Beauty and the Geek

Beauty and the Geek Australia is back with a bang for its fourth
season. But what will happen when we introduce our very first
millionaire geek into the mix?
Will the Beauties throw themselves at the cashed-up Geek
when they discover his identity? And will the other Geeks see
him as a threat and join forces to eliminate him, viewing him
as too privileged to take part in this fun social experiment?
There will be plenty of fun, laughter and teamwork along
with miscommunication and frustration as our teams bond
and struggle to overcome their differences in pursuit of
a $100,000 prize.
It’s guaranteed to be an amusing mix of gorgeous Beauties
and academically-gifted Geeks.
Each contestant will need to share their strengths with their
partner, who will hopefully overcome their own weaknesses,
in order to succeed. We’ll see the Beauties study up on
mathematics, etiquette and geography. For the Geeks there
will be an action-packed Bond challenge, some fashion
photography, flirting lessons and wrestling.
Our Beauties are vivacious, fun-loving girls who enjoy
socialising and being the centre of attention. They’re
preened and ready to take centre stage. But ask their
opinion on politics, the solution to a mathematical equation,
or how to reboot a hard drive and they’ll be stumped.
Our Geeks are intellectual pin-ups. They love sci-fi, comics,
gaming and computers. They are socially-awkward,
conversationally-challenged and some are still waiting for
their first kiss.
Throw 10 Beauties and 10 Geeks into a mansion together,
team them up to compete in a series of challenges to test
their brains and charisma and watch as they evolve.
Throughout it all they’ll be working together to keep
themselves safe from elimination.
Beauty and the Geek Australia is executive produced by
Paul Melville for Seven and Marty Benson for Shine Australia.
Bernard Curry is thrilled to be back for a fourth season of
Beauty and the Geek Australia.
Bernard Curry is thrilled to be back for a fourth season of Beauty
and the Geek Australia and thinks it’s a testament to the viewers
and their love of the show that the program continues to
provide us with the genuine, spontaneous and heart-warming
moments that define this feel-good show.
“What I love about Beauty and the Geek Australia is that it really
sets itself apart from other reality shows as it doesn’t take itself
too seriously and allows the audience to laugh out loud with the
contestants as they undergo the challenges, attempt to answer
the quizzes and witness their own transformations,” says Bernard.
And with the interesting twist of the millionaire Geek this year,
Bernard’s betting the dynamics within the mansion will change
once his identity is revealed.
“For the Beauties, knowing there is a wealthy man amongst
them may make him more attractive, especially if he survives
the makeover. And for the other Geeks the millionaire may be
seen as threat, and they may collude to have him eliminated,
believing he doesn’t have as much to gain from the mansion,”
he says.
Bernard moved to LA 20 months ago to expand his career and is
excited by the possibilities that lie ahead.
Coming from a close-knit and successful showbiz family
with three brothers and one sister, he is no stranger to the
entertainment industry.
On the small screen he played Hugo on Home and Away and
has appeared on Packed to the Rafters, Satisfaction, Blue
Heelers, The King, Out of the Blue, MDA, Crash Burn, Stingers,
RAW FM and Halifax FP.
Bernard has also appeared in feature films Puppy, The Dish
and Junction Boys and various theatre productions including
The Rocky Horror Show.
He has had his share of adventures during his career, including
running away to join the circus with his future wife. Bernard
travelled and worked with the Spiegeltent in October 2005 and
2006 for various festivals in Australia and the UK.
Bernard loves travelling and diving – every year he heads to
a beach house with family and friends to go diving, fishing and
play sports. He has walked the Kokoda Track for charity and in
his spare time likes to play tennis, cricket and write and
produce music at his home studio.
Bernard is married to Sonya and they have two sons two-yearold Fox and four month old Banjo.
“I got my dog Snow dyed bright pink. I know that’s a bit crazy, but he
doesn’t know he’s a boy and he loves the attention.”
Alin admits she is a shoe-oholic and owns more than
70 pairs of heels.
“Working with people from all walks of life I have learnt not to
judge other people on their looks,” she says.
“Mum had to get someone in to build a shelf in my bedroom so
I had somewhere to stack all my shoes,” giggles Alin.
Alin’s signature look includes wearing a flower in her hair,
something she has been doing since she was a little girl
when her mother used to pick fresh flowers and pin
them in her hair.
“And I’m really fussy about how they are stored. All of them have
been sealed into individual bags and arranged so one pair faces
out and the next in.”
Alin is ready to meet the Geeks and hopes to be able to
teach them how to be social, confident in their own skin and
to feel happier about themselves, something she already has
experience with as a sales assistant in men’s retail.
