How to include Gattaca and The Chrysalids into your paper There are two ways that you can include “The Chrysalids” and Gattaca into your essays. Option #1 You can use the movie and the book to support your opinion on Eugenics. For example: The practice of Eugenics is morally wrong. It would cause separation within society as seen in “The Chrysalids”. Society was divided, human being turning against another human being merely due to genetics. ~~~ Following a statement such as this you may want to back up your point with evidence from the internet or a book. Option Two: You could save your examples from Gattaca and “The Chrysalids” for the second last paragraph, as you last paragraph is the conclusion. Within the second last paragraphs you could discuss examples from the book and movie that support your thesis statement (that which you are trying to prove with your paper). Please refer to the example above. The topic sentence is about how Eugenics is morally wrong. The rest of the paragraph would be examples supporting your opinion of Eugenics being morally wrong. Example of using the essay layout papers~ Introduction Paragraph: Topic sentence: Eugenics is an issue that has faced society throughput the ages. Idea A) Eugenics is the process of altering ones genes to create so-called perfect human being. B) Eugenics would negatively effect on society C) We would see separation within society D) Possibility of leading to wars E) Issue of playing God Thesis Statement: The practice of Eugenics is morally wrong and would cause a negative dangerous division within society.