SEMMELWEIS PETER PAZMANY UNIVERSITY CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY Development of Complex Curricula for Molecular Bionics and Infobionics Programs within a consortial* framework** Consortium leader PETER PAZMANY CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY Consortium members SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY, DIALOG CAMPUS PUBLISHER The Project has been realised with the support of the European Union and has been co-financed by the European Social Fund *** **Molekuláris bionika és Infobionika Szakok tananyagának komplex fejlesztése konzorciumi keretben ***A projekt az Európai Unió támogatásával, az Európai Szociális Alap társfinanszírozásával valósul meg. 2011.11.27.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 1 Semmelweis University ORGANIC AND BIOCHEMISTRY (Szerves és Biokémia ) Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions: where is the borderline? (Kémiai reakciók vs. nem kovalens kölcsönhatások: hol a határ? ) Compiled by dr. Péter Mátyus with contribution by dr. Gábor Krajsovszky Formatted by dr. Balázs Balogh 2011.11.27.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 2 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Table of Contents 1. Non-covalent interactions 4 – 4 2. A comparison of the typical energies of interactions 5 – 5 3. Coulomb potential 6 – 6 4. Non-polar covalent bond 9 – 10 5. Polar molecule 11 – 11 6. Dispersion interactions 12 – 15 7. Hydrophobic and biological interactions in biological systems 16 – 21 8. Hydrogen bond 22 – 29 9. van der Waals forces 30 – 33 2011.11.27.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 3 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Non-covalent interactions Intermolecular vs. Intramolecular (covalent) Where do they play a role: Physical properties e.g. boiling point, solubility. Biology: shape of macromolecules; drug-receptor interaction, etc Types: i) dispersion ii) dipolar iii) hydrogen-bridge iv) ionic v) hydrofobic i-iv: electrostatic 2011.11.27.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 4 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions A comparison of the typical energies of interactions 2011.11.27.. Interaction type Typical energy (kJ mol-1) Covalent bond 150-1000 Ionic bond 250 Dispersion force 2 Dipole-dipole interaction 2 Hydrogen bond 20 TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 5 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Energy (force of attraction) electrostatic: Coulomb potential Charges close together: large force attraction Charges further apart: smaller force of attraction Distance between charges The force of attraction that exists between two opposite charges varies as the distance between the charges increases. The force of attraction decreases rapidly as the distance between the charges increases. 2011.11.27.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 6 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Bond polarization: polar bond, permanent dipole Partial negative charge Partial positive charge Cl H 3.1 2.1 Dipole moment The relative distribution of electrons in a molecule of hydrogen chloride, HCl. The distribution of electrons is skewed towards the highly electronegative chlorine atom. 2011.11.27.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 7 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Non-polar covalent bond Polar bond in non-polar molecule 2011.11.27.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 8 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Non-polar covalent bond Electrons Both atoms pull electrons towards themselves with equal strength the electrons are evenly distributed the molecule is neural When two atoms of the same element are joined by covalent bond, electrons are shared equally between the two atoms. The resulting molecule is non-polar. 11/27/2011. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 9 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Non-polar molecule O C O Equal pulls cancel each other out A molecule of carbon dioxide features two polarized bonds. However, the two bonds exert equal ‘pulls’ in opposite directions and cancel each other out. So carbon dioxide is a non-polar molecule. 11/27/2011. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 10 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Polar molecule H O H A water molecule features two polarized bonds. Water is a non-symmetrical molecule: the dipole moments do not ‘pull’ in equal and opposite directions, so they do not cancel each other out. Therefore, water is a polar molecule. 11/27/2011. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 11 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Dispersion interaction i) short in time (10-16 s) ii) very weak interaction iii) very short in distance - influenced by molecule shape and size - important in biological systems 11/27/2011. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 12 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions The mechanism by which a dipole is induced. So this area has a greater density of electrons... The high density of electrons in an area of negative charge repel other electrons … … than this area. Attraction As a results, this area is relatively negative... 11/27/2011. A force of attraction exists between the areas of opposite charge. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 … while this area is relatively positive. 