Ms. Croce’s Honors Accelerated Chemistry Hi … Ms. Croce Nice to meet U !!! From Washington DC Degrees in Biology and Chemistry Attended several Colleges: “Ole Miss” Texas A&M California State University “Fresno State” Worked in Industry Have enjoyed teaching for the past 15 years !!! Course Purpose To introduce students to the fundamentals of chemistry and the interaction of matter and energy. To improve students ability to analyze and understand scientific problems To Recognize Chemistry in their daily lives. To communicate the understanding of chemistry to others using written, oral and graphical communication techniques. Why Chemistry is important! Chemistry Facilitator Guide students to understanding Make “Chemistry” Relevant Create a “Love” for Learning “Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.” Einstein Holistic Approach: I HEAR and I FORGET I SEE and I REMEMBER I DO and I UNDERSTAND “The whole of science in nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.” Einstein Inquiry; minds want to know! A new way of Thinking Inquiry Based Basic Themes Main Ideas “Think OUTSIDE The Box” Textbook Required Material A three ring binder designated for Chemistry ONLY! A one inch binder for Labs A composition notebook 2 Color Brad Folders Chemistry atoms first Second Edition Burdge / Overby Calculator – must bring calculator to class!!!! ASSESSMENT: Grading: The grading scale is consistent with MUS policy. Quarter Grade: Calculated based on a total point system Points Earned x 100 Total Points Available Semester Grade: [ (.375 x Q1) + (.375 x Q2) + ( .25 x Semester Exam) ] Graded work is returned and placed in “Graded work folder” Please check it regularly to assess your son’s progress. Graded Work Folder Your son is responsible for: Your son should know his grade at all times!!!! Graded work folder: Keeping up with his assignments. Keeping all graded work and evaluating his mistakes. Making TEST corrections Do you know what your son’s daily commitments are? Homework? FYI: In the Upper school your son has at LEAST 4 hours of homework daily. YOUR SON HAS HOMEWORK!!! ALMOST 50 minutes a night for Chemistry!!!! Homework is NOT optional!!! No homework – No free period Homework: The purpose of homework is for the student to practice problems and prepare his mind for new concepts. • Homework will be taken up randomly and will be graded on presentation, solution method, and correctness of information. Assessment may be over selected problems or the entire assignment. Notes should be reviewed Nightly … there is always homework! Announced in class Assignment Grabber Office Door Practice for Success!!! Homework is PRACTICE and at MUS the boys are expected to be all they can be…. So encourage them to practice their chemistry nightly!!!! No Procrastination ! No Excuses!!! Labs: Chemistry Notebook • Laboratory participation and completion of labs is an important component of the class. Both labs and participation are assessed. • • Students must be prepared for labs. All labs should be read and pre-labs completed BEFORE entering the lab. No unauthorized experiments! Special Projects and Folders: Article Folder : Literary Reviews of articles The purpose of article readings is to enforce the concepts studied in class and to bring awareness to the importance of Chemistry in our lives. Projects: Graded based on a rubric. The purpose of projects is strengthening skills and improves students’ ability to understand chemistry. Expect one or two small projects each quarter and one major project each semester. All projects will be turned in on time no exceptions. Projects are not accepted late. Following directions, neatness and originality are considerations. “Everyone Learns Differently! CHEM IS TRY !!! Hints for Success: BE PREPARED for class and Lab STUDY A LITTLE EVERY NIGHT READ THE TEXT -- Actively-FOLLOW DIRECTIONS !!! ORGANIZATION: Article Folder Class Notebook – folder with graded work. Lab Notebook DO ALL HOMEWORK – “work problems” STUDY BUDDIES SEE ME Office Hours If your son feels he is drowning ….. “Encourage him to see me!” • I have an open door policy … IF my door is open students are welcome! • Free Periods 2nd, 4th and 7th • I am available before and after school • Appointments are helpful A Choice Questions Anyone?? If you think of anything ….. ……Please feel free to contact me anytime about your son’s progress . “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rap in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.” Albert Einstein