“When I was working in men’s clothes I was able to not only
change their entire outfits from head to toe, but also assist them
to walk out of the shop much happier and confident than when
they came in,” says Alin.
Alin’s time in the retail industry also helped her learn another
important lesson she will take into the house: never judge
a book by its cover.
She hopes to learn a thing or two from the Geeks about
technology and cars.
“When it comes to cars, I have no idea. I even have trouble
filling up petrol. Once I got to the petrol station and I couldn’t
even open the petrol tank so I was like, ‘What do I do?’ Luckily
someone helped me out.
“And I don’t have a clue about technology apart
from my iPhone.”
“I don’t really follow any religion, but I guess if I was to follow a religion,
Barbie would be my God as she’s done great for the world.”
Bre, a country girl from Wagga, NSW, has never outgrown her
childhood obsession with the colour pink and Barbie.
“Since I was a little girl my bedroom was completely covered in
pink Barbie stickers and littered with every type of Barbie and all
her matching pink accessories,” says Breana.
“I still have and treasure all my Barbies and her hot pink
accessories and have actually brought a few of them and my
Barbie dog along with me to the mansion.”
Although her love of Barbie could be seen as childish, Bre
actually moved out of home at the tender age of 16 to attend
school and has been living away from home ever since.
“I have lived by myself for the past two years so I’m really proud
of myself for being able to accomplish that at such a young
age,” she says.
Bubbly and incredibly girly, Breana reveals her perfect guy would
be “good looking, easy going and generous” and her perfect
date would include “pigging out on lollies and having a blast at
a theme park”.
Describing herself as always having a positive outlook on life,
Breana hopes to teach the Geeks how to make her culinary
speciality - a sugar sandwich - and how to feel comfortable in
their own skin.
“I hope I can just teach them to be happy the way they are,”
she says.
“One reason why I like Barbie so much is because even when
people criticised her for not having realistic body measurements,
she defied everyone by sticking to her guns and not changing,
sending the message that you are who you are and you shouldn’t
let anyone change you.”
Breana hopes the Geeks can help her with maths, a subject she
never understood at school.
“I’ve never been good with numbers and I find it boring. I’m more
of a creative person and it’s hard to be good at both.”
Studying special effects make-up, Chontelle is not one to ever
be seen without a full face of make-up. Even on the sports field
or out in the desert.
“I’m into sports and I’ve been to central Australia camping. So I’m
a bit of a tomboy and a Beauty. But I still have my make-up on
when I’m camping,” she says.
Admitting she’s a carbon copy of her mum, she says: “She wears
make-up and she’s very girly. She’s like me and loves shopping.
Like mother like daughter.”
While Chontelle is extroverted and confident now, she says she
didn’t always command attention when she walked into a room.
“When I was younger I didn’t get a lot of attention like I do now.
When I go out and I’ve got my heels and make-up on people do
look. As I got older I got more confidence.”
But Chontelle proclaims her inner Beauty to be her best asset.
“I have inner Beauty more than anything. Because I’m friendly
and down to earth and I think you need inner Beauty more than
anything, more than looks.”
But she does admit she might focus too much on her outward
appearance and is hoping the Geeks may help her to change
“Well I’m hoping I might learn not to worry so much about my
looks maybe. Because I do worry about that a fair bit; about
always having my hair and make-up done. So maybe a bit more
on the brains side of things because I didn’t really concentrate
that much at school because I didn’t really find it that
important. Maybe they can teach me a bit about that.”
In return Chontelle wants to share her confidence with
the Geeks.
“I want to help them just to come out of their shells
and not be shy and just be who you are and not be
afraid. Being happy being yourself I guess more
than anything.”
And she’s hoping to win something along the way to
replace her only other award to date – being
crowned the Most Likely to be the Next Paris Hilton
at high school.
“I’m not fake. Well like on the outside with my tan, extensions and nails
I am, but not on the inside.”
Pocket rocket Courtney has a zest for life and all things pink. In
fact she named her dog after her favourite ambassador for the
colour pink, Barbie.
“I was six years old when I first got her. But yeah I’m obsessed with
pink. My nails are always pink. I’ve got like heaps of pink shoes
too,” she admits.
After dropping out of school in Year 11, her most recent job as
a receptionist in a real estate agency was inspired by watching
Desperate Housewives.
“I was like I wanted to do business, but I wasn’t sure what business.
So I watched Desperate Housewives and I saw Edie and she was
wearing a pink suit and I was like, ‘That would be sick.’ Don’t get
me wrong, I love houses and property and sometimes I drive
around on my scooter looking at houses. But the reason I wanted
to go into business was the fashion.”
