Curriculum Vitae 98 Brett Road, Engineering Building C106 Piscataway, NJ 08854 Haoran Zhang Assistant Professor Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Rutgers. The State University of New Jersey 09.2015-present Education and Training Postdoctoral Associate Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA Advisor: Gregory Stephanopoulos 2011-2015 Ph. D. in Chemical Engineering Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Tufts University, MA Advisor: Blaine Pfeifer 2005-2010 M. S. in Chemical Engineering Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Xiamen University, China Advisor: Qingbiao Li 2002-2005 B. S. in Chemical Engineering Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Xiamen University, China 1998-2002 Research Interests Metabolic Engineering, Natural Product Biosynthesis, Applied Microbiology Selected Publications 1. Zheng-Jun Li, Kangjian Qiao, Weichao Shi, Brian Pereira, Haoran Zhang, Bradley D. Olsen, Gregory Stephanopoulos. Biosynthesis of novel glycolate-containing polymers from glucose by metabolically engineered Escherichia coli. Under Review. 2. Brian Pereira, Zheng-Jun Li, Marjan De Mey, Chin Giaw Lim, Haoran Zhang, Claude Hoeltgen, Gregory Stephanopoulos. Efficient utilization of pentoses for the bioproduction of renewable twocarbon compounds, ethylene glycol and glycolate. Metabolic Engineering. Under review. 3. Haoran Zhang, Fang Lei, Blaine A. Pfeifer. The continuing development of E. coli as a heterologous host for complex natural product. Methods in Molecular Biology. In press. 4. Brian Pereira, Haoran Zhang, Marjan De Mey, Chin Giaw Lim, Zhengjun Li, Gregory Stephanopoulos. Engineering a novle biosynthetic pathway in Escherichia coli for production of renewable ethylene glycol. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. In press. Curriculum Vitae Haoran Zhang 5. Haoran Zhang, Zhengjun Li, Brian Pereira, Gregory Stephanopoulos. Engineering E. coli-E. coli cocultures for production of muconic acid from glycerol. Microbial Cell Factories. 2015. 14:134. 6. Haoran Zhang, Brian Pereira, Zhengjun Li, Gregory Stephanopoulos. Engineering Escherichia coli coculture systems for the production of biochemical products. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2015. 112: 8266-8271. 7. Kangjian Qiao, Syed Abidi, Hongjuan Liu, Haoran Zhang, Sagar Chakraborty, Nicki Watson, Parayil Kumaran Ajikumar, Gregory Stephanopoulos. Engineering lipid overproduction in the oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. Metabolic Engineering. 2015. 29:56-65. 8. Haoran Zhang, Gregory Stephanopoulos. Engineering E. coli for caffeic acid biosynthesis from renewable sugars. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2013. 97(8): 3333-3341. 9. Ming Jiang, Haoran Zhang, Sung-Hee Park, Yi Li, Blaine Pfeifer. Deoxysugar pathway interchange for erythromycin analogues heterologously produced through E. coli. Metabolic Engineering. 2013. 20: 92-100. 10. Ming Jiang, Haoran Zhang, Blaine A. Pfeifer. The logic, experimental steps, and potential of heterologous natural product biosynthesis featuring the complex antibiotic erythromycin A produced through E. coli. The Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2013. (71): e4346. 11. Haoran Zhang, Karin Skalina, Ming Jiang, Blaine A. Pfeifer. Improved E. coli erythromycin A production through the application of metabolic and bioprocess engineering. Biotechnology Progress. 2012. 28(1): 292-296. 12. Haoran Zhang, Brett A. Boghigian, John Armando, Blaine A. Pfeifer. Methods and options for the heterologous production of complex natural products. Natural Product Reports. 2011. 28(1): 125-151. 13. Brett A. Boghigian, Haoran Zhang, Blaine A. Pfeifer. Multi-factorial engineering of heterologous polyketide production in Escherichia coli reveals complex pathway interactions. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2011. 108(6): 1360-1371. 14. Haoran Zhang, Yong Wang, Jiequn Wu, Blaine A. Pfeifer. Complete biosynthesis of erythromycin A and designed analogs using E. coli as a heterologous host. Chemistry and Biology. 2010. 17: 1232-1240. 15. Haoran Zhang, Brett A. Boghigian, Blaine A. Pfeifer. Investigating the role of native propionyl-CoA and methylmalonyl-CoA metabolism on heterologous polyketide production in Escherichia coli. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2010. 105(3): 567-573. 16. Jiequn Wu, Brett A. Boghigian, Melissa Myint, Haoran Zhang, Blaine A. Pfeifer. Construction and performance of heterologous polyketide producing K-12 and B-derived Escherichia coli. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 2010. 51: 196–204. 17. Haoran Zhang, Yong Wang, Brett A. Boghigian, Blaine A. Pfeifer. Probing the heterologous metabolism supporting 6-deoxyerythronolide B biosynthesis in Escherichia coli. Microbial Biotechnology. 2009. 2(3): 390-394. 2 Curriculum Vitae Haoran Zhang 18. Haoran Zhang, Yong Wang, Blaine A. Pfeifer. Bacterial hosts for natural product production. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 2008. 5(2): 212-225. 19. Haoran Zhang, Qingbiao Li, Huixuan Wang, Daohua Sun, Yinghua Lu, Ning He. Accumulation of silver(I) ion and diamine silver complex by Aeromonas SH10 biomass. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2007. 143: 54-62. 20. Haoran Zhang, Qingbiao Li, Yinghua Lu, Xueping Lin, Xu Deng, Ning He, Shuzhen Zheng. Biosorption and bioreduction of diamine silver complex by Corynebacterium. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology. 2005. 80(3): 285-290. 21. Haoran Zhang, Qingbiao Li, Daohua Sun, Xueping Lin, Xu Deng, Yinghua Lu, Ning He. The preparation of silver nanoparticles (in Chinese). Precious Metals. 2005. 26(2): 51-56. Patents 1. Gregory Stephanopoulos, Kang Zhou, Kangjian Qiao, Steve Edgar, Haoran Zhang. Co-culture based modular engineering for the biosynthesis of isoprenoidsm aromatics and aromatic-derived compounds. World Intellectual Property Organization patent. Publication number : WO 2015069847 A2. US patent publication nmber US 20150203880. 2. Blaine A. Pfeifer, Haoran Zhang, Sunghee Park. Genetically modified E. coli strains for producing erythromycin analogs. World Intellectual Property Organization patent. Publication number : WO 2012/166408. 3. Blaine A. Pfeifer, Haoran Zhang. Genetically modified E. coli strains for producing erythromycin. US patent application filed at 04/21/2010. Application number: 12/764,230 4. Qingbiao Li, Mouxing Fu, Daohua Sun, Haoran Zhang, Huixuan Wang, Lin Wang, Ning He, Yuanpeng Wang, Cuixue Chen. A new method for preparation of water-soluble silver nanoparticles containing biomass. Chinese patent. Filed at 2007. Chinese patent publication number: CN100500335 Conference Presentations 1. Haoran Zhang, Brian Pereira, Zhengjun Li, Gregory Stephanopoulos, Co-culture based modular engineering for aromatic and aromatic-derived compound production in E. coli. AIChE annual meeting. Atlanta, GA, Nov. 2014. 2. Haoran Zhang, Brian Pereira, Gregory Stephanopoulos, Co-culture based modular engineering for aromatic and aromatic-derived compounds production in E. coli. Metabolic Engineering X, Vancouver, Canada, Jun. 2014. 3. Haoran Zhang, Yong Wang, Jiequn Wu, Blaine A. Pfeifer. Heterologous biosynthesis of erythromycin A and its analogs in E. coli. Society for Industrial Microbiology annual meeting. San Francisco, CA, Aug. 2010. 3 Curriculum Vitae Haoran Zhang 4. Haoran Zhang, Brett A. Boghigian, Blaine A. Pfeifer. Engineer propionyl-CoA and (2S)methylmalonyl-CoA synthesis in E. coli to support heterologous 6-deoxyerythronolide B production. AIChE annual meeting. Nashville, TN, Nov. 2009. 5. Haoran Zhang, Heterologous biosynthesis of lomaiviticin in Escherichia coli. Invited presentation at Wyeth Natural Products Division. Pearl river, NY, Dec. 2008. 6. Haoran Zhang, Blaine A. Pfeifer. Heterologous perturbation on 6dEB biosynthesis in E. coli. Boston Bacterial Meeting. Cambridge, MA, Jun. 2008. 7. Haoran Zhang, Blaine A. Pfeifer. Gene expression analysis of heterologous 6dEB biosynthesis. AIChE annual meeting. Salt Lake City, UT, Nov. 2007. 8. Yong Wang, Brett A. Boghigian, Guangquan Shi, Haoran Zhang, Janelle Lavoie, Blaine Pfeifer. Enhancing polyketide production in E. coli by accumulating intracellular S-adenosylmethionine. Boston Bacterial Meeting. Boston, MA, Jun. 2007. 9. Haoran Zhang, Qingbiao Li, Daohua Sun, Xueping Lin, Xu Deng, Yinghua Lu, Ning He. Preparation of silver nanoparticles by bioreduction using bacterium SH09. 1st Chinese National Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Annual Meeting. Nanjing, China, Nov. 2004. Academic Honors Distinguished Alumnus of Chemical Engineering Department of Xiamen University, 2012 Research Grant-in-Aid Award for Graduate Student, Tufts University, 2010 Excellent Master Thesis Award, Xiamen University, 2005 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Award for Graduate Student, Xiamen University, 2005 National Guanghua Award of China, 2005 Best Senior Student Award of Xiamen University, 2005 Bendong Prize (one of the highest honors at Xiamen University), 2005 Ziqin Award, Xiamen University, 2001 Excellent Student of Xiamen University, 2001 Wusimin Award for outstanding academic performance, Xiamen University, 2000 Professional Experience Reviewership Metabolic Engineering Nature Communications Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Journal of Biotechnology PLoS ONE Biomedical Research International Professional Membership 4 Curriculum Vitae Haoran Zhang American Institute of Chemical Engineers Society for Biological Engineering Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology Internship Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company Limited, China. Sep, 2001- Oct, 2001 Project: Industrial scale dehydrogenation of ethyl benzene. Fujian Yong’an Chemical Company, China. Oct.2000-Nov.2000 Project: Industrial production process of polyvinyl chloride. 5