Chapter 1: Introduction to operations management o o Scientific Management (Taylor) Human Relations movement o job enlargement o job enrichment Management Science Computer age (80’ s) Just-in-time (JIT) Total Quality management (TQM) Business Process Reengineering o o Japan o o o 90’ s o Flexibility o Time-based competition o Supply Chain management Chapter 2: Operations Strategy and Competitiveness Business Strategy define long-range plan for company Marketing strategy Operational strategy Finance strategy Develops a plan for operations function Business Strategy – serves as an overall guide for development operation strategy Operations strategy competitive properties: Quality - being competitive Time – being fast Flexible – being able to change Cost – being productive Environmental Scanning (Market trends, opportunities & threads) Business Strategy Mission (Statement, what business an organization is in (customers, core belief)) Core competences (Unique strengths) Develop operations strategy Business Strategy Operations Strategy Design Operations Function (Competitive properties) Developed to focus on identified competitive properties Structure – facilities, technology Infrastructure: Planning & Control system, workers, pay, quality Find a trade-off between the competitive priorities. Decide which competitive priorities to focus on: Order qualifiers: company has to meet if it wants to do business Order winners: company6 win order in the market Strategic role technology Can be used by companies to gain a competitive advantage and should be acquired to support company’ s chosen competitive priorities Types: Product technology Process technology Information technology Productivity - measure how efficiently organization converts inputs into outputs Total Productivity – computed as ratio of output to all organizational inputs Partial Productivity – computed as a ratio of output to only one input Multifactor productivity – computed as a ratio of output to several inputs Total Productivity Output All inputs Partial Productivity Output or Output Labor machines e.g. Labor productivity = (Total productivity) Multifactor Productivity Output or Output Labor + machines Labor + capital + energy 3 officers x 5 loans/day 24 labor-hours Notes Trends in OM – Service sector is growing Service / Manufacturers – Technology is not only technology but also regulations etc. OM decisions o o strategic decisions tactical decisions Chapter 3: Product Design and Process Selection Service design – Process of establishing all characteristics of the service (incl. physical, sensual and psychological benefits) Product Design Process Idea Development Product Screening Preliminary Design & Testing Final Design Idea development Benchmarking: process of studying the practices of companies considered “best in class” and comparing your company’ s performance against theirs benchmark against a company completely different line of business also possible Reverse engineering: process of disassembling a product to analyze its design features Early supplier involvement (ESI): Involving suppliers in the early stages of product design Product screening After product idea is developed it is evaluated to determine its likelihood of success. Issues like Operations, Marketing and Finance will be explored. Break-even analysis: technique used to compute the amount of goods a company would need to sell to cover its costs. Useful tool at product screening stage! Fixed costs: costs a company incurs regardless of how much it produces Variable costs: costs that vary directly with the amount of units produced Total cost F + (VC) Q F = fixed cost VC = variable cost per unit Q = number of units sold Revenue Total cost = total revenue Break-even quantity (QBE) F + (VC) Q = (SP) Q F SP - VC (SP) Q SP = Selling price per unit Preliminary Design & Testing Prototypes are built and tested. For service companies this may entail testing the offering on a small scale and working with customers to refine the service offering Final Design The final specifications are then translated into specific processing instructions to manufacture the product. Product design must support the business strategy Factors impacting product design Design for manufacture (DFM): guidelines to follow in order to produce a product easily and profitably (design simplification, design standardization) Product life cycle: a series of stages that products pass through in their lifetime 1. Introduction 2. Growth 3. Maturity 4. Decline Concurrent Engineering: approach that brings together multifunction teams in early phase of product design in order to simultaneously design the product and the processes Remanufacturing: concept of using components of old products in production new ones Process selection Production processes o Intermittent operations (variety of products with different processing requirements in lower volumes) / project processes & batch processes! o Repetitive Operations (used to produce one or a few standardized products in high volume) / line processes & continuous process! Intermittent operations; tend to organize their resources by grouping similar processes together and having product routed through facility based on their needs. Provide great flexibility but have high material handling costs and challenge scheduling resources. Repetitive operations; arrange resources in sequence to allow for an efficient buildup of product. Highly efficient but inflexible. Design Process Product design Low Production design Process High Project process Batch process Product Standardiz ation Variety Line processes Low Continuous processes High Low Product Volume High Designing processes Process flow analysis – technique used for evaluating a process with goal of improving its design Process flowchart – viewing sequence of steps involved in producing product. Tool for seeing totality of operation and for identifying potential problem areas. Bottleneck – longest task in process Make-to-stock strategy – produces standard products / services for immediate sale/delivery Assemble-to-order strategy – produces standard components that can be combined to customer specifications Make-to-order strategy – produces products to customer specifications after order received Process performance metrics: Measurements of different process characteristics that tell how a process is performing Measure 1. throughput time 2. process velocity = Throughput time Value-added time 3. productivity = Output Input 4. utilization = Time a resource used Rime a resource available 5. efficiency = Actual output Standard output Definition Average amount of time product takes to move through system Measure of wasted time in system Measure how well company use its resources Proportion of time a resource is actually used Measure performance relative to a standard Linking product design and process selection Decision Intermittent operations Product design early stage of product life cycle Competitive priorities delivery, flexibility, quality Facility layout resources grouped by function Product strategy make-to-order/assemble-to-order Vertical integration low Repetitive operations later stage in life cycle cost & quality resources arranged in line make-to-stock high Product design – focus on producing products in different stage of product life cycle Products are in case of intermittent operations for general purpose and can be adapted to needs of product Vertical integration – the larger the number of processes performed by company in chain from raw materials to product delivery, the higher the vertical integration Technology decisions Advancements in technology have had the greatest impact on process design decisions. It significantly enhances products and process design. Information technology Automation E-manufacturing ERP – enterprise resource planning FMS – flexible manufacturing system GPS – global positioning systems NC – numerically controlled machine CAD – computer-aided design CIM – computerintegrated manufacturing RFID – radio frequency identification Designing services More complexities than manufacturing (services produce intangible product and high degree customer contact). Different service designs include substituting technology for people, getting customer involved, and high customer attention approach. The higher the degree of Labor Intensity the lower the degree of service standardization. Low labor intensity/low degree customer contact: warehouses, distribution centers etc. High Labor intensity/high degree customer contact: restaurant, schools, hospitals etc. Chapter 4: E-commerce and Supply Chain Management E-commerce – use of Internet and web to transact business E-business – transactions and processes within organization Types of E-commerce B2B (Business-to-Business) E-commerce: companies sell to other business Evolution: 1970’ s - begins with Automated order entry system Method using telephone models to send digital orders to suppliers late 1970’ s – electronic data interchange (EDI) Form of computer-to-computer communications that enables sharing business documents mid-1990’ s – electronic storefronts Online-catalogs of products made available to general public by singl supplier late 1990’ s – Net marketplaces Suppliers and buyers conduct trade in single Internet-based environment Benefits B2B E-commerce Lower procurement administrative costs Low-cost access to global suppliers Lower inventory investment due price transparency and reduced response times Better product quality because increased cooperation between buyers and sellers B2C (Business-to-Customer) E-commerce: on-line business try reach individual consumer Different models to generate revenue Advertising revenue – Provides users with info on services and products and provides an opportunity to advertise Subscription revenue model – web site that charges subscription fee for access Transaction fee model – company receives fee for executing transaction Sales revenue model – means of selling goods, info, or services directly to cust. Affiliate revenue model – companies receive referral fee for directing business to an affiliate C2C (Customer-to-Customer) E-commerce: Consumers sell to each other with the help of an on-line market maker P2P (Peer-to-Peer) E-commerce: Users are linked and so are able to share files and computer resources without a common server M-commerce: Access is provided to anyone, anytime, anywhere, using wireless devices Supply Chain Network of all activities involved in delivering a finished product to customer Supply Chain Management – Coordinates and manages all activities of supply chain. It provides streamlined communications between suppliers and company, thus reducing purchasing lead time (lower inventory levels). Improved communications also improve demand-forecasting accuracy (reduces uncertainty). Lower inventory levels mean lower costs while maintaining customer service levels. Improved demand forecast accuracy also contributes to development of better staffing plans (lower personnel costs, lower inventory costs, improved customer services) Company supply chain structure has three components: 1. External suppliers 2. Internal processes 3. External distributors 1. External suppliers Tier one supplier / tier two supplier …… (Tier one – provides directly to processing facility) 2. Internal processes Internal functions are for example: Processing, purchasing, production, planning and control, quality assurance and Shipping 3. External distributors Logistics includes traffic management (responsible for arranging the method of shipment for both incoming and outgoing products or materials) Distribution management – responsible for movement of material form manufacturer to customer Bullwhip effect Inaccurate or distorted demand information created in supply chain. The more levels that exist, the more possible distortion. Variability results from updating demand estimates at each level, order batching, price fluctuations, and rationing. Counteracting bullwhip effect: o Product demand information available from final seller to all levels supply chain o Eliminate order batching; Lower ordering costs eliminate need for batch orders. o Stabilize prices; Discourage forward buying o Eliminate gaming; Manufacturers can allocate products in proportion to past sales Factors affecting SCM The power is shifted from suppliers to consumers o consumer expectations and competition (customer demand better service) o better product quality o quick response at reasonable price o ability to return merchandise o New markets have crated global marketplace o Evolution of on-line marketplaces changed the way companies do business Additional factor for global Supply Chains Greater geographical distances between members of SC causing greater uncertainty in delivery times. This result in increased investment in pipeline inventory (e.g. carry additional safety stock) and exacerbates (verergert) bullwhip effect. o Forecasting accuracy is often poorer o Fluctuating exchange rates further complicate global supply change o Many possible infrastructure issues that company may face o inadequate transport o limited telecommunication capabilities o uncertain power continuity o low skill levels of workers