season 1

TV Show Cards
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Who Is Who?
Peter Petrelli
Niki Sanders
Noah Bennet
Nathan Petrelli
Micah Sanders
Claire Bennet
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
Mohinder Suresh
D.L. Hawkins
Hiro Nakamura
TV Show Cards
Isaac Mendez
Simone Deveaux
Claude Rains
Matt Parkman
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 101_01
Who said what?
Micah – Claire – Simone – Nathan – Peter –Mohinder – Hiro – Peter
1. You know, I don't know what he'd do without you – you have a real gift. (01:55)
2. I'm just working on my computer. The logic board was bad. So I had to build a new
one. (08:46)
3. This morning, when I got out of bed my foot hovered before it hit the ground. Hovered
for a split second, like I... like I was floating. I'm telling you, I think I can fly! (12:12)
4. Do not pull a Roger Clinton* on me, man. I'm eight points down in the polls. (12:39)
5. No, I don't think! I have busted, like, every bone in my body, stabbed myself in the
chest, I've shoved a two-foot steel rod through my neck and I don't have a scratch on
me! (13:45)
6. I'm driving a cab, you may have noticed. (31:505
7. Fine. Stay here. Be just like everyone else. I wanna boldly go where no man has gone
before. (44:00
8. I've been up here all night thinking about this, thinking about my destiny. (51:36)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 101_01
1. Simone
2. Micah
3. Peter
4. Nathan
5. Claire
6. Mohinder
7. Hiro
8. Peter
*Roger Clinton is President Bill Clinton's half-brother. He was arrested and
charged with two counts of drunken driving and one for disturbing the peace. In a
deal that spared him jail time, Roger Clinton pleaded guilty to a non-alcoholrelated charge of reckless driving.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 101_02
Watch from 31:20 to 32:07 and complete the dialogue.
Peter Petrelli:
Mohinder Suresh: (1)________________.
Peter Petrelli:
Yeah. Yeah, I (2)________ if it's gonna be total.
Mohinder Suresh: Not here, no. In some other part of the world, yes. A
(3)_____________. Makes one appreciate just how small our planet
really is. And we're all quite (4)____________ really, aren't we?
Peter Petrelli:
What's your name?
Mohinder Suresh: Mohinder.
Peter Petrelli:
I'm Peter. (5)_____________ you something, Mohinder. Do you
ever... get the (6)_____________ like you are meant to do something
Mohinder Suresh: I'm driving (8)________________ you may have noticed
Peter Petrelli:
No, I'm not talking about what you do. I'm talking about
(9)_____________. I'm talking about... being (10)_____________.
Mohinder Suresh: Yes, we are all special.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 101_02
1. Solar eclipse
2. wonder
3. global event
4. small
5. Let me ask
6. feeling
7. extraordinary
8. a cab
9. who you are
10. special
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 101_03
Watch from 02:42 to 03:02 and match the words in bold below with their definitions
But we are not the (1) pinnacle of (2) so-called evolution. That honor
belongs to the lowly cockroach. Capable of living for months without food.
(3) Remaining alive (4) headless for weeks at a time. (5) Resistant to
radiation. If God has (6) indeed created Himself in His own image, then I
(7) submit to you that God is a cockroach.
a) Continuing to exist after the rest of the group has ceased to exist.
b) Emphasizes a statement.
c) Without a head.
d) The most successful, powerful, exciting part of something.
e) Not damaged or affected by something.
f) Presumed, supposed.
g) Offer an idea for consideration.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 101_03
1. d
2. f
3. a
3. c
4. e
5. b
6. g
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 101_04
Match the sentences in column 1 with the responses in column 2.
1. Simone: No, you're like a son to
him. (02:00)
a. Peter: It's my turn to be somebody now,
2. Micah: I'm just working on my
computer. The logic board was
bad. So I had to build a new one.
b. Niki: A new one. Did anyone ever tell you
you're the smartest little man on the planet?
c. Claire: Popular? Who said anything about
being popular? My life as I know it is over,
okay? I've got the Bishop game next week,
3. Zach: It's not like you’re not gonna
SAT's in October, homecoming's three weeks
be popular anymore. (13:30)
from today and I'm a freak show!
4. Sandra: You should know who you
are, and know that it's enough.
d. Peter: Yeah, but that'd make us like brother
and sister and that might be a little awkward
Because who you are is special.
if I ever wanted to ask you out.
5. Nathan: What are you doing, Pete? e. Claire: About that... There's something I need
to say. Something I never talked about
because I thought it would upset you and
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 101_04
1. d
2. b
3. e
4. c
5. a
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 101_05
Choose the right answer for the following questions:
1.Why was Nikki worried when she got to Micah’s room? (08:36)
a) Because she tried to wake him up but he wouldn’t.
b) Because he was working in the computer.
c) Because he was not in his bed.
d) Because he had left a note saying he had left home.
2.Something very odd happened to Claire when she jumped off the bridge. What was it?
a) She started flying.
b) She stood up and her wounds healed themselves.
c) Her friend managed to run and take her before she hit the ground.
d) She fell down and needed to go to the hospital.
3.Peter Petrelli told his brother Nathan that he had a special ability, but Nathan did not
believe him. This was the ability of (12:00)
a) flying
b) reading other people’s thoughts
c) stopping time and going to the future
d) going back to the past
4.What was the first thing that let Hiro know that he had a special skill? (14:40)
a) He dreamed of something and it happened.
b) He stopped the clock and made it go back.
c) He started speaking a foreign language.
d) He began to move objects with his mind.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 101_05
1. c
2. b
3. a
4. b
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 102_01
Don’t Look Back
Some words in the dialogs are missing. Watch the episode and fill in the blanks.
1. (03:10)
Claire: Dad, mind if I talk to you about something?
Mr. Bennet: You (1)_____________?
Claire: What! No.
Mr. Bennet: Doing (2)_________________?
Claire: Dad!
2. (03:55)
Mr. Bennet: You know, I don't mean this to be condescending - even though you're gonna
say I'm being condescending - but I really do believe this is an (3)_________________
Claire: Yeah, you're right. That is (4)________________________.
3. (06:00)
Exterminator: Let’s take a little breather, huh, professor.
Mohinder: I suppose the (5)________________ are the least of my problems.
Exterminator: Yeah, no (6)_________________ there.
4. (40:22)
Furakowa: He says he (7)_____________ here.
Cop: (8) ________________? What the hell is that?
Hiro: Like (9)____________________.
Furakowa: He says he can bend the time/space (10)_________________.
Cop: Funny, I've seen all the Star Treks. I don't (11)_____________________ you (12)
from the ________________________.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 102_01
Don’t Look Back
1. pregnant
2. drugs
3. adult
4. condescending
5. cockroaches
6. argument
7. teleported
8. Teleported
9. continuum
10. Star Trek
11. remember
12. show
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 102_02
Don’t Look Back
Put the following scenes in the right order:
a) Niki is still recovering from the murders of the two guys in her garage, and she and her
son go out of town to avoid any police or cops getting suspicious. ( )
b) Mohinder enters his apartment and then is attacked by a guy working for the man with
the glasses. He meets a girl who saves him from the attacker. ( )
c) Peter and Nathan are talking on a rooftop, and Nathan finally confesses that he can fly.
Peter becomes angry and then realizes he can fly as well. ( )
d) Niki uses the map and digs up what seems to be a skeleton. (
e) Claire's father tells Claire that he has set up a meeting with her real parents. (
f) Matt Parkman, a police officer who lives in Los Angeles, California, discovers that he
can read minds. He finds a girl that was hiding in the cupboard of house after a
murderer. ( )
g) Hiro discovers that his life is in a comic book written by Isaac Mendez. (
h) A man from the fire department comes to Claire’s school, and another girl on the
cheerleading squad (Jackie) claims she was the one who saved the man. Claire then
discovers that the tape containing her attempted suicides is gone. ( )
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 102_02
Don’t Look Back
b. 1
d. 6
g. 2
h. 3
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 102_03
Don’t Look Back
Answer the following questions:
1. What did Mr. Bennet do when Claire told him she wanted to talk to him? (3:07)
2. What excuse did the man in Mohinder’s apartment give to be there? What happened
next? (5:30)
3. What was the first thing that happened when Hiro was walking across the streets of
New York? (7:50)
4. What happened when the cheerleaders were being interrogated by the firefighter?
5. What happened when Niki opened her garage door? (21:20)
6. When Hiro was trying to find the author of the comic book he had a big problem. What
was this problem? (25:52)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 102_03
Don’t Look Back
1. He said he already knew what she wanted to talk to him about, and that it was about
meeting her birthparents.
2. He said he was the exterminator and that he was there because some cockroaches had
infested the apartment.
3. He saw a comic book about him being sold in a newsstand. He couldn’t pay for the
comic book since he did not have any American money, so he grabbed one and started
running so that he could read it.
4. Claire’s friend, Jackie, claimed to be the one who saved the man from the wreckage,
and was congratulated by the officer.
5. She found it very clean and with no traces of the dead men. She found some car keys
hanging from the ceiling. She went to the car and found out the corpses were in the
6. Isaac was dead and the police came in and thought Hiro was the one who had murdered
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 102_04
Don’t Look Back
Check the right alternative for each question.
1.When Peter Petrelli is in the hospital, he and his brother Nathan are talking about
something. What are they talking about? (1:30)
a) Nathan Petrelli running for Congress
b) their flying experience the previous day
c) people around the world finding out they have powers
d) football
2. What was the name of the man who created the comic book about Hiro’s life?
a) Mohinder Suresh
b) Isaac Mendes
c) Peter Petrelli
d) Matt Parkman
3. According to Zach, what happened to the tape? (19:14)
a) It was stolen
b) It was broken.
c) It is in his backpack.
d) It is missing.
4. Peter’s mother told him the truth about his father. What did she tell him? (23:40)
a) That he had committed suicide.
b) That he could fly.
c) That he was a hero.
d) That he had cheated on her.
5. How did Matt Parkman find the little girl? (29:00)
a) He was the one who hid her in the basement.
b) She screamed and he could hear her.
c) He heard her whispering through his thoughts.
d) The murderer told him she was there.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 102_04
Don’t Look Back
1. b
2. b
3. d
4. a
5. c
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES– Card 102_05
Don’t Look Back
Can you remember who said the following lines?
Hiro – Simone – Micah – Mr. Bennet – Mrs. Petrelli
Peter – Niki – Mohinder – Jackie – Claire – Matt
1. I just don’t want you to be in such a hurry to grow up, OK? (4:30)
2. I did it!!! (8:00)
3. Isaac, you can’t paint the future. Nobody will believe you! (10:10)
4. Mom, are you there? When are you coming to get me? (11:30)
5. My father died four days ago. (15:50)
6. I was taking a shortcut home from school and I saw the wreckage. (18:15)
7. Now go in and pack up your stuff. I have to take care of something in the garage.
8. There is something you need to know about your father’s death. He committed suicide.
9. I didn’t kill these people, Sylar did. (33:25)
10.I promise I’ll be your little girl for as long as I can. (36:30)
11.Did you know about dad’s depression? (37:41)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES– Card 102_05
Don’t Look Back
1. Mr. Bennet
2. Hiro
3. Simone
4. Micah
5. Mohinder
6. Jackie
7. Niki
8. Mrs. Petrelli (Peter Petrelli’s mother)
8. Matt
9. Claire
10. Peter
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 103_01
One Giant Leap
Fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Claire Bennet and her father: (03:35)
Mr. Bennett:
So is that the (1)_______________________?
Mr. Bennett:
The boy that you (2)___________________ right over there.
I don't "like" him. I mean he's a very (3)__________________ boy, but...
yes, he's the quarterback.
Mr. Bennett:
You (4)__________________ wanted to make me happy, you'd only date
(5)_____________. Well it (6)_______________ out very well for your
Peter and Nathan Petrelli: (07:40)
Listen, I-I tried it (7)__________________.
Tried what?
What do you (8)_______________ what? What do you think that I mean?
I-I tried to (9)_________________.
Would you keep your voice down?
You were there. Last night I could fly. This morning, (10)____________.
I nearly broke my neck trying.
Well, that would have (11)_______________ one of our problems.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 103_01
One Giant Leap
1. quarterback
2. like
3. nice
4. really
5. nerds
6. worked
7. again
8. mean
9. fly
10. nothing
11. solved
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 103_02
One Giant Leap
Put the following scenes in the right order:
a. In an exam room, someone removes the branch from Claire's head. She wakes up, only
to discover she's been cut open for an autopsy. ( )
b. At the airport in Los Angeles, Hiro and Ando are renting a car for their journey,
following the comic book. As Ando watches a clip of Niki stripping on his iPod, Hiro
reaches the last page of the comic, which shows them driving off towards Las Vegas.
( )
c. Simone and Peter kiss. (
d. Claire and Brody are kissing on the bleachers, well away from the rest of the party.
