t493 The Canadian M ineralo gi st vol. 37. pp 1493-1498(1999) A NEW MINERALSPECIES, ORLANDIITE,Pb3Gla(SeO3)'H2O, AND AN ASSOCIATEDLEAD-COPPERSELENITECHLORIDE FROM THE BACCU LOCCI MINE,SARDINIA,ITALY ITALO CAMPOSTRINI ANOCARLO MARIA GRAMACCIOLI$ Dipartimentodi Scienzedella Terra, UniversitddeeliStudi,Via Botticelli23' I-20133Milano, Italy FRANCESCODEMARTIN Dipartimento di Chimica Strutturale e Stereochimica Inorganica, Universitd degli Studi, Via Venezian21, I-20133 Milano, Italy AssrRAcr Orlandiite, ideally Pb:Cla(SeOr).HzO, is a new mineral species ftom a selenium-rich pan of the oxidation zone at the old lead-arsenic mine ofBaccu Locci, near Villaputzu, Sardinia, Italy. The mineral is colorless to white, translucent, brittle, has a vitreous to silky luster, and is not fluorescent in ultraviolet light. The calculated density is 5.66 g/cm3 for the ideal formula, with = 1.96 (+0.05). An X-ray study carried out on a single crystal indicates a Z = 2. The mineral is birefringent, with nreas= ncarc. t r i c l i n i c s y m m e t r y , s p a c e g r o u p P( ln o . 2 ) , a 8 . 1 3 6 ( 3 ) , b 8 . 4 3 0 ( 6 c) ,9 . 2 3 3 ( 7 ) L , s 6 2 . 5 8 ( 7 ) , 9 7 1 . 8 + ( 4 ) , " y 7 5 . 1 3 ( 4 ) ' . T h e strongestsix lines oi the X-ray-diffraction pattern ld in A!)(hkt)l are: 4.000(100)(002),3.258(75Xl2l). 3.188(75X201), 3.818(55)(201), 3.731(44)(122), and 2.103(40)(142). Orlandiite occurs as very small, elongate, tabular crystals up to 0.1 mm in length, colorless to white, in association with chalcomenite, pseudoboldite, anglesite, quarlz and other selenites.The chemical formula has been determined ftom electron-microprobe data and a crysta1-structue determination [final R index = 0 .042 on 1226 reflections with I > 3o(I)1. The structure contains two independent Pb atoms belonging to layers with idealized composition PbClz; a third disordered lead atom is located between theselayers, together with a disordered SeO3group and the H2O molecule. In most of the sites occupied by Cl atoms, there is a partial replacement by OH groups. Associated with orlandiite and chalcomenite, and presently under study, is another new selenite, Pb+CuCl:(SeO:):(OH), in the form of minute lemon-yellow aggregatesof tiny platy crystals. The strongest six lines of the X-ray diffraction pattem for this_phase ld irt A(l)(hkl)l are: 8.279(100X010),6.674(80X1l0), 11.100(76X001 ),7 .344(70)(100),5.788(65X101),and 6.036(60)(112),which leadsto the following unit-cell data:a 8.290(8),b 10.588(13),c 13.587(15)A, u 124.a7$), p 110 60 (9),I 63.26(9)', arldZ = 2. Keywords: orlandiite, new mrneral species,selenites,Baccu Locci, Sardinia, Italy SowleInB Nous prdsentons ici les caractdristiques de la orlandiite, nouvelle espdce min6rale dont la composition id6ale serait Pb:CL(SeO:).HzO; elle provient de la partie riche en s616niumde la zone d'oxydation de l'ancienne mine de plomb-arsenic de Baccu Locci, situde prds de Villaputzu, en Sardaigne,Italie. Le min6ral est incolore ou blanc, translucide, cassant,ayant un 6clat vitreux h soyeux; il n'6met aucunefluorescenceen lumidre ultraviolette. La densitdcalculde est 5.66 g/cm3pour la formule iddale, avecZ=2.Lemin6ralestbir6fringent,avecnmes=flcarc=1.96(t0.05).Unedtude-endifftactionXsurcristaluniqueindiqueune sym6trietriclinique,groupe spatialP1 (no. 21,a 8.136(3),b 8.430(6),c 9.233(7)A, c 62 58(7), B 71.84(4),1 75.13(4)".Les six riies les ptus inlenses du spectre de diffraction ta en A(f)(aOj sont: 4.000(100)(002),3.258(75X121), 3.188(75)(201), 3.8 I 8(55X20 1), 3 731(44)(122) er 2.103(40)(142). La orlandiite se prdsenteen trds petits cristaux incolores h blancs, tabulaires, allongds,jusqu'd 0.1 mm en iongueur, en association avec