Schedule 48 Princess Road East, Leicester LE1 7DR Tel: 0116 254 9568 Fax: 0116 247 0787 E-mail: Presidential Team ________________________________________________________________________________ This Schedule should be read in conjunction with the Generic Role Description for the Society’s Honorary Officers The President The President is the most senior of the Honorary Officers and the visible figurehead of the Society. The Presidential role has four main functions: representation of the Society, leadership of the Society, leadership of the Board of Trustees, and the responsibility for making executive decisions when necessary. The post is held for one year following the Society’s AGM. The Presidential year is the middle year of the three successive years in the Presidential Team. The President is supported by the other Honorary Officers and will consult regularly with them to ensure proper continuity and effective delivery of policy. Each President spends a year as President Elect during which time s/he shadows many of the actions of the President and participates in the development of policy to enable a smooth transition to the responsibilities they will assume in the following year. Following the presidential year, a further year is spent in the role of Vice President. Election to the Presidency therefore entails a commitment of three successive years. Role descriptions for each member of the presidential team follow. Role Description for President Elect A. Primary Role To become fully prepared to assume the full responsibility of the Presidency in the following Society year B. Specific Roles Deputising for the President if required C. Commitment of Time The commitment required during the year as President Elect is comprised of the following: 1. Committee Meetings: The Annual General Meeting, 1 meetings of the General Assembly (and any additional special meetings of the Representative Council when required), 5 meetings of the Board of Trustees, and 1Trustees and Senior Management Team Away Day). Estimated total = 8-10 days. (continued) 2. Conference attendance is not obligatory but the Presidential Team is expected to preside over a number of meetings including social events and receptions which are scheduled to occur during the Annual Conference. Estimated total = 4/6 days. 3. Preparation and correspondence – Estimated total = up to 20 days TOTAL: up to 36 days Role Description for President A. Primary Roles 1. To be the elected figurehead of the Society, representing us to the outside world both nationally and internationally, officiating at ceremonial functions and presenting awards to members so honoured 2. To lead the development and delivery of the Society’s Strategic Plan within the framework provided by the Charter, Statutes and Rules 3. To chair the Board of Trustees 4. To serve on The Representative Council 5. To be offer leadership to the membership B. Specific Roles 1. To determine the agenda and approve the minutes of the Board of Trustees in consultation with other senior officers and the Chief Executive 2. To chair the Society’s Annual General Meeting, such other General Meetings as are required, and Open Meeting, and approve the minutes of these 3. To preside over Society Awards ceremonies as required 4. To deliver an address at the Society’s Conference 5. To communicate with the membership via events and different media, including member networks events and a column in The Psychologist C. Commitment of Time The commitment required during the Presidential year is comprised of the following: 1. Committee meetings: The Annual General Meeting, 1 meetings of The General Assembly (and any special meetings of the Representative Council if required, 5 meetings of the Board of Trustees, and 1 Trustees and Senior Management Team Away Day. Estimated total = 8-10 days. 2. The President is expected to preside over a number of meetings including social events and receptions which are scheduled to occur during the Annual Conference. Estimated total = 4-6 days. 3. Meetings of Committees and Groups reporting to the Board of Trustees. Estimated total = 14 days. 4. Attendance by invitation at meetings of Member Networks. Estimated total = 10 days. 5. Preparation and correspondence – Estimated total = up to 50 days. TOTAL: up to 100 days D. Recompense The Society’s Charter, article 13, allows the President to be compensated for any sum or sums Presidential team Page 3 (continued) deducted by their employers for the time spent on Society business. In line with charity legislation, it is not expected that the compensation will necessarily reflect the full costs. The compensation and its level are subject to Charity Commission guidelines, current Society policy and the approval of the Board of Trustees (see separate document). Role Description for Vice President A. Primary Role 1. To assist the serving President in the discharge of their duties. B. Specific Roles 1. To lead on, or contribute to, selected developmental projects as agreed by the Board of Trustees. 2. To deputise for the President when required. C. Commitment of Time The commitment required during the Vice Presidential year is comprised of: 1. Committee meetings: The Annual General Meeting, 1 meeting of the General Assembly (and special meetings of the Representative Council when required), 5 meetings of the Board of Trustees, and 1 Trustees and Senior Management Team Away Day). Estimated total = 8-10 days. 2. Conference attendance is not obligatory but the Presidential team is expected to assist the President as required in presiding over a number of meetings including social events and receptions which are scheduled to occur during the Annual Conference. Estimated total = 4-6 days. 3. Involvement in meetings and other work supporting approved projects. Estimated total = up to12 days. 4. Preparation and correspondence - Estimated total = up to 15 days TOTAL: up to 53 days Approved July 2010 Presidential team Page 3