S T U DY I N I TA LY AT T H E JOHN FELICE ROME CENTER A P P L I C AT I O N C H E C K L I S T CRITERIA • At least 30 semester hours (or 45 quarter hours) of earned credit prior to studying in Rome • At least a 2.75 (on a 4.0 scale) cumulative grade point average • Good disciplinary standing • Enrollment in any accredited baccalaureate-granting college or university in the United States. Students from schools other than Loyola University Chicago are designated as “visiting” students. W H E N TO A P P LY • Students can submit application materials to SLU Study Abroad up to one year in advance. • Applications will not be reviewed until all materials are received by the Rome Center Chicago’s Office. • Applications can be submitted until the Rome Center is full. I Application I Pa s s p o r t I n fo r m a t i o n : Submit a photocopy of the basic information page of your valid passport, which should have an expiration date at least 90 days past the concluding date of the academic term in which you will be enrolled at the Rome Center. If you hold duel citizenship in an European Union country and have a valid passport of that country, please submit a photocopy of that passport. I A o n e - p a g e t y p e d e s s ay: Explain why you want to study abroad and what you hope to gain from a year or semester at the John Felice Rome Center. I R e co m m e n d a t i o n s: (Below) • Academic advisor or Dean • Judicial Life or Dean of Students • Study abroad office (visiting students only) I O f f i c i a l t ra n s c r i p t s: Send official transcripts from home institution and any other institution attended. Please sign and submit this checklist with your application materials. Please also keep a copy for your records. ___________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ Signature Date S T U DY I N I TA LY AT T H E JOHN FELICE ROME CENTER A P P L I C AT I O N F O R A D M I S S I O N Application for: Full Year: Fall Semester: Spring Semester: PA S S P O R T Passport Number: August to April ___________________ (year) August to December _______________ (year) January to April ___________________ (year) Issuing Country: ________________________ Expiration Date: ____________ Please enclose a photocopy of the data page of your passport with this application form. No decision will be made about admission to the John Felice Rome Center without proof of this document. 1. Name [exactly as on passport]: First Middle Last 2. Social Security Number: _____________________________________________ 3. Birthdate: _________________________________________________________ 4. Citizenship: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you hold dual citizenship between the USA and another nation, please specify both countries of citizenship. 5. Single Married 6. Male Female 7. Permanent Address: Family or home address. 8. Current Information: During the academic year if different from permanent address. Address Address Apt. or Box # City/State/Zip City/State/Zip Home Phone Cell Phone Apt. or Box # 9. E-mail: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. Emergency Contact Information: Name: ___________________________________________________ Cell: ( ) ______________________________________________ Phone: ( ) ____________________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________ 11. Religion (Optional):________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. List in reverse order all colleges and universities attended, beginning with the institution in which you are currently enrolled: a) ______________________________________________________ Date last attended: _________________________________ b) ______________________________________________________ Date last attended: _________________________________ c) ______________________________________________________ Date last attended: _________________________________ 13. Cumulative G.P.A.: _____________________________________ 14. Class standing upon entering Loyola University Chicago’s John Felice Rome Center: Senior Junior Sophomore Special 15. Major: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16. Please indicate all Italian courses completed at the college level: Italian I Italian II Italian III Italian IV Italian Composition and Conversation I Italian Composition and Conversation II Other None Native Speaker 17. Are you a Loyola University Chicago faculty or staff dependent? If yes, indicate faculty or staff name. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 18. Have any family members previously attended the John Felice Rome Center? If yes, please indicate the name, relationship and year of attendance. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 19. How did you become interested in the John Felice Rome Center? Former Student Foreign Study Advisor Brochure Internet Friend Poster Other Rome Center Representative The information I have provided above is true and complete. Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________ Please refer to Application Checklist before submitting application materials. Submit applications to SLU Study Abroad. Please mail or turn in this form to the Office for International Programs. S T U DY I N I TA LY AT T H E JOHN FELICE ROME CENTER Applicant’s E-mail Address: _______________________________ Application for: Full Year: Fall Semester: Spring Semester: Applicant’s Social Security Number: ________________________ or Home Institution I.D. #:__________________________ Applicant’s Name: _______________________________________ August to April ___________ (year) August to December _______ (year) January to April ___________ (year) AC A D E M I C A D V I S O R / D E A N R E CO M M E N DAT I O N A recommendation writer should be aware that Public Law 93 - 380 permits the student to inspect recommendations unless he/she has signed the waiver below. The undersigned student hereby waives his/her right to inspect this form under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment). _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Applicant’s Signature Date 1. Has the applicant ever been on academic probation? _______ Yes _______ No 2. Grade point average as of this date: _______ on a scale of ____________ 3. Total number of college credits completed as of this date: ____________ Semester hours 3. Total number of college credits completed as : ___________ Quarter hours 4. Applicant is: _______ Recommended _______ Recommended with reservation _______ Not recommended On the basis of _______ records _______ personal acquaintance Academic Advisor’s and/or Dean’s Comments: Name: _____________________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________ College or University: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Position: ________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________ Please