AP PSYCHOLOGY MIDTERM REVIEW 2010-­‐2011 MR. EMERIO DIAZ, JR. Instructions: Complete the following list of terms/concepts as a preparation for your Midterm Exam. Turn it in on the day of the midterm. The more you do the higher the likelihood you will score higher grades. Knowledge of the case studies presented in the chapters is required. GOOD LUCK! The 4 goals of Psychology The different approaches to Psychology (modern and historical) The different areas of Psychology Careers in Psychology Research Methods (Surveys, Case Studies, etc) Scientific Methods Correlations (ALL) Alzheimer’s Disease Roger Sperry Neurons-­‐ Structure, functions, parts, neurotransmitters GABA The nervous system o CNS, PNS, ANS (Sympathetic and Parasympathetic) o Functions Mescaline-­‐ effects on body Evolutionary Psych Brain scans o Types and functions Cognitive neuroscience Brain Structure and function o Forebrain, Midbrain Hindbrain o Lobes and their functions/disorders The endocrine system Rotating figure problems Samuel George Morton Sensation (define all terms related to) o Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, Tasting, Touching o Functions o Key terms o Problems Inaudible ringtones and older adults (Mod 5) Pain (how it is produced, gate control theory, endorphins) Electronic ear implants Perception (def) Gustav Fechner (theory, def, etc) Gestalt principles of organization Monocular v. binocular depth cues Ames room Illusions Extrasensory Perception (ESP) Phi movement Muller-­‐Lyer Illusions The continuum of consciousness The sleep wake cycle Circadian rhythm, biological clocks, etc How we measure brain waves NREM v. REM Sleep Brain waves associated w/each stage of sleep Sleep Disorders REM rebound Hypothalamus and Circadian Rhythms Theories of Dreams and their meaning Characteristics of Dreams Hypnosis-­‐ def, types, uses, etc Psychoactive drug-­‐ def Drug use cycle Drug use and 12 year olds Drugs o Classification o Effect on the nervous system o Types Minnesota treatment model of drug use Drug treatment program o Types and goals Learning-­‐ def Types of Learning o Theorists o Ideas (concepts associated w/each) o Experiments o Application o Pros/Cons Pica Insight Imprinting