Planet Heroes Solar System Unit Study

Planet Heroes
Solar System
Unit Study
By Tara Bertic
marleen machiels (order #274356)
Planets Unit Study
Objective: To teach preschoolers & kindergartners the names of
the nine planets, their order from the sun, what letters they
start with, and their colors, as well as one characteristic of each
Dilute white paint in a small spray bottle with water. Let the child
randomly spray over a 10ft. long, 2 ft. wide piece of black bulletin
board paper to create the appearance of “space dust particles”.
After it is dry, let the child color the sun and cut it out and paste
it to the left of the paper. The child can also stick some silver
star stickers randomly on the paper. Hang this somewhere visible
in the house so the child can begin to create their solar system on
Pieces of Our Solar System Wall
marleen machiels (order #274356)
Make a planet mobile.
a. Cut a large circle from foam board. Use the mobile pattern to
punch holes in the top of the foam board to represent where
each planet is in correlation to the sun. Remember to punch a
hole out for the sun as well.
b. Use wire cutters to cut the bottom of a wire coat hanger in
half. Take each half and then insert them into either side of
the foam board so that the foam board is suspended from the
bottom of the hanger. Find a place to hang your mobile so that
it can be seen everyday as more planets are added.
c. Cut out circles from construction paper to match the colors of
each of the planets. Use a black permanent marker to write the
planets’ names on the back of each circle. Punch a hole in the
top of each circle and then put the planets aside to add one at a
time to the mobile.
d. Attach a sun sticker to the yellow construction paper circle and
attach that to the planet mobile where the sun should go.
Our Finished Mobile
NOTE: I just used sewing thread to attach the planets to the mobile.
You could use fishing line if you wanted to. Just use tape to attach the
line, as it is hard to tie.
marleen machiels (order #274356)
Take a letter-size file folder and open it up. Now fold in each side
to the center fold and crease. This will be the planets lap book.
a. Have the child color the planets cover sheet for their planets
lap book and then glue it to the front of the book, cutting it
down the center to fit and so that the flaps on the lap book will
still open.
Using construction paper the color of each planet, make circleshaped planet books that open from bottom to top (with the fold
at the top).
Front of Our Lap Book
marleen machiels (order #274356)
Inside of Our Lap Book with
Individual Planet Books
Make a Great Big Book of Planets book for the child.
a. Take a spiral notebook and write “______________’s Great
Big Book of Planets” on the cover.
b. On the first page inside, write “Mercury” in gray marker
because Mercury is gray. Underneath the word and in pen,
write very small, “paste “Zip” here”. He is the Planet Hero
associated with Mercury.
c. Turn the page. On the left side of the spread and at the top,
write the word “Mercury” in pen and using dashed lines so that
the child can trace the word.
d. Under that and in pen, write very small “stick Mercury sticker
e. Under that, write, “Mercury is” and then draw a square. The
child will color this square gray when he completes this page for
f. On the right side of the spread and at the top, write, “Mercury
is number one 1 from the sun”. Make the word and number out
of dashed lines so that the child can trace them.
g. Under that, write, “Mercury is the closest planet to the sun”.
Underneath and in pen write very small “paste sun here”.
h. You will then turn the page and repeat this same process for
each of the remaining eight planets, using their colors,
characteristics, and positions from the sun.
Front Cover
Inside Cover and Planet Page 1
Planet Pages 2 & 3
Planet 1:
marleen machiels (order #274356)
Have the child color Mercury, cut it out and paste it next to the
sun on the bulletin board paper. Have the child color the letter
“M” for Mercury and Planet Hero “Zip”. Cut them out and put them
by Mercury on the paper. Also let them cut out and glue the
number one to the paper because Mercury is the first planet next
to the sun.
Have the child paste his Mercury sticker to the gray construction
paper circle. Attach a string to the planet and then attach it to
the planet mobile.
Cut out and let the child glue the Mercury picture to the center of
the gray circle book for the planets lap book. Inside the book,
have them glue the picture of the sun (because Mercury is the
closest to the sun) and also the picture of “Zip”. Then they can
glue the whole planet book into their planets lap book. Write the
number 1 on the top outside cover of their planet book, above the
Planet Hero.
In their solar system book:
a. Have the child put their Mercury sticker on the page.
b. Have them trace the word Mercury.
c. Let them scribble with a gray crayon to show the planet’s color.
d. Have them trace the number and word 1 to show the planet’s
order in distance to the sun.
e. Have them glue the picture of the sun to the page to show that
Mercury is the closest to the sun.
f. Have them glue “Zip” on the page.