When she tries to brush off his advances, he tries to force her. She falls and impales her
head on a broken tree limb. ( )
e. In New York, Peter Petrelli looks somber as he prepares to test his powers. He spreads
his arms, looks up, and falls forward... only to crash to the ground at the foot of the
monkey bars he's just jumped from. ( )
f. Isaac Mendez returns to his studio to find Simone gathering his paintings together for a
show. She tells him they can use the money to pay for rehab, and that she's thrown his
drugs away. He again insists his paintings are predicting the future, and when he gives
Simone an ultimatum, she leaves him. ( )
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 103_02
One Giant Leap
a. (6)
b. (4)
c. (5)
d. (3)
e. (1)
f. (2)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 103_03
One Giant Leap
Choose the correct alternative.
1.What did the ring that Niki found look like? (02:48)
It was a golden ring.
It was square.
It was skull-shaped.
It had diamonds on it.
2. Mohinder’s friend brought him a very typical American food. What food is that? (09:20)
macaroni and cheese
a hamburger
a peanut butter sandwich
3. How did Hiro and Ando find the girl who was going to be run over by the truck? (16:05)
a) She was wearing a black shirt.
b) She was taller than the other girls.
c) She was walking with a dog.
d) She was wearing a red bow in her hair.
4. What happened to Claire when she was fighting against the boy who she was kissing?
a) She fell on the ground, hit her head and died.
b) She started screaming and a policeman showed up.
c) She managed to hit him and ran away.
d) She fell in love with him.
5. Where did Niki want to pass by with her son on the way home? (33:10)
the coffee house
the ice cream shop
the casino
the hamburger shop
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 103_03
One Giant Leap
1. c) It was skull-shaped.
2. a) macaroni and cheese (AKA mac and cheese)
3. d) She was wearing a red bow in her hair.
4. a) She fell on the ground, hit her head and died.
5. b) the ice cream shop
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 103_04
One Giant Leap
Write true (T) or false (F).
1. Claire’s friend told Mr. Bennet she liked his glasses. ( ) (3:55)
2. When Peter was trying to fly for the second time he flew for 10 seconds and fell down.
( ) (6:25)
3. Chandra Suresh is a math professor in India. ( ) (8:10)
4. Matt Parkman could hear the FBI agent’s thoughts when she was thinking that nobody
believed her. ( ) (12:30)
5. Hiro saved a little girl from being hit by a bus. ( ) (16:57)
6. Niki and Micah’s mother don’t get along. ( ) (18:55)
7. Matt saved the same girl again and read her thoughts. ( ) (24:05)
8. According to the comic book, the lady sitting between Hiro and Ando on the plane
would lean her head on Ando’s shoulder. ( ) (26:04)
9. Matt had a fight with his wife when he got home.
( ) (30:00)
10. Hiro and Ando went no NYC by plane. ( ) (36:58)
11. After fighting with his wife, Matt stopped hearing other people’s thoughts. (
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 103_04
One Giant Leap
10. (F)
11. (F)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 103_05
One Giant Leap
Answer the following questions:
1. When Mr. Bennet is talking to his daughter’s friends, Jackie and mentions the fact that
she saved a man, she says, “ OMG, does everybody know?” What does she mean by
OMG? (3:55)
2. What does Mohinder’s friend say about macaroni and cheese? (9:15)
3. What did Hiro do in order to save the little girl’s life? (16:50)
4. According to Niki, who did the ring belong to? (19:30)
5. What happened when Claire and the quarterback kissed for the first time and left?
6. What did Matt Parkman do when he listened to his wife’s thoughts? (31:20)
7. Why was Claire screaming when she and Brody were away from the party? (32:15)
8. What kind of car did Hiro and Ando rent? (36:59)
9. Why did Hiro want to rent a car in order to go no New York instead of flying? (37:05)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 103_05
One Giant Leap
1. Oh my God!
2. She says that that’s what Americans eat when they want to commit suicide
3. He concentrated and stopped time. Then he ran towards the girl and took her
out of the truck’s way.
4. It belonged to a man who her husband murdered.
5. A girl started looking at them and seemed sad.
6. He said, “ OK, I will,” and left.
7. Because he was trying to rape her.
8. He rented a Nissan Versa.
9. Because that’s what was on the comic book.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 104_01
Choose the correct alternative.
1. What did Mr. Bennet answer when Matt asked him if he was FBI? (1:50)
He said he was FBI.
He said he was CIA.
He said he was not part of any organization that had initials.
He said he was a doctor.
2. According to the doctor, how was Claire when she was found unconscious? (05:00)
She was naked and dragged.
She was dressed.
She seemed to be crying when she fell.
She had been raped.
3. What did Nathan Petrelli say when Mohinder told him he was being targeted?
That he didn’t care.
That he wanted to know who was targeting him.
That he had enough security men to protect him.
That 12% of the electors opposed him strongly.
4. What happened when the man threatened Niki on the elevator? (35:15)
She was afraid and came back to Nathan Petrelli’s room.
She started screaming.
The elevator stopped working and they were trapped in it.
The “other Niki” came and hit the man until he fell down.
5. And what did she tell him after knocking him down? (36:00)
a. I’m going to kill you if you harm my son.
b. If you threaten my son again I will put my heel through your skull.
c. Don’t you ever mess with my family, otherwise I will kill you.
d. If you hurt my son I will make you wish you had never been born.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 104_01
1. c
2. a
3. d
4. d
5. b
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 104_02
Who said the following lines? Answer with the character’s names.
Hiro / Mr. Bennet / Nathan / Niki /
Ando / Mohinder / Brody / Claire / Matt
1. What are you? FBI? Huh? CIA? (01:50)
2. Trying to hear my thoughts, Matt? Not with my friend here. He's special too. (02:15)
3. Your life may be in danger. I believe someone is targeting you. (07:50)
4. Can you be a little more specific? Twelve percent of the electorate strongly opposes me.
5. I did it. I stopped time. Moved the ball. You won because of me. (17:39)
6. Is Peter Parker cheating when he sells pictures of Spider-Man? (17:55)
7. All heroes have a system. This is our system. (18:00)
8. I'm not a hard drive. (24:40)
9. I don't have a husband. He left. (32:48)
10.You should let it go, Claire. Nothing you can do about it. (40:44)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 104_02
Mr. Bennet
10. Brody
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 104_03
Complete the dialogs with the missing words.
Dialogue 1: (11:26)
Simone: Uh, Peter. I don't know what this is...I mean us. I just got out of a 2-year
(1)_________ that was very (2)_________and here I am sleeping with the guy
who is taking care of my (3)_________ father, and it's a little confusing.
I don’t wanna be the (4)_________ guy.
Simone: I just need time to catch my (5)_________ before you take it away again, OK?
Dialogue 2: (24:39)
Look, you said you had a (7)_________ in your head, maybe when they
(8)_________ out whatever was in there something like (9)_________or
I'm not a hard (10) _____________.
Oh, you're little Miss Miracle-Grow.
Don't ever call me that (11)_________.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 104_03
1. relationship
2. destructive
3. dying
4. rebound
5. breath
6. thoughts
7. hole
8. pulled
9. rebooted
10. drive
11. again
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 104_04
Are the statements true or false?
1. Matt woke up tied up on a stretcher. (
) (01:10)
2. Niki is offered to entertain a politician coming from New York in exchange for the
pardon of her debt. ( ) (04:10)
3. Claire wakes up on a stretcher, came back to life and when the doctor arrived she
wasn’t there anymore. ( ) (04:42)
4. Mohinder tries to warn Nathan about a man named Peter. (
) (07:40)
5. When Peter is with Simone, he hears the bell ringing and Mohinder is standing at his
( ) (08:55)
6. When Claire wakes up, her father asks her where she was all night and she says she was
studying. ( ) (12:05)
7. Mohinder decides to go back to China. (
) (14:46)
8. When Ando is playing at the casino, Hiro stops time again in order to make him win the
game. ( ) (16:25)
9. Micah asks Niki to play Scrabble with him and she tells him to ask her friend Tina.
( ) (19:21)
10.Claire decides to talk to the quarterback about what happened the night before. (
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 104_04
1. (T)
2. (T)
3. (T)
4. (F)
5. (T)
6. (F)
7. (F)
8. (T)
9. (T)
10. (T)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 104_05
Put the following scenes in the right order:
1. Back on the train, Peter and Suresh are talking, when everything freezes, the lights go
out, and only Peter can move. ( )
2. Claire sneaks into her house, and no one notices she hasn't been home all night until her
father sees her muddy feet. He asks if she was with the quarterback, and Claire says that
nothing happened. Her father says that they will have to talk about this when he gets
back from his trip.
( )
3. Peter explains to Suresh how he could fly when he was with his brother, and then how
he could paint the future after he met Isaac. He convinces Suresh to go with him to see
Isaac. ( )
4. Mr. Bennet and the Haitian stand over Niki and Nathan sleeping. Mr. Bennet says to
take just the one. ( )
5. Ando is playing cards, and Hiro switches cards with his opponent so that Ando wins
again. ( )
6. Matt wakes up strapped to a table. Mr. Bennet is standing over him. He tells Matt that
he won't be able to read his thoughts, thanks to his friend. Matt recognizes the
mysterious Haitian from the bar. He is still able to read Mr. Bennet’s mind, and asks
"Who's Claire?" Mr. Bennet tells the Haitian to go deep and clean Matt out. ( )
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 104_05
1. (5)
2. (2)
3. (3)
4. (6)
5. (4)
6. (1)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 105_01
Choose the right alternative for each question:
1. What was the mission Future Hiro gave Peter? (00:30)
a) fly to Japan
b) save the cheerleader
c) kill Isaac Mendes
2. How did Matt’s wife find out he was home? (06:40)
a) He went to the kitchen and she saw him.
b) She saw he was lying on the couch.
c) She was walking across the hall and stumbled on him.
3. How did Hiro notice that Nathan Petrelli was also different? (11:00)
a) He saw Nathan flying and lending by the coffeehouse.
b) Hiro had his thoughts read by Nathan.
c) Nathan got into Hiro’s mind.
4. Isaac told Peter that he could paint a picture of him in exchange for what? (28:24)
a) money to buy drugs
b) money to get a ticket and run away
c) Peter’s silence
5. When Niki was with the policemen expecting her ex-husband to come in, they had a
big surprise. What was it? (32:19)
a) Her ex-husband got into the house and was shot.
b) The man who got in was Ando.
c) Her ex-husband was already in the house and took them hostage.
6. According to Nathan, how much would make him a congressman? (33:55)
a) 1 million dollars
b) 3 million dollars
c) 4 million dollars
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 105_01
1. b
2. b
3. a
4. a
5. b
6. c
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 105_02
Watch from 24:45 to 26:08 and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Hello, Brody. I’m Claire's (1)_________.
I know who you are. You’re the guy I’m gonna (2)_________!
Mr. Bennet:
I’m very sorry about the (3)_________.
It wasn’t an accident.
Mr. Bennet:
What makes you say that?
Because she (4)_________ my car on purpose. She’s a (5)_________!
She's not human!
Mr. Bennet:
I put more (6)_________ in her humanity than I would in yours. You tried
to rape my daughter...
I didn’t (7)________ her!
Mr. Bennet:
Well, that’s her word against yours, and from my (8)_________ she’s the
more reliable (9)_________.
Then you don’t know your daughter!
Mr. Bennet:
I know her better than even she does!
I don’t have to listen to this.
Mr. Bennet:
Claire is a very special girl. It’s (10)_________ what’s happening to her
and she doesn’t need some (11)_________ making her life any more
difficult. Do you understand me? I should kill you, but (12)_________ I’m
gonna do you a favor... You already threw away this life. I’m gonna give
you a second chance. I’m gonna let you forget all the terrible things you’ve
done and maybe this time when you wake up in your new life, you’ll make
something (13)_________ of it.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 105_02
1. father
2. sue
3. accident
4. crashed
5. freak
6. stock
7. touch
8. perspective
9. witness
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 105_03
Answer the following questions:
1. What did Future Hiro do in order to tell Peter that he needed to save the cheerleader?
2. According to Claire’s mother, what needed to be done before she went home? (02:00)
3. Why was Nathan Petrelli’s bodyguard so worried? What did he do about it? (03:35)
4. What did Hiro want to eat at the diner? (09:14)
5. Claire confessed to her father that she had lied to him. What did she lie about? (16:25)
6. When Peter was in Isaac Mende’s loft he saw something that helped him identify the
cheerleader. What was it? (19:20)
7. What did Matt do to celebrate that he and his wife had buried the hatchet? (22:20)
8. What happened to Peter when he was looking at the painting made by Isaac? (28:56)
9. What did Claire do when she was able to go out of her hospital room? (30:00)
10.How could Matt use his powers when he was buying ice cream at the store? (35:25)
11.What did Niki say to Ando when he was at her place? (37:40)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 105_03
1. He went back in time, went to the subway where Peter was with Mohinder
and gave Peter the information.