Known to her friends as Crunchie – “You know the chocolate bars,
like it’s chocolate on the outside and blonde honeycomb on the
inside” – Courtney is a fan of white magic and practices Wicca.
“You can do spells, but it’s not like you use hair or frogs legs or
stuff. The only spell I’ve done is moon magic which is when you
go out to the moon and meditate with the moon and get all the
energies from the moon and thank the gods and goddesses and
the powers of the universe,” she explains.
Courtney is actually a Beauty eager to learn as much as she can
from the Geeks.
“I love learning. So I hope I learn a lot more from like Geeks, just
like general knowledge because I know I don’t have a lot of
general knowledge. I thought Sydney was in Queensland! So I’m
really excited to learn the things I need to learn.”
And this gorgeous Beauty has fallen for a geek in the past, so she
isn’t one to judge someone too quickly.
“I’ve dated a geek before. He doesn’t look like a geek, but he’s
really smart. I’ve learnt new words from him like insinuate, so I’ve
been using that a lot.” BEAUTIES
“I love having fun. I put that before everything which probably
isn’t a good thing.”
Bendigo born Greta really struggled with her grades throughout
school, receiving straight Ds and Es on all of her major assignments.
“I never listened at school so hopefully I will learn some
new facts about interesting things from them.”
“Apparently the death of Anna Nicole Smith wasn’t a major issue
facing Australia today,” admits Greta.
Very driven and focused when she wants to be, Greta
played competitive tennis for nine years and went
through countless racquets from smashing them on
the ground when the game wasn’t going her way.
Since failing school Greta has found her vocation, finishing her
diploma in Beauty therapy last year.
“Finishing my Beauty course has been my biggest achievement in
life so far,” admits Greta.
“Everyone thinks it’s an easy course, but it isn’t and it actually
requires a lot of set skills and attention to detail,” she reveals.
Greta’s ultimate dream job would be to use the expertise she has
acquired as a Beauty therapist to become a make-up artist.
“Or a DJ as I think that would be really fun and I love music,”
she adds.
Greta is also hoping the geek’s intelligence may rub off on her
when she meets them in the house.
“I gave up tennis when Dad refused to buy me
another new racket and made me use his old vintage one,”
says Greta.
Although Greta readily admits it would be amazing to win
Beauty and the Geek Australia and walk home with its
generous prize, her competitive edge is not focusing on
the prize but rather the experience any time in the
house can offer.
“I didn’t even think about the prize when I entered.
Obviously it would be pretty awesome to win, but there are
so many amazing people I think that is the main draw card
for me,” says Greta.
“I feel so happy to be chosen as a Beauty as I am being praised and
wanted for just being myself.”
At 24 years old, former air stewardess Jessica is the oldest Beauty
in the house.
“All the other girls are 18 or 19 years old I think, so I feel like the
cougar in the house,” Jessica reveals.
Being slightly older than the other Beauties, Jessica feels she is
mature enough to find her Mr Right after years of choosing the
wrong type of guy.
“I used to go for bad boys who rode motorbikes and who were
not so loyal and understanding,” Jessica reveals.
“But now I am old enough to understand who I really want and
need. I’m looking for a guy who is caring, understanding, loyal,
honest and someone who at the end of the day is going to be my
support network for the kids and when I’m sick.”
Jessica knows the importance of a good health and Beauty
regime and credits that for giving her good self-esteem, despite
never excelling at school.
“As I didn’t have good grades, I think it’s important for me to
maintain my physical appearance, as that is what helps me get
through life and what people recognise me for,” she says.
Having enjoyed a successful career as a flight attendant for
a year, Jessica has travelled all over Australia meeting amazing
people while sharing fabulous experiences with them.
“Being a flight attendant was a great way for me to discover
Australia while becoming independent,” she adds.
Crowned former men magazine Ralph’s ultimate
beach babe by its readers, Jessica’s ultimate dream
job is to appear on Home and Away.
“Although I have never actively pursued it, I have always
fantasised about being on Home and Away as it would be
so glamorous and fun to be a part of,” says Jessica.
Jessica is most looking forward to meeting her geek so they
can learn to understand and grow together throughout the series.
“I have more clothes than anyone I’ve ever met easily.”
Fake tan addict Kim likes to think of herself as the long lost blonde
sister of Kim Kardashian.
“Because both our names are Kim, we are both bootylicious and
I love her,” she says.
