MCB 2010L MICROBIOLOGY LABORATORY SCHEDULE Spring 2016 TEXT: MICROBIOLOGY FUNDAMENTALS: A Clinical Approach 2nd Edition; Obenauf & Finazzo Lab Period LABORATORY PROCEDURES (Exercises) 1/11 - 12 M-T 1 Lab Overview & Lab Safety Rules – Attendance Required 1 Basic Techniques: Use of the Microscope 5 The Microbial World: Protozoans 1/13 - 14 W-R 2 4 The Microbial World: Microbial Phototrophs 6 The Microbial World: Fungi DATE DRAW, PHOTOGRAPH, OR RECORD RESULTS OF Microscope Protozoans LAB REPORTS DUE Phototrophs Fungi Microscope Protozoans No Mon or Tue Labs – Martin Luther King Holiday on Monday 1/18 1/18 - 19 M-T 1/20 - 21 W-R 3 1/25 - 26 4 M-T 2 7 Basic Techniques: Aseptic Techniques The Microbial World: Motility: Hanging Drop Hanging Drop Phototrophs Fungi Get Slide Boxes (one per team of 2 – keep in drawer) Staining: Simple Staining & Smear Preparation Staining: Negative Stain Aseptic Simple Stain Negative Stain Hanging Drop 8 9 Aseptic Simple Stain Negative Stain Capsule Stain Gram Stain 1/27 - 28 W-R 5 10 Staining: Capsule Stain 11 Staining: Gram Stain Gram Stain Capsule Stain 2/1 - 2 M-T 6 12 Staining: Acid Fast Stain 13 Staining: Endospore Stain Acid Fast Endospore 2/3 - 4 W-R 7 Acid Fast Endospore WRITTEN EXAM 1 (on lab periods 1-6) 16 Media: Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) 2/8 - 9 M-T 8 14 Media: Blood Agar 15 Media: Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA) 17 Media: MacConkey Agar EMB Agar 2/10 - 11 W-R 9 18 Media: Evaluation of Media 19 Growth: Standard Plate Count 20 Growth: Osmotic Pressure & Growth MSA Blood Agar MacConkey EMB Agar 2/15 - 16 M-T 10 21 Growth: Aerotolerance 25 Control: Antimicrobial Susceptibility 2/17 - 18 11 24 Control: UV Light 26 Control: Hand Washing Eval Media Plate Count Osmotic Pressure Aerotolerance Susceptibility 12 27 Diagnostic Genetics: DNA Fingerprinting 28 Applied Genetics: Bacterial Transformation UV Irradiation Handwashing MSA Blood Agar MacConkey Eval Media Plate Count Osmotic Pressure Aerotolerance Susceptibility 13 Review for Midterm Practical Exam students may attend review sessions in other lab times as guests Transformation DNA Fingerprinting UV Irradiation Handwashing W-R 2/22 - 23 M-T 2/24 - 25 W-R 2/29 - 3/1 M-T 14 MIDTERM PRACTICAL EXAM (on lab periods 1 – 13) MIDTERM WRITTEN EXAM (on lab periods 7 – 13) MCB 2010L MICROBIOLOGY LABORATORY SCHEDULE Spring 2016 TEXT: MICROBIOLOGY FUNDAMENTALS: A Clinical Approach 2nd Edition; Obenauf & Finazzo DATE 3/2 - 3 W-R 15 EXERCISE 29 Microbes & Disease: Parasitic Protozoans 31 Microbes & Disease: Vectors of Disease RECORD Parasitic Protists Vectors DUE Transformation DNA Fingerprinting 3/7 – 10 3/14 - 15 M-T 15 No Labs – Spring Break 3 Basic Techniques: Isolation Streak Plate 30 Microbes & Disease: Parasitic Worms Parasitic Worms Parasitic Protists Vectors 3/16 - 17 W-R 16 32 Diagnostic Immunology: Immunoprecipitation 33 Diagnostic Immunology: Passive Agglutination 47 Bacterial Unknowns Isolation Streak Plate Passive Agglutination Parasitic Worms 3/21 - 22 M-T 17 35 Environmental Microbiology: Soil Microbes Immunoprecipitation Isolation Streak Plate Passive Agglutination 3/23 - 24 W-R 18 36 Biochemical / Hydrolytic: DNAse Test Soil Immunoprecipitation 3/28 - 29 M-T 19 46 “Known” bacteria for Biochemical testing 40 Biochemical Testing: Phenol Red (Sugar) Broth Soil DNase 3/30 - 31 W-R 20 41 Biochemical Testing: Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI) Phenol Red Soil DNase 4/4 - 5 M-T 4/6 - 7 W-R 21 TSI Agar Soil Phenol Red Phenol Red TSI Agar 4/11 -12 M-T 23 4/13 -14 W-R 24 44 Biochemical Testing: Urease Test 45 Biochemical Testing: Nitrate Reduction Last day to inoculate any tests on unknowns 4/18 - 19 M-T 25 22 Oxygen Metabolism: Catalase Test 23 Oxygen Metabolism: Oxidase Test 34 Multitest systems: EnteroPluri Test Complete Unknown 4/20 - 21 W-R 26 4/25-26 M-T 27 Clean up lab Review for Final Practical Exam students may attend review sessions in other lab times as guests FINAL PRACTICAL EXAM (on lab periods 15 – 26) FINAL WRITEN EXAM (on lab periods 22 – 26) Written Exam 3 22 43 43 43 37 38 39 42 (on lab periods 15-20) IMViC Testing Biochemical Testing: SIM Medium Biochemical Testing: MR and VP tests Biochemical Testing: Simmon’s Citrate Agar Biochemical / Hydrolytic: Gelatinase Biochemical / Hydrolytic: Starch Test Biochemical / Hydrolytic: Casease Test Biochemical Testing: Litmus Milk IMViC Gelatinase Starch Casease Litmus Urease Nitrate Litmus Catalase Oxidase EnteroPluri Test IMViC Gelatinase Starch Casease Unknown Litmus Urease, Nitrate Catalase, Oxidase EnteroPluri