber, D. (2011). Debt: The First 5,000 Years. Melville House
Publishing. p. 342.
Douthwaite, R. (1999). The Ecology of Money. Devon: Green Books.
For a detailed historical account, see Ryan-Collins, J., Greenham, T.,
Werner, R., Jackson, D. (2011). Where does Money Come From? A guide
to the UK money and banking system. London: nef. ch 2.
Werner. (2005). New Paradigm in Macroeconomics. Basingstoke:
Palgrave Macmillan. p. 168.
Accounts of fractional reserve type activities outside the UK go back much
earlier than the goldsmiths however. For a thorough ranging review see
Huerta de Soto, J. (2006/1998). Money, Bank Credit, and Economic
Cycles, translated from the Spanish by Stroup, M.A., Alabama: Ludvig von
Mises Institute. Chapter 2, pp. 37–111. For a user-friendly and colourful
introduction to the origins of fractional reserve banking, download Paul
Grignon’s animated film Money as Debt. Retrieved from:
Varoufakis, Y. (2011). The Global Minotaur. London: Zed Books.
Some thinkers consider that in reality the dollar is essentially backed by
oil. According to Stephen Clark, for example, the gold-link was
“…replaced by an agreement that the US then made with OPEC through
the US-Saudi Arabian Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation that
‘backed’ the dollar with oil. OPEC agreed to quote the global price in
dollars and, in return, the US promised to protect the oil-rich kingdoms in
the Persian Gulf against threat or invasion or domestic coups.” From
Clark, W. R. (2005). Petrodollar Warfare: Oil, Iraq and the Future of the
Dollar. (New Society Publishers), quoted from Douthwaite, R. and Fallon,
G. (eds). (2010). Fleeing Vesuvius. Overcoming the risks of economic and
environmental collapse. FEASTA (Green Books). pp. 59–60.
For a detailed explanation, see Ryan-Collins et al. (2011). op cit. p. 55–58
Instead, Central Banks have tried to influence the quantity of money in
circulation by varying interest rates, with limited success. See Werner.
(2005). ibid. p. 261.
See: Ryan-Collins et al. (2011). op cit. p. 104.
Energising Money
‘In the real world, banks extend credit, creating deposits in the process,
and look for the reserves later’. Quote from Alan R. Holmes, Federal
Reserve Bank of New York (1969). quoted in Goodhart, C. A. E. (1994).
What should central banks do? What should be their macroeconomic
objectives and operations? The Economic Journal, pp. 1424–1436.
Keen, S. (2011). Debunking Economics: The Naked Emporor Dethroned?
London: Zed Books. pp. 357–377.
Marx, K. (1976/1867). Capital, Vol. 1. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
For a full exposition and references of Soddy’s pigs example, see: Daly,
H. (1980). The Economic Thought of Frederick Soddy. History of Political
Economy. 12:4.
Indeed, some animals are capable of exponential growth – hamsters for
example double in size each week from birth up to puberty – but only for a
limited period until they reach ‘maturity’. As nef have pointed out, if a
hamster continued to grow at this speed, on its first birthday we would be
facing a nine billion tonne hamster. If it kept eating at the same ratio of
food to body weight, by then its daily intake would be greater than the
total, annual amount of maize produced worldwide. (2010). Growth isn’t
possible. London: nef (the new economics foundation) and online:
Daly, H. (2011). Growth, debt, and the World Bank, Ecological Economics
72. pp. 5–8.
Soddy, F. Cartesian Economics: The Bearing of Physical Science upon
State Stewardship, p. 30. In Daly, H. E. (1980). The economic thought of
Frederick Soddy. History of Political Economy 12(4): p. 476.
Soddy, F., Cartesian Economics. p. 27. In Daly, op cit, pp. 469–488.
Daly, H. (1999). On Money. Ecological Economics and the Ecology of
Ecology of Economics, Essays in Criticism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
pp. 133–167.
Douthewaite, R. (1999). The Growth Illusion. Green Books; El Diwany, T.
