Demand Driven Institute would like to express our deepest appreciation to Manuel Castro for the translation of these terms. Termino Inglés Definición Término Español (España) actively synchronized replenishment A set of demand‐driven inventory and materials positioning, planning, and Sincronización Activa del execution techniques. Reaprovisionamiento (ASR) actively synchronized replenishment (ASR) The point of indifference between the investment in adding stock equilibrium positions (typically component parts) and the lead‐time inventory compression resulting from that investment (typically parent items). Punto de Equilibrio ASR ADU Acronym of Average Daily Usage CMD ADU alert An alert indicating a significant change in ADU within a defined set of parameters (quantity and time). A defined shorter rolling range within the broader rolling horizon used to calculate ADU. A defined level of change in ADU that triggers the alert within the ADU alert horizon. A process of dynamically adjusting strategically replenished buffers incorporating a rolling horizon. Any batch that is not equal to actual demand. Acronym of Actively Synchronized Replenishment A qualified cumulative lead time defined as the longest unprotected/unbuffered sequence in a bill of material. Alerta CMD ADU alert horizon ADU alert threshold ADU‐based recalculation artificial batch ASR ASR lead time (ASRLT) Periodo de Alerta CMD Umbral de Alerta CMD Recálculo según CMD Lote artificial ASR Lead Time ASR (LT‐ASR) available stock A planning calculation to determine the planning status of a stocked item. Stock disponible The equation is on‐hand + on‐order stock (also referred to as open supply) –unfulfilled qualified actual demand. If the available stock equation yields a position in the green zone of a buffer, then typically no planning action is required. average daily usage (ADU) Average usage of a part, component, or good on a daily basis. Consumo Medio Diario (CMD) buffer penetration The amount of remaining buffer, typically expressed as a percentage. Penetración de buffer buffer profile A globally managed group of parts with similar lead time, variability, control, and order management characteristics. A stratification layer within a stock buffer. Typically, buffer zones are colorcoded with red, yellow, and green assignments. The process of creating supply orders based on the available stock equation and decoupled explosion. Perfil de Buffer buffer zone consumption‐based supply generation Control points current on‐hand alert An execution alert generated by on‐hand penetration into a buffer. Typically, on‐hand alert will be set for red zone penetrations and out‐of‐ stock situations. Customer tolerance time DDMRP decoupled explosion demand‐driven material requirements planning (DDMRP) dynamic buffers execution horizon green zone Zona de Buffer Generación de órdenes según consumo Puntos de Control Alerta de Stock Actual Plazo admitido por el cliente Acronym of Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning DDMRP The cessation of bill of material explosion at any buffered/stocked Explosión desacoplada position. An innovative method to plan materials that enables a company to build Demand Driven MRP more closely to actual market requirements. Buffer levels that are adjusted either automatically or manually based on buffers dinámicos changes to key part traits. The life cycle of orders from the time the order is created and/or released Ventana de ejecución to the time it is closed. The top layer of a replenished and replenished override buffer. If available Zone Verde stock is in this zone, then no additional supply is created. Alerta de lead time lead‐time alert An alert/warning generated by an LTM part. An alert will be triggered whenever the part enters a different time zone from its buffer. Green is the first alert to be encountered, followedby yellow and then red. lead‐time alert zone The zone associated with the percentage of lead time that provides the Zona de alerta de lead time definition for lead‐time alerts. The LTMalert zone has three equal sections colorcoded green, yellow, and red. lead‐time‐managed (LTM) part LTM part market potential lead time material synchronization alert Matrix Bill Of Material nonbuffered part occurrence‐based recalculation on‐hand alert level order spike horizon order spike threshold OTOG over top of green (OTOG) PAF Planned Adjustment Factor A critical nonstocked part that will have special attention paid to it over Artículo con Control de Lead time its execution horizon. Typically, LTMparts are critical, long‐leadtime components that do not have sufficient volume to justify stocking. A portion of the lead time of the part (typically 33 percent) will have a three‐ zoned warning applied to it. That portion is typically divided into three equal sections. Artículo CLT Acronym of Lead‐Time‐Managed part The lead time that will allow an increase in price or the capture of Lead time de potencial de additional business either through existing or new customer channels. mercado An alert generated by the earliest occurrence of a negative on‐hand Alerta de sincronización de balance within at least one ASRLT where open supply receipt is due after materiales required demand date. Lista de Materiales matricial All parts that are not stocked. A method to adjust buffers based on the number and severity of