Lesson Plan for Administration of Proctored Online Major Field Test

Lesson Plan for Administration of Proctored Online Major Field Test in Testing Center
Christopher Harrigan
Backward Design TPACK Lesson Plan Model Development Worksheet
Developing a TPACK based lesson plan will require all your:
Pedagogical Content Knowledge: How to teach particular content-based material (PCK)
Technological Content Knowledge: How to select and use technologies to communicate
particular content knowledge (TCK) and,
Technological Pedagogical Knowledge: How to use particular technologies when teaching
Harris and Hofer state that instructional planning facilitated by use of digital tools and resources
can be complex, with each decision determining aspects of other decisions already made or yet to
be determined.
Planning a particular learning event can be described as the end result of five basic instructional
1. Choosing learning goals
2. Selecting and developing formative and summative assessment strategies that will reveal
what and how well students are learning
3. Making practical pedagogical decisions about the nature of the learning experience
4. Selecting and sequencing appropriate activity types to combine to form the learning
5. Selecting tools and resources that will best help students to benefit from the learning
experience being planned
In alignment with our knowledge of backward design, developing assessment strategies is the
second thing we do after the learning goals are decided.
The “activity types” references from Harris and Hofer can help act as a guide toward which
technology support certain types of activities that are common in education. Please refer to the
resources provided in your content area to help guide your lesson planning decisions.
Remember that we do not want to start our lesson planning with knowledge of what technology
we will use. This is what Papert called being “technocentric-focused on the technologies used
more that the students or the content. Technocentric learning experiences rarely help students to
meet curriculum-based content standards, because those standards did not serve as a primary
planning focus.
As you plan your lesson, consider the technological, pedagogical, content decisions you are
making and reflect in your lesson plan on how and why you are making these decisions. Of
course typically this is “teacher head thinking” that goes on when you think through this process,
but for this lesson plan you will write about it in the lesson to demonstrate your understanding of
how this applies to your technology integration.
Lesson Plan for Administration of Proctored Online Major Field Test in Testing Center
Christopher Harrigan
Name: Christopher Harrigan
Lesson Plan Title:
• Administration of Proctored Online ETS Major Field Test (MFT)
o Background Information
§ This is a professional development/training session for administration of
new College of Business Administration (CBA) - Educational Testing
Services (ETS) - Major Field Test (MFT) - Business Test in The
University of Akron Computer Based Assessment and Evaluation Testing
• Important Note
o This lesson coincides with a current, actual integration and implementation of a
new CBA-ETS-MFT Business Test testing system in The University of Akron
Computer Based Assessment and Evaluation Testing Center – Schrank Hall North
o Successful pilot testing of ETS MFT week of 11/10/13 with volunteer
proctors/trainees and three volunteer students.
o Plan to “go live” week of 11/18/13 for all remaining 150 students in a CBA 6500490 Strategic Management course.
Describe audience, context, constraints:
o Administrative Full-Time Staff, Proctor Student Employee Staff, and actual
students in The University of Akron Computer Based Assessment and Evaluation
Testing Center
o Both Testing Center Administrative and Proctor Student Employee Staff have
prior experience and training in administering/proctoring online class-based tests
via the existing Perception Assessment System and Desire2Learn Learning
Management System Quiz Module. In addition, Testing Center personnel have
knowledge and professional development for administering online placement tests
using the COMPASS Placement Testing System. With the new ETS Online
Testing System and the administration of the CBA-ETS-MFT Business Test, all
Testing Center Staff will need to participate in this lesson.
o Due to the number of Testing Center Staff, primarily the Proctor Student
Employee Staff, and the varying work/class schedules with the Proctor Student
Employee Staff, we are unable to meet all inclusively on a set date/time. To
overcome this barrier, plan to provide not only peer-to-peer on the job training,
but also an online professional development training module.
Lesson Plan for Administration of Proctored Online Major Field Test in Testing Center
Christopher Harrigan
What are the Ohio Content Standards for this lesson—indicator level.