(2003). The Problem With Interest. London: Kreatoc.; Kennedy, M. (1987).
Interest and Inflation-Free Money. Seva International; Brown, E. (2008).
Web of Debt. Third Millenium Press; Lietaer, B., Arnsperger, C., Goerner,
S., and Brunnhuber, S. (2012). Money and Sustainability: the missing link.
Triarchy Press.
For a detailed analysis of the monetary drivers of growth see Freydorf,
C., Kimmich, C., Koudela, T., Schuster, L., and Wenzlaff. F. (2012).
Wachstumszwänge in der Geldwirtschaft (growth drivers in the
monetary economy), working paper, available at http://www.geld-undnachhaltigkeit.de. It is worth noting that even in an interest-free
economy, if firms wish to make a profit, it might appear that either
growth or inflation is necessary if we assume that the wages that firms
inject into the economy to pay workers are entirely (and immediately)
used up in the purchase of the goods these firms produce by those
same workers. Such a dynamic is known as the ‘profits puzzle’ and is
a challenge to ‘Say’s Law’, that ‘supply creates its own demand’. See
Tomasson, G. and Bezemer, D. (2010). What is the Source of Profit
and Interest? A Classical Conundrum Reconsidered. Unpublished,
available at: http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/21292
Energising Money
Binswanger constructs a simple circular flow model based on a closed
pure credit economy to demonstrate this growth imperative – see
Binswanger, M. (2009). Is there a growth imperative in capitalist
economies? A circular flow perspective. Journal of Post Keynesian
Economics 31(4), pp. 707–727.
Stratford, B. (2012). Does our current monetary system force us into an
ecologically unsustainable pattern of economic growth? Unpublished MSc
Dissertation, University of Edinburgh, p. 229.
For examples of model demostrating this possibility, see Keen, S. (2010).
Solving the Paradox of Monetary Profits. Economics: The Open-Access,
Open Assessment E-Journal, 4 (31): pp. 0–33. Andersen, T. (2006). A
critique of a Post Keynesian model of hoarding, and an alternative model.
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 60: pp. 230–251.
doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2004.08.007 quoted in Stratford, B. (2012). Does our
current monetary system force us into an ecologically unsustainable
pattern of economic growth? Unpublished MSc Dissertation, University of
Edinburgh, p. 29–32.
Fräßdorf, Anna, Grabka, Markus M., Schwarze, Johannes. (2011). The
impact of household capital income on income inequality – a factor
decomposition analysis for the UK, Germany and the USA. Journal of
Economic Inequality 9.1 (2011): pp. 35–56. Quoted in Stratford, ibid. p.
Graeber, D. (2011). Debt: The First 5,000 Years. Melville House
Galbraith, James K. (2012). Inequality and Instability: A Study of the World
Economy Just Before the Great Crisis: A Study of the World Economy
Just Before the Great Crisis. Oxford University Press.
This one of the two “Root causes of the World’s Economic Breakdown”
illustrated in Figure 1 in Building Sustainable Communities: Tools and
concepts for self-reliant economic change, Ward Morehouse (ed.),=.
Second Revised Edition TOES Book, New York: The Bootstrap Press,
1989. The second root cause being the rules for owning land and
corporations on an unlimited basis.
Bezemer, D. J. (2009b). Explaining the Great Moderation: Credit in the
Macroeconomy Revisited. Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA Paper
No. 15893): pp. 1–28. China’s expansion also kept a lid on consumer
price inflation.
Carruthers, B. G., Babb, S. (1996). The Color of Money and the Nature of
Value: Greenbacks and Gold in Postbellum America. American Journal of
Sociology, Vol. 101, No. 6. Accessed at:
Davies, G. (2002). A History of Money. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
p. 30.
Turnbull, Shann. (2009). Money, Markets and Climate Change. In
Chester, L., Johnson, M., Kriesler, P. (eds.) (2008). Contemporary Issues
for Heterodox Economists. Available at SSRN:
http://ssrn.com/abstract=1304083 or
Douthwaite, R. (1999). The Ecology of Money. Devon: Green Books.