chalcom6nite, pseudoboldite,angl6site, quartz et autres sdl6nites.La formule chimique a 6t6 ltablie d partir de donn€es obtenues h la microsonde dlectronique et des r6sultats d'une dbauche de la structue cristalline [R final = 0.042, 1226 rdflexions ayant I > 3o(I)]. La structure contient deux atomes ind6pendants de Pb faisant partie de couchesde composition iddale PbClz; un troisibme atome est ddsordonndentre ces couches,en relation avec un groupe SeO3ddsordonndet ra moldcule de H2O; dans la plupart des sites occupdspar le Cl, il y a un remplacementpartiel par des groupes OH. Une deuxiBme nouvelle espdce,dtroitement associded la orlandiite et la chalcomdrute,fait pr6sentementI'objet d'une 6tude; il s'agit d'un autre sdldnite, Pb+CuCI:(SeO:):(OH), qui se prdsente sous forme Q'aggrdgatsde plaquettesjaunecitron trds petites. Les six raies les plus intenses du spectrede diffraction de cette phase ld en A(I)(hkI)l sonf 8.279(100X010), $ E-mail ad.dress:carlo@r10.tena.unimi.it 1494 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST 6.674(80)(110), 11.100(76)(001),1.344('70)(100), s.788(65X101) er 6.036(60X112), ce qur mdne d la maille 6ldmentaire: a 8.290(8), b 10.588(13), c 13.587(15) (9),t 63.26(9)",erZ=2. 4,o124.47(8),B 110.60 (Traduit par la Rddaction) Mots-clds'. orlandiite,nouvelleespbcemindrale,sdldnites, BaccuLocci, Sardaigne, Italie INrnooucrroN SSE direction. Such discontinuities were formed as a result of tectonic readjustmentsafter the last episode of The old lead and arsenic mine at Baccu Locci near intrusive activity, and were subsequentlymineralized by Villaputzu, in southeasternSardinia, is one of several hydrothermal solutions. Veins are more or lessfrequent hydrothermal ore deposits hosted in the Paleozoic within fractures, since the distribution of the ore miner"black shales" occurring in the well-known silver-rich als depositedby the mineralizing fluids was controlled mining zone of Sarrabus-Gerrei. The mine is situated by the mechanical behavior of the host rocks. Such an at the northern border of this region and was exploited origin explains why stockwork-type structures are obfor about a century until the 1960s,when it was finally served within the porphyries, whereas elongate abandoned.Chalcomeniteconstitutesan interestins find orebodies can be observed within the shale unit. in the dumps; the quality of the crystals permitte-dthe The tectonic breccia filling the fractures was probstructure refinement to be carried out on natural samoles ably impregnated by the ores, thereby resulting in an for the first time (Pasero& Perchtazzi 1989;. Our iirst unusual mineralization mainly consisting of galenaand visit to the old underground workings in1996 resulted arsenopyrite in almost equal amounts. Accessory minin the discovery of exceptional specimens of chalco- erals are sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite. menite in some abundance,with crystals up to 2 cm in The deposit is typically zoned,as can easily be observed length, together with other secondary copper minerals in the upper part of the mine, where a surface zone, an (seebelow), in some caseseven in fine specimens,and oxidation zone and a secondaryenrichment zone can be a number of other selenites.In a Se-rich areain the mine, identified. and in close connection with chalcomenite, two new In the oxidation zone of the deposit (upper Santa lead selenitescontaining essential amounts of chlorine Barbara level), there is a notable concentration of sechave also beendiscovered,one ofthem being orlandiite, ondary minerals, mainly anglesite, amite, brochantite and the other PbaCuCl3(SeO3)3 (OH), which is presently and gypsum, with minor linarite, together with subordiunder