2014- 2015 ASUCM Court Meeting OSL Conference Room Tuesday, October 21, 2014 ASUCM Judicial Branch Court Meeting • Call Meeting to Order o Commenced at 4:34 P.M. • Roll Call o Chief Justice Michaela Shanahan, present o Associate Justice Aurea S. Bolanos, present o Associate Justice Jalen Siler, present o Associate Justice Josh Mason, present o Associate Justice Lauren Taylor, present o Associate Justice Liliana Zermeno, present o Associate Justice Bianca Negrete, arrived late at 4:36 P.M. • • Old Business Approval of Minutes o Approved • • New Business: Elections update (Our decision and what need to be done because of it) o Chief Justice Shanahan says that if people ask when will the elections result come out, they all say, between 8-8:30 PM TONIGHT. They talk about the elections results and what happened last night, Chief Shanahan says that this means that the document that they have been working on, needs to be completed tonight before then. Associate Justice Zermeno says that their ASUCM Advisor Steve Lerer needs to sign the document first, although Chief Justice Shanahan says that he has signed it and that the elections results have been signed and are ready to go. Chief Justice Shanahan says they had a learned a lot last night and that they had pizza, then reached the point of sleep deprivation, and did all these things, so that they could release the information today and have new Senators tomorrow. She says that Steve needed the decisions by 4:30 P.M. today, so that he could sign off on their decision. Keep on eye out on Happenings, Court Facebook Page, ASUCM Facebook Page, and the ASUCM website so that they can share the document the girls wrote first and after that the elections results were posted. Director of Communications Alan Kyle, will be posting it on the website with a link for more information, then they can go ahead and do it. There are some pretty exciting things that are going on in these Elections. Associate Justice Zermeno asks if the three documents she has are ready to go? There are three documents regarding the Elections Results, which Steve is handling, once Steve sends out the happenings that will be public knowledge and public information. Then they will be sharing that and once that happens try to publicize that like crazy. The second one, the Fall Elections Public Statement – this is the important one that they need to share, and the only reason that they wrote the other two is because their by-laws require that they do. But the important one is an easy document for students to read and letter, the other ones will be uploaded as Court Case Decisions on CROPS. The Facebook decision will be on there, too, Chief Justice Shanahan wants everyone to share them. She also addresses to the Court that she mentioned in the public statement, that they should hold office hours, for the students. Because she thinks that this is important, because they will have questions. But after this she also recommends that they continue to hold office hours in the future. She addresses specifically the Associate Justices Taylor, Bolanos, Zermeno, and Negrete are to hold office hours this week for sure. Then after that, they all should be holding office hours for the students and say they will be creating a Google Document and create office hours, to share on their ASUCM Court Facebook Page. • Formal procedure document o Chief Justice Shanahan says she has completed the first rough draft of the Formal Procedure document – it is done! She wants them all to look at Formal Procedure document and give her feedback. Chief Justice Shanahan says she would like to see this document as an accompanying document to the bylaws, it will sum up how it will go, she says she did the definitions already, and there is also many more stuff that could be on there or not depending on what they think. Associate Justice Bolanos says she really likes the way that it looks so far and Chief Justice Shanahan did a good job. The remainder of this meeting consisted of looking at the Formal Procedure Document and terms they have defined, so that they could finalize the project as soon as possible. • Senator Munoz says that he has been working on trying to get them because money; he says that he will most likely have the money for them, because none of the Senators have expressed anything opposed from it. But Senator Munoz needed to find out how they were going to do a Treasurer action or a line item, if they were going to have to create a line item for them; he says he will be doing that by tomorrow. He is pretty sure they are not going to oppose it, because the treasurer will be moving the money, not Senate. Chief Justice Shanahan says the reason she thinks why they should get that is because they are the only Court in all the AS’ that do what they do and so much more, they are at a point where they are an established Court, so as far as writing formal documents, writing court cases, and all the many other duties they do, they are setting a precedent for the future. They are also the only Court in all the UC’s system that does not travel or do anything like that. She says they are not asking for a big amount but they would like this money to use for events for the students. She asks Senator Munoz to summarize why they need that line item for them, because it would help them out a lot to receive some money to able to do all these events for students. • Adjournment o Adjourned 5:15 P.M.