DRAFT version 9: revised Summer 2000 original copyright @ 1996 Dr. Peter Kassebaum, (Not to be copied,or quoted without the express and prior written permission of the author). THE LEGACY OF SOCIAL DARWINISM AND CULTURAL EVOLUTION Background: One of the more important features to arise out of the 19th Century was the emergence of Charles Darwin's publication entitled The Origin of Species.(( 1 ) This book was published in 1859, its primary purpose was to explain the origins of all species from a secular or scientific perspective. The focus was upon the mechanism for change which over time modifies populations into separate species if conditions exist which would reward a change. Darwin identified the mechanism which produces change as a so- called natural force exerted by nature upon a living population. The most important components of his theory revolved around the impact of both force and struggle in nature... which ultimately allows those within a local biological population who have favorable characteristics to survive in larger numbers when compared to those who are not suited for the same habitat. The widespread distribution of Darwin's theory through newspaper discussions, responses and debates led to an explosion of ideas, and both favorable evolutionary change. and unfavorable Darwin regarding the proposed that nature exerted concept of continual pressure upon biological populations, and that those life forms who were not 1 suited for the pressures within a specific habitat would eventually be eliminated if the traits they carried were not matched to those that were needed for survival within a habitat. The other component of his theory illustrated that both pressure and adaptation could be used as explanations regarding the modification of living populations over time. If the pressures were deemed extreme...a new species might result or evolve if it had the traits which were needed. The Key to Speciation resided in the degree of divergence from the parent species which the modified progeny would come to exhibit. Thus, if the degree of difference were great or extreme in a biological sense...it became likely that a new species would result. This was in direct contradiction to the views of some scholars and theologians who (at the time) believed that in nature, all forms of life had been created at one time by God. implied that everything was The religious concept of Hologenesis created simultaneously, and Monogenesis described the belief in one creation. Most of these same theologians believed that virtually 'NO' changes after Creation (Genesis) had taken place, except for the subtraction of some biological life forms from the original populations that had been created by God. In Darwin's day, before the publication of his work on the 'Origin of Species' few scholars had attempted to look for theories or explanations that were grounded in fieldwork within a natural setting. Darwin's publication rocked a segment of the religious establishment in the West. It came almost parallel to the rising impact of the Industrial Revolution; the latter had 2 caused changes in how existential questions were both posed and answered. Secular knowledge became the dominant tradition within Western society, while sacred or religious knowledge was moved over to the side in matters that were generally considered pragmatic. Ironically, it was in institutions of higher learning which were affiliated with religious institutions that the lure of secular explanations first took hold. The overwhelming percentage of colleges and universities within England and the United States in 1859 had religious affiliations, the majority were Protestant . Materialism: The writings of scholars akin to Comte and others, e.g., Hegel, Marx, and Engels had some degree of impact upon the developing social sciences of the 19th century. These individuals were concerned with using logic and rationality to explain the world around them, they came to be known as Positivists and/or Materialists, in that they required that explanations were supposed to be grounded in objective social reality. The materialist movement in the 19th century was an attempt to correct a faulty set of perceptions about the social world that were grounded in non-objective reality. The goal was to create a way of viewing the physical and social worlds by using objective and/or factual information rather than relying upon traditional methods of explanation. The ultimate result was to be the uncovering of a set of universal laws which had their roots in reality not in supernatural explanations of cause and effect. Modernity and advancement came to be equated with scientific 3 theories and explanation; pressure to explain human behavior from a scientific perspective increased as both the level of education and the size of the middle class and the non-aristocratic upper class increased. What Darwin had attempted in his work was to identify a universal and all encompassing law of nature which described from a materialist standpoint, the very mechanism by which species were formed. SOCIAL DARWINISM An essential element of Darwin's explanation was borrowed by some of the early social philosophers of the time. They used it to postulate on the reasons for cultural and racial diversity and even the economic differences among and between these groups. The element that all these philosophers identified was also linked to what Thomas Malthus had in a pre-Darwinian or pre-Origin of Species work, put forth in a brilliant essay... on population, i.e., the struggle that exists in nature between competing groups.(( 2 ) The proponents of the new social sciences were attracted to Darwin's concept of Natural Selection and the work of Thomas Malthus upon pressure and competition and the factors whose earlier emphasis which impact human population had caught the imagination of many scholars. Natural Selection is the term which is used to describe the 'Best Adapted' or biologically 'Fittest' surviving in larger numbers and reproducing in larger numbers as compared to the unfit or less fit members of a biological population. Over time, the population becomes stronger,i.e., better adapted to its new habitat. The key is the survival of better suited offspring and the weeding out of the weaker 4 elements of the population. The 'Strong Survive and the Weak Die Off'...it was deemed the 'Law of Nature' or words to that effect. Darwin used the concept of Natural Selection to explain how different species had arisen and how change could be traced, particularly mechanism for if the source of pressure could be identified. speciation and divergence, i.e., Natural Selection The was borrowed and applied by 19th and early 20th century social philosophers to employ as an explanation regarding how differences Eventually, it was used to explain differences came to exist. between rich and poor, the developed world versus the lesser developed world, and different types of economic systems. The Social Darwinists tended to believe that the 'Poor' and Non Western Peoples represented a lower stage of Cultural and Biological development. The poor were described by Social Darwinists as being detrimental in regards to the evolutionary and biological progress of the human population. To impede progress, by standing in the way of nature would go against the very Laws of Nature, according to the Social Darwinists. These individuals were usually in opposition to any public assistance and most programs which were designed to benefit the poorer classes. Therefore, welfare programs, medical treatment and care, schooling and other such social programs should not be undertaken by government,i.e., if one believed in a strict interpretation of the Law of Nature. This was the message of the Social Darwinists, who were drawn largely from the more 5 privileged classes. Social Darwinists contended that the Fitter members of Society would rise to the top and that the weaker less evolved elements should be allowed to die off. They believed it would be against the evolutionary tide and would ultimately weaken the very ability of the human race to survive if weaker populations were given help. Competition was thought to have made the human species tougher and more progressive. Anything to lessen the impact of competition was described as being detrimental, except when it came to safeguarding the interests of their own social class and culture. Those cultures that were less complex from a material standpoint were described as primitive holdovers from a bygone era. Out of the Social Darwinian perspective grew the desire to create a ranking system regarding cultural evolution. It was a relatively simple concept,i.e., those who had power, wealth and a Western education and who shared the traits of being upper middle class and above, from northern European backgrounds, 'White' males, and Protestant were generally considered 'fitter' than all the other groups, classes, races, religions, and cultures. Lineal Evolution: Needless to say, social class was also a part of their model along with racism and a lack of equality for women. Those who were from other religions and cultures were adjudged not as fit. A Ladder of Evolution was created with groups or other categories in vogue... stacked one on top of another in a ladder of so-called progression. Closeness to the 'approved 6 traits' meant that a category was deemed 'fitter' or more evolved, conversely distance implied inferiority and biological primitiveness. The higher a culture was on the ladder, the more evolved. What developed was a ranking system, using descriptors like: Superior and Inferior, Advanced and Primitive, Evolved and Less Evolved. The resulting ranking system was usually described as a 'Ladder of Lineal Evolution'. The Social Darwinists believed that they were the 'Fittest' and therefore most highly evolved. Lineal Evolutionists usually took the view that Cultures or groups of people could not change their positions on the Lineal Ladder without going through all the evolutionary stages and changes to move up the scale. This allowed those at the top to take comfort in the idea that little likelihood existed in their minds that they would ever face competition from those below. Placement on the top of the scale or ladder of evolution implied a higher stage of fitness; therefore.. those below were defined as being less fit. This influenced the Anthropological and Sociological perspectives of the time. Hunting and Gathering Cultures were ranked on the bottom of the ladder with Industrial-Agricultural cultures ranked at the top of the Lineal and Evolutionary scales. Unregulated Capitalism: Those who were staunch supporters of unregulated Capitalism,i.e., let the Capitalists do anything they want...no labor laws, no export/ import controls, no pollution laws, no worker safety laws, no mandatory product safety laws, little taxation or no taxation... used the concept of lineal 7 evolution to suggest that Western Capitalism was the highest stage of evolutionary development. Many scholars went on to espouse the view that Cultural Evolution was part of a grand plan of nature and was divinely inspired. This created an interesting situation with some traditional religious authorities happy to see their own institution,i.e., religion playing a role in explanations of the real world. While those who gravitated towards a secular explanation could take comfort by merely concentrating upon the concept of Natural Selection being applied to people and how this Struggle in Nature shaped people in a variety of ways. While, others took both the Sacred and the Secular and combined them. It was not coincidental that the vast majority of these same scholars and clerics exhibited a social status that was more powerful than the average person in their own countries. To say that this era had a 'smugness' about it would be to understate the degree to which these 19th Century and early 20th Century scholars and their supporters believed in their own cultural, biological and moral superiority. Cultural Evolution and Prehistory: Three of the early champions of Cultural Evolution and Lineal Evolution as a theoretical perspective within Anthropology were Lewis Henry Morgan, Sir John Lubbock and Edward Tylor. Examples of Cultural Evolutionary dogma from the period can be seen in the writings of Sir John Lubbock... a brief quotation follows: ...the Iroquois have no religion, no word for God, Fuegians 8 not the least spark of religion...the Hottentots are d i s g u s t i n g , t h e A u s t r a l i a n s m i s e r a b l e s a v a g e s . . . (3) Modern day Cultural Anthropologists would be horrified by the above descriptions if they were Anthropologists. to appear as the work of contemporary However, it is an accurate reflection of the 19th century cultural evolutionary school or viewpoint that Lubbock and his fellow Anthropologists embraced. An additional factor which influenced cultural evolution was the development of Prehistory as a discipline in the 19th century parallel with the development of Cultural Anthropology. In the minds of many of the early Prehistorians, contemporary populations which were still living within economic stages other than the Industrial-Agricultural phase, were described as surviving relics of Prehistoric life. Horticultural societies were not Hunting and Gathering, Pastoral, and considered as developed from an evolutionary standpoint. It was not an unusual leap for 19th century Cultural Anthropologists, Prehistorians and Sociologists to attribute more primitive Cultural and biological characteristics to these groups. They noted the connections between the types of stone tools that were uncovered through Archeological excavations and their counterpart tools used in some in living cultures of the 19th century. As more was learned about the distant past many of the Prehistorians who had assumed a Social Darwinistic perspective came to view the Material Culture (stone and bone tools) from their 'digs' 9 as illustrative of an era of less biological development or an evolutionary period that was not on the same intellectual level when compared to modern Populations. When Ethnographers encountered living populations using roughly the same types of bone and stone tools, they frequently described the living peoples who made them as 'living Artifacts' of a more Primitive Past. The stigma of 'Primitive' was attached, and led to a variety of excesses on the part of Western Society when interacting with these groups. Ironically, early Anthropology assisted in the process of dehumanizing these societies. Perhaps the fact that these societies were frequently located in lands that were being exploited encouraged some scholars to emphasize the Primitive aspects of life for these peoples. Stigmatization and negative labeling allowed colonialization to be painted as advancing the tide of evolutionary progress. Scholarship supported this theme. There was little distinction in most of Anthropology at this time,i.e., 19th century relative to the difference between Prehistory and Cultural Anthropology. Both areas used each others materials to assert that Lineal and Cultural Evolution was a scientific fact rather than a theory. Lewis Henry Morgan: Lewis Henry Morgan's contribution to the literature of Anthropology is somewhat intriguing in that his work entitled Ancient Society published in 1877, became a reader for the Socialist political movements of the time as 10 well as being read by those who were staunch defenders of unregulated Capitalism. The former were attracted alternative political structures to it because it illustrated and the promise of evolutionary change. Morgan was not a proponent of the Socialist view of his work; he saw something quite different in his own writings. After a great deal of research drawing heavily upon a variety of scholarly materials he developed a method of classifying and ranking cultures relative to their stage of material and cultural complexity. Morgan divided society into three major stages: 1. Savagery was considered to be the period before pottery existed. 2. Barbarism was the period associated with ceramics. 3. Civilization was the period associated with writing or a written language. (4 ) His evolutionary stages were further subdivided by using subsets or items based upon elements of material complexity. idea of slow evolutionary progress through stages. Morgan embraced the Some modern day Anthropologists have been critical of his distortion of the Ethnographic record regarding Native American, and Oceanic-Pacific Islander societies. He believed that 'Victorian' society was the high point of cultural development. Unfortunately, while Morgan meant to merely describe the level of material culture and a corresponding stage of development, the terms, 'savage' and 'barbarian' became a part of common argot associated with negative labeling within the popular culture. 11 Morgan's Ancient Society was read by Karl Marx and F. Engels who had it translated and encouraged its publication and distribution by Socialist bookstores.(( 5 ) This was quite distinct from the presses Morgan's work available to the more traditional audiences. that made What impressed Marx and Engels was Morgan's model of evolution for they saw in it a model for what they perceived as a force in nature for progress or in their terms the ultimate progress which would lead to revolution and the victory of the Proletariat or the masses. To Marx and Engels, this type of victory was part of the continuation of a struggle in nature which would result in a more perfect society. Here we see two widely different perspectives which were diametrically opposed, drawing strength and examples from Morgan's writings. These two camps or philosophical positions can be described as consisting of those who were interested in the status quo and viewed 'Victorian' society as being on the top of the evolutionary ladder; in direct opposition were those who were equally positive that evolutionary forces would contribute towards a radical restructuring of society resulting in the triumph of Communism over 'Victorian' and 'Capitalist' societies. Edward Tylor: Another proponent of Cultural Evolution was Edward Tylor. He wanted everyone to know that he had not been influenced by Charles Darwin or Herbert Spencer. Mr. Tylor developed his own theory of Cultural Evolution 12 and a much looser lineal format by applying scientific principles to the study of culture. product Tylor contended that the resulting evolutionary model was the or the result of what the data created. Tylor is generally acknowledged as the founder of modern Cultural Anthropology and is often singled out as a researcher who created specific categories for the organization of ethnographic materials. However, to his credit he did not believe as most of the strict constructionists or Lineal Evolutionists did... in the idea of innate cultural and racial inferiority or superiority.(( 6 ) He embraced the idea that Culture was learned and that anyone could learn traits if exposed; this was in opposition to the (supposed) biological limitations which most of the Lineal Evolutionists placed upon non-Western societies and the populations within those same societies. It was his latter viewpoint on the importance of cultural grounding and exposure that stands out in stark contrast to his peers in Anthropology and Sociology at the time. The traditional Social Darwinian model of Cultural Evolution,i.e., from a strict Lineal sense was discarded by most American Cultural Anthropologists by the 1940's. The Legacy of Cultural Evolution and Lineal progression along with versions of Social Darwinism are still alive within the popular and political cultures of the present time. They can be seen at the core of most conservative movements in America and in some other societies. these social movements believe that to interfere with Many in biological or evolutionary destiny through the application of social programs and planning 13 is akin to thwarting nature from its unyielding course. Then again, there are those who suggest or state that some individuals or groups are chosen by 'God' to succeed or to fail. This theme is frequently a part of the same conservative perspective. Sometimes, it is linked to Cultural Evolution, while at other times it stands on its own. What follows will be a concise overview of several social philosophers who espoused Social Darwinistic positions. Herbert Spencer: One of the single most important figures from the 19th century to emerge as an advocate for Social Darwinism was Herbert Spencer. He actually came out with a theory of social change some years before Darwin's publication introduced natural selection. Spencer in 1852, noted that natural pressures acting upon human populations had a positive impact upon the human race.(( 7 ) He advocated that it encouraged development and advancement and allowed the best of each generation to survive therefore steadily increasing the march towards progress. Spencer was generally in opposition to social movements or government programs that would attempt to help the poor. Richard Hofstadter's classic work on Social Darwinism in American Thought cites a passage from Spencer related to his perceptions about the poor or lower socioeconomic groups: ...the whole effort of nature is to get rid of such, to clear the world of them, and make room for better. Nature is as insistent upon fitness of mental character as she is upon physical character, and radical defects are as much causes of death in the one case as in the other. He who loses his life because of stupidity, vice, or idleness is in the same 14 class as the victims of weak viscera or malformed limbs. Under nature's laws all alike are put on trial. If they are sufficiently complete to live, they do live, and its well they should live. If they are not sufficiently complete to (8 ) live, they die, and it is best they should die. Spencer does not mince words, he states his view that society is akin to nature...and that the weak should die off. His perspective influenced social policy and other scholars of not only his era but served as backdrop for the development of the Eugenics movement in Europe and the United States. William Graham Sumner: William Graham Sumner's perspective can best be described as an historical analysis of the development of society. Sumner embraced a form of what has been termed by Sociologists as the Protestant Ethic and the Calvinist Ethos,i.e., a view of the world which illustrated the 'chosen' or 'preordained' position of what he termed the more successful members of society and the value of hard work. He also believed in the dogma of conservative economics and in Darwinian Selection...the elimination through competition of the weak and the advantages to society by emphasizing the survival of the fit. These were two of the primary components of unregulated Capitalism. Here we can view his perspective of the world... ...They do not perceive that here the strong and the weak are terms which admit of no definition unless they are made equivalent to the industrious and the idle, the frugal and the extravagant. They do not perceive, furthermore, that if we do not like the survival of the fittest, we have only one possible alternative, and that is the survival of 15 the unfittest. The former is the law of civilization, the latter is the law of anti-civilization. We have our choice between the two, or we can go on, as in the past, vacillating between the two, but a third plan-- the socialist desideratum-- a plan for nourishing the unfittest and yet advancing in civilization, no man will ever find. ( 9 ) As one can see, Sumner and Spencer were not exactly advocates for social equality or intervention on behalf of the weaker segments of society. Nor did they see anything amiss with the elimination of the weak through what they termed the Laws of Nature. The works of Sumner and Spencer became valued by the Power Elites who championed the writings of these two men and issued their own versions of this philosophical perspective. The themes which they championed were that the strongest Western Capitalists are biologically and morally suited to rule and that the poor and others who were deemed not as biologically evolved or advanced should be discouraged from over breeding and should be subject to the control of those who knew better what was best for society. Education and social programs directed towards those who were poor or of minority status were thought to hinder overall Evolutionary Progress for those at the top of the ladder by wasting resources on the less evolved. They wanted government and society to invest in the Elites not in the masses; millionaires were considered the most valuable members of society. These were the themes which were extracted from the writings of Sumner and Spencer and used by other social philosophers and people in the popular media or popular culture. Needless to say, those who were in power liked 16 what Sumner and Spencer had to say. Ironically, members of the middle class were also caught up in the movement and could always look down at the poor or those from the colonies. Max Weber: Another 20th century Social Philosopher who touched upon the importance of ideas in shaping society was the Sociologist MAX WEBER. He wrote extensively on the subject of what types of social themes were to be found in Western Society at the time of the Industrial Revolution. While not cited in most Anthropology textbooks, his scholarly work is invaluable in gaining insight into how themes and ideas influenced society. He refined the notion of the Calvinist Ethos-Protestant Ethic and how they had played a major role in both Protestant theology as well as furnishing part of the ideological base for the Industrial Revolution.(( 1 0 ) Weber's analysis suggested that many of the successful Capitalists of the 19th century Industrial Revolution were guided by their own belief in that they had been selected for greatness and success by some type of divine selection. They tended to embrace the concept of modernism by an attraction towards modern technology and modern ways of accomplishing tasks. At the same time, Weber noted that they were fond of using a traditional institution,i.e., religious explanation as a vehicle to explain why they were successful. Weber believed that a fundamental difference existed between those who used a rational (materialist) view of the world and those who relied upon more traditional perspectives. 17 In his mind, the rational view was equated with real industrial progress and the development of society as it was being influenced by Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution. A number of the most powerful industrial Capitalists used the Social Darwinistic perspective as one of the components for the scientific validation of their higher position within society. The embrace by the Social Darwinists of the rich Capitalists was proof enough for these powerful folks to see themselves as being the product of so called Natural Laws. Weber was not a proponent of Social Darwinism but he did have the ability to see how these and related ideas had a profound impact on the direction of society in the 19th century. SOCIAL MOVEMENTS The world view of Western academics in the 19th and early 20th centuries was marked by the common practice of linking biology, race and culture to national destiny.(( 1 1 ) colonializing nations,e.g., This was particularly appealing to the United States, England, Holland, Germany, and France. The United States was no different. What developed in England and the United States was something known as the 'Anglo Saxon School' stressing a common political and 'White' racial heritage at the expense of all those who were not part of this group.(( 1 2 ) This social movement (Anglo Saxon School) contributed to part of the justification for the war with Spain, the attempts to control the Pacific basin, mucking around in Central and South America... all in the latter part of the 19th century and some of the 20th Century. The genocidal practices against native peoples in the United States after Social Darwinism were 18 frequently explained as being part of a natural outcome of the law of nature. This included the military operations in the Philippines, Nicaragua and China in the early part of the 20th century. The treatment of workers, minorities and the poor within the United States was influenced in part by Social Darwinism, Lineal Evolution and Cultural Evolution. Several factors can be linked to a Social Darwinian perspective. Competition and Struggle are the two primary components; Individuals, Groups, Races, Cultures and even religions were characterized as being in intense competition with one another. The evolutionary role or obligation or mission of Western Society was held up as being threatened by the nonWestern world. Western society in the eyes of lineal evolutionary scholars and politicians was charged with upholding its favored position in the world,i.e., to make sure that evolutionary progress would be continued or maintained. progress. Colonialism was championed as a way to continue evolutionary The belief that God had selected Western Society for this role, joined the secular and sacred into a powerful argument for power to be used against the weaker populations of the world. genuine Many scholars were of the belief that the societies which had embraced Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution had a destiny which was determined by both God and natural laws. They willing embraced the idea that they had been chosen as a group to fulfill destiny or God's will, and that they were of a superior form to all other peoples, and cultures. Women: 19 Women during this time, even if a member of the designated chosen group were thought to have one primary purpose and that was childbearing and the duties of wife and motherhood. To do otherwise in the minds of the Social Darwinists would be to go against the very laws of nature. However, they were addressing the women of their own class, they had no qualms about women of lower classes engaging in labor in factories without employee safeguards or rights. Women were thought to have been ill prepared by nature for serious intellectual tasks. In the same way, there was little regard for the women both in Europe and the United States as well as the colonies that were coerced or forced into labor on farms or plantations and looked at as being disposable by these same embracers of lineal evolution. The lives of these women and their children and families were not valued. The sexual exploitation of women both domestically and abroad was common and little was done to safeguard or protect their rights. Fear of the loss of power by 'White Christians' and Colonialists was a popular theme; it led to the creation of 'fear based' social movements in England, France, Germany and the United States. These popular movements created mass hysteria and were anti-immigrant, anti-non-Christian, antipeople of color and caused untold human misery. The fact that these 'Social Darwinists' both scientific and popularist knew that 'White Europeans' were a minority population compared to the rest of the world... caused them to ponder what might happen if the table were turned by the sheer force of numbers. One scholar who promulgated a view of impending Anglo Saxon 20 racial and cultural doom was the Englishman Charles Pearson. He published a little work in 1893 called National Life and Character Studies in it he goes on to warn of the impending decline of the "higher races"... ...We shall wake to find ourselves elbowed and hustled, and perhaps even thrust aside by peoples whom we looked down upon as servile, and thought of as bound always to minister to our needs...( 1 3 ) Teddy Roosevelt: Theodore Roosevelt was an outspoken advocate for the racial and cultural survival of the 'White Race' he wanted to see at least four White children per family in England and the United States... he believed that this would maintain sufficient numbers in the world for the Anglo Saxon population to continue their domination of other races.(( 1 4 ) He was not unusual and was more representative of attitudes than many would like to admit. The absorption with race and biology by Western scientists, philosophers, government leaders, and clergy was not ignored by racist and bigoted social movements. A climate of fear and intolerance was created in some areas of the United States and Europe. It intensified between 1890 and 1945, and in the United States resulted in a major change in the immigration laws in 1924. Legal Immigration became largely limited to Northern Europeans, until changes in the law took place after the Fall of Vietnam in the 1970's. The Klu Klux Klan grew in numbers between the early 1900's and 1928 in the United States with millions of members from coast 21 to coast. It members were elected to government at both the Local, State and National levels. However, they were not the only Anti-Foreigner Racial Supremacy based group advocating exclusion, deportation and segregation. Franz Boas: What is even more remarkable against this backdrop of history was the courage of the American Anthropologist (a naturalized citizen), Dr. Franz Boas who spoke out against the racism of the time. He embraced the idea that cultures are the products of a variety of circumstances... and that no one race has a premium on intellect, invention, discovery or growth. Boas stood up to the Biological Determinists and lineal evolutionists in 1894 at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meetings... and characterized the White Anglo Saxon cultural movement of the time as biased and unscientific. He was opposed to the tendency to use Anglo Saxon Cultural traits and Biological traits as the only positive traits for culture or biology by many in science and government. All others were considered of lower value, with ranking usually based on the degree of difference compared to the White standard. Boas contended that this evolutionary scale was unscientific. ( 1 5 ) Franz Boas went on to become the single most influential figure in American Anthropology and eventually turned the tide in Cultural Anthropology away from Biological Determinism, Lineal Evolution and Social Darwinism to Learned Behavior and emphasized the impact that cultural settings have upon the socialization process. In his own life, he felt the sting 22 of Anti-Semitism and faced several instances in his career where he was labeled by powerful detractors within Anthropology as belonging to an inferior race. His antagonists wanted those of the 'Hebrew Persuasion' to be blocked from gaining influence within American Anthropology and its perspective.