Energising Money
Werner, R. (2005). New paradigm in macroeconomics: solving the riddle
of Japanese macroeconomic performance. Basingstoke: Palgrave
Minsky, H. (1986). Stabilizing and Unstable Economy. New Haven: Yale
University Press; Keen, S. (2011). Debunking Economics. London: Zed
Lietaer, B. (2002). The Future of Money. London: Century.
North, P. (2007). Money and Liberation. Minnesota: University of
Minnesota Press.
The Economist has used the price of Macdonald Hamburgers to compare
currencies over the years. Refer to ‘When the Price is Wrong’, February
2 –8 , 1991.
Turnbull, S. (1991). Economics & the Laws of Nature. Presentation to the
Australian Conservation Foundation, Tuesday October 29th, 1991.
Published in: Marston, A. (ed.). (1992). The Other Economy: Economics
Nature Can Live With. Auckland: LBD Publishers. p. 4.
According to North, P. (2010). op cit, p. 206.
Lietaer, B. A. (2004). The Terra TRC: A Global Complementary Currency
to Stabilize the World Economy. White Paper (Access Foundation).
Available at: http://www.lietaer.com/2010/01/terra
Greco, T. H. (2009). The end of money and the future of civilization.
Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing. pp. 245–246.
Keynes, J. M. (1944). Proposals for an International Clearing Union. White
Paper, presented at Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, republished in
Keynes, J. M. (1980). pp. 168–195.
Refer to:
http://www.soilandhealth.org/03sov/0303critic/Brsdi.intrvw/The%20PlowboyBorsodi%20Interview.htm and http://www.scribd.com/doc/13266703/3-09Ralph-Borsodi-Constant-Currency.
Mother Earth News. (1974). Borsodi, R. (1989). Inflation and the Coming
Keynesian Catastrophe: The Story of the Exeter Experiment with
Constants. Great Barrington: E F Schumacher Society and the School for
For a very detailed description of the experiment, see: Greco, T. H.
(1990). Money and Debt: A Solution to the Global Crisis, 2nd revised
edition. pp. 65–69. Part III available at:
Douthwaite, R. (1996). Short Circuit: Strengthening Local Economies for
Security in an Unstable World. Dublin: The Liliput. Press. pp. 107–108.
Shorter but still with valuable conclusions, see: Greco, T. H. (2009). pp.
Community Currency Magazine, Vol. 25, March 2009.
Mother Earth News. (1974). Borsodi, R. (1989). Inflation and the Coming
Keynesian Catastrophe: The Story of the Exeter Experiment with
Constants. Great Barrington: E F Schumacher Society and the School for
Energising Money
Mother Earth News 1974, op cit.
See Community Currency Magazine Vol. 25, March 2009, Fig. 8.8, p. 24.
Lietaer, B. (2004). op cit.
Despite being the least component in the basket, the partial influence of
carbon futures on the floating price of Ven is regularly portrait as making
the Ven a “green currency” with ecological benefits. Source: Personal
communication between the authors and Stan Stalnaker.
Personal communication between the authors and Stan Stalnaker.
North, P. (2010). op cit., p. 205.
Turnbull, S. (1997). Creating a Community Currency. In: Benello, C. G.,
Swann, R., Turnbull, S. (1997). Building Sustainable Communities. Tools
and Concepts for Self-Reliant Economic Change. 2nd revised edition.
Lowell, MA: The Bootstrap Press. pp. 167–177.
Graeber. (2011). op cit.
The DCG magazine (digital gold currency magazine) might serve to give a
first impression on the variety of proposals and their promoters’
motivations. Accessible at: http://www.dgcmagazine.com
This is valid for the current method of credit creation as well, where bank
deposits are backed by bank assets which are mostly secured on
property. When in autumn 2008 real estate market prices (as a socially
constructed value) collapsed in the US because “the markets” no longer
believed in the capacity of borrowers to pay back their loans, this caused
a chain reaction of re- and devaluation of currencies worldwide, which is
still ongoing.
