FRESHMAN ENGLISH 213 LITERATURE AND WORLD HISTORY WEBSITE: EMAILS: Name: Newton South High School, a community of students, families, faculty and staff, (1) IS DEDICATED TO EQUALITY AND OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL; (2) EXPECTS INTEGRITY; RESPONSIBILITY; AND RESPECT FOR SELF, OTHERS, AND THE ENVIRONMENT; (3) CREATES A CLIMATE OF SAFETY AND KINDNESS; (4) ENCOURAGES COMMUNICATION AND PERSONAL CONNECTIONS; (5) NURTURES CURIOSITY, CREATIVITY, AND A PASSION FOR LEARNING; (6) FOSTERS SELF-CONFIDENCE AND SUCCESS FOR ALL LEARNERS. The Epic of Gilgamesh Reading #1: Pts. I and II (pgs. 15-50) Pt. I 1. Characterization of Gilgamesh and Enkidu a. What kind of leader is Gilgamesh? Give an example of his “callous” (16) ways. b. What kind of “man” is Enkidu? What action does he do that upset the hunters? (on page 16). • What is the role of the prostitute who was sent to Enkidu? By whom? What does she accomplish? • What is Gilgamesh’s dream and how is it interpreted by Ninsun, Gilgamesh’s goddess mother? • How do the people describe Enkidu (pg. 22)? 2. Describe the fight between Gilgamesh and Enkidu at the end of Part I. Pt. II 3. Who is Humbaba? Why does Gilgamesh want to kill him? • What words “filled their minds” as the two friends went off on their journey to kill Humbaba? • How is Humbaba killed? 4. How does Ishtar, the goddess of love and protector of Uruk, offer to protect Gilgamesh from the anger of the other gods over Humbaba’s death? What “enraged” her (p. 44)? 5. Who/what is the Bull of Heaven? What is Enkidu’s role in its death? Critical Thinking—Choose ONE of the following prompts to respond to. Prompt A: APPLYING STANDARDS/JUDGING (Judging according to established personal, professional, or social rules or criteria). According to Enkidu, what is “what it means to be a man” (p. 49)? Prompt B: DISCRIMINATING—RANKING (recognizing differences and similarities among things or situations and distinguishing carefully as to category or rank). Choose a sentence or passage from the reading that stands out for you for ANY reason (maybe it’s funny, important, puzzling—any reason). Be sure to cite its page number—and explain why it’s so important either to the story or to you. Reading #2: Pts. III and IV (pgs. 53-92) Part III 1. What is the quest that Gilgamesh’s “life became” (55)? Who is Utnapishtim and why does Gilgamesh “yearn” to talk to him? • Why does Gilgamesh need to pass through the mountains of Mashu? Who guards the gate? • What information does Gilgamesh want from Siduri? 2. Who is Urshanabi? How does he help Gilgamesh? What Biblical story does Utnapishtim’s tale remind you of? 3. What is the “secret” Utnapishtim tells to Gilgamesh on page 84? 4. What is Gilgamesh referring to on page 85 when he says, “I have it! I have it!”? And how does he lose it on the following pages? Part IV 5. What does Gilgamesh ask of the old man and what is the old man’s response? What does this response appear to be telling the reader? Critical Thinking—Choose ONE of the following prompts to respond to. Prompt A: APPLYING STANDARDS/JUDGING (Judging according to established personal, professional, or social rules or Describe and respond to Gilgamesh’s initial response to Enkidu’s death (53-54). OR, discuss the significance of the response of Sidduri, the barmaid in the cottage, to Gilgamesh’s profession of sadness over Enkidu’s death on page 63? criteria). Prompt B: DISCRIMINATING—RANKING (recognizing differences and similarities among things or situations and distinguishing carefully as to category or rank). Choose a sentence or passage from the reading that stands out for you for ANY reason (maybe it’s funny, important, puzzling—any reason). Be sure to cite its page number—and explain why it’s so important either to the story or to you.