big 6 - gabbysmultimediatoolbox

Gabby Michel
1. Task definition
1.1- Research my constellation
1.2- Scientific information
Info about mythological character
Why the constellation was named after the character
Popular culture about topic
2. Information Seeking Strategies
2.1- Internet, books, library
2.2- Research information on Google
Write paper
Create poster
3. Location and Access
3.1- Google
Works Cited
Cain, Fraiser. "Distance to Pluto." Universe Today — Space and Astronomy News. 26 Apr. 2008. Web. 30 Oct.
2011. <>.
"General Description." Web. 28 Sept. 2011.
Hamilton, Rosana, and Calvin Hamilton. "Dwarf Planet Pluto." 2007. Web. 28 Sept. 2011.
Mendis, Mitchell. "Pluto." 18 Apr. 1999. Web. 28 Sept. 2011.
"Mythology Guide." Mythology Guide - A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Myths. 13 Oct. 2011. Web. 22 Oct.
2011. <>.
"Myths about the Roman God Pluto." Roman Colosseum. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. <>.
The Nature Company Discoveries Library. Stars and Planets. Coop: Sheena, 1996. 32+. Print.
"Physical Characteristics of Pluto." Web. 28 Sept. 2011.
"Pluto L Pluto Facts, Pictures and Information." The Nine Planets Solar System Tour. 1994. Web. 22 Oct. 2011.
3.2- What are the physical appearances of Pluto?
How far is it from Earth?
What are some interesting facts about Pluto?
Who is the mythological character?
Why are they important?
Who is their family?
What are they known for?
Why was the planet named after Pluto?
4. Use of information
4.1- Researched for a couple weeks
4.2- Wrote down names of cites and went back to them for information later.
5. Synthesis
5.1- Wrote my research paper
5.2- A merciless, unforgiving god of shadows and death. A cold, dark, planet, one of the farthest away from our sun.
These are things people associate with Pluto. He was the Roman god of the underworld, and is now a dwarf
planet. Pluto is many things, both the coldest and second largest dwarf planet in our solar system, and a famous
mythological figure.
For many years Pluto was considered the ninth planet in our solar system, until 2006. Scientists now classify
Pluto as a dwarf planet (Hamilton) (Pluto). Pluto is around 28 astronomical units from the Earth when both are
lined up with the sun. When on opposite sides of the sun, Pluto can be up to 50 astronomical units from Earth
(Cain). It also has a strange orbit compared to other planets. Pluto orbits Neptune, “When Neptune approaches
Pluto from behind, their gravities start to pull on each other a little, consequential in a reaction between their
positions in orbit of the same sort that produces Trojan points (Physical Characteristics of Pluto).” It takes Pluto
249 years to orbit the sun, and when seen in a large telescope it appears to be a light brown or yellowish color.
Even with large telescopes it is so small that it appears star-like (Physical Characteristics of Pluto) (The Nature
Company Discoveries Library). With all this said there is still much to learn about Pluto’s mythology.
Pluto is commonly known as the Roman god of the underworld. He is the brother of Jupiter and Neptune,
and the son of the king of the Titans, Saturn (Mendis). He was often thought of as a cruel god, for once someone
entered the realm of the dead they did not have any hope of leaving. As the judge of all souls to pass into the
underworld, he was fair but showed no mercy to those judged harshly (Myths about the Roman God Pluto).
Pluto was also well known as the god of riches. It was said that his domain was beneath the earth, and that the
precious stones and metals deep in the ground all belonged to him (Mendis). Also he is known for wearing a
helmet capable of making anyone invisible, which was used by other gods and heroes in many myths (Myths
about the Roman God Pluto).
They named the planet Pluto after the Roman god because it was the farthest planet away from the sun and
therefore the coldest, like the god’s personality (General Description). His cold personality shows in the story of
him and Proserpine, his wife. No goddess would agree to marry Pluto willingly, so he drove his chariot to Sicily
and kidnapped the beautiful Proserpine, daughter of Ceres. Ceres searched the land for her daughter, and when
she discovered what had happened she rode into the sky and begged that Jupiter would return her. Jupiter
agreed, under the one condition that Proserpine had eaten nothing from the underworld. Unfortunately, she
had eaten a few seeds from a pomegranate offered to her by Pluto. It was then agreed that Proserpine would
spend half of the year in the underworld, with her husband, and half of the year above the ground, with her
mother. This myth was used to explain the coming and going of the seasons (Pluto and Proserpine).
There are many myths about Pluto. A dwarf planet and a god. Pluto is often mistaken as an evil god, but
really he was sort of an outcast. When people hear Pluto, or his Greek name Hades, they think of an evil,
wicked, god, but did doing his job really make him wicked? Even if his job often did call for him to be
compassionless. Now even the planet named after him has been downgraded to a dwarf planet, outcast by
6. Evaluation
6.1- The product was very effective, and I got a good grade on my project. There were some small errors I
overlooked but for the most part I did good.
6.2- I would say that the method I used was efficient, except for the way that I organized my works cited and my
research. I had a hard time figuring out which website I got my information on and after I found websites with
information I had a hard time remembering where I found information on certain subjects.