(( 1 6 ) Some went so far as to start their own professional organizations within Anthropology to counteract what they considered to be his unhealthy influence upon Anthropology and science. Boas was a German Jew and feelings against Jews, Catholics, Italians, Central and Eastern Europeans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians, Africans and Pacific Islanders were quite strong in the United States. The fact that he survived the personal attacks upon his scholarship and person is a tribute to his courage and principles. He did not back down. While Boas was known for having mentored many of the most famous American Anthropologists of the 20th century, he also became a figure who was feared because of the strength of his arguments. One of the more bizarre incidents in his life, took place at a distance years after he immigrated to the United States. When the Nazis in Germany began to take power in the early 1930's, they embarked upon a campaign to remove so-called foreign or alien influences from their nation. The works of many authors, artists, German society. and scientists were burned and One of the removed from first major acts of the Nazi party in Kiel, Germany was to remove the published works of Dr. Boas from the library at the University of Kiel, because of his published record of opposition to the 23 Nazi theory of Nordic Racial superiority. The fact that he was a Jew made his books in the eyes of the Nazis...an alien influence which needed to be removed from German society. Professor Boas at the time was a member of n e a r l y every learned society in the world that deals with a n t h r o p o l o g y including, the A n t h r o p o l o g i c a l Society of B e r l i n , the German Anthropological Society, and the Prussian and Munich A c a d e m i e s o f S c i e n c e . ( 1 7 ) Boas when asked what he thought... stated: ...if they want to be crazy, let them be crazy. They gave me the honorary degree of M.D. only last year, and when I went there to receive it I was the guest of honor of the university. Dr. Boas is a graduate of the University of Kiel, with a Phd. earned from Kiel in 1881, and one from Oxford in 1912,and Colombia in 1929. ( 1 8 ) In a later section of this essay, more materials about Professor Boas will expose the type of opposition that he faced within American Anthropology, in that Social Darwinism, Biological Determinism, and Racism were very much alive within Anthropology during his career. POLITICS AND STRUGGLE Politically, the Evolutionary formats concepts of Cultural Evolution and were used by Communists, Socialists, Proponents of Unregulated Capitalism. the Lineal Nazis and They were all drawn to the idea of 'Struggle and Survival of the Fit' as part of the justification for their own ideological constructs as well as a serving as a rationale for what they were doing to others... Marx and Engels: 24 Marx and Engels were attracted to the model of Cultural Evolution. They saw Communism as the pinnacle of evolutionary progress and 'struggle' was a basic element of their theoretical perspective. Marx and Engels stated that Capitalism was a stage which was necessary to bring about the collapse of feudal societies. Capitalists had changed the very social and technological base of society. Marx and Engels admired Capitalism for the changes it had caused but they did not identify it as the final and most advanced evolutionary stage. Capitalism had eliminated feudalism in the West in a relatively short period of time, it was living proof of the power of Struggle and for the Evolutionary survival of a stronger or Fitter form of economic and political organization. However, their own model of Cultural Evolution featured a violent struggle (competition) between those who owned and controlled the means of production (Capitalists) and therefore controlled all the institutions of the State including: government, military, education, communication, and religion. Marx and Engels foresaw a time when the masses would unite and seek to gain control of the system.(( 1 9 ) The role of technology was examined in their essays... with some attention being given to the fact that ultimately Capitalists will end up exploiting to such an extreme, that the Masses or Workers become so alienated that they in turn rise up and develop a Class Unity and cohesiveness while the Capitalists reach a point of having to consume each other for profit.(( 2 0 ) They stated that at some point in time, technology 25 might do away with the need for workers...and that society was divided into two opposing groups. Production(Capitalists) These were the Owners and the Workers(Proletariat) of the Means of who made up the majority of those in society. While Marx and Engels saw Capitalism as valuable for an important period in history and as the institution which did away with feudalism... they believed that in most instances it would have to be done away with by Force. They saw the Owners of Property as an obstacle standing in the way of evolutionary progress and as such they would have to be eliminated through struggle. The former communal nature of many non Western societies appealed to both authors. They were avid readers of Ethnographic literature. However, they did not judge the non Western way of life as inferior, but in fact marveled at the way in which some cultures seemed to be able to make decisions based upon the ultimate good for the largest number. The revolution or ultimate result of a Class Struggle which they postulated, was in their minds a scientific dictum which could not be escaped. They believed that a revolutionary struggle would include the elimination of 'ALL' those who could not support the revolution. They also knew that a period would exist where the revolution would have to be guarded to prevent its being overthrown by elements who would try to wrest the cultural path back towards Capitalism. Marx and Engels saw control of the 'Means of Production' as the key element in their Social System. Capitalists. 26 Ironically, so did the The extent to which this 'Struggle' was acted out can be mirrored in the number of deaths and killings which can be attributed to the ideas of Marx and Engels and which were carried out under the name of Communist revolutions or the mantle of protecting revolutions. The total number is impossible to ascertain, primarily because these killings have taken place in societies where the magnitude of the crimes have been hidden from the outside world. However, evidence exists to show that regimes in Cambodia [Killing Fields], and the former Soviet Union [Gulags], were not above killing millions of their own citizens. No figures have been published regarding China and the cost of its revolutionary struggle, nor for North Korea. Marx and Engels were correct when they anticipated counter- revolutionary attacks against emerging Communist revolutions. Historically, it was the West who formed an expeditionary military force and invaded Soviet/Russian territory and attacked the 'Reds' shortly after the Communists won power and then attempted to subvert the revolution from outside for the entire history of the Soviet System. The United States was supported in this episode by Great Britain, France and other Western countries who deemed Russian Communism after the 1917, revolution as being the major threat to world Capitalism and the status quo as related to the distribution of wealth and power in the world.(( 2 1 ) Traditional institutions,e.g., religion, government, and commerce were threatened with elimination if the Communists were successful in gaining power on a worldwide stage. The Communists in China were opposed by the Capitalists in 27 the West and their own feudalists and Chinese Capitalists who were allied with Western interests, and attempts were made to overthrow the Chinese revolution. In Cuba, after the victory of Fidel Castro decades of attacks against Cuba were launched to try to bring down the government using a variety of means. Cuba and Nicaragua serve as modern examples of where counter- revolutionary moves were made against two Communist countries by forces in large part supported by the United States. However, Communist forces also operated to overthrow or to seize power from regimes based upon Capitalism around the world,i.e., after coming to power in the era from Lenin until the late 1980's. For a period, after the Second World War, much of the world stood on the verge of becoming Communist. China and Russia were Communist. Eastern and Central Europe were under Communist control and movements of National Liberation were building in areas under colonial control,e.g., India, Indochina, Africa, Middle East, Americas, Philippines, and Indonesia, with strong Communist parties present in Italy, and France. Marx and Engels formulated a set of ideas and theoretical explanations, their concepts and ideas should be distanced from most of the 'Communists' who took power and then used terror as a means of controlling a population,e.g., Stalin [Russia], Pol Pot [Cambodia] and their henchmen. Many contemporary students are not aware of the fact that both Marx and Engels died decades before the first Communist revolutions took power. 28 Their stated goal was to create a peaceful society where harmony was to be the mainstay,i.e., the idealized form of society. However, they were ready to use violence and struggle to attain their goal. Particularly since, it had been employed against their own followers in Europe. They were convinced that Evolution and the Laws of Nature were on their side; plus there is 'NO' doubt that they supported revolutionary violence to eliminate all opposition. In their view, it was the action of Natural Selection which would lead to the eventual removal of what they believed was the weaker system and its supporters, i.e., the eventual downfall of the Capitalists.(( 2 2 ) 29 Notes: * ( The use o f : i t a l i c s within the body of the p a p e r or in the N o t e s . . . d e s i g n a t e s ei t h er a quote or a heavily p a r a p h r a s e d set of materials). 1. Darwin, Charles; The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, England, November 24, 1859. 2. Kardiner, Abram; &Preble, Edward; They Studied Man, World Publishing Company, Cleveland-New York, 1961, p. 19. (Acknowledgement of Malthus and his influence upon Charles Darwin). 3. Lowie, Robert; The History of Ethnological Theory, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1937, p. 24. (Acknowledgement of Sir John Lubbock and his works: Prehistoric Times & The Origin of Civilization). 4. Lowie; 1937, p.56. 5. Harris, Marvin; The Rise of Anthropological Theory, Thomas Crowell Company, New York, 1968, p. 229, p. 246. 6. Kardiner;1961, p.64. 7. Ibid.; pp.40-41. Herbert Spencer in an essay published in 1852...years before Darwin's treatise on Natural Selection noted that a: '. . . U n i v e r s a l L a w a p p l i c a b l e t o a l l o r d e r s o f p h e n o m e n a : whether it be in the development of the earth... society... government ... language, literature, science, art, this same evolution of the simple to complex through successive differentiations holds throughout'. 8. Hofstadter, Richard; Social Darwinism in American Thought, Revised Edition, Beacon Press, Boston, 1955, p. 41. (Original quote from Herbert Spencer's Social Statics, Appleton Century and Company, New York, 1864, pp.414-415). 30 9. Ibid.; p.57. From a lecture given by William Sumner in 1879 on 'The Effect of Hard Times on Economic Thinking...' 10. Kassebaum, Peter; 'Lecture Materials Introductory Sociology', Spring 1996. Many sociology textbooks acknowledge Weber's contribution to the field. 11. Hofstadter;1955, pp. 170-200. Contains excellent information on the subject matter. 12. Ibid., pp. 172-174. Notes the role of the Anglo Saxon movement. 13. Ibid.; p. 186. 14. Ibid.; p. 189. 15. Ibid.; p. 193. Original Source: Human Faculty as a determined by Race, the proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, XLIII (1894), pp. 301-27. Boas was addressing a hostile body within the Anthropology Section of the Association. 16. Lowie; 1937, pp. 128-155. see also: Television Documentary on the Life of Franz Boas; it contains detailed background information relating to Boas and his research and the trials which he faced during his professional career. A copy has been retained for scholarly purposes. 17. Knickerbocker,H.R.; Evening Post Foreign service, 1933; N.Y. Evening Post. (Photocopy of a news clipping obtained from the Harry Laughlin Collection at Truman State University). Laughlin saved news clippings and placed them in files; frequently without the identifiers as to the author, page, date or paper). Nonetheless, they are valuable in that they disclose information that he had viewed. 18. Ibid. 31 19. Harris; 1968, pp. 222-223. 20. Louis, Paul P.; Readings in the History of Economic Thought, McCutchan Publishing Corporation, Berkeley, 1971, p. 105. Harris;1968, pp.223-225. 21.Appignanesi,Richard & Zarate,Oscar; Books, New York, 1978, pp. 154-155. (Britain, United States, Czech Republic, forces in Russia which tried to overthrow 1917 revolution came to power). Louis; 1971, p. 101. (Notes the struggle 22. Harris; 1968, p.222. Violence and Struggle are noted... 32 Lenin for Beginners, Pantheon Turkey, France, and Poland had the communists forces after the against counter revolution). NATIONAL SOCIALISM & SOCIAL DARWINISM: The National Socialists (Nazis) of Germany were attracted to the concept of a 'Struggle for Survival' with competing elements in nature in a constant form of competition with one another...resulting in a stronger society through the vehicle of Natural Selection. Nature's harsh removal of the weak. They were psuedo-Evolutionists who wedded biology and culture and stated that certain human cultural groups and races were biological 'fitter' and that those groups and individuals and nations who were not... had to be eliminated. Nazi ideology linked religion and biology and created a cultural and scientific heritage which placed Germanic and Nordic peoples in a position of superiority to all other groups. The same period was marked by the distortion of the culture and history and backgrounds of those individuals, groups, cultures and societies who were stigmatized by the Nazis. The Universities and the Arts/Sciences and the Professions were purged of those individuals and groups who did not meet Nazi racial criteria. Universities were one of the first institutions to go over to the Nazi movement in the early 1930's. incentive for some who were supporters major The of the Nazi movement, was pragmatic...when Professors were removed... new positions became open. It was not uncommon for these 'new professors' to become supporters of the ideology which had obtained work for them during a depression. 33 Racial Anthropology/Medical Anthropology in the Reich: The Nazi's believed that it was essential to employ their version of Darwinian Selection to guarantee the long term survival of their own society. They had already decided to create one which would be deemed the most fit of all human societies. The Nazis stated that Culture was genetically and/or biologically influenced and was not solely the product of learned behavior. To support their belief system they developed an elaborate body of information known as 'Racial Anthropology' containing data about peoples and cultures of the world. It was used to support the Nazi viewpoint. Most contemporary scholars who have viewed their writings on race dismiss their findings. The first race bureau in Germany was established today in Dortmund, in the Ruhr district, by order of the city commissioner. Its object is to build up a pure Germanic race, free from Semitic influence. In pursuit of this aim, laws will be passed providing for segregation and improvement of races. The population will be divided into two classes-families who representatives are acceptable to the state and those whose members are undesirable, as being a burden upon the nation. Dr. Brauss the Dortmund physician who has been placed in charge of the race bureau, announces that he has on file data concerning 80,000 school children of the city. ( 2 3 ) The Nazis were interested in physically and racially classifying every single person in Germany and Austria. Eventually, they expanded their data base to occupied countries in Europe. The expressed purpose for the data base and/ or its use by the State was to assign and to determine roles and status for all members of society. The State was looked at as the most 34 important institution and the people were likened to a living component of a larger biological organism,i.e., the German State. Hence, if elements of the organism were defined eliminated. by the State as harmful... they would have to be Thus, the classifications regarding race, and overall physical condition(health) became elements which were examined and the results were then employed in a number of State run programs which ultimately resulted in the deaths of millions who were given a negative ranking. During this same period the world's Medical and Social Sciences were supportive of what has been termed the Eugenics movement. In 1933 Dr. Josef Goebels, Nazi minister of Propaganda,... ...urged that the members in every German organization be educated in the eugenic way of thinking. This was essential for the future of the nation and in it was involved the question, 'To be or not to be.' ...Dr. Goebels suggested that the organizations reduce on a sliding scale the dues asked from those of their members who have children and that every member be required to acquaint himself with the enlightening publications which are to be distributed by bureaus of the National Socialist Party....In this matter, Dr. Goebels declared emphatically, the interest of the individual must be accounted insignificant in comparison with the eugenic interests of the nation. ( 2 4 ) Dr. Herman Lundborg One such scientific leader who had a far reaching impact on the field of Eugenics was from Sweden. produced materials It was pioneers like Herman Lundborg who and who assisted with the international eugenics movement and who caught the attention of the Nazis. They in turn adopted 35 various components into their ideological platform and in large part turned a political ideology in the direction of their own version of an applied Eugenics program. Dr. Herman Lundborg (M.D.) wrote a two part article published in two (early 1920's era) issues of The Eugenics Review. Professor Lundborg was the director of the 'Swedish State Institute for Race-Biological Investigation'. His perspective regarding race and biological value is quite straight forward. We ought not to forget either that different strata of society are of different race biological value, as a rule it is greatest in the sound middle class and lowest in the bottom stratum. The cultivated leading layer which forms the upper class, is on account of its low birthrate of decidedly less racial value than the middle class, although contributions of the former to culture are greater. The very best environment has no power in itself to raise a based or unfit race of people, as for example, gypsies or Negroes, and it is in the same way impossible to raise in civilized societies the deepest sunken bottom layer,i.e., habitual criminals vagabonds, imbeciles. These often suffer from defects, the result of hereditary conditions, upon which improvement in the environment has no or very little consequence. ( 2 5 ) The author attributed a variety of negative traits to heredity and lashes out at two groups in particular...'Negroes' and 'Gypsies'. In this passage one can see the analogy between what became the views of the Nazis and the earlier practioners of Eugenics. His views were not alone, they were shared by many in the academic and scientific communities. In a manner somewhat reminiscent of Herbert Spencer...he notes the meddling of 36 individuals who place themselves between nature and its process of Natural Selection, which allows the wrong types of people to reproduce at the expense of society. . ..contra selection (selection in the wrong direction). Good hearted men and women often help forward without any distinction persons who are both physically and mentally feebly equipped, who afterwards propagate themselves and pass on their inferior qualities in inheritance to new generations, which in turn become a burden on society. ( 2 6 ) In the next passage, Lundborg argues for preservation of racial stock...and in others notes the decline of countries and civilizations where too much admixture or race mixing has taken place. By the same token, he underscores the problems of isolation for racial populations which he believes if carried to an extreme can be unhealthy for any population that finds itself in that situation. It must be evident to everyone that a true national stock is a country's greatest riches. How different things would appear everywhere in all the civilized countries if this principle was not only believed in but was also lived up to. (27) Professor Lundborg advocated the need for the Scientific study of race as an important part of the biological sciences. He pointed out with some pride that the Swedish Parliament granted the means to establishing an 'Institute for the Study of Racial Biology'. He was of the opinion that knowledge of race would in the long run strengthen a country by placing it back within the laws of nature. His position regarding the importance of 37 race, was mirrored in Eugenics organizations around the world. The professor downplayed the role of the habitat in forming behavior and emphasized heritage as the most important element. In the second and concluding part of the article, published in another edition of the The Eugenics Review, he elaborated upon a number of points. 1. A good n a t i o n a l m a t er i a l is the greatest riches a country can possess. The material of the people depends in the highest degree upon the quality of the hereditary mass. This is different in different nations. 2 . Heredity and selection are the chief influences which govern life in this world. 3. Families an d n ation s are gov ern ed by strict laws in the same ways as the private individual. One of the first tasks laid upon every civilized nation is the careful investigation of these biological laws of nature, and afterwards the regulation and arrangement of the conditions of society to suit these laws. 4. A glaring waste of the national material is to be found at present among many of the civilized nations of the world. 5 . Many reasons co operate in bringing this about...(a).sinking birthrate among the middle classes(among the peasant population)who possess stronger race energy than the other strata of society; (b). great industrial activity; (c). hasty race mixture between nations; ....(d). ...worship of mammon with the destruction of moral worth... 6. The system of having none, one or two children p r a c t i c e d by the more valuable strata of the people, while at the same time the lower and inferior strata increase relatively quickly, must lead to the deterioration of the race and the degeneration of the nation. 7 . I n d u s t r i a l a n d a g r i c u l t u r a l o c c u p a t i o n s d e m a n d , at least at times, increased and new energy. Partly for this reason land partly to defend the country from outward foes, owing 38 to a low birth rate in a country, foreigners belonging to an inferior race must be called in. ...Race mixtures arise in such cases causing a mixed nation of inferior quality. ( 2 8 ) The professor put forth a plan of action which he believed would counter the trend towards the degeneration of the racial stock of any nation. His plan consisted of the following elements. 1.An energetic work of enlightenment on the subject ought to be carried on. ...Medical Men and teachers ought to be specially educated in the science of heredity and race culture. ... 2 . Race biological institutes for investigation with the object of studying hereditary questions and eugenic problems on all sides ought to be established in every civilized country as soon as possible. ... 5. S o c i a l S w a m p s ought to be drained by means of wise reforms and far sighted law making. ... 6. ...A sound agricultural population with a high birth rate is a necessary condition of life for a nation that does not wish to degenerate. An independent peasant class makes the groundwork backbone of a nation. ... 7. E m i g r a t i o n , which has caused a considerable drain on the life blood of the nation, ought, if possible, to be regulated and kept within proper bounds. ... 8.We must also pay attention to i m m i g r a t i o n so that inferior individuals belonging to foreign races cannot enter the country and settle without any biological hindrance. ... 9. The science of Eugenics which is a real patriotic movement .... 10. Widely spread national societies ought to be formed in all the civilized countries with the object of working for race culture, the health of the people and the improvement of morality. ( 2 9 ) What is remarkable about his plan is that it could easily have been a 39 partial blueprint for the Nazi movement. They placed an emphasis upon most of the components in Dr. Lundborg's plan. They were fascinated about the mythical relationship between blood and the land. The Nazis went to great lengths to bolster the symbolic linkage between traditional German Peasant populations and the land, stating that this quality was the strength of the nation. Lundborg influenced the international eugenics movement and the development of Nazi racial biology and ideology through his publications in Sweden and in the international community. As will be illustrated in a later section of this essay, numerous scholars from around the world were of the same opinion as Dr. Lundborg in matters pertaining to race and biology. Reichminister Frick: Reichminister of the Interior Dr. Frick presented an address before the ' E x p e r t C o u n c i l f o r P o p u l a t i o n a n d R a c e P o l i t i c s ' held in Berlin, 1933. In his address, he outlined the problems facing Germany. A dwindling birth rate, a possible 2 0 % of the German population defined by experts as possibly being hereditary defectives. He goes on to state : ...the feebleminded and inferior produce twice and three times as many children, on the average. This means that the highly endowed and valuable stocks decrease from generation to generation, facing complete extinction-with their achievements and German culture-in very few generations. ...Besides being threatened with increasing hereditary and biological inferiority, we must carefully watch the progressing race mixture and race deterioration of our people, since the German man and the German woman no longer are conscious of their blood and their race. 40 ...it is only by examining the sums expended by the government, the state and the communities for the maintenance of the unfit, the antisocial, diseased, feebleminded, insane, deformed (meaning only hereditary deformities and not those acquired by disease or injuries) and criminal, that we realize the disproportionate burdens put upon a population already struggling for its existence. What we have practiced heretofore: personal hygiene and the care of the individual, has been overdone and without considering the principles of heredity, of selection and of race hygiene. This sort of modern humanity and social care of the diseased, weak and inferior individual must, when we consider the nation as a whole, prove the greatest cruelty to the people and finally lead to its ruin. To increase the number of sound offspring, it is above all our duty to reduce the expenditures for the anti social, inferior and those suffering from hopeless hereditary diseases and to prevent reproduction by hereditary defective persons. The Scientific study of heredity (based on the progress of the last decade) has enabled us clearly to recognize the rules of heredity and selection as well as their meaning for the nation and the state. It gives us the right and the moral obligation to eliminate hereditary defectives from procreation. To enlighten the people on the subject of heredity and A n t h r o p o l o g y , these studies must develop into an E u g e n i c education of the youth of the entire nation, as a preparation for matrimony. In order to make this knowledge available to all and to put appropriate educational materials at the disposal of teachers and educational institutions, I have organized a Public Health Committee (formerly committee for hygienic education). 41 ...it is up to the educated youth to recognize the value of the German Hereditary constitution, to preserve race purity, and to strive toward improvement of their own family stocks by suitable matings. M i s c e g e n a t i o n must be labeled for what it is: name the roundation for mental and spiritual degeneration and alienation from the native stock. Family pedigree study and A n t h r o p o l o g y should be cultivated in a manner to stress the value of the blood above wealth and comfort. We must have the courage to rate our population according to its hereditary value, in (30) order to supply the State with leaders. German Genetics: Underlying the development of the world wide push in biology to explain diversity in terms of a Darwinian model, was the growth of Human Heredity. This field and related areas developed parallel to the political currents of the time. Paraphrasing, and excerpting portions of the excellent essay by Benno Muller-Hill, entitled: Human Genetics in Nazi Germany. One learns ...that the first textbook on human genetics appeared in Germany in 1921. It was called the B a u e r F i s c h e r - L e n z , after its authors. The text was divided into four sections. The first written by Bauer, and was a general introduction to Genetics; the second written by Eugen Fischer, and dealt with races and genetic racial differences. The last portion of the book was written by Fritz Lenz and dealt with genetic diseases. In this latter section, Lentz discussed Racial Hygiene or Eugenics. Racial differences and ethnic differences were the primary focus of this component, and the human geneticists who generally dealt with such problems were Anthropologists and Ethnologists by training. In general they had a medical training as well. Eugen Fischer for example had training as an anatomist who was interested in anatomy and race. Muller-Hill goes on to elaborate that the Germans were 42 always interested in the large picture, population genetics and not the individual... . They were looking for larger patterns in a population. ( 3 1 ) Here, we have one of those moments in history where a variety of ideas come together and form the basis of an ideological movement both within and outside of Germany which to some serves as a method of dragging out the traditional scapegoats, and supposedly establishing one group as being superior over others and at the same time creating a scientific rationale behind the political rhetoric. Eugenic perspectives with Nazi However, the blending of German Anti-Semitism was bolstered by the popularized concept that the 'Jews' consisted of a racial group with an inherited set of biological and social traits and that because of the supposed scientific linkage of their genetic heritage to behavior...it would be impossible to change Jews through religious conversion. This posed some challenges, because significant numbers of the Jewish population in Germany and Austria as defined by the Laws of the Reich, were physically identical to the non Jewish population. Thus, as the Nazis created their model of Aryan Supremacy...a significant number of Jews met the physical criteria with blond hair and blue eyes and the appropriate physical measurements. However, many of these newly employed or soon to be employed scientists were quick to see the advantages to forming alliances with a political party...the Nazis... in that it led to employment and funds for 43 research and status. Their credo might have been....if Anti-Semitism is required...then so be it...it was not an unknown aspect within Germany and Austria and had even appeared in textbooks dealing with heredity before the Nazis had seized power. ....Hitler discovered this link between Anti-Semitism, general racism and science in 1924 while serving his one year jail sentence for the failed Putsch in 1923. Julius Lehmann, the publisher of this text an early and ardent supporter of Hitler, sent him a copy of the second edition of the textbook while in jail. Lentz later reviewed Mein Kampf and claimed Hitler had incorporated parts of the t e x t b o o k i n h i s b o o k . (3 2 ) ...paraphrasing and excerpting from Muller's essay: ...the Human Geneticists were able to influence the law of the land, allowing them to legally sterilize the feeble minded, schizophrenics, manic depressives, genetically deaf or blind, carriers of Huntington's disease, epileptics and chronic alcoholics. This led to the legal sterilization of 400,000 persons from 1934-39... Muller then makes a distinction regarding illegal sterilizations in that he includes 20,000 German children of color born to German woman and soldiers of color of the French Army who had (33) been stationed in Germany...after World War I. Muller draws attention to the legal and the illegal in that no law existed which gave the right at that time to legally sterilize on the basis of race...and that these 20,000 children of color were the victims of an illegal act... . The Nazi courts did not choose to intercede in this illegal action against these 20,000 children of color because of a tacit agreement by the 44 government and the Nazi party. While pointing out this action, Muller goes on to elaborate the massive plans of these same Human Geneticists who tried for a law that would have sterilized up to 1,000,000 individuals in Germany, who were deemed to be genetically Anti Social. Anti social tendencies were petty theft,serious programs. crime or opposition to the Nazis and any of their (34) Attention was paid to the supervision, monitoring and eventually to the control of individual and societal biological activities....it became the obligation of the State to regulate; as a consequence a new set of courts had to be created. In addition, a variety of activities were criminalized while others involving the State were mandatory and legalized. Contacts across certain racial categories were ended or limited by strict laws. Pressure was place on so-called normal Germans to forego family planning and to produce children. The elimination of the disabled from the population was encouraged through sterilization laws and programs to Eventually, the disabled were killed by the State. conduct the procedure. Everything, and anything that had a link to Human Genetics and Racial Hygiene was to be determined by the State, according to the new laws. The State entered the private lives of all of its citizens, in that it argued that the actions of the State were necessary to preserve society. Nazi Sterilization: In order to supervise the sterilization of large numbers of individuals specialized legal institutions were created. 