Kim is so obsessed with being tanned that she has invested in her
own tanning machine and sprays herself at least twice a week.
“I buy the one litre bottles of tan. You’re meant to get 20 tans [out
of the bottle], but I obviously use a little bit more because I like
being brown,” she says of her hobby.
Kim’s other obsessions include make-up, hair and shopping.
“I go shopping every single day. And I like giving all my friends
makeovers and all that sort of girly stuff.”
While Kim has tried to help her male roommates with dating tips,
so far they have resisted taking her advice. But she is confident of
her ability to help so can’t wait to thrust her knowledge onto the
Geeks, whom she thinks will respond more eagerly.
“I’ll tell them don’t send creepy messages, don’t be clingy, don’t
send too many smiley faces in messages and don’t be like a
predator – you’ve got to play it cool with the girls,” she says.
Kim says she can sympathise with the Geeks getting all tonguetied around the Beauties because she too suffers from nerves
around hot guys.
“Sometimes I get really awkward around hot guys. Like this sounds
weird, but if a guy is trying too hard I’m like, ‘No leave me alone.’
But if it’s a really hot guy and I’m the one who has to put in the
effort, it’s more of a challenge and I want to hook up with them
more. Because not to sound up myself, but sometimes it’s just too
easy. I like a challenge.”
Not one to sit at home on a weekend, Kim’s ideal man needs to
be “hot and dangerous” and meet her four point checklist.
“This is my four things - tanned, sculpted, drives a ute and
plays football.
“But if I was to meet an AFL player I wouldn’t know they are an AFL
player. They don’t have to play AFL, any form of football is fine just
so they’re sporty. But drives a ute and sporty is the last two and
not as important as tanned and sculpted.”
“I have rarely been disappointed in life. Life is amazing and I’m lucky to
be here.”
As a chess and scrapbooking fan, Kiwi Beauty Kristy might have
more in common with the Geeks than the other girls.
Admitting her Dad taught her how to play chess in primary
school, she is profound on the benefits of the game.
“We used to always have battles in chess. And it’s good for your
brain, it makes you think. I don’t play it as often as I should but I do
enjoy it,” she says.
“They are my babies. I like bath them once a week. They even get
blow-drys. They think they are dogs – I even taught them to sit on
command!” she says.
Working as a window dresser, Kristy has her own sense of style
which is girly but comfortable and relies on her best asset – her
smile – to win over fans.
“Well I had braces so I hope I have a good smile,” she says.
In fact, outdoorsy natural Beauty Kristy credits her father for a lot
of her interests including a love of sport and marine activities.
She’ll be hoping her love of fashion will rub off on the Geeks, as
well as a few lessons on how to treat prospective dates.
“He had three girls, so I think he tried to make us more like boys.
But I’m still girly as well. I still like shopping, nails, hair and make-up
and all that.”
“I can definitely teach them how a girl likes to be spoken to and
treated. Some guys have no idea. You know without being sleazy
and too forward and stuff.”
With childhood dreams of being a marine biologist, Kristy says
a lack of interest in her schoolwork meant she has yet to realise
her dream.
But it might only be the millionaire geek who can satisfy Kristy’s
idea of an indulgent dream date.
“I’ve always wanted to be a marine biologist, but I don’t think I’m
smart enough. I eventually want to get into dolphin training. I love
animals so much. I definitely want to do something with them.”
In fact it’s her two cats, Roxy and Sadie, which she’ll miss most
while hanging out with the Geeks.
“In my imaginary life it would be something amazing like pick me
up in a helicopter and take me somewhere like Paris. Like you see
those things on TV where they are wined and dined and people
get sung to. Something out of the ordinary.”
“I spent a lot of time at school cutting my split ends. I know it’s weird, but
it was an addiction.”
Stealing her sister’s thunder by winning the Strawberry Shortcake
Beauty Queen Pageant at only four years of age when she
wasn’t even an entrant, Millie has always enjoyed the spotlight
and hopes to become a model.
“I’ve always wanted to do some sort of modeling, whether it is
catwalk, facial or photographic modeling for magazines,”
says Millie.
Describing her personal style as pretty and classy, Millie has been
an animal lover from a young age.
“I’ve grown up with all types of animals,” Millie reveals.
“My Nana has a farm and I’ve had rabbits, cats, dogs, birds,
fishes, chickens, horses and turtles as pets so consequently I feel
very passionate about animal rights.”
Admittedly caring very much about her outward appearance
as well, Millie is hoping to learn to be more down-to-earth and
become smarter from socialising with the Geeks.
“I just hope they teach me to care less about my looks and
more about important things which can make me more
intelligent,” she says.