specific occurrences in predefined fixed interval. The percentage of the red zone used by buffer status alerts in order to determine a yellow or red color designation. Adefined future time frame used to qualify order spikes in combination with an order spike threshold. Typically, order spike horizon is set to one ASRLT. A defined amount used to qualify order spikes in combinations with an order spike horizon. Typically, the order spike threshold will be expressed as a percentage of the total red zone (or min value) of a part’s buffer. Artículos sin buffer Recálculo por sucesos Nivel de alarma de stock físico Horizonte de picos de demanda Umbral de picos de demanda Acronym of Over Top of Green STdV A situation in which either available stock or on‐hand stock is over the top Sobre Tope de Verde of defined green zone, indicating an excessive inventory position. FAP Factor de Ajuste Planificado planned adjustments Manipulations to the buffer equation that affect inventory positions by Ajustes Planificados raising or lowering buffer levels and their corresponding zones at certain points in time. Planned adjustments are often based on certain strategic, historical, and business intelligence factors. projected buffer status alert An alert generated by projected on‐hand positions over a part’s ASRLT based on on‐hand, open supply, and either actual demand or ADU. Alerta de proyección de estado de buffer qualified actual demand The demand portion of the available stock equation comprised of qualified order spikes, past‐due demand, and demand due today. Demanda real calificada qualified order spike A quantity of combined daily actual demand within the order spike Pico de demanda calificado horizon and over the order spike threshold. reduce operations in anticipation of declining demand. For example, a toy Reducción progresiva store may ramp down its operations by buying fewer toys from its wholesaler immediately after the Christmas season, when people are less likely to buy toys in large quantities. ramp down ramp up ramp‐down adjustment Manipulations to the buffer equation that affect inventory positions, lowering buffer levels and their corresponding zones at certain points in time. Ramp‐down adjustments typically are used in part deletion. Aumento progresivo Ajustes por reducción progresiva ramp‐up adjustment Manipulations to the buffer equation that affect inventory positions, raising buffer levels and their corresponding zones at certain points in time. Ramp‐up adjustments typically are used for part introduction. red zone Zona roja The lowest‐level zone in a replenished and replenished override part buffer. The zone is color‐coded red to connote a serious situation. The red zone is the summation of red zone safety and red zone base. red zone base red zone safety The portion of the red zone sized by lead‐time factors. The portion of the red zone sized by variability factors. Ajustes por aumento progresivo Zona roja ‐ Base Zona roja ‐ Seguridad relative priority replenished override part replenished part seasonality adjustment significant minimum order quantity spike Stock out Stock out with demand strategic inventory positioning thoughtware TOG top of green (TOG) top of red (TOR) top of yellow (TOY) TOR The priority between orders filtering by zone color (general reference) Prioridad relativa and buffer penetration (discrete reference). A strategically determined and positioned part using a static (buffer zones Artículo con Buffer forzado are manually defined) three‐zoned buffer for planning and execution. Planned adjustments, however, can be used with these buffers. A strategically determined and managed part using a dynamic threezoned Artículo con Buffer buffer for planning and execution. Buffer zones are calculated using buffer profiles, ADU, and ASRLT. Manipulations to the buffer equation that affect inventory positions by Ajuste por estacionalidad adjusting buffers to follow seasonal patterns. A minimum order quantity that sets the green zone of a buffer. Cantidad mínima de pedido significativa The comparatively large upward or downward movement of a value level Pico in a short period. Rotura de Stock Rotura de Stock con demanda The process of determining where to put inventory that will best protect Posicionamiento estragégico the system against various forms of variability to best meet market needs de inventario and leverage working capital. Razonamiento metódico The analysis and process employed to define the relevant factors and dependencies in an organization or system in order to construct appropriate business rules and operating strategies that maximize velocity, visibility, and equity. Within the DDRMP framework, thoughtware is commonly referred to with regard to applying the inventory positioning factors. Acronym of Top Of Green TdV The quantity of the top level of the green zone. TOG is calculated by the Tope de Verde sum of red, yellow, and green zones. The quantity of the top level of the red zone. Tope de Rojo The quantity of the top level of the yellow zone. TOY is calculated by the Tope de Amarillo sum of the red and yellow zones. Acronym of Top Of Red TdR TOY yellow zone Acronym of Top Of Yellow TdA The middle layer of the buffer level coded with yellow to convey a sense Zona Amarilla of warning. The yellow zone is the rebuild zone for replenished and replenished override buffers.