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İ"İg 1," ! : |J* ia'|i ' i-] [|?|.;"..ı'..l, l**_- :}l] l -,,*_ "-.,.,, ".,,, ],]]ğ.']|lia':' --i.***-Tj i üjilili ::i.İ.i;]-]i]_ij : 1 i ]_:.ı],,:l.]:.i|i]ll1r | ı"ı:i ,lil; Ğ" §İü§İ§Tu§§.§ *F Tğ.{tr l i*iiJ;:.,]_1,1a.i u.;.: *J!]1il4il İN§T*TUTİ{}N§ ] Ed ı --gE ry ğ§Hğ E ffi€ b n E E E mışnnreİ.!_*Ltrx*}Iffiffi Hffi#IoEH,ffiRü Annex A: FAU Grading System ECTS_credits ECTS, the European Credit Transfer and Accumutation System, was developed by the Commission of the European CommunitY in order to provide common procedures to guarantee academic recognition of studies abroad. lt provides a way of meas- uring and comparing learning achievements, and transferring them from one institution to another. ln ECTS, 60 credits represent the workload of a full year of study; normally 30 credits are given for a semester. lt is important that no sPecial courses are set up for ECTS purposes, but that all ECTS courses are mainstream courses of the participating institutions, and followed by home students under normal regulations. Credits are awarded only when the course has been completed and all necessary examinations have been successfully taken. When the student has successfully completed the study programme agreed upon by the home and host institutions, transfer of credit will take Place. The student will then continue his or her studies at the home institution without any loss of time or credit. Transfer of credit is realized with a form (Transcript of Records) and by applying a special grading system in addition to the |ocal grading system. German Grading System Grades at FAU are generally awarded according to the following scale; however, the grades awarded for a specific degree programme may differ depending on the respective examination regulations; Grade Designation Explanation 1 Sehr gut (excellent) an outstanding achievement 2 Gut (good) an achİevement that exceeds the average requirements considerably 3 Befried igend (satisfactory) an achievement that fulfils average requirements 4 Ausreichend an achievement that fulfils the requirements despite flaws 5 Nicht ausreichend (unsatisfactory) (suffi cient) an achievement that does not fulfil requirements due to major flaws The examination regulations can specify whether the grades can be increased or decreased by 0.3 to indicate varying performance. Grade Designation Explanation 1.0 Sehr gut (excellent) Pass 1.3 Sehr gut (excellent) 1.7 Gut (good) 2.0 Gut (good) 2.3 Gut (good) 2.7 Befriedigend (satisfactory; 3.0 Befriedigend (satisfactory) 3.3 Befriedigend (satisfactory) 3.1 Ausreichend (Suffic|ent) 4,0 ausreichend (sufficient) 4.3 N icht ausreichend (unsatisfactory) all 4.7 Nicht ausreichend (unsatisfactory) Fail 5 Nicht ausreichend (unsatisfactory) ail Pass - Pass + PasS Pass + Pass Pass - + Pass Pass Pass nğ Eğ ü --r-_ rc E ıE ffiE E E E= E: = = E @ n E mıEüREH-ALEXANDffi ^ş uHıYEn§lTAT Enİlr{BE*-HğRHğffia Furthermore, for modules requiring regular attendance but no exam, there is a special grade ''TN" Teilnahme = attendance = which is a "pass" grade. lf a student participates in a module that requires an exam but does not take it that is, only his/her - attendance is certified - no credits can be awarded. 1S = 1 semester; 25 = 2 semesters/academicyear Common US-American Mark Equivalences*: (1.0) (1.3) - excellent, seldom achieved - very good (A) (A+) (2.7 to 3.3) (3.7 to 4.0) (1.7 to2.3) -good, considered a (rather) good result (A-to B ) - satisfactory (B- sufficient (D) to C) (5.0)-deficienVfail, no course certificate awarded (F) Gommon Mark Equivalences for Law and Legal Subjects*: German points Assessment 0 1-3 13-r5 16-,l8 vollbefriedi- gut: an sehr gut: gend: an achieVe- an ment that achievement ment that out- requirements fulfils average that exceeds exceeds standing despite flaws requirements aVerage aVerage achieVe- in every re- requirements require- ment 4-6 7-9 ungenügend: mangelhaft: ausreichend: befriedigend: an entİrely an unsatisfac- an achievemenl an achieve- insufficient tory achieve- that fulfils the achievement ment with significant