Disclosing her ideal partner as Jack Dawson from Titanic
because “he is so romantic and treats his co-star as a princess”,
Millie hopes to one day meet her Prince Charming who will be
“dressed nicely” and take her on a romantic date “under the stars”.
In the meantime, Millie is happy filling her days working in the ladies
section of the bras and intimate section of a department store.
She admits she will miss her family and friends the most
while in the house.
“I am used to seeing my family and friends every day so it’s
going to be strange to think about them going out and partying
without me. But I’m sure there will be so much going on in the
house there won’t be too much time to think about them.”
“I don’t have a short attention span all the time, but sometimes it
depends on what the topic is about.”
Nanny Nikki has a secret hobby that doesn’t really fit in with her
love of manicures, shopping and wild partying.
Beach babe Nikki says she could see herself settling
down with a geek one day.
“I love fishing,” she reveals. “I even bought one of my fishing
rods with me. It’s pink. I’ve probably got about 10 rods and two
massive tackle boxes. I could go fishing every chance
I get, it’s just fun.”
“I haven’t dated for a while so I’m kind of like looks
are nothing to me anymore. I’m like why do I always
go for the bad guy when I want to find love and
passion and just someone to really care about me
and no-one else like I’m the one and only and
maybe Geeks do that. So who knows.”
This vivacious Beauty is a clean freak whose choice of super
power would be to clap her hands and make everything clean
and tidy.
Nikki loves to live life on the edge though and never says no to
a new experience, including jobs.
“I’ve done everything under the sun,” she says of her work
history. “I like to try everything. You only live once so give
something a go and if you don’t like it at least you gave it a go.
“I worked in reception for two days at a hotel and I was just like,
‘This is doing my head in, it’s so boring’ and I was like I need
to be out and about and in the fresh air and doing different
things. But if an amazing job came up then I’d stick to it.”
Her latest accomplishment is finishing her Beauty therapy
course and setting up a home salon.
“I have my own salon at home but it’s mainly just for family and
friends. I just wanted to have a qualification to fall back on.
And maybe when I’m married with kids and stuff then it’s good
to have a home business.”
But while she may have romantic aspirations for
someone who likes to study, the Geeks better not
ask her to read a book.
“I think of Geeks as just quiet people who are very
reserved and keep to themselves and like to read
books. But I couldn’t think of anything worse to do.
If my mum tries to read a book and I’m at home I just
start fidgeting and she’s like, ‘Leave me alone, I’m
trying to read a book’ and I’m like, ‘It’s too boring,
let’s go outside and throw a frisbee or something.”
“With the Beauties it’s just a world that I don’t understand. The rules are
completely different. I can’t put any rationalisation onto it.”
He reads text books for fun, likes to fantasise about what to do
in the case of a zombie apocalypse and is studying to one day
build the Terminator. But what Chard is really looking forward to
learning is how to turn friends into girlfriends.
“I need help breaking the friend zone. I have a number of female
friends, some of which are really close, but have never really
been able to get anywhere past that,” he admits.
Studying Mechanical Engineering and Masters in Biomedical
Engineering, his dream is to make bionic limbs.
“I would not like to lose a limb. I think that is part of why I’m doing
the bio med. It would be terrifying.”
The son of two doctors has always been surrounded by
intellectual conversation growing up.
While he has moved from Newcastle to Sydney to attend
university, he still maintains a good relationship with his brothers
through online gaming.
“On Saturday nights I normally stay in and play video games.
My brothers also play similar games so we end up talking a fair
bit online. So I generally play with them or watch movies with my
While he says he can be social, he prefers “smaller groups of
people that I know well, rather than large groups of people
I don’t know”.
He also has an appreciation of heavy metal music, which
inspired his lovely long locks back as a teenager.
“I started growing my hair at 14 and the beard at 18.
So to see myself without both would be interesting. I mean
I’m a bit apprehensive but also quite keen.”
His greatest hope from this experience is for the
Beauties to really see who the Geeks are.
“I hope they can see us for what makes us geeky
and then see that it’s actually kind of cool,” he says.
“The gaming community is made up of 30 per cent girls. I don’t avoid
them, but I haven’t used the internet for dating.”
Cody might be an online webmaster with 15,000 people
checking into his site every day, but he readily admits he can’t
even get one girl to go out on a date with him.
“I’m fine with that. It means they are saying, ‘Well you’re
intelligent and you are interesting because you have
a specialty.’