45 Proctor notes that 181 genetic health courts and appellate Genetic Health Courts were set up in 1934 throughout Germany, and that they were usually attached to a civil court. They were presided over by two doctors and a lawyer, one of whom had to be an expert on 'genetic pathology' ...At the same time that abortions, sterilizations were instituted for individuals of inferior genetic stock, sterilization and abortion for healthy German women were declared illegal and punishable (in some cases by death) as a crime against the German body. ...The Nuremberg Laws which Hitler ratified in the Fall of 1935, excluded Jews, from citizenship and prevented marriage or sexual relations between Jews and non Jews. A further measure the marital health laws required couples to submit to medical examinations before marriage to detect and avoid the possibility of racial pollution. ( 3 5 ) Racial Hygiene: In Germany, Wilhelm Shallmayer and Alfred Ploetz have been identified as two of the key founders of the R a c i a l H y g i e n e movement. They stressed the need for the State or government to take an active role in promoting evolutionary development, in that they believed that the human population was being weakened and would eventually degenerate and no longer contain fit members. Racial Hygiene Dr. Ernst Rudin and Ploetz created the S o c i e t y f o r its expressed goal was to strengthen the human race. Pre-Nazi Germany recognized racial hygiene as a valid aspect of German medicine by the 1920's. ( 3 6 ) Nazi folk biology: During the same time period, extremist groups in Germany were 46 captivated by the message of the Aryan or Nordic movement. Its platform raised Nordics to the highest level regarding the evolution of the Human Race, and all others were classified on the basis of supposed scientific distance or closeness to the physical standard that resulted. The Nazis gained control over the primary journal which focused upon race the ( A r c h i v fur Rassen-und Gesellschaftsbiologie). Overnight, Nazi ideologues began to use 'racial hygiene' materials in their appeals to the population and just as importantly with each other. The latter tended to reinforce the importance assigned to racial matters for the Nazi party and its followers. An extremist response to correct the health of the country through Nazi ordered Social and Biomedical policies, resulted in genocide. A brief listing of some of the types of papers published in the Archiv fur Rassen und Gesellschafts Biologie illustrates the perspective of the publication. Dr. Alfred Plotz was the founder and editor of the periodical, and the articles listed below were from an edition which was published in his honor in 1930. Dr. Eugen Fischer reviews the activities of the German Society for Race Hygiene during quarter of a century. Professor Walter Scheidt, discusses the psychological and biological tasks of Anthropology in Relation to Civilization. P r o f e s s o r M o l l i n s o n , Director of the Anthropological Institute of Munich, writes on Orthogenesis, and its importance for the Human race . Professor Ernst Rudin, of Munich, discusses the practical results of psychiatric research on questions of heredity. D r. O. von Verschuer examines the burden of hereditary 47 incapacity resting on the German People. Dr. Paul Popenoe, Director of the Institute of Family Relations, Los Angeles, writes a short article on The Fecundity of the Feeble Minded. Professor Johannes Lange of Breslau, contributes Researches in a slum area,...this is an illuminating study of a group of 'anti-social and ' a-social psychopaths'...of unheard of fertility... Dr. Kara Lenz von Borries, of Herrsching writing of the importance of biology for Political Economy...If the race is to be saved from decay, immediate steps must be taken to promote Eugenic measures and inhibit dysgenic tendencies (37) in the life of the nation. The Kaiser Welhelm Institute: The Kaiser Welhelm Institute for Anthropology, Genetics, and Eugenics was established in 1927; it became the focal point for this new science. Courses on Racial Hygiene were taught in the medical schools of the major universities. A new medical speciality appeared, it was identified as G e n e t i c and R a c i a l Care and by 1934 the Kaiser Welhelm Institute had trained 1100 physicians in this field.(( 3 8 ) One of the interesting aspects regarding the history of the Kaiser Welhelm Institute in Munich, was its owing of a debt of gratitude to the Rockefeller Foundation. It was responsible for part of the funds which built the Institute. The Director, Dr. E. Rudin relocated from Basle, Switzerland to oversee the Kaiser Welhelm Institute of Munich. ( 3 9 ) This institute occupied an extremely important position within Nazi science and the medical community. the Nazi party. It was an arm of the government and It was given the responsibility of taking care of the Racial 48 and Genetic Health of the Nation. One can say, it enjoyed a most favored status; it was able to use this status and power to obtain human subjects to conduct experiments in the concentration camps using live human subjects and to have these human subjects killed for post mortem pathological studies which were then used to determine how the subject had been influenced by a particular experimental procedure. (Examples of their research: Operations without anesthesia; exposure to bacteria and disease; subjects being placed in pressure chambers; subjects who were frozen and thawed; used for ballistic tests; recipients of chemical weapons testing; cold water immersion till dead; used for organ and limb transplant testing; used for the development of sterilization data without anesthesia; drug testing; routinely killed for body parts for anatomical illustrations and anthropological and medical collections... these were conducted by the Kaiser Welhelm Institute's faculty and/or research staff). Robert Proctor points out the unique status of this institution. The Kaiser Welhelm Institute for Anthropology in Berlin, which trained Josef Mengele and others focused upon racial hygiene as its primary goal. It performed research in the field of criminal biology, genetic pathology, and human genetics. ...helped to train S.S. physicians and helped to construct the genetic registries later use to round up Jews and gypsies. Twin studies, aimed at sorting out the relative influence of nature vs. nurture, were among the leading preoccupations of these and other racial hygiene institutes. (40) F.K. Gunther/racial purity: 49 Another one of the leading ideologues for the racial purity movement, which was ultimately based upon a form of Eugenics was F. K. Gunther. A prolific writer, Gunther's work revolved around the central theme of the superiority of the Aryan, or Nordic, race. Like other race-scientists, Gunther believed that an understanding of race provided the key to understanding history, anthropology, psychology and all other academic disciplines which have man as their subject matter.In Gunther's, Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes (Race-science of the German people), published in 1922. Gunther outlined his theories about the worth of Nordic racial purity and the perils of Jewish contamination: ... Gunther rose high in academic circles... elected a full professor at the University of Jena in 1930, and later moved to the University of Berlin... deputy editor of an academic journal, Z e i t s c h r i f t f u r R a s s e n k u n d e , published in Stuttgart between 1935, two years after Hitler came to power, and 1944. He also contributed articles to Nazi maga zines, for example N eu es V o l k , published by the Nazi Party's Racial Politics Department. His work was admired by leading Nazi politicians such as Alfred Rosenberg, head of Hitler's Foreign Political Office and later Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Regions. In February 1941 Rosenberg honored Gunther with the Goethe Medal, telling him: Your work has been of the utmost importance for the safeguarding and development of the National Socialist Weltanschauung. ( 4 1 ) At its most elementary level 'Nazi Racial Anthropology, and Nazi Biological Anthropology' variety of identified methods to prevent transmitted within the population. negative biological traits and utilized a these traits from continuing to be The Nazis took many of their ideas from the larger European and American Eugenics movements and identified a set of favorable and unfavorable racial-cultural-religious traits and linked them 50 to specific groups. Whites from so-called Northern European 'stock' who were non-Slavic, non-Asian (the Japanese as allies of the Nazis were not defined as a negative racial group, nor were Indian troops), non-Jewish, nonGypsy, non-African and those groups defined as not-mixed with any 'tainted race' were placed at the top of a Racial and Cultural ladder. Hitler had the power to grant exemptions from the Nazi Racial Laws through exemptions termed B e f r e i u n g e n . He did so in a very small number of cases. The Nuremberg Racial laws of Sept. 15,1935 included the Ordinance which classified Jews, into different categories. Full Jews: Volljuden; V a l i d a t e d J e w s : Geltungsjuden; and Mixed Jews: Mischlinge, who were subdivided into two additional categories. Exemptions ...elevated those chosen into a more favorable position or even equal standing with 'pure blooded 'German Nationals. ...there were a greater number of prominent personages in politics, economics, art and the sciences whose Mischling status rendered them less disadvantaged than those in other categories. ...Quite obviously, the inconsistency and contradiction of granting exemptions was in glaring conflict with the absolutist racial Nazi doctrines. ...From the inception of the Ordinance of the Nuremberg Laws of Sept. 15,1935 to April 1941, almost 10,000 persons had applied for an exemption. However, the actual number of exemptions granted by Hitler remained small, approximately 1300. (42) Nazi ladders of evolution placed at the bottom of their scale, anyone from one of the stigmatized groups or who was defined as part of an inferior race, religion, or culture, or disability group. They enacted racial and disability laws to isolate, segregate, expel and to strip 51 legal rights from those defined as inferior. The next step was to physically eliminate those who were defined as less than human or unworthy of life. Racial Vetting: Racial vetting or the employment of a background investigation of everyone's racial and health ancestry became the law of the land including the territories occupied by Germany and its allies in World War II. Racial categories were created which dictated whether one lived or died, could work, obtain an education, or hold special government jobs,e.g., membership in the S.S., marry, have sexual relations with someone, or even live within an area. They went so far as to remove the legal use of family names from groups that had been using their individual family names after generations of residing within a cultural area and forced the use of names associated with the Nazi view of the proper racial types. Ironically, they had to resort to mandatory stigmata for Jews,i.e., the wearing of yellow Stars of David... because most of the Jewish population were not always physically distinct enough from the rest of German society or the local populations of allied Nazi puppet states, and occupied territories in regards to racial features. In addition, this step bestowed an immediately visible negative stigmata upon the Jews. The population that was not labeled as inferior,i.e., the German masses and their allies, and all those not defined as being Jewish became culturally conditioned to the idea of struggle in nature plus they could take some degree of comfort in the official dogma that they were defined as superior to the groups who were being removed. 52 A massive indoctrination program was used in the movies, press, theaters and rallies to create a popular culture which allowed and encouraged both atrocities and genocide to take place. A 'Lock and Key' Relationship between the ideology of the party/state and popular culture helped to develop a frame of reference which increased the potential for people to obey authority or to ignore or overlook the genocide which was taking place. (43) Programs for Killing the Disabled: The first groups to be killed in government run or sponsored Killing Institutions were drawn from the whole of German Society,i.e., those who were adjudged as being biologically unfit... the disabled, diseased... the senile, and those who had mental conditions or physical conditions which were not responsive to any treatment. Special killing hospitals or facilities were set up to handle this task.(( 4 4 ) In Germany, the first groups to be killed, after the October decree enlarging the power of German physicians were the disabled. It began with children, of whom some five thousand were killed in the first phase by Starvation, Exposure in unheated wards, or the administration of cyanide, chemical warfare agents, or other poisons. ( 4 5 ) The Euthanasia program also known as the T-4 program was supported by the highest levels of the German government. As an example, Hitler's own personal physician Dr. Karl Brandt, 53 headed the Medical unit of the governmental department established to push the program. One estimate is that 200,000 were put to death under this program. T h e t e c h n i c a l arrangements as to the method of killing was c a r r i e d the d i r e c t i o n of a c o m m i t t e e that that included out under a number of physicians. ( 4 6 ) The killings increased in scope, and eventually all the psychiatric facilities were emptied of their patients as the war created a greater strain relative to the shortage of bed space in hospitals. The psychiatric, (including neurologically impaired/injured) and the developmentally disabled patients patients were killed. ( 4 7 ) At least six killing centers were established, including... Hadamar, and Brandenburg. Each killing center contained a crematorium. The relatives of the victims were usually sent a post card or a letter informing them that their loved ones had died of natural causes. They were never informed as to the method of death. The death certificates were signed by doctors and the cause of death were listed as being of the natural type,e.g., heart attack, or stopped breathing. ( 4 8 ) More than one author has suggested that the killing of the disabled was a practice run for developing techniques which would then be employed in some of the concentration camps. It is logical to extend the idea that some within the government used information gleaned by first hand observations of the ways in which the disabled were killed, to serve as a basis for perfecting more efficient strategies and devices for killing larger 54 numbers of people at a later time. Concentration Camp genocide: Afterwards, came mass genocide sometimes employing modern technology and the principles of management for complex organizations to kill off those who were 'Defined' as inferior. What resulted was the Concentration Camp system. Within the concentration camps, assembly line or factory produced genocide was supplemented with low technology such as mass killings or individual killings by trained squads of willing executioners using firearms. None of the concentration camps relied exclusively upon gassing. Firearms, and the gallows were also common methods of killing inmates. Breeding In Programs: addition, breeding establishments (Lebensborn program) were organized and established to breed 'Pure Aryan Stock' through a process of matching married and unmarried S.S. men with racially pure unmarried women for the express purpose of creating a 'pure-race' to replace the populations of so called 'inferior racial stock' that were being eliminated in Germany and Nazi held countries.. ( 4 9 ) The children from the Lebensborn unions were taken from the breeding mothers by the State and were given to German couples who volunteered to raise these children for the State. This was a system was built upon Nazi breeding principles and the cultural application of the Nazi view of natural selection. Not unlike what breeders do with domesticated animals or plants. 55 ... H i m m l e r s t a r t e d t h e L e b e n s b o r n p r o g r a m , t o populate the Reich with pure-blooded Aryan men and women - while the government through the pograms and camps were disposing of those who were defined as subhuman by the regime. Young women who displayed regular Aryan features, and could prove their descent over generations, were encouraged to bear children of members of the S.S. it did not matter whether they were married or not. The births took place in secret Lebensborn homes. ... When the Germans invaded Poland, Himmler's S.S. discovered many blonde blue-eyed Polish children - the image of the ideal Aryan. Himmler had an estimated 200,000 of them stolen as they walked home from school or played in village squares. They were transported to camps and tested to gauge their racial quality. If they passed they were first 'Germanized' and then placed with good Nazi families; those who did not measure up were used as forced labor or sent to camps that specialized in killing children. ( 5 0 ) Dr. Ernst Rudin: Nazi racial theory was based upon a strict lineal constructionist view of Social Darwinism and Nazi versions of Natural Selection along with ample sprinklings of cultural establishment. scientist/physician Dr. mythology Ernst backed Rudin's up by the perspective was somewhat typical as Nazi a scientific leading Nazi of the period; it has been preserved by the research of Dr. Jay Lifton in his work entitled the Nazi Doctors. Rudin was an advocate of Racial Hygiene, who praised Hitler and the Nuremberg Laws for preserving the true German population. He was a supporter and advocate for the S.S., it stood as an institution which was composed of a special group of medically 56 healthy people of the German Nordic type.(( 5 1 ) In 1930, at a conference of International Eugenists held in England, Dr. Rudin delivered a paper which was an indicator of what lay in the years ahead. Dr. Rudin was head of the Hereditary Section of the Kaiser Welhelm Psychiatric Institute in Munich. Rudin defined heredity as the r e a p p e a r a n c e of the same c h a r a c t e r in several generations. ( 5 2 ) He went on to state... Humanity must not go so far as to permit a human being to transmit his diseased heredity dispositions to his offspring. Knowing and acting in accordance with Eugenics is just as important and useful for us all as the many other things we teach and learn in our educational institutions... (53) Rudin suggested that Eugenics should be taught in educational institutions and that society must not allow those with diseases that are diagnosed to have a basis in heredity the opportunity to reproduce. These were prophetic words...on Rudin's part. In that in later years, he was to become associated with the killing of the disabled and compulsory sterilization. S.S. : One of the groups that was singled out for special assistance and support by the Nazi State were the S.S.. The stated goal was to create a nucleus of a population that would exhibit the biological traits which were the most highly valued. The S.S. recruited and retained based upon this standard. While Himmler is generally credited with the formation of the S.S., 57 it is also true that Hitler was interested in the idea as well. The architect of some of the original ideas of racial selection and breeding was: Hitler; he ...held out to the World War I generation of soldiers the prospect of the formation of a racial aristocracy, an ideological elite. In the late 1930s, he ordered the RuSHA (Rasse und Siedlungshauptamt = Race and Settlement Main Office) to compose new and more stringent criteria for S.S. candidates. S.S. H a u p t s t u r m f u e h r e r (Captain) Professor Bruno K. Schultz, a Physical A n t h r o p o l o g i s t , transmitted a set of criteria to the RuSHA Racial Commission, before which all prospective S.S. members had to appear for their final examinations... Schultz... aimed his set of values to favor the Nordic type. He listed five racial groupings: pure Nordic, predominantly Nordic or Falic [Falic = Brunn], harmonious bastard [cross-breed] with slight Alpine, Dinaric or Mediterranean characteristics, bastards of predominantly East Baltic or Alpine origin,and bastards of extraEuropean origin. Only those in the first three categories were eligible to join the S.S.. Schultz also composed a list of nine categories of physical proportion as a guide for the physical examination of S.S. candidates. ( 5 4 ) Physical Anthropology and S.S. standards: Physical Anthropologists from Germany were involved in the formation of the S.S. and Professor Shultz served as the Anthropological authority regarding the traits which were developed to vett potential candidates. All candidates for the S.S. had to be racially examined and screened, and pass a background check which included a social as well as a medical aspect. Candidates for the S.S. had to have their pictures taken to demonstrate that their bodies were of the proper proportion, this took place after they 58 were measured. In addition, S.S. members could only marry a racially approved partner who had to undergo the same type of social and physical vetting. It has been said that Himmler himself studied the pictures with a magnifying glass in order to make the final selection regarding suitability for membership. In another sense, all of German society and the occupied territories in Europe were subjected to the Racial Hygiene Laws and Eugenic Programs. The goal was to accentuate the traits which were culturally and biologically valued and to eliminate those traits that were defined as 'Unhealthy' to the Organic Body of the State. The Nazis gave the highest priority to this killing for so called racial and ideological reasons and in effect hindered and undercut their own military logistics in the last years of the war because of the resources expended in this direction. ( 5 5 ) The killings of racial groups, and the disabled were backed up by the State, Scientists and the Medical profession. Many, of the executioners believed that they were promoting not only the health of the nation but the very preservation of the human species as a higher life form. To not understand the relationship between this form of Nazi science and Nazi ideology would be to miss the major impact that 19th and early 20th century Social Darwinism and Natural Selection had upon the molding of the ideological perspective of the Nazis and how it justified the killing of millions in their minds. ( 5 6 ) The purpose of war from their vantage point was to enlarge the sphere of cultural and racial influence for what was termed the Germanic-Race and 59 Culture. They embraced the idea that they were biologically superior, and that foreign and diseased influences had corrupted it, therefore treatment...was harsh employed to rid the body of the State of those influences which were defined as negative. The result was to be a 'Healthy Biological' population, which when freed from its 'corrupting' influences would control the world. Josef Mengele, Doctor of Anthropology/M.D. Dr. John Weiss in his work on the ideology of death has written the following about one of the leading figures of Nazi Medicine and Nazi Anthropology: Dr. Josef Mengele has too often been singled out as an aberrant, singular monster. The true horror is that Dr. Mengele, like others who committed similar horrors, was simply a scientist and researcher, an assistant professor at the famed Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Genetics. When he selected victims for death or fatal experiments at Auschwitz, he worked with other academics as a faculty member of the Institute, where faculty not only trained the S.S. (Schutzstaffel) but participated in all phases of the destruction of Jews, gypsies, and homosexuals. Mengele's sponsor and the head of the Institute, Prof. Otmar von Verschuer, also helped select candidates for death, and, along with professors from various universities, competed for research grants to study death camp victims. Mengele's Auschwitz research was also sponsored by the Berlin-based Institute for the Advancement of Science, which funneled Nazi funds into academic research. Moreover, various universities requested and received the body parts of murdered victims for research. Academics thanked Mengele when their learned papers were composed with the help of his 60 research data. It was all quite normal. Prof. Hallervorden, head of a respected institute, collected the brains of children killed in death camps. The head of the University of Strasbourg, Prof. Auguste Hirt, wrote Heinrich Himmler, commander of the S.S., about the need to preserve the skulls of 'subhuman Jewish Bolsheviks' for research. In Auschwitz, Mengele was once asked, When will all this killing cease? His answer: Never. My friend! It will go on and on and on. As a specialist in racial purification, Dr. Mengele, the holder of degrees in anthropology and medicine, knew that after the Jews, gypsies and homosexuals were gone, millions of Slavs would remain, and a constant stream of German babies would have to be selected out for mental and physical disabilities. ( 5 7 ) Barondess notes that the research on twins which Mengele is most closely associated with, was done in association with Otmar von Verschuer, an internationally renowned recognized genetic researcher who was... affiliated with the Kaiser Welhelm Institute for Anthropology and who became director of the Institute for H e r e d o b i o l o g i c R e s e a r c h in Frankfurt the largest institute of its kind in Germany, von Verschuer enjoyed international esteem before the war. In June 1939, he was invited to read a paper at the Royal Society in London on the subject of Twins research. His first assistant in Germany was Josef Mengele. The latter had studied under Dr. Rudin in Munich...in Anthropology and Medicine. (58) Josef Mengele studied with Dr. Ernst Rudin, an advocate for the concept that doctors should terminate Life which was deemed to have 'No value'. The English translation from German of this was called: ' L i f e U n w o r t h y o f L i f e ' . Rudin is acknowledged in a number of sources as having 61 been active in the world wide Eugenics movement. Mengele earned his first doctorate in Anthropology, while working for a doctorate in Medicine. doctoral study for His Anthropology was entitled: Racial and Morphological Research on the Lower Jaw Section of Four Racial Groups. He received the doctoral degree in Anthropology in 1 9 3 5 , and in 1936 p a s s e d his medical examinations for the doctorate in Medicine. ( 5 9 ) Gerald Posner and John Ware, identify some of the areas which Mengele was involved in, such as, his work for Verschuer. There is additional verification of the closeness of Verschuer to Mengele through the publication of the following document. It was a letter authored by Verschuer, reporting on the progress of the grant which he had helped to secure which used Mengele as one of the primary researchers. My co-researcher in this research is my assistant the anthropologist and physician Mengele. He is serving as Hauptsturmfuhrer and camp doctor in the concentration camp of Auschwitz. With the permission of the Reichsfuhrer S.S. Himmler, anthropological research is being undertaken on the various racial groups in the concentration camp and blood samples will be sent to my l a b o r a t o r y f o r i n v e s t i g a t i o n . (60) An example of one of the types of research which Mengele engaged in, was described in the next passage from the same authors. It noted that Mengele emphasized the study of phenotypic physical characteristics. ...Mengele had already made a bizarre start in his attempt to perfect the ideal German specimen by seeing if he could change the pigmentation of eyes by injecting different 62 colored dyes. Thirty six children from one barrack in Birkenau were used for the eye tests, which resulted in painful infections and sometimes blindness. After, the tests the children served no further use, and so they were gassed. The results of this research, which began in the summer of 1943 and was supplemented with funds from the German Research Council in Sept. of that year, were witnessed by a Jewish inmate Doctor, Vexler Jancu. ( 6 1 ) The following, portrays the detached manner in which human body parts were displayed and initially labeled and sorted, before being sent on and preserved for some future use as artifactual evidence of an extinct population which had been subjected to experimental procedures such as those described. In June 1943, I went to the Gypsy camp in Birkenau. I saw a wooden table. On it were samples of eyes. They each had a number and a letter. The eyes were very pale yellow to bright blue, green, and violet. (62) In Mengele's case there were witnesses who survived the camps: Another witness , Vera Kriegel, said she saw a wall covered with eyes in one of Mengele's laboratories. They were pinned up like butterflies, she said, I thought that I (63) was dead and already living in hell. Here again, is another example of the type of living hell that inmate doctors found themselves in: Coming across a report on eye pigmentation being drafted by one institute researcher toward the end of the war, the co-editor of a medical publication noted that one set of guinea pigs---grandparents, parents, and children----had died at the same time. One could assume that they had been 63 killed in the concentration camp. ( 6 4 ) This is an example of the type of so-called research which Mengele was engaged in; suggesting that he was sometimes spurred on by situations as they arose rather than any carefully planned scientific probe. It was common for Mengele to have subjects put to death and to participate in the process. He was fond of injecting solutions into the heart. ...After spotting a hunchbacked father standing next to his fifteen year old son, who had a deformed right foot, he was impatient to learn if there were further common abnormalities. He selected them from the ramp and gave them a last meal, which they ate ravenously, unaware they were soon to die. ...Half an hour later Mengele had them shot and ordered their skeletons to be prepared by boiling their bodies in water so the flesh could be easily stripped from the bones. The skeletons were then immersed in bath of petrol to make them dry, odorless, and white... The skeletons were wrapped in strong paper and again forwarded to ....the Kaiser Welhelm Institute in Berlin. ( 6 5 ) The Nazi scientific establishment believed that they were creating a fitter society and that Struggle and Selection were integral elements. Their views of race, sterilization, elimination of the disabled, laws pertaining to restrictions on marriage, immigration restrictions, and a belief in Northern European Supremacy were aspects shared with social movements in others areas of Europe, North America and the world which in some instances preceded even the arrival of the Nazis on the scene in Germany. Some of what the Nazis propounded and placed into action had been discussed or 64 acted upon in one form or another in countries that were influenced by Western Eugenics, including the United States. 