Quote: Food-Backed Local Money. Online article by Jason Bradford on
the oildrum, March 4, 2009. Available at
According to Mederos et al. (2001)., the value of the currency units was
related to a “grain standard”. The smallest unit, uttetu or se represented a
single grain. One talent corresponded to 30,3 kg of grain, equal to 60
minas à 0,505 kg, while one mina equaled 60 shekel. The shekel
represented 8,4 gram of grain, corresponding to 180 single grains (180
se). Their study showed that “diverse weight systems (…) were in use
from the Indus Valley to the Aegean from the middle of the third
millennium to the end of the second millennium BC”, revealing that “[t]he
integration of different weight systems was crucial in developing the scale
and nature of commercial exchange in the Near East and would have
facilitated the emergence of the Ancient World System.”
The conceptual framework for the Kubik was laid out in Kassel, Germany,
by the former (savings) banker Heinz-Ulrich Eisner, and was considered
legal by the German banking regulatory authority, BaFin. However, it has
not yet been implemented.
Theoretical considerations of how a “Carbon Currency” could be designed
are laid out in depth in Schuster (2009). Emission Rights as a Carbon
Currency. Berlin: Aachener Stiftung Kathy Beys.
In the UK, former environment secretary David Miliband had announced
to implement a carbon credit swipe card for all UK citizens, but his plans
Energising Money
were finally scrapped in 2008, officially because a Defra study expected
high costs for acquiring relevant personal data of all inhabitants.
In Germany, the Kathy Beys Foundation has dedicated itself to this issue,
see http://www.co2card.de.
Smith, D. (2010). Islanders lead world on personal carbon test scheme.
Newspaper Article, Sydney Morning Herald, 27/10/2010. Available at:
For further details see project website at: http://www.maiamaia.org/learnmore/77-overview.html
This clearly corresponds with the findings of Nobel Prize winner Elinor
Ostrom in her empirical studies of self-governed commons.
Douthwaite, R. (1996). Short Circuit. Strengthening Local Economies for
Security in an Unstable World. Dublin: The Lilliput Press / Totnes: Green
Books. p. 106.
Rifkin, Jeremy. (1980). Entropy: A New World View. New York: Viking
Buckminster-Fuller proposed a global electricity grid which could deliver
power to anywhere in the world with one common rate. This would create
“a world-around uniform costing and pricing system for all goods and
services based realistically on the time-energy metabolic accounting
system of the universe.” Buckminster-Fuller, R. (1981). Critical Path. St
Martin’s Press. pxxxi
“The technology of power production from renewable energy sources has
diseconomies of scale and so favours small discrete autonomous
communities. For this reason, the unit of electrical power, the Kilowatthour (Kwhr) has much appeal as a universal unit of value for an
autonomous community banking and monetary System.” Turnbull, S.
(1997). pp. 159–166.
Thus, the nomenclature or denomination of several currency concepts
presented above are misleading: WAT and Kilowatt Cards for example
represent (kilo)watt-hours and not (kilo)watt.
Figures presented by Prof. Charles S. A. Hall, SUNY-ESF. Accessed
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_returned_on_energy_invested (last
visited 18/06/12)
More on the conceptual details of Net Energy, Energy Return on Energy
Investment (EROEI) and Energy Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) see:
Vernon, C. (2010). Future energy availability: the importance of ‘net
energy’. In: Douthwaite, R. (2010). pp. 43–51.
Murphy, D. J., Hall, C. A. S. (2010). Year in review: energy return on
(energy) investment. In: Constanza, R., Limburg, K. (eds.) Ecological
Economics Reviews. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1185, pp. 102–118.
The unit of account vs. unit of value issue is discussed in depth in Greco’s
early paper on Money and Debt, PART III – Segregated Monetary
Functions And An Objective, Global, Standard Unit Of Account (Greco, T.