mail or turn in this form to SLU Study Abroad Office. Loyola University of Chicago is an Equal Opportunity Educator and Employer. S T U DY I N I TA LY AT T H E JOHN FELICE ROME CENTER Applicant’s E-mail Address: _______________________________ Application for: Full Year: Fall Semester: Spring Semester: Applicant’s Social Security Number: ________________________ or Home Institution I.D. #:__________________________ Applicant’s Name: _______________________________________ August to April ___________ (year) August to December _______ (year) January to April ___________ (year) J U D I C I A L L I F E / R E S I D E N T I A L L I F E R E CO M M E N DAT I O N A recommendation writer should be aware that Public Law 93 - 380 permits the student to inspect recommendations unless he/she has signed the waiver below. The undersigned student hereby waives his/her right to inspect this form under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment). _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Applicant’s Signature Date 1. Has the applicant ever been under disciplinary censure at your school? _______ Yes _______ No 2. Is this student presently in good disciplinary standing? _______ Yes _______ No 3. Do you know of any reason not to recommend this student to Loyola’s Rome Center program? _______ Yes _______ No 4. If the answer to either question #1 or #3 is yes, and the details are not confidential under Public Law 93 - 380, could you be specific about the circumstances? If the details are confidential, would you so indicate? Please put your response on the other side of this form. 5. If there are concerns about this student’s behavior or ability to adapt to a small residential environment, please use the reverse side to comment. 6. Student is _______ Recommended _______ Not Recommended On the basis of _______ records _______ personal acquaintance Name: __________________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________ College or University: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Position: ______________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________ I understand that the recommendation writer will communicate information contained in records maintained by the above named college or university concerning me in order to answer the above stated questions. I hereby authorize the communication of this information. _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ Applicant’s Signature Date Please mail or turn in this form to SLU Study Abroad Office. Loyola University of Chicago is an Equal Opportunity Educator and Employer. S T U DY I N I TA LY AT T H E JOHN FELICE ROME CENTER Applicant’s E-mail Address: _______________________________ Application for: Full Year: Fall Semester: Spring Semester: Applicant’s Social Security Number: ________________________ or Home Institution I.D. #: _________________________ Applicant’s Name: ______________________________________ August to April ___________ (year) August to December _______ (year) January to April ___________ (year) S T U DY A B R OA D / A F F I L I AT E R E CO M M E N DAT I O N A recommendation writer should be aware that Public Law 93 - 380 permits the student to inspect recommendations unless he/she has signed the waiver below. The undersigned student hereby waives his/her right to inspect this form under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment). _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Applicant’s Signature Date Because you are the Rome Center's representative on your campus, we would like the student to discuss his/her plans with you and be counseled in general terms about study abroad. 1. Are there considerations we may have overlooked in the other recommendation forms? 2. Do you have any special recommendation concerning this student? Name: _____________________________________________________ Signature:_____________________________________ College or University: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Position: ________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________ Please mail or turn in this form to SLU Study Abroad Office. Loyola University of Chicago is an Equal Opportunity Educator and Employer. OFFICE USE ONLY Transcript Request Loyola University Chicago – Rome Center 6525 N. Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60626 (773) 508-2760 Last Name: Date Received: Date Processed: Current students and individuals with LOCUS IDs should request Official Transcripts through LOCUS. Use this form only if LOCUS is unavailable to you or if you are tendering the expedited processing fee. Do not use this form if the request has been made through LOCUS. Former students without LOCUS IDs may fax this form to 312-915-6452. To check on the status of a transcript request, or for more information, email registrar@luc.edu or call (312) 915-7221. Personal Information Name (printed): _______________________________________________ Student ID/SSN #: _____________________ Street Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________________ State: _______________ Zip Code:______________________ Daytime Phone: _____________________ E-mail address: _________________________Date of Birth: _____________ Dates of Attendance or Graduation: ___Fall 2008_____________ Degrees Earned: _______N/A____________ Other Names Used/Under Which Records May Appear: ______N/A______________________________________________ Division/Department:______ROME CENTER______________________________________________________________ Please send __0___ transcript(s) to my address above. Please send __1___ transcript(s) to: Name: ___Saint Louis University____________ Address line 1:____221 North Grand Blvd.____________________________ Street and Room #: ___Office of International Services, DB 150_________________ City/State/Zip Code: ___St. Louis, MO 63103____________________________ Transcript Delivery Information Please check one: X Send Via Regular Mail □ Expedite, Send Next Day Delivery (I have attached $12.00 per address) □ Send after current grades are posted. Current Term: _________________ □ Student Pickup WTC (use LOCUS. Next day after 12:00 p.m. service) □ Student Pickup LSC, Sullivan Center (use LOCUS. 2 to 3 day service) Comments helpful to this request: Total amount enclosed to cover expedited postage: $____0 – ROME CENTER_______ Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: ______________ Please note: Unsigned transcript requests cannot be processed. We are not able to process requests for students with outstanding financial obligations to the University. If you have questions regarding your financial hold status, please call the Office of the Bursar (773) 508-3180. *Transcript requests require 3 to 5 days to process. We cannot provide a transcript on the same day as the request is received.