Admitting he’s never been kissed, he says: “I’m hoping to learn
a lot because while I’m social on the internet and have lots of
friends on Skype, I don’t really leave the house much and meet
up with people in real life. I haven’t had a girlfriend before so
I think there is a lot I can learn.”
“I’ve always been interested in geeky things – games, sci-fi,
fantasy and all that kind of stuff. I wouldn’t say I’m a nerd in
that studying is not really my thing. If I’m interested in
something I can focus intently on it, but if I’m not then
I don’t want to bother as much.”
He’s in the top five Zelda players in the world and running his own
website is his dream job.
Citing Dr Google as his best friend – “He’s very good
at answering all my questions” – Cody relished the
opportunity to meet some of his online friends at
a big gaming expo in the US last year.
“I have a computer in my bedroom and that’s my office. I’ve
been around in fan sites and forums since I was 13. And then
I started getting involved when I was 17 and been going ever
since and now I make a living from it,” he explains.
A Harry Potter fan, Cody admits he’s always been a geek and
happily accepts the title.
“I’m normally on my computer at least 10 hours a day.
A lot of my friends live in the UK, US or Norway that’s the fun of the internet, you can meet people
from everywhere.” GEEKS
“I always think of geek as a four letter word with a six figure income and
it puts a smile on my face.”
Bacteria and numbers are Dane’s biggest strengths – in fact he
has memorised pie to 103 decimal places.
“I’m big on Pokemon, but I’m also into my games. I’ve got a 3DS and
a Nintendo DS so I can trade myself between the games,” he says.
“I love statistics and numbers and everything,” he says. “I don’t
know why, I’m just good with them.”
Dane is looking for a girl with a gorgeous smile, but he also knows
the type of Beauty he isn’t attracted to.
Health science student Dane is the first to admit he’s never really
bothered to put any effort into his outward appearance.
“Girls with the fake tan and peroxide blonde hair I just consider
them fake. They look like they’ve rolled around in a packet of
doritos,” he admits.
“I just mainly rely on my brain really. I don’t really care about the
outside appearance.
“I mainly wear two pairs of pants. And I wear runners all the time
because I feel most comfortable in my runners and I have to wear
them for work just in case we have a spill.”
A competitive lawn bowls player, Dane spends his Saturdays
playing the game with mostly senior citizens before returning
home, where he lives with his grandmother, and watching his
favourite Japanese anime series.
He’s also quite a fan of the Japanese card games based on the
series and is most recently obsessed with Vanguard, although
Pokemon also still rates highly in heart.
Admitting his one and only girlfriend was as a 13 year old,
Dane says he is in desperate need of help with the
opposite sex.
“I want to learn about these signals that people give
off because I have no clue what they are. I’m oblivious to it.
And I really need some confidence just in general.”
“I broke out into a lathering sweat in the supermarket when I was
approached by a suitor. It turned out it was my sister’s friend wanting
her phone number.”
Encouraged by his mum and sister to apply for Beauty and the
Geek Australia, 23-year-old former pharmacist Jack is hoping to
learn how not to fly under the radar with girls.
“Up until now, no girl has ever really noticed me so I’m here to say,
‘Hi, I exist,’” explains Jack.
“I also want to learn better interpersonal skills and gain some
knowledge about women.”
Jack not only boasts a deep understanding of the human body
and how it works from his degree in pharmacy, but he also plays
the guitar and has taught himself to sing by reading books which
explain the skill-sets needed to learn in the shortest amount of
time possible.
“I much prefer learning to play the guitar and sing by myself as
I find in a three to four month period you can learn a lot from
someone else, but then after that my knowledge starts to dry up
so I may as well just be doing it on my own,” says Jack.
Jack is hoping to pass on his thirst for knowledge and knack for
learning to the Beauties while in the house.
“I hope to teach them the ability to learn and that learning
can be fun,” says Jack.
Jack’s own biggest fear while being in the house is not
being able to learn anything new himself as he gets
bored easily if he’s not busy educating himself.
Discouraged by the pharmaceutical industry which
Jack saw as “money hungry” and “only able to
help the symptoms rather than really treating the
cause of peoples’ illnesses”, Jack has started up his
own internet business from scratch, providing his
clients with personalised software to cater for their
own unique needs.
“I hate double standards. Why is it that a guy with glasses is a geek, but
a girl with glasses is sexy and smart?”
Town planner Jason boasts an entire catalogue of kooky dance
moves from the “no bones”, where he swings himself around in
a limbless manner so it appears he is boneless, to the “wiggle”
in which he wriggles around doing the twist like a worm.
Both dance moves have been sourced from the internet and put
into action at parties and his local clubs.