13 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Planar Many points of close association → stronger dispersion forces Irregular Few points of close association → weaker dispersion forces Planar molecules are able to associate closely with one another, allowing extensive dispersion forces to occur. By contrast, irregularly shaped molecules cannot associate so closely, so less extensive dispersion forces can occur. 11/27/2011. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 14 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Small molecules → few electrons → limited opportunities for induced dipoles Larger molecules → more electrons → more opportunities for induced dipoles Large molecules, with a large number of electrons and more opportunities for induced dipoles to arise, experience greater dispersion forces than smaller molecules, which possess fewer electrons and experience fewer induced dipoles. 11/27/2011. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 15 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Hydrophobic and dispersion interactions in biology 11/27/2011. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 16 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Hydrophilic region Hydrophobic region This molecule is relative un stable Water molecule Only the hydrophilic portion of the molecule is exposed to the aqueous surroundings Hydrophobic regions fold away from aqueous surroundings This molecule is more stable The packing of the hydrophobic regions is stabilized by dispersion forces The folding of a polypeptide possessing hydrophobic and hydrophilic portions. The darker hydrophobic portions fold away from the aqueous surroundings; this arrangement is stabilized by dispersion forces which operate between the tightly packed hydrophobic portions. 11/27/2011. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 17 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions The origin of hydrophobicity in non-polar molecules 2011.11.27.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 18 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Chloromethane: polar H H H C O Cl H H Dipolar interaction Ethanol: polar O H CH3CH2 O H Hydrogen bond H C C H Dipolar interaction H H O or CH 3CH 2 H H Can only participate in dispersion forces; inadequate for interaction with water H O H Ethane: non-polar H O H H H No interaction For a molecule to be water-soluble it must be able to participate in dipolar interactions or hydrogen bonds with water. Polar molecules can participate in dipolar interactions (and, in some cases, hydrogen bonds) and so are water-soluble: they are hydrophilic. By contrast, nonpolar molecules cannot participate in dipolar interactions or hydrogen bonds, and so are not water-soluble; they are hydrophobic. 11/27/2011. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 19 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Add hydrophobic molecules When hydrophobic molecules are added, the network of hydrogen bonds in the water is partially disrupted, lowering the water’s stability. Hydrogen-bonded water molecules Add hydrophilic molecules Stability is recaptured by the hydrophobic molecules forming a separate layer from the water molecules, so the network of hydrogen bonds in the water is not disturbed. When hydrophilic molecules are added, the hydrogen bond network is not disrupted; the mixture of molecules is stable one. Hydrophobic molecules disrupt the network of hydrogen bonds that exist in water. Consequently hydrophobic molecules partition to form a separate layer (just like oil forms a separate layer which floats on water). Hydrophilic molecules can integrate into a network of hydrogen bonds, and so can mix fully with water. 11/27/2011. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 20 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Dipolar interaction between permanent dipoles has long life! 2011.11.27.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 21 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Hydrogen Bond acceptor: oxygen, fluorine, nitrogen donor: H-fluorine, H-oxygen, H-nitrogen Role: biological systems(e.g. proteins, nucleic acids) solubility etc. 2011.11.27.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 22 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Induced partial positive charge Electron distribution X H X Attraction between δ- on X and δ+ on H X must be O, N, or F The formation of a hydrogen bond. A hydrogen bond forms between an electronegative atom (O, N, or F), and a hydrogen atom which is itself bonded to an atom of O, N, or F. 11/27/2011. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 23 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions H N H N N N H H3C O CH3 H N N O N H N N Cannot form adequate hydrogen bonds for stable interaction H N H N N N N H3C O H N X N N O Cytosine Thymine H N O N H N N N H N N O O H N H Adenine Two purines together are too bulky to enable complementary strands to form a double helix Thymine H N H N N N Cytosine Thymine Two pyrimidines together are too small to enable complementary strands to form a double helix Cannot form hydrogen X adequate bonds for stable interaction Guanine H O N O N N H N N N X N N H N N H O N H H Guanine H N N H N Adenine X N O O Adenine H N Guanine Cytosine Hydrogen bonds only exist between two specific pairs of nucleotide bases: A and T, and C and G. Other base pairings are not possible. 11/27/2011. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 24 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions O R H O Requirement 2: O, N, or F N N H N O R H Requirement 1: H joined to O, N, or F Folding H R Hydrogen bond joins carbonyl oxygen and amino hydrogen from different points along the peptide backbone H R N N O O O H N A polypeptide contains both the components necessary for hydrogen bond formation. Consequently, hydrogen bonds can form between different regions of a polypeptide chain, or between different polypeptide chains. 11/27/2011. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 25 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions H O - HN CH2 O H H N C Serine CH2 CH2 O Glutamine CH2 O H OH - O O C CH2 CH2 NH2 Two possible ways in which hydrogen bonds form between the side chains of the amino acids serine and glutamine. 11/27/2011. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 26 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Solute molecules dissolve in (mix completely with) the solvent. Hydrogen bonds exist between solvent molecules … … and between solvent and solute molecules. Molecules of a water-soluble compound and molecules of water mingle freely with each other: the two types of molecule are able to mix completely. 11/27/2011. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 27 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Insoluble molecules aggregate and form a separate layer … No hydrogen bonds form between the solvent and insoluble molecule. … while the solvent molecules also aggregate. If a compound is insoluble in water, its molecules cannot mix freely with molecules of water. Instead, the two types of molecule remain completely separate. Occasionally, a small amount of the solute dissolves, while the majority floats on top of the solution. 11/27/2011. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 28 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Dipolar interaction attracts δ- on the water’s oxygen atom to the positive cation + + + + + + Dipolar interaction attracts δ+ on the water’s hydrogen atoms to the negative anion The hydration of ions by water molecules. The interaction of ions and water molecules is stabilized by dipolar interactions, which exist between the charge on the ion and the partial charge on the polar water molecule. The partial negative charge on a water molecule’s oxygen atom is attracted to a cation’s positive charge, while the partial positive charge on a water molecule’s hydrogen atom is attracted to an anion’s negative charge. 11/27/2011. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 29 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions van der Waals forces: attractive (e.g. hydrogen bond, hydrophobic) repulsive (between filled orbitals of interacting molecules) 2011.11.27.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 30 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions van der Waals repulsion + + Full atomic orbital Repulsion between positively charged nuclei Overlap violates Pauli exclusion principle Two full atomic orbitals cannot overlap, as this would violate the Pauli exclusion principle (which states that an atomic orbital can contain a maximum of just two electrons). This limits how closely two atoms can interact. The nuclei of neighbouring atoms repel each other because they both carry like positive charges. This repulsion also limits how closely two atoms can interact. 11/27/2011. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 31 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions Solid, liquid, gas Solid Many non-covalent interactions Liquid Fewer non-covalent interactions Gas Virtually no non-covalent interactions Molecular solids, liquids, and gases are characterized by the number of noncovalent forces that exist between their composite molecules. 11/27/2011. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 32 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions In biological systems: All types of non-covalent forces in action…. 2011.11.27.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 33 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions NH2 in water + H+ + NH3 - H+ N N in water - H+ CO2H N H Lysine gains a proton when dissolved in water, to form a positively charged side chain O O Lysine COO - N + H+ O H Aspartic acid loses a proton when dissolved in water, to a negatively charged side chain O O Aspartic acid N N C N O O - OOC + H3N N O O O N N O Ionic forces operate between the positively charged side chain of lysine and the negatively charged side chain of aspartic acid Polypeptide chain Ionic forces can operate between a positively charged side chain of one amino acid and a negatively charged side chain of a different amino acid located elsewhere in a polypeptide chain. 11/27/2011. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 34 Organic and Biochemistry: Chemical reactions vs. non-covalent interactions O Hydrophilic interactions: polar amino acids with water on exterior H H H H O O H H O O CH2 Hydrophobic interactions: non-polar amino acid side chains interior C N CH2 CH3 H CH3 O CH3 R CH2 CH2 C N CH2 H Hydrogen bond: polar amino acid side chains O O N O C Hydrogen bond: peptide backbone R H H O CH2 - OOC + NH3 Ionic salt bridge: charged side chains The various non-covalent forces that can operate in a biological molecule, such as a polypeptide. 2011.11.27.. TÁMOP – 4.1.2-08/2/A/KMR-2009-0006 35