study. nate amountsof severalother species,such as atacamite, Orlandiite is named in honor of Paolo Orlandi (b. bayldonite, beaverite, carbonate-cyanotrichite,chalco1946), AssociateProfessorof Mineralogy at the Univeralumite, chalcophyllite, chlorargyrite, devilline, olivensity of Pisa, who has been very active in determining new ite, osarizawaite, pseudobol6ite, pyromorphite, minerals and mineral occurrences in Italy. The new minserpierite, smithsonite, spangolite, native sulfur, vanaeral and name have been approved by the IMA Commisdinite and wulfenite. In addition, there is a local consion on New Minerals and Mineral Names (No. 98-O38): centration of selenites, especially chalcomenite; a Type specimens,including the holotype, are deposited rn detailed illustration of these minerals is given in the mineral collection of the Department of Earth Scr- Gramaccioli et al. (1997). ences at the Universitd degli Studi, Milan, Italy. Orlandiite occursin thesechalcomenite-richconcentrations as very small elongate tabular crystals (up to Occunr.sNce 0.1 mm in length), which are colorless to white, and in places associatedwith lemon-yellow aggregates(up to A description of the Baccu Locci mineral deposit is 0.1 mm in diameter) of platy crystals of the other new given in Zucchetti (1958a,b) and Bakos et at. 1Seg. phase (hereafter referred to as the "second phase"). The ore mainly consistsof galena and arsenopyrite,and These are generally found together with chlorides, such occurs within sedimentary and igneous formations of as green atacamite or very small small dark blue cubes lower Silurian age; these formations are covered by a of pseudobol6ite or, much more rarely, with chlorartransgressiveformation of Eocene age (Monte Cardiga gyrite of an unusual pale pink color. In the same assotransgression). The Paleozoic sedimentary rocks are ciation, there are several other selenium oxysalts, all of typically representedby black shales,whereasthe igne- them in very minor amounts with respect to chalcoous rocks are typically representedby porphyries. The menite, which is by far the most abundantselenium-rich unconformity between the Silurian and Eocene sedi- mineral. ments is quite distinct, and can be easily noticed in the Among these oxidized selenium-bearing minerals, landscapeof the nearby mountains. there are elongatebundles of olsacheriteor, much more The Paleozoic terranes are crossed by a series of rarely, mandarinoite, in small spherical aggregatesof subparallel fractures and faults oriented along a NNWprismatic yellowish greencrystals.At the outermostpart 1495 ORLANDIITE, A NEW MINERAL SPECIES, SARDINIA, ITALY ofthe selenium-rich concentrations,we found attractive blue crystals of schmiederite, in cases closely resembling linarite, or francisite in earthy green masses.A detailed study of all these secondary minerals is in progress. In some aspects,the assemblageof selenium minerals at Baccu Locci appearsto be rather selective, since some of the most widespread selenium oxysalts are altogether absent. For instance, notwithstanding a persistent and systematic search,no clinochalcomenite has ever been found at the locality, and in spite of the presenceof lead and the seleniteion, no molybdomenite or kerstenite has yet been identified in this association. Similarly, with the exception of a single nodule (1 cm in diameter) consisting of a solid solution of clausthalite (PbSe) and galena in almost equal proportions (PbS = 57 mol7o), no pure selenides have been discovered yet in the locality; most of the unoxidized ore in the assemblageconsists of galena, covellite, and arsenopyrite. Pnvsrcar- A\D OPTTcAL Pnopennss Orlandiite forms elongatetabular crystals (Figs. lA, B), invariably twinned on {010}; they are brittle, white to colorless, with a vitreous to silky luster and a perfect cleavageon {010}. The secondphaseappearsas very small aggregates(100 pm in diameter) of lemon-yellow platy crystals, up to 10 pm long and 2 pm thick. Neither mineral is fluorescent in either short-wave (254 nm) or long-wave (366 nm) ultraviolet light. They can be easily distinguished from each other using the stereo-microscope,and with someexperience,also from olsacherite, and from much more common minerals such as pyromorphite, gypsum, or vanadinite. The measurementof the optical properties of these lead selenitesis very difficult, owing not only to the very small size of the crystals, but also to their strong reactions with all available liquids of high index of refraction. Thesereadily attack the minerals, turning them into a black opaque residue, thereby preventing any useful observation with a petrographic microscope. The only possibility in this respect was to measurethe Brewster angle with the optical goniometer; in this way, in spite of the extremely small size of the grains in polished mounts, we obtained approximate values of the mean index of refraction n = 1.96 (t0.05) and 1.83 (10.05), respectively, for orlandiite and the other new phase.If the values of the calculated densities from the unit cell and the chemical composition are consideredfor the two minerals(D"ul"= 5.66 and5.25g/cm3,respectively),the corresponding estimates of the mean indices of refraction using the Gladstone-Dale rule and Mandarino's (1981) constantsand criteria are 1.96 and 1.87,respectively. These are in excellent to good agreement with observedvalues. For orlandiite, the infrared spectrum recorded in transmission on a very small crystal using an FT-IR infrared microprobe shows sharp absorptions due to HzO and the OH group (3410-3160 and 1586 cm-t), and absorptionsat 788 and724 cm-r due to the selenite group (Ross 1974).For the other new phase,the IR spectrum recorded from a very small grain using the same instrument and conditions shows sharp absorptions in the OH region (3700-2900 cm-l) and absorptionsat 810 and 738 cm-1 due to the selenite group. Cupt'rtcal CovrposrrloN Electron-microprobe analyses (wavelength dispersion) of the two phases were performed on polished grain-mounts using an ARL-SEMQ instrument of the Italian National ResearchCouncil (C.N.R.) at Centro di studio per la Geodinamica Alpina e Quatemaria,Milan. The standardsand operating conditions are reported in the footnote of Table 1. Because of the very small amount of material available, no direct determination of the HzO content has been carried out. For orlandiite, the amount of H2O present in the mineral has been deduced from the results of crystal-structure refinement, and for the other new phase,the correspondingamount has been deducedfrom the OH content basedon charge balance. In both cases,the total is very reasonable.In order to overcome volatilization of water and possibly oflead chloride, the electron beam was set at a diameter of 15 pm during the analysis ofboth minerals. The resulting chemical formula for orlandiite is in good agreement with that obtained from crystal-structuredata.The only possible check for the other phase, for which the crystal structure is unknown, was to consider mass and charge balance (which needs some OH); the total ls close to 1007o. TABLE I CIIEMICAL COMPOSMON OF THE NEW LEAD SELEMTES FROM BACCU LOCCI. SARDINIA. ITALY W€/o Orlmdiite cl Pbo sd" so, ZtO cdo CuO F€O HrOLessO=Cl Total 1435 741E 1231 o2o 0 35 0 1l 0 39 0.42 234 3 24 10141 Ruge '1328-15 33 1173-7549 tt 9t-12 52 012-037 0 15--080 007417 0 20-4 8l 0 40-4,43 Thoretical 