o poor supply availability Vertical integration How much of supply chain is actually owned or operated by manufacturing company Organizations determine appropriate level of vertical integration based on corporate objectives. Standardized products higher levels of integration than customized products. Insource – processes / activities completed in-house Outsource – processes / activities completed by suppliers Make-or-buy decisions are based on financial / strategic criteria. Companies outsource activities that are not part of core competencies Backward integration – owning or controlling sources of raw materials and components Forward integration – owning or controlling channels of distribution Insourcing vs outsourcing decisions In-house when: The product or service is critical to company’ s success or The product or service I one of company’ s core competencies or Is it something company must do to survive? Total cost buying product TCBuy = FCBuy + (VCBuy x Q) TC = total annual cost of buying FC = fixed annual costs associated with buying VC = variable costs per unit Q = quantity of units Total cost making item in-house TCMake = FCMake + (VCMake x Q) Role of purchasing Ethics is in Supply Management an ongoing concern. Institute for Supply Management has established set of principles and standards to guide purchasing employees. How many suppliers? Operations like make-to-order products deals with single supplier. It can improve quality of finished product by ensuring consistency of input materials. On other hand, multiple suppliers reduce risk of disrupted supply. Further, it is easier to support changing quantity requirements (flexibility of volume). Government regulations may require use of multiple suppliers for some operations as well. If company wants to integrate its supply chain, partnering or using single supplier makes sense. Partners share information, risks, technologies and opportunities. Impact, intimacy and vision are critical to successful partnering. Impact means attaining higher levels of productivity and competitiveness. Impact comes from reducing duplication and waste, leveraging core competencies and creating new opportunities. Vision is shared objective. Benefits of partnering – ESI (Early supplier involvement) Involvement of critical suppliers in new product design Characteristics Partnership Relations: o Long-term orientation o Strategic in nature o Share information o Share risk / opportunities o Share common vision o Share short= and long-term plans o Driven by end customer expectations Information sharing Technology like bar coding, EDI and point-of-sale (POS) terminals have improved demand data collection and has greatly reduced cost of developing a common database for SCM. Role of Warehouses Three roles: 1. Transportation consolidation 2. Product mixing or blending 3. Service Warehouses 1. Consolidate less-than-truckload (LTL) quantities into truckload (TL) quantities. 2. Realize product mixing that adds value for customers because warehouse groups items and ships them directly to customer. 3. Improve customer service by placing goods closer to customer in order to reduce response time or by customizing basic products before they are shipped to customer. Crossdocking – Eliminates storage and order-picking functions of distribution warehouse Types of crossdocking: 1. Manufacturing – receiving and consolidating inbound suppliers and materials to support JIT manufacturing 2. Distributor – receiving and consolidating inbound products from different vendors into multi-SKU pallet 3. Transportation – Consolidation of LTL shipments to gain economies of scale 4. Retail – sorting product from multiple vendors onto outbound truck headed for specific stores Advantages crossdocking: 1. retailer reduces inventory holding costs (replacing inventory with info and coordination) 2. consolidate shipments to achieve truckload quantities and significantly reduce company’ s inbound transportation costs RFID – new wireless technology designed to make order tracking easier Measuring SC performance In addition to regular performance (ROI, profitability, market share, etc.) a company must also measure activities that reflect objectives of SC (on-time delivery, customer service levels, inventory investment, etc.) Current trends SCM Most advance in e-commerce with regart to SCM is use of electronic marketplaces. Net marketplaces are classified by types of goods supplied (direct or indirect) and types of purchases made (contractual or spot) E-distributors are most common form of net marketplace. E-distributors – independently owned net marketplaces having catalogs representing thousands of suppliers designed for spot purchases E-purchasing – companies connect on-line MRO suppliers to businesses who pay fees to joint the market, usually for long-term contractual purchasing VCM (Value Chain Management) A firm’ s purchasing or selling processes are automated Exchanges – marketplace focuses on spot requirement of large firms in single industry Industry consortia – Industry-owned markets enable buyers to purchase direct inputs from limited set of invited suppliers Chapter 5: Total Quality Management (TQM) TQM – an integrated effort designed to improve quality performance at every level of organization Customer defined quality – meaning of quality as defined by customer TQM is different from the old concept of quality because its focus is on serving customers, identifying causes of quality problems and building quality into production process. Defining Quality Most common quality definition in manufacturing is Conformance; the degree to which a product characteristic meets preset standards. Quality definition in service organization is difficult. Since a service is experienced perceptions can be highly subjective. Including courtesy (hoffelijkheid), friendliness of staff, promptness in resolving complaints and atmosphere. Cost of quality Quality has many other costs: 1. Quality control costs; prevention costs & Appraisal costs 2. Quality failure costs; internal & external failure costs. Prevention costs – costs incurred in process of preventing poor quality form occurring Appraisal costs – costs incurred in process of uncovering defects (e.g. cost of quality inspection or product testing etc) Internal failure costs – costs associated with discovering poor product quality before products reaches customer External failure costs – costs associated with quality problems that occur at customer site The earlier defects are found, the less costly they are to correct External failure costs tend to be particularly high for service organizations since customer spends much time in service delivery systems and fewer opportunities to correct. Evolution of TQM Meaning of quality for businesses changed dramatically in late 1970’ s. Before quality was still viewed as something that needed to be inspected and corrected. However many U.S. industries lost market share to foreign competition. To survive, companies had to make major changes in their quality programs. Quality began to have strategic meaning. The term used for today’ s new concept of quality is TQM. Taguchi is known for applying a concept called design of experiment to product design. It is based on developing robust design that results in a product that can perform over a wide range of conditions. He also stated that the smaller the variation around the target, the better the quality. Loss function – costs of quality increase as a quadratic function as conformance values move away from the target. Philosophy of TQM The focus is on identifying root causes of quality problems and correcting them at the source. 7 Features of TQM combine to create the TQM philosophy: o customer focus, continuous improvement, employee empowerment, use of quality tools, product design, process management, and managing supplier quality. Quality is customer driven. The company’ s focus is on its customers to identify and meet customer needs. Continuous improvement (kaizen). Philosophy of never-ending improvement. Two ways: 1. Plan-do-study-ac cycle (A diagram that describes the activities that needs to be performed to incorporate continuous improvement into operation); 2. Benchmarking (Studying the business practices of other companies for purposes of comparison). Employee empowerment. empower all employees to seek out quality problems and correct them. It places great emphasis on teamwork as well. One of the most common types of teams is quality circle – A team of volunteer production employees and their supervisors who meet regularly to solve quality problems. Use of quality Tools. 7 problem-solving tools are used in managing quality (tools of quality control): 1. cause-and-effect diagram; 2. flowchart; 3. checklist; 4. control charts (Chart used to evaluate whether a process is operating within set expectations) Important tool!; 5. scatter diagrams (how 2 variables are related to each other); 6. pareto analysis; 7. histogram. Product design. Quality function deployment (QFD) is a tool used to translate customer needs into specific engineering requirements. House of quality – resulting matrix when requirements are numerically scored based on importance, scores translated into specific product characteristics and evaluation are be made of how the product compares with its main customers. Reliability - probability that a product, service or part will perform as intended. Rs = (R1) (R2)…(Rn) Rs = reliability of product or system R1….n = reliability of components 1 through n Rs = .95 + ((.9) x (1-.95)) = .995 Original .95 .9 Backup Process Management A quality product comes from a quality process. Quality at the source – the belief that it is best to uncover the source of quality problems and eliminate it. Managing Supplier Quality TQM extends the concept of quality to suppliers and ensures that they engage in same quality practices. Quality awards and standards Malcolm Baldrige Award is given to companies to recognize excellence in quality management. These criteria have become a standard for companies that seek to improve quality. ISO 9000 is a certification based on a set of quality standards. Its goal is to ensure that quality is built into production processes. Why TQM efforts fail o Lack of a genuine quality culture; o Lack of top management support and commitment; o Over- and under-reliance on statistical process control (SPC) methods. Chapter 7: Just-In-Time and Lean Systems JIT philosophy – get right quantity of goods at right place at right time JIT-waste – anything that does not add value Developed by Toyota Motor Company in mid-1970’ s Philosophy JIT JIT is a philosophy based on elimination of waste. Another way to view JIT is to think of it as a philosophy of value-added manufacturing. Defining beliefs of JIT: o Broad view of operations; o Simplicity; o Continuous improvement; o Visibility; o Flexibility. Broad view of organization Tasks/procedures are important only if they meet company’ s overall goals. Everyone work toward same goal, which is serving customer. Simplicity JIT is build on simplicity – the simpler solution the better Continuous improvement (kaizen) Major aspect of JIT philosophy is emphasis on quality. Continuous improvement in every aspect of operation is cornerstone of this philosophy. Visibility Part of JIT philosophy is to make all waste visible. Problems must be visible to be identified and solved. Flexibility A company can quickly adapt to the changing needs of its customers. JIT was based on need for survival, and survival means being flexible in order to adapt to changes in environment (e.g. able to make changes in volume of a product produced / produce wide variety of products). Elements of JIT JIT Manufacturing Total Quality Management Respect for people JIT Manufacturing The element of JIT that focuses on production system to achieve value-added manufacturing The manufacturing process in JIT starts with a final assembly schedule (master production schedule – usually fixed for few months into future). Same amount of each product is produced in same order every day. The JIT-coordination system relies on cards (kanban) to pull needed products through the production system. The system enables right quantities of parts to arrive when they are needed precisely where they are needed. Low inventory costs are realised because of the quantity which is needed will be produced immediately. Key elements of JIT manufacturing are: o Pull system and kanban production (specifies what is needed); o Small lot sizes and quick setups; o Uniform plant loading; o Flexible resources; o Streamlined layout. Push systems (traditional) anticipate future demand and produce in advance. Setup costs are high in traditional systems. Total Quality Management TQM – Integrated effort designed to improve quality performance at every level of organization; it permeates (doordringt) every activity and function. Traditional quality control systems use concept of acceptable quality level (AQL). The concepts of continuous improvement and quality at the source are integral parts that allow for continual growth and the goal of identifying the causes of quality problems: o Quality at the source – uncovering root cause of a quality