Have the child copy you as you recite the planets names in order
from the sun. Put it to a memorable tune if that helps.
Planet 2:
marleen machiels (order #274356)
Have the child color Venus and cut it out and paste it next to
Mercury on the bulletin board paper. Have the child color the
letter “V” for Venus and Planet Hero “Dazzle”. Cut them out and
put them by Venus on the paper. Also let them cut out and glue
the number two to the paper because Venus is the second planet
next to the sun.
Have the child paste his Venus sticker to the yellow construction
paper circle. Attach a string to the planet and then attach it to
the planet mobile.
Cut out and let the child glue the Venus picture to the center of
the yellow circle book for the planets lap book. Inside the book,
have them glue the picture of the sunglasses (because Venus is the
brightest planet) and also the picture of “Dazzle”. Then they can
glue the whole planet book into their planets lap book. Write the
number 2 on the top outside cover of their planet book, above the
Planet Hero.
In their solar system book:
a. Have the child put their Venus sticker on the page.
b. Have them trace the word Venus.
c. Let them scribble with a yellow crayon to show the planet’s
d. Have them trace the number and word 2 to show the planet’s
order in distance to the sun.
e. Have them glue the picture of the sunglasses to the page to
show that Venus is the brightest planet.
f. Have them glue “Dazzle” on the page.
Have the child copy you as you recite the planets names in order
from the sun. Put it to a memorable tune if that helps.
Planet 3:
marleen machiels (order #274356)
Have the child color Earth and cut it out and paste it next to Venus
on the bulletin board paper. Have the child color the letter “E” for
Earth and Planet Hero “Ace”. Cut them out and put them by Earth
on the paper. Also let them cut out and glue the number three to
the paper because Earth is the third planet next to the sun.
Have the child paste his Earth sticker to the blue construction
paper circle. Attach a string to the planet and then attach it to
the planet mobile.
Cut out and let the child glue the Earth picture to the center of
the blue circle book for the planets lap book. Inside the book,
have them glue the picture of him or her self (because Earth is
where they live) and also the picture of “Ace”. Then they can glue
the whole planet book into their planets lap book. Write the
number 3 on the top outside cover of their planet book, above the
Planet Hero.
In their solar system book:
a. Have the child put their Earth sticker on the page.
b. Have them trace the word Earth.
c. Let them scribble with a blue crayon to show the planet’s color.
d. Have them trace the number and word 3 to show the planet’s
order in distance to the sun.
e. Have them glue the picture of him or her self to the page to
show that Earth is where he or she lives.
f. Have them glue “Ace” on the page.
Have the child copy you as you recite the planets names in order
from the sun. Put it to a memorable tune if that helps.
Planet 4:
marleen machiels (order #274356)
Have the child color Mars and cut it out and paste it next to Earth
on the bulletin board paper. Have the child color the letter “M”
for Mars and Planet Hero “Digger”. Cut them out and put them by
Mars on the paper. Also let them cut out and glue the number four
to the paper because Mars is the fourth planet next to the sun.
Have the child paste his Mars sticker to the red construction
paper circle. Attach a string to the planet and then attach it to
the planet mobile.
Cut out and let the child glue the Mars picture to the center of
the red circle book for the planets lap book. Inside the book, have
them glue the picture of the volcano (because the largest volcano
is on Mars) and also the picture of “Digger”. Then they can glue
the whole planet book into their planets lap book. Write the
number 4 on the top outside cover of their planet book, above the
Planet Hero.
In their solar system book:
a. Have the child put their Mars sticker on the page.
b. Have them trace the word Mars.
c. Let them scribble with a red crayon to show the planet’s color.
d. Have them trace the number and word 4 to show the planet’s
order in distance to the sun.
e. Have them glue the picture of the volcano to the page to show
that Mars has the largest volcano on it.
f. Have them glue “Digger” on the page.
Give the child some “Mars Mud” to play with.
Make a volcano:
a. Build Play Doh up around a small water bottle.
b. Fill the bottle most of the way with WARM water and a bit of
red food coloring.
c. Add 6 drops of liquid dish soap to the bottle next.
d. Add 2 tbsp. Of baking soda to the liquid.
e. Slowly pour vinegar into the bottle and watch it explode!
Have the child copy you as you recite the planets names in order
from the sun. Put it to a memorable tune if that helps.
Planet 5:
Have the child color Jupiter and cut it out and paste it next to
Mars on the bulletin board paper. Have the child color the letter
“J” for Jupiter and Planet Hero “Gustus”. Cut them out and put
them by Jupiter on the paper. Also let them cut out and glue the
number five to the paper because Jupiter is the fifth planet next
to the sun.
