Interface Guide

Interface Guide
Document Change History ...................................................................................................................... 2
Accessing Desire2Learn Learning Management System ........................................................................ 3
Setup Personal Settings .......................................................................................................................... 6
D2L Password .......................................................................................................................... 6
Update Profile Picture ............................................................................................................. 7
Using Notifications .................................................................................................................. 8
Set Notifications .............................................................................................................................. 8
Set Notifications in Discussion Threads .......................................................................................... 9
Accessing your course sites................................................................................................................... 11
Course Site Overview ............................................................................................................................ 12
Switch roles from Lecturer to Student Role.......................................................................................... 14
Method 1 – Apply to Course only ..................................................................................................... 14
Method 2 - Global Setting ................................................................................................................. 14
Document Change History
Revision Date
Summary of Changes
7 January, 2016
Document updated to reflect changes in UI due to
10.5 upgrade
Initial Release based on D2L 10.2
Accessing Desire2Learn Learning Management System
1. Open a browser and type You will see the login page as shown
2. Type in your Username and Password.
D2L user id = SIMConnect user id without
(eg D2L user id = abcd001; SIMConnect user id = )
D2L password = SIMConnect password
3. The Desire2Learn (D2L) Learning Management System (LMS) "My Home" page launches.
1: Course Selector allows you to navigate to courses that you are enrolled to.
2: News widget contains news/ announcements posted by SIMGE to inform you on information
pertaining to the LMS such as the accessibility.
3: My Courses
3a. Where relevant, click on the drop down arrows to filter by your role in D2L (Student,
Lecturer, etc) or by semesters
3b. This shows the category of your courses belong to (eg SIM Global Education/ University of
London/ Training etc).
3c. Displays the subject, term and class you are enrolled to.
4: Calendar widget displays due dates for all online activities.
5: Drop down arrow besides your name is where you are allowed to change profile picture, password and
set notifications.
6: Alerts are posted by the LMS that require your attention. Please read whenever you see red dots such
as the one displayed in Figure 3.
7: Click on FAQ for commonly asked questions and Contact Us for any LMS related matters.
8. Click on My Home link to return to the My Home page.
Note: Clicking on the arrows besides each section allows you to collapse
each section.
Setup Personal Settings
Once you have logged in to the LMS, set up your personal settings at by clicking on the dropdown
arrow besides your name:
a. Password
b. Update a profile picture: for lecturers to identify you
c. Set notifications: to keep you informed of the online activities in the LMS
D2L Password
D2L password is the same as your SIMConnect password. If you change your
SIMConnect password, your D2L password will be changed automatically too.
You will not be able to change your password from within D2L
If you forget your SIMConnect password, click on the “Forgot your password?” link
on the D2L log in page. This link will bring you to a page to reset your SIMConnect
password. Once you reset your SIMConnect password, you can use this password to
access D2L too.
Update Profile Picture
To upload a profile picture, click on Profile by clicking on the dropdown arrow
besides your name.
Click on Change Picture
Click Upload and choose your desired image.
Note: Recommended picture size for your profile is 200 X 200 pixels. Maximum size 1MB.
Click Add
Scroll down and click Save and Close.
Using Notifications
The Notifications tool enables you to:
a. Receive instant notifications about course events, such as dropbox submissions,
discussion messages, and news updates.
b. Subscribe to a summary of activity for each course and receive a daily email about
recent news items and information updates from the Updates widget.
c. Receive a daily summary about quizzes, discussion messages, new emails, broken
links, and dropbox submissions.
Set Notifications
Click on Notifications by clicking on the dropdown arrow besides your name.
 Select Daily from the drop-down list and decide on the time to receive
Note: DO NOT CHANGE your email at Contact Methods. Your mymail is
the official email used for correspondences.
 Select all the check box under Email heading to enable email notifications. Click
Note: Depending on your programme, grades may not be released through the LMS even though
there are selections in the figure above to do so. Refer to SIMConnect for grades release.
Notification via Mobile is not supported in Singapore.
Set Notifications in Discussion Threads
Although there is an option to select notifications in 4.1.3 for discussions, there are a
few additional steps before you will receive email updates on your discussion
threads. You will need to subscribe to the discussion threads.
 Select a course which has discussions from My Courses on the My Home page.
Note: : Courses listed under My Courses widget will vary according to your programme
 Within the course, click on Discussions from Assessments at the top navigation.
 Select a forum/ topic from the Discussions List and click on the dropdown arrow.
Click on either
 A pop up window appears. Select option and click Subscribe.
 Show notifications in minibar
A red dot will appear over Subscription Alerts if you select this option when there are
new posts
 Send me an instant notification
An email will be sent to your mymail email once a new post occurs
 Include in my summary of activity
An email will be sent to your mymail email based on the time selected under Summary
of Activity.
Accessing your course sites
On your D2L "My Home" page, you will see the courses you are enrolled to under My Courses (1).
Click on the dropdown arrow besides Role and Semester (2) to switch between courses which you
have different roles in or filter out courses based on semesters.
Click on your desired course to access its contents (3).
Course Site Overview
Each subject and the respective classes will have a course site dedicated to it.
In the Course Home page (the first page you see when you enter the course), you will see:
Left Side
 Updates – Course site
 Content browser
Right Side
 News items
 Calendar - Upcoming events in the course (i.e. Quiz due dates)
 Role Switch
1) Course/ Subject/ Module Title appears here
2) Click on the course title displayed in the Course Selector or Course Home to return to the
course home page
3) Click on either the Content tool or Content Browser to access content
4) Click dropdown arrow to go to the news tool/ add news/ reorder news item
5) Date dues for your online activities (eg Quiz, Dropbox, Discussions etc) will appear under
6) To view course site as a student, click dropdown arrow and select student. Click on Change
Role button
Switch roles from Lecturer to Student Role
There are 2 methods to do this. 1 applies as a global setting and affects all courses and 1 that apply
only to a course.
Method 1 – Apply to Course only
Refer Page 11 - Accessing your course site and refer Page 12 to 13 - Course Site Overview
Method 2 - Global Setting
Previously, if you wanted to check how your content would appear to student for a particular class/
course, you would click on the Role Switch button within your class/ course (refer Method 1 above)
Now, if you click on the dropdown arrow besides your name and click on the “View as Student”
option, you will be able to access all classes/ courses which you are a Lecturer in as a student.
To switch back, click on the dropdown arrow besides your name and click on the cross button