H. (1990). pp. 44–)
Energising Money
Brown, M. T., Ulgiati, S. (2004). Energy Quality, Emergy, and
Transformity: H.T. Odum’s contribution to quantifying and understanding
systems in Ecological Modelling. 178: pp. 201–213.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergy (last visited 18/06/12)
http://www.epa.gov/nheerl/publications/files/wvevaluationposted.pdf (last
visited 18/06/12)
For a brief description of the emergy accounting project at a sicilian
ecovillage see Siracusa et al. (2005). Available at:
General information on applied emergy accounting can be found here:
Greco, T. H. (2009). pp. 117–118.
“The ‘measure of value’ or ‘unit of account’ function has not historically
been well served by any currency. Government or bank-issued fiat
currencies, the type that are almost universal today, are especially
unreliable measures of value because they are undefined and subject to
gross manipulation by governments and central banks. (...) While political
currencies might appropriately be used in the settlement of accounts, they
need not and should not be used in defining the value of goods and
services to be exchanged.” (Greco, T. H. (2009). p. 118.)
An early protagonist of currency competition is F. A. Hayek, an economist
of the “Austrian School” of economics. His ideas are pinpointed in Hayek,
F. A. (1970). Denationalization of Money.
Greco, T. H. (2009). op cit, p. 122.
Lietaer, B. A. (2004/1). Complementary Currencies in Japan Today:
History, Originality and Relevance. In: International Journal of Community
Currency Research (IJCCR), Vol.8, pp. 1–23 pp. 12–13.
See for example http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-11793290 and on
safaricom’s homepage: http://www.safaricom.co.ke/index.php?id=250.
The rate for mobile phone minutes currency, the “m-Pesa” is available in
real time online, e.g. at http://www.rich.co.ke (accessed on 09.06.2009)
Lietaer, B. A. (2004/1). op cit, p. 13.
Hahl, Robert. (2007). Fixed-Value Paper Backed by Electricity. The
Electricity Standard. Hard copy. More information available at:
Apart from that, RECS is contested not only because the system is owned
and operated by big conventional energy producers, but also because
RECS certificates can be traded and resold independently from actual
renewable energy production and not even demand any new investment
in Renewables – thus in effect provide greenwashing for conventional
energy producers.
E.F Schumacher Newsletter, Spring 1983, available from the report
Energising Money
Douthwaite, R. (1999). The Ecology of Money. Totnes: Green Books. p.
Turnbull, S. (1977). Let the market correct itself. The Australian, Op Ed.,
p. 8, May 25.
“The mission of the United States Secret Service is to safeguard the
nation's financial infrastructure and payment systems to preserve the
integrity of the economy, and to protect national leaders, visiting heads of
state and government, designated sites and National Special Security
Events.” http://www.secretservice.gov/mission.shtml
Douthwaite, R. (1996). op cit., pp. 106–107.
“One of his proposals would, in effect, turn electricity producers into
currency-issuing banks: "Almost every community has renewable
resources for producing energy," he writes in one of the chapters he
contributed to Building Sustainable Communities, a book on the methods
that communities can use to become more self-reliant, published in 1989.
"All such energy resources can be converted into electricity or measured
in kilowatt hours." He envisages community companies established to
develop these resources financing themselves by selling energy notes.
"For example, if local utility rates are presently 10 cents a kilowatt hour,
then one dollar would buy 10 kilowatt hours for future delivery. Owners of
the notes, sold in lots of 10, 50, and 100 units (comparable to current
values of one, five and ten dollars) would hold them for future redemption
no matter what their future dollar rate. (…) Since the notes would always
be worth the current price of the amount of electricity they represented,
they would be accepted instead of national currency by people living in
the generating plant's service area in payment for goods and services,
particularly if, as with the Constant or the Wörgl schilling, a local bank
stood ready to redeem the notes for cash.” In: Douthwaite, R. (1996). op
cit, pp. 106–107.
Quotations from Swann, R., Benello, G. C., Turnbull, S. (1997). Building
Sustainable Communities: Tools and Concepts for Self-Reliant Economic
Change. Edited by Ward Morehouse. New York City, NY: The Bootstrap
Press. Second Edition. pp. 179–181.