Have the child paste his Jupiter sticker to the orange construction
paper circle. Attach a string to the planet and then attach it to
the planet mobile.
Cut out and let the child glue the Jupiter picture to the center of
the orange circle book for the planets lap book. Inside the book,
have them glue the picture of the elephant (because Jupiter is the
largest planet) and also the picture of “Gustus”. Then they can
glue the whole planet book into their planets lap book. Write the
number 5 on the top outside cover of their planet book, above the
Planet Hero.
In their solar system book:
a. Have the child put their Jupiter sticker on the page.
b. Have them trace the word Jupiter.
c. Let them scribble with an orange crayon to show the planet’s
d. Have them trace the number and word 5 to show the planet’s
order in distance to the sun.
e. Have them glue the picture of the elephant to the page to show
that Jupiter is the largest planet.
f. Have them glue “Gustus” on the page.
Have the child copy you as you recite the planets names in order
from the sun. Put it to a memorable tune if that helps.
Planet 6:
marleen machiels (order #274356)
Have the child color Saturn and cut it out and paste it next to
Jupiter on the bulletin board paper. Have the child color the
letter “S” for Saturn and Planet Hero “Rings”. Cut them out and
put them by Saturn on the paper. Also let them cut out and glue
the number six to the paper because Saturn is the sixth planet
next to the sun.
Have the child paste his Saturn sticker to the yellow construction
paper circle. Attach a string to the planet and then attach it to
the planet mobile.
Cut out and let the child glue the Saturn picture to the center of
the yellow circle book for the planets lap book. Inside the book,
have them glue the picture of the balloons (because Saturn is the
lightest planet) and also the picture of “Rings”. Then they can glue
the whole planet book into their planets lap book. Write the
number 6 on the top outside cover of their planet book, above the
Planet Hero.
In their solar system book:
a. Have the child put their Saturn sticker on the page.
b. Have them trace the word Saturn.
c. Let them scribble with a yellow crayon to show the planet’s
d. Have them trace the number and word 6 to show the planet’s
order in distance to the sun.
e. Have them glue the picture of the balloons to the page to show
that Saturn is the lightest planet.
f. Have them glue “Rings” on the page.
Have the child copy you as you recite the planets names in order
from the sun. Put it to a memorable tune if that helps.
Planet 7:
marleen machiels (order #274356)
Have the child color Uranus and cut it out and paste it next to
Jupiter on the bulletin board paper. Have the child color the
letter “U” for Uranus and Planet Hero “Yuri”. Cut them out and put
them by Uranus on the paper. Also let them cut out and glue the
number seven to the paper because Uranus is the seventh planet
next to the sun.
Have the child paste his Uranus sticker to the blue construction
paper circle. Attach a string to the planet and then attach it to
the planet mobile.
Cut out and let the child glue the Uranus picture to the center of
the blue circle book for the planets lap book. Inside the book,
have them glue the picture of the person sleeping on their side
(because Uranus rotates on its side) and also the picture of “Yuri”.
Then they can glue the whole planet book into their planets lap
book. Write the number 7 on the top outside cover of their planet
book, above the Planet Hero.
In their solar system book:
a. Have the child put their Uranus sticker on the page.
b. Have them trace the word Uranus.
c. Let them scribble with a blue crayon to show the planet’s color.
d. Have them trace the number and word 7 to show the planet’s
order in distance to the sun.
e. Have them glue the picture of the person sleeping on their side
to the page to show that Uranus rotates on its side.
f. Have them glue “Yuri” on the page.
Have the child copy you as you recite the planets names in order
from the sun. Put it to a memorable tune if that helps.
Planet 8:
marleen machiels (order #274356)
Have the child color Neptune and cut it out and paste it next to
Uranus on the bulletin board paper. Have the child color the letter
“N” for Neptune and Planet Hero “Tune”. Cut them out and put
them by Neptune on the paper. Also let them cut out and glue the
number eight to the paper because Neptune is the eighth planet
next to the sun.
Have the child paste his Neptune sticker to the blue construction
paper circle. Attach a string to the planet and then attach it to
the planet mobile.
Cut out and let the child glue the Neptune picture to the center of
the blue circle book for the planets lap book. Inside the book,
have them glue the picture of the turtle (because Neptune is the
slowest planet) and also the picture of “Tune”. Then they can glue
the whole planet book into their planets lap book. Write the
number 8 on the top outside cover of their planet book, above the
Planet Hero.