2. The doctors needed to run some tests first.
3. He was worried because Nathan was missing from the hotel, so he went to
Niki’s room and asked her what she had done to him. As she did not know
where he was, he agreed to see the security tapes.
4. He wanted to eat waffles.
5. She had told him that nothing had happened at the bonfire, but in fact,
Brody tried to force her.
6. He saw a painting made by Isaac with the cheerleader in it.
7. He ordered some food and prepared a romantic dinner for them.
8. His eyes became white and somehow he started finishing the painting.
9. She went to Brody’s room and apologized for having crashed his car on
10. He could hear the gunman’s thoughts, so he approached him and advised
him not to rob the store. Then the man left his gun there and ran away.
11. That she was a different person from what he saw on the internet and asked
him to go home.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 105_04
What do the words and expressions in bold mean?
1. When a change comes, some species feel the urge to migrate. (00:00)
2. Hiro: Save the cheerleader, save the world! (01:26)
3. Mrs. Parkman: Where the hell have you been?
Matt: I must have drunk too much and passed out on the
couch. (06:40)
4. Claire: I lied to you when I said nothing happened at the bonfire. (16:25)
5. Niki: I didn’t know they were gonna to anything to you. They blackmailed me just like
they’re gonna blackmail you. (21:50)
6. Mrs. Parkman: Ow, you were missing for a day and now this?! (23:31)
7. Peter: This is amazing! (26:48)
8. Niki: D.L. Hokings is a killer. He’s been following me, doing things.
Detective: What sort of things? (32:00)
9. Matt: And I know that you could pull out the gun that you’ve got in there and you
could shoot me. (36:05)
10.Niki: He’s one of my customers. I run a web-site. (37:27)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 105_04
migrate: to move from a town, country, etc. to another in order to live
and/or work.
cheerleader: a member of a group of people (usually women) wearing
uniforms that encourage the audience to CHEER at a sports event.
pass out: to faint, lose consciousness.
bonfire: a large outdoor fire, either for burning waste or for celebration.
blackmail: to demand money or other things from someone by
threatening to do something violent or bad.
missing: something that is missing is not in its usual place; disappeared.
amazing: something extremely good and unexpected; something so
unusual that it’s hard to believe.
sort: type/kind, a group or class of people, things, etc. that have similar
qualities or features.
gun: a weapon that fires bullets, especially one that can be carried.
customer: buyer, purchaser, someone who hires or buys the services of
a company.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 105_05
Watch the episode “Hiros” from 00:28 to 01:43. The words in italics have been changed.
Write the correct words.
Future Hiro: Peter Petrelli!
What? Are you making (1) this?
Future Hiro: You look different without the wound (2).
Peter :
I don't know you.
Future Hiro: Not yet. My name is Hiro Nakamura. I’m from the past (3) and I have a
message for you. I don’t have many (4) time. I’m risking a rift just by
coming here. The girl, you have to save her.
What girl?
Future Hiro: The cheerleader! It’s the only way to avoid (5) it.
Prevent what?
Future Hiro: Anything (6). Listen to me. She must live. The painter, Isaac, go to him. He
will know. When I ask (7) you, you must tell me where we meet. I told him
much (8) times how lost you felt before it all began (9). This is what
you've been waiting for. Be the one we want (10). Save the cheerleader,
save the world.
Wait, Hiro! I don’t know (11)! Hiro! Where are you? I don’t understand!
Peter, are you okay (12)?
The cheerleader.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 105_05
1. doing
2. scar
3. future
4. much
5. prevent
6. Everything
7. call
8. many
9. started
10. need
11. understand
12. alright
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 106_01
Better Halves
Choose the right alternative for each question.
1. According to Peter, what was Future Hiro like? (02:30)
a) He was taller and he could fly.
b) His face looked American.
c) He carried a sword and could speak English.
2. “A small round cake baked in a cup-shaped container”. What was this sweet that
Claire and her mom were making? (04:00)
a) cupcakes
b) cookies
c) apple pies
3. What was the surprise that Niki had late at night? (06:00)
a) Her ex-husband D.L. was in the house.
b) The policemen were not in front of her house anymore.
c) Micah’s grandma showed up unannounced.
4. What did Hiro do to make Ando win the game? (15:20)
a) He gave the other players cards that were modified.
b) He stopped time and gave Ando all the good cards.
c) He saw the other players’ cards and told Ando.
5. According to Claire’s mom, what needed to be done when she was a baby in order
to find out whether she had any diseases? (37:15)
a) She needed to be taken to a hospital in India.
b) They needed to screen her biological parents.
c) She needed to be tested.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 106_01
Better Halves
1. c
2. a
3. a
4. b
5. c
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 106_02
Better Halves
Mark true or false for the following statement.
1. Hiro came from the future in order to give Peter the message “save the cheerleader,
save the world.” (
) (02:40)
2. When Claire took the cupcakes out of the oven, her hands got burnt but didn’t heal.
( ) (04:00)
3. The policeman heard some noise and knocked on Niki’s door to see what was
happening. ( ) (07:42)
4. Hiro and Ando met the guys they had cheated at the game.(
) (11:30)
5. When D.L. was sleeping on Niki’s couch, she approached him and told him to leave.
( ) (14:27)
6. Ando found out that he and Hiro were going to be killed with a knife. (
7. Mohinder packed up and went back to India. (
) (20:03)
8. Claire’s biological mother told her she had cancer. (
9. Niki got to talk to her “twin” for the first time. (
) (26:05)
) (31:25)
10.The two million dollars were hidden in Niki’s basement. ( ) (38:18)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
) (16:22)
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 106_02
Better Halves
1. (T)
2. (F)
3. (T)
4. (T)
5. (F)
6. (F)
7. (T)
8. (F)
9. (T)
10. (F)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 106_03
Better Halves
Choose the best meaning for the following words and expressions in green.
Narrator:A battle between what exists and what is yet to be born. (01:00)
Claire Bennet: Are you flirting with me? (10:24)
D.L.: Oh, with thirty grand a year? (12:47)
Hiro: What if I’m on the wrong path? (35:23)
Hiro: Like a do-over? (35:35)
1. a) still going to be born
b) won’t ever be born
c) has already been born
2. a) fighting
b) making romantic advances
c) ignoring
3.a) diamonds
b) million dollars
c) thousand dollars
4. a) body
b) way
c) problem
5. a) to get something that was done wrongly redone
b) to go to the future and see what will happen
c) to go to the past and apologize for doing something wrong
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 106_03
Better Halves
1. a
2. b
3. c
4. b
5. a
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 106_04
Better Halves
Choose the best alternative that paraphrases the expressions in bold.
1.Peter: I must be missing something, some sign of where they are. (03:00)
a) something must be out of order.
b) I miss something that is gone.
c) I can’t find something.
2.Mrs. Bennet: Deedy wants to breed Mr. Muggles with her poodle! (03:50)
a) Deedy wants Mr.Muggles and her poodle to have puppies.
b) Mr. Muggles and Deedy will kidnap her poodle.
c) Deedy wishes Mr. Muggles and her poodle to fight.
3. D.L.: Between you and me? I walked out. (22:15)
a) Between you and me? I hit the policemen.
b) Between you and me? I ran away.
c) Between you and me? I was released.
4.Mr. Bennet: I’ll keep you posted. (36:30)
a) I’ll post you a letter.
b) I’ll keep you informed.
c) I’ll talk to you later.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 106_04
Better Halves
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 106_D
Better Halves
Answer the following questions:
Why do you think that “future Hiro” had a sword? (01:45)
If you were Claire, would you like to meet your biological parents? (04:40)
How do you think D.L. broke into Niki’s house without being seen? (06:10)
When Zach told Claire she was special, he said he was not flirting with her. Do you
think he told her the truth? (10:15)
5. D.L. was not mad at Niki for taking her clothes off on the internet. How would you
react if your spouse did the same thing? (12:58)
6. In your opinion, was it unethical of Hiro to stop time in order to make Ando win the
game? Would you do the same thing if you had his powers? (15:20)
7. Do you think Claire’s biological parents told the truth when they said the only disease
her mother had was diabetes? (26:05)
8. Mohinder’s friend called Claire’s father to tell him Mohinder had left for India. How do
you think they know each other? Is Claire’s father a bad person? (26:57)
9. If you were Niki, would you keep the 2 million dollars at home? (38:35)
10. How do you think D.L. could put his hand through Niki’s belly? In your opinion, is he
a “bad hero”? (40:30)
Discuss the answers with a teacher.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 107_01
Nothing to Hide
Unscramble the following lines from “Nothing to Hide.”
1. Simone: passed he ago away hour about an. (02:20)
2. Matt: that something something need there's to. about discovered I we talk. (05:15)
3. Nathan: gonna I'm political family gain use for my not. (09:50)
4. Claire: stapled tape he then he found ‘cuz the and me. (13:15)
5. Mrs. Petrelli : wheel you to chair say sensitive married I be right lost my the say could
Mr. Denningson it I Nathan when. (19:10)
6. Micah: you hero her saved a dad real like. (22:00)
7. Niki: anymore need help she doesn't your. (33:18)
8. Nathan: don’t to if doesn’t it I'd not out find rather but get he him happen I what'll
know. (35:13)
9. Matt’s work mate: nailing fine your loser and is so I'm wife she. (38:35)
10.Mohinder: chooses choose not do it destiny you your you. (39:03)
11.Micah: goofing no around I'm just. (40:36)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 107_01
Nothing to Hide
1. He passed away about an hour ago.
2. There is something that we need to talk about, something I discovered.
3. I’m not gonna use my family for political gain.
4. ‘Cuz he found the tape and then he stapled me.
5. To the wheel chair, you could say it Mr. Denningson: I lost my right to be
sensitive when I married Nathan.
6. Dad, you saved her, like a real hero.
7. She doesn't need your help anymore.
8. I don’t know what'll happen to him if he doesn’t get it, but I'd rather not find
9. Loser, I'm nailing your wife and she is so fine.
10. You do not choose your destiny; it chooses you.
11. No, I’m just goofing around.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 107_02
Nothing to Hide
Choose the right alternatives.
1.What happened when Peter wanted to show Simone’s father he could fly? (01:10)
a) He jumped out of the window and flew over NYC.
b) He jumped out of the window but woke up.
c) He jumped out of the window and hit the ground.
2. Why was Matt worried when he was going to talk to his wife? (05:18)
a) Because she didn’t want to talk to him.
b) Because he heard her thoughts and felt she was cheating on him.
c) Because she was also able to hear his thoughts.
3.According to Simone, what happened to the painting that Peter wanted? (08:45)
a) She had lost it.
b) Sylar had stolen it.
c) It had been sold to a guy named Linderman.
4.What is Niki’s “twin’s” name? (15:45)
a) Heather
b) Jessica
c) Niki#2
5.Who talked to Micah when he telephoned Niki? (39:10)
a) Jessica
b) D.L.
c) Ando and Hiro
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 107_02
Nothing to Hide
1. b
2. b
3. c
4. b
5. a
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 107_03
Nothing to hid
Put the following events in the right order.
1. Niki's friend goes to her house to help her, but instead of Niki she finds Jessica. ( )
2. Claire's brother steals the tape and locks himself in the car.
3. Niki wakes up and realizes D.L. took Micah with him. (
( )
4. Audrey and Matt go to the hospital room where Ted is with his wife and Matt read her
thoughts. ( )
5. Hiro, Ando, Micah and D.L. meet at the scene of a car wreckage, and then D.L. and Hiro
help save the victim. ( )
6. Simone Deveaux goes to Peter's house to tell him her father died. ( )
7. Peter helps Nathan when Mr. Denningson tells everybody that Nathan disappeared from
the hotel in Vegas and there was a blonde involved in it. ( )
8. Through reading his partner’s thoughts, Matt finds out he is having an affair with his
wife and punches him. ( )
9. Nathan's mother announces she invited Mr. Denningson to family brunch. ( )
10. Claire's brother wants to confirm his sister has spontaneous regeneration, so he staples
her on the hand. ( )
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 107_02
Nothing to Hide
1. 9
2. 5
3. 2
4. 8
5. 6
6. 1
7. 7
8. 10
9. 3
10. 4
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 107_04
Nothing to Hide
Can you remember who did the following things?
Peter / Simone / Niki / Linderman /
Zach / Ted / Nathan / Janice Parkman
1. He decided to show someone he could fly. (01:15)
2. He went to Claire’s house and told her he had found the tape. (02:38)
3. She thought of something wrong she had done and Matt read her thoughts. (05:20)
4. She told Peter the painting he wanted had been sold to a man named Linderman.
5. He informed Nathan that Charles Deveaux had passed away. (20:05)
6. He scared Claire’s brother by screaming. (24:05)
7. He took the nurse hostage at the hospital when Audrey and Matt were there. (29:15)
8. She called Nathan and asked him to help her find Micah. (31:10)
9. He called Linderman to ask for the painting Peter wanted. (35:50)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 107_04
Nothing to Hide
1. Peter
2. Zach
3. Janice
4. Simone
5. Peter
6. Zach
7. Ted
8. Niki
9. Nathan
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 107_05
Nothing to Hide
Watch the episode “Nothing to Hide” from 22:50 to 24:05 and fill in the blanks with the
missing words.