ISTE or other standards for your area of focus
The University of Akron Computer Based Assessment and Evaluation Testing Center adopts the
National College Testing Association (NCTA) Standards and Guidelines for Testing Centers,
while incorporating technology standards from The International Society for Technology in
Education (ISTE). The standards and objectives to be addressed in this lesson consist of the
NCTA Standards
o A. Policy
§ 8. Adhere to program requirements of testing companies in the
administration of specific tests.
§ 13. Develop and implement appropriate guidelines for testing center
operations and staff training
o C. Staffing
§ Standards for Test Centers
• 3.a. Attend general proctor or supervisor training.
• 3.d. Read the manual for national exams prior to the test date,
thoroughly reviewing specific program policies and procedures.
For institutional testing programs, staff must be thoroughly
informed about testing procedures.
ISTE Standards
o Teacher/Trainer
§ 2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and
• d. Provide students with multiple and varied formative and
summative assessments aligned with content and technology
standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching
§ 3. Model Digital Age Work and Learning
• a. Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of
current knowledge to new technologies and situations
• c. Communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to
students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital age media
and formats
o Proctor Trainee/Learner
§ 2. Communication and Collaboration
• b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple
audiences using a variety of media and formats
Lesson Plan for Administration of Proctored Online Major Field Test in Testing Center
Christopher Harrigan
Learning Objectives/Goals
o Introduce ETS Online Testing for CBA-ETS-MFT Business Test
o Learn about ETS Online Testing and CBA-ETS-MFT Business Test
o Identify proctor process to administer CBA-ETS-MFT Business Test in The
University of Akron Computer Based Assessment and Evaluation Testing Center
o Identify examinee responsibilities to start/take CBA-ETS-MFT Business Test in
the Testing Center
o Demonstrate administration of CBA-ETS-MFT Business Test
Prior Knowledge/Prerequisites
List the prior knowledge students must have to be successful with this lesson.
In order to be successful with this lesson, it is beneficial for learners to have prior experience
and/or training in administering/proctoring online tests in the Testing Center. For those learners
lacking any prior knowledge or experience with online test proctoring, suggest taking a
prerequisite introductory training session for administering/proctoring online tests, as well as
explore NCTA Testing Standards and Guidelines.
Identify and Discuss Pedagogical Decisions
Since availability of proctor trainees/learners for group training are limited due to school and
work schedules, and scheduling a training session for the entire staff to meet on a certain
date/time is challenging, for that reason a majority of the lesson will be available online with
materials in text, video format, links to websites, and online assessments. The Peer Partner
Learning portion of the lesson will be conducted on the job when proctor trainees/learners are
scheduled to work in the Testing Center, with a live demonstration of an ETS MFT Business
Test administration by a peer mentor, including a peer mentor live observational assessment of
proctor trainee administering a test to an actual student required to take the ETS MFT Business
Test. In addition, data collection will take place through online assessments and surveys, and it
will be evaluated to identify any improvements or enhancements to the training session. Also,
the Peer Partner Learning portion results, consisting of both qualitative and quantitative data,
will be posted online for assessment and evaluation purposes as well.
Pre-Assessment-will you preassess? Why? How will data be used?
Pre-Assessment will not be conducted due to time constraints with overall project. Currently
pilot testing is scheduled for the week of 11/10/13, with a “go live” date of 11/18/13. Plan to
proceed with professional development/training effective immediately. Although PreAssessment will not be conducted, a majority of administrative staff and staff student employee
proctors already have significant prior experience with administering/proctoring online tests in
The University of Akron Computer Based Assessment and Evaluation Testing Center. As for
those proctors new to the Testing Center, additional proctor training will be provided to ensure a
smooth implementation of CBA-ETS-MFT Business Test.
Lesson Plan for Administration of Proctored Online Major Field Test in Testing Center
Christopher Harrigan
Formative and Summative Assessments
How will you evaluate the students?
Why have you chosen these methods?
Is technology used for or included in the evaluation process?
How will you share data with students/others and why?