problem; o Continuous improvement goes beyond JIT manufacturing; It includes improvement worker skills, supplier quality and relationships even performance of management. Respect for people JIT considers people to be the organization’ s most important resource. All employees are highly valued members of organization. Workers are empowered to make decisions and are rewarded for their efforts. Team efforts make possible cross-functional and multilayer coordination. “Example gratia”: o Managers spend time on production floor; o JIT believes in developing long-term relationships with suppliers in partnership format. JIT Manufacturing Kanban production A card specifies the exact quantity of product that needs to be produced. Kanban is attached to a container. To control movement of empty and full containers, 2 types of cards: production & withdrawal cards. Formula to compute number of kanbans needed: N = DT + S C N = number of kanbans or containers D = Demand rate at using workstation T = Time it take to receive an order from previous workstation (lead time) C = Size of container S = Safety stock (protect against variability / uncertainty) Demand (D) and lead time (T) have to be in same time units! Variation of Kanban Production Actual cards do not exist in many facilities; may be as empty place on the floor (kanban square) Kanban can also be used to coordinate delivery of goods by suppliers (supplier kanbans). Suppliers bring filled containers to the point of usage and at same time pick up empty container. Small lot sizes and quick steps Principal way of eliminating inventory and excess processing while increasing flexibility is through small-lot production. Production companies have to reduce setup time. The goal is to achieve single setups. One approach is separate setup into two components: o Internal setups – Internal setups require machine to be stopped for setup; o External setups - External setups can be performed while machine is still running. Almost all setups in traditional manufacturing systems are internal. With JIT much of setup process has been converted to external setups. Uniform Plant Loading Sudden increases/decreases will be eliminated by JIT through making adjustments (aanpassingen) as small as possible and setting a production plan that is frozen; uniform plant loading. Uniform plant loading – a constant production plan for a facility with a given planning horizon (e.g. 1 month) Flexible resources Key element of JIT is having flexible resources. One aspect is relying on general-purpose equipment capable of performing a number of different functions. General-purpose equipment provides flexibility of operations and eliminates waste of space (e.g. all-in-one copier, printer & scanner). Another element; Multifunction workers – capable of performing more than 1 job Facility layout JIT also relies on cell manufacturing – placement of dissimilar machines and equipment together to produce a family of products with similar processing requirements. Equipment in a work cell is usually arranged in a U shape, with worker placed in center of U. Advantages: 1. Use of cells provides production efficiency with flexibility to produce a variety of different products; 2. U shape allows workers to have easy reach and flexibility; 3. Worker satisfaction is higher because of ability to perform a variety of tasks. TQM Strategy of quality improvement: 1. define quality as seen by customer; 2. translate customer needs into measurable terms; 3. measure quality on an ongoing basis; 4. set improvement targets and deadlines; 5. develop systematic method for improvement. Product versus process In JIT the quality of product is distinguished from quality of process. A faulty product is a result of a faulty process. So, process needs to be corrected in order to address the root cause of problem. Quality at the source Jidoka – authority given to workers to stop production line if a quality problem is detected JIT systems usually operate with 7 h. of production and 1 h. for problem solving and working with teams; called undercapacity scheduling. To help workers identify quality problems, JIT relies on visual signals: o kanban control o colour coding etc. Poka-yoke – foolproof devices or mechanisms that prevent detects from occurring The device could be a clamp (klem) that can be placed only in a certain way. Preventive maintenance To avoid unexpected machine stoppages, costs are significantly higher than regular inspection. Preventive maintenance is designed to keep machines operational. Work environment Order and simplicity are considered highly important – it creates a calm, clear mind environment. It is easy to see if something out of order. Respect for people JIT relies on cross-functional worker kills, ability of workers to perform many different tasks on many different machines. Participation by all employees is vital to success of JIT. JIT uses a style of management called bottom-round management. Decisions are discussed at all levels. It’ s very slow but achieves consensus among all involved. Everyone work together; Quality circles popular – small teams of employees that volunteer to solve quality problems. Meetings are usually weekly and attempt to develop solution to problems and share them with management. Lifetime employment Toady lifetime employment comprises relatively small percentage of total workforce. But a company must do certain things to reduce employee insecurity and encourage trust and openness. Some possibilities: o Commit policy of making no layoffs as result of productivity improvements; o If company performs well, workers will share in rewards through bonuses. Role of management o responsible for creating JIT culture; o serve as coaches and facilitators; o develop incentive system that rewards workers for their efforts; o develop employee skills necessary to function in JIT environment; o ensure that workers receive multifunctional training; o facilitate teamwork. Supplier relationships o suppliers viewed as external factory; o use of single-source suppliers; o long-term supplier relationships developed; o suppliers locate near customer; o stable delivery schedules; o cost and information sharing. Single-source supplier – suppliers that supply entire family of parts for one manufacturer Benefits of JIT 1. reduction in inventory 3. improved quality 5. reduced space requirements 7. shorter lead times 2. 4. 6. 8. lower production costs increased machine utilization greater flexibility increased productivity Implementing JIT To implement JIT successfully a company does not need sophisticated systems; What is needed are: o Correct attitude o o employee involvement continuous improvement Some changes need to be implemented before others: Make quality improvements -> reorganize workplace -> reduce setup times -> reduce lot sizes and lead times -> implement layout changes -> switch to pull production -> develop relationship with suppliers. Implementation is never complete, because improving performance is a never-ending task. As new problems become visible, they must be solved before further reductions in inventory are made. JIT in services JIT is equally applicable in service organizations, particularly with the push toward timebased competition and the need to cut costs. JIT success is dependent on interfunctional coordination and effort. Marketing must work closely with customers to define customer-driven quality. IS must design a powerful information system. Engineering must develop equipment with low setups and design jobs with foolproof devices. Finance must monitor financial improvements with realistic expectations. Accounting must develop appropriate costing mechanisms. Chapter 8: Forecasting Principles of forecasting 1. Forecasts are rarely (zelden) perfect. Goal: generate good forecasts on the average over time and keep forecast errors as low as possible; 2. Forecasts are more accurate for groups or families of items rather than individual items; 3. Forecasts are more accurate for shorter than longer time horizons. Steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. in forecasting process Decide what to forecast; Evaluate and analyze appropriate data; Select and test forecasting model; Generate forecast; Monitor forecast accuracy. Types forecasting methods Qualitative methods 1. Based on human judgment, opinions; Characteristi subjective & nonmathematical cs 2. Strengths Can incorporate latest changes in environment and “inside information” 3. Weaknesses Can bias forecast and reduce forecast accuracy Qualitative methods -> Quantitative methods Based on mathematics; quantitative in nature Consistent & Objective; able to consider much info and data at once Often quantifiable data are not available. often used for long-period expectations generate forecast based on subjective opinion forecaster Qualitative methods Type Characteristics Executive Group managers come up opinion with forecast Market Uses surveys and interviews Strengths Good for strategic or new-product forecasting Good determinant Weaknesses One person’ s can dominate Can be difficult to research Delphi method to identify customer preferences Seeks to develop consensus (overeenstemming) among group of experts customer preferences develop good questionnaire Excellent for forecasting long-term product demand, technical changes & scientific advances Time consuming to develop Quantitative methods Time series models Causal models Quantitative Forecasting models Type Description Time series Models Naïve Uses last period’ s actual value Simple mean Simple moving average Weighted moving Average Ft+1 = ? CtAt Exponential smoothing Trend adjusted exponential smoothing Linear trend line Seasonal indexes Causal Models Linear regression Strengths Weaknesses Simple & Easy to use Only good if data change little from period to period Requires carrying lot of data Important to select proper moving average Uses average of past data Method in which only n of most recent observations are averaged Method where n of most recent observations are averaged and past observations Weighted average procedure with weight declining exponentially as data become older An exponential smoothing model with separate equations for forecasting level and trend Technique uses least squares method to fit straight line to past data over time Computes percentage amount by which data for each season are above / below mean Good for level pattern Only good for level pattern Uses least square method to model linear relationship Good for level pattern; allows placing different weight on past demands Proved excellent forecast results for short to medium length forecasts Selection of weight required good judgement Proved good results for trend data Only for data with trend Easy to use and understand Data should display clear trend over time Simple and logical procedure for computing seasonality Make sure seasonality is actually present Easy to understand; provides good forecast accuracy Make sure linear relationship is present Choice of alpha is critical Multiple regression between 2 variables Similar to linear regression, but models the relationship of multiple variables with variable begin forecast Powerful tool in forecasting when multiple variables are considered Significantly increases data and computational requirements Time series models Types of data patterns: o Level of horizontal: data fluctuate around constant mean (e.g. product in mature stage); o Trend: pattern which data exhibit increasing/decreasing values of time; o Seasonality: pattern that regularly repeats itself and is constant in length; o Cycles: Data patterns created by economic fluctuations. Random variation cannot be predicted. Forecasting Level or Horizontal Pattern Naïve method Simple mean / average Ft + 1 = At Ft = forecast next period, t + 1 At = actual value current period, t t = current time period Ft+1 = ? At N Smaller number of observations? more Simple moving average (SMA) is responsive forecast to similar to simple average except not changes in demand taking average of all data but most recent periods Ft+1 = ? CtAt Ct = weight placed on actual e.g. = (.25)AMay + Weighted Moving Average value period t (.25)AJune + (.5)AJuly At = actual value in period t Ft + 1 = aAt + (1 - a)Ft Most frequently used At = actual value current Exponential smoothing model period t forecasting techniques Ft = forecast current period t a = smoothing coefficient Small a? Low influence to actual data! Even more stable and less variation! Forecasting Trend Trend-Adjusted Exponential smoothing S = exponentially smoothed average T = exponentially smoothed trend a = smoothing coefficient of level ß = smoothing coefficient trend Step 1: Smoothing level of series St = aAt + (1-a)(St-1 + Tt-1) Step 2: Smoothing Trend Tt = ß(St-St-1) + (1- ß)Tt-1 Step 3: Forecast Incl. Trend FITt+1 = St +Tt Linear Trend Line Technique that computes forecast with trend. Useful for computing forecast when data display a clear trend over time. Y = a + bX Step 1: computer parameter b Step 2: compute parameter a Y = forecast for period X X = number of time periods from X = 0 Step 3: generate linear trend line Step 4: Generate a forecast Forecasting Seasonality Seasonal index – percentage