Come on, you can't stay in there (1)_________!
Claire: Just give me the (2)_________ tape!
I'm gonna put this thing on Youtube and make like a million (3)_________
Youtube's free, you idiot!
Claire: You're not helping! Lyle, no one can see what's on that (4)_________.
Are you an (5)_________or something? Is he an alien too?
Yeah, yeah, we're gonna anal (6)_________ you.
Claire: Zach, stop (7)_________ him
I'm not coming out until mom and dad get (8)_________.
Claire: No, no no no... You cannot tell them! Lyle, please, they cannot (9)_________
about this.
Why not?
Claire: Don't you get it? If they found out, mom and dad would think it was a
(10)_________ to ever (11)_________me. We wouldn't be a family
anymore...Please! Thank you.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 107_05
Nothing to Hide
1. forever
2. damn
3. bucks
4. tape
5. alien
6. probe
7. scaring
8. home
9. find out
10. mistake
11. adopt
12. Whatever
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 108_01
Seven Minutes to Midnight
Explain the expressions and words in bold:
1. Charlie (waitress): Well, I got this Japanese phrasebook for my birthday about six
months ago and I started poking through it last week. (05:40)
2. Mohinder: World’s worst pillow talk, I’d say. (10:07)
3. Audrey: Because it was a stupid working move and you could have jeopardized my
investigation. (11:15)
4. Audrey: No, and he’s got one hour before Homeland Security sends him down the
rabbit hole as a suspected terrorist. (11:40)
5. Matt: Did you have bruises on your arms? (16:18)
6. Mohinder: You’re becoming a laughingstock! (17:48)
7. Chandra Suresh: I’ll get by! (17:55)
8. Audrey: I’m sorry, it’s out of my hands! (22:50)
9. Claire: Ok, I’m busted! (33:35)
10.Sheriff: Y’all stick around. I need to take your statements. (36:27)
*Y’all is a expression used in southern United States, mainly in Texas, and it means You
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 108_01
Seven Minutes to Midnight
1. to poke through: to take a look at something.
2. pillow talk: informal conversation (usually between lovers) in bed.
3. to jeopardize: to risk losing or spoiling something important.
4. rabbit hole: jail, prison.
5. bruise: a purple spot on one’s skin; if you hit your arm on any other part of
your body you have a bruise on it.
6. laughingstock: someone who has done something so silly or stupid that
people laugh at them in a way that is not nice.
7. to get by: to have enough money to buy the things you need.
8. out of (one’s) hands: something that is out of someone’s hands is something
he or she cannot, or is not able to do.
9. busted: to be in a bad situation, if someone is busted it means that they are
going to get in trouble.
10. stick around: stay nearby, don’t go away.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 108_02
Seven Minutes to Midnight
Mark true (T), false (F) or maybe (M) if what the sentence says is not clear in the
1. Mohinder’s mother approaches him and tells him not to look back, because his father
had moved on to the next life. (02:02) ( )
2. Charlie likes puzzles. ( ) (04:05)
3. Ando doesn’t like French fries. ( ) (05:02)
4. Mohinder plans to go back to New York. ( ) (07:10)
5. Mira was flirting with Mohinder. ( ) (09:20)
6. Audrey was mad at Matt because he assaulted the other officer. ( ) (11:00)
7. Ted made wine in a glass boil through his radiation.
) (15:22)
8. Mohinder fell asleep and in his dream he found out he had a sister named Shanya. ( )
9. Audrey does not want to help Matt take Ted out of jail. ( ) (22:50)
10.Mr. Bennett asks for Isaac’s help. ( ) (25:11)
11.Hiro decides to go to the future and save Charlie from being killed. ( ) (36:50)
12.Matt will divorce his wife because of her cheating. ( ) (39:50)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 108_02
Seven Minutes to Midnight
(M) She only helps the Sheriff with his puzzle, but it is not clear that she is fond of it.
(F) He said he gained 4 kilos because of eating French fries.
(F) He said there are no answers for him in NY and that he belongs in Kanyakumari.
(M) She seems to like him, but it’s not explicit that she is hitting on him.
(F) There was water in the glass, not wine.
(F) Her name was Shanti.
(M) She said it’s out of her hands, but it doesn’t necessarily mean she doesn’t want to.
(F) He decides to go to the past.
(M) He said he doesn’t know if they are over.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 108_03
Seven Minutes to Midnight
Choose the best alternative.
1. What time was it on watch of the man sitting at the diner? (06:40)
a) 10:22 am
b) 11:53 pm
c) 12:01 am
2. According to Audrey, how many carries of radiation does Ted put out? (11:50)
a) 15,000
b) 100,000
c) 18,000
3. What did Ted and Matt have in common? (16:30)
a) two little scratches on their neck
b) a wound on their belly
c) a bruise on their arm
4. Who was snooping around Mohinder’s office when he came in? (31:23)
a) the boy he dreamed of the previous night
b) the man who was talking to him at his Dad’s funeral
c) Mira
5. Why did Claire go to her father’s workplace? (33:25)
a) to ask him for a ride home
b) to ask him for money
c) to ask him for a big piece of paper
6. What did Mr. Bennet persuade Eden to do? (34:35)
a) tell Peter Petrelli that the cheerleader was fine
b) ask Isaac to use drugs in order to be able to paint a picture
c) call Mohinder and ask him if he knew a guy named Sylar
Last update: June 26, 2008
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TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 108_03
Seven Minutes to Midnight
1. b
2. c
3. a
4. a
5. c
6. b
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 108_04
Seven Minutes to Midnight
Watch the episode “Seven Minutes to Midnight” from 26:50 to 27:55. There will be a
dialogue between Mohinder and his mother. Correct the words in italics. (Pay attention
because since the characters are from India they have a different accent).
Mrs. Suresh: I know you love (1) him, and I know you feel blamed (2) too. You don’t?
I had a dream last night. You and father were talking after (3) he left and
you persuaded him to go.
Mrs. Suresh: It was just a dream, Mohinder
No, I need to see (4) if it was true!
Mrs. Suresh: Your father and I were married for 33 weeks (5).
That is not an answer!
Mrs. Suresh: Yes, it is. A wedding (6) doesn’t last that long without allowing the other
person to be who he needs (7) to be!
How could you allow him to leave (8) everything, just like that?
Mrs. Suresh: I’m afraid that answer is not as simple (9)...
In the dream you said that I might (10) never take the place of her. Who
did you mean?
Mrs. Suresh: I guess (11) it’s time that you knew now that your father is gone.
Mohinder, you had a brother (12)!
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 108_04
Seven Minutes to Midnight
1. miss
2. guilty
3. before
4. know
5. years
6. marriage
7. has
8. abandon
9. easy
10. could
11. suppose
12. sister
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 108_05
Seven Minutes to Midnight
Answer the following questions.
1. What did Mohinder do with his father’s ashes? (01:15)
2. According to Charlie, the waitress, something odd is happening to her. What was it?
3. What did Mohinder’s friend tell he could do? (07:58)
4. Why was Audrey mad at Matt? (11:00)
5. When Charlie asked Hiro what his ability was he did not tell the truth. What did he tell
her? (13:20)
6. What did Mr. Bennett tell Isaac when he told him the drawings were nothing? (24:30)
7. What did the boy that was looking through Mohinder’s office do when Mohinder
caught him? (31:30)
8. What did Hiro decide to do in order to help Charlie? (36:55)
9. What did Janice confess to Matt when they were in their room? (38:20)
10. How did Issac end up painting the picture?(41:22)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 108_05
Seven Minutes to Midnight
1. He threw them in the sea.
2. Lately she’s been remembering everything she reads, her brain keeps doing it whether
she wants it to or not.
3. He told Mohinder the new semester starts on Monday and he could move into his
father’s old office.
4. Because she found out that Matt had punched another officer.
5. He told her that he was able to teach Japanese to anyone, when his ability is to bend
time and space.
6. He told Isaac that he had the ability to paint the future and that was something.
7. He went back in time.
8. He decided to bend time and space and go back to the past.
9. She confessed she had an affair with Tom.
10. He needed to take the drugs to paint it.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 109_01
Choose the alternative that doesn’t paraphrase the statement:
1. (05:50) Nikki: How much?
Man who sells guns: Two large.
a) Two thousand dollars.
b) Two million dollars.
c) Two grand.
2. (09:00) Peter: There are people that are counting on me to do this.
a) There are people who are waiting for me to do this.
b) There are people who are expecting me to do this.
c) There are people who want to do this instead of me.
3. (15:14) Claire: You are being completely unreasonable!
a) You are not being sensible. You are acting wrongly!
b) You are being completely unhappy!
c) You are acting in a stupid way!
4. (20:03) Waitress: He popped out of her life weeks ago!
a) He turned her into a pop singer weeks ago!
b) He walked out of her life weeks ago!
c) He left her weeks ago!
5. (32:20) Jackie: We used to be BFF’s*!
a) We used to be best friends forever!
b) We used to have the same boyfriends!
c) We used to say we were always going to be friends!
Last update: June 26, 2008
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TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 109_01
1. b
2. c
3. b
4. a
5. b
*BFF is an expression that stands for best friends forever and it’s commonly used
among American youngsters.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 109_02
The following statements are wrong. Choose the alternative that changes them, making
them true.
1. Jackie was happy because Claire was elected Homecoming Queen. (02:45)
a) Claire was mad because Jackie was elected Homecoming Queen.
b) Jackie was mad because Claire was elected Homecoming queen
c) Claire was happy because Jacky was elected Homecoming Queen.
2. Mohinder lost the boy who was in his dream. (17:53)
a) Mohinder lost the girl who was in his dream.
b) Mohinder found the boy who was in his dream.
c) Mohinder found the girl who was in his dream.
3. Claire realized that she is in love with Zach. (21:57)
a) Claire realized that Zach is her real friend.
b) Claire realized that Zach is in love with her
c) Claire realized that Zach is Jackie’s friend.
4. Peter is able to bend time and space when he is close to Claire. (36:50)
a) Sylar is able to bend time and space when he is close to Claire.
b) Ando is able to have his wounds regenerated spontaneously when he is close to Claire.
c) Peter is able to have his wounds regenerated spontaneously when he is close to Claire.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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HEROES – Card 109_02
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 109_03
Watch the dialogue. The words in italics have been replaced by other words. Correct
them. (21:15 – 22:27)
Zach: So, big deal, what? He awards (1) you more, he double grounds you...Come on!
You deserve this!
Claire: I do deserve this! And tonight you can be my date to the prom (2).
Zach: Me?
Claire: Sure, why not?
Zach: For a thousand (3) different reasons.
Claire: Is it about what Jackie yelled (4)? Because I don’t care...
Zach: I don’t like (5) about that, you think I care about that? She can call me whenever
(6) she wants, I’m not gonna be surprised (7) by it. I know who I am. I hate (8)
who I am I like who you are. I just wish that you liked who you are!
Claire: I’m finally remembering (9) who my friends really are, and maybe being equal
(10) isn’t the end of the Earth (11). That’s just who I am.
Zach: Exactly, you gotta deny (12) your inner normal (13). ‘Cause the only thing that
you’ll regret is denying who you really are.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 109_03
1. grounds
2. dance
3. million
4. said
5. care
6. whatever
7. embarrassed
8. like
9. realizing
10. different
11. world
12. embrace
13. freak
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – 109_04
Match the questions with their right answers:
1. What did Nathan do with the painting that Peter was looking for? (04:15)
2. What happened when D.L. came back to where his car was parked? (07:25)
3. How did Peter know where Union Wells High School was? (10:00)
4. What did Claire do when Jackie called Zach gay?(14:50)
5. How did Mohinder find the boy who was in his dream? (17:40)
6. What was the password for Chandra Suresh’s list? (28:25)
7. What mistake did the police make when they found Peter lying on the ground?(39:50)
8. What happened to D.L. when he was entering the car? (41:30)
a) Shanti.
b) He threw ink on it.
c) They though Peter was the criminal and put handcuffs on him.
d) She punched her on the face.
e) Simone made a phone call and found out it was in Odessa and told Peter.
f) He tipped a man who pointed at the place where the boy was playing football.
g) He noticed Micah had run away.
h) Jessica shot him.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – 109_04
1. b
2. g
3. e
4. d
5. f
6. a
7. c
8. h
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – 109_05
Watch the dialogue and find out what the synonyms for the words in italics are. (16:0017:15)
wicked / to manage / frightened / to appear / assist / ill / weird /
to be aware of / correct / to talk about
Micah, Micah! What were you thinking? Do you know how scared (1) I was?
Now you know (2) how it felt when you left us!