More information available at:
http://livingcity.de/regioprojekt/Energie/index_energie.htm (in German)
Project website: http://www.sonnen-scheine.de/die-idee (in German)
Concept in brief available at
See company website at: http://www.gea.at/pages/frameset_wv.html
For further details see the company’s blog at:
For a description see: http://www.wegwartehof.at/blog.php/viertausendmal-sonnenschein/
Energising Money
For example, a crowd-funded PV investment realized at Hof
Schwalbennest, Brandenburg: http://www.hofschwalbennestbrodowin.de/direktdarlehen
QOIN website: www.qoin.org
In 1931, due to Brüning’s emergency decree, the finance minister stopped
this and similar financial self help experiments of that time. Again, the
miners lost their job and the mine was closed, and only reopened after
World War II when coal was a demanded resource. A comprehensive
essay on the brief history of the Wära (in German) is available at:
Green New Deal Group. (2008). A Green New Deal. London: nef (the new
economics foundation). http://www.neweconomics.org/projects/greennew-deal; For a recent intervention by the government’s chief scientific
advisor, David King:
In Solothurn, Switzerland, ZEITPUNKT editor Christoph Pfluger is
currently negotiating his “Solarschecks” concept with the municipality,
which is in effect an IOU for investments in energy efficiency.
Project website: http://www.inespo.be
Turnbull, S. (1997). op cit. Chapter 21.
“The owners of the power generator would create money. It would be in
the form of a voucher or contract note to supply a specified number of
Kwhrs at a specified time in the future. These notes would be created and
issued by the owners of the generator to pay for its purchase and
Installation. The value of notes that could be issued for redemption in any
given time period would be limited by the output of the generator. The
notes with a specified maturity date would represent the 'primary'
currency. Such currency notes would mainly be held by Investors,
Investment banks, and banks. Commercial banks would hold the primary
currency notes as a reserve currency in like manner to a bank holding
gold or a merchant banker holding grain or other commodities. Similarly,
the commercial bank would issue its own 'secondary' notes, which would
be based on the primary notes and which the holder could convert cash in
to the primary notes or reserve currency (to be used to pay his power bills
at the time specified). The secondary notes could be denominated in
Kwhrs but without any specified redemption time. They could be used as
hand-to-hand money in the community…” In: Turnbull, S. (1997). ibid, pp.
Douthwaite, R. (1999). The Ecology of Money. Devon: Green Books. p.
Jane Jacobs described the very same monetary policy principle and
feedback mechanisms with two currencies and floating exchange rates,
not for the relation between fossil energy dependent and post-fossil
economies, but for the relation between nations and city regions. See:
Jacobs, J. (1984). Cities and the wealth of Nations. New York: Random
House. pp. 156–181
Energising Money
Blog article, accessible at http://seekingalpha.com/article/129500-bankingon-energy-rather-than-currency-or-gold. The example of the Petro Dollar
is taken from here.
Asia Times online article, 27/05/2005. Available at:
Consequently, his proposal for Iran included the set-up of an Iranian oil
bourse, to date a geopolitical no-go.
See www.econunit.org
For a full decription of The Eco-Unit, see www.ecounit.org
“A currency based on each of the principal goods or services may be
required to create the credits to finance their production.” In: Turnbull, S.
(1997). p. 176.
Turnbull, S. (1997). op cit., p. 173.
As for example the “virtual power plants”, in effect a platform which allows
for real time accounting and management of both expected decentral
energy consumption and expected energy production fed onto the grid by
decentral producers. See, for example: Fang, X., Misra, S., Xue, G.,
Yang, D. (2011). Smart Grid – The New and Improved Power Grid: A
Survey; IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 2011.
See for example: Stott, M., Hodges, J. (1996). Local exchange and
trading schemes: Never knowingly undersold? Local Economy, 11(3), pp.
266–268; Aldridge, T., Patterson, A. (2002). LETS get real: Constraints on
the development of local exchange trading systems. Area, 34(4), pp. 370–
North, P. (2010). pp. 204–205.
Douthwaite, R. (1999). Ibid.