amount by which data for each season are above/below the mean Step Step Step Step Step 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: calculate average demand each quarter / season compute seasonal index for every season calculate average demand per season next year multiply next year’ s average seasonal demand by each seasonal index multiply next year’ s average seasonal demand by each seasonal index Causal models Linear Regression Procedure that models a straight-line relationship between two variables Correlation Coefficient Statistic that measures the direction and strength of the linear relationship between 2 variables Multiple Regression Is an extension of linear regression. It develops a relationship between 1 dependent variable and multiple independent variables. Measuring Forecast Accuracy Forecast error = difference between forecast and actual value for a given period. Et = forecast error for period t Et = At – Ft At = actual value for period t Ft = forecast for period t MAD = Mean absolute deviation MSE = Mean squared error MAD is based on absolute values Comparing different forecasting models? MSE Tracking signal Forecast bias = persistent tendency for a forecast to be over/under actual value of data Tracking signal = tool used to monitor the quality of a forecast Selecting right forecast model 4 factors: 1. amount and type of data available; 2. degree of accuracy required; 3. length of forecast horizon; 4. Patterns present in data. Chapter 9: Capacity planning and facility location Capacity planning Capacity – maximum output rate that can be achieved by a facility Capacity planning is deciding on the maximum output rate of a facility Measuring available capacity o Design capacity – maximum output rate under ideal conditions o Effective capacity – maximum output rate under normal conditions Calculating capacity: (How well capacity is used) actual output effective capacity actual output design capacity Best operating level: volume of output that results in lowest average unit cost Economies of scale – condition in which the average costs of a unit produced is reduced as the amount of output is increased Diseconomies of scale – condition in which the cost of each additional unit made increases Focused factories – facilities that are small, specialized, and focused on a narrow set of objectives Making capacity planning decisions Step 1: Identify capacity requirements; Forecasting capacity Capacity cushions – (additional capacity added to regular capacity requirements to provide greater flexibility) Strategic implications Step 2: Develop capacity alternatives; 3 options: Do nothing; Expand large now; Expand small now with option to add later. Step 3: Evaluate capacity alternatives. Decision Trees to choose between capacity planning alternatives managers may use decision trees, which are a modelling tool used to evaluate independent decisions that must in sequence. Procedure for drawing a decision tree: work from left to right with the indicate chance events. To solve a decision tree; work from right to left to give the EV (Weighted average of chance events, where each chance event is given a probability of occurrence). e.g. EV = 0.3 (€80.000) + 0.7 (€200.000) = € 164.000 Location analysis Location analysis is deciding on the best location for a facility Factors affecting location decisions: proximity to sources of supply, to customers, to source of labour, community considerations, site considerations, quality-of-life issues, other considerations. Globalization – process of locating facilities around the world. Capacity planning and location analysis decisions are often made simultaneously because the location of a facility is usually related to its capacity. When a business decides to expand, it usually also addresses the issue of where to locate. These decisions are very important because they require long-term investments in buildings and facilities, as well as a sizable financial outlay. Also, if capacity planning and location analysis are not done properly, a business will not be able to meet customer demands or may find that it is losing customers due to lack of proximity to the market. Procedure for making location decisions Step 1: identify dominant location factors; Step 2: develop location alternatives; Step 3: evaluate location alternatives. Several tools can be used to facilitate location analysis. Factor rating is a tool that helps managers evaluate qualitative factors. The load-distance model and center of gravity approach evaluate the location decision based on distance. Break=even analysis is used to evaluate location decisions based on cost values. The transportation method is an excellent tool for evaluating the cost impact of adding sites to the network of current facilities. Factor rating – procedure that can be used to evaluate multiple alternative locations based on number of selected factors Load-distance model – procedure for evaluating location alternatives based on distance Computing the Load-Distance Score for Springfield City Load Distance ld Cleveland 15 20.5 307.5 Columbus 10 4.5 45 Cincinnati 12 7.5 90 Dayton 4 3.5 14 Total Load-Distance Score(456.5) Computing the Load-Distance Score for Mansfield City Load Distance ld Cleveland 15 8 120 Columbus 10 8 80 Cincinnati 12 20 240 Dayton 4 16 64 Total Load-Distance Score(504) ld score = ? lijdij (lij load between locations | dij distance between locations) Centre of gravity approach - This approach requires that the analyst find the center of gravity of the geographic area being considered Computing the Center of Gravity for Matrix Manufacturing Location Cleveland Columbus Cincinnati Dayton Coordinates Load (X,Y) (11,22) (10,7) (4,1) (3,6) (li) 15 10 12 4 41 Total lixi 165 165 165 165 325 liyi 330 70 12 24 436 Computing the Center of Gravity for Matrix Manufacturing ? ? li Xi 325 Break-even analysis X c.g. ? ? ?used 7.9 ; Yc.g. ? Remember the break even equations li 41 for calculation total cost of each location and for calculating the breakeven quantity Q. ? lY ? l i i i ? 436 ? 10.6 41 Total cost = F + cQ Total revenue = pQ Break-even is where Total Revenue = Total Cost Transportation Method The transportation method of linear programming can be used to solve specific location problems Chapter 10: Facility layout Layout planning is determining the best physical arrangement of resources within a facility. Proper layout planning is highly important for the efficient running of a business. Otherwise, there can be much wasted time and energy, as well as confusion. Two broad categories of operations: 1. Intermittent processing systems 2. Continuous processing systems Types of layouts: 1. Process layouts: ? Group similar resources together (hospital) 2. Product layouts: ? Designed to produce a specific product efficiently (assembly line) 3. Hybrid layouts: ? Combine aspects of both process and product layouts (grouped technology or grocery stores (kruidenierswinkels) – Commonly used 4. Fixed-Position layouts: ? Product is to large to move; e.g. a building Characteristics of process and product layouts: Process Layouts Products: large #, different Resources: general purpose Facilities: more labor intensive Flexibility: greater relative to market Processing Rates: slower Handling costs: high Space requirements: higher Product Layouts small #, efficiently specialized more capital intensive lower relative to market faster low lower Process layouts provide much flexibility and allow for the production of many products with differing characteristics. Product layouts, on the other hand, provide great efficiency when producing one type of product. Design process layouts The steps in designing a process layout are: 1. Gathering info about space needs, space availability and closeness requirements of departments; (table 10-2 & 10-3) 2. Developing a block plan or schematic of the layout; 3. Developing a detailed layout. Another tool to provide info about importance of proximity (nabijheid) is a REL chart (table 10-3). REL chart – table that reflects opinions of managers with regard to importance of having any two departments close together Step 2: Develop block plan o using trial and error (when a layout problem is small in scope) o using decision support tools Trial and error; measure effectiveness? load-distance model Load-distance model used to compare relative effectiveness of different layouts Load-distance score (Rectilinear distance – shortest distance between 2 locations using north- south and east- west movements) Using decision support tools 2 popular software packages: ALDEP and CRAFT. The best way to use these is to consider the software solution as a starting point in developing a final layout. Step 3: Develop a detailed layout We begin to consider exact sizes and shapes of departments and work centers. We also focus on specific work elements such as desks, cabinets and so on. Special cases of process layout Warehouse layouts Layout Considerations: o Primary decision is where to locate each department relative to the dock; o Departments can be organized to minimize “ld” totals (load distance); o Departments of unequal size require modification of the typical ld calculations to include a calculation of the “ratio of trips to area needed” e.g. Backpacks – trips to and from dock: 160, but area needed: 2 (160/2=80) o The usage of “Crossdocking” (see Ch.4) modifies the traditional warehouse layouts; more docks, less storage space, and less order picking. Office layouts Office Layout Considerations: o Human interaction and communication are the primary factors in designing office layouts; o One key layout trade-off is between proximity and privacy; o Open concept offices promote understanding & trust; o Flexible layouts incorporating “office landscaping”help to solve the privacy issue in open office environments. Designing product layouts Line balancing – process of assigning tasks to workstations in a product layout in order to achieve a desired output and balance the workload among stations Design product layouts o Step 1: Identify tasks & immediate predecessors o o o o o Step Step Step Step Step 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: Determine the desired output rate Calculate the cycle time Compute the theoretical minimum number of workstations Assign tasks to workstations (balance the line) Compute efficiency, idle time & balance delay Step 1: Identify tasks & immediate predecessors Precedence diagram: visual representation of the precedence relationships between tasks Immediate predecessor – task must be performed immediately before another task Step 2: Determine desired output rate Output rate – number of units we wish to produce over a specific time period Step 3: Determine cycle time Cycle time – maximum amount of time workstation has to complete its assigned tasks o The amount of time each workstation is allowed to complete its tasks Cycle time (sec./unit) ? o available time ?sec./day ? 60 min/hr x 60 sec/min ? ? 60 sec./unit desired output ?units/hr ? 60 units/hr Limited by the bottleneck task (the longest task in a process): Maximum output ? available time 3600 sec./hr. ? ? 72 units/hr, or pizzas per hour bottleneck task time 50 sec./unit Bottleneck task – the longest task in a process Step 4: compute theoretical minimum number of stations Theoretical minimum number of stations: number of workstation on a line to achieve 100% efficiency TM ? ? ?task times ? ? cycle time 165 seconds ? 2.75, or 3 stations 60 sec/station ? t = sum of task times needed to complete 1 unit C = cycle time Always round up (no partial workstations) Step 5: Assign task to workstation (balance the line) 1. Start at the first station & choose the longest eligible task following precedence relationships 2. Continue adding the longest eligible task that fits without going over the desired cycle time 3. When no additional tasks can be added within the desired cycle time, begin assigning tasks to the next workstation until finished W o rk s ta tio n 1 2 3 E lig ib l e t a s k A B C D E, F, G E , F F H I T a s k S e le c te d A B C D G E F H I T a s k tim e 50 5 25 15 15 12 10 18 15 Id le tim e 10 5 35 20 5 48 38 20 5 Step 6: Compute efficiency and balance delay o Efficiency (%) is the ratio of total productive time divided by total time Efficiency (%) ? ? t NC ? 165 sec. ?100? ? 91.7% 3 stations x 60 sec. N = number of workstations o Balance delay (%) is the amount by which the line falls short of 100% Balance delay ? 100% ? 91.7% ? 