65 N o t e s : * ( The u s e o f : i t a l i c s within the body of the paper or in the N o t e s . . . d e s i g n a t e s ei t h er a quote or a heavily p a r a p h r a s e d set of materials). 23.New York Herald Tribune, May 4,1933; Nazis Open Race Bureau for Eugenic Segregation. (Photocopy of a news clipping obtained from the Harry Laughlin Collection at Truman State University). Someone, has written in cursive writing: " H i t l e r s h o u l d b e m a d e a n h o n o r a r y m e m b e r o f t h e E u g e n i c s R e c o r d s O f f i c e ! ! " ) It looks like Laughlin's handwriting. 24.New York Herald Tribune,Sept. 6,1933; Nazi Manifesto Starts Eugenics Propaganda. (Photocopy of a news clipping obtained from the Harry Laughlin Collection at Truman State University). 25.Lundborg,Herman;The Danger of Degeneracy,I.; Review,vol.XIII,No.1 April-January 1922,p.532. The Eugenics 26. Ibid.; p.532. 27. Ibid.; p. 535. 28.Lundborg,Herman;The Danger of Degeneracy, Review,vol.XIV,No.1 April-January 1923,pp. 41-42 II.; The Eugenics 29.Ibid.; pp.42-43 30. A typed translation of a Speech entitled: 'German Population and Race Politics' by Dr. Frick, the Nazi Reichminister for the Interior, 'before the first meeting of the Expert Council for the Population, and Race Politics' held in Berlin, June 26,1933; the translation was done for 'the Eugenical News'. (Photocopy of the translation obtained from the Harry Laughlin collection at Truman State University). Handwritten cursive note at the top, " P u b . M a r (pp.1-3,5-6,10 of the translation) Apr 1934". 31.Muller-Hill, Benno; Essay Human Genetics in Nazi Germany, published in John Michalczyk's Medicine Ethics and the Third Reich, published by Sheed & Ward, 1994, pp.27-28. Michalczyk's anthology contains interesting materials from a variety of authors, it emphasizes the moral and ethical implications 66 of the materials within. 32. Original Source: Lenz, F.; Die Stellung des Nationalsocializaismus zur Rassenhygiene. Archiv fur Rassenun Gesellschaftbiologie 25; 1931) pp.300308. (Cited in Muller-Hill, Benno; Human Genetics in Nazi Germany, published in Michalczyk's, Medicine, Ethics and the Third Reich, Sheed & Ward, 1994, pp.29. 33. Muller-Hill;1994, pp. 30-31. 34.Ibid. 35. Proctor, Robert N.; Racial Hygiene: The Collaboration of Medicine and Nazism', in Michalczyk;1994, p37. 36.Original Source: Proctor, R.N.; Racial Hygiene: Medicine Under the Nazis, Cambridge Mass: Harvard University Press; 1988, p.17. Cited in Jeremiah A. Barondess, M.D.; Medicine Against Society, lessons from the Third Reich', JAMA, November 27,1996-Vol. 276, No. 20),p. 1658. 37.Lorimer,E.O.; 'Periodical Review' (A review of the Archiv fur Rassen und Gesellschafts Biologie, August 1930, Vol.24 special edition. (Printed in honor of the founder and editor, Dr. A. Plotz). The Eugenics Review,vol.XXII,No.4 January 1931, pp. 314-317. 38. Barondess;1996, p.1658. 39.Report of the Annual Meeting, International Eugenics Federation; The Eugenics Review,vol.XX,No.3 October 1928, p.187. 40.Michalczyk; 1994, (Proctor's essay on Racial Hygiene) , p .36. 41.Billig, Michael; Searchlight Magazine, A dead idea that will not lie down-A brief History of Race Science, A special issue on Genetics and Eugenics, July 1998. No. 277. (London) (downloaded a copy of the article from a link on Dr. Barry Mehler's home page at Ferris State). 67 42. Nuremberg Laws (1935) Nazi Laws that specified racial and religious restrictions within Nazi Germany. They were added and enlarged as the power of the Nazi State grew. Taken from Dr. John M. Steiner and Freiherr Jobst von Cornbrg's abstract of an article published in Germany in a journal of contemporary history. The authors a s c e r t a i n e d , t h a t ( w i t h t h e r e c o r d s a v a i l a b l e ) , o n l y t w o e x e m p t i o n s for full J e w s , i . e . , p e r s o n s with three or four Jewish g r a n d p a r e n t s were made. Only p e r s o n s c l a s s i f i e d as V a l i d a t e d Jews and Jewish M i s c h l i n g , e s p e c i a l l y when they were m a r r i e d to t h o s e d e f i n e d a s A r y a n m e n o r w o m e n , c o u l d b e e x e m p t e d . Most were not granted exemptions. Dr. Steiner is a Professor Emeritus of Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, California and a concentration camp survivor. Baron von Cornbrg was a member of the Hitler youth during the war. The two are close friends and have worked on several projects over the years. The resulting article was the culmination of rigorous on site research in official archives in Germany. S t e i n e r , D r . J o h n M . , u n d C o r n b r g , F r e i h e r r v o n J o b s t ; Willdur Inderwillkur, Hitler und de Befreiunge von der Antisemtischen Nurnberger Gesetzen (Vierteljahrshefte fur Zeitgeschte; edit. Dietrich-Brachter, Karl; Schwarz, Hans-Peter; Moller, Horst; Munich, R. Oldenbourg, Verlag V.461998) pp. 143-187. 43. Lifton, Robert Jay; The Nazi Doctors, Basic Books, New York, 1986. Contains references to the social climate which was created in Germany which allowed groups to be stigmatized and then killed... popular media, and professional groups including university professors were used to create an in-group versus an outgroup mentality. The social climate is covered in Lifton's excellent work... for it details the support of the traditional institutions... . Dr. John Steiner, a Holocaust Author of International Note has identified the cultural stages for defining members of a society as members of an out group and the potentially lethal consequences of such actions when carried to the extreme. When the social key fits the lock, the behavior is expressed. 43. Lifton ;1986, pp. 22-144. Contains detailed information on the scientific and medical establishment and their combined roles in the Nazi Eugenics movement which included the killing of those who had disabilities both adults and newborns, and compulsory sterilization programs in Germany which were modeled in part on the 68 sterilization laws in the United States. See also: Video Documentary: Titled: The Killing Films of the Third Reich, which was shown on commercial television, a copy has been retained for scholarly purposes. 44. Ibid. 45. Original Source: Proctor,1988, p.17. Cited in Barondess,1996, p.1659. 46. Original Source: Aly, G.; Medicine Against The Useless. In: Aly G, Chroust P, Pross C. Eds; Cleansing The Fatherland, Baltimore, Md., The Johns Hopkins University Press; 1994:p.38). Cited in Barondess, 1996, p.1659. 47.Proctor, R.N.; Nazi doctors, racial medicine and human experimentation. Original cite in Annas, GJ, Grodin MA, eds.; The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code. New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press; 1992)pp.17-31; Cited in Barondess 1996, p. 1659. 48.Video Documentary: Titled: The Killing Films of the Third Reich, which was shown on commercial television, a copy has been retained for scholarly purposes. 49. a. Lifton, 1986; (p.43) contains a very concise paragraph on the topic of the Lebensborn program, it also notes the practice of kidnapping "Aryan Children" to improve the Reich... b. Graber, G.S.; The History of the S.S., David McKay Company, New York, 1978. (p.81)& (p.105) Contains information as to the funding of the program and notes that unmarried S.S. as well as unmarried vetted German women were encouraged to have children...interesting background materials. b. Video Documentary: Titled 'of Pure Blood' which was shown on commercial television, a copy has been retained for scholarly purposes. (Lebensborn movement is one of the topics). c. 'SS' Time Life Series, illustration of children from Poland being taken by the Nazi's to special camps for racial selection for use in Lebensborn. 69 50. Paraphrased excerpts and quotes selected from a publishers abstract of Catrine Clay and Michael Leapman's book, The Lebensborn Experiment in Nazi Germany). Obtained from a copy of the abstract. 51.Lifton; 1986, pp. 27-28. This item was included to illustrate the concurrence of members of the scientific and medical communities of the time with the ideology of the Nazis and their policies. 52. A photocopy of the page proof of Professor E. Rudin's speech delivered at the Conference of the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations' at Farnham, Dorset,England,1930. The document is in the Harry Laughlin Collection at Truman State University). 53.Ibid. 54. Hoehne;1971, p.166. 55. The Holocaust; Keter Publishing House Ltd., Jerusalem, Israel, 1972, p. 91. (no author cited) The desire to exploit prisoners as a source of crucial labor was in direct opposition to the extermination program of another sector of the German war effort... the latter became more important. Kassebaum, Peter (author's note), Many works on the Holocaust note that the Germans and their Allies diverted trains and troops away from front line combat and hindered the resupply and movement of troops to concentrate on killing Jews and others in the territories under their control. These actions continued until the war came to an end...up through the time that defeat was inevitable. The Nazi movement was built in part on the idea that killing off populations that were defined as inferior was the purpose of the war... 56. Holocaust; 1972, p. 22. The theme of killing off populations that were defined as inferior and applying Darwinian principles was alive in Germany long before the Nazi's came to power. An example of one such work is seen in the writings of Paul De Lagarde in his Program for the Conservative Party of Prussia in 1884 quoted in the above source.(Kassebaum's translation of the title). 70 We have to break with the idea of humanity... characterization of humanity as sheer silliness, and the extension and active application to human society of the Darwinian Principle of Natural Selection in Justification of the killing off of human beings deemed as inferior... 57. Lehman College Professor of History John Weiss has published Ideology of Death: Why the Holocaust Happened in Germany,(Ivan R. Dee). The materials in the cite were paraphrased and quoted by Dr. Kassebaum and were drawn from an essay released on the world wide web. 58.Barondess;1996, p.1660. 59. Posner,Gerald and Ware,John; Mengele the Complete Story, publishing company, New York, 1986,pp.10,11. Dell 60.Original citation in Muller-Hill,Benno; Todliche Wissenschaft: Die Aussonderung von Junden, Zigunern und Geisteskranken 1933-1945. Hamburg; Rowohlt, 1984., p.23), published in Posner, and Ware;1986.p.35. 61.Original citation from a personal statement given to Judge Horst von Glasenapp, Frankfurt Prosecutor's Office file on Josef Mengele, March 13, 1973 by Mr. Jancu Wexler. (Cited in Posner and Ware; 1986)p.36. 62.Ibid.; p.37 63. Ibid.; (interview with Vera Kriegel). Wissenschaft: Die 64.Original citation: Muller-Hill;1984.Todliche Aussonderung von Junden, Zigunern und Geisteskranken 1933-1945, p. 164. Cited in Posner, and Ware; 1986 p.37. 65.Original citation: Miklos Nyiszli; Auschwitz,: A Doctor's eyewitness Account, translated by Tibere Kremer and Richard Seaver. London: Granada Books, 1973, p. 54. Cited in Posner, and Ware;1986 p.44. 71 72 Legacy of American Eugenics: Another area which is closely related is the topic of Western Eugenics as practiced in: England, France, Germany, and the United States. Eugenics called itself a science, it has been largely ignored by scholars because of its close association with Nazi ideology. However, Anthropology in North America and Western Europe and other disciplines, such as, Medicine, Psychology and Sociology were influenced by Eugenics and its practioners. In the world of Eugenics... Biological and Social Darwinian concepts and perspectives were combined. Racial fitness and biological fitness were two of the cornerstones of the Western Eugenics movement. Francis Galton: E u g e n i c s was first introduced by Francis Galton the cousin of Charles Darwin, Galton believed that it would be possible to create a fitter class of humans using scientific knowledge gained from the study of heredity. Selective breeding, superiority of races and the inferiority of others, and biological explanations of complex social problems came to be the nexus or the core of the Eugenics movement. As can be illustrated in the section on the Nazi movement, Galton's viewpoint had a major impact on the world outside of England. Professor Michael Billig in Searchlight, July 1998, in an essay entitled: 73 A dead idea that will not lie down, makes the following comments about Galton. The pseudo-science of eugenics was founded in the midnineteenth century by Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin. Galton, like many Britons of his class, was worried that the masses were breeding faster than the middle classes and were endangering the racial strength of the British nation, making it unfit for its imperial role. His proposal was to apply the principles of horse-breeding to human beings, in order to make a stronger race which would not be overwhelmed by inferior races.... ...In 1904 Galton founded Th e E u g e n i c s L a b o r a t o r y, later renamed the E u g e n i c E d u c a t i o n S o c i e t y . It was to have a considerable influence on policy, in particular the Alien Act of 1905. Galton's ideas became immensely popular. Even intellectual socialists such as H G Wells were drawn to eugenics, proposing that the healthy and intelligent should be encouraged to have children, while the unfit and feeble-minded should be prevented from doing so.. . . ( 6 6 ) John Harvey Kellogg: John Harvey Kellogg created the Race Betterment Foundation in 1906, it was Michigan's largest Eugenic organization. The Galton Society was established by Madison Grant, Charles Davenport, and Henry Fairfield Osborn in 1918, ostensibly to be an A n t h r o p o l o g i c a l S o c i e t y t o c o u n t e r influence Museum the of F r a n z B o a s . ( 6 7 ) In the f a l l of 1921, the A m e r i c a n of Natural History hosted the Second International C o n g r e s s o f E u g e n i c s . ( 6 8 ) By the time of the conference, the American Eugenics movement was already the largest in the world and was financed by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, the Rockefeller Foundation in New 74 York, and Kellogg's Race Betterment Foundation in Battle Creek, Michigan. (69) Anthropological Supporters of Eugenics: The committee which organized the above Congress included the noted Anthropologist, A r l e s H r d l i c k a . ( 7 0 ) The latter was a leading figure within Physical Anthropology who had an M.D. from the Eclectic Medical College of New York, earned in 1892. He was identified by Mehler as belonging to a subcommittee of the A m e r i c a n E u g e n i c s S o c i e t y on A n t h r o p o m e t r y together with E. Hooton another well known Physical Anthropologist of the time. Hrdlicka became interested in the physical differences of races and body types after becoming part of an American Museum of Natural History expedition to Mexico.(( 7 1 ) He is best known within Anthropology for founding and serving as the longtime editor of the American Journal of Physical Anthropology and was the first President of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists 1 9 3 0 - 3 1 .(( 7 2 ) E. A. H o o t o n is described by most authors as a rather legendary figure in Physical Anthropology, he earned a doctorate in Anthropology. He was a member of the American Eugenics Society, and by 1926...was on one the Society's subcommittees dealing with A n t h r o p o m e t r y . Hooton was a member of the American Genetic Association, the Galton Society, and was on the Advisory Council of the American Eugenics Society between 1 9 2 3 - 3 5 . ( 7 3 ) He became interested in Anthropology while at Oxford as a Rhodes 75 scholar. Dr. Hooton was given an appointment at Harvard University in Anthropology and remained there in association with the Peabody Museum for the rest of his life. ( 7 4 ) His areas of expertise revolved around the identification and analysis of racial traits, the biological results of race mixing, and the study of the relationship of crime to race and nationality in the United States. Clark Wissler obtained his doctorate from Colombia, and is remembered as being an A n t h r o p o l o g i s t a n d C u r a t o r o f t h e A m e r i c a n Museum of Natural H i s t o r y . He was a member of the A m e r i c a n E u g e n i c s S o c i e t y A d v i s o r y C o u n c i l f r o m 1 9 2 3 - 3 5 . (75) Wissler was an extremely active and dedicated eugenicist. He was the chair of the A.E.S. subcommittee on Anthropology, a member of the Executive Committee and the Nominating Committee of the Eugenics Research Association, a member of the Galton Society. He was Secretary of Section III(human racial differences), for the Second and Third International Congresses of Eugenics. He became curator of Anthropology for the American Museum of Natural History in 1905. In 1924 he became Professor of Anthropology at Yale's Institute for Human Relations where he conducted research concerning the impact of race crossing. In 1925 at the instigation of the Galton Society, Wissler and Edwin R. Embree of the Rockefeller Foundation traveled to Australasia and Hawaii to explore the possibilities of Anthropological research in these regions. Wissler was President of the American Anthropological Association 1919-21, New York Academy of Sciences 1930-31, American Ethnological Society 1915,1916. ( 7 6 ) Documents secured from the Laughlin collection at Truman State 76 University, illustrate that Clark Wissler was also active in the National Research Council. He served on the N. R. C. which was established by the National Science Foundation. Wissler was listed as being a member of the N.R.C. committee on H u m a n h e r e d i t y for 1 9 3 0 a n d 1 9 3 1 . In 1 9 3 0 , Wissler was listed as the c h a i r o f t h e c o m m i t t e e o n F a m i l y R e c o r d s . A subcommittee of Human Heredity was formed of Ellsworth H u n t i n g t o n , 'Chair' Yale; H.H. Laughlin, Cold Spr in g H a r b o r ; W i s s l e r , A m e r i c a n Museum of Natural History Clark to w o r k w i t h F a m i l y R e c o r d s .(( 7 7 ) Other figures of note, who were related to Anthropology/Medicine or the study of evolution and Archeology were active proponents of Eugenics. In a Conference of the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations in England given in 1930, the following views were put forth.(( 7 8 ) Sir Arthur Keith presented a paper entitled The Urgency of Eugenic Reform at a meeting organized by Captain G.L. F. Pitt-Rivers.(( 7 9 ) To those familiar with the history of Anthropology-Archeology, Pitt Rivers and Keith were well known figures. Keith stated that r a c e p r o d u c t i o n h a d b e e n s a c r i f i c e d t o e c o n o m i c n e c e s s i t y . ( 8 0 ) He went on to describe the coming era of humans taking control over their own evolutionary destiny with Eugenists leading the way. Keith spent time acknowledging the contributions which he believed Charles Darwin made to the Eugenics movement. ...the ninth annual meeting of the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations, is particularly fortunate in 77 having in its midst Major Leonard Darwin, the Nestor of English Eugenists. Seventy years have come and gone since his father published the Origin of Species. That book has moved the world towards Eugenic reform more than any other. Darwin realized what selection could do for the advancement of human races. His son has devoted the greater part of his life in seeking to make his father's theory a practical policy in the modern world. Like his kinsman, Francis Galton, he has sought to introduce reform, not by the advocacy of violent measures, but by persuasion and by appeal to reason. ( 8 1 ) Two of the papers that were delivered at the 1930 conference, and the session entitled Measurements of Race Hybrid Crossing: Professor C h i l d r e n .; and Dr. J o n Eugen A. Fischer, Mjoen, Race C r o s s i n g and G l a n d s , S o m a t i c M en t a l d i s t u r b a n c e in H y b r i d s . ( 8 2 ) Dr. Fischer went on to become one of the major leaders of the T4 program, the killing of the disabled during the Third Reich. Dr. Mjoen was a Norwegian who was respected in the Eugenics community and whose actions had assisted the American Eugenics movement. His work was frequently cited by Eugenists as being of a pioneering nature. Dr. Mjoen published a paper entitled: Harmonic and Unharmonic Crossings, (Race types and Race crossings in Northern Norway). My opinion is that not only tuberculosis but also many other diseases and many social evils, for instance, the growing criminality from mentally disturbed racial elements, is partly due to unharmonic race crossing. Not only the crossing of one race with another ought to be avoided, but of course also certain crossings within the same race. Some crossings are in fact constantly removing undesirable characters, and some crossings are constantly 78 creating new miseries for mankind. To find out why is the most urgent work for race biologists. It is a fact that during the last decades the unfortunate mingling of race has increased to an enormous degree as the result of philanthropic measures and immigration. Until we have more definite knowledge in the effects of race crossings it will certainly be best to avoid crossings between widely different races. ( 8 3 ) . Dr. Arthur Keith delivered a speech in the 1930's at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. His speech was entitled:T h e P l a c e o f P r e j u d i c e i n Modern Civilization. ( 8 4 ) Dr. Keith championed the idea that R a c e P r e j u d i c e was a means to promote racial development. The quotes which follow illustrate a Social Darwinian Perspective, replete with the analogy of 'nature being a garden where pruning is necessary'. This was a somewhat popular metaphor for many of the Social Darwinists...and in one form or another tends to show up in their writings. Keith stated in his speech that the League of Nations by trying to prevent war was acting against the forces of nature. ' T h e Leaguist movement dominance of the good or altruistic seeks for the universal side of our tribal nature.(85) What Keith was propounding...was the argument that war and racial prejudice serve an important purpose and that it is impossible to limit nature. He believed that society gained from the competition and struggle which was the result of racial discrimination and prejudice. To him, it was a normal part of the struggle and fight for survival. Race Prejudice, I believe works for the ultimate good of 79 mankind and must be given a recognized place in all our efforts to obtain natural justice for the world. The price to pay for racialism, he said, is the continuation of Natures's old scheme of intertribal rivalries and eternal competition. Always in the past it has been demanded that a people seeking independence as well as peace must be ready to pay with blood. 'Nature keeps her human orchard healthy by pruning and war is her pruning hook'. We cannot dispense with her services. This harsh and repugnant forecast of man's future is wrung from me. The future of my dreams is a war less world. As a gardener, Nature has two sides, a good side and a bad. She plants and she also prunes. If we accept her we have to accept her altogether. Sooner or later she brings the false prophet to book. ...My ominous forecast of man's future is not based solely upon my studies of the prehistoric world or on my analysis of the inheritance which has come down to us from that world. It is supported by what is now happening in every part of our globe. ...Self-determination, on the other hand, encourages the power to hate as well as the power to love. It seeks to resuscitate the tribal heart with all its prejudices; its likes and dislikes. This separatist (self-determinist) movement is stirring the blood at the present time....It encourages the development of a local spirit and of native talent. A people which assumes nationality and sets out to develop it own mental, moral ad materials resources, strengthens it self-reliance, its faith in its destiny, its belief and pride in the tradition, customs and literature of its country...Prejudice has a place, a very important place in the development of peoples; it binds...nationalities together... ( 8 6 ) Keith was a respected figure within Anthropology. His pronouncements were undoubtedly read and digested by the Nazis and others...including racists within the United States and Great Britain as additional validation for their racial and medical policies. Experts like Keith, emboldened the more 80 extreme elements of some of these political movements to believe that like minded individuals in positions of power and responsibility were supportive of their programs. This was at a time that National Socialism and Fascism were billing themselves as proponents of war and as the saviors of the world. Their message was to eliminate the weak through the triumph of the strong. Eugenical policies within these societies were based upon the same premise. Any well known and respected Western expert who spoke out on the so called helpfulness of struggle...if they were of an approved caste...could count on their musings being widely publicized. contributor to advertisements a publication were carried called by the The Sir Arthur Keith was a Eugenics American Review, Journal of whose Physical Anthropology. Another Anthropologist of some note was also a contributor to The Eugenics Review being none other than the imminent Dr. B. Malinowski.(( 8 7 ) The latter had a reputation as favoring the study of biologically linked human activities as the best methodological starting point when developing ethnographic materials. However, his direct support of Eugenics is not generally well known within modern Anthropology. The American Journal of Physical Anthropology lists Dr. Clark Wissler, Dr. E. Hooton, and Dr. Charles B. Davenport as three of the associate editors. In the same edition Dr. Franz Boas is also listed. However, it is obvious that the majority of the fourteen person editorial board were inclined to favor 'biological determinism' over socialization and learning. The presence 81 of Charles Davenport from the American Eugenics movement as an editor illustrates the continuing penetration of Physical Anthropology in 1936 by one of the most well known leaders and founders of the Eugenics movement. One well known critic of Keith's position was Dr. Franz Boas of Colombia University. Boas in an article in Science, July 3,1931 made a comment about Sir Arthur Keith's speech.. ( 9 0 ) In his rebuttal of Keith's position, he notes the importance of social stratification and what is taught...or learned as the key attributes which determine whether antagonism is present. He notes that some groups that are homogeneous invent their own standards for competition within the group...and that these are not based upon race. On this subject I take issue with Sir Arthur Keith, who the address already referred to is reported to have said that Race Antipathy and race prejudice...Nature has implanted in you for her own end--the improvement of mankind through racial differentiation. I challenge him to prove that race antipathy is implanted by nature and not the effect of social causes which are active in every closed social group, no matter whether it is racially heterogeneous or homogeneous. The complete lack of sexual antipathy, the weakening of race consciousness in communities in which children grow up as an almost homogeneous group; the occurrence of equally strong antipathies between denominational groups, or between social strata--as witnessed by the Roman Patricians and Plebeians, the Spartan Lacedaemonians, and Helots, the Egyptian castes and some of the Indian castes--all these shown are social phenomena. If you will, you may call them implanted by nature, but only in so far as man is a being living in closed social groups, leaving it entirely undetermined what these social groups may be. 82 No matter how weak the case for racial purity may be, we understand its social appeal in our society. While the biological reasons that are adduced may not be relevant, a stratification of society in social groups that are racial in character will always lead to racial discrimination. ...As long as we insist on a stratification in racial layers, we shall pay the penalty in the form of interracial struggle. (91) San Blas Indian Study: The American Journal of Physical Anthropology in 1926, published an article by Grace Allen of the Department of Genetics, of the Carnegie Institution...the parent organization for the Eugenics Record Office.(( 9 2 ) In an attempt to amass scientific data regarding the intellectual ability of the San Blas Indians a series of psychological tests were given to a group of eight. The article noted that two members of the group spoke only very broken English and that the rest of the group were not speakers of English. The researcher described the psychological tests that were employed and commented upon the inability of the subjects to grasp the object of each type of test. A table was given where the mental ages of the adults were ranked at between 6 and 9.5 years of age. ( 9 3 ) ... t h e m e d i a n m e n t a l a g e s o f t h e m e m b e r s o f t h e g r o u p a r e low....Reason and Judgment seemed poorly developed in them. Trial and error and chance appeared to be the outstanding methods of solution. ...They did not profit from experience and would repeatedly try the same combinations which were obviously wrong. ( 9 4 ) This was another example of poor research where the researcher 83 developed documentation illustrating that Indians were intellectually inferior. The absurdity of the research design was flawed from the start, one should not administer tests to individuals who don't have a grasp of the language of the test or the language in which the examiner tries to communicate. The resulting linguistic and cultural barriers should have been obvious to anyone with common sense. Physical Anthropology as a discipline through its primary publication the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, helped to reinforce a set of inaccurate and racist beliefs about Indians from the popular culture and from the Eugenics movement. Indians were frequently described in the popular culture as being in a perpetual childlike state with profound limits to their intellectual capabilities which were preset by heredity. The author of the article on the San Blas Indians downplayed the significance of language, and seemed to be critical of the Indians because they did not know what the researcher wanted. It is obvious that Eugenics at this point was exercising its hold upon the field of Physical Anthropology and the editor of the American Journal of Physical Anthropology... proponents of Eugenics. Dr. Ales Hrdlicka. He was in fact one of the Data from 'bogus' studies like the San Blas article were used to justify a variety of measures against Native Americans. Including sterilization programs, forced acculturation, isolation and as scientific data for laws to restrict interaction both biologically and socially between Native Peoples and White populations. 