Honors Application in Biology/Biology and Society Application for (check one): Note: This form is in addition to our Research/Readings Approval Form Honors in Biology: Honors in Biology & Society: A. PROPOSED THESIS RESEARCH PROJECT To be completed by the student: Name: ID #: Date: Resear ch Cour se: Title of Pr oject: Attach a brief summary of the current status and goals of your research proposal. To be completed by the sponsor: I support the student’s application for honors’ candidacy, and recommend the following reading committee. Note: The committee must include at least one person from a different department than the sponsor. If the sponsor is not a member of the divisional faculty, at least two readers must be from the division. S ponsor : Reader #1: Last/ First Name (Printed) Signature Last/ First Name (Printed) Department Additional Readers are optional. Department Reader #2: Last/ First Name (Printed) Department To be completed by the Division Office: The proposed Reading Committee has been A PPROVE D DE NIE D TA BL E D Comments: Date: S ignatu r e: B. COMPLETED THESIS RESEARCH PROJECT I have read and approve the thesis that has been submitted for Honors S ponsor : Reader #1: Last/ First Name (Printed) Signature Department Reader #2: Last/ First Name (Printed) Signature Department Last/ First Name (Printed) Signature Department C. ADMISSION TO CANDIDACY To be completed by the Division Office: The Honors Project has been A PPROVE D DE NIE D Comments: Date: S ignatu r e: TA BL E D GPA (Biology and r elated f ields