Micah, what am I supposed to do here?
Go back! She needs us!
We've discussed (3) this. Your mom...
Dad, I know she's different (4), OK? I see it too. Something happened to her
when you left. It got really bad (6). Then sometimes she'd show up (5) instead of
Dad, mom's sick (7). She can't help herself. She can't control (8) it.
Micah, does your mom know about Jessica?
No, I don’t think so. Dad, we can’t just leave her. If you still love her, you'll
help (9) her!
You're right (10).
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – 109_05
1. frightened
2. to be aware of
3. to talk about
4. weird
5. appear
6. wicked
7. ill
8. manage
9. assist
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 110_01
Six Months Ago
Explain the words and expressions in bold.
1. Jackie: OK, first of all, I’ve earned that.(06:23)
2. Niki: I’ve got a kid so smart that he is flunking out of school.(08:32)
3. Niki: My husband can’t find a job because no one wants to hire an ex-con (08:35)
4. Nathan: D.A. wants me to prosecute Linderman. (11:08)
5. Tom: You’re not chickening out, are you? (15:20)
6. D.L. We can all say a prayer for Jessica. (18:53)
7. Peter: You need to lie down. (21:07)
8. Niki’s father: Well, I guess I’ll go see what the boy’s up to now. (27:10)
9. Jessica: The daughter that you choked! (30:21)
10.Nathan: Let’s take comfort in the fact that he didn’t know his son was going to stab
him in the back. (34:22)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 110_01
Six Months Ago
1. To earn: To get something you deserve because of your qualities or actions.
2. To flunk out: To be forced to leave a school or college because your work is
not good enough.
3. Ex-con: A criminal who has been in prison but who is now free.
4. To prosecute: To officially say that you think someone is guilty of a crime and
have them judged by a court of law.
5. To chicken out: If you chicken out of something, you decide not to do it
because you’re afraid.
6. To say a prayer: To pray.
7. When you lie down, you move into a horizontal position, usually in order to
rest or sleep.
8. To be up to: To be going to do something.
9. To choke: To prevent someone from breathing and hurt them by putting your
hands around their throat and pressing on it.
10. To stab someone in the back: To do something bad to someone when they’re
not aware of it.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 110_02
Six Months Ago
Write true (T) or false (F).
1. Chandra Suresh went to Gabriel’s office in order to have his watch repaired. ( )
2. Eden convinced Matt to go away without giving her a ticket. ( ) (04:30)
3. Claire cut her hand when she accidentally broke the window’s glass.( ) (06:35)
4. Gabriel didn’t want to be a watchmaker like his dad. ( ) (13:25)
5. Hiro talked to himself over the phone. ( ) (14:45)
6. Hiro gave Charlie a Chinese phrasebook. ( ) (16:10)
7. Niki was sitting at her mother’s grave in the cemetery.
) (17:56)
8. Peter had a dream about Heidi’s accident. ( ) (21:12)
9. Micah was given a notebook by his grandfather. ( ) (25:57)
10.D.L. went to her father’s room, hit him and gave him back the check. ( ) (29:45)
11.Peter’s father had a stroke and died. ( ) (34:10)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 110_02
Six Months Ago
1. (F)
2. (T)
3. (F)
4. (T)
5. (T)
6. (F)
7. (F)
8. (T)
9. (T)
10. (F)
11. (F)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 110_03
Six Months Ago
Choose the right alternative:
1. What did Hiro say to Charlie when he met her at the diner? (01:34)
a) That he wanted a cup of coffee.
b) That he was there in order to save her life.
c) That She had beautiful eyes.
2.Who called Mr. Bennet in order to talk about him about Claire? (06:55)
a) Chandra Suresh
b) Gabriel Gray
c) Mohinder Suresh
3.When Tom met Matt in the car he was surprised. Why? (15:10)
a) Because it was Matt’s day off.
b) Because Matt was sleeping.
c) Because Matt was supposed to be taking the Detective’s test.
4.What happened when the unknown car was chasing Nathan and Heidi? (19:45)
a) Nathan managed to swerve to the left and make the car hit the wall.
b) Nathan flew but Heidi was in the car, so she was harmed when the car hit the water
c) Nathan pulled out a gun and got to shoot the other car’s tires, making it stop.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 110_03
Six Months Ago
1. b
2. a
3. c
4. b
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 110_04
Six Months Ago
Match the questions and their right answers:
1. What did Eden tell Matt when he asked for her driver’s license and registration? (04:35)
2. Why was Jackie mad at Claire? (06:06)
3. Who was at the meeting where Niki was talking about her life? (08:50)
4. What was Matt eating when Tom approached him? (15:00)
5. How did Peter know about Nathan’s accident? (21:06)
6. What did Hiro have for Charlie when he bent time? (23:40)
7. Why was Gabriel mad at Chandra Suresh? (24:43)
8. What happened when Claire took the band out of her hand? (32:25)
a) He had a dream about it.
b) Her father.
c) A lot of origami birds and a ticket to Japan.
d) A doughnut.
e) She said she had stolen the car.
f) Because he said Gabriel might not have a special ability.
g) Her hand had completely healed.
h) Because Claire wanted to try the cheerleader outfit later.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 110_04
Six Months Ago
1. e
2. h
3. b
4. d
5. a
6. c
7. f
8. g
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
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HEROES – Card 110_05
Six Months Ago
Who said the following lines?
Chandra Suresh – Eden – Charlie – Tom – Nathan –
Gabriel Gray – Niki’s father – Janice Parkman –
Mr. Bennet – Brian Davis
1. It’s just a talent I have for the way things work. (03:15)
2. Oh, here is the suggestion: why don’t you go get back in your car and eat a dozen
doughnuts? That is what you cops like to do, right? (04:55)
3. No, April 24th. It’s my birthday! (07:27)
4. What’s up with the doughnut? (15:27)
5. My dad did what he had to do to take care of his family. That’s something that Peter is
never gonna understand.
6. Now, go break the internet in half or something.(26:10)
7. Well, you might be getting a little old for the bears from around the world, but... (31:48)
8. Hey, you’re everything that I want. (33:30)
9. Can you make it go away? (37:55)
10.I came half way around the world looking for proof. (40:00)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 110_05
Six Months Ago
1. Gabriel Gray
2. Eden
3. Charlie
4. Tom
5. Nathan
6. Niki’s father
7. Mr. Bennet
8. Janice Parkman
9. Brian Davis
10. Chandra Suresh
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 111_01
Explain the words and expressions in bold.
1.Matt: These are two new sets of footprints. (03:50)
2.Audrey: She slipped up, Parkman. It sucks but it happens. (04:00)
3.Mr.Bennett: Now it is, wasn’t so long ago that you were Gabriel Gray, an insignificant
watchmaker. (08:02)
4.Audrey: Are you some kind of pervert? (12:53)
5.Claire: And then he grabbed her. (17:39)
6. Zach: Of course! Cross my heart! (26:38)
7. Matt: I don’t wanna be a chump. (31:30)
8.Zach: What is your damage? Look, you haven’t talked to me since sixth grade and now
you call me out of the blue! What is this about? (33:05)
9. Sylar: You see yourself as some sort of humanitarian, don’t you? A do-gooder, a hero,
kidnapping men and women who are different. Does that make you feel powerful? (33:45)
10. Eden: I’m gonna take this gun and I’m gonna put it in that slot and you’re gonna take
it and you’re gonna blow your brains out. (38:01)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 111_01
1. Footprint: A mark made on the ground by a foot or shoe.
2. To slip up: To make a mistake, to make something wrong.
3. Watchmaker: Someone who makes and fixes watches.
4. Pervert: Someone whose sexual behavior is considered unnatural or
5. To grab: To take, to seize something with a sudden or violent movement.
6. To cross one’s heart: To promise, to swear, to commit one’s self to do
7. Chump: Someone who is silly or stupid, and who is easily tricked or deceived.
8. Out of the blue: Suddenly. Something that has happened out of the blue has
happened unexpectedly.
9. Do-gooder: Someone who likes to do good deeds and help people and keeps
bragging about it.
10. Slot: A long narrow hole in a surface, one that you can put things through.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
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HEROES – Card 111_02
Choose the best alternative.
1. What did Mr. Bennett ask Claire to destroy? (03:08)
a) her cheerleader uniform
b) Zach’s bike
c) the tapes
2. Why did Mr. Bennett get mad at Sylar? (08:02)
a) Because he said his name was not Gabriel Gray.
b) Because he threatened to collect Claire’s ability.
c) Because he threatened to kill Lyle and Claire.
3. What happened when Matt tried to read Peter’s thoughts? (13:03)
a) Peter read his and Audrey’s thoughts.
b) Audrey started reading Peter’s thoughts.
c) Matt read only Audrey’s thoughts.
4. What did Niki tell the police officer? (30:20)
a) That she wanted him to arrest Jessica for murder.
b) That she wanted him to arrest D.L. for murder.
c) That she wanted him to arrest her for murder.
5. What was the only word Matt was able to get from Mr. Bennett? (32:05)
a) Sylar
b) cheerleader
c) murder
6. What did Claire realize when she was talking to Zach? (32:35)
a) That Zach was pretending not to know her.
b) That someone had made Zach and Lyle forget everything.
c) That Mr. Bennett was the one to blame for that.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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HEROES – Card 111_02
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 111_03
Analyze the following statements taken from the episode “Fallout” and decide what is
the best way to paraphrase them.
1. Mr. Bennett: That man is taken care of. (02:25)
a) That man is taking care of the situation.
b) Somebody is taking care of that man.
c) Somebody has already taken care of that man.
2. Nathan: You get in trouble, I drop everything to fix it. (04:48)
a) You get in trouble, I leave everything in order to help you.
b) You get in confusion, I drop everything to get you out of jail.
c) You get in trouble, I start doing things to save you.
3. Mr. Bennett: That’s enough! (09:00)
a) You have said enough about my daughter’s qualities.
b) Stop saying that right now!
c) That’s what you think.
4. Matt: Help yourself! (12:34)
a) You can have some medicine.
b) We won’t help you. You’ll have to help yourself.
c) You need to take care of that headache.
5. Mohinder: Fine, I will, never mind. (14:46)
a) Fine, I will, forget about it.
b) Ok, I’m never going to do that again.
c) All right, I am going to do that, even if you don’t want me to.
6. Eden: I lived next door to Chandra Suresh. (37:50)
a) I lived with Chandra Suresh.
b) I was Chandra Suresh’s neighbor.
c) Chandra Suresh used to live next to me.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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HEROES – Card 111_03
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 111_04
Answer the following questions:
1. According to Audrey, what did the blood patterns indicate? (03:35)
2. What happened when Nathan was talking to Peter in jail? (05:55)
3. How did Sylar end up in Mr. Bennett’s paper industry? (07:35)
4. What did Eden tell Mr. Bennett she could do? (09:38)
5. What was the evidence found by the policemen that Peter didn’t kill Claire? (12:38)
6. What did Isaac do with the cell phone Eden gave him? (17:16)
7. Why wasn’t Matt able to read Claire’s thoughts while she was talking to Audrey?
8. What happened when Micah tried to prevent D.L. and Jessica from fighting? (24:35)
9. Something weird happened when Claire was talking to her brother, Lyle. What was it?
10.What did Claire notice when she was trying to talk to Zach? (32:35)
11.What happened to Peter when he and Nathan left the police station? (39:10)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 111_04
1. That Jackie’s murderer had stopped to catch his breath and then disappeared.
2. When Peter turned around he was not talking to Nathan anymore, but with
3. He was taken there by Eden and the Haitian.
4. She told him she could tell Sylar to kill himself.
5. The blood they found on him was his own.
6. He called Hiro and told him they needed to meet.
7. Because the Haitian guy was there and prevented it.
8. Jessica pushed him and he hit his arm on a rock.
9. Lyle did not remember how he had gotten home, and this made Claire realize
that he had forgotten everything about her special ability.
10. Since Zach also did not remember anything, she concluded that someone had
made both Zach and Lyle forget about everything.
11. Peter fainted.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 111_05
Watch this dialogue (01:00-02:48) and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Are you (1) _________ at me? You haven’t said anything since we got in
the car, since I told you.
Mr. Bennett: No, no. I’ve just been thinking. I have something I need to tell you. It’s not
(2) _________ to keep it from you any (3) _________... What you can
do... I’ve known about you, Claire. I knew before you knew, before you
made those (4) _________with Zach.
You saw the tape? Why didn’t you say anything?
Mr. Bennett: There were a lot of reasons, but (5) _________, I just wanted to protect
Protect me? All this time? I’ve felt so alone and like some sort of (6)
_________ and you knew...
Mr. Bennett: I’ve worked very hard. I’ve done some things that I’m not (7) _________
of to keep you safe.
What kinds of things?
Mr. Bennett: I just wanted you to have a normal life.
Jackie died because of me. He (8) _________she was me, didn’t he?
Mr. Bennett: That man is taken care of. I promise you.