84 Dr. C. B. Davenport in a paper read at Amsterdam circa 1920, discussed the concept of Race Crossing in Man. Davenport subscribed to the isolation of races and the interaction of the habitat in different environments as prime determinants of what he called racial groups. E a c h race will have come to f it its e n v i r o n m e n t as a key f i t s the l o c k . ( 9 5 ) He went on to comment that modern vehicles for travel,e.g., planes, trains, cars, ships of various sorts have opened up the world, and with that opening up... came race mixing. Davenport was not a believer in the equality of racial groups. In addition he unleashed a broadside of inaccurate generalizations, along with cliches that are racist in nature. His wording was inflammatory and have enraged those groups and individuals who were the recipients of his biased perspective and distortions which were generally framed in a pseudo scientific manner . The following is a selection of quotes which give a flavor of the real beliefs of Charles Davenport towards racial groups. He was not an impartial observer and used his considerable prestige for years afterwards to block immigration and the interaction of races. The fact that he served on the editorial board of the American Journal of Physical Anthropology for years....serves as another reminder of how Anthropology was influenced by individuals who had extremist and racist, biological explanations for behavior. ...Especially Europeans are settling into the territories of primitive peoples and mating with them. All barriers are being thrown down. Race mixture is occurring as never before in the history of mankind. Is it strange that 85 statesmen, biologists, eugenicists, are aroused to demand, What can be predicted as to the consequences of such crossing? Should it be welcomed as tending to produce a higher type of man or should steps be taken to prevent immigration to any country as a menace to its culture? ...Each race of man that has long persisted in a distinct environment has gained, by preservation of useful mutations, certain adaptations to that environment. The useful phenotypical adaptions have enabled their possessors to survive and the genotype that produced them continues the characters of the race. Sexual selection tends to maintain the special standard, or norm, in each place. ...In the mixture of races which is now taking place there are combinations of genotypic conditions which sometimes lead to disharmony in the phenotype. ...Mental and temperamental incompatibilities may also arise as we see in the mulattos of North America which combine something of a white man's intelligence and ambition with an inefficient intelligence to realize that ambition. This leads in the hybrid to dissatisfaction a feeling that he is not getting a fair deal. ...Mankind is not without experience as to the consequences of race crossing. ... The past century has witnessed the migrations of millions of all the subraces of Europe and not a few of the Asiatics into North America; the almost complete hybridization of the Indians of the Untied States, both with whites and Negroes; the production of the Eurasians in India and extensive mongrelization of oceanic islands....Anthropology faces the prospect of becoming no longer the study of races but the study of race mixtures, the science of human hybridization. ...It is probable that, where our own race is involved, deep 86 seated instincts are aroused especially the instinct of 'race purity'. It is often called pride of race. Apparently this race purity is a complex instinct, made up of a number of more elementary impulses. ...There is no single rule that applies to all racial hybrids. Some of them like the French Canadian Indian hybrids and the Chinese Hawaiian hybrids seem to show hybrid vigor. Others like the Eurasians, show an enfeeblement. Some are devoid of beauty of form and grace while others are regarded by the whites as particularly attractive. The most wide spread., physical defect would appear to be the liability to tuberculosis, although it is not quite certain this is not due to the persisting lack of resistance inherited from the more primitive race and contact with the Europeans. The most serious defect found is bad behavior due to conflicting instincts. Perhaps we can only say that apart from the greater variability which the hybrid people show as compared with purer stocks. The result of race crossing depends upon the particular nature of the cross. ...Thus, my conclusion is a pragmatic one; where a race cross is the one to produce physically mentally and temperamentally superior stock, it may be encouraged; where it produces stock that is below the average in these respects it may well be discouraged. In case of doubt one should play safe by discouraging it. ( 9 6 ) In a listing of the charter members of the Association for Physical Anthropology...Davenport's name is to be found along with the names of such prominent Anthropologists as: Franz Boas, Melville Herskovits, Ernst Hooton, Ales Hrdlicka, A.L. Kroeber, Harry Shapiro, and Clark Wissler. In a review of the 'literature' section in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology 1928, the published proceedings of the Third Race 87 Betterment Conference were discussed.. ( 9 7 ) The review states that the 'Third Conference' has 'u n i t e d t h e S o c i o l o g i s t , t h e E u g e n i c i s t , a n d t h e A n t h r o p o l o g i s t ' for the discussion of many topics pertaining to man's welfare.(( 9 8 ) The subjects were divided into the following categories: Heredity and Eugenics; Crime and Sterilization; Immigration and Man...papers with titles such as, The Control of Heredity, Oscar Riddle; Race Deterioration and destruction with special reference to the American people, by Ales Hrdlicka; the practical application of eugenic principles, by Luther S. West; The Menace of the half Man, by Judge Harry Olson; The Evolution of the American Population, by Louis Dublin... ( 9 9 ) This is one more illustration of a connection between Eugenics and Physical Anthropology of the period. The reviewer of the above anthology from the Conference was Dr. Ales Hrdlicka. He was favorably inclined towards the conference and the larger publication which resulted. presence His at the conference; his ties to Eugenics and his position as the editor of the first major journal for Physical Anthropology...helped to set the tone for the American Journal of Physical Anthropology for a number of years. Hrdlicka wrote a review of E.S. Gosney and Paul Popenoe's: Sterilization for Human Betterment. He used a direct quote from their manuscript the first major paragraph within the review. The human race has developed through countless ages under the laws of heredity by the survival of the fittest. The weak and defective have perished. Only the physically 88 as strong and mentally alert could withstand the severe conditions of early life, reach maturity, and become the father and mothers of the next generation. Modern civilization, human sympathy, and charity have intervened in Nature's plan. The weak and defective are now nursed to maturity and produce their own kind. ...they range from the moron to the born criminal, the insane, and the idiot. They breed in many cases; the progeny is abnormal and retards progress of the rest; it is also costly economically. It is the direct interest of society to limit as far as possible such breeding. ( 1 0 0 ) If one did not know who the author was,it would sound as if William Graham Sumner or Herbert Spencer had penned the commentary noted above. In the last paragraph of the review , Hrdlicka stated that t h e b o o k discusses in e x c e l l e n t form the h i s t o r y r e m e d y and all a s p e c t s of the c a s e . the p r o m o t i o n of the c a u s e . (101) of this e f f e c t i v e social It is bound to aid g r e a t l y in Again, the links between Hrdlicka, Eugenics and the discipline of Anthropology were present. A further example of the relationship between Physical Anthropology and Eugenics is to be found in a review of Race Crossing in Jamaica by Charles B. Davenport and Morris Steggerda.(( 1 0 2 ) In a somewhat unorthodox move, the reviewer for the American Journal of Physical Anthropology was 'no other' than Charles Davenport...one of the authors. A brief quote from his review ... is illustrative when he states that 'Blacks' are usually inferior when measurements are taken comparing their performance on standardized tests when compared to Whites. ' T h e i n f e r i o r i t y 89 of B l a c k s to plan and put through a composition like the drawing of a man; also in c e r t a i n f o r m b o a r d t e s t s , in c r i t i c i s m o f a b s u r d s e n t e n c e s , a n d to make a certain practical judgment. (103) ...There are other instances where, though the adult whites are superior in psychological tests to the adult blacks, the adolescent blacks are superior to the adolescent whites. There seems to be a precocious attainment of their maximum achievement on the part of the Negro children; the white children continue to improve to the adult state. (104) Here we see Davenport making a case for race based developmental limits. He slips in the 'alleged' scientific fact that biological limitations regarding intellectual ability are present for 'Black' adults. While 'Black Adolescents' scored higher on one test, he attributed that to a supposedly faster but limited maturation cycle. Here again, a gross generalization with 'No' basis in fact...cited in his review or evidently in the original work. No mention in the review was made of the fact that minimal schooling was available for 'Blacks' after grammar school, and that Whites had access to additional education based upon the privilege of their race. access to education was present. 90 A differential Notes: * ( The use o f : i t a l i c s within the body of the p a p e r or in the N o t e s . . . d e s i g n a t e s ei t h er a quote or a heavily p a r a p h r a s e d set of materials). 66. a.Billig;1998. b. For more background regarding Eugenics...see the following: The Discovery of the Fittest, A Eugenic Problem,Herbert,S; Westminster Review, Volume 175: January 1911, pp.39-45. Herbert put forth the idea that if one wanted to better society by being a reformer, then one must... a v a i l h i m s e l f o f t h e m e t h o d o f s e l e c t i o n , substituting for 'Natural Selection' as D.G. Ritchie so finely put it, 'Rational Selection. He expressed the viewpoint of most Eugenists, that social classes are tied to...biological and intrinsic civic worth. He refers to Galton: ...in his E n g l i s h M e n o f S c i e n c e , t h a t t h e u p p e r c l a s s e s o f a n a t i o n l i k e our own, which a r e l a r g e l y and c o n t i n u a l l y r e c r u i t e d by s e l e c t i o n f r o m below, a r e by f a r the m o s t p r o d u c t i v e of n a t u r a l a b i l i t y . Herbert goes on to quote another...academic...Dr. Karl Pearson, in his Grammar of Science who speaks of the e x c e p t i o n a l l y d e g e n e r a t e , i s o l a t e d i n t h e s l u m s o f o u r m o d e r n c i t i e s . (Herbert; pp.39-40) 67. Mehler, Barry; A history of the American Eugenics Society, 1921-1940, doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana, 1988. p.24 An outstanding piece of work, full of excellent references for a variety of disciplines including Sociology and its ties to Eugenics. 68. Ibid.; p.36. 69. Ibid.; p.40. 70. Ibid.; p.37. 71. Ibid.; p.373. 72.Ibid. 91 73.Ibid.; p. 370. 74.Ibid. 75.Ibid.; p.445. 76. Ibid.; p.444-446. 77. a . Photocopy of a letter from C.E. Allen, Chair of the Division of biology and agriculture, National Research Council, dated May 23,1930. Addressed to Members of the committee on family records, National Research Council. Obtained from the Harry Laughlin Collection at Truman State University. B . Photocopy of a letter from W.C. Curtis, Chair of the Division of biology and agriculture, National Research Council, dated May 21,1931. Addressed to Members of the committee on Human Heredity, National Research Council. Obtained from the Harry Laughlin Collection at Truman State University. 78. Keith, Sir Arthur; A photocopy of the page proof of the speech delivered at the Conference of the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations' at Farnham, Dorset,England,1930. The document was obtained from the Harry Laughlin Collection at Truman State University. 79.Ibid. 80.Ibid. 81.Ibid. 82.Ibid. 83.Mjoen, Dr. Jon; Article entitled: Harmonic and Unharmonic Crossings, (Race types and Race crossings in Northern Norway);The Eugenics Review,vol.XIV,No.1 April-January 1922), pp. 38-39. 84. A photocopy of a newspaper article; New York Times, Wireless to the 92 New York Times, June 6,193?. Sir Arthur Keith: 'Holds War Helpful', British Scientist Says: Nature will not Permit Mankind to Abolish Holocausts'. Defends: 'Race Prejudice'. , p.12. The document was obtained from the Harry Laughlin Collection at Truman State University. 85. Ibid. 86. Ibid. 87.American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. XXII, No.1 OctoberDecember,1936); (advertisement for the Eugenics Review listing contributors to the Review) p.1. 88.Ibid. 89.American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. XXII, No.1 OctoberDecember,1936; cover page. 90.Original sources: Race and Progress, Professor Franz Boas; reprinted from Science 1931, Vol. 74, No 1905, pages 1-8. Address of the President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pasadena, June 15, p.7. (Photocopy obtained from the Harry Laughlin collection, Truman State University). Dr. Laughlin requested a copy from Boas in a letter, dated July 16th, 1931, which he addressed to him at Colombia University. ( Copies of both were retained by Laughlin). 91.Ibid. 92.Allen, Grace; 'Department of Genetics, of the Carnegie Institution', article: San Blas Indian Study, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. IX, Washington, D.C., 1926, p.82. (The Carnegie Institution was the parent organization which founded the Eugenics Records Office, see later section of paper). 93.Ibid. 94.Ibid.; p.85. 93 95.Web Site at Cold Spring Harbor laboratory/Eugenics site; (downloaded March 2000)document: (Race Crossing in Man) A paper by Charles Davenport, circa 1920, given in Amsterdam.( Original from the collection of the American Philosophical Society). 96. Ibid. 97. In a review of the 'literature' section in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology 1928, the published proceedings of the 'Third Race Betterment Conference' were discussed. Cited in the: (American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. XII,No.3, January-March 1929 )pp. 487-488 98.Ibid. 99.Ibid. 100. Hrdilicka, A.; A review of Gosney,E.S., and Popenoe, P., Sterilization for Human Betterment in the literature section of the (American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. XIII, April-March-July-September, OctoberDecember, 1929 ), pp. 104-105. 101.Ibid. 102. Davenport, Charles; A review of 'Race Crossing in Jamaica' authored by Davenport, Charles & Steggerda, Morris in the literature section of The American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. XIII, April-March-JulySeptember, October-December, 1929 ),pp. 105-106. What makes the review suspect, is the fact that Davenport was a co author of the book which he reviewed for the American Journal of Physical Anthropology!! 103.Ibid. 104. Ibid. 94 The Goals of American Eugenics The Goals of American Eugenics were outlined in a pamphlet (undated) published by the C a r n e g i e I n s t i t u t i o n o f W a s h i n g t o n , D e p a r t m e n t o f G e n e t i c s , and the E u g e n i c s R e c o r d s O f f i c e , Cold S p r i n g s H a r b o r , L o n g I s l a n d , N e w Y o r k . ( 1 0 5 ) The E.R.O. was founded by the late M r s . E.H. Harriman and was established in 1910. (106) Mrs. Harriman was the wealthy widow of one of the richest men in the United States at the time. She was an advocate of Eugenics. Two of the leading figures in Eugenics are listed on the pamphlet along with their titles. Charles B. Davenport is identified as the director and Harry Laughlin as the assistant director.(( 1 0 7 ) The first paragraph in the pamphlet states that: ...the office is devoted to the study of the biological forces which determine the natural capacities and limitations of mankind. It looks forward to having a good pedigree index of the natural traits of a large portion of the families of America. ...Every marriage is an experiment in heredity. The principle business of Eugenics is: 1. ...find out what matings are fittest for society... 2. ...disseminate the facts of inheritance... 3....to secure ...social ideals which will facilitate the mating of the fittest...and a knowledge among all of the hereditary traits carried by each... 4. ...educate organized society, ...especially state governments... where it will act with an eye to racial progress, encouraging reproduction of the best blood, and discouraging or preventing the reproduction of the worst strains.Eugenically improvement means the diversification, 95 purification, and conservation of highly effective and talented human families. 5....encourage every...intelligent... patriotic family to establish an Eugenically Archive...recording traits... In a few words, then, if race is to make progress along the lines of natural abilities, those in control must see to it that there shall be fit matings and many children among those most richly endowed by nature, and that hereditary defectives and degenerates shall not be permitted to reproduce at all. ( 1 0 8 ) E.R.O. (Eugenics Records Office) The Eugenics Records Office (E.R.O.) wanted to become the repository for all genetic related records for the entire United States. The purpose of the records was for research and reproductive control to influence the biological direction which the population was taking. It was common to believe that beyond plotting out disease...and obvious genetic traits which were defined as negative...that other traits were also thought to have a biological basis at the time. Here are some of the other items that were of interest to the point that E.R.O. established a separate recording schedule or form . Special Traits: 1. musical talent 2.Tuberculosis 3.Harelip and Cleft Palate 4.Hair form, eye color, complexion 5. Stature 6.Weight 7.Physical Measurement Record 8.Twins 9.Mathematical Ability 10.Special trait sheet for recording any special trait 96 shown in the family... ( 1 0 9 ) Examples of so-called Special Eugenic traits...those displaying m u s i c a l a b i l i t y , s t a t e s m e n , i n v e n t o r s , a t h l e t e s , or the l i k e , n e ' e r - d o - w e l l s , outcasts, criminals... these were thought to have a biological basis.(( 1 1 0 ) The proposition was to gather as much information as possible about families and individuals. While they note the need to keep private the family records they were soliciting...they were working to have both the State and Federal government restrict the reproduction of entire groups. A call for others to do the research was part of the strategy, not only self reporting from individuals conducting their own monitoring of their immediate and extended family but others were encouraged to participate. Physicians, teachers, ministers, lawyers, lecturers, women's clubs, social students, biologists, family genealogists, and archivists, biographers, and all other persons interested in studying, recording, publishing and bettering the natural qualities of their own family or of mankind at large, are invited to keep in touch with the Eugenics Record Office. ( 1 1 1 ) The initial meeting of the Scientific Directors of the Eugenics Records Office was held at the Carnegie Institution of Washington,D.C. The goals of the new organization were t o m a k e r e s e a r c h i n e u g e n i c s t h a t s h a l l b e of u t i l i t y to the human r a c e , to the i n d i v i d u a l in the s e l e c t i o n of m a t e s , t o t h e s t a t e , t o t h e n a t i o n . An important aspect was identified as the n e e d t o b r i n g h o m e t o t h e g o v e r n m e n t t h e d e s i r a b i l i t y 97 of more careful consideration of the f a m i l y history of p e r m a n e n t i m m i g r a n t s . Mention is given regarding the funding of research s t u d i e s o f f e e b l e m i n d e d n e s s , a n d i n s a n i t y along with a study of immigrants and the budget for a statistician. On page two of the minutes is a notation that the committee... v o t e d t o r e c o m m e n d t o M r . J o h n D . R o c k e f e l l e r t h e s u p p o r t o f t h e i n v e s t i g a t i o n s ... ( 1 1 2 ) Charles Davenport installed Harry Laughlin of Missouri to run the Eugenics Records Office. Under Laughlin's direction, the E.R.O. became the epicenter of the American Eugenics Movement, amassing hundreds of thousands of family pedigrees, case studies, and indexed records. The ERO sponsored summer courses to train aspiring eugenics caseworkers and actively lobbied for the passage of state sterilization and national immigration restriction. In the face of mounting evidence of serious flaws in eugenics research in the 1930's, Laughlin's misuse of data and almost religious belief in his version of Eugenics became an embarrassment. Knowledge of the horrors of the Nazi application of Eugenics sealed the fate of the American movement, and the ERO was closed in 1939. ( 1 1 3 ) However, during its active phase the E.R.O. was extremely influential both at home and abroad...and should be identified as one of the institutions that led to massive Immigration Restrictions based upon spurious data pertaining to: Race. They encouraged Miscegenation Laws, which were supported by a form of Medical and Anthropological Racism, plus programs which culminated in the sterilization of large groups of individuals. enough to say that the It is not Eugenics movement and its believers within the 98 United States...saw the light...they did not...it became politically incorrect for proponents in the United States to espouse their beliefs during the Second World War and its immediate aftermath. Thus, causing the movement to close the E.R.O., because of political, social and personal pressures. It was closed because many of the viewpoints of its members placed them in jeopardy. However, the viewpoints expressed under scientific guise by some... are illuminating in that they show the underlying attitudes of some of the supporters of Eugenics towards any form of deviation from what they defined as normal. Harry Laughlin: Harry Laughlin in a manuscript entitled: T h e C o n t r o l o f T r e n d s i n the Racial Composition of the A m e r i c a n People described the changes between the first census in 1790 and 1920 regarding the American population and its r a c i a l s t o c k . ( 1 1 4 ) In a section of this paper, he discusses N o n - W h i t e S t o c k s . . . . T h e r e a r e , h o w e v e r , in t h e c o u n t r y c o n s i d e r a b l e n u m b e r of each of three non-white racial stocks whose differential fecundity concerns the nation. These stocks are: first, the African Negro, about one-third of a million of whom were imported into the United States as slaves. ...There is a tendency in State Legislation to define a colored person as any one with any trace of Negro blood. This definition is one of the principal features of the new 'Racial Integrity Laws enacted by several states. The second non-white element in our racial makeup is the Oriental. This is represented by the Chinese, the Japanese, the Filipino, and the Hindu Stocks. ...But as a whole-except 99 for the Filipinos-Oriental immigration, like the slave trade, has ceased. ...The third of these problems is more recent and pressing. This is the Mexican immigration into the Southwestern pat of the United States, which has grown so greatly during the last few years. The dearth of labor has attracted almost a mass migration to fill the labor demands in the Southwest quarter of the country. The average Mexican is descended mostly from the Indian and only slightly from Spanish blood. ( 1 1 5 ) Laughlin was concerned about the impact of non-White immigration and fecundity, in regards to what he believed would be negative eugenical changes of the American population if non-Whites became greater in overall numbers and percentages. He was opposed to non-Whites becoming a larger segment of American Society, nor did he favor other categories of Europeans outside the northern zone as being suitable for immigration to America. His attitudes are more apparent in the last portion of the above paper, where he has a section entitled: A m e r i c a n P o l i c y . ...Present trends of the American people points to the following policy as feasible for the American people in their efforts to conserve their basic racial characteristics, and to improve and specialize the hereditary endowments of their constituent family stocks. 1. In all future international relations, particularly in international cooperative enterprises, maintain as an essential principle of international law, two present attributes of sovereignty: a. The absolute right of each nation to exercise emigration authority over its own nationals who desire to leave, and its own immigration authority overall all aliens who desire 100 to enter b.The right and duty of each nation to maintain its own population at optimum number, and to develop its own race and culture in accordance with its own ideals. 2.Confine future immigration, in large degree, to (a) assimilable races-that is, those most like the historic American people. (b) Within these races, limit immigration to a total number which can be assimilated without destroying the economic foundation and the institutional character of the country. (c) Within the races and numbers thus limited, further limit immigrants to persons who, both individually and in family stock, are above the present average of the American People in physical stamina, mental capacities, and moral vigor. 3. Deport all aliens who are still potential parents who do not attain to the immigration standard above stated, and maintain the principle that every nation, state, community and family which produces and inadequate must care for him. 4.In connection with each future census, maintain a permanent registry of the American People. 5. In all future census enumerations and analyses, provide for a more thorough stock-taking of racial elements and cultural capacities of the people. 6.Undertake research to restore as completely as possible the history of the racial trend and cultural capacities of the American People. 7. Undertake research to determine the optimum population of the several countries, or natural geographic regions, of the world under existing and possible economic, social and political conditions. 8.Further investigate the biological, economic, social, and 101 political and religious forces which govern population numbers and whose control can be invoked to maintain optimum population numbers and to direct racial and family stock development. 9. Among such studies emphasize research to determine the facts, causes and consequences. (a) of the realization between size of family and race, family stock, occupation, education, religion, economic status, density of population, national mores, and statue of Laws. (b) of mate selection among all sections of the population (c) of international, interstate and country to city migration 10. As the factors which determine population numbers and quality are more perfectly understood, we should bring into play, and should direct toward the maintenance and development of the racial and family-stock ideals of the American people, appropriate educational, economic, social, religious and legal forces. It requires patriotism, high intellectual capacity and fine moral fiber for a nation to undertake the long-time and laborious research, self-education, restraint and constructive policy necessary to the ultimate control of its population turnover from generation to generation. (116) Congressman John Box: In a Program Memorandum for the a proposed immediate Immigration American Patriotic Coalition Congressional Representative from Texas, on Mr. John C. Box an outspoken and well known proponent for Eugenics outlined his perspectives regarding the need to limit entrance to 'White's Only' to the United States. 102 The purpose is described as... T o m a i n t a i n a n d f u r t h e r t o p e r f e c t t h e h i g h r a c i a l a n d f a m i l y or recruiting by s t o c k s t a n d a r d s s e t b y t h e J o h n s o n A c t o f 1 9 2 4 , fo immigration People. to the human seed-stock values of the A m e r i c a n (117) Be it enacted: Section 1. That only white persons shall be naturalized as citizens of the United States: provided, that for the purpose of this act that a white person shall be defined as one all of whose ancestors are of Caucasian stocks.( 1 1 8 ) Later in the same document, Congressman Box reflects upon the need to limit the immigration of Mexicans and Canadians into the United States,i.e., if they have any degree of non-White ancestry. It would establish definite immigration standards which would exclude (1) all Mexicans and other Latin Americans, except a small fraction who are of pure Caucasian descent. (2). All West Indian Blacks and mixed bloods, (3) all 'French- Canadian Half Breeds' who carry a considerable portion of Indian blood, (4) many all white French Canadians who do not speak English. (119) Congressman Box was of the opinion that the (restrictive) Johnson Act did not go far enough in limiting immigration to the United States. In regards to the English speaking immigrant being given preference to the United States, Mr. Box believed that speakers of English would be more easily assimilated into American social and political institutions. While this might have been true, in terms of the time required to learn English ...he was of the opinion that biological differences were the primary reasons for restricting French Canadian Immigration. He added language to the set of 103 exclusionary traits which would determine whether one would be able to enter as an immigrant. He goes on to state... Practically when applied to Canadian immigration this rule would work to the biological benefit of the United States, because, on the average, the English speaking immigrants from Canada are, by heredity, better endowed than the French speaking.( 1 2 0 ) While, Congressman Box does not state that he was opposed to Catholics, there was a correlation in that French Canadians were overwhelmingly Catholic. This has some importance, in that extremist organizations in the 1920's and 1930's placed the Catholic Church and its adherents as belonging to a category that were defined as dangerous and inferior. Catholics and the clergy were the victims of hate crimes. Thus, his less than subtle use of mixed racial backgrounds and English speaking are also a possible catch all for the anti-Catholic feelings of the period. The restrictions against Mexicans and others from Latin America had some degree of grounding in the racist mores of some Whites from the geographical region that Congressman Box was from(Texas/South)...these folks...wanted cheap labor but did not want the Hispanic laborers to gain citizenship. Thus, labor could be disposed of... or forced out ...when no longer needed. The fact that most Hispanics at the time were Catholics, fit in with the narrow constraints which these extremists were using to define good and bad traits carried by populations. However, Box was opposed by ranchers and farmers who wanted Hispanics to be allowed to come over the border. Box also sponsored legislation which made the Border Patrol a more 104 permanent fixture on both the Mexican and Canadian borders. Congressman Box was in league with Harry Laughlin; they communicated through personal letters and telegrams regarding the coming appearance of Laughlin in front of the House 'Immigration and Naturalization Committee'. Laughlin's appearance was desired in order to have him share his expertise on the biological aspects of the 'immigration problem' with particular reference to Mexico.(( 1 2 1 ) Harry Laughlin and the Eugenics movement were using a set of spurious data to influence public policy. The presence of experts in Eugenics gave a symbolic scientific backdrop to the new National Laws which were restrictive and exclusionary, and which mirrored popular and widespread racial beliefs of the time. Sterilization/Eugenics: The first laws to restrict reproduction relative to the influence of Eugenics were written and tested in court in the United States in the early part of the 20th century. Lynchburg, Virginia was the site of the first test of the State Law.