“I know everybody is looking down at me thinking, ‘This guy is weird’,
but I don’t care I just go with it and have fun,” reveals Jason.
When Jason isn’t busy busting out his epic dance moves, or
watching Star Trek, he’s most likely creating medieval-inspired
armour out of bottle tops, or assembling and then painting
medieval miniature model kits he has bought online.
“I don’t really play with the models, but I rather just like creating
them as I find it a relaxing process,” says Jason.
A not so comforting moment for Jason was when he professed
his love to a friend at high school who revealed to him she was
in fact gay.
“She said, ‘Well, I’m actually a lesbian. But if I wasn’t, you’d be the
first guy I’d choose to date.’ But then I saw her a little while after
and she was dating a guy so she had decided she now liked guys.”
Jason is hoping to find more luck with the ladies in the house
and wants to be able to learn how to read girls’ body
language so he can become gutsy and approach girls.
“At the moment I overthink every time I want to talk to
a girl so I end up pulling out at the last moment and then
feel down that I haven’t made the effort,” admits Jason.
“For the most part I can tell you what sort of butterfly that is, but I try not
to because it makes you look like a real loser.”
Two of Matt’s greatest loves have more in common than most
people might realise. On the one hand he enjoys the adventure
of insect collecting; the other is his appreciation of Pokemon.
And as he reveals, “The Pokemon games were actually
based on entomology.”
Psychology student Matt began collecting insects as a 12-yearold and now boasts a collection of 300 and a particular love of
the Sydney funnel web spider and the blue hornet.
“It’s a passion and it relaxes me. If you make the mistake of
getting me started I can talk your ear off for hours,” he confesses.
When he’s not out hunting down the next insect for his collection,
Matt is busy reading his psychology textbooks, writing poetry,
playing video games or brushing his hair.
“I play a lot of games. I have a PS3, a Wii, my PC and a 3DS so
I play a lot of games. I pretty much play every game I can get
my hands on.”
While he may play games almost every day of the week sometimes for six hours straight – his studies take precedence as
he aims to one day help young kids who are being bullied.
“I want to get a job in the public health care sector so at
the end of the day I can just walk out of my work and say,
‘I saved a life today.’ I’ve walked these roads, I can help
people get through it.”
But he knows before he can help others, he needs some
help himself with building up his confidence with women.
“I’ve spent a lot of my life being rejected. My first
experience of talking to a girl was, ‘Would you like to’
and ‘No I wouldn’t’ before I’d even got the chance to
finish. I don’t have much confidence around girls. I tend
to go very quiet and not talk much at all. My words just
fly out the window which sucks.”
What he might have in common with the Beauties
though is his incredible hair care routine.
“I can’t live without my hair brush. I’m quite fond of my hair,
I treat it very nicely. I don’t colour it, blowdry or straighten it.
I try not to tie it up for too long because it’s bad for the hair.
I put a lot of time into making sure it’s ok and healthy.”
“I am tech passionate. I think, live and breathe technology.”
Computer code expert Nathan is totally addicted to writing
computer software, so much so that he once spent 52 hours
straight writing code.
“I got on a bit of a streak and just kept on going,” reveals Nathan.
“I didn’t plan on programming for that long, but I just couldn’t
stop. And once I got used to working while it was completely dark
outside, I was reenergised by the time the sun came up.”
When Nathan isn’t busy writing computer software for work and
pleasure, he is learning Japanese and to play the piano. However,
he never sticks to either long enough as his down time is limited.
“I know very little Japanese and the same goes for the piano
as I learn a whole bunch of stuff, but then don’t have time to
practise it so in the end I have to try and pick it all up again
from the start,” he says.
Nathan’s ideal woman is someone who already knows where she is
going in life and doesn’t need her relationship to define who she is.
“I guess I would like someone who shares the same interests
as me, but also knows exactly what excites them too,” he says.
Nathan also appreciates orchestral music, including
modern day classics used in film scores and in the ballet.
He enjoys writing and layering scores on his computer
which he puts together before playing it.
Nathan’s most embarrassing moment was when he fell
down a set of stairs at a university party during
orientation week.
“I was playing a drinking game with a friend upstairs when
we lost track of time. I was in a hurry to get back to the
party, but on the way down I tripped up something only
to wake up at the bottom of the stairs with a massive
gash on my head and everybody staring at me. It
probably wasn’t the best first impression to give.”
“I don’t like nightclubs, the pageantry of it confuses me.”
English born law student Oliver loves to debate, but the one thing
he can’t find a winning argument for is why he’s so unlucky in love.