8.3% Other considerations o Shape of the line (S, U, O, L): ? Share resources, enhance communication & visibility, impact location of loading & unloading o Paced versus un-paced lines (paced, products is physically attached to line) ? Paced lines use an automatically enforced cycle time o Single or mixed-model lines (single-model line designed to produce only one version of product Hybrid layouts Hybrid layouts have advantages over other layout types because they combine elements of both process and product layouts to increase efficiency An example of hybrid layouts is group technology or cell layouts. Group technology is he process of creating groupings of products based on similar processing requirements. Cells are created for each grouping of products, resulting in a more orderly flow of products through facility o One of the most popular hybrid layouts uses Group Technology (GT) and a cellular layout o GT has the advantage of bringing the efficiencies of a product layout to a process layout environment Process flows after use of GT cells Chapter 11: Work system design Designing a work system is part of developing a operating strategy Work o o o System design involves: job design; methods or process analysis work measurement Job Design 3 Additional factors in job design 1. technical feasibility, job must be physically and mentally doable; 2. economic feasibility, cost of job should be less than the value it adds; 3. behavioural feasibility, degree to which the job is intrinsically satisfying to employee Eliminating Employee Boredom o Job enlargement, horizontal expansion by increasing scope of work; o Job enrichment, vertical expansion by increased worker responsibility; o Job rotation (adds direct value for company because of improved flexibility). Team Approaches to Job design Another option for job design is: o Problem-solving teams, small groups, trained in problem-solving techniques; o Special-purpose teams, Highly-focused, short-term teams addressing issues important to management and labor; o Self-directed teams, Team members work through consensus to plan, manage, & control their assigned work flow. Alternative workplace brings work to the worker rather than the worker to the workplace (made possible by technologies). Method Analysis - Study how a job is done Advantages: ? Can distinguish between value-added & non-value-added steps; ? Revise the procedure to improve productivity; ? After improvement, must revise the new standard operating procedure; ? Follow-up to insure that changes actually improve the operation. Work Measurement – Determines how long it should take to do a job Work measurement techniques are used to set a standard time for a specific job. Standard time is the length of time it should take a qualified worker using appropriate process and tools to complete a specific job allowing time for personal, fatigue, and unavoidable delays. Used to determine standard times and are usually based on time studies. Standard times are used for: Product costing; Tracking employee performance; Scheduling and planning required resources. Setting Standard Times A time Study is a technique for developing a standard time based on actual observation of the operator. Procedure for a time study: 1. Choose the job for time study; 2. Tell worker whose job you will be studying; 3. Break job into easily recognizable units; 4. Calculate number of cycles you must observe; 5. Time each element, record the times, and rate worker’ s performance; 6. Compute normal time; 7. Computer standard time. ? ? z ?? s ? ? n ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? a ?? x ? ? Step 4 – need to know how many cycles / observe the worker to ensure the results you want. Start by making small number of observations so that we can determine the sample mean (avg. x) and standard deviation (s). z = confidence level -> table. a = accuracy level -> normally = 5% (0.05) Step 5 – shows mean observed time Average of the observation times for each of the work elements. Performance rating factor (PRF) Subjective estimate of a worker’ s pace relative to a normal work pace ? ? ? ? ? n: number of observations z: provides desired statistical confidence (e.g.: 1.96 for 95%) s: observed standard deviation in time required to complete the task element a: desired accuracy or precision x-bar: the mean observed time to complete the task Frequency of Occurrence (F) How often the work element must be done each cycle. most elements done very cycle. If an element is done once every 5 cycles, F = 0.2 Step 6 – compute normal time o NT=(OT)(PRF)(F) The normal time (NT) is the mean observed time multiplied by the performance rating factor (PRF) Allowance factor – amount of time the analyst allows for personal, fatigue (moeheid), and unavoidable delays. 2 Ways: AFJOB = 1 + PFD (jobs have different allowance factors) AFTime Worked ? 2 1 (jobs are similar and same allowance factors) 1 ? PFD PFD = percentage allowance adjustment based on job time / time worked Step 7 – compute standard time o ST ? (NT)(AF) NT = Normal time AF = Allowance Factor Other Time Series methods o Elemental time data, for typical work elements from previously completed time studies can be stored in a data base for use on future similar studies. o Predetermined time data (e.g. MTM and MTS), is a larger database of valid work element times used to set standards for common job elements o Reach, grasp, move, engage, insert, turn, etc. o Work Sampling, technique for estimating the proportion of time a worker spends on an activity. Commonly used method! Work Sampling Involves random observations of a worker to determine the proportion of time spent on each activity. ? Step 1 – We need to estimate the number of observations needed to provide an estimate with 97% confidence (z=2.17), and the resulting estimate will be within 5% of its true value. We use ? ? 2.17 ? ?z? ? n ? ? ? p?1 ? p ? ? ? ? 0.5?1 ? 0.5? ? 470.89 observations ? 0.05 ? ?e? 2 ? 2 Step 2 – Based on the first 30 observations the secretary was making travel reservations 6 times (6 out of 30 observations = 0.2). With this new estimate, recalculate the sample size needed. 2 ? ? 2.17 ? n? ? ? 0.2?1 ? 0.2? ? 302 observations ? 0.05 ? Final Step – After making the 302 observations, the secretary was making reservations 60 times or 19.9%. This estimate can now be used to make the decision on savings that might result by consolidating this task with an in house travel agency Compensation o Compensation is the third part of work system design o Time-based plans (day pay) versus output-based systems (incentive pay) o Group incentive plans: profit sharing & gain sharing ? Plans put part of a worker’ s salary at risk ? Does the compensation system undermine teamwork? ? Does plan prevent free-riders not doing their fair share? ? Does the incentive plan encourage workers to support the long-term health of the organization? Worker compensation systems are time-based or output-based and can be based on individual or group performance. Time-based pays the worker on the number of hours worked. Output-based pays the worker on the number of units completed. Learning curves - show the rate of learning that occurs when an employee repeats the same task over time T x Ln = time required to perform a task the nth time T = the time required to perform the task the first time L = the rate of learning n = the number of times the task has doubled E.g. When the number of times the task is repeated doubles, the time per task reduces. With an 85% learning curve rate, the 2nd time a task is done will take 85% of the 1st time. The 4th time will take 85% of the 2nd. If an employee took 12 hours to complete an initial task, how long will the 16th time take (4th doubling)? Hours for 16th task ? 12 x (.85)4 ? 6.26 hours Chapter 12: Inventory Management Types of inventory: o raw materials; o components; o Work-in-process (WIP); o Finished Goods; (products sold to customers) o Distribution Inventory; (finished goods in the distribution inventory) o Maintenance, repair & operating (MRO). Inventory has several uses: o Anticipation or seasonal inventory; o Safety stock: buffer demand fluctuations; o Lot-size or cycle stock: take advantage of quantity discounts; o Pipeline or transportation inventory; o Speculative or hedge inventory protects against some future event, e.g. labor strike; o Maintenance, repair, and operating (MRO) inventories. Inventory management objectives o Provide desired customer level; o % of orders shipped on schedule; does not capture value; o % of line items shipped on schedule; does not capture € value; o % of dollar volume shipped on schedule; recognize differences in both lineitems and € value (e.g. 20 orders €400, shipped €395 = 395/400 = 98 % service level. o Provide cost-efficient operations; o Buffer stock for smooth production flow; (WIP) inventory to buffer operations; o Maintain a level work force; no seasonal demands, e.g. no costs of overtime; o Allowing longer production runs (lower setup costs) & quantity discounts. o Minimized inventory related investments. o Inventory turnover; measure minimum inventory investment; Annual costs of goods sold Average inventory in dollars o Weeks (or days) of supply. Average inventory on hand in dollars Average weekly usage in dollars (the higher the number, the more effectiveness inventory) Inventory investment is measured in inventory turnover and/or level of supply. Inventory performance is calculated as inventory turnover or weeks, days to supply. Relevant Inventory costs These costs include: Item costs Holding costs -> Ordering costs -> Shortage costs -> 1. Capital costs; 2. Storage costs; 3. Risk costs. Fixed costs for placing a order Costs related to additional paperwork, shipping expense and intangible cost of lost customer goodwill Calculating annual holding cost rate = (% of capital cost + storage cost + risk cost) x average inventory Shortage costs Back order – delaying delivery to the customer until item becomes available Lost sale – Occurs when customer is not willing to wait for delivery Determining order quantities Stock-Keeping Unit (SKU) = an item in a particular geographic location Some common approaches in ordering: Lot-for-Lot Order exactly what is needed Fixed-order quantity Min-max system Order n periods Order a predetermined amount each time an order is placed (Q system) When on-hand inventory falls below predetermined minimum, order a quantity that take inventory back to predetermined maximum Order enough to satisfy demand for the next n periods Smaller lot sizes give a company flexibility and shorter response times. The key to reducing order quantities is to reduce ordering or setup times. Mathematical models for determining order quantity 3 Mathematical models: ? Economic Order Quantity (EOQ or Q System) ? An optimizing method used for determining order quantity and reorder points; ? Part of continuous review system which tracks on-hand inventory each time a withdrawal is made. ? Economic Production Quantity (EPQ); ? A model that allows for incremental product delivery. ? Quantity Discount Model. ? Modifies the EOQ process to consider cases where quantity discounts are available. ? EOQ = continuous review system EOQ Assumptions: ? Demand is known & constant - no safety stock is required ? Lead time is known & constant ? No quantity discounts are available ? Ordering (or setup) costs are constant ? All demand is satisfied (no shortages) ? The order quantity arrives in a single shipment Reorder point R = dL d = avg. daily demand L = Lead time (days) Calculating Inventory Total annual cost = annual ordering cost + annual holding costs TC = total annual / inventory cost D = annual demand ? D? ? Q? 2DS Q = quantity to be ordered TCQ ? ?? ?? S ? ? ? H; and Q ? H ? Q? ? 2 ? H = holding cost S = ordering or setup cost Calculating EOQ Q? D = annual demand S = ordering or setup cost H = holding cost 2DS (Kennen!) H After calculating the Economic Order Quantity and the Total annual cost of Inventory you can calculate the difference between Ordering and Inventory! ? EPQ When entire replenishment order arrives not at one time Total cost: TC = total annual cost D = annual demand ?D ? ?I ? TC EPQ ? ?? S ?? ? ? MAX H ? Q = quantity to be ordered ? ?Q ? ? 2 H = holding cost S = ordering or setup cost ? d? I MAX ? Q?? 1 ? ?? ? p? Maximum inventory: d=avg. daily demand rate p=daily production rate (d could also be weekly demand) (p could also be weekly production) Calculating EPQ EPQ ? 2DS ? d? H?? 1 ? ?? ? p? EPQ Problem: HP Ltd. Produces its premium plant food in 50# bags. Demand is 100,000 lbs. per week and they operate 50 wks. each year and HP can produce 250,000 lbs. per week. The setup cost is $200 and the annual holding cost rate is $.55 per bag. Calculate the EPQ. Determine the maximum inventory level. Calculate the total cost of using the EPQ policy. EPQ ? 2DS ? d? H?? 1 ? ?? ? p? ?D ? TC EPQ ? ?? S ? ?? ? I MAX ? QQ?? 1? ? ? ? I MAX ? d?? ? 2 H ?? ? p ?? EPQ ? 2(50)(100,000)(200) ? 77,850 Bags ? 100,000 ? .55? 1 ? ? ? 250000 ? ? 5,000,000 ? ? 46,710 ? TC ? ? ? ??200 ? ? ? ? ? ?.55? ? $25,690 ? ?? ?2 46 , 710 ? bags ? ?? 1? 100 , 000 ?MAX77,?850 77 , 850 I ? 250 , 000 ? ? Quantity Discount Model EOQ model assumes no quantity discounts are available. This model modifies the EOQ process to consider cases where quantity discounts are available. ?D ? ?Q ? TC QD ? ?? S ?? ? ? H ? ?Q ? ? 2 ? ? PD Quantity Discount Procedure: ? Calculate the EOQ at the lowest price; ? Determine whether the EOQ is feasible at that price; o Will the vendor sell that quantity at that price? ? If yes, stop – if no, continue; ? Check the feasibility of EOQ at the next higher price; ? ? ? ? Continue until you identify a feasible EOQ; Calculate the total costs (including total item cost) for the feasible EOQ model; Calculate the total costs of buying at the minimum quantity required for each of the cheaper unit prices; Compare total cost of each option & choose the lowest cost alternative. Quantity Discount Example: Collin’ s Sport store is considering going to a different hat supplier. The present supplier charges $10 each and requires minimum quantities of 490 hats. The annual demand is 12,000 hats, the ordering cost is $20, and the inventory carrying cost is 20% of the hat cost, a new supplier is offering hats at $9 in lots of 4000. Who should he buy from? ? EOQ at lowest price $9. Is it feasible? EOQ$9 ? 