Buckminster Fuller, R. (1981). Critical Path. New York, NY: St Martin’s
Press. p. 27. Quoted in: Greco, T. H. (2009). The End of Money and the
Future of Civilization. Vermont: Chelsea Green. p. 111.
It is quite probable that the municipal energy supply company in Wörgl
was inspired directly or indirectly by Shann Turnbull’s visit at
Unterguggenberger Institut in Wörgl, Feb 2006. A detailed report is
available in German at:
For a discussion of this issue see Longhurst, N. (2012). The Totnes
Pound: A grassroots technological niche. In: Davies, A. (ed.) Enterpising
Communities: Grassroots sustainability innovations. Bingley: Emerald.
Thiel, C. (2011). The German Regiogeld System and its Handling in
Everyday Life. Paper presented at the International Conference on
Community Currencies, February 16 – 17 , 2011, Lyon. Thiel suggests
that at least part of the success of the Chiemgauer system in Germany is
due to the way in which it appeals to a range of different user
Energising Money
Seyfang, G., Longhurst, N. (2012). Money, Money, Money? A Scoping
Study of Grassroots Complementary Currencies for Sustainability.
Working Paper of the Science, Society and Sustainability Research
Group, University of East Anglia, Norwich. On forking see Douthwaite, R.
(2002). Enabling Innovation. London: Zed Books.
Beckerath, U, V. (1951). Letter to Humbert, 03/09/1951. First published in:
Ulrich von Beckerath: Zur Freiheit, zum Frieden und zur Gerechtigkeit;
Gesammelte Briefe, Papiere, Notizen, Besprechungen. PEACE PLANS
428–467 (Mikrofiche), Berrima, Australia, 1983. pp. 1892–1893. Available
at: http://reinventingmoney.com/documents/beckerath.html
Quotations from Swann. (1997). op cit. pp. 179–181.
Tainter, J. (1988). The Collapse Complex Societies. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. p. 91.
Vosshenrich, K. (2005). Renewable Energy Currencies for structural
sustainability – fundamental economic values for a solar age.
Presentation at the 1st World Renewable Energy Assembly, Bonn.
Turnbull, S. (1997). op cit. p. 172.
See for example: www.bitcoin.org and www.metacurrency.org
See: http://www.slideshare.net/ChrisJCook/money-30
Lietaer, B. (2004/1). op cit. pp. 12–13.
Gómez, G. (2009). Argentina’s Parallel Currency: The Economy of the
Poor. London, Pickering and Chatto.
Although for a literature review and theoretical framework, see: Jones, A.
D. S. (2011). A Theoretical Framework for Shared Monetary Governance.
International Journal of Community Currency Research, Vol 15, A pp. 23–
31. Available online at: http://www.ijccr.net/IJCCR/2011_%2815%29.html
Rip, A. (2006). A co-evolutionary approach to reflexive governance – and
its ironies. In: Voß, J-P., Bauknecht, D., Kemp, R. (eds.) Reflexive
Governance for Sustainable Development. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
pp. 82–100.
Spratt, S., Simms, A., Neitzert, E., Ryan-Collins, J. (2010). The Great
Transition: A tale of how it turned out right. London: nef (the new
economics foundation).
The various possibilities of how regulators may accept mobile phone
monetary innovations are presented by Turnbull, S. in: How should
regulators control e-money? Available online at:
Moulton, H. G. (1935). The Formation of Capital. Washington D.C.: The
Institute of Economics, Brookings Institute, Publication No. 59.
Energising Money
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Written by: Josh Ryan Collins, Ludwig Schuster and Tony Greenham
With contributions from: Noel Longhurst and Leander Bindewald
With thanks to the following for their input and assistance in compiling the featured energy
currency examples: Veronika Spielbichler (Unterguggenberger Institut), Kay Vosshenrich
(Energiegewinner eG), Rudo Grandits (Eco-regional Business Partnership Güssing),
Shann Turnbull and Chris Cook.
Cover image: Kilowatt Hour Dollar, Unterguggenberger Institut Wörgl