Hurst Review Services would like to extend an invitation to all

Hurst Review Services would like to extend an invitation to all nursing
faculty attending the KANS Convention to join us for the following
nursing education activity and receive 1.5 CEU credit .
The seminar will be held on November 9th, 9:00-10:30 am.
**Please bring a hard copy or electronic copy of the 2010 NCLEX-RN
Detailed Test Plan for Educators, which can be found at
If the 2013 NCLEX-RN® Detailed Test Plan for Educators publication is
available from NCSBN by the convention date, you may prefer to bring
the 2013 plan.
The beauty of this seminar is that you will learn to utilize the test plan
whether it is the 2010 version or the 2013 version.
CEU Seminar Descriptions:
Understanding the Development of the NCLEX® Test Plan:
Every three years the National Council of State Boards of Nursing
(NCSBN) performs an extensive survey and analysis of the NCLEX ® Test
Plan process. Understanding the purpose of NCSBN, the NCLEX ®
practice analysis survey, the Client Needs categories and test plan will give
you insight that can be used to evaluate your curriculum. Incorporation of
this NCLEX® process and “mindset” into the instructional plan of your
curriculum will enhance your student performance on the NCLEX.
“This continuingnursingeducation activitywas approved bythe Mississippi Nurses
Foundation, Inc., an accredited approver bythe American Nurses Credentialing
Center’s Commission on Accreditation for 1.5 CEU’s.
Lisa Samuel, RN, MA
Regional Director, Mid-East
Office: 828.733.1263 | Cell: 828.387.5585
Fax: 601.833.1142
Email: lsamuel@