The Counseling Corner FALL 2013 Allen Hall, Wallace Drive Campus 256-549-8307 * Final Exams * Full/Mini II December 11-13, 16, 17 * Last Day to Withdraw * Full/Mini II December 2 * Spring Registration 2014 * December 2 (Priority) December 3 (Online) Fall 2013 is in full gear! It is the mid-semester point and everyone is immersed in the flow of class instruction and the energy of campus life. As the director of Counseling and Advising, I have the pleasure of working with a committed and dedicated staff of professionals who, in some way, touch students lives in a positive manner every day. As a team, we believe that students benefit tremendously from personal guidance, academic advising, and special success programming. Our focus in the Counseling and Advising Center is to coordinate academic advising activities among General Studies and Undecided students. All other students should meet with an advisor in their specific program area of study. It is our belief that advising is essential to academic progress and student success at Gadsden State. The role of the Counseling and Advising staff extends beyond course and program advising. Center professionals are trained and prepared to assist with virtually all aspects of the college experience, as well as, provide information regarding campus resources as needed. Many of the programming opportunities offered through the office are highlighted in this issue of the “Counseling Corner” newsletter. We invite our students to utilize the many services and resources that our office has available. We are a staff passionate about assisting students throughout the entire educational process. Should questions arise while reading our newsletter, please contact the Counseling and Advising Center. We will be happy to assist you. Best wishes for a most productive semester! December 4 (Campus) SAMFORD University Fall Commencement Evening College December 19 Admissions Counselor Available (Anniston) Wednesday, November 6 Contact: AUBURN University Jessie Shealey Admissions Advisor January 30, 2014 Counseling & Advising Resource Center Free Online Tutoring– Anywhere, Anytime! Access SMARTHINKING through your Blackboard account and sign-in. A FREE academic support service! Provided by the Counseling & Advising The Counseling Corner FALL 2013 Editor: Janekia King Mitchell Students who are interested in attending the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) have a lot to get excited about! Gadsden State now has a joint partnership program with UAB to encourage completion of both the associate and bachelor’s degrees. The associate-tobachelor’s degree scholarship program is available to students who complete their associate degree at Gadsden State. Mr. David Dada UAB Joint Admission Transfer Counselor FUSION! A partnership for Where You’re Going Jacksonville State University Gadsden State Community College Ralph Burke, FUSION! Coordinator 256-549-8390 Qualifying students will earn automatic admission to UAB for two years to complete a bachelor’s degree, and will also receive a $2,000 per year scholarship award. Even more exciting, Gadsden State students enrolled in the program will have access to UAB staff and campus facilities! David Dada, joint admission transfer counselor, will be stationed in the Admissions Office on the Wallace Drive Campus on Monday and Tuesday of each week. Mr. Dada will assist interested students in transitioning to UAB upon completion of the associate degree. Community college and university officials hope this joint venture will prove to be both an educational and economic success for students. Over the past few years, the Book Loan Program sponsored by the Counseling & Advising Center has proven to be very successful! There has been an increasing demand for book loan assistance this academic year with more than 25 books being loaned for the fall! The Book Loan Program was established to assist students experiencing financial hardship and those who did not qualify for or receive full funding for federal student aid. Qualifying students simply complete and sign the program application available in the Counseling & Advising Center located in Allen Hall on the Wallace Drive Campus. If the requested book is available, the student is approved to borrow the book for the entire semester. Students may borrow more than one book and all borrowed books are due back immediately following final exams at the end of the semester. The Book Loan Program has been a great benefit to students in need of financial assistance. Thanks to all the academic departments that help make this program a huge success! UAB Information Session w/ David Dada UAB Joint Admissions Counselor Academic advising is the only structured service on campus in which all students have the opportunity for on-going, one-to-one contact with a concerned representative of the institution. Monday, October 14 Browder Hall Auditorium Habley, W.R. (1994). Key Concepts in Academic Advising. In Summer Institute on Academic Advising Session Guide (p.10). National Academic Advising Association, Kansas State Univ., Manhattan, KS.