“I’ve been dumped a couple of times, but I’ve managed to
avoid being dumped in the recent past by not being in
a relationship in the first place. It’s a winning strategy to avoid
emotional attachment,” he says rather sadly.
“My last relationship was in the final year of high school. When
I reflect upon it I get an image from the first scene of Grease of
Sandy and Danny frolicking on the beach, however, in reality she
got rid of me because I was clingy.”
Studying a double degree in Law and Business Finance, he
recently started working as a legal aid and secured a new
wardrobe for the job.
Admitting to a love of fine clothes means he has at least one
thing in common with the Beauties.
“I love suits. I went with my buddy a couple of weeks
ago to get bespoke shirts which was just the best fun.
I like that kind of banker/lawyer look, as in exuding
wealth and experience.”
In fact when it comes to communicating with girls, this awardwinning debater is often lost for words.
Describing himself as a “bizarre mix of extroversion
and painful awkwardness”, his interests are varied from
poker to musical theatre and Brazilian jiu jitsu.
“Obviously my main focus is learning how to talk to the kind of
girl that will be in the house because I don’t really know where
they come from or where they are hiding them because you only
really see them at nightclubs which I don’t go to, never.”
“My musical theatre is reasonably uncool I suppose. It’s not the
trendiest of art forms. But I kind of revel in its dagginess,”
he says. “It’s a wonderful creative outlet. And to indulge
that right brain side of myself I guess.”
In return he is confident he can teach the Beauties how to
improve their reasoning skills.
“I’d like to teach them how to communicate logically because
I think a lot of girls talk emotionally. And maybe that’s ok, but
sometimes they need to reason and it would be nice to show
them how to do that.”
“The greatest skill I can teach my partner is how to maximise potential
and avoid deflects when playing video games.”
PhD aerospace engineer student Richard is just crazy about physics.
“It really excites me as it explains how everything in the universe
works and how it relates to us humans,” reveals Rich.
“It also features heavily in an integral part of the research that
I undertake on a daily basis.”
Talkative and with zero knowledge of pop culture, Rich hopes
to gain more confidence while in the house and learn more
about “female and male interaction”, something he has had
very little to do with.
He also wants to learn how to communicate more efficiently in
general as he feels this can benefit “everything in life, including
networking for jobs and creating a good working environment”.
Rich’s biggest achievement to date is winning a competition at
university to build a micro aircraft with the lightest weight and
longest flight time possible and gaining the opportunity to work
for Rolls Royce UK for 18 months on their new engine project.
“Working with Rolls Royce UK was like a life-long dream,” says
Rich. “I hope to ascertain a long-term position with them
as a researcher upon completion of my PhD.”
Rich also loves listening to music and playing video games
for at least four hours a day.
His ideal partner would be someone of “smaller statue for
convenient hugging and a girl who has a lovely personality
and a cute smile”.
Rich would rather forget about the day a mate of his at
high school pulled down his pants in front of his entire class
to reveal his heart shaped boxer shorts.
“I can’t believe out of all the days for that to happen I was
wearing the heart boxer shorts my Mum gave me.
Needless to say everyone found it hilarious,” he says.
“My greatest accomplishment is receiving a perfect Australian Tertiary
Admissions ranking of 99.95.”
Beijing-born medical student Yiran, 19, is a big fan of chemistry.
“I find it interesting how substances interact with one another,
change colours or composition,” says Yiran.
“It’s directly relevant to my current study of medicine and has
widespread applications which can be incorporated into
elements of biology and mathematics.”
Diligent, honest and friendly, Yiran is a big believer in hard work,
a lesson he would like to teach the Beauties while in the house.
“No matter how intelligent you are, applying yourself to the task
at hand is the key to success. I think I can teach my partner the
importance of perseverance, something which has carried me all
through my academic achievements,” he says.
Yiran is hoping to learn more about girls when in the mansion as
his only kiss so far was won in a game of Truth or Dare while on
summer camp in Beijing.
“I was lucky, my dare was to kiss a girl I chose,” he says.
Yiran’s ideal girlfriend would be “a good person, who cares for
others, is relatively intelligent and shares similar interests with me”.
Most of Yiran’s spare time is taken up either playing, or coaching
badminton, studying, or raising money for an orphanage in
Cambodia. In the past two years he has donated $4000 by
setting up two-day study seminars for university
medical students wanting to revise before exams.
“As I charge the students money to attend the workshop,
my old high school provides free classrooms for the
workshops to be run in, and I found university tutors
willing to teach free of charge, 100 per cent of what
I earn from the study group goes directly to the
orphanage,” he explains.
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