2(12,000)(20) ? 516 hats $1.80 ? Since the EOQ of 516 is not feasible, calculate the total cost (C) for each price to make the decision 12,000 ?$20? ? 490 ?$2? ? $10?12,000? ? $120,980 2 490 12,000 C$9 ? ?$20? ? 4000 ?$1.80? ? $9?12,000? ? $101,660 4000 2 C$10 ? ? 4000 hats at $9 each saves $19,320 annually. Space? Determining safety stock levels R = reorder point in units D = daily demand in units R = dL + SS L = lead time in days SS = safety stock in units Order-cycle service level – probability that demand during lead time will not exceed onhand inventory SS = zs dL z = number of standard deviations s dL = standard deviation of demand during lead time in units A 95% service level (stockout risk of 5%) has a Z=1.645 Periodic review system Determine quantity of an item has on hand at specified, fixed-time intervals to know the size of replenishment order. Advantages are: ? No need for a system to continuously monitor item; ? Items ordered from the same supplier can be reviewed on the same day saving purchase order costs. Disadvantages: ? Replenishment quantities (Q) vary; ? Order quantities may not quality for quantity discounts; ? On the average, inventory levels will be higher than Q systems-more stockroom space needed. Place an order = Target inventory level – quantity on hand; Q = TI - OH It’ s similar as the min-max system. The difference is that with periodic review system, time between orders is constant with varying quantities ordered. Two major decisions to be made concern time between orders and target inventory level. Alternative to base TBO (Time between orders) on the economic order quantity calculation (EOQ). TI = target inventory level in units D = average period demand in units RP = review period L = lead time SS = Safety stock Target inventory level (TI) TI = d(RP + L) + SS SS = zs RP+L z = number of standard deviations s RP+L = standard deviation of demand during review period and lead time and is calculated as: calculating s RP+L -> ? ? RP ? L ? ? RP ? L ? P System: an auto parts store calculated the EOQ for Drive Belts at 236 units and wants to compare the Total Inventory Costs for a Q vs. a P Review System. Annual demand (D) is 2704, avg. weekly demand is 52, weekly s is 1.77 belts, and lead time is 3 weeks. The annual TC for the Q system is $229; H=$97, S=$10. ? Review Period ? Target Inventory for 95% Service Level RP ? Q 236 x52 ? 5wks x 52weeks ? D 2704 TI ? d(RP ? L) ? SS ? d(RP ? L) ? zs RP ? ? ? ? ? L TI ? 52 units ?5 ? 3? ? ?1.645? 1.77 5 ? 3 ? 416 ? 8 ? 424 belts Average On-Hand OHavg= TI-dL=424-(52belts)(3wks) = 268 belts Annual Total Cost (P System) 52 ?$10? ? 268 ?$.97? ? 115 ? 130 ? $245 2 5 Annual Cost Difference ? $245 ? $229 ? ? $16 TCp ? Comparison of continuous review systems and periodic review system CRS has no review period and a smaller average inventory investment. PRS means less work because inventory balances are only reviewed and updated periodically. Single-period inventory model Designed for use with products that are highly perishable (bederfelijk) Characteristics single-period model: 1. Sold at regular price only during single-time period; 2. Demand is highly variable but follows a known probability distribution; 3. Salvage (berging) value of these products is less than its original cost. Inventory decisions about perishable products (like newspapers) can be made using the single-period inventory model. The expected payoff is calculated to assist the quantity decision. SPI Model Example: Tee shirts are purchase in multiples of 10 for a charity event for $8 each. When sold during the event the selling price is $20. After the event their salvage value is just $2. From past events the organizers know the probability of selling different quantities of tee shirts within a range from 80 to 120 Payoff Table Prob. Of Occurrence .20 .25 .30 .15 .10 Customer Demand 80 90 100 110 120 Profit # of Shirts Ordered 80 $960 $960 $960 $960 $960 $960 90 $900 $1080 $1080 $1080 $1080 $1040 Buy 100 $840 $1020 $1200 $1200 $1200 $1083 110 $780 $ 960 $1140 $1320 $1320 $1068 120 $720 $ 900 $1080 $1260 $1440 $1026 Sample calculations: Payoff (Buy 110)= sell 100($20-$8) –((110-100) x ($8-$2))= $1140 Expected Profit (Buy 100)= ($840 X .20)+($1020 x .25)+($1200 x .30) + ($1200 x .15)+($1200 x .10) = $1083 ABC Inventory Classification A method for determining level of control and frequency of review of inventory items 4 steps for an ABC inventory analysis 1. Calculate annual dollar usage for each item; 2. List items in descending order based on annual dollar usage; 3. Calculate cumulative annual dollar volume; 4. Classify items into groups. Justifying smaller order quantities ? JIT or “Lean Systems”would recommend reducing order quantities to the lowest practical levels ? Benefits from reducing Q’ s: ? Improved customer responsiveness (inventory = Lead time) ? Reduced Cycle Inventory ? Reduced raw materials and purchased components ? Justifying smaller EOQ’ s: 2DS Q? ? H Reduce Q’ s by reducing setup time (S). Inventory record accuracy 2 Methods are available for checking inventory record accuracy: 1. Periodic counting; 2. Cycle counting. Periodic counting (physical counting) – disadvantages: The job is often rushed and is done by employees not trained for checking inventory. Inventory record errors are increased rather than reduced. Cycle counting – counting inventory throughout the year: Series of mini-physical inventories done daily. A-items are counted most frequently. Cycle counting is a method for maintaining accurate inventory records. Determining what and when to count are major decisions. Chapter 13: Aggregate Planning / Production Planning The Aggregate (complexe) Plan identifies the resources needed by operations to support the marketing Plan. The aggregate plan is usually updated and reevaluated monthly by the operations group. Sales and operations planning integrates plans from all functional areas and regularly evaluates company performance. Engineering plan support the research and development of new products introduced in marketing plan and subsequently planned for in the aggregate plan. Master Production Schedule (MPS) The anticipated production schedule for the company expressed in specific configurations, quantities, and dates. Types of aggregate plans Level Aggregate Plans – planning approach > same quantity each time period. Inventory & backorders used to absorb demand fluctuations: ? Maintains a constant workforce ? Sets capacity to accommodate average demand ? Often used for make-to-stock products like appliances ? Disadvantage - builds inventory and/or uses back orders Chase Aggregate Plans – planning approach > varies production to meet demand: ? Produces exactly what is needed each period ? Sets labor/equipment capacity to satisfy period demands ? Disadvantage - constantly changing short term capacity Hybrid Aggregate Plans - options using various combinations of inventory, backorders, and capacity to achieve cost and customer service objectives: ? Uses a combination of options ? Options should be limited to facilitate execution ? May use a level workforce with overtime & temps ? May allow inventory buildup and some backordering ? May use short term sourcing Aggregate Planning Options Demand based options – respond to demand fluctuations through inventory / backorders, of by shifting demand pattern ? Reactive: uses finished goods inventories and backorders for fluctuations Proactive: shifts the demand patterns to minimize fluctuations e.g. early bird dinner prices at a restaurant Capacity based options – allow to change its current operating capacity ? Uses overtime, undertime, subcontracting, hiring, firing, and part-timers – cost and operational implications ? Overtime – Work beyond normal operation hours that usually require a premium be paid to workers. Expensive option and should only be used short-term. Undertime – condition occurring when there are more people on the payroll than are needed to produce planned output. Both options -> Cost of labor per unit increases Evaluating current situation When considering different options, it’ s important to evaluate current situation in terms of point of departure, magnitude of the change, and duration of the change. ? Point of departure, percentage of normal capacity is currently using; ? Magnitude of the change, relative size of the change is needed; ? Duration of the change. Point of departure – if operating at 100% of normal capacity and need to increase capacity by 10% -> simple option such as overtime Magnitude of change – smaller changes are easier to implement such are increasing workforce Duration of change – if duration is a brief seasonal surge, hiring temporary workers makes sense Developing Aggregate Plan (AP) Step 1- Choose strategy: level, chase, or Hybrid Step 2- Determine the aggregate production rate Step 3- Calculate the size of the workforce Step 4- Test the plan as follows: ? Calculate Inventory, expected hiring/firing, overtime needs ? Calculate total cost of plan Step 5- Evaluate performance: cost, service, human resources, and operations Strategies exist that can smooth demand patterns and capacity can be changed by using short term measures like OT (overtime) and UT (undertime). AP’ s are developed using a 5 step process starting with a desired option and ending with evaluations of costs and customer service. Aggregate plans for companies with tangible products (Plans A, B, C, D) Problem Data 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 A Cost Data Regular time labor cost per hour Overtime labor cost per hour Subcontracting cost per unit (labor only) Back order cost per unit per period Inventory holding cost per unit per period Hiring cost per employee Firing cost per employee Capacity Data Beginning workforce (employees) Beginning inventory (units) Production standard per unit (hours) Regular time available per period (hours) Overtime available per period (hours) B $12.50 $18.75 $125.00 $25.00 $10.00 $800.00 $500.00 90 0 8 160 40 Demand Data (units) Period Period Period Period Period Period Period Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1920 2160 1440 1200 2040 2400 1740 1500 Total Number of Periods 8 ? Plan A: Level aggregate plan using inventories and back orders First calculate the level production rate (14400/8=1800) D 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 E F G H I J K L M 5 2040 8760 1800 9000 -240 240 0 6 2400 11160 1800 10800 360 0 360 7 1740 12900 1800 12600 300 0 300 8 1500 14400 1800 14400 0 0 0 Total 14400 Plan A: Level Aggregate Plan, Using Inventories and Backorders Compute Level Production Rate Total Demand Less: Beginning Inventory Total Net Demand Average Demand Per Period 14400 0 14400 1800 Compute Workforce Needed Units per Employee per Period Employees Required Number to Hire Number to Fire 20 90 0 0 <-- Production Rate for Level Plan Period Detailed Plan Computations Demand (units) (net of beg. Inventory) Cumulative demand (units) Period production (units) Cumulative production (units) Cum.Dem. Minus Cum.Prod. Ending Inventory (units) Backorders (units) Cost Calculations for Plan A Regular time labor cost Overtime labor cost Inventory holding cost Back order cost Hiring cost Firing cost Total Cost 1 1920 1920 1800 1800 120 0 120 2 2160 4080 1800 3600 480 0 480 3 1440 5520 1800 5400 120 0 120 4 1200 6720 1800 7200 -480 480 0 $1,440,000 $0 $7,200 $34,500 $0 $0 $1,481,700 Plan A Evaluation ? Back orders were 13.9% of demand (1380) ? Worst performance was period 2 at 21% of demand ? Marketing will not be satisfied at these levels ? Workable plan for operations ? No employees hired or fired, no overtime or undertime needed, and output is constant ? No human resource problems are anticipated ? Plan B: Level plan using inventories but no back orders Plan B Evaluation ? Plan B costs $240K (16%) more than plan A and has ending inventory of 7980 units ? To be fair, Plan B built 1920 additional units ($192K) which will be sold later ? Plan B costs $2.58 more per unit (2.5%) 14400 720 1380 ? ? Marketing satisfied by 100% service level Workable Operations and HR plan- hire 12, no OT or UT, and level production ? Plan C ? ? ? Plan C: Chase aggregate plan using hiring and firing Evaluation Costs an additional $2 per unit more than Plan B Marketing is satisfied again by 100% service level From Operations and HR standpoint, not easy to implement: ? Need space, tools, equipment for up to 120 people in period 6 and only have 60 people in period 4 ? High training costs and potential quality problems ? Low morale likely due to poor job security ? Plan D: Hybrid plan using initial workforce and overtime as needed This is basically a level plan using OT to avoid backorders D 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 E F G H I J K L M 6 