You knew all this time.
Mr. Bennett: Your mother doesn’t now and (9) _________ does your brother.
Actually, Lyle (10) _________ of found out.
Mr. Bennett: Really? Anybody else?
(11) _________.
Mr. Bennett: (12) _________ else can know. It’s the only way to keep you safe.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 111_05
1. mad
2. fair
3. longer
4. tapes
5. mostly
6. freak
7. proud
8. thought
9. neither
10. kind
11. Zach
12. Nobody
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 112_01
Explain the words and expressions in bold.
1.Mr. Bennett: You don’t have to worry about the press. (02:36)
2. Sylar’s doctor: If we keep up with at this rate he’ll be dead by tomorrow. (04:04)
3.Aaron Malski: You took something of his and he reserves the right to let you make that
up to him. (10:27)
4. FBI Agent: You say your father compiled this list? (12:23)
5. FBI Agent: Well, we ran the name. Nothing, clearly an alias. (12:40)
6. Audrey: I was following a hunch. (14:47)
7. Zach: Right, I forgot you’ve been bodysnatched. (16:14)
8. Nikki’s lawyer: I gotta tell you, Ms. Sanders, the outbursts are not helping. (17:10)
9. Claire: This is Claire Bennett and as far as you know, that was attempt number 1.
10. Nikki: Before an evaluation with the shrink. (30:48)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 112_01
1. Press: All the organizations, especially newspapers, that provide news and
information for the public, or the people who report the stories.
2. To keep up: To continue doing something.
3. To make it up to somebody: To make something good for someone because
you feel responsible for something bad or disappointing that happened to
4. To compile: To make a book, list, record, etc. that puts together many pieces
of information.
5. Alias: A false name, usually used by a criminal.
6. Hunch: A feeling that something is true or something will happen, even if you
don’t have any facts or proof about it.
7. Bodysnatched: Someone who has been bodysnatched has had their body
possessed by something else.
8. Outbursts: A sudden powerful expression of strong emotion, especially
9. Attempt: An act of trying to do something, especially something difficult.
10. Shrink: The informal name for a psychiatrist.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 112_02
Write true (T), false (F), or Not in this episode (NITE – If the item states something that
did not happen in the episode “Godsend”):
1. Claire pretends to have forgotten everything when she talks to her father. (
) (02:41)
2. Chandra Suresh went to Sylar’s office in order to talk to him. (
3. When Sylar is laying on the floor a spider passes by him.
) (03:42)
) (04:37)
4. The SWAT team found the secret room in Mr. Bennett’s factory. (
5. D.A. returns the 2 million dollars to Linderman’s employee.
6. Claire punches Jackie on the face for calling Zach gay. (
) (02:22)
) (09:25)
) (11:22)
7. Jessica shows up when Nikki is talking to her attorney in jail. (
) (17:10)
8. Hiro bends time and manages to steal the sword from the museum and runaway.(
9. The Haitian refuses to give Zach and Lyle’s memories back. (
) (24:25)
10.Audrey and Matt interview Peter about Jackie’s death. (26:38)
11.Jessica appears again while Nikki is talking to her husband and son. (
12.Micah is given a notebook by his grandfather. (
) (35:02)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
) (32:34)
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 112_02
(NITE) – It happens in the episode called “Nothing to hide”.
(F) – It’s a cockroach, not a spider.
(F) They said they found only paper.
(NITE) – It happens in the episode called “Homecoming.”
(F) – He doesn’t bend time, he only makes it pass slowly.
(NITE) – It happens in the episode called “Fallout.”
11. (T)
12. (NITE) – It happens in the episode called “Six Months Ago.”
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 112_03
Choose the best alternative for each question:
1.In how many languages have the doctors told Mrs. Petrelli they didn’t know what
they were doing? (07:05)
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
2. What did Mr. Bennett hand to Audrey and Matt’s boss? (14:30)
a) Some evidence that Sylar was not trapped in a secret room in his factory.
b) A tape showing that Matt and Audrey were in the car watching the factory.
c) A CD with Sylar’s voice saying where he was.
3. Why was Nikki so worried when she was talking to her attorney? (17:27)
a) Because he told her she was never going to get out of jail.
b) Because he told her that she would never be able to see Micah again.
c) Because he told her she might face the death penalty.
4. Did Mohinder agree to help Mr. Bennett find out the names that were on the list?
a) Yes
b) No
5. While talking to the airline representative on the phone, where did Peter book a
flight to? (40:15)
a) Las Vegas, NV
b) Little Rock, AR
c) Boston, MA
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 112_03
1. a
2. b
3. c
4. b
5. a
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 112_04
Some words in the dialogue (17:08 to 18:42 ) have been changed. Can you find out the
right words?
Lawyer: I gotta tell you, Ms. Sanders, the outbursts are not helping.
Kind of getting tired of them myself. Look, I just want my time in (1) silence.
Lawyer: Yeah, about that, it seems the DA is gonna file for special circumstances in the
(2) crimes. They're gonna seek the death penalty.
Death penalty?
Lawyer: Look, I know it's a long (3) haul, but if might help if you cooperate a little.
And how am I supposed to do that?
Lawyer: The 2 million dollars? Things (4) may go a little smoother if you tell the police
were it is.
I told you. I don’t know (5) nothing about that!
Jessica: Who are you trying to (6) tease? You know exactly where it is.
Lawyer: I’m sorry?
Jessica: He's (7) wrong Nikki. We should tell them
Stop it! Don’t pay any attention to her!
Lawyer: Pay attention to who?
Jessica: God, who am I gonna have to screw to get out of this place?
I said stop it!
Lawyer: What is (8) that?
Jessica: What does it look like, dipstick?
Lawyer: Wait, you're going psych on me?
Jessica: If that's what it (9) gets...
Lawyer: Multiple (10) personal disorders are a real hard sell...
When I want your opinion, I will ask for it! Just get us a damn (11) ship!
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 112_04
1. peace
2. homicides
3. shot
4. might
5. anything
6. fool
7. right
8. this
9. takes
10. personality
11. shrink
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 112_05
Match the following questions with their correct answer:
1. Was Claire telling the truth when she told Mr. Bennett she didn’t remember anything?
2. Where did Nathan ask Simone to take him? (08:10)
3. According to Micah, what did DL do wrong when he made his snack? (08:26)
4. What was Eden’s real name? (13:04)
5. Hiro and Ando asked for directions in the museum. Where did they want to go? (19:10)
6. What did Hiro say when he met Nathan? (24:08)
7. Who was in the house in the middle of the Nevada desert? (27:50)
8. Who did Mohinder come across to in his apartment? (33:15)
9. What was the only difference between Hiro himself and the drawing Isaac made?
He put the peanut butter in the refrigerator.
To the gift store.
Sarah Ellis.
Flying man!!
To Isaac’s house.
Mr. Bennett.
His face was not so round.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 112_05
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 113_01
The Fix
Explain the words and expressions in bold:
1. Claude: Mate, I’m no one! (01:57)
2. Mr. Bennett: If he crashes, you bring him back. Again and again. (04:16)
3. Mohinder: Yes, we met under unfortunate circumstances. (06:40)
4. Mr. Bennett: You two used to be friends, you might find you actually get along. (12:22)
5. Janice: I´ve gotta say, this is all a little nuts! (13:22)
6. D.L.: Oh, man... I’m trying to pay this rent! (18:12)
7. Officer: We’re gonna need your gun and your badge. (25:05)
8. Matt: Get me a wrench. (25:35)
9. Peter: Time? I don’t have time to be your guinea pig. (28:04)
10.Matt: And now I’m unemployed and about to lose my marriage. (30:52)
11.Nikki: He needs boundaries, and a strong hand. (33:25)
12.D.L.: Micah, where have you been? I was worried to death! (38:14)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 113_01
The Fix
mate: A male friend, or a friendly way of speaking to a man you don’t know.
This expression is used mainly in England and in Australia.
to crash: To lose consciousness
unfortunate: A situation that is unfortunate is bad, is one that you wish were
to get along: To have a friendly relationship with someone or a group of people.
nuts: Crazy, mad.
rent: The amount of money you pay for the use of a house, car, room, etc. that
belongs to someone else.
badge: A small piece of metal, plastic, etc, that you wear or carry to show
people that you work for a particular organization, as for example a police
wrench: A metal tool with a round end that fits over and turns.
guinea pig: Someone who is used in a test to see how successful or safe a new
product is.
10. unemployed: Someone who is unemployed doesn’t have a job.
11. boundaries: The highest or most extreme limit that something can reach or the
limit of what is possible or acceptable.
12. To be worried to death: To be extremely worried about something or someone.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 113_02
The Fix
Choose the best way to paraphrase these quotes.
1. (06:50) Nathan: I’m looking for my brother, doctor.
Mohinder: That makes two of us!
a) He is making both of us look for him
b) I’m also looking for him.
c) Let’s stop looking for him.
2. (11:38) Zach: We’re lab partners now!
a) We are working together in the laboratory now!
b) We have found partners to work with us in the Science lab!
c) We won’t study in the same class anymore.
3. (17:07) Dr. Witherson: It seems like we’re dealing with a classic case of multiple
personality disorder.
a) I think you’re crazy. Let’s take care of that.
b) It looks like you have more than one personality.
c) You look like your sister, Jessica.
4. (21:28) Mrs. Bennett: I cannot believe how many projects they lay on these kids. I
don’t know how she holds everything in that head of hers.
a) I think all these projects they make teenagers do nowadays make them very worried, and
b) The teachers have to give students more homework to do, otherwise they can’t hold
their heads on their neck!
c) They give a lot of projects for teenagers to do. I don’t understand how Claire manages to
do everything!
5. (31:10) Janice: Look, we just have to trust each other.
a) I have to trust you and you have to trust me.
b) We have to trust everything is going to be fine.
c) I have to trust that you will trust me.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 113_02
The Fix
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 113_03
The Fix
In order to do this exercise you will have to pay attention to details of some of The Fix’s
scenes. Answer the following questions.
1. The invisible man dropped something in front of a woman and made her scream. What
did he drop? (02:44)
2. What time was it on the clock Hiro was trying to stop time? (04:55)
3. Pigeons, eagles or storks? What kind of birds does the invisible man that Peter met
breeds? (08:50)
4. What kind of shoes is Zach wearing when Claire comes into the room? (12:34)
5. Striped, checked or flowered, what kind of shirt is Janice wearing? (13:00)
6. What kind of car chases Hiro and Ando at the parking lot, an SUV*, a van or a
limousine? (15:17)
7. What color is the phone on which D.L. talks? (18:11)
8. What color are Mr. Muggles clothes? (21:40)
9. What is the name of the newspaper that published the report about Claire and her
mother’s death? (22:50)
10.Where are Matt and Janice sitting when he finds out they’re going to have a baby?
11.What is the name of the book that Mr. Bennett brings Claire? (35:10)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 113_03
The Fix
1. He dropped a trashcan.
2. It was 10:47 am.
3. He breeds pigeons.
4. He’s wearing All Stars.
5. Striped.
6. A van.
7. It’s white.
8. Red.
9. Odessa Register.
10. On the bathtub.
11. Life of a Manatee
*SUV stands for Sport Utility Vehicle, and it’s a very popular car in the US.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 113_04
The Fix
Answer the following questions.
1. Would you like to be an invisible person? (01:25)
2. Why do you think Mr. Bennett wants to keep Sylar alive? (04:30)
3. Mohinder allowed Nathan to enter his apartment, even though the first time they met
Nathan didn’t listen to him. If you were Mohinder, would you have let Nathan in?
4. Claire and Zach were snooping around her father’s files in his computer in order to
find information about Claire’ ability. Do you think they acted wrongly? (10:20)
5. If you were Nikki, would you accept to see a shrink? (16:25)
6. If you were Matt’s superior, would you suspend him from working at the department?
7. How do you think the man in the car can speak Japanese? (26:08)
8. If you were Matt, would you trust Janice after she had cheated on you? (31:12)
9. Would you withdraw money from an ATM* like Micah did if you had his powers?
10. How do you think Hiro’s father is involved in the whole situation? (40:33)
*ATM = Automated teller machine.
Discuss the answers with a teacher.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 113_05
The Fix
Watch the dialogue between Claire and Zach (10:22-11:10) and fill in the blanks with
the missing words.
So what (1) am I looking for here?
Claire: Anything my dad doesn’t want us to (2). You said you're good with computers.
I make movies on my (3).
Claire: No, you're gonna find in those (4), in that internet password protected (5) blocker
or stuff.
Shouldn't you be (6) the door, what if your dad walks in?
Claire: He’s at work. It's just you, me and Mr. (7)
There's nothing. There's not even any (8).
Claire: (9).
I'm serious, this thing is (10) clean.
Claire: No, my dad lied to me about my (11) life, my biological parents, my (12), he
can't just hide things like that. There's gotta be something on there!
