IN CATILINAM I.IX Latin Text and Composition Quamquam quid loquor? Why am I even talking to you?! tē ut ūlla rēs frangat, deliberative subjunctives Could anything ever break you?! tū ut umquam tē corrigās, Could you ever correct yourself ?! tū ut ūllam fugam meditēre, Could you ever consider any sort of flight?! tū ut ūllum exsilium cōgitēs? Could you ever think about any sort of exile?! Utinam tibi istam mentem dī immortālēs duint! If only the immortal gods would give you this idea! wish tametsī videō, But even if I see that,! sī, conditions in indirect discourse if, ! meā vōce perterritus, because you were frightened by my voice ! īre in exsilium animum indūxeris, you were to have made up your mind to go into exile,! quanta tempestās invidiae nōbīs, how great a storm of hatred would hang over me,! sī minus in praesēns tempus, (even) if less would hang over me in the present time,! recentī memoriā scelerum tuōrum, because of the recent memory of your crimes,! at in posteritātem impendeat. still it would hang over me in the future. Sed est tantī, But it is worthwhile (to me),! dum modo ista sit prīvāta calamitās if only that disaster is private!conditions in subjunctive et ā reī pūblicae perīculīs sēiungātur. and is separate from dangers to the republic.! Sed tū ut vitiīs tuīs commoveāre, But … that you should be disturbed by your vices! ut lēgum poenās pertimēscās, … that you should fear the penalties of laws,! ut temporibus reī pūblicae cēdās, … that you should yield to the present conditions of the republic,! nōn est postulandum. indirect commands it is not to be expected that Neque enim is es, Indeed you are not the sort (of man),! Catilīna, Catilīna, ! ut tē aut pudor umquam ā turpitūdine that shame has ever called you back from depravity! aut metus ā perīculō or fear has ever called you back from danger! aut ratiō ā furōre revocārit. or reason has ever called you back from madness. result clauses Quam ob rem, For this reason,! ut saepe iam dīxī, correlstive ut as I have often already said,! proficīscere ac, leave and! sī mihi inimīcō, present simple condition if! ut praedīcās, correlative ut as you proclaim! tuō cōnflāre vīs invidiam, you wish to stir up hatred against me your personal enemy,! rēctā perge in exsilium; go straight into exile; vix feram sermōnēs hominum, I will barely endure the speeches of men,! sī id fēceris, future simple condition if you do this,! vix mōlem istīus invidiae, ! sī in exsilium iussū cōnsulis īveris, future simple condition if you go into exile at the order of the consul ! sustinēbō. I will barely withstand the weight of that hatred of yours. Sīn autem servīre meae laudī et glōriae māvīs, present simple condition But if however you prefer to serve my praise and glory,! ēgredere cum importūnā scelerātōrum manū, leave with that troublesome band of criminals,! cōnfer tē ad Mānlium, bring yourself to Manlius,! concitā perditōs cīvēs, stir up desperate citizens,! sēcerne tē ā bonīs, infer patriae bellum, separate yourself from good men, bring war to the country,! exsultā impiō latrōciniō, rejoice in your unholy robbery,! ut ā mē nōn ēiectus ad aliēnos, purpose + indirect so that you seem not to have been thrown out by me to foreign men,! sed invītātus ad tuōs īsse videāris. but you seem to have gone invited to your own men. MAKE SURE YOU KNOW THE ANTECEDANTS OF THE PRONOUNS Quamquam quid ego tē invītem, For why should I invite you,! ā quō iam sciam esse praemissōs, when I already know that men have been sent ahead by you,! quī tibi ad Forum Aurēlium praestōlārentur armātī, who were to wait for you armed in the Forum Aurelium,! cui sciam pactam et cōnstitūtam cum Mānliō diem, when I already know that for you a day has been set and established with Manlius,! ā quō etiam aquilam illam argenteam, when I already know that the silver eagle has been sent ahead by you,! quam tibi ac tuīs omnibus cōnfīdō perniciōsam ac fūnestam futūram, which I trust will be deadly and dangerous to you and all your men,! cui domī tuae sacrārium sceleratum cōnstitūtum fuit, to which an evil shrine had been been set up in your home.! sciam esse praemissam? Tū ! ut illā carēre diūtius possīs, is it possible for you to be able to be without that eagle for a long while! quam venerārī which you are accustomed to worship! ad caedem proficīscēns when setting out for murder,! solēbās, ! ā cuius altāribus saepe istam impiam dexteram ad necem cīvium trānstulistī? from whose altar you often bore that unholy right hand of yours away for the murder of citizens?