flaws 1o-12 spect ments considera_ bly Equivalent English fail fail satisfactory good Very good excellent excellent Equivalent French insuffisant insuffisant passable satisfaisant trös satis- bien trös bien faisant * These equivalences are for guidance only! Eilş Kruğ E @ E @ fuĞ. ffi *,=**ĞH_*LEı*REE§ E ıffiE ffi .tr UXlY=Rşrğr = ğ Ew EHLAtl§EH-İtrüHHğEfiü Annex B: General information Sheet for lncoming Exchange Students ried rich -Alexa nde r-U Name of University F Country Germany Erasmus code D postal address Central office for lnternational Affairs, Schlossplatz 4, 91o54 Erlangen, Germany visitor address Centra|office for lnternationalAffairs, Helmstr. 1A, 91o54 Erlangen, Germany Fax number +49 (0) 9131-85_65151 Head (Mrs) Dr Brigitte Perlick phone number +49 (0) 9131_85-65170 Emailaddress briqitte. perlick@fau.de University homepage (in German) University homepage (in English) n ivers itöt E rla n gen-N www.fau.de www.fau.eu wıııw. fa Homepage for exchange students (lncomings) www. fau, eu/i nternational/f rom -ab road/exchanoe-students Advisor for exchange u. eu/i nternationa l ERASMUSlncomings and CsF-Scholars (Mrs) Maija Hocke, maiia.hocke@fau.de +49 (0) 9131-85-65146 students- Non-ERASMUSlncomings and lncoming lnternship Students (Mr) Peter Forna, peter.forna@fau.de +49 (0) 9,t31-85-65144 students_ Advisor for exchange Bilateral agreements berg ERLANGEO,I Homepage of the Central office for nternational Affairs l ü rn (Mrs) Boryana Klinkova, borvana. kiinkova@fau.de +49 (0) 9131-85-65164 ffi Language of instruction German, Some programmes in English (few courses in French or Spanish) Degree programmes available in English Master in Advanced Materials and processes, Master in Advanced optical Technologies and Bioengineering, tıırınol, Master in computational Engineering, Master in chemical Master in Systems of Health, and Activity in ehysicİl Master İılasterİn Molecular Science, lnternational lnformation and Multimedia Technology, MA Deve|opment Economics and Studies English MA Literature, and Culture Studies: American siudies, MA North Modules in English Some modules are taught in English in different departments: Political Science, Social Sciences, Economics, Engineering nformation about degree programmes www.fau. eu/studVi no/deq ree-proorammes/overview. shtml Syllabi http://univis. uni-erlanqen.de, click "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" Course registration for exchanqe students WIl be clarified upon arrival Credits generally required for one semester of studies 30 ECTS l Credits generally required for 60 ECTS one year of studies nformation about European Credit Transfer System l EcTS Transcript of Records www.fa u. eu/i nternational/from-ab road/exchanqe-stıJdents/ects Not delivered automatically. lncoming students should ask for a transcript before leavinq Germany Language courses during the semester (cost, credits, etc.) German language courses for international students are free of charge, AIl other language co-ursğs cost €20 a semester hour (e.g. one course with two semester lıours per week costs €40 for the whole semester) (Strongly recommended) The three_week Intensive German Language Course takes place in March and September. lt costs €250 (the price includes the books used). 5 ECTS credits can be obtained. Application deadlines for exchange students 15th May for coming winter semğster 15th llovember for coming summğr semester Pre-semester l ntensive German Language Course EEiln re nTnEE nÇEı§ ffimm n mn g g greğ E z re u I K xW Iry E rı I k K ğ ff FRıE§RIGH-ALSK&HIı€fr uİ{ıvEEsıTlT EHL*flGEİ{*üı§§Hğüa§ 1, The home university selects the exchange students and sends the nominations (name, duration of stay, field of study and email address of the nominated students) by email to maiia.hocke@fau.de (ERASMUS and CsF-Scholars) or peter.forna@fau.de (Non-ERASM US). 2. All nominated students will receive information explaining how to apply online. Application procedure (5 steps) 3. The students complete and submit the online application first. 