(( 1 2 2 ) The irony of the first test case is that it is now known that the legal case was a 'set up' to create an initial judicial opinion to verify the legality of the Virginia law for compulsory sterilization. The use of the term a legal 'set up' is not without careful consideration; for what happened was a distortion of factual evidence on the part of those acting on behalf of the State of Virginia and those who were charged with the role of protecting the rights of a citizen of the State of Virginia. The goal was to bring a test case where the courts would rule that Sterilization was valid, in 105 order to do this... the case was rigged from the start so that the client's attorney did his best to lose the case...with the resulting opinion setting a precedent to affirm the use of forced sterilization. ( 1 2 3 ) In this instance, a seventeen year old girl who had become pregnant was imprisoned at the Virginia Colony for the Feebleminded and Epileptic. It was proposed to sterilize her, using as a legal basis her so-called condition of hereditary had p a s s e d feeblemindedness, a Eugenical a n d p r o m i s c u i t y ... I n 1 9 2 4 , V i r g i n i a Sterilization Act based upon L a u g h l i n ' s m o d e l l a w . .. i t f o c u s e d u p o n d e f e c t i v e p e r s o n s w h o s e r e p r o d u c t i o n p o s e d a r i s k t o s o c i e t y . The Superintendent of the Virginia Colony, a Dr. Priddy, stated untruthfulness mother. that Carrie exhibited immorality, prostitution, a n d s y p h i l i s . .. which were also exhibited by Carrie's Dr. Priddy described Carrie and her mother in this way: T h e s e people belong to the s h i f t l e s s , ignorant, and w o r t h l e s s c l a s s of a n t i s o c i a l W h i t e s o f t h e s o u t h . ( 1 2 4 ) Harry Laughlin never examined Carrie nor met her, yet he sent a letter of support for the use of Sterilization against remedy. Carrie and affirmed Dr. Priddy's conclusions and his A Sociologist, Arthur Estabrook was a member of the E . R . O . s t a f f and testified that Carrie was: b e l o w a v e r a g e , a n d n o t q u i t e n o r m a l . ... T h e V i r g i n i a j u d g e for the case concluded that Carrie should be sterilized to prevent the birth of other defective children. ( 1 2 5 ) What has come out in modern reviews of the case... 106 is that Carrie was r a p e d b y a c l o s e r e l a t i v e o f h e r F o s t e r f a m i l y ; she had not been promiscuous. In addition, her elementary school report cards illustrated that she earned h o n o r r o l l status and was therefore not of lower intelligence. Carrie was victimized by a deplorable home situation, and then placed into a foster home were she was sexually assaulted. After she became pregnant from the rape, she was taken to the Colony and labeled and stigmatized...as being feebleminded and sexually promiscuous. This was done in all likelihood to protect the foster family or a close friend, at the expense of Carrie. When the test case made it to the Supreme Court, it was heard by Justice Holmes...who delivered imbeciles are enough. the infamous line... T h r e e generations of It was to be decades and tens of thousands of sterilizations later ...until a legal opinion was given which over ruled the earlier test case. ( 1 2 6 ) Biological Determinism and Eugenics: A number of scholars from the United States received awards from the Nazi's because of the strong positions which they took regarding compulsory sterilization laws and their advocacy of the elimination of those who were defined as weak or biologically unfit. This included the passing of laws opposed to cross racial marriage and immigration by Latins, Asians, Eastern Europeans and those of African descent. Terms such as congenital poverty or 'biological pauperism' came into use, along with an attempt to link criminality to heredity. been labeled as retarded, or mentally 107 unstable, those Those who had with physical disabilities stemming from birth, alcoholics and virtually anyone who was labeled as unfit by government specialists,e.g., workers could be sterilized. judges, doctors, social 'Social Hygiene' programs and 'Fitter Family contests' became commonplace. E. J. Lidbetter discussed 'Pauperism and Heredity' and noted the relationship between the two. He believed that a variety of traits were of a biological nature. It is to be noted finally that degenerate tendencies do not manifest in transmission a single set of characteristics but take on a great multiplicity of forms. A single family stock produces paupers, feeble minded, alcoholics, and certain types of criminals. If an investigation could be carried out on a sufficiently large scale we believe that the greater proportion of undesirables would be found connected by a network of relationships, a few thousand family stocks probably provide this burden which the community has to bear. ( 1 2 7 ) Sadly, science in the early part of the 20th century as represented by Psychology, Medicine, Cultural Anthropology, plus many from Physical Anthropology and Biology came together to give impetus to the Eugenics movement. They saw what they wanted to see,i.e., they were influenced by both the cultural ideology of the time and their own prejudices they made their scientific data fit what they were looking for... This was at an historical moment when extremist based organizations were recruiting members throughout the United States and Europe. The popular literature from the period, and literature from the scientific establishment supported some of 108 the more rabid perspectives. Criminology, Anthropology and Eugenics: Here is an example of the type of rhetoric employed to describe those who were defined as inferior by those who professed to know what was best for humankind...long before any knowledge of genetics was really present. In 1912 at a conference (London)...One criminologist told the audience: Criminals are apes in our midst, marked by the anatomical stigmata of atavism. He also included disabled people and epileptics and claimed criminals were born to evil, thus unable to change, and suggested it was necessary to eliminate them completely, even by death. (128) One of the earlier documents of the Eugenics movement associated with a position towards those labeled as criminals is associated with a draft of a cover page for what is termed a G e n e r a l Q u e s t i o n n a i r e , put forth by the E u g e n i c s S e c t i o n o f t h e A m e r i c a n B r e e d e r s A s s o c i a t i o n . ( 1 2 9 ) This was one of the pioneer organizations in the United States regarding the Eugenics movement. The committee included among its members C.B. Davenport/ Secretary, and Harry Laughlin listed as a member. The subcommittee sent out the questionnaire with the original title for their sub committee: Committee to Investigate the proposed treatment Degenerates & Criminals by Sterilization and other methods. of This was changed to Committee to Investigate the proposed treatment of Defectives by Sterilization and other methods. ( 1 3 0 ) The language of the first version of the committee's title was edited by an unknown individual, probably to 109 make the program easier to sell from a public relations standpoint. There is little left to the imagination as to whom they believed should be the recipients of a sterilization program. However, what is open to speculation is their definition of degeneracy, a term which at the time... had a rather loose interpretation. One of the goals of the Eugenics movement was to create a scientific basis for the study of criminality. However, the model was based on the assumption that criminals were distinct in some way from non criminals and that measurement could be used to describe the differences.. ( 1 3 1 ) It is what modern day criminologists describe as the dualistic fallacy...in that most modern criminologists state that there are 'No' appreciable differences between criminals and non-criminals of a biological nature which would be responsible for criminal behavior. This was the opposite of criminological theory for a good portion of the twentieth century. Eugenics of the period embraced the two biological group model,i.e., criminals Vs. non criminals. A period in which specialists would be able to recognize and predict criminality on the basis of phenotypic or biological traits was anticipated by those who were proponents of nature over nurture. In a chart entitled: State Criteria for Legal Eugenical Sterilization, twenty eight states are listed as having laws which permit Eugenical sterilization. The label of at least one of the following: criminality, habitual criminals, and criminal persons is found in nine of these states. There are no definitions as to what the terms mean. 110 However, in this instance the criminal is labeled as a patient. ( 1 3 2 ) In a report replete with bar graphs entitled: Crime and Race Descent, Laughlin claimed that strict immigration laws (Johnson Act of 1924, and deportation of certain aliens, along with the right of U.S. Counsuls to refuse visas had cut crime by aliens in a dramatic fashion. ( 1 3 3 ) Another illustration, with the title of: New American Criminals, significant offense differences--native born and foreign purports to show a differential of criminal behavior between various types of racial/cultural groups who are immigrants.(( 1 3 4 ) The crime of forgery is rated as higher by 8 . 5 % for British American immigrants, with Irish American immigrants exhibiting a rate of first degree murder some 1 8 % higher than the American born population. Here, what is being put forth is the idea that even in crime one group is inherently more violent than another. Burglary and larceny for Irish American immigrants is shown as are native born. being 2 6 . 4 % higher than those who The Teutonic is shown as exhibiting a crime rate of 8% higher for burglary and 3 . 5 % for crimes against public welfare. What is more intriguing about the illustration which is in the form of a bar graph is that there is no indication as to how the figures were arrived at. Visual images are replete with small prisoner figures who have small liquor bottles, ladders to burglarize, guns to rob, pens to commit forgery and for the Teutonic group... Swastikas and goose stepping figures are present.(( 1 3 5 ) The symbolic imagery was designed to produce in the minds 111 of the viewer a link between the specific type of immigrant and criminal acts of a particular nature. To make sure the viewer of the chart knows they are criminals, the artist has placed them in a type of clothing ...a striped shirt and in some instances a type of small black eye mask. These articles were well known to everyday folk who read the cartoon pages, in that it was the custom to portray criminals in this type of garb. The illustrator also draws upon ethnic stereotypes with elements attached to each figure which represent a distortion of the culture. No dates are attached to the diagram. The illustrator and the contractor for the cartoon made use of popular culture to get their point across, a rather skillful element to employ while propaganda is utilized. Social Degeneracy Harry Laughlin was concerned about the so-called inherent criminality and Social Degeneracy of immigrant populations. He devised a measurement of sorts, which has been critiqued by modern statisticians. What he did was to identify the racial/ethnic groups who were counted in a much earlier census. Their representation as percentages of the total population in the earlier census, was the baseline for expected frequencies in the study that he undertook regarding the impact of immigration and a measurement of what he termed as social degeneracy.. ( 1 3 6 ) The fact that he used an older study when immigration continued at a high pace for a decade...in order to arrive at an expected outcome within the general population, made his study invalid. He failed to identify the problems 112 of Social Class, Racism, and how they forced many in the newly arrived populations to spend a period in less than desirable social conditions. However, he does not give any mention of the terrible living conditions nor the exploitation in the labor force or exclusionary and discriminatory practices by WASPS towards those who were regarded as different. The conditions for Afro Americans at this time were deplorable with all the horrid excesses of segregation including lynching being present. There were few or virtually no judicial remedies for discrimination and hate crimes. Modern researchers are aware...it is difficult to identify race and ethnicity in that the labels or categories can sometimes be less than accurate depending upon what category a person is placed in by the census interviewer or how a respondent to a census question about race... is identified. Laughlin used this index to arrive at what he called a 'quota for social i n a d e q u a c y ' . He identified the percentages for a specific ethnic group relative to the general population by locating its representation in the census of 1910; and then obtained the raw numbers for that specific group in prison or another institution or social service program that he wanted to examine. He performed calculations to determine whether the actual percentage in prison had been exceeded or was less than the expected outcome, and derived an index of social inadequacy. ( 1 3 7 ) The fact that his initial figures were skewed to under represent immigrant populations during a high mark of immigration was enough to invalidate his study. However, Laughlin was trying to convert the 113 percentages of 'so called European stock' of the country back to earlier census representations and to limit non European and non northern European access to the country. Rates of criminality, Intelligence, poverty, and feeblemindedness tallies were all used to develop information to limit or stop immigration. It did not matter to these scientists, that intelligence tests were based in English, and that reading skills of most newly arrived immigrants and non-Whites were low. The impact that poverty had on 'feeblemindedness' was traced by experts like Laughlin to a hereditary defect... never to the fact that inadequate diet, exposure to negative traits in the habitat at work or in the homes of these people increased risk factors. Little was known at the time of the risk of brain damage when exposed to lead pollution, mercury or fetal alcohol syndrome. All of these played a role. Yet, the immigrant restrictors saw all 'Social Inadequacy' as being based upon an underlying biological weakness in the group and the individual. The lack of education or differences in language were ignored in order to obtain the desired (lower) results when employing I.Q. tests. Laughlin argued that 'Social Degeneracy' if truly random would be distributed evenly among all the various populations. higher percentage of being incarcerated, compared If a group showed a to their expected numbers he concluded that they were a greater social burden, or if the reverse was true then a group was less of a burden. The percentage by which a group exceeded or was below its expected quota determined the 114 Laughlin Standard of Degeneracy. His perspectives and findings were written up in a U.S. government publication which recorded his testimony to the The Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, Sixty Seventh Congress, third session. November 21,1922, Serial 7-C, Statement of Harry Laughlin. ( 1 3 8 ) One of his questioners was the Congressman from Texas... John Box whose own racist diatribes against Mexicans, Latin Americans, Non-whites, Indians, and French Canadians were well publicized. Mr. Box was an active proponent of Eugenics and sent drafts of particularly legislation to Harry Laughlin for his discriminatory suggestions. proposals for It was no surprise that Laughlin's statements were met with appreciation and affirmation from the members of the committee. The following (table I.), illustrates the type of data that Harry Laughlin produced for Congressional Testimony. It purports to illustrate, the percentage by which a group was represented in the expected percentage within its Ethnic category. If it is lower than 100% it is below expectations for 'Social Inadequacy', if it is higher than 100% it is above the expected level. Table I. ( Laughlin's Quota for Social Inadequacy) Swiss 27% Neth. 58% Canada. 65% Aust-Hung. 68% So./East/Europ.141% Rus/Fin/Poland 126% Nat.White 115%* Turkey 240% Rumania 141% Japan 143% Portugal 153% Amer.Negro 207% Italian 218% Asia 251% Balkans 275% 115 Greece 293% West Indies 318% China 337% Mexico 549% Spain 660% Serbia 1400% Nat.White 81%** Nat.White 91%*** Scand. 35% N.W.Europ. 37% Grt.Brit.43% France 123% Bulgaria 366% Germ. 35% Parents( one native born plus one foreign born);**Parents( both) native born;***Parents (both foreign born) * (139) C. M. Goethe: C.M. Goethe a prominent philanthropist from Sacramento, California was a follower and outspoken advocate of the Eugenics movement. He was known for his vitriolic attacks against immigrants, and others who did not meet his criteria for eugenical fitness. Mr. Goethe commented in a letter dated January 12th, 1935 about the French method for controlling aliens. France, as you know has a marvelously efficient system of registering aliens. Thru it, when a Frenchman loses his job, an alien is sent over the frontier to make room for him. As a result, France has practically no unemployment problem. ...Watching these deportations, one is impressed with the fact that the French weed out the Eugenically low powered. The near moron tends to multiply without restraint. The law of differential birthrates works with tragic speed against the type that produces leadership. ...one is impressed that Germany, by Sterilization, and by stimulating birthrates among the eugenically high powered, is gaining an advantage over us as to future leadership. 30 years research, much of it overseas, into these problems makes profound the conviction that we should (1st) pass a Quota Act against Latin America, (2nd) register all aliens (3rd) deport, like France, aliens to make jobs for the old American stock. ( 1 4 1 ) 116 Goethe in another correspondence dated March 21,1935 expressed the viewpoint that there was something different (fertility/rate regarding the fecundity of reproduction) regarding what he termed the 'Amerind' populations. He implored the recipient of the letter to do what he could to support Congressman Martin Dies (bill) in the House of Representatives, which proposed to impose a quota regarding Mexican immigration to the United States. There is nothing left to the imagination as to Gothe's own attitudes regarding Mexicans when he notes... I t i s t h e h i g h b i r t h r a t e t h a t m a k e s the M e x i c a n peon i m m i g r a t i o n such a m e n a c e . P e o n s m u l t i p l y like r a b b i t s . He also managed to take issue with French 'Amerinds' from birthrate Canada. ...it is well known that Canadians and the very of Quebec is due, in a g r e a t d e g r e e at l e a s t , Indian strain. high to the (142) Goethe carried on a correspondence with Laughlin over a lengthy period of time. He influenced the Eugenics movement because of his personal contact with Laughlin and financial assistance to the movement. One of the indicators of Goethe's document...where he perspective praised the is to genocidal be found actions in of a written the Turkish government against the Armenians and Greeks. Any observer who witnessed in Turkey the exchange of Population movement could not help but be impressed despite it tragedy, with its highly idealistic nationalism. The Turks insisted that Turkey's future depended upon the 117 expulsion of what they called the trouble making Greeks and Armenians. Already there are signs that the plan was wise. Shrewd observers insist that, a quarter century hence, Turkey will be a near Eastern Japan. (1 4 3 ) Goethe clearly associated himself as an admirer of genocide against the Armenians; where Armenians were ethnically cleansed from Turkey with millions killed and survivors scattered across the globe. He went on to note: The Hitler program includes all that the Turks felt necessary, all that we enacted in our quota acts. It goes much further however. It is this advance of ideas that we must consider to meet future German competition as long as Nationalism remains dominant. These additional factors are those which the Norwegian state has recently enacted into law by its approval of the work of Dr. John Mjoen. The two elements herein of greatest possible potentiality are probably (1) speeding up the high powers birth rate, (2) sterilization of those undoubtedly socially inadequate. (144) Seldom has any propaganda ever been released more convincing that the Nazi pictures of the imbecile, the moron compared with the flower of German youth. ...If we study Hitler's methods, accept what is gold, reject the dross, we may make America Germany's superpower rival. Germany plans sterilization of 400,000 low powers soon. We will not proceed with such speed. We can however, commence to think of positive Eugenics, of multiplying our high power strains, while we consider working out a common sense sterilization program. ( 1 4 5 ) Goethe was an unabashed admirer of both Hitler, and Nazi Germany's Eugenic programs. He was not an advocate for unlimited immigration to the United States, and expressed a concern that the hybrid population which was 118 developing in the United States was no longer pure or Nordic enough for his standards. Thoughtful sociologists insist they (Negro) tend more and more to become absorbed, making our people to some extend Negroes. We have a polyglot mixture of perhaps 20 million more of non-Nordics with elements like the Sicilian Black Hand transplanted while our philosophy was dominated by misplaced 'melting pot' foolishness. ( 1 4 6 ) His fascination with physical traits, led him to conduct amateur research regarding the distribution of racial traits and to send the results to Harry Laughlin. In a letter he goes on to say: If in data concerning the Italians, for example, one had also the statistics of eye color and of height, one could form a more accurate mental picture. Of course the census enumerators ought to be warned to distinguish between the hazel eye of the Nordic and the typical brown black Mediterranean eye. In this connection, I am thinking of the eye counts which I made in French Africa, and the mandated territory for Syria. Had these men been classified as Frenchmen, the description would have been worth little. I confine myself to merely eye color. It was remarkable to note the racial differences between officers and the men in the ranks. In Damascus, Beirut, also at the posts in Algiers, one observes that approximately 75% of the officers were tall, ruddy faced, long skulled blondes, generally with blue or gray eyes. The Alpine and Mediterranean types of skulls represented the remaining 25%. Curiously the men in the ranks showed the reverse. These were apparently composed largely of Mediterranean and Alpines. The number of blue or gray eyed men represented about 25%. There were many undersized men. The tall blue eyed man was confined almost to the officer class. If this appeals to you, perhaps a few of us might 119 write the Director of the Census persistently until he has made such a change in his blanks. In my business I want to know daily the rise and fall of the business thermometer. I have to know what are assets, and what so-called assets are liabilities. Is it not time that the United States Government, in fact that all Governments, commence planning for similar efficiency? ( 1 4 7 ) Goethe observed a difference between what he termed the 'Blue Eyed' officers and the 'Dark Eyed' enlisted ranks. He believed that the difference in social status was the result of heredity, in that the 'higher ranking' status group,i.e., the officers' had biological traits which set them apart from the 'inferior status group,i.e., the 'enlisted ranks'. The pseudo scientific manner in which he purported to show a correlation between a phenotypic trait,i.e., eye color and social class standing was common to the followers of Eugenics. The use of head shape is but an additional expression of this perspective. No mention is made of the fact that large numbers of enlisted were drawn from outside of France, from countries with high levels unemployment. The French were quite willing to use men from countries and racial groups to fight their battles. of other The Foreign Legion was well known for this aspect. Thus, it is likely that the byproduct of social stratification and class exploitation had more to do with who was an officer, and who was enlisted in the French colonies. insisted that only French Officers The French Foreign Legion could lead their troops. Thereby, institutionalizing this biological and cultural divide that existed between the ranks. The division was created by men, and government who used cultural 120 and racial factors in opening and closing opportunities for groups of individuals. His analogy employed the phrase a s s e t s r i s i n g a n d f a l l i n g . Goethe wanted to identify racial categories with more precision; he suggested using physical traits to establish the race of a person within the Census in order to ascertain which racial groups are going up or down relative to the census. He viewed non-Nordic races as liabilities and Nordics as assets. It is typical of the type of unscientific and absurd commentary which is scattered throughout most Eugenics materials. In a postcard sent to Dr. Harry Laughlin from Europe by Goethe, the latter remarks: ...the world has tragic need of your research work!!! We must have an hour together to discuss the Marvelous Eugenics Program of Hitler...This Valamo Monastery just over the Finnish border has been saved from the Soviets. It is a tragic example of the last stronghold of a real Church exhibiting complete elimination of leadership through hybridization. Two Friezes show the former leaders now canonized to have been of Viking type. Compare the present day monks, as hybridized as South Americans, mumbling to them in meaningless ritual. ( 1 4 8 ) The racially motivated perspective of Goethe is apparent from the preceding materials. He was not an objective observer, but was driven by his own view of race and biology. He maintained a close personal and professional friendship with Harry Laughlin who in turn influenced both Public and Medical policies which exerted a major impact upon American Society and which were 121 borrowed in part by the Nazis as models for their system. This closeness between Laughlin and Goethe was exemplified in a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Goethe from Harry Laughlin. ...Mrs. Laughlin and I enjoyed greatly our visit with the Goethes. It was a multifold pleasure; we talked shop, heard about Europe and California and joined in personal acquaintance as well. We trust that the next time you go through New York both you and Mrs. Goethe will plan to come to Cold Spring Harbor and make your headquarters at our house. Our work here goes on as usual. Doubtless within a few weeks we will have a definite information concerning the permanent organization of affairs at Cod Spring Harbor. I am sending you copies of a few papers which we discussed at our New York conference. With cordial regards to both of you in which Mrs. Laughlin heartily joins. ( 1 4 9 ) Congressman Martin Dies: America for A m e r i c a n s was the title of a radio address given by Congressman Martin Dies of Texas, March 6,1935. In it, Congressman Dies went on to rail against all aliens both legal and illegal. He suggested, that if all the 1 6 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 foreign born who had been allowed to enter earlier in the century had been excluded...that the problems of not having enough jobs at the height of the depression would be eliminated. He described the job shortfall as being 1 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 for the depression. Dies declares to the effect... that if we had excluded the 7 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 aliens who were presently living in the country the unemployment impacted...and would be normal. ( 1 5 0 ) 122 rate would be dramatically His argument revolved around the nexus that Foreign Problems were being exported to America by Europe sending its surplus people; thereby causing our high unemployment rate. The pain of the depression was felt throughout the country. It was not surprising that scapegoats were singled out by the Congressman. Dies went on to blame what he termed internationalists, sentimentalists, and greedy employers as the ones who triggered the flood of immigration and who as a group would remain opposed to restrictions presented by his bill. His bill proposed that employers would not be allowed to hire illegal aliens and that measures would be taken by the government against employers who do. A number of foreign countries were cited in his address as being totally closed to immigration... M e x i c o , S w e d e n , B e l g i u m , G r e a t B r i t a i n , France, the N e t h e r l a n d s , and G e r m a n y . He believed that Aliens brought foreign ideas with them that were dangerous to the country. Dies remarked on being in New York on May Day, and how he had personally witnessed a parade of 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 c o m m u n i s t s . ( 1 5 1 ) ... I did not see an American in the crowd. Many of them are aliens that should be deported and others are foreign born who should have their naturalization papers canceled."... "Our immigration policy introduced into our midst alien political, economic and social ideas. ( 1 5 2 ) It is apparent that Congressman Dies had his own ideas as to what an 'American' should look like. He wa s not speaking metaphorically, but was giving his literal interpretation of how he felt about entire groups of people. 123 It was not the accident of simple probability...in that he selected New York as a social setting where he found people and ideas that were the symbols of an alien or foreign influence. However, a few passages later...he went on to vent his wrath towards the right. He condemns Fascism and Hitlerism in the same breaths as Communism. Arguing that these were European ideas which eliminated the individual and made the State all powerful, while they destroyed freedom of thought, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech. Later in the same speech he recites: T h e r e i s n o m i d d l e g r o u n d o r c o m p r o m i s e . E i t h e r we a r e f o r or a g a i n s t A m e r i c a . America, If we a r e f o r we m u s t be f o r the e x c l u s i o n of n e w - s e e d i m m i g r a n t s and the deportation of those unlawfully here. (153) Here Dies interjected the term new 'seed.' This was a common metaphor within the Eugenics movement to describe the hereditary features of a biological population by using the term seed. He communicated with his listeners in a code of sorts. described by many racist In the period, New York was frequently and reactionary leaders as the symbol of everything that was wrong with American society. It had foreigners, foreign ideas, and large minority/ethnic and racial populations, and religions that were not Protestant denominations. These were people who did not look, or act, or speak like those in rural Texas or the heartland. Differences were 'suspect' and frequently equated with a bestowal of a negative label for those who were different. Both the inhabitants of large cities and immigrants were frequently stigmatized as 'Sinful' and carriers of an 'Alien 124 Seed'. There were no shortages of sermons which looked down up New York and its diverse population. Martin Dies exploited verbal symbolism in his radio broadcast which was designed to elicit a visceral reaction on the part of the listeners without the use of overt racist wording... while nonetheless conveying the exact same message. His closing comments say it all. I am appealing to you my fellow countrymen, to adopt the American slogan: 'America for Americans'. ( 1 5 4 ) B a c k g r o u n d to the Anti I m m i g r a n t M o v e m e n t s of the 1920's and 1930's: Anti-immigration movements in the United States grew at a time, when during the period between 1900 and 1920 immigration to the United States brought in millions of immigrants primarily from non Northern European areas of the world. The short boom in the economy after World War I, did not create full employment for all the returning veterans. In the Southwest, large scale Hispanic immigration had taken place during the revolutionary troubles in Mexico and was accelerated as the agriculture through water projects. area was opened up to Then the depression loomed, and employment rates fell to record lows. In the massive dislocation of the period, there was no shortage of spokespersons for extremist movements whether right wing or leftist in perspective. Earlier when the Johnson Immigration Act was approved in 1924, it instituted a quota system. The Johnson Act 125 based its quotas upon the 1890 census. The goal was more than simple racism; it was designed in a very simplistic fashion to restore the 1890 percentages of ethnicity and race. There was a belief among the Eugenical groups that most of what ailed America could somehow be fixed by restoring its racial balance to the old days. Many of the followers of these racist social movements focused their attention against ethnic and racial minorities in the United States, including Native Americans, Oceanic Peoples, Afro Americans, Asians, Central Europeans, plus Jews and Catholics. The actions of Eastern and racist groups were known to have deprived these populations of basic civil rights, and protection. The Klu Klux Klan was at its zenith in the 1920's in the United States, and was a supporter of restrictive immigration and restrictions relating to marriage based upon race. However, they were by no means alone in regards to extremist groups nor was the population at large known for its liberal perspective regarding diversity. What gave them additional power, was the support of the Eugenic and Scientific communities that produced spurious data to justify restrictive immigration and more. Miscegenation Law, Virginia: In an Act of the Virginia Legislature to preserve R a c i a l I n t e g r i t y , approved March 20,1924...official steps were taken to restrict marriage between certain categories of individuals on the grounds of race. ( 1 5 5 ) 1....The State registrar of vital statistics may, as soon as practicable after the taking effect of this act, prepare a 126 form whereon the racial composition of any individual as Caucasian, Negro, Mongolian, American Indian, Asiatic Indian, Malay, or any mixture thereof, or any other nonCaucasic strains, and if there is any mixture, then, the racial composition of the parents and other ancestors, in so far as ascertainable, so as to show in what generation such mixture occurred, may be certified by such individuals, which form shall be known as the registration certificate. The State registrar may supply to each local registrar a sufficient number of such forms for the purpose of this act; each local registrar may, personally or by deputy, as soon as possible after receiving said forms, have made thereon in duplicate a certificate of the racial composition, as aforesaid, of each person resident in his district, who so desires, born before June 14,1912 which certificate shall be made over the signature of said person, or in the case of children under fourteen years of age, over the signature of a parent, guardian, or other person standing in loco parentis. One of said certificates, for each person thus registering in every district shall be forwarded to the State registrar for his file; the other shall be kept on file by the local registrar. Every local registrar may, as soon as practicable have such registration certificate made by or for each person in his district who so desires, born before June 14th, 1912, for whom he he has not on file a registration certificate or a birth certificate. 