Proctors will be evaluated on this lesson through multiple methods: Online Interactive Quizlet,
Peer-to-Peer Partnering/On-the-Job Training, Qualtrics Online Multiple Choice Assessment, and
potentially additional assessment approaches upon evaluation of the plan. These assessment
methods were chosen primarily to accommodate diverse learning styles, differentiate instruction,
and ensure proctors/trainees/learners attain mastery of proctoring process. Throughout nearly the
entire evaluation process, technology is seamlessly integrated and captures both qualitative and
quantitative data from formative and summative assessments in the professional
development/training lesson. Assessment data will be shared with proctor trainees/learners to
further enhance understanding of the CBA-ETS-MFT Business Test proctoring process. In
addition, assessment data will be available to administration to evaluate and explore new
methods to enhance current and future professional development/training programs.
Models of Instruction/Instructional Strategies
Identify the instructional models or strategies you will use for this plan.
A combination of instructional models or strategies will apply in this lesson. Some direct
instruction will take place with a structured overview, actually an online written summary about
the CBA-ETS-MFT Business Test, including online instructions and a video demonstration on
how to start the test. Interactive instruction will be provided as well with a peer partner learning
approach in addition to an online individualized, self-paced learning Quizlet. Additional
instructional models or strategies may be taken into consideration as the plan progresses,
especially if any are relevant and effective in achieving learning goals.
What activities have you planned? Include detailed description of the activities and how the
resources are being used to support learning.
First, each proctor trainee/learner will receive an email notification with an introduction
and background information about the CBA-ETS-MFT Business Test, including online
Quick Start Test Administration Instructions in text and video format, and an online
Quizlet for review of this module.
Second, each proctor trainee/learner will be paired with a peer mentor who already has
prior training, knowledge, and experience with administration of the CBA-ETS-MFT
Business Test.
o The peer mentor will demonstrate to the proctor how to administer the CBA-ETSMFT Business Test
Lesson Plan for Administration of Proctored Online Major Field Test in Testing Center
Christopher Harrigan
o Subsequently the peer mentor will assess each proctor trainee/learner by
conducting an observation of the proctor administering the CBA-ETS-MFT
Business Test.
o Upon completion of the observation, or actually an assessment of the proctor
trainee/learner, the peer mentor will determine if the proctor successfully or
unsuccessfully administered the CBA-ETS-MFT Business Test, and provide the
proctor with the appropriate recommendations, if applicable.
o Peer mentor will record results of observation/assessment in peer proctor trainee’s
online record.
Third, upon completion of lesson, each proctor trainee/learner will take a brief online
multiple choice assessment. Once s/he grades it, then immediate feedback will be
provided to enhance the learning process and ensure success as a proctor in the Testing
Fourth, each proctor trainee/learner will complete an online survey to evaluate their
learning experience and provide feedback to help improve the learning/professional
development/training process.
Fifth, outcomes of these assessments will be shared and available to all proctor
trainees/learners through online FAQs, allowing proctor trainees/learners to post
comments about the FAQs in a community effort to further enhance the proctoring
process and to promote successful Test Center Proctor Best Practices.
Identify and Discuss Technological Decisions
Educational technology resources will be required for a significant portion of the lesson due to
limited availability of students to meet as a group on a given date/time. Proctor trainees/learners
will be required to have a computer/tablet/mobile device with Internet access and a Web browser
to complete a majority of the online training individually. Proctor trainees/learners will also be
required to complete the Peer Partner Learning training on the job, and it will require the use of
educational technology as well to efficiently administer the ETS MFT Business Test.
What resources do you need to support the activities?
How do the resources help students achieve the objectives?
In order to achieve the activities within this lesson, proctor trainees/learners will need the
following resource:
• Time Available
o Set aside time, approximately 15-20 minutes, to complete online lesson and 5-10
minutes on the job with a peer mentor to complete an interactive peer partner
learning activity.
Lesson Plan for Administration of Proctored Online Major Field Test in Testing Center
Christopher Harrigan
Technology Resources
List technology resources and describe specifically why they were chose, how the resources help
students achieve the objectives and how the use will be evaluated.
If technology is used for evaluation or data collection, describe how it will be used.
