THE CHIBA OCTOBER NEWSHALLOWEEN LETTER This month's events Scavenger hunt Halloween party! This issue: HAL L OW EEN! HORROR M OVI ES! UNLUCK Y THI NGS! DARK AND SCARY VI DEO GAM ES! AND A L OT M ORE! Halloween Wh at i s Hal l ow een and h ow di d i t start? The belief is that Halloween started in the U.K, Ireland and Northern France as a old Celtic festival on November 1st . Big fires were made and costumes were worn to keep ghosts away. People believed that the night before the world between the living and the dead was opened. The dead would return to the earth. Those ghosts were thought to cause trouble such as destroying crops. The end of summer and of the harvest of crops meant that the dark cold winters were on the way. The Romans took over Celtic lands in 43 A.D, and things began to change.The two cultures began to mix. In the 8th century, a Pope designated November 1st as a time to honor all saints. The holiday was called All Saints Day. These two days began to mix traditions and the days slowly became one. The evening before this day became know as All Hallows' Eve and then later changed to Halloween. This day changed from a religious day to a non-religious community event. As the tradition moved to the colony of the U.S. it began to become more of a party event where people told ghost stories, sang, and danced. By the 19th century a lot of immigrants had arrived in the U.S., especially the Irish. Halloween became more popular than ever. People began to dress up in costumes and go door to door asking for food or money. Follow this link to see the history of Halloween in picture form! Follow this link to see the history of Halloween video! HALLOWEEN CANDY When I was a kid, Halloween was something that I looked forward to for months. My parents didn't let me have much chocolate or candy when I was kid, but Halloween was an exception. So to get a lot of candy, my friends and I made really elaborate plans so we could go trick-or-treating at as many houses as we could. And the most important thing to get the candy was the bag. We didn't use ordinary paper or plastic bags...we used pillowcases. Pillowcases made the perfect bags for our candy because they were super strong, but also light. You might be surprised, but when I was a kid plain pillowcases were actually the standard bag for going trick-or-treating. Another advantage to the pillowcase was that a lot of times you never knew what you got from someone until you got back home. The reason for that was that the bags were so deep and often the person giving you something just dropped it in your bag so you didn't know what it was. This usually made for some good surprises when I got home, but once in a while someone would give us small apples. As a kid, getting an apple was a big disappointment! A bsol utel y th e h ardest v i deo game ev er made! Be prepared to di e This month, I would like to tell you about a video game that I play. I think you might have heard of it. It?s called Dark Souls. It?s a third-person roleplaying game that was made in Japan. The player starts off cursed in a world where all the creatures have also been cursed and want to kill you. The goal is to explore and find out what happened. The world that players work through is huge. The items that can be collected and skills that are learned are numerous. The storyline and scenery are absolutely amazing. I loved exploring the worlds of Dark Souls. That brings me to the game's best points. Dark Souls has some of the darkest worlds I?ve ever played in a game. The evil creatures that you have to battle are so well created and so detailed that it's scary. This is by far the the most difficult game I have ever played. Let me repeat that, Dark Souls is the hardest game you will ever play. The only way to advance in the game is to die. You die and you have to learn why you died. You change what you did and move on. The bosses of each world are so hard I died hundreds of times on just one boss character. I ended up just hitting the power button and quitting until another day. That?s called "rage quitting." Recently, I started Dark Souls 2 and it?s been a blast. The game play is the same. The weapons are pretty similar but the worlds are new and they are beautifully done. Dark Souls 2 is much easier than the first one. However I did die about 600 times trying to jump onto a ledge trying to get some treasure. Sp eak i n g o f t r easu r e, I h av e a Jap an ese v er si o n o f Dar k So u l s 2 g am e. It ' s a p r i ze f o r 1 l u ck y g am er .Ch eck f o r d et ai l s o n Faceb o o k ! Ch eck th i s you tub e v i deo f or a b etter l ook The movie that scared me the most when I was a kid was ?The Sixth Sense?. The movie is about a little boy who can see dead people (or ghosts), but no one else can see them. Everyone thinks he?s crazy, but one man believes him and tries to help him. The movie really scared me mostly because I was only eight years old when I saw it. I can?t believe my parents let me watch that movie! It is a really creepy movie because it is psychologically horrifying. I couldn?t sleep the whole night. I actually slept with my older brother and kept the lights on all night! I think that if you watch it when you?re an adult, it might not be so scary. Regardless, it?s still a great movie and you should definitely watch it! ~David ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Movie? ? ? ? ???? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??????????? ? ? ? ? ? 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The belief is that if you spill salt you are inviting the devil in. How did this belief start? A long time ago salt was very expensive, so spilling salt would be very wasteful. Judas Iscariot was painted in Leonardo Da Vinci's painting the Last Supper. In front of him we can see he has knocked over the salt with his elbow. A lot of people think this represents bad luck. ~Nik Did you know that if a black cat crosses in front of you, something bad is going to happen to you? Black cats have been seen as evil for hundreds of years. Some people used to think that cats and witches were always together and therefore, the belief that they are symbols of evil and bad luck still persists today. One time, while I was riding my bicycle, a black cat crossed in front of me. About five minutes later, it started raining very hard and I fell off my bike and hurt my knee really badly.So every time I see a black cat, I try to stay away. You should too! ~David One superstition that is common in some parts of the U.S. (but not everywhere) is that two-dollar bills are unlucky. You might not have known that the U.S. even had a two-dollar bill even today, but they actually aren't so rare. The interesting thing is that a lot people really don't want to have any of them . People have different ideas about the reason that they are considered unlucky, but one popular story comes from gamblers. Traditionally, when people bet on horses at the track, they made two-dollar bets and they were also paid with two-dollar bills. So if you were a gambler and you went home and someone in your family saw your wallet, they would have known where you had the track instead of at work. At that point, you would be in trouble and more bad luck would be coming. So if you are in the U.S., keep your eyes open for two-dollar bills. ~Jesse What are some popular Halloween costumes? So m e p o p u l ar co st u m es f r o m t h e 8 0 ' s w er e M i ch ael Jack so n , Fr ed d y Kr u g er an d A l f . I r em em b er I d r essed u p as Fr ed d y Kr u g er f o r t w o y ear s i n a r o w . Her e' s a l i n k t o t h e p ast t h i r t y y ear s an d w h at Hal l o w een co st u m es w er e p o p u l ar . Scr eam w as a p o p u l ar co st u m e i n t h e l at e 9 0 ' s I f you w ant to see h ow f ar peopl e w i l l go to decorate on Hal l ow een, you sh oul d ch eck out th i s store! Jaso n , Fr an k en st ei n , an d Jo k er h av e al w ay s b een Hal l o w een f av o r i t es, esp eci al l y f o r b o y s. WELLKNOWN MONSTERS M o n st er b aseb al l t eam WELLKNOWN MONSTERS Musiccorner THIS MONTHS RECOMMENDEDMUSIC Si n ce w e h av e b een t al k i n g ab o u t scar y t h i n g s, i n t h i s i ssu e I am g o i n g t o r eco m m en d b o t h a so n g an d a m o v i e. Th e Sh i n i n g i s a m ast er p i ece o f a m o v i e. St an l ey Ku b r i ck cr eat ed so m et h i n g i n t h i s m o v i e i n 1 9 8 0 t h at p eo p l e can n o t f u l l y u n d er st an d ev en n o w . It i s a h o r r o r m o v i e w i t h a l o t o f h i d d en m ean i n g . Th e m u si c t h at w as ch o sen i s p er f ect f o r t h e m o v i e. Th e o p en i n g scen e o f t h e m o v i e h as a so n g t h at i s so ch i l l i n g t h at i t w i l l l eav e y o u so scar ed an d w o n d er i n g i f y o u can w at ch t h e m o v i e i t sel f ! THE M USIC IS CREEPY! Openi ng scene musi c f rom th e Sh i ni ng and th e ori gi nal song tak en f rom Berl i oz - Symph oni e EA SY REA DI NG A ND QUI Z Hal l oween is my f avorit e hol iday. I l iked Hal l oween when I was l it t l e because I got candy. Now, I l ike Hal l oween because I l ike wearing f un cost umes. Five years ago on Hal l oween, I wore a Super Mario cost ume t o Jabbl e. My st udent s said it was real l y great . My shirt was red and I had a big Mario hat . Af t er work, I wal ked around Chiba in my cost ume. Everyone was real l y excit ed t o see me. It was f un! That night , I went t o a Hal l oween part y at a rest aurant and I won a cont est . About f if t y peopl e went t o t he part y, but I had t he best cost ume! The owner gave me t en t housand yen. I was so happy. 1. Jesse wor e a Super Mar io cost um e when he was lit t le. T/ F 2. Jesse went t o a Halloween par t y at Jabble. T/ F 3. Jesse won t en t housand yen at t he par t y. T/ F 4. What color was Jesse's shir t ? 5. How m any people went t o t he par t y? 6. Who gave Jesse t en t housand yen? 7. Wr it e about t he last par t y you went t o. ??????????????????? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? 3? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 3? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ????? ??????????????? ? ? FAT(? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? )? LOVELY ?FUNNY ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??????????????????? ???????????? ????????? ? Aya 123 N 4342 W New York, NY 10026 +1-206-555-6594