2. It shall be a felony for any prison willfully or knowingly to make a registration certificate false as to color or race. The willful making of a false registration or birth certificate shall be punished by confinement in the penitentiary for one year. 3.For each registration certificate properly made and returned to the State Registrar, the local registrar returning the same shall be entitled to a fee of twenty five cents, to be paid by the registrant. Application for registration and for transcript may be made direct to the State registrar, who may retain the fee for expenses to his office. 127 4.No marriage license shall be granted until the clerk or deputy clerk has reasonable assurance that the statements as to color of both man and woman are correct. If there is reasonable cause to disbelieve that applicants are of pure white race, when that fact is stated, the clerk or deputy clerk shall withhold the granting of the license until satisfactory proof is produced that both applicants are 'white persons' as provided for in this act. The clerk or deputy clerk shall use the same care to assure himself that both applicants are colored, when that fact is claimed. 5.It shall hereafter be unlawful for any white person in this State to marry any save a white person, or a person with no other admixture of blood than white and American Indian. For the purpose of this act the term white person shall apply only to the person who has no trace whatsoever of any blood other than Caucasian; who persons who have one sixteenth or less of blood of the American Indian and have no other non-Caucasic blood shall be deemed to be white persons. All laws heretofore passed and now in effect regarding the intermarriage of white and colored persons shall apply to marriages prohibited by this act. 6.For carrying out the purposes of this act and to provide the necessary clerical assistance, postage and other expenses of the State registrar of vital statistics, twenty per cent of the fees received by local registrars under this act shall be paid to the State bureau for the purposes of this act. 7. All acts or arts of acts inconsistent with this act are, to the extent of such inconsistency, hereby repealed. (156) 128 Notes: * ( The use o f : i t a l i c s within the body of the p a p e r or in the N o t e s . . . d e s i g n a t e s ei t h er a quote or a heavily p a r a p h r a s e d set of materials). 105.A photocopy of a pamphlet,entitled: Eugenics seeks to improve the Natural, Physical, Mental, and Temperamental Qualities of the Human Family. Published by: Carnegie Institution of Washington, Department of Genetics, and the Eugenics Records Office, Cold Springs Harbor, Long Island, New York. The pamphlet notes that the E.R.O. was Funded by Mrs. E.H. Harriman in 1910. Charles B. Davenport is listed as the director and Harry Laughlin as the assistant director. The photocopy of the one page fold over pamphlet was obtained from Truman State Library, the Harry Laughlin Collection. 106.Ibid. 107.Ibid. 108. a. Ibid. b. Daggett,Mabel; Women Building a Better Race, The World's Work, Volume 25, December 1912, pp.228-234. There was a push within the popular culture to examine living populations in detail. The follow selection is illustrative of a theme that the Eugenics movement borrowed from county fairs and the judging of animals...paraphrased items and quotes which are drawn from the article: ...the example of the Iowa fitter baby contests, where children were... 'judged like thoroughbreds...' 'by a board of women physicians...who stripped the babies and... weighed them , measured their height, weight, chest circumference, and noted the quality of skin and muscle, bone structure, size of head, formation of features, disposition, energy, facial expression, and attention were among the traits 129 m o s t c a r e f u l l y n o t e d . . . . ' (p.229). 109. Photocopy of a pamphlet; see note#105 above. 110. Ibid. 111. Ibid. 112.Web Site at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/Eugenics site (downloaded March 2000)document: (Minutes of the first meeting of the Board of Scientific Directors of the Eugenics Record Office, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington D.C.), Charles Davenport, Secretary to the Board. (Original from the collection of the American Philosophical Society)pp.1-3. 113.Web Site at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; (downloaded March 2000)document: Eugenics Records Office(ERO), it is located as a text page link on the site under the category: History of the Organizations. 114.Laughlin, Harry; (Carnegie Institute), Photocopy of a manuscript entitled: The Control of Trends in the Racial Composition of the American People, pages pp.15-17. Document obtained from the Harry Laughlin collection at Truman State University. 115.Ibid. 116. Ibid., pp.19-21. 117.Photocopy of A Memorandum on a proposed immediate Immigration Program for the American Patriotic Coalition. Authored by: Congressional Representative from Texas...Mr. John C. Box. (Document obtained from the Harry Laughlin Collection, at Truman State University)p.1. 118.Ibid. 119.Ibid.; p.4. 120.Ibid.; p.6. 130 121. a. A photocopy of a letter, informing Harry Laughlin about testifying. Addressed to: Harry Laughlin, from: John C. Box and dated: Feb. 16,1928; (Document obtained from Truman State University, the Harry Laughlin Collection) b. A photocopy of a letter, authorizing Harry Laughlin to come and testify. Addressed to: Harry Laughlin, from: John C. Box and dated: March 5,1928. (Document obtained from Truman State University, the Harry Laughlin Collection) c. A photocopy of a telegram. Addressed to: John C. Box, from: Harry Laughlin and dated: Feb.23, 1928. (Document obtained from Truman State University, the Harry Laughlin Collection) Laughlin states: ' w i l l b e p l e a s e d t o a p p e a r o n B i o l o g i c a l a s p e c t s o f the Mexican problem at your convenience'. 122.Lynchburg, Virginia (sterilization law) A Video Documentary on the subject, detailed the case and its historical significance, it was broadcast on commercial television. A copy of the documentary has been retained for scholarly purposes. It addresses the history of Eugenics, and the Carrie Buck test case which affirmed the right of States to sterilize certain categories of individuals. 123.Web Site at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory;(downloaded March 2000)document: Eugenic Sterilization Laws. Author: Paul Lombardo; University of Virginia. An interactive link under the category Sterilization, pp.1-4. (A copy of the 1924 Virginia law is also available through the site). 124.Ibid. 125.Ibid. 126. a.Ibid. b. California was one of the States that practiced sterilization. In an article titled Purifying the Human Race, LeBourdaris, D.M.; in the North American Review, Volume 238, vol. 238, November 1934, p436. He wrote: 131 Doctor, when will I have my operation...the doctor countered pretending not to understand... Oh, my sterilization operation, she replied...your turn will come pretty soon, he assured her as we passed on...As far as she was concerned, sterilization was merely a routine matter without which the period of institutional residence was not complete. Le Bourdaris goes on to write in glowing terms that the sterilized individuals of limited intelligence do very well at domestic household duties and routine manufacturing jobs, where manual dexterity rather than intelligence is required...and that well trained feeble minded person of this type are often more reliable than persons of greater intelligence, because they are satisfied to stick to the things that they have been trained to do, and are not tempted to move from one job to another...He contends that Sterilization should be used against the feeble minded but not against common criminals, and paupers... 127. Lidbetter,E.J; paper and article entitled: Pauperism and Heredity, originally presented before the Eugenics Education Society in 1910, and (revised for publication) The Eugenics Review,vol.XIV,No.1 April-January 1922) p.153. 128. Billig, Michael 'Searchlight Magazine', July 1998.(London) 129. Web Site at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; downloaded March 2000,document: General Questionnaire, Eugenics Section of the American Breeders Association.(Original from the collection of the American Philosophical Society). 130.Ibid. 131.Strother, French; Crime and Heredity, , pp.554-560 (photocopy of an early article on Eugenics and crime in an unknown publication of the first thirty years of the 20th century). It illustrates the perspective towards criminality that was popular in this period. 132 approximately 90% of crime is committed by habitual criminals and that they are members of a group that exhibits abnormal emotion... the records of the Psychopathic Laboratory of the Municipal Court of Chicago bear out the conclusion according to the author...(Strother) that the criminal type of mental defect is inherited...cites in his article an address by a Judge Harry Olson, chief Justice of the above court, delivered at the eleventh annual meeting of the Eugenics Research Association at Cold Spring Harbor, New York... the author goes on to state the need...surely society has few more clearly defined tasks before it than to breed out of the race, by humane methods, such blood streams as this that are at once a burden to the community and a scourge to the individuals who derive their being from it. 132.Web Site at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; downloaded March 2000,document: State Criteria for Eugenical Sterilization, a lantern slide. (Original from Truman State University, the Harry Laughlin Collection). 133.Web Site at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; (downloaded March 2000)document: 'Crime and Race Descent, Report of a first hand study on Race Descent of inmates found in 242 state and Federal prisons in the United States in Oct. 1931. (Original from Truman State University, the Harry Laughlin Collection). 134. Web Site at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, (downloaded, March 20000 document: New American Criminals, significant offense differences native born and foreign/graphical illustration (Courtesy of Garland Allen, Phd.,and the American Philosophical Society). 135.Ibid. 136. Analysis of America's Modern Melting Pot, Hearings Before the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, sixty seventh congress, third session. November 21,1922, Serial 7-C, Statement of Harry Laughlin, printed 1923, US government printing office. 133 137.Ibid. 138. Ibid. 139.Ibid. 140. Ibid. 141. a. Photocopy of a Personal letter, from C.M. Goethe,to: Harry Laughlin, dated: January 12,1935; obtained from Truman State University, Harry Laughlin Collection) b. Additional Note: Spring 2000 edition of Capital University Journal, published by California State University,Sacramento; Morgan House to be Restored; pp. 4,15. The article recounts the 1966 donation to the University of Morgan House, a 6,000 square foot mansion by Sacramento Philanthropist Charles M. Goethe. No mention of his connections to the Eugenics movement nor his racist and Nazi embracing perspectives appeared in the article. 142. Photocopy of a Personal letter, from C.M. Goethe,to: Harry Laughlin, dated: March 21,1935; obtained from Truman State University, the Harry Laughlin Collection. 143. Photocopy of two page typewritten pages, authored by C.M. Goethe, 'no heading or title ; obtained from Truman State University, the Harry Laughlin collection. 144. Ibid. 145. Ibid 146. Ibid. 147. Photocopy of a one page typewritten letter; to :Harry Laughlin, authored by C.M. Goethe, dated: 8-28-27, obtained from Truman State University,the Harry Laughlin collection. 134 148. Photocopy of a postcard; mailed from Finland, to :Harry Laughlin, authored by C.M. Goethe, date: not legible; obtained from Truman State University, the Harry Laughlin collection. 149. a . Photocopy of a typewritten letter; to :Mr. and Mrs. Goethe, authored by Harry Laughlin, dated: 10-10-34; obtained from Truman State University, the Harry Laughlin Collection. b . The fact that Goethe was a well known and well respected businessman and philanthropist in Sacramento, California played a role. A large mansion was donated to Sacramento State University in 1966 in his name. The latter was discovered in an Alumni Newsletter from Sacramento State University while researching the subject matter, Spring 2000. 150. Web Site at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; (downloaded March 2000)document: Manuscript of a Radio Address, Honorable Martin Dies of Texas, May 6,1935 (Courtesy of Harry Laughlin Archives, Truman State University)pp.1-5. 151. Ibid. 152. Ibid. 153. Ibid. 154. Ibid. 155. Web Site at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory;(downloaded March 2000)document: (Acts and Joint Resolutions, (Amending the constitution) of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, Session which commenced at the State Capitol on Wednesday, January 9, 1924. Printed at Richmond: Davis Bottom, Superintendent of Pubic Printing 1924) pp. 534-535. 156. Ibid. 135 E.A. Hooton and Colleagues: The Harvard Physical Anthropologist E. Hooton in, The American Criminal: An Anthropological Study believed that he had isolated key physical differences between the criminal and non-criminal populations. He reached his conclusions after an analysis of data that he had gleaned from anthropometric measurements of thousands of criminals. FINDINGS 1. IN 19 OUT OF 33 MEASUREMENTS THERE WAS A SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CRIMINALS AND CIVILIANS 2. CRIMINALS ARE INFERIOR TO CIVILIANS IN NEARLY ALL THEIR BODILY MEASUREMENTS 3. LOW FOREHEADS, HIGH PINCHED NASAL ROOTS, NASAL BRIDGES AND TIPS VARYING TO BOTH EXTREMES OF BREADTH AND NARROWNESS, EXCESS OF NASAL DEFLECTIONS, COMPRESSED FACES AND NARROW JAWS, FIT WELL INTO THE PICTURE OF GENERAL CONSTITUTIONAL INFERIORITY. 4. PHYSICAL INFERIORITY IS SIGNIFICANT PRINCIPALLY BECAUSE IT IS ASSOCIATED WITH MENTAL INFERIORITY. 5. THE BASIC CAUSE OF THE INFERIORITY (PROBABLY) IS DUE TO HEREDITY AND; NOT TO SITUATION OR CIRCUMSTANCE. 6. DARK EYES AND BLUE EYES ARE DEFICIENT IN CRIMINALS, AND BLUEGRAY AND MIXED EYES ARE IN EXCESS;...EYEBROWS THAT ARE THIN TO VERY THIN OCCUR; MORE FREQUENTLY.; 7. TATTOOING IS MORE COMMON AMONG CRIMINALS THAN AMONG CIVILIAN CONTROLS. 8. THIN LIPS AND COMPRESSED JAW ANGLES OCCUR MORE FREQUENTLY; MARKED; OVERBITE LESS FREQUENTLY AMONG CRIMINALS THAN CIVILIANS.; 9. THE EAR OF THE CRIMINAL TENDS TO A SLIGHTLY ROLLED HELIX, AND MORE; PERCEPTIBLE DARWIN'S POINT THAN THAT OF THE CIVILIAN; ALSO MORE EXTREME; VARIATIONS OF EAR PROTRUSION, AND THE CRIMINAL EAR TENDS TO BE SMALL.; 10. LOW AND SLOPING FOREHEADS, LONG, THIN NECKS, AND SLOPING SHOULDERS, ARE; SIMILARLY IN EXCESS AMONG CRIMINALS IN COMPARISONS WITH CIVILIANS. ( 1 5 7 ) Dr. Barry Mehler described the work of Professor Hooton in regards to 136 the latter's famous study of the physical traits of criminals; as t h e m o s t e x t e n s i v e e x a m i n a t i o n o f c r i m i n a l s m a d e u p t o 1 9 3 0 . ( 1 5 8 ) Hooton felt that criminals could be differentiated from the General Population according to the type of crime that they committed and that different races were prone to different types of criminality. He was an outspoken proponent of heredity over nurture. Professor Hooton, expressed concern that the birth rates from those whom he described as "degenerates" exceeded socalled normal or healthier populations, in that the latter frequently had lower birthrates.(( 1 5 9 ) He exhibited the classic perspective of the Social Darwinists in his commentary about certain types of social programs which might increase the numbers of those who were defined as less fit, and which would ultimately allow more of the 'less fit' to survive and reproduce. E. A. Hooton in What is an American? an article published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology declared: ... t h e p h y s i c a l a n t h r o p o l o g i s t a l o n e i s q u a l i f i e d t o a n s w e r objectively the question of this discourse, because he derives his data from caliper measurements, indices, morphological observations and statistical analysis pertaining to masses of the population.( 1 6 0 ) Hooton's attitudes towards non-Western peoples is observed in the following quotation. A n t h r o p o l o g y i s a n i n n o c u o u s p u r s u i t o n l y w h e n r e s t r i c t e d t o t h e s t u d y o f s a v a g e s . ( 1 6 1 ) Hooton was not particularly interested in the rights of certain research subjects; in the language of the lineal evolutionists he notes that Anthropology is not regarded with much threat and is regarded as harmless as long as it confines itself to the study 137 of 'Savages'. However, if Anthropology wants to study modern populations it might be regarded as threatening. Hooton utilizes the following categories; 1) Old Americans,2) New Americans--both of whom have been born to Americanism; 3) Immigrant Americans--those who have achieved Americanism; and 4) Afro-Americans-or those who have had Americanism thrust upon them. There are, in addition, Real Americans, but these are called 'Indians and don't count. ( 1 6 2 ) Here we see Professor Hooton, laid bare by his own pen 'Indians d o n ' t c o u n t '. He utilized a particular phrasing, which by the time the article was published and the paper from which the article stemmed was presented (1936) should have been obvious as to its symbolic meaning. Overt racism again Native Peoples was intense in this period. Hooton chose to ridicule them. 'Savages' and 'Indians don't count', are not accidental misstatements by Professor Hooton. Hooton went on to credit Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, whose work The Old Americans he singled out for praise. The term 'old American' was borrowed by Hooton and modified slightly to include those who had two parents whose ancestors had been in the United States for at least two generations in the United States. The physical traits of those 'Whites' who met the physical criteria and who came from the c l e r i c a l , professional and l e i s u r e c l a s s e s were described by Hrdlicka as having the following traits: ( 1 6 3 ) intermediate pigmentation, tallest stature,relative shortness of arms, good size of head, large range of 138 cephalic index, relatively narrow face, rather long and narrow nose with lower nasal index, moderate width of mouth, moderate height of sub nasal portion of face, moderate lower facial breadth, somewhat narrow hands and feet. They differ little if at all from comparable whites in relative weight, relative height of trunk and lower limbs, height and breadth of forehead, dimensions of ears. They show at a disadvantage in muscular strength in left hand arms and shoulders. (164) Hooton observed that these traits most closely a p p r o a c h t h e p e o p l e of Great Britain. Americans.(166) Such are Hrdlicka's upper and middle class He disclosed that he had gathered data from 14,000 criminals who were the subjects for Anthropometric introduced the topic in a Measurement. He fashion which did little to convey any sense of scientific objectivity. At this juncture in the article he used the following to introduce criminals to the reader. God must love criminals, because he has made so many of them. Certainly in the study of the Anthropology of the American people, criminals should not be neglected, not only because of their numbers, but because they constitute that class of the American population which costs the country most (even more than veterans); they are tenderly cherished by a host of humanitarians and sentimentalists... ( 1 6 7 ) It is most unlikely that these research subjects (criminals) had the opportunity to decline being measured for his study. During the depression era, many states had laws which allowed people to be locked up for not holding a permanent address and/or being of the wrong social class, and/or 139 not having money on your person and/or being a Minority in a White area who did not have permission to be in the White neighborhood or community. It was not uncommon for people to have no legal representation, and court proceedings were not particularly fair. Confessions were frequently known to have been extracted after force was applied, or evidence was fabricated. The fact that Hooton decided to study criminals who had no real power or ability to say 'NO' to him... is an interesting aspect of his study. The rights of research subjects in medicine, and other areas of science were not regarded as being terribly important. Hooton was not alone within Anthropology, Medicine, Sociology, or related fields. People in institutions were the subjects of research by Scientists who were given the right to do things that would never be permitted today. Hooton used two distinct samples in an attempt to represent a larger population. One consisted of prisoners drawn from selected institutions. The other was formed from volunteers who went to a major Exposition over a two year period in the Boston area and who were measured for a Harvard Scientific Study. Hooton used Anthropometric measurements from both groups. Data was gathered. There were enormous methodological problems with his sampling techniques that would probably cause the data which resulted to be rejected by most researchers today. He spent much of his life trying to find the magic set of traits which would differentiate a criminal population through morphological traits from a normal law abiding population. 140 He also participated in research efforts to describe from a physical sense, success. the elites and leaders within our own society who had attained He was convinced that the elites of any society were distinct regarding their morphology and that the latter could be linked to behavior. The fact that he taught and did his research at Harvard gave him an instant credibility and access to the elite of American Society. This in turn had and impact not on the views of the masses who were treated to popularized versions of his theories in the media. Here are the racial types or categories which he used in the study. 1.The pure Nordic type of pure blond long-head 2.The pure Mediterranean type of pure brunette long heads 3.The predominantly Nordic type of near blond long heads 4.The Keltic type of long heads with disharmonic pigment combinations 5.The mixed Nordic Mediterranean type of long heads with intermediate but darkish pigmentation 6.The East Baltic type of pure blond round heads with medium to broad noses. 7.Alpine type of pure Brunette round heads--with medium to broad noses. 8. The mixed Nordic type of round heads with intermediate but lightish pigmentation and medium to broad noses. 9. The mixed Dinaric type of round heads with intermediate pigmentation and narrow faces. ( 1 6 8 ) These same racial categories were favored by some of the Nazi Anthropologists as well as others who were not in the Nazi camp. He states that the N o r d i c M e d i t e r r a n e a n type of criminal... ...is remarkable because of its high ranking in first and 141 second degree murder, and its low ranking in burglary and larceny. It occupational distribution among criminals is fairly even, except that it is rather high in skilled trades and transportation and decidedly low in clerical work. Educationally its achievements are very low. ( 1 6 9 ) Here we have the linkage of a racial category to specific types of criminal acts. The alleged connections between heritage and behavior were important to Physical Anthropology. While by 1936, a number of Cultural Anthropologists were emphasizing the habitat and learning as being the primary determinant of human behavior. What follows are excerpts from Hooton's rather lengthy article which he used to illustrate the conclusions about race and criminal careers. Each one of his racial types is illustrated in this series of quotes with concise descriptors of the results. In Hooton's N o r d i c A l p i n e criminal category he finds that: It is ranked high in robbery and low in burglary and larceny. Educationally it ranks fifth of the nine types of races among criminals, two places above the Nordic Mediterranean. ... P r e d o m i n a n t l y N o r d i c , criminals are generally: ...found in prisons rather than in reformatories have disproportionately few previous convictions, and seem to have no particularized offense propensities except a marked disinclination to rape and assault, a ranking above the mean in murder, and a high position in forgery, fraud and bootlegging. In educational qualifications it ranks third. 142 Criminologically the Dinaries r a n k second in forgery and fraud, and second also in rape and bootlegging (offenses against public welfare) . In all other offenses this type is consistently low. ...Among the criminals the Dinaric type is the best educated. ...The criminal Dinarics are more largely of Teutonic descent. The Keltic type of criminals is excessively married as contrasted with most other types. It has a marked predilection for assault with intent to do bodily harm, and it is singularly indisposed to commit robbery. It is also first in sex offenses other than rape, and in crimes against public welfare (principally illegal manufacture and sale of liquor). It is high in burglary and larceny. and in both kinds of murder, but low in rape. As a matter of fact its mean ranking for all crimes is first. ...educationally this type of criminals ranks sixth of the nine racial types. P u r e M e d i t e r r a n e a n , with an e x c e s s i v e n u m b e r d r a w n f r o m It is Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian backgrounds. notably deficient in Old Americans and in PolishAustrians. ...the p u r e M e d i t e r r a n e a n type is outstanding for crimes of violence against persons, being first in second degree murder, first in rape, second in assault and robbery, and third in first degree murder. It is last in burglary and larceny and next to last in forgery and fraud. ...educationally the criminals of Pure Mediterranean type rank eighth of the nine types. The East Baltic type of criminals of recent European origin shows excesses of persons of Russian and Polish Austrian descent and is deficient in those of Italian ancestry. ...The East Baltic criminals are notable for their low average age and their high rate of celibacy. In offense they are outstanding by reason of their primacy in burglary and larceny, and their low rank in every other type of crime except rape. Occupationally, this criminal type hold first place in trade, but has no professional men, o public 143 servants, and few semi professional and transport workers. ...In education it ranks second among criminals. In the criminals the Alpine type has its greatest excess in persons of Italian birth or parentage, but also is disproportionally strong in French Canadians, Balkans, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish Austrians, and persons of Asia minor extraction. ... Among criminals this essentially alien type is easily first in robbery and last in forgery and fraud. It is high in assault, low in murder and rape, but high in sex o f f e n s e s o t h e r than rape. ... N e v e r t h e l e s s a m o n g criminals, it is the most poorly educated type. The P u r e N o r d i c type ...is less common among criminals than among civilians.... Ethnically, among criminals, the pure Nordic type shows an excess of British Canadians and a strong deficiency of Italians. ...This type among criminals is notably youthful, celibate and distinct in its offense proclivities. It is last in both kinds of murder, assault, robbery and sex offense other than rape, in which latter crime it is eighth. On the other hand,it is easily first in forgery and fraud and a close second in burglary and larceny. It is a type with which the pen seems considerably mightier than the sword in a criminological sense. This result hardly accords with popular impressions of the characteristics of the Nordic blond. . ..Educationally, it attains fourth rank in criminals. ( 1 7 0 ) Hooton in his conclusion states that ...these racial types show certain similarities of a sociological nature. However, Hooton by 1936 realized that it was now politic to put something in about how... o n e s h o u l d n o t j u m p t o c o n c l u s i o n s r e g a r d i n g r a c i a l t y p e s . This quote at the end of the article, does not ring true...given the fact that he devoted almost the entire article to a detailed listing of behavior attributed to each of his nine racial groups. 144 His summaries appear to be designed to lead the reader to the conclusion that certain races engage in particular types of criminal acts. There is no anthropological ground whatsoever for selecting any so called racial group, or any ethnic or national group, or any linguistic or religious group for preferment or for condemnation. Our real purpose should be to segregate and to eliminate the unfit, worthless, degenerate and antisocial portion of each racial and ethnic strain in our population, so that we may utilize the substantial merits of its sound majority, and the special and diversified gifts of its superior members. Racial purity is desirable and attainable in one sense only. Every racial strain in our country should be purified by the sterilization of the insane, diseased and criminalistic elements. The candidates for such biological extinction would not be selected on the basis of Aryan or Semitic descent, blond hair or black skin, but solely on the score of their individual physical, mental and moral bankruptcy. (171) Hooton was a vigorous advocate for Eugenics, who defined criminals as a biological cohort who needed to be excised from society...in a biological sense. A horrid piece of research and an equally poor article from one of the respected figures in the history of American Physical Anthropology. However he does not propound racial extermination for entire races...merely a so-called 'enlightened elimination' of those who are defined by society as criminals. His data illustrates that the sample populations which he measured were assigned racial categories on the basis of morphological measurement. Hooton was aware of the impact of genetic admixture... i t i s p e r f e c t l y obvious that in such a racially mixed population as ours, 145 individual brothers racial types. m i g h t be a s s i g n e d to two or t h r e e d i f f e r e n t (172) What Hooton was really saying... was that true racial ancestry can only be uncovered through measurement by scientists who make distinctions which cannot be made in all cases by even the subjects themselves... It is apparent, that the Professor embraced the dualistic fallacy that criminals are in an identifiable biological cohort, and that successful individuals are in another biological cohort and that it would be possible to select for fitness by controlling the reproduction of those less fit,e.g., criminals. Interestingly, much earlier in 1926 Hooton published an article in Science about the types of unscientific conclusions which were extant regarding race. W.E. Castle of Harvard, in a rather provocative article in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology took on the Eugenical viewpoint and their followers and elaborated the reasons as to why the current vogue of racial studies were not valid. To demonstrate the point, he used a quote from Hooton's 1926 article in Science to highlight that much of what had been written about race was based upon false assumption and not real science.(( 1 7 3 ) Hooton spoke in 1926 against the use of race as an indicator of behavior, and attacked those who were using it in the popular sense...plus those who were in the field of Eugenics. When one compares this to Hooton's later position, one finds that he sometimes employed racial typologies that he established through measurement. 