If your dad's the guy you're describing, I don't think he's gonna (13) his secrets on
the family computer.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 113_05
The Fix
1. exactly
2. find
3. laptop
4. holes
5. nanny
6. watching
7. Muggles
8. porn
9. Gross
10. totally
11. entire
12. ability
13. keep
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 114_01
Explain the words and expressions in bold.
1.Shrink: And just because I’m a shrink don’t think I don’t know how to use that taser.
2. Sylar: You shouldnt’ve built such a good cage. (05:45)
3.Simone: You started painting since you got back from rehab, can I see ‘em? (06:30)
4. Mrs. Bennett: I’m making fajitas. Zach, you’re welcome to join us. (08:57)
5. Claude: You see them for what they truly are, selfish, deceitful...and gassy. (13:43)
6. Sylar: Hi, little fluffy! (19:05)
7. Mrs. Bennett: Since he discovered shoelaces he can’t get
enough! (20:52)
8. Aaron Malsky: It seems a rather terrible gentleman on death row confessed all the
crimes you’re accused of. (33:38)
9. Peter: And what, be like you? A hermit? (34:43)
10. Mrs. Bennett: The school called. Did you think you could ditch? (41:00)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 114_01
1. Taser: a gun that fires electrified darts to stun and immobilize a person.
2. Cage: A structure made of wires or bars in which birds or other animals
can be kept.
3. Rehab: The process of curing someone who has an alcohol or a drug
4. Fajitas: A type of tex-mex* food, it consists of grilled meat served on a
flower or corn tortilla.
5. Deceitful: Intending to make someone believe something that is not true.
6. Fluffy: Made of or covered with something soft and light, such as wool,
hair or feathers.
7. Shoelace: A thin piece of material, like string, that goes through holes in
front of your shoes and is used to tie them.
8. Death row: The part of a prison where prisoners are kept while waiting to
be punished by being killed.
9. Hermit: Someone who decides to live isolated from other people,
especially for religious reasons.
10.Ditch: Kill classes.
*TEX MEX food is a type of American food (specially from Texas and the southern
States) that mixes food products available in the United States and the creations of
Mexican cuisine, influenced by Mexican-Americans.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 114_02
Choose the best alternative for each question:
1. What is Claude going to teach Peter? (01:40)
a) How to control all his abilities.
b) How to be invisible.
c) How to fly and be invisible.
2. What happened when Nikki was talking to the shrink and Jessica showed up? (03:30)
a) She listened patiently to what the shrink said.
b) She tried to escape and kept yelling.
c) She stood up and broke the cuffs.
3. Why was Isaac mad at Simone? (07:00)
a).Because she now believed he could paint the future and wanted him to find out where
Peter was.
b) Because she wanted to return the key he had given her.
c) Because she didn’t like his last painting, which showed New York City destroyed.
4. What did Sylar tell Mrs. Bennet he was doing in her house? (19:45)
a) That he wanted to kidnap Claire, and if she tried to stop him he would kill her.
b) That he was making a delivery for Mr. Bennett and wanted to stay for dinner.
c) That he was making a delivery for Mr. Bennett and brought Mr. Muggles back into the
Last update: June 26, 2008
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TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 114_02
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 114_03
Claude / Nikki / Peter / Aaron / Simone / Mrs. Bennett /
Meredith Gordon / Mr. Bennett /
Who said what?
1. She played beautifully. (03:48)
2. You don’t go anywhere near her! (05:45)
3. That’s not a question. I’m making fajitas. Zach, you’re welcome to join us. (08:55)
4. How can you not punch that face every time you see it? (13:28)
5. Well, aren’t you sweet? (20:15)
6. I was so sure that nothing could’ve survived that fire! (22:30)
7. He’ll help you forget again.(27:35)
8. That’s not true. You can’t lose hope! (30:40)
9. You’re going home! (33:15)
10. You are afraid of the world! (35:15)
Last update: June 26, 2008
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TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 114_03
1. Nikki
2. Mr. Bennett
3. Mrs. Bennett
4. Claude
5. Mrs. Bennett
6. Meredith Gordon
7. Mr. Bennett
8. Simone
9. Aaron
10. Peter
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 114_04
Answer the following questions:
Even though Nikki advised her shrink that Jessica was dangerous, she insisted on
talking to Jessica. Do you think she acted correctly? (02:40)
Simone didn’t believe that Isaac could paint the future, but now she does and wants
him to find out where Peter is. Do you think he should help her? (06:58)
Hiro’s father told him if he gave up on his mission and returned to Japan he would be
executive vice president. Would you agree with that? (10:40)
If you were Peter, would you agree to spy on Simone with Claude? (14:05)
Do you think Claire looks like her biological mother? (18:40)
In your opinion, was Mrs. Bennett too naive to believe that Sylar was there to make a
delivery for her husband? (19:50)
What would you do if you found out that your mother also has special abilities?
How do you think Mr. Bennett walked out of the cage in his factory? (26:50)
Why do you think the charges against Nikki were dropped? (33:10)
10. How would you react if your mother didn’t remember a conversation you both had
the previous morning? (40:45)
Discuss the answers with a teacher.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 114_05
Put the following scenes in the right order:
1. Claire shows her ability to her biological mom.
2. Claude throws Peter off the building.
3. Simone says that she doesn't need the key to Isaac's loft anymore.
4. Sylar uses his power and throws Mrs. Bennett on the glass.
5. Isaac painted where Peter and Claude were.
6. Mrs.Bennett comes across Sylar in her kitchen.
7. Mr. Bennett thinks Sylar is dead and comes across the doctor's corpse.
8. Claude steals a woman's purse and hands it to Peter.
9. Zach and Claire arrive at her biological mother's house.
10. Peter sees Simone and Isaac hugging.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 114_05
1. (7)
2. (10)
3. (3)
4. (8)
5. (4)
6. (6)
7. (2)
8. (1)
9. (5)
10. (9)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 115_01
Watch from 00:52 to 02:43 and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Meredith: Um ... You might not remember me. We -- we haven't spoken in a long time,
but ... I just had ... our daughter just (1)________________ me. Did you hear
what I just said? She's alive.
Meredith: We need to talk. Nathan, are you still there?
It's -- it's been fourteen years. I went to your (2)________________.
Meredith: Look, that fire – it -- it wasn't an (3)________________. Someone was out to
get me, and the police, they just (4)________________ I was dead, so ... I ran.
And our daughter?
Meredith: Well, she's got an (5)________________ on her shoulder, that one. She was
(6)________________ by a nice family here in Texas. She's sixteen now. And
she's beautiful. She's got blond hair, like me. And she is smart, just like you.
Maybe one day she'll (7)________________ for Congress.
The (8)________________ of ... your call, two weeks before my election, that - that's not a (9)________________, is it?
Meredith: A child born out of (10)________________, that's big news. You wouldn't
want that to come out. (11)________________ things for you.
How much do you want?
Meredith: Oh, um ...
Meredith: Yeah. That oughta (12)________________ it. I'll let you know where to send
Last update: June 26, 2008
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TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 115_01
1. found
2. funeral
3. accident
4. assumed
5. angel
6. adopted
7. run
8. timing
9. coincidence
10. wedlock
11. Ruin
12. cover
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 115_02
Watch from 15:20 to 16:15 and match the words and expressions in bold with their
Angela: (1) We reap what we sow, Nathan. You have no one to blame but yourself.
Nathan: I'll go down to Texas and handle it.
Angela: So close to the election? Don't be ridiculous. If the press (2) gets wind of
this, especially (3) on the heels of the Linderman scandal –
Nathan: I cared about Meredith once. I owe her more than a phone call. I owe them
both. Besides, I'm this girl's father, come on.
Angela: You're a glorified sperm (4) donor. Don't get emotionally (5) attached.
Nathan: How can you be so (6) cold?
Angela: Because I know you, Nathan. Beneath the (7) gruff exterior, you're a (8)
sap. The moment that young girl looks at you with her sad little weepy eyes,
you're lost, you're finished. You'll start giving, and she'll start taking until
there's nothing left. So prioritize, Nathan. Wire the money to Texas. Focus on
the people who really matter.
a. someone who can easily be tricked
b. to be connected with
c. you have to deal with the bad effects of something that you originally started
d. a person who gives part of his/her body to be used in medical treatment
e. immediately after
f. without emotion
g. get to know or become aware of something accidentally
h. unfriendly; rude
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 115_02
1. c
2. g
3. e
4. d
5. b
6. f
7. h
8. a
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 115_03
Fill in the blanks with one of the expressions and words from the chart below and write
what they mean.
look at me twice
lay low
high roller
1. Jessica: Thank God you called. Playing house is making me _________________. I
understand. The guy stole his money. He wants him dead. Mr. Linderman wants, Mr.
Linderman gets. (05:22)
2. Hope: I left this morning while he was sleeping. But I forgot my bag. It's -- it's pink and
it has _________________ on it and it's got all my money and my credit cards and it even
has my family photos in it that I can't replace. (09:27)
3. Ando: Ah! Complimentary for _________________. (11:02)
4. Zane: I'm just a regular guy. I mean ... I've never been different or -- or special, or -- I
mean, no one would even _________________ walking down the street. (14:35)
5. Matt: Sir. Sir, please. Please. We have gotta get out of here right now. This is a
_________________. (19:10)
6. Matt: No, you can't _________________ me. (20:00)
7. Jessica: Don't worry, Niki. I don't plan on being Little Miss Homemaker forever. Just
gotta _________________ for a while. (22:20)
8. Sylar: It's a little _________________. And then I discovered something. A kind of
peace. A sense of purpose that can only be described as destiny. (35:15)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 115_03
1. cranky: bad-tempered.
2. rhinestones: an imitation of diamonds used in cheap jewelry.
3. high roller: someone who spends a lot of money, specially in gambling.
4. look at me twice: pay close attention.
5. setup: a situation in which someone tricks you or makes it seem as if you
have done something wrong.
6. bribe: persuade someone to do something dishonest by giving him/her
7. lay low: keep a low profile.
8. wobbly: not firm or confident.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 115_04
Watch from 22:05 to 24:48 and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
You can't do this. You have to stop!
JESSICA: Don't worry, Niki. I don't plan on being Little Miss Homemaker forever. Just
gotta (1)________________ for a while.
You're chasing two men with a gun in (2)________________ daylight. You
call that laying low? This is my life. My child! You can't do this!
JESSICA: I have to. Somebody's gotta (3)________________ Linderman.
You made the (4)________________ to get me out of jail?
JESSICA: I couldn't leave it up to you now, could I?
The elevator's not (5)________________. Who are you calling?
You can't bring the (7)________________ into this!
Terry, hey! It's Parkman. I'm working (8)________________ -- Diamond
District. Sixth and Broadway. I got a (9)________________, possibly two.
Send everyone you got. Come on! All right, you go to the other side of the
(10)________________. Cops will be here soon. I'll (11)________________
us some time.
Drop your (12)________________. Over the side, right now. Okay, where's
your partner?
JESSICA: Partner?
Come on, your partner! I heard you (13)________________ with her. Niki,
right? Where is she?
JESSICA: You heard Niki?
Where is she?
JESSICA: She's probably (14)________________ Malsky ... right now.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 115_04
1. lay low
2. broad
3. repay
4. deal
5. coming
6. Backup
7. cops
8. security
9. shooter
10. building
11. buy
12. weapon
13. arguing
14. killing
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 115_05
Write True (T) or False (F).
1. Zane Taylor calls Mohinder backand tells him he has a special ability. (
) (08:34)
2. Ando goes to Mr. Gustavson’s room to find Hope’s bag, but he gives up. Who really
finds it is Hiro. ( ) (10:50)
3. Mohinder goes to Zane Taylor’s to get his ability and kill him.
( ) (13:50)
4. While Malsky is dealing with the diamond buyer, Matt finds out Linderman has sent
someone to kill Malsky. ( ) (18:50)
5. Hiro realizes Hope is a bad person. She locks him in a storage room. (
) (20:45)
6. Claire tells her mother, Meredith, she doesn’t want to meet her father. She only wants
her half in the deal. ( ) (27:30)
7. Nathan is told his daughter is alive and flies down to Texas to meet her. (
8. Sylar gives a sample of his DNA to Mohinder. (
9. Matt gives his little diamond to the detective. (
) (31:30)
) (35:30)
) (40:00)
10.Jessica receives a phone call. Her next target is Nathan Petrelli. (
Last update: June 26, 2008
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) (41:55)
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 115_05
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. T
6. F
7. F
8. F
9. F
10. T
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 116_01
Answer the following questions:
1. How does Hana Gitelman answer Ted’s messages without a computer? (01:00)
2. What is Isaac supposed to do with the gun Mr. Bennet gave to him? (04:15)
3. What’s the name of the project to which Dale Smither donated a blood sample? (08:10)
4. What spills out from Hope’s bag when it rips open after Ando and Hope pulled each
one a handle? (15:40)
5. What is the sound of Sylar’s heart beat when he meets Dale Smither? (29:25)
6. According to Ted, what do they, who have special abilities, mean to Mr. Bennet?
7. Why doesn’t Sylar allow Mohinder to call 911? (36:31)
8. Who does Mr. Bennet find at his house when he comes back from the hospital with his
family? Why are these people there for ? (39:30)
9. Why does Isaac send Mr. Bennet and the Haitian after Peter Petrelli? (40:40)
10. Who does Isaac shoot instead of Peter? (42:00)
Last update: June 26, 2008
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TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 116_01
1. Her brain works as a wireless computer. She pulls out messages from her
2. He is supposed to kill Peter. Mr. Bennet says he must “save the world.”
3. Human Genome Project.
4. Poker chips.
5. According to Sylar, it’s the sound of murder.
6. The ones who have special abilities, according to Ted, mean some kind of
virus or plague to Mr. Bennet.