2400 1680 1800 0 120 7 1740 1620 1800 0 180 8 1500 1320 1800 0 480 Total 14400 Plan D: Hybrid Aggregate Plan, Using Initial Workforce and Overtime as Needed Compute Regular Time Production Rate Number of Employees Units per Employee per Period Regular Time Production per Period 90 20 1800 Detailed Plan Computations Total Demand in Period Net Demand After Inventory Considered Regular Time Production Overtime Production Needed Ending Inventory Cost Calculations for Plan C Regular time labor cost Overtime labor cost Inventory holding cost Back order cost Hiring cost Firing cost Total Cost Period 1 1920 1920 1800 120 0 2 2160 2160 1800 360 0 3 1440 1440 1800 0 360 4 1200 840 1800 0 960 5 2040 1080 1800 0 720 $1,440,000 $72,000 $28,200 $0 $0 $0 $1,540,200 Plan D Evaluation ? Cost is only $.61 (.6%) more than Plan A with a reasonable increase in ending inventory (+1440) ? Marketing is satisfied as well with 100% service level ? Not difficult for Operations to implement ? Does not need excessive overtime ? Uses overtime in just periods 1 and 2 (7%, 20%) ? Aggregate Plan Objective: Keep customer service high and costs low Aggregate Plans for Service Companies with Non-Tangible Products- Plans E, F, G Problem Data 14400 480 2820 N 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 A Cost Data Regular time labor cost per hour Overtime labor cost per hour Subcontracting cost per unit (labor only) Hiring cost per employee Firing cost per employee B $8.00 $12.00 $60.00 $250.00 $150.00 Capacity Data Beginning workforce (employees) Service standard per call (hours) Regular time available per period (hours) Overtime available per period (hours) 60 4 160 24 Demand Data (calls) Period Period Period Period Period Period Period Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2400 1560 1200 2040 2760 1680 1320 2400 Total Number of Periods 8 Plan E - Level aggregate Plan with No Back Orders, No tangible product Any demand not satisfied is lost to competitors, so company must meet all demand. It is likely that high undertime will lower employee morale. When we use overtime, we reduce undertime. Plan F – Hybrid with Initial Workforce and OT as Needed D E F G H I J 26 Plan F: Hybrid Aggregate Plan Using Initial Workforce and Overtime as Needed 27 28 Detailed Plan Computations Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 29 30 Demand (calls) 2400 1560 1200 2040 2760 1680 31 Service hours needed 9600 6240 4800 8160 11040 6720 32 Regular time hours of capacity 9600 9600 9600 9600 9600 9600 33 Overtime hours needed 0 0 0 0 1440 0 34 Undertime hours 0 3360 4800 1440 0 2880 35 36 Cost Calculations for Plan F 37 Regular time labor cost $614,400 38 Overtime labor cost $17,280 $631,680 39 Total Cost Costs reduced by $77K and undertime to an average of 20% Cost per service call reduced to $41.13 (-$5.02) K L M 7 1320 5280 9600 0 4320 8 2400 9600 9600 0 0 Total 15360 61440 76800 1440 16800 Plan G - Chase Plan with Hiring and Firing Total cost reduced by $114K over Plan F, utilization improved to 100%, and cost per service call now $33.72 (-$7.41) Workforce fluctuates from 30-69 people- morale problems Solution? Compare smaller permanent workforce, more OT?? The Aggregate plan must balance several perspectives: 1. Costs; 2. Customer service; 3. Organizational effectiveness; 4. Workforce Moral. Difference between AP’ s for manufacturers and service companies involve the advantage of using inventories to absorb demand changes. Master Production Schedule (MPS) Shows how many products or services are planned for each time period, based on the resources authorized in the aggregate plan. The master scheduler develops the schedule based on available capacity. Demand management includes a company’ s forecasting, order entry and so forth. It captures all activities that use manufacturing capacity. The aggregate plan supports the marketing plan. Role of the mps Aggregate plan: ? Specifies the resources available (e.g.: regular workforce, overtime, subcontracting, allowable inventory levels & shortages) Master production schedule: ? Specifies the number & when to produce each end item (the anticipated build schedule) ? Disaggregates the aggregate plan The authorized MPS is a critical input into the MRP system. The MPS tells the MRP system what the company plans to build and when. Master Scheduling Objectives The Master Scheduler must: ? Maintain the desired customer service level ? Utilize resources efficiently ? Maintain desired inventory levels The Master Schedule must: ? Satisfy customer demand ? Not exceed Operation’ s capacity ? Work within the constraints of the Aggregate Plan Developing an MPS The MPS system logic calculates when replenishment quantities are needed. MPS records are summed to show the total proposed workload. The MPS specifies the products to be built in each time period. The schedule feasibility is checked against rough-cut capacity. MPS record Projected Available = beginning inventory + MPS shipments - forecasted demand Rough-Cut capacity planning (RCCP) Process of converting the master production schedule into requirements for key resources such as direct labor and machine time This workload is compared against demonstrated capacity. Demonstrated capacity – proven capacity calculated from actual performance data Capacity planning using overall planning factors (CPOPF) is a simple, rough-cut capacity planning technique. It develops a planning factor for each critical resource based on historical data. Procedure for using CPOPF: 1. determine planning factors: Direct Labor Planning Factor ? Total DL hours building model number of units built 2. calculate workload generated by this schedule; 3. calculate total capacity needs for each resource for each time period; 4. calculate individual workcenter capacity needs based on historical percentage allocation. Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Evaluating and accepting the MPS To evaluate the MPS: In terms of customer service, promised customer delivery dates are met For effective se of resources, enough capacity is available to meet schedule In terms of cost, the MPS will be compared with the aggregate plan. If MPS needs add. resources, company not achieve objectives in marketing Before you go on The master scheduler uses a rough-cut capacity planning technique to calculate whether the company has the capacity to meet the proposed MPS. If the proposed MPS is feasible, it is evaluated in terms of customer service, effective use of resources, and inventory investment. If the proposed MPS is accepted, it becomes the authorized MPS. If capacity is insufficient, either the MPS is modified or capacity is expanded. Using the MPS Order promising – process of making order delivery commitments Available-to-promise (ATP) – uncommitted portion of a company’ s inventory and planned production, maintained in the MPS to support order promising. ? Master schedulers use Available-to-Promise system logic when promising order delivery dates to customers. ATPAction Bucket = (beginning inventory + MPS shipment) less (customer orders before next replenishment). Available in period 1. ATP=MPS shipment – Customer orders between current MPS shipment and next scheduled replenishment in periods 3,5,7,8, & 11. Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Forecast 50 50 50 50 75 75 75 75 50 50 50 50 Customer orders 35 25 25 20 0 15 0 0 10 0 0 10 60 10 85 35 85 10 60 110 60 10 85 35 Projected available Available-to-promise MPS BI 110 50 80 110 125 115 115 125 125 125 125 125 Using ATP records ATP records show how much inventory is available to satisfy customer demand, so your company bases its delivery promises to customers on these records. Example of Revising the ATP MPS Record: A customer calls marketing willing to purchase 200 units if they can be delivered in period 5. The two tables below show how the system logic would first slot the 200 into period 5 and then how the order would be allocated across periods 1, 3, and 5 and adjusting the ATP row. Stabilizing the MPS Minimize the number of changes made to an authorized MPS b3ecasue each proposed change can affect the feasibility of the MPS Demand time fence – establishes that point of time in the future inside of which changes to the MPS must be approved by a higher authority. Changes are kept to a minimum. Planning time fence – Establishes a point of time in the future inside of which changes must be made by the master scheduler, and changes outside of which can be changes by system planning logistic. Time fence policies stabilize the MPS. Authorization to make changes to a schedule depend on the time frame. Changes within frozen, slushy, and liquid portions of the MPS require defined authorization levels. Chapter 14: Resource Planning Backward scheduling – starts with due date for an order and works backward to determine the start date for each activity Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) – Information System designed to integrate internal and external members of the supply chain. Share customer sales data with the supply chain to help with global replenishment (aanvulling) ERP Modules Finance and accounting ? Investment, cost, asset, capital, and debt management ? Budgets, profitability analysis, and performance reports Sales and marketing ? Handles pricing, availability, orders, shipments, & billing Production and materials management ? Process planning, BOM, product costing, ECN’ s, MRP, allocates resources, schedules, PO’ s, & inventory Human resources ? Workforce planning, payroll & benefits, & org. charts Evolution of ERP First generation ERP ? Managed all internal business activities Second Generation ERP ? Systems focused on decision-making ? SCI capability allows collection of intelligence along the entire supply chain ? ASP suppliers set-up and run systems for others SCM (Supply Chain Management) systems complement (aanvullen) ERP systems SCI (Supply Chain Intelligence) is having capability of collecting business intelligence along the supply chain ? First generation ERP systems (MPR) managed manufacturing activities only. Second generation systems or SCM –software incorporated the supply chain. The current trend is integrating e-commerce and ERP. Benefits of ERP ? Tangible benefits from ERP include control of operations and a host of information to manage all financial aspects of a business. Material Planning Systems ? MRP (Material requirements planning) systems are designed to calculate material requirements from dependent demand items. MRP uses backward scheduling to determine activity start dates. ? The objective of MRP are to determine quantity and timing of material requirements to keep schedule priorities updated and valid. It’ s also helpful in maintaining priorities. ? MRP needs three inputs: the authorized MPS, the BOM file, and the inventory records file. BOM file – Bill Of Material; list subassemblies, component parts, and raw materials ? ? Once the MPS has been input, MRP checks inventory availability. If a need is determined, MRP checks the BOM file for material needed, then generates planned orders. MRP output includes actions notices to release planned orders, reschedule orders, or adjust due dates. Types of demand Independent demand -> demand for finished products x Needs to be forecasted Dependent demand -> demand derived from finished products Bill of material file MPS system MRP system Inventory records file Objectives of MRP ? Determines the quantity and timing of material requirements ? Determines what to order (checks BOM), how much to order (lot size rules), when to place the order (need date minus lead time), and when to schedule delivery (on date needed) ? Maintain priorities ? In a changing environment, MRP reorganizes priorities to keep plans current and viable Lot for lot (L4L) means a replenishment order quantity for the exact amount needed to satisfy the requirements for that period Part of the MRP-system is developing a time-phased schedule that shows future demand, supply, and inventories by time period Authorized MPS - From the authorized MPS, we calculate when we need to have replenishment orders of CD cabinets; when we need a new MPS order. Table 14-1 Initial MPS Record for CD Cabinet Item: CD Cabinet Lot size rule: FOQ=100 Lead time: 1 week Gross Requirements: Projected Available: MPS 80 1 25 55 2 25 30 3 25 5 4 25 -20 5 30 6 30 7 30 8 30 9 35 10 35 11 35 12 35 5 30 50 6 30 20 7 30 90 100 8 30 60 9 35 25 10 35 90 100 11 35 55 12 35 20 Table 14-2 Updated MPS Record for CD Cabinet Item: CD Cabinet Lot size rule: FOQ=100 Lead time: 1 week Gross Requirements: Projected Available: MPS 80 1 25 55 2 25 30 3 25 5 4 25 80 100 MRP-Inputs; Inventory records System checks the inventory record for each BOM item to see if inventory is available or if a replenishment order is needed to build the cabinets. The MRP-system checks the gross requirements for each period, compares that with the inventory available. MRP Explosion process Action Notices - Indicate items that need a production planner’ s attention - Are created when a planned order needs to be released, due dates need to be adjusted, or when there is insufficient lead time for normal replenishment - Often require planners to rush or expedite orders