146 He also held on to biological and deterministic viewpoints regarding heredity as being linked to criminality and other forms of negative deviance. It is obvious that in the period after 1926, Hooton hardened towards a more biologically deterministic perspective. However, it is important to include Hooton's earlier quote, which Castle cited... A third group of writers on racial subjects, usually not professional anthropologists, associates cultural and psychological characteristics with physical types on wholly insufficient evidence. These race propagandists commonly attribute to the physical subdivision of mankind to which they imagine that they themselves belong all or most of the superior qualities of mankind, physical, mental and moral. They talk of the psychological characteristics of this or that race as if they were objective tangible properties, scientifically demonstrated. Starting from an a priori assumption that physical types have psychological correlates, they attempt to refer every manifestation of the psychological qualities assumed to be the exclusive property of this or that race to the physical type in question. Great men of whatever period are claimed to be members of the favored race on the basis of their achievements and sometimes with a total disregard of physical criteria. In no case has any serious effort been made by such ethnomaniacs to isolate a pure racial type and to study either its mental qualities or its material culture. The fact that most if not all peoples are racially mixed is consistently ignored. While some conclusions of such writers may be correct, none of them have been scientifically established. ( 1 7 4 ) Castle went on to elaborate that race crossing was just as likely to have produced a population which would be more variable and which could 147 adapt to a new situation. Is it not possible that the racially mixed populations of France, Germany, England, and the United States have been one factor in their adaptability to social and economic (175) changes? However, lest we come away with the idea that Castle was fully modern in his viewpoint, the following quotation shows some reservations regarding race crossing. If all inheritance of human traits were simple Mendelian inheritance, and natural selection were unlimited in its action among human populations, then unrestricted racial inter crossing might be recommended. But in the light of our present knowledge, few would recommend it. For, in the first place, much that is best in human existence is a matter of social inheritance. That is one of its worst features. ( 1 7 6 ) Wilson and Herrnstein In more modern times, James Q. Wilson and Richard J. Herrnstein in Crime and Human Nature published in (1985), put forth the proposition that there is a criminal mesomorphic typology. It was described as, "male, young, b o d y t y p e , a n d l o w i n t e l l i g e n c e . ....Additionally, these same authors went on to cite a 1939, study where University of Nebraska students where asked to identify the type of crime from pictures of twenty criminals.. ( 1 7 7 ) It was not uncommon for labels to be attached to pictures of criminals, by E u g e n i c s f i e l d w o r k e r s a t t a c h e d t o t h e i n s t i t u t e o f criminology in New York. Descriptors, e.g., inferior looking Irishman,... inferior looking Jewish boy...were commonplace. ( 1 7 8 ) 148 PERSPECTIVES BASED UPON EUGENICS The following quotes were selected from the New York Times, the publication responded favorably to the following statements made at an international Congress of Eugenicists during the early twenties. Severe restriction of immigration is essential to prevent the deterioration of American Civilization, according to students of race and biology now taking part the Second International Eugenics Congress. The melting pot theory is a complete fallacy, according to Eugenists, because it suggests that impurities and baser qualities are eliminated by the intermingling of races.. ... that the mixing of inferior races with superior races does as much harm to the superior race as it does good to the inferior race... The theory held by some eminent anthropologists that all races have an equal capacity for development and that all race questions, even the Negro question, is to be solved in the long run by race mixture, was vigorously combated. Henry Fairfield Osborn, an authority on evolution noted: ....education and environment do not fundamentally alter racial values. We are engaged in a serious struggle to maintain our historic republican institutions through barring the entrance of those who are unfit to share the duties and responsibilities of our well founded government. ( 1 7 9 ) The original author of these quotations was Henry Osborn, a well known figure in the American Eugenics movement. What is more intriguing is the support for the above positions by the New York Times, in response to Osborn's speech delivered to a major congress of Eugenicists given in the United States in the early 1920's. It was at a time that anti-immigrant and anti-minority racist feelings were rising in the country. However, Osborn was tame in comparison to Madison Grant, who was infamous as a follower of so149 called Aryan or Nordic superiority and who was well known for his openly 'racist and anti-immigrant' views. His most widely published book, The Passing of the Great Race was printed numerous times and in many languages. Harry Laughlin & The German Connection: Harry Laughlin in a paper entitled National Eugenics in Germany a paper read at the 9th annual meeting of the Eugenics Research Association, Cold Springs Harbor, New York, June 25th, 1920 expressed his appreciation of G e r m a n i c b l o o d a n d c l a s s i c a l c u l t u r e . ( 1 8 0 ) He attributes the rise of civilization to the impact of the Germanic migrations after the Fall of a decadent Rome. The qualities of the Germanic population were lauded in his paper. He went supplied fresh leading s t a t e s . on to state how the T e u t o n i c s t o c k h a s c o n t i n u a l l y fuel to the dying s o c i a l (181) embers of the world's Laughlin then expressed an opinion that when pressure by Germany's military leaders to not allow immigration took place; Germany embarked upon a course which created an explosion,i.e., World War I. He goes on to describe the Germans as a supplier of s e e d s t o c k . If Germany survives as a nation, it will because of the Germanic spirit of producing abundantly from sound and educable family stock. ( 1 8 2 ) Laughlin listed a number of the Articles from the German Constitution of 1919, which relate to family, obligations and roles. The end of the paper concludes with a call for action within America along Eugenic lines. 150 We must sort out, reject the innately unfit and admit only the desirable among applicant immigrants, and must Americanize the host of aliens already among us. ...In addition, we like Germany, must conserve and proliferate the best foundation stock of the nation. ( 1 8 3 ) His paper was illustrated with numerous examples which highlighted his He used terms like G e r m a n i c fondness for Germanic culture and heredity. S e e d s t o c k , and G e r m a n b l o o d to create a plan for action in the United States by blocking certain types of immigrants, and reducing the numbers and overall representation of existing members of the current population through family planning, birth control, sterilization, and through a vigorous encouragement of reproduction among those judged the most fit. This message was to become the hallmark of the Eugenics movement over the next two decades; in that this paper was presented in the early 1920's long before the Nazis had loomed on the horizon in Germany. Laughlin was quite taken by German and Nordic science in that he tried to emulate what he had observed in their literature and at conferences. At the turn of the century...in the early 1900's, Germany had what many considered the finest medical and biological institutions in the world. One can also demonstrate, that years later...when the Nazis came to power...that he was an unabashed admirer of their policies and programs. In a personal letter to Madison Grant, dated January 13,1934; Harry Laughlin informed Grant that he obtained and translated a paper by Dr. Frick, the Reichminister of the Interior for Germany. 151 Laughlin left no doubt as to his own agreement with the Eugenical practices which were proposed by the Reichminister. He went on to laud the Reichminister and the fact that he was able to carry out his Eugenical programs in a dictatorship...this gave him options that were not available in a democracy. ...Dr. Frick's address sounds exactly as though spoken by a perfectly good American eugenist in reference to what ought to be done, with this difference, that Dr. Frick instead of being a mere scientist, is a powerful Reichminister in a dictatorial government which is getting things done in a nation of sixty million people. Dr. Frick's speech marks a mile post in statesmanship. The new German attitude and resolution mean that in the future, regardless of nationality, every statesman, who take the long view of his country's problems, will be compelled to look primarily to eugenics for their solution. I am anxious to print Dr. Frick's paper in full in the Eugenical News, and if you approve, I should like to have your moral support in thus publishing it under the sponsorship of the Eugenics research association. ( 1 8 4 ) Here, was another example of Laughlin's exhibiting the role of a Germanophile. This letter left no illusions relative to Dr. Laughlin's promotion of and support of the 'Nazi' government and its positions regarding Eugenics. The following quotes have been selected to illustrate that Laughlin and the Nazis were in agreement about,i.e., the role of women and the family. The mechanization of labor, the economic enslavement and Marxian economy after the war completed the process of destruction which led our nation to the brink of an abyss. The moral decay of our people followed. It soul has been poisoned by the liberalistic spirit, which also destroyed 152 its domestic life and it desire for parenthood. This spiritual and structural change has been accompanied by a transformation of our home life. Husband and wife go to work and to their respective occupations, both striving for education on the one hand and for work and a share in the economic life on the other. Thus man and woman became estranged to the family, while they believed to have found equality in an unrestrained independent of sexes. Publicity glorifies the masculine woman in sports and professions, but no one has a word for the mother of a large family. So the man of today, instead of looking upon his wife as the mother of his children, sees in her nothing but a comrade. It is, therefore, no wonder that birth control is the main cause of our national suicide. What can be done to bring about a change? ( 1 8 5 ) Herr Frick produce babies industrialization women from called for women to leave work and to stay home and to for the Reich. He had placed pressures having large numbers argued that society through on the family which discouraged of children, and downgraded the importance of motherhood and childrearing. German society was described as having been weakened by liberalism and ironically through Industrial development which downgraded the traditional role of women and the expectations of men about their spouses. ...it is high time that we should energetically attack the problem of balancing the family burdens. We must succeed in bringing the woman back to the hearth and to her household duties and the unemployed man back to work. Such a balance would tend to increase consumption and strengthen the market by encouraging the production of domestic goods. ....therefore if we earnestly attempt to restore the social structure, we must start by putting into effect measures intended to promote the family, according 153 to social position and income. (186) Harry Laughlin was interested in influencing German Eugenics programs and asked in a personal letter to an American Judge in Illinois, that a copy of a publication entitled: Eugenical Sterilization in the United States be sent to Dr. Eugen Fischer, President, Population Congress, of the Kaiser Welhelm Institute, Berlin, Germany. ( 1 8 7 ) The Kaiser Welhelm Institute became well known as having been influential in forced sterilization, T4 killing, and experiments on concentration camp inmates, along with providing the pseudo scientific papers which justified in the minds of Nazi ideologues the slaughter of whole segments of the population. Laughlin produced a circular around 1937, or so...which promoted the use of a German motion picture film to teach principles of Eugenics. What made the essay in the circular unique, was that Laughlin was employing one of the films of the Third Reich entitled, E r b k r a n k , Defective) (The H e r e d i t a r i l y as a positive example for the United States to emulate. Laughlin wrote an essay in the circular, which contained information that the film was prepared in Germany by Eugenists and had a choice of German, English or French captions. This film was one of the films used to soften up and move the German population towards the eventual killing of the disabled. The present subject is confined to the problem of hereditary degeneracy in the fields of feeble mindedness, insanity, crime, hereditary disease and inborn deformity. As an introduction to the film contrasts the squalid living conditions of normal children in certain German city slums 154 with the finer and costly modern custodial institutions built for the care of handicapped persons produced by the socially inadequate and degenerate family stocks of that country. If this film reflects accurately the policy of modern Germany, that nation in this particular field of applied negative eugenics has evidently made substantial progress in its intention to act fundamentally, on a long time plan, for the prevention, so far as possible, of hereditary degeneracy. This picture expounds the economic, moral and biological costs of human handicap and inadequacy. (188) The essay noted that the E u g e n i c s R e s e a r c h A s s o c i a t i o n o w n s t w o copies of this two reel film and is p r e p a r e d to lend a copy to r e s p o n s i b l e s c h o o l s a n d s o c i e t i e s interested in its use. ( 1 8 9 ) Lest there be any remaining doubts about the possible sympathies of Harry Laughlin, he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Medicine, by the University of Heidelberg for his work in Eugenics. It was awarded on the 550th year Jubilee... in 1936. By that time, Laughlin had collected numerous articles from newspapers and magazines as to what was transpiring in Nazi Germany. He had file folders marked with the label 'Jews' which contained a variety of materials. Some of these, noted the discrimination and violence which Jews were experiencing in Germany and in the United States. Ironically, some had been sent by groups who were trying to convince him to soften or change his stand regarding immigration in the Pre War period. ( 1 9 0 ) His correspondence, illustrated that their pleas were n o t well received. ( 1 9 1 ) His eagerness to accept the honorary degree from an educational 155 institution in the Third Reich under Hitler was indicative of his perspective. Laughlin's response to the letter which invited him to accept the degree was very enthusiastic. He wrote to Dr. Schneider on May 28th, 1936. I acknowledge with deep gratitude the receipt of your letter of May 16th in which you state that the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Heidelberg intends to confer upon me the degree of Doctor of Medicine h.c. on the occasion of its 550th jubilee year 27th-30th of June, 1936. I stand ready to accept this very high honor. Its bestowal will give me particular gratification, coming as it will from a university deep rooted in the life history of the German people, and a university which has been both a reservoir and a fountain of learning for more than half a millennium. To me this honor will be doubly valued because it will come from a nation which for many centuries nurtured the human seed-stock which later founded by own country and thus gave basic character to our present lives and institutions. I regret more than I can say that the shortness of time before the jubilee-date makes it impossible for me to arrange to leave my duties as Cold Spring Harbor to visit Heidelberg, to participate in the ceremony and to receive this highly honored diploma in person. ( 1 9 2 ) If the reader needs more convincing as to Laughlin's desire to have the Nazi (tainted) degree...In a letter dated August 11, 1936 to Dean Schneider, (Faculty of Medicine), at the University of Heidelberg. Laughlin acknowledged that he sent a reply dated May 28th, concerning the May 16th letter which informed him of the University's desire to bestow upon him the honorary degree. He went on to state: ...Later the radio and the newspapers announced that your 156 faculty had duly conferred this honorary degree upon me, but as a matter of written record, I have not yet had the honor of an official notification by you that the degree had been duly conferred and that the diploma had been sent to me. I consider the conferring of this degree upon me not only as a personal honor but also as evidence of a common understanding of German and American scientists of the nature of Eugenics as research in and the practical application of those fundamental biological and social principles which determine the racial endowments and the racial health-physical, mental and spiritual-of future generations. With highest regards and with full appreciation,Very faithfully yours.( 1 9 3 ) Laughlin saved clippings from periodicals. The following article declared that he was an awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Medicine. It was published in the 'Forum for Osteopathy' dated Oct. 1936, and was sent to him as a courtesy by the same publication. Harry Laughlin, S.D. of the Eugenics Laboratory at Cold Springs Harbor, L.I., N.Y., brother of George M. and Earl H. Laughlin Sr., Kirksville Mo., has been awarded the honorary decree of Doctor of Medicine by the University of Heidelberg on the occasion of the 550th anniversary of that institution. ( 1 9 4 ) There are no doubts as to his deep rooted prejudices. He was exceedingly influential and helped to formulate policy on both a Federal and local level on a wide range of issues using a bogus form of science. His presence was felt on the international stage, primarily because society was sympathetic to the simplistic explanations which he touted. There were no 157 shortages of scholars who sang the same tune both here and abroad. Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology, Medicine, and Biology were among the academic disciplines that fell prey to the sirens song of Eugenics. Laughlin set out the perspective of his beliefs regarding eugenics in a variety of formats. The following selection is drawn from one of his papers written in 1935. Every independent family group, racial stock and national people has the inherent right to set up its own biological standards, with the hope that, in the turn over of population in the course of future generations, future mate selection, and future size of family differential in favor of the standard, will tend to breed towards the established ideal of inherent qualities-physical, mental and spiritual. ...the Federal Government can forbid the admission of certain races and other natural classes of individuals who seek admission to enter its borders, either as visitors or immigrants. ...in the case of aliens whom the sovereign does not desire as additions to the reproductive stock of the nation , be enforced by deportation by the Federal Government. In the case of permanent residents, whether citizens or aliens, if they are undesired by the state as parents of future citizens, and if they have settled down for the purpose of becoming the parents of future citizens, then the State has the right to apply eugenical sterilization. ( 1 9 5 ) This is classic Laughlin, urging the State to action against those who might seek to enter, as well as those who are already here. 'Deportation' and selection for 'National Traits' Sterilization, are included as valid perspectives. It is easy to see how the Nazis gravitated toward his position and he in turn toward theirs... 158 ...In further reference to penology, eugenical sterilization could be considered a long time factor in crime prevention. Just as it is a long time factor in the prevention of the several types of degeneracy and inadequacy other than crime. To the extent to which studies show a definite closeness of relationship between inborn degeneracy and the chances of development of a criminal career by the particular subject, eugenical sterilization of the parent becomes a matter of long time crime prevention with no penal motives or properties attached to it. ( 1 9 6 ) Here, we have Dr. Laughlin embracing the platform of eugenics as a long term crime control strategy. correlate crime with heredity. He wanted scientific studies to link or If the studies could support this link for a family, individual or a biological cohort...he was in favor of sterilization. A rather unique approach to crime control. One that was favored by Professor Hooton, and others. Dr. Laughlin was aware of legal limitations regarding his proposed and active policies. ...The only legal limitations are: The eugenical motive must predominate-the determination by the State to improve the inborn physical, mental and moral qualities of its future population...The attribute of sovereignty permits the people of the State to set their own biological standards, and to move towards them. ( 1 9 7 ) Nothing in the above suggests that individual rights had value or were to be considered. It was a viewpoint common to both the extreme right wing and the left. The group was all important. Science was merely an extension of the ideology of the State. 159 Notes: * ( The use o f : i t a l i c s within the body of the p a p e r or in the N o t e s . . . d e s i g n a t e s ei t h er a quote or a heavily p a r a p h r a s e d set of materials). 157.Hamlin, John; Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota, Duluth: (Sociological Theories of Deviance, lecture notes, Permission to quote granted Spring 2000). 158. Mehler; 1988: p..371. 159. Ibid.; p.371. 160. a. Hooton, E.; What is an American?. Harvard Anthropometic and Statistical Laboratory, Peabody Museum. Cambridge, Massachusetts; (American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. XXII, No.1 October-December,1936)pp.1. b.Rosenbaum, Ron; The Great Ivy League Nude Posture Photo Scandal, (New York Times Magazine, January 15,1995)p.30. The following selection gives a taste of what Hooton was thinking...in regards to Eugenics. It was obtained by Rosenbaum from a personal interview with Professor George Hersey an art history professor at Yale who was working on a book about the the study and Dr. Hooton. Hooton participated in a large study of Ivy League students, where thousands of nude photographs were taken of entering Freshman. He believed that he could describe the elite in such a way as to set them apart from the other social classes that he was studying. "...' T h e d a t a a c c u m u l a t e d , s a y s H o o t o n , w i l l e v e n t u a l l y lead on to proposals to control and limit the production of inferior and useless organisms'. Some of the latter would 160 b e p e n a l i z e d f o r r e p r o d u c i n g , o r w o u l d b e s t e r i l i z e d . But the real solution is to be enforced better breeding--getting those Exeter and Harvard men together with their corresponding Wellesley, Vassar and Radcliffe girls." 161. Ibid.; p.2. 162. Ibid.; p.4. 163. Ibid.; p.5. 165. Ibid.; originally printed in Hrdlicka, Ales; The Old Americans, Baltimore, 1925, pp. 407-408. 166. Hooton; 1936, p. 6. 167. Ibid. 168. Ibid.; pp. 8-10. 169. Ibid.; p.11. 170. Ibid.; p.13-22. 171. Ibid.; p.26. 172. Ibid.; p.25. 173. Castle,E.W; Biological and Social Consequences of Race Crossing Bussey Institution, Harvard. Cambridge Massachusetts; (American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. IX, No.2 April-June,1926)pp.145-156. 174.Hooton,E.A.; Methods of Racial Analysis. (Science' 63), pp. 75-81, Jan. 22,1926). 175. Castle,E.W.; 1926, pp. 151-152. 176. Ibid.; p. 152. 161 177. Mehler,1988; p. 44. 178. Ibid. 179. Ibid. p.48; originally published in the New York Times, Sept. 25, 1921, section II. p. 1 col. 8.) 180. Photocopy of: Eugenics in Germany, author: Harry Laughlin D.Sc.; Reprinted from (the Eugenics Review January 1921) document obtained from the Harry Laughlin collection, Truman State University) 181. Ibid. 182.Ibid. 183. Ibid. 184. Photocopy of a Letter; from: Harry Laughlin, to: Madison Grant, date:January 13,1934; (Obtained from the Harry Laughlin Collection, Truman State University) 185.Photocopy of a typed written translation of a Speech entitled: 'German Population and Race Politics' by Dr. Frick, Reichminister for the Interior, 'before the first meeting of the Expert Council for the Population, and Race Politics' held in Berlin, June 26,1933, the translation was done for the Eugenical News; obtained from the Harry Laughlin collection at Truman State University).( h a n d w r i t t e n c u r s i v e n o t e a t t h e t o p , " P u b . M a r - A p r 1 9 3 4 " )p.4. 186. Ibid.; p. 7. 187. Photocopy of a Personal letter to: Honorable Judge J. Sonsteby, Chief Justice of the Municipal Court, Chicago Ill., from: Harry Laughlin, dated: July 9,1935,(Obtained from the Harry Laughlin Collection at Truman State University). 188. Photocopy of an original primary source document from Truman State University,Mo., A two page circular authored by Harry Laughlin, in response 162 to inquiries regarding the film 'Eugenics in Germany'. The film was purchased in 1937). 189. Ibid. 190. Photocopies of newspaper and magazine articles, filed by Harry Laughlin. The items were obtained from Truman State University, from the Harry Laughlin Collection) 191. Laughlin was writing to others, and they in turn to him...the subject was immigration and their obvious commitment was to n o t u n l o c k t h e d o o r to more immigration in the period before the Second World War...when it was obvious that refugees needed assistance. 192. Photocopy of a letter, dated: May 28th, 1936; to: Dean Schneider, from: Harry Laughlin (Obtained from Truman State University, Harry Laughlin Collection). 193. Photocopy of a letter, dated: August 11th, 1936; to: Dean Schneider, from: Harry Laughlin (Obtained from Truman State University, Harry Laughlin Collection) 194. Photocopy of an article; (Obtained from Truman State University, Harry Laughlin Collection. 195. Laughlin, Harry; Photocopy of a paper, dated July 1935, entitled: Further Studies on the Historical and Legal Development of Eugenical Sterilization in the United States,(Obtained from Truman State University, Harry Laughlin Collection)pp. 1-2. 196. Ibid.; 10,11. 197. Ibid.; p. 13. 163 Conclusions: In the United States... Cultural Evolution, Lineal Evolution, and the concept of Social Darwinism dropped out of favor during the Second World War. Here we see science, shifting away from Lineal Evolution and Social Darwinism because of intense ideological pressure, not only because of the lack of validity of the earlier explanations. The positive economic growth during World War Two, and postwar in the 1950's and 1960's in the United States can be contrasted to the period of the Great Depression a decade after the First World War. In the early 20th century, the country was impacted by unemployment and the large scale immigration of non-Anglo Saxon groups. During the Second World War, the United States was opposing the Nazi's and their race based ideological system, thus...opposition to biologically mainstream deterministic as part of explanations the war of behavior effort. moved Ironically, as into the the War ended...biological explanations were still the basis of many of the restrictive laws attached to segregation in the United States. Few of the disciplines within the Sciences,e.g., Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology or Biology and Medicine have been willing to confront the 164 antecedents of the past and to illuminate past practices within their respective fields. The area of Eugenics is for the most part ignored and few within the above disciplines have any training or exposure to the impact which this field had upon their own area. The excesses of Biological Determinism have been glossed over without any specifics as to what transpired during the period when Eugenics was powerful. The real search for answers to Social Problems would have required a painful analysis of Social Structure, and the distribution of wealth and power, i.e., Social Stratification. Instead what was offered was a simplistic solution that science put forth through the discipline of Eugenics. It sought to reduce social problems by eliminating over time, the ability of certain populations to reproduce or to have access to a country or to remain alive. A number of authors within popular culture are propounding the same tired theme in an attempt to link heredity to behavior. While, social movements in the developed world are trying to limit immigration once again. This essay attempted to cover a broad area and made no attempt to discuss the reality that cultures undergo change and that evidence from the past suggests that humankind has gone through a variety of stages where material complexity and cultural complexity have increased over time. The perspective of modern Cultural Anthropology is that all cultural systems are equal. It is true that pressure from the habitat exerts a force upon all cultures, the result is either change or a continuation of the status quo or even the elimination of populations. Cultural adaptation is a fact of life, but 165 to imply that it is based upon a preprogrammed capacity of a population is contrary to the perspective of contemporary Anthropology. Ideologies create ranking systems, it is not the goal of Cultural Anthropology to rank Cultures on a ladder or scale, but it is appropriate to discuss differing strategies cultural groups. for survival which have been employed by As a human population we have had very little temporal experience with economic organization outside of hunting and gathering. It is humbling to know that for most of four million years we lived as foragers and scavengers. To impart real wisdom on the subject of cultural evolution one would need to have more experience in viewing the differing modes of economic and cultural adaptation than the last two hundred or so years,i.e., the time period encompassing the industrial revolution in order to be able to say that one cultural form is superior in that it has the ability to last forever. The human condition is plastic in that our over-riding ability appears to be able to adapt to a changing habitat. It is that feature which allows culture to respond. Our reliance or dependence upon learned behavior is what gives us that flexible element rather than a specific or rigid form of culture which would serve us for all time. Against the tide of 19th and early 20th century narrowness, some within Anthropology developed ideas and concepts to counter ignorance and racism. Ethnocentricity is the term that is used to suggest that one believes that their culture is better than another. 166 Anthropologists in developing this term were interested in stressing the equality or value of all cultures. A person who espouses an ethnocentric view would be one that stipulates that their culture is superior to all others and that those that are different are inferior. Cultural Relativism describes the need to examine behavior within the context of a culture. Behavior can only be understood within a specific setting. Anthropologists use these terms when confronting racism and ignorance... items which appear to be in growing supply in our world. The same arguments to restrict immigration, to blame the poor, to label groups as inferior biologically, and the use of the results of invalid I.Q. testing are rising again... corresponding to a time when competition for scarce economic resources is creating social pressure. Biological determinism and lineal evolutionary explanations are ready to reappear and indeed are being published again. The mapping of the human genome will give impetus to the desire to explain behavior from a scientific basis. be under pressure to develop The social sciences will better explanations which give more credibility to learned behavior and the solutions which it can develop in the face of genetic explanations for behavior with the specter of the past as a reminder of what can happen. It is more than likely that heredity plays a small role in behavior...the problem will be to resist the forces in various disciplines who will want to enlarge and over generalize what magnitude the role plays. It is likely, that a major struggle between opposing academic camps will take place in the coming decades. This essay is a reminder that 167 Eugenicists of the past thought that they had all the answers based upon their own data and perceptions. It has been reported that the Scandinavian practice of sterilization based upon a person not exhibiting Nordic racial traits continued up through the seventies, and allegations of high rates of sterilization for Native American women in the United States during the early eighties suggest that Eugenics and its perspective have survived into the modern era. Research into the history of science needs to be conducted by scholars willing to confront the past. 168