1373 15 50 1167 220 310 10000 S@ond nwpmw 841 61 26 2484 o14 t75 144 429 040 0 ll 18E 10076 Raoge Thoretical 8 29-{ 49 5997 12 11 23 90_259t 0 12-016 1 69-1 9l 1 24-r 55 40t441 0 38-041 8 35 60 80 U 67 0 14 1 74 1 43 424 0 40 011 188 10000 * From the structure deemimtioo ud chuge balmce (relative to OII) at the elstrotr microprobe: eiglrt for orlodiite, six for the s@nd Numbq ofusllss rcltage 20 kV, smple cE@t on brass I 5 nA nw phase. Adoating stmduds: phosgmite (Cl), dglesite (Pb, S), pue m€tals (Se, zq C4 Cq Fe) from tbe Theoretical composition. for orlmdiite md for the second new phe' ud mpirical chmicat fomulae Pb,(C1..*OIt,Js(Seq)'EO (Pb3 ,aCd. rr)x3 sr(Cuo rrZno r"Feo.or)", 'oCl.[(Ser orSo o,)"r.o.Or]3(OH0 ?7Cl0r3), rcspectiwly t496 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST FIG. 1 Orlandiite, tabular elongate crystals on matrix. Photos taken with a Hitachi scanning electron microscope. The maximum length of the crystal aggregatesis 150 pm. Whereas in orlandiite lead is the only cation present as an essentialconstituent,other cations, such as copper as well as lead, seemto be essentialin the secondphase. On crystal-chemical grounds, zinc and cadmium are very likely substituentsfor copper, and probably also iron. For this reason, all these elements have been grouped in the proposed chemical formula. For orlandiite, minor amounts of these sameelementshave also beenfound; with the possible exception of Cd, they are not considered to be likely replacementsfor Pb in the sfiucture and have been omitted from the chemical formula. X-Rev Dare The determination of accurate X-ray crystallographic data of orlandiite was particularly difficult, owing to the scarcity of suitable material. Single-crystal data show the mineral to be triclinic Pl (no. 2), with a8.136(3), b 8.430(6),c 9.233(7)A, a 62.58(7)', B 71.84(4)', 1 75.13(4)",andZ= 2. Powder-diffractiondata obtained using a Gandolfi camera are reported in Table 2. From thesedata,-aunit cell with a 8.146(12),b 8.428(22),c 9.241(22) A, a 62.32(2r), g 7 r.64(17), 1 75.22(19)" can be deduced,in good agreementwith the resultsobtained ORLANDIITE, A NEW MINERAL SPECIES, SARDINIA, ITAIY TABLE 2 X-RAYPO\I'DER-DIFFRACTION DATA FOR ORT^ANDIITE* hkt d*" (A) 001 101 002 201 122 022 t2l 201 113 T22 8 090 5 010 4 000 3 818 3 731 3 548 3 258 3 188 3 046 2489 2728 2 666 2 s64 2 484 003 300 J'1 dd (47 A) rlI" '7 965 3 6 4 982 7 1 3 983 100 3 E 1 3 fi 3 552 3 261 3 lEl 3 051 2,881 2728 2 655 2 5s5 2 447 44 1t 75 75 4 6 38 hkl t23 124 024 142 320 223 t44 l4l 322 143 205 501 28 t2 de, dd (A) (A) 2 365 2298 2 r73 2 to3 I 989 I 953 I 875 | 84'.1 I 812 | 760 I 606 | 444 1 441 2368 2298 vI" 23 7 2 107 40 I 986 u 1 957 3 I 871 l l I 845 6 18li 10 1 764 9 1 608 6 1 445 4 '7 r 440 * Gmdolf mqa (dimets 1146 m), Ni-filts€d Cu/(s radistim Intmsities oalolated on the bsis ofthe crystalstructre TABI.E 3 X-RAY POWDER-DIFFRACTIONDATA FOR TIIE SECONDPIIASE* doa (A) ddw (A) dd (A) vL (A) 301 524 031 035 222 T4s 343 T44 2545 2 s20 2462 2440 24tt 2388 2361 2331 2297 2214 2548 2 519 2458 2445 24ll 2389 2365 2330 2298 2212 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 20 35) ) a<1 a a<a an IUJ 2208 2 154 2 r33 2106 2079 2065 2043 2028 1 921 | 760 1742 I 700 1 686 2208 2 t54 2 134 2tO4 2074 2064. 