August 2015

Summit at Venice
200 Nassau St North
Venice, FL 34285
August 2015
Karen Hallenbeck……Executive Director
Jeff Antmann…….…..Director of Nursing
John Ireland…………Dietary Director
Chetta Cometa………Sales & Marketing Director
Leo Sleasman………..Maintenance Director
Elsa Jones…………….Activities Director
Heather Whitby….….Business Office Manager
Mark your calendars! On Monday, August 3rd at 3pm in the
lobby, we will be having Ice
Cream Sandwiches to celebrate
International Ice Cream Sandwich Day.
Here are our Independence Day
BBQ pictures.
Summit at Venice Newsletter
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Many of us are fascinated by outer space and its many mysteries. Our own solar system went through a change in
classification on 2006, when Pluto was demoted from a planet to a dwarf planet. Pluto Demoted Day now takes
place every year to mark that very occasion. While sad for fans of the former ninth planet of the solar system,
Pluto Demoted Day is an important day for our scientific history and is important to remember.
Pluto Demoted Day is a great opportunity for study into space and our solar system in general, as well as the history of Pluto itself. Children will be interested to learn about the composition and nature of planets, and Pluto is a
fascinating subject for science projects. Marking the day itself is a good way to remember Pluto’s former status
as a planet, from its discovery in 1930 to its demotion in 2006.
NASA's New Horizons spacecraft, which has been delighting audiences with the first-ever pictures of Pluto
snapped a new close-up image showing a "vast, craterless plain that appears to be no more than 100 million years
old," NASA said Friday. The frozen region "is possibly still being shaped by geologic processes," according to the
space agency. Long thought to be old and pockmarked, Pluto's surface appears to be covered with icy plains, wide
smooth areas, and lumpy terrain, judging by the the first images released. Pluto even boasts huge summits dubbed
"Norgay Montes" in honor of Tenzing Norgay, one of the first two people to reach the summit of Mount Everest.
"They would stand up respectably against the Rocky Mountains," said John Spencer, a planetary scientist on the
New Horizons mission.
"Who would have supposed that there were ice mountains?" said Hal Weaver, another new Horizons project scientist. "It's just blowing my mind."
Summit at Venice Newsletter
National Dog Day (Also known as: World Dog Day, International Dog Day & National Dog Appreciation Day)
is celebrated August 26th annually and serves to help
galvanize the public to recognize the number of dogs
that need to be rescued each year, and acknowledges
family dogs and dogs that work selflessly each day to
save lives, keep us safe and bring comfort.
Dogs put their lives on the line every day - for their
law enforcement partner, for their blind companion,
for a child who is disabled, for our freedom and safety
by detecting bombs and drugs and pulling victims of
tragedy from wreckage. This day encourages dog ownership of all breeds, mixed and pure, and embraces the
opportunity for all dogs to live a happy, safe and
“abuse-free life”. Dogs give us companionship, they
keep us safe and they aid those in need. It is a goal,
for many on National Dog Day, to find homes for all
dogs in need of a loving family. The goal of the National Dog Day foundation is to rescue 10,000 dogs each
year .
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Elizabeth “Betty Boop” Aldrich was born in
New York and currently has one sister that
is 97 years-old. She has 5 children: 4 sons
and 1 daughter.
Elizabeth completed one year of college and
one year of business school before she got
married. She originally wanted to be a librarian but there was a lot of schooling involved. She worked for Sears until she retired.
Elizabeth loves Jitterbug music. She taught
the girls in her class how to dance using her
brother as a partner. Elizabeth loves music
that makes her move.
Thank you Elizabeth for being our resident!
1. Positive votes
5. Whirl
9. Protective gear
14. Bus money
15. She, in Valencia
16. Take off
17. Lily species
18. Actor ____ Connery
19. Becomes weary
20. Limited
23. Three squared
24. Rapidity
25. Most peculiar
27. Although
30. Richard ____ of
31. Payable now
32. Lawful
35. Positive replies
39. Ancient
41. Brief review
43. Demolish
44. Deserve
46. Radio and newspapers, e.g.
48. Pro-gun org.
49. Lays turf
51. Trial
53. Skin art
56. Fox trot, e.g.
58. Cruising
59. Communicate by letter
64. Wash cycle
66. Thin coin
67. Nautical call
68. Macaroni, e.g.
69. Completed
70. Religious ceremony
71. Express scorn
72. Lipstick shades
73. Little piggies
1. Not nearby
2. Connecticut university
3. Greek Cupid
4. Boil
5. Opposer
6. Vote into office
7. Make happy
8. Rural road
9. Key near Ctrl
10. Rudolph, e.g.
11. ____ Antoinette
12. Baking chambers
13. Put back to zero
21. Racetrack fence
22. Fawn's
26. Needing water
27. Eve's mate
28. Racing sled
29. "Cheers" order
30. Delighted
33. Valuable stones
34. Air hero
36. Rational
37. Poet ____ Pound
38. Close securely
40. Aversion
42. Trailblazers
45. Likewise
47. Circle sections
50. Medic
52. Go away
53. Canvas covers
54. Japanese, e.g.
55. Anxious
56. Operate a car
57. Carrying weapons
60. Fragrance
61. Dayton's state
62. Musical symbol
63. Stains
65. Jug handle