In their solar system book:
a. Have the child put their Neptune sticker on the page.
b. Have them trace the word Neptune.
c. Let them scribble with a blue crayon to show the planet’s color.
d. Have them trace the number and word 8 to show the planet’s
order in distance to the sun.
e. Have them glue the picture of the turtle to the page to show
that Neptune is the slowest planet.
f. Have them glue “Tune” on the page.
Have the child copy you as you recite the planets names in order
from the sun. Put it to a memorable tune if that helps.
Planet 9:
Pluto (which technically is considered a dwarf planet now)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
Have the child color Pluto and cut it out and paste it next to
Neptune on the bulletin board paper. Have the child color the
letter “P” for Pluto and Planet Hero “Shiver”. Cut them out and put
them by Pluto on the paper. Also let them cut out and glue the
number nine to the paper because Pluto is the ninth planet next to
the sun.
Have the child paste his Pluto sticker to the brown construction
paper circle. Attach a string to the planet and then attach it to
the planet mobile.
Cut out and let the child glue the Pluto picture to the center of the
brown circle book for the planets lap book. Inside the book, have
them glue the picture of the ant (because Pluto is the smallest
planet) and also the picture of “Shiver”. Then they can glue the
whole planet book into their planets lap book. Write the number 9
on the top outside cover of their planet book, above the Planet
In their solar system book:
a. Have the child put their Pluto sticker on the page.
b. Have them trace the word Pluto.
c. Let them scribble with a brown crayon to show the planet’s
d. Have them trace the number and word 9 to show the planet’s
order in distance to the sun.
e. Have them glue the picture of the ant to the page to show that
Pluto is the smallest planet.
f. Have them glue “Shiver” on the page.
Have the child copy you as you recite the planets names in order
from the sun. Put it to a memorable tune if that helps.
After we put each new planet, hero, letter, and number on our solar
system paper on the wall, I would go back to the first planet we did
and we would review each planet’s name, letter, number, and
characteristic. We would go all the way to the new planet we just
completed. The review was great and it helped him to remember from
day to day what he’d learned about each planet.
Make a rhyme about the planet if you want to so that your child will
remember something about it. For example, Mercury is number one
and it’s closest to the sun. Earth is number three and it’s home to me.
For Venus, I squinted and wore my sunglasses a lot that day and asked
my son why I had to do that. He would say, “Because Venus is so
bright.” Be creative!!
Also, you do not have to use the characteristics I did about each
planet if you know others that you think your child would remember
easier. Saturn has rings and Neptune has water, for instance.
Take as long as you want to complete this unit study. We spent two
days on each planet.
Planet Heroes has a great website where your child can play games
and meet the heroes. At the time this was written, you could also
request their first DVD free. Visit for more information.
marleen machiels (order #274356)
Watch The Magic School Bus Gets Lost in Space DVD.
Let the child spray diluted white paint in a small spray bottle on a
large piece of black construction paper. They can randomly stick
silver star stickers on once the paper is dry as well. Cut out and
let the child glue the solar system pictures on the paper. Then
give them torn pieces of tin foil to paste onto their rocket ship.
Let them glue the flag and NASA symbols on the ship. Also give
them a picture of themselves to glue on the ship as the ship’s pilot.
Cut out the rocket then and glue it to the top corner of their solar
system picture so that it looks like the ship is soaring through
Our Solar System Collage
marleen machiels (order #274356)
The following are the planet numbers needed for the solar system wall.
marleen machiels (order #274356)
The following are the pictures needed to make the outer space collage.
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
The following are the planets to color for the solar system wall.
The Sun
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
This is the cover for the planets lap book.
marleen machiels (order #274356)
These are the pictures to use for the fronts of the mini planet lap books
that go into the big lap book.
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
This is what to use as a model when deciding where to put your holes in your
foam board for the planets mobile.
marleen machiels (order #274356)
These are the Planet Heroes for the solar system wall.
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
The following are the planet properties for the Great Big Book of Planets
and the mini planet lap books. Don’t forget you will need a picture of your
child for Earth.
marleen machiels (order #274356)
The following are the pictures of the Planet Heroes for the Great Big Book
of Planets and the mini planet lap books.
marleen machiels (order #274356)
The following are the planet letters for the solar system wall.
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
marleen machiels (order #274356)
Planets Unit Study
The following items are things you will need in addition to what I
have provided in this unit study.
marleen machiels (order #274356)
5 ft. black bulletin board paper
Play Doh
Small water bottle
Liquid dish soap
Baking soda
White paint
Small spray bottle
Planet stickers (2 sets)
Silver star stickers
Construction paper
File folder (for lap book)
Tin foil
Picture of child
Foam board
Wire hanger (& wire cutters)
Spiral-bound notebook