To achieve activities within this lesson, proctor trainees/learners will require the following
technology resources:
• Computer/tablet/mobile device with Internet access and Web browser
• Online Technology Tools/Resources
o Training Materials
§ ETS Major Field Test (MFT) – Business Test website
• Provides instructional material to create documentation, videos,
and training/professional development modules on administering
ETS MFT Business Test
§ Qualtrics Enterprise Survey Software
• Method of delivery and access to lesson
• Records length of time learner spent on each module within lesson
§ YouTube
• Video introduction about ETS and MFT Business Test
• Demonstration of administering ETS MFT Business Test
o Assessment and Evaluation
§ Peer Partner Learning
• Observation conducted by Peer Mentor
• Quantitative and qualitative results recorded in Qualtrics
Enterprise Survey Software by Peer Mentor
§ Qualtrics Enterprise Survey Software
• Summative Assessment
o Online multiple choice quiz
§ Evaluate results
• Test scores
• Item analysis
§ Based on evaluation, identify areas of improvement
• Survey proctor trainee/learner on lesson
§ Quizlet
• Formative assessment on ETS MFT concepts and terminology
Lesson Plan for Administration of Proctored Online Major Field Test in Testing Center
Christopher Harrigan
Lesson Reflection
Discuss your thought process in the development of this lesson. After learning about TPACK
how has this knowledge influenced the way you developed this lesson?
Project planning, analysis, design, development, integration and implementation of administering
the ETS Major Field Test in the CBAE Testing Center started with a short timeline, including
barriers throughout its progression. Only in recent weeks has it made significant progress.
During pilot testing of the ETS Test for the week of November 10th, 2013, issues surfaced, but
these were minor in nature and the three pilot students successfully completed their test. Since
the ETS Major Field Test is scheduled to go live on Monday, November 18th, 2013, and given
the proctors time constraints due to work/class schedules, anticipate a majority of staff training
will take place while on the job via Peer-to-Peer Partner Learning, a component of the lesson.
Although the lesson plan includes a number of ETS Major Field Test Proctor Administration
training modules online for staff, the reality is due to project time constraints, currently only the
critical modules will be available upon launch of the project, which is scheduled to go live on
Monday, 11/18/13. Additional training modules are in progress and will be posted upon
TPACK has definitely influenced development of this lesson and how to effectively integrate
and implement technology in educational programs for not only K-12 and higher education, but
also for professional development and training. Although the planning to implementation
process of the ETS Major Field Test project hampered development and progress of the lesson
due to time constraints, TPACK played a major role in meeting audience, or proctor staff, needs
by providing an effective framework for development of a quality lesson in various formats, and
making it conveniently available online due to proctor staff work/class schedule constraints. In
addition, as a result of using TPACK in the development of this ETS Major Field Test lesson
plan, the importance of adequate time for effectively completing the entire process is beneficial
for its success, but in reality that may not be the case for some projects, as with the ETS Major
Field Test Project.
How is the development of your planning with the use of technology changed in terms of how you
integrate technology into your classroom/training session/professional development program?
Development of planning with the use of technology has definitely changed in terms of
integrating technology into a professional development/training program through a whole new
awareness and effective use of instructional technology resources, such as the TPACK
framework, the SAMR model, various learning theories, and other educational models. An
awareness and knowledge of these resources are significant in the development process,
including effective methods of successfully applying these resources to a learning environment.
These and/or other educational resources combined, and tools on how to apply these resources,
allow for effective planning with the use of technology in a learning environment.
Lesson Plan for Administration of Proctored Online Major Field Test in Testing Center
Christopher Harrigan
How do you measure the impact that technology has on your student learning?
Measuring impact of technology on student learning will be based on the following:
Quantitative and qualitative results of Peer Partner Learning observation/assessment
Quantitative results of online multiple choice quiz
o Item analysis
Online modules
o Time spent on learning materials
If you will not be able to actually implement this lesson, write a scenario of what you predict will
happen when the lesson is implemented. Include a student sample product and what you predict
your data collection will look like.