4. The students then print out the online form, sign it and send it together with the required documents as a SCAN VlA EMAİL to the person in charge (Mr. Forna or İ4rs. Höcke) (before the 1Sth of May or 1Sth of November). 5. When we receive the completed application, we will process the admission. The students will be informed about their admissions by email and by post (letter of admission). The letter of admission must be brought to Germany. . printed application form . copy of secondary school certificate (no translation) . Transcripts of Records for all academic years (university): in German or English . proof of German language knowledge . certificate of Enrolment at home university (no translation) Documents required for incoming student applications .Actualphoto . Application form for the Help by the Housing search (the form can be found: vwwv.fa u. de/internationales/aus-dem- ausland/proqrammstudierende/Bewerbunqsboqen df) Austausch SS201 4 ausfb. lf the students would like to write a thesis at the FAU, they have to send together with the application documents a confirmation from a professor of the FAU, that he will supervise the thesis. The form for the confirmation can be found: www. fau. de/i nternationales/a us-demausland/oroorammstudierende/Betreuunoszusaoe lnc Stud Juli201 3.pdf German knowledge required Level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages or equivalent certificate of German language proficiency Application information www.fau. eu/i nternationa l/from-ab road/excha noe-students/a Application Comptete applications must be sent as a §ğAN VlA EMA|i_. Courses/Programmes not available to exchange Limited access to Medicine and Law; consultation required students ppI icatio n p E rE tmğ b _ E rcH § § m mmx u xE J-,i E EE E ,§- ş.._ffi - - rnıçnşıGHfLExAİ{n€R uhlıvER§ıTAT ĞHLı}§ıüEil*ruüxxgrşç First ten days of: September (if the student attends the language course) or winter semester orientation course October (if the student does not attend the language course) wnter semester Middle of October to Middle of February wnter semester Middle of February to End of February summer semester orientation course First ten days of: March (if the student attends the language course) or April (if the student does not attend the language course) summer semester Middle of April (depending on Easter holidays) to Middle of July summer semester Examina- Middle of July to End of July Lecture period Examination period Lecture period tion period Link to academic calendar (in www. uni-erlanoen. de/studiu m/zulassu ng/formulare/semesterplan German) General information about accommodation for ex- change students compulsory enrolment fees €42 a semester for the University Social Services (when the student comes from a partner university) Buddy programme Faculties Travel health insurance Health insurance during the exchange stay proof of finance Visa for exchange students www.fau.eu/international/from-abroad/exchanqe-students/buddvprogramme - Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Theology - Faculty of Business, Economics and Law - Faculty of Medicine - Faculty of Sciences - Faculty of Engineering Recommended for non-EU citizens EU citizens keep their national (European) health insurance, Non-EU citizens have to buy a German statutory health insurance for students (approx. €78 monthly - registration after arrival in Germany), Non-EU citizens have to prove that they have at their disposal at least €760 monthly (scholarship + parents'support + .... [can be combined]) EU citizens do not need any visa for Germany. Non-EU citizens need a visa except when: Er Kre İnı:En re IE - E n m ffi * ffi ffi g Elg=ıffi .§ E= ğ Eş FEıEIıRıGH-ALEXAHDğn uuıygnşır§r EnlAsıGçi,i*x{lnı,ıuugç 1. They are citizens of one of the following countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, lsrae|, Japan, Korea (South), New Zealand, USA 2. They live in a Schengen country and possess a valid residence permit for this Schengen country Day nursery Students with children can apply for the university day nurseries. Please inform us in advance. Special facilities for disabled persons please inform us in advance.