Action Bucket: - Is the current period where we take actions such as releasing, rescheduling, or cancelling orders - A positive quantity in current period’ s planned order row means that an order must be released Comparison of lot size rules ? Different lot sizing rules (FOQ, Period Q, L4L) generate different order quantities and order frequencies. Example Comparing Lot Size Rules: Three common lot sizing rules used within MRP Systems are fixed order quantity (FOQ), lot for lot (L4L), and period order quantity (POQ). Cost comparison is based on Inventory holding costs ($0.10 per period) and ordering cost ($25 per order). In this example POQ is best at $133.50. Table 14-10 Inventory Records Comparing Lot Size Rules Table 14-10a Inventory Record Using Fixed-Order Quantity Item: CD Cabinet Lot Size Rule: FOQ=144 Lead Time: 1 week Gross requirements Scheduled receipts Projected available Planned orders 0 1 0 2 25 3 25 4 40 5 40 6 0 7 60 8 60 9 60 10 0 11 60 12 60 13 60 Holding $ Order $ 0 144 119 94 54 14 14 144 98 38 122 122 62 2 144 86 82.50 100.00 Table 14-10b Inventory Record Using Lot-for-Lot Item: CD Cabinet Lot Size Rule: L4L Lead Time: 1 week Gross requirements Scheduled receipts Projected available Planned orders 0 1 0 2 25 3 25 4 40 5 40 6 0 7 60 8 60 9 60 10 0 11 60 12 60 13 60 Holding $ Order $ 0 25 0 25 0 40 0 40 0 0 60 0 60 0 60 0 0 60 0 60 0 60 0 0.00 250.00 Table 14-10c Inventory Record Using Period Order Quantity Item: CD Cabinet Lot Size Rule: POQ=4 periods Lead Time: 1 week Gross requirements Scheduled receipts Projected available Planned orders 0 1 0 2 25 3 25 4 40 5 40 6 0 7 60 8 60 9 60 10 0 11 60 12 60 13 60 Holding $ Order $ 0 130 105 80 40 0 0 180 120 60 0 0 180 120 60 0 58.50 75.00 Role of Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP) Rough Cut Capacity Example: The CRP module uses data from MRP. We calculate workloads for critical work centers based on open shop orders and planned shop orders. These shop orders are translated into hours of work by work center and by time period. Table 14-11 show items scheduled for work Center 101. A B C D E 1 Table 14-11 Workload for Work Center 101 Run Time 2 Setup per Unit in 3 Item Time Standard 4 Period Number Quantity (hours) Hours 5 6 4 DN100 250 3.0 0.20 7 DP100 250 5.0 0.18 8 DS119 150 2.5 0.30 9 DT136 400 3.5 0.27 10 5 EQ555 1000 8.0 0.08 11 ER616 500 4.0 0.22 12 ES871 100 2.0 0.35 13 6 FA314 250 3.0 0.30 14 FF369 100 1.5 0.12 15 FR766 50 0.5 0.15 16 FS119 200 3.0 0.35 17 FY486 500 6.0 0.27 F Total Item Time (hours) 53.0 50.0 47.5 111.5 88.0 114.0 37.0 78.0 13.5 8.0 73.0 141.0 G Weekly Workload (hours) 262.0 239.0 313.5 Available capacity = 4 machines x 2 shifts x 10 hours per shift x 5 days per week x 0.85 utilization x 0.95 efficiency Available capacity = 323.0 standard hours Workload Graph for Work Center 101: CRP enables a company to evaluate both the feasibility of the MRP system and how well the company is using its critical work centers. ? ? The CRP module uses planned orders and open shop orders to see if available capacity is sufficient to meet schedules. CRP calculates the workloads at critical work centers by using planned orders generated by MRP. These planned orders are multiplied by the standard times to calculate individual work center loads. Chapter 15 - Scheduling Scheduling definitions - Routing: ? The operations to be performed, their sequence, the work centers visited, & the time standards - Bottleneck: ? A resource whose capacity is less than the demand placed on it - Due date: ? When the job is supposed to be finished - Slack: ? The time that a job can be delayed & still finish by its due date - Queue: ? A waiting line High-volume operations High-volume operations, also called flow operations, can be repetitive operations. Smaller profit margins so efficiency is important! Flow operations use fixed routings. Material flows between workstations may be automated. The workstation or processing point that needs the greatest amount of time is the system’ s bottleneck. Low-volume operations Low=volume or job0shop operations are used for high-quality, customized products. Companies with low-volume operations use highly skilled employees, general-purpose equipment, and a process layout. They also use Gantt Charts. Load charts - Illustrates the workload relative to the capacity of a resource - Shows today’ s job schedule by employee Progress charts: - Illustrates the planned schedule compared to actual performance - Brackets show when activity is scheduled to be finished. Note that design and pilot run both finished late and feedback has not started yet. ? ? Scheduling techniques depend on volume. High volume is typically done through line design and balancing. Low volume uses priority rules along with visual techniques like Gantt charts. Shop loading can assume infinite or finite loading which is constrained by predetermined capacity. Loading can be done by using forward or backward scheduling. Als er wat bij backward scheduling misgaat, gaat het meteen goed mis! Scheduling work – work loading - Infinite (oneindig) loading: ? Ignores capacity constraints, but helps identify bottlenecks in a proposed schedule to enable proactive management - Finite loading: ? Allows only as much work to be assigned as can be done with available capacity – but doesn’ t prepare for inevitable slippage (versluiert problemen; ziekte of machine uitval is immers incidenteel) Other scheduling techniques - Forward Scheduling – starts processing immediately when a job is received - Backward Scheduling – begin scheduling the job’ s last activity so that the job is finished on due date Monitoring Work Flow Input/Output Control - A technique for monitoring the flow of jobs between workcenters. Monitors how well available capacity is used and provides insight into process problems Figure 15-6 Input/output report for work center 101 Input Information (in hours) 4 5 Planned Input 800 750 Actual Input 750 780 Deviation -50 30 Cumulative deviation 0 -50 -20 Output information (in hours) Planned output Actual output Deviation Cumulative deviation Backlog (in hours) Period 6 800 780 -20 -40 7 820 810 -10 -50 8 800 810 10 -40 0 4 800 800 0 0 5 800 750 -50 -50 Period 6 800 780 -20 -70 7 800 850 50 -20 8 800 825 25 5 100 50 80 80 40 25 (The size of the backlog changes when actual input does not equal actual output) Job sequencing Which of several jobs should be scheduled first? Using priority rules is straightforward. Just follow these steps. 1 – Decide which priority rule to use 2 – List all jobs waiting to be processed at workcenter and their job 3 – Using your priority rule, determine which job has highest priority and should be worked on first Local priority rules: determines priority based only on jobs at that workstation Global priority rules: also considers the remaining workstations a job must pass through Used priority rules: - First come, first served (FCFS) - Last come, first served (LCFS) - Earliest due date (EDD) - Shortest processing time (SPT) - Longest processing time (LPT) - Critical ratio (CR): ? (Time until due date)/(processing time) - Slack per remaining Operations (S/RO) ? Slack /(number of remaining operations) Beste resultaat in geval van producten -> korte bewerkingstijd eerst! ? Scheduling decisions use common priority rules like SPT, EDD, FCFS, and S/RO. Priority rules need to support organizational objectives. Measuring Performance - Job flow time: ? Time a job is completed minus the time the job was first available for processing; avg. flow time measures responsiveness ? Adding job flow times together / divide by number of jobs - Average # jobs in system: ? Measures amount of work-in-progress; avg. # measures responsiveness ? Adding job flow times together / makespan - Makespan: ? The time it takes to finish a batch of jobs; measure of efficiency - Job lateness (measure of customer service): - ? Whether the job is completed ahead of, on, or behind schedule; Job tardiness: ? How long after the due date a job was completed, measures due date performance Calculations Job A finishes on day 10 - - Job B finishes on day 13 Job C finishes on day 17 Job D ends on day 20 Calculation mean flow time: ? MFT= (sum job flow times)/ # of jobs = (10+13+17+20)/4 = 60/4 = 15 days Calculating average number of jobs in the system: ? Average # Jobs =( sum job flow times)/ # days to complete batch = (60)/20 = 3 job Makespan is the length of time to complete a batch ? Makespan = Completion time for Job D minus start time for Job A = 20 – 0 = 20 days Lateness and Tardiness are both measures related to customer service Average tardiness is a more relevant Customer Service measurement as illustrated below Example 15-5 Calculating job lateness and job tardiness Job A B C D Completion Date 10 13 17 20 Due Date 15 15 10 20 Average Lateness -5 -2 7 0 0 Tardiness 0 0 7 0 1.75 Positive job lateness values are typically described as job tardiness. ? Performance measures like mean flow time, job lateness, job tardiness, makespan, and the average number of jobs in the system measure the effectiveness of schedules. Comparing priority rules - SPT vs. S/RO Performance Measures using SPT Job A B C D E F Total Job Time at Work Center 301 (days) 3 7 6 4 2 5 27 Due date (days from now) 15 20 30 20 22 20 Avg. Job Flow Total Job Flow Time Makespan Avg. # Jobs E done at A end of end of day 2 day 5 SPT Completion Date 5 27 20 9 2 14 12.83 77 27 2.85 Lateness (days) -10 7 -10 -11 -20 -6 -8.3 Tardiness (days) 0 7 0 0 0 0 1.2 Scheduling Sequence 2 6 5 3 1 4 D at end F at end of C at end of B done at end of day 9 day 14 day 20 of day 27 Performance Measures Using S/RO Job Time Remaining at Work Remaining Number Center Job Time at Slack of Operations 301 Other Work Due date Time After Work Job (days) Center (days) (days from now) (days) Center 301 A 3 6 15 6 2 B 7 8 20 5 4 C 6 5 30 19 3 D 4 3 20 13 2 E 2 7 22 13 3 F 5 5 20 10 3 Total 27 S/RO 2 1 4.75 4.33 3.25 2.5 Scheduling Sequence 2 1 6 5 4 3 Avg. Job Flow Total Job Flow Time Makespan Avg. # Jobs Completion Lateness Tardiness Date (days) (days) 10 -5 0 7 -13 0 27 -3 0 21 1 1 17 -5 0 15 -5 0 16.17 -5.0 0.167 97 27 3.59 B done at A at end F at end of E at end of D at end of C done at end end of day 7 of day 10 day 15 day 17 day 21 of day 27 The SPT rule always minimizes mean job lateness. Priority rules based on due date are better at reducing maximum tardiness. SPT priority rule always minimizes mean job flow time. Since SPT sets priority on getting several jobs done as quickly as possible, we can expect less work in process or fewer average jobs in the system. Sequencing jobs though 2 workcenters Johnson’ s Rule – a technique for minimizing makespan in a two-stage, unidirectional process - Step 1 – List the jobs and the processing time for each activity - Step 2 – Find the shortest activity processing time among the jobs ? If the shortest Processing time is for a 1st activity, schedule that job first ? If the shortest processing time is for 2nd activity, schedule that job last - Step 2 – Find the shortest activity processing time among the remaining jobs and schedule as in step 2 above ? Johnson’ s Rule is a effective technique for minimizing makespan when successive workstations are needed to complete the process. Johnson’ s Rule Example: Vicki’ s Office Cleaners does the annual major cleaning of university buildings. The job requires mopping (1st activity) and waxing (2nd activity) of each building. Vicki wants to minimize the time it takes her crews to finish cleaning (minimize makespan) the five buildings. She needs to finish in 20 days. Activity 1 Activity 2 Mopping (days) Waxing (days) Hall Adams Hall 1 2 Bryce Building 3 5 Chemistry Building 2 4 Drake Union 5 4 Evans Center 4 2 Johnson's Activity 1 Activity 2 Sequence Mopping (days) Waxing (days) Adams Hall (A) 1 2 Chemistry Building (C) 2 4 Bryce Building (B) 3 5 Drake Union (D) 5 4 Evans Center (E) 4 2 Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Mopping A C C B B B D D D D D E E E E Waxing A A C C C C B B B B B D D D D E E Scheduling bottlenecks - OPT focused on bottlenecks for scheduling & capacity planning - Definitions: ? Throughput: quantity of finished goods that can be sold ? Process batch: quantity produced at a resource before switching to another product ? Transfer batch: quantity routed at one time from one resource to the next OPT principles Balance the process rather than the flow OPT classifies resources as either bottlenecks or nonbottlenecks Theory of Constraints ? ? ? OPT principles can be used to schedule bottlenecks. TOC expands OPT into a continuous improvement philosophy. Service organizations use different techniques such as appointments, reservations, and posted schedules for use of service capacity. Techniques exist for workforce scheduling when a company uses full time employees, operates 7 days each week, and gives its employees 2 consecutive days off. H2……………………………..16, 17 Strategisch………………..tactisch. JIT, TQM & SCM zijn recente ontwikkelingen. Andere onderwerpen zijn traditioneel EOQ = alles constant en van buiten af EPQ = zelf halffabrikaten fabriceren LT = lead-time Lot4Lot = bijmaken tot zover nodig Onafhankelijke vraag -> voorraadbeheer Afhankelijke vraag -> planning