2040 2025 I 919 | 759 t74t l 699 1 685 20 20 20 t5 15 15 15 20 15 l0 l0 10 15 hhl de 149'l 8.290(8),b 10.588(13),c 13.587(15) A, a 124.47(8),9 I 10.60 (9), 1 63.26(9)", and Z = 2 canbe deduced,and the reflections are indexed on this basis. The single-crystal data for orlandiite were obtained using a Enraf-Nonius CAD4 diffractometer; the crystal structure was solved by direct methods and refined using 1226 reflections with I > 3o(I); the final R index is 0.042. Full details of the crystal structure will be published in a separatepaper (Demarttn et al., in prep.). The structure contains layers with idealized composition 2PbC12and PbSeO:.H2O, respectively, alternatively stacked along [100]. Two independent Pb sites belong to the PbClz layers and display tricapped-trigonal prismatic coordination, similarly to that observed in a number of other minerals containing lead and chlorine laurionite group, barstowite PbaCl6(CO:).HzO: Merlino et al. (1991,1993,1996)1. The PbSeO3'!l2O layer displays extensive disorder due to the splitting of the Pb site into two different positions, having a population of about0.75 and 0.25, respectively; a corresponding splitting also is observed for the selenite groups. Such a statistical disorder can be considered as a random stacking of the PbSeO3.H2O layers in the crystal, with the prevalence of one configuration. DrscussroN 001 010 100 ll0 112 l0l 022 102 Tl1 023 221 200 201 02r tt2 122 114 103 224 203 212 215 * From I D-m ll 100 8 279 1 344 6674 6 036 5 7EE 456E 4 335 4 142 4 105 3 840 3 742 3 685 3 635 3371 3314 3247 3224 3 144 3034 2a03 2724 2664 2 565 lt 104 I 255 1 338 6665 6 064 5'182 4537 4 309 4 171 4 tOO 3 839 3 769 3 669 3 630 3369 3311 3243 3215 3 142 3032 2797 2726 2659 2 559 76 100 70 80 60 65 45 40 40 44 40 30 30 35 40 30 25 25 35 30 23 30 20 20 22s 5Zt 226 T3r 016 040 423 42r o46 4t6 106 235 r46 Rigakudifrrctonetq, N-fihsed CuKo ndiatiotr from single-crystal data. The larger values of the estimated standard deviation obtained in this way are due to the paucity of pure material available to record the spectrum. For the second phase, of which no adequatesingle crystals could be found, only powder dataarc available (Table 3). From these data, a triclinic unit cell with a The presence of a variety of secondary selenium minerals at Baccu Locci is notable becauseof the rarity of these minerals in nature. This locality seems to be the richest in selenium oxysalts in the world, after the celebrated El Dragon mine in Bolivia (Grundmann er al. 1990, Mandarino 1994). A particular characteristic of the Baccu Locci selenium-rich assemblage is the presenceof a significant number of chloride minerals. This strongly suggeststhe essential presenceof chlorine for such a paragenesis,and a requisite threshold concentrationof the chloride ion in the depositing solutions. In recent years, a number of chloride-containing selenites have been discovered in nature as minerals deposited by fumarolic activity around the crater of the Tolbachik volcano in Kamchatka, Russia (see, for instance,Vergasovaet al. 1989,1997,1999, Semenovaer al. 1992, Krivovichev et al. 1998). The presenceof selenium compounds in the fumarolic depositsfrom Vesuvius was noted long ago (Zambonini & Coniglio 1925).However, none of the minerals deposited in fumaroles bears any chemical or crystallographic resemblance to the new phasesdiscovered at Baccu Locci. Without entering into detailed geochemical discussions,it is not difficult to imagine that the conditions of formation are drastically different, the volcanic occurrences being the result of deposition from a vapor phase at higher temperature and a much lower pH than at Baccu Locci. The presenceof chlorides in the secondaryminerals may possibly be due to the Eocenetransgressionevent, at a stagewhen the deposit was covered by the sea. t498 AcrNow-goceueN'rs We are grateful to the courteous assistance of Messrs. Antonio and Raimondo Manca from Lanusei, who led us to the Baccu Locci mine; essentialhelp in freld collecting was provided by Dr. Paolo Biffi and Mr. Luigi Saibene. 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