7. Because Sylar thinks it would be hard to explain to the police officers how
they got there.
8. Mr. Bennet found Ted, Hana and Matt. They are there looking for answers.
9. Isaac sends them after Peter to stop the bomb and because he was jealous of
Peter and Simone.
10. Simone.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 116_02
Put the scenes in the right order.
A. Sandra faints and falls on the floor spilling milk all around the kitchen. ( )
B. Matt is told that he may have been injected with isotope.
( )
C. Peter does something unexpected to save himself and Claude. ( )
D. Mr. Bennet discovers Peter’s met a person who he presumed was dead. ( )
E. Peter is learning how to control his powers. ( )
F. Sylar visits Dale Smither and kills her. ( )
G. Gustavson and Hope shoot at each other and Ando is shot. ( )
H. Mohinder and Sylar find someone who can hear a cockroach crossing his/her
neighboor’s floor. ( )
I. Isaac tries to shoot Peter. Peter is invisible. Then, Isaac ends up shooting Simone. ( )
J. Sylar convinces Mohinder to call the police anonymously from the road. ( )
K. Claire states that thanks to her dad her mom is not going to be OK. ( )
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 116_02
A. (4)
B. (8)
C. (5)
D. (1)
E. (3)
F. (7)
G. (6)
H. (2)
K. (9)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 116_03
Watch “Unexpected” from 07:30 to 10:20 and find out the meanings of the words in
1. DALE: Damn. That was my best wrench. So there really are others, huh?
a. engine
b. car wheel
c. eletric cable
d. adjusting tool
2. DALE: I thought the headaches at first were gonna kill me. I'd lie awake at night
thinking that my head was gonna explode. A cockroach crawling across my neighbor's
floor was like a marching band parading through my house.
a. walk fast
b. walk close to the ground
c. walk slow
d. walk carefully
3. MOHINDER: I'm sorry. It must be quite a burden.
a. something easy to deal with
b. something unexpected
c. something difficult to deal with
d. an unfortunate event
4. DALE: I'm kinda backed up today.
a. substituing someone
b. working alone
c. bored
d. busy
Last update: June 26, 2008
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TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 116_03
1. d
2. b
3. c
4. d
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 116_04
Answer the questions below.
1. What does Dale Smither compare a cockroach crawling the neighbor’s floor to? (09:05)
a. A band parading through her house.
b. A rock n’ roll band in her bedroom.
c. A band parade in her brain.
d. A band parade in her neighboor’s yard.
2. What will Claude put on Peter’s tombstone? (12:40)
a. “Here lies Peter Petrelli. He died.”
b. “Here lies Peter Petrelli. He is a fool.”
c. “Here lies Peter Petrelli. He was a hero.”
d. “Here lies Perter Petrelli. He tried.”
3. What is the “unexpected” thing Peter Petrelli does to save Claude’s life? (20:50)
a. Peter kills Mr. Bennet.
b. Peter flies away with Claude.
c. Peter becomes invisible.
d. Peter takes Claude home.
4. What does Hiro do when Hope comes closer to him and Ando to kill them? (28:00)
a. Hiro reacts and shoots Hope.
b. Hiro hides himself.
c. Hiro stops time.
d. Hiro runs away, but Ando gets shot.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 116_04
1. a
2. d
3. b
4. c
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 116_05
Fill in the blanks with the words from the chart below, and match the words with its
put (sth.) behind
I can find them, Ted. And you can (1)________________ them. (01:30)
MOHINDER: It's not completely (2)________________ on my part, Zane. (07:15)
MOHINDER: I have a feeling we're gonna meet up with a lot of (3)________________
from these people. You can help. (07:15)
Ha-ha! You pushed that away with your mind. Which one of your sorry
friends has (4)________________? (13:05)
I found out what these are. They're (5)________________ us. Like
animals! (31:47)
No, it's insane. No! I want to (6)________________ this whole
(6)________________ behind me. My wife and I have a baby coming;
my family needs me. (32:50)
A. doubt that claims or statements are false or that something will happen.
B. attack with a nuclear weapon
C. Someone who cares more about other’s needs and happiness than your own.
D. following someone by the marks, signs, etc.
E. try to forget an unpleasant experience and think about the future.
F. the ability of moving objects without touching them
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 116_05
1. nuke = b
2. altruistic = c
3. skepticism = a
4. telekinesis = f
5. tracking = d
6. put (something) behind = e
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 117_01
Company Man
Answer the questions about Mr. Bennet’s past.
1. What kind of things was Mr. Bennet asked to do when he was hired by Primatech Paper
15 years ago? (05:22)
2. Who was Mr. Bennet’s partner? (05:40)
3. Under what circumstances did Mr. Bennet adopt Claire? (11:00)
4. How did Mr. Bennet make Sandra forget about the gun and the sedation kit? (19:09)
5. What did Mr. Bennet accuse Claude of? (22:32)
6. Would Mr. Bennet turn Claire in if she was one of “them”? (22:53)
7. What was Mr. Bennet told to do with Claude? (23:09)
8. What’s the important conversation Mr. Bennet had with Claire three years ago about?
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 117_01
Company Man
1. Mr. Bennet was asked to do some things that would fall into “morally gray”
(immoral things).
2. Claude was Mr. Bennet’s first partner.
3. Mr.Bennet adopted Claire as her surrogate father. She belonged to Mr. Nakamura. If
she manifested, she would be taken away from the Bennets.
4. He asked the Haitian to pull her memories out of her head.
5. He accused Claude of hiding one of “them.”
6. Yes. He would.
7. He was told to kill Claude.
8. Mr. Bennet told Claire she was adopted.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 117_02
Company Man
Watch “Company Man” from 01:28 to 18:18 and answer the following questions:
1. What were Ted and Matt doing at Bennet’s residence? (02:01)
2. What happens when Ted gets upset? (04:19)
3. What did Matt and Ted accuse Mr. Bennet of? (06:17)
4. What did Claire think when Sandra asked how Mr. Bennet could have made her
forget? (06:42)
5. Who did Claire think about when Matt read her mind? (09:10)
6. Who asked Matt to shoot Claire? (14:02)
7. Why did Mr. Bennet and Matt remove Claire’s body? (15:07)
8. What is Mr. Bennet fighting for? (16:22)
9. What will Mr. Bennet exchange for his family safety? (17:30)
10. How much time do Mr. Bennet and Matt have to get the records in the factory? (18:09)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 117_02
Company Man
They were looking for incriminating evidence.
Ted gets very bright and hot.
They accused Mr. Bennet of abduction.
She thought about the Haitian.
She thought about Peter Petrelli.
Mr. Bennet asked Matt to shoot Claire because she can heal.
They had to remove Claire’s body before she healed.
He said to Claire that he is fighting for a normal life for her.
He will give them the records of the abductions.
10. They have one hour to get the records from the factory and come
Last update: June 26, 2008
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TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 117_03
Company Man
Fill in the blanks with one of the words from the box below. Then, watch from 18:23 to
19:40 and check out your answers.
sort of
grub worms
sedation kit
She went through my bag. She found a gun and a ____(1)____.
THOMPSON: That's particular kind of stupid on your part for letting her find them.
I know, I know. The baby's been keeping me up for days. It was
____(2)____. I think Sandra thinks I'm some ____(3)____ a serial killer.
THOMPSON: She's better off thinking you're a serial killer than knowing the truth.
I don't know what to do.
THOMPSON: That a new sensation for you, Bennet?
Is my wife in danger?
THOMPSON: If I said yes, what would be your next move? Would you pack up
Sandra and little Claire and make a ____(4)____ for it or would you turn her
I'd do what I've always done…what I'm told. But you didn't answer the
question. Is she in danger?
THOMPSON: Relax. Nothing's gonna happen to your wife because she's not gonna
remember finding anything. There's a boy we discovered in ____(5)____.
He can make her ____(6)____?
THOMPSON: He's really something. He's ____(7)____. When we asked him to
describe his ability, he drew a picture of himself pulling memories like little
____(8)____ out of someone's head. I want to put it on the front of my
fridge. When he's done, make sure you thank him for saving Sandra's life.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 117_03
Company Man
1. sedation kit
2. sloppy
3. sort of
4. run
5. Haiti
6. forget
7. mute
8. grub worms
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 117_04
Company Man
Watch the episode and choose the best word to fill in the blanks.
1. TED: So now we're _____________________ his computer? (02:15)
a. jacking
b. fixing
c. stealing
2. MR. BENNET: The only thing we're bringing Ted is a _____________________.
a. composer
b. calmness
c. tranquilizer
3. MATT: We're running out of time and we're not exactly _____________________ with
a patient man. (25:09)
a. talking
b. dealing
c. speaking
4. SANDRA: Faith. What I've seen, what I've _____________________. I can't pretend
it's the same. (28:18)
a. witnessed
b. realized
c. attested
5. TED: Then why the _____________________ with shooting the girl who can't die?
b. theatrics
c. drama
6. MR. BENNET: We didn't make you this way. We took you three months ago to
identify you. At the time, you were giving off low levels of radiation. You
were_____________________. (30:41)
a. harmless
b. harmful
c. inoffensive
7. THOMPSON: Imagine working with someone like Parkman by your side. Knowing
what everyone around you is thinking could prove quite _____________________.
Certainly keep everybody honest. (36:41)
a. helpful
b. useful
c. resourceful
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 117_04
Company Man
1. a
2. c
3. b
4. a
5. b
6. a
7. c
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 117_05
Company Man
Watch “Company Man” and match the character with his/her actions.
1. Claude Rains
) goes after proof of the abductions in
Bennet’s residence and shoots Claire.
2. Ted Sprague
) is accused of abducting people to make
3. Claire Bennet
) blames her father for having made her
the way she is.
4. Sandra Bennet
) used to be Mr. Bennet’s partner. He is
one of “them” and was “killed” by his
partner seven years ago.
) goes after Mr. Bennet to get the truth.
He intended to kill the Bennets and kept
part of the family a hostage. He is shot
and almost dies.
) discovers the truth about her daughter.
She is kept hostage.
) wants Mr. Bennet to turn Claire in.
5. Thompson
6. Matt Parkman
7. Mr. Bennet
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 117_05
Company Man
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 118_01
Watch from 07:00 to 08:20 and complete the dialog.
QUESADA: FBI. I'm Federal Agent Quesada. This is Agent Alonzo. We'd like to speak
with you (1)________________ illegal campaign contributions you may
have received from the Linderman group. The FBI is curious why the Las
Vegas-based Linderman group would be so interested in helping a New
York (2)________________.
My father served as an in-house (3)________________ for the group before
he passed away.
It's all right. We're clear – no one's listening.
You agreed there'd be no face to face.
QUESADA: And you agreed to deliver Linderman.
I’m the one who brought you in here, remember? I’d appreciate a little
(4)________________ as opposed to a surprise office visit.
No one outside this office knows you're working with us. Linderman's
(5)________________ a meeting with you at his casino tonight. Any
(6)________________ why?
I'm still four points (7)________________. He's gonna tell me how he plans
to put me ahead, and what's expected of me after I win.
QUESADA: Yeah, we were thinking the same thing. And we want you to
(8)________________ it.
You want me to wear a (9)________________?
QUESADA: You're the only one on our side who can get enough incriminating
(10)________________ to put him behind bars. We need this, Mr. Petrelli.
And so do you. Otherwise, he walks. We'll contact you when you land in
Last update: June 26, 2008
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TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 118_01
1. concerning
2. candidate
3. attorney
4. discretion
5. requested
6. guesses
7. behind
8. record
9. wire
10. evidence
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 118_02
Fill in the blanks with the words from the box below. Then, watch from 22:22 to 24:55
and check your answers.
fed off
I can't feel my fingers.
It's the curare. It induces paralysis of the (1)________________. Which
means you can't control your abilities.
Whoever you think I am, I'm not.
You are the man who murdered my father. Do you still expect me to believe
you're Zane Taylor? Zane was killed three days ago – the same day I met
you. And you thought you were so clever giving me his
(2)________________. You're a parasite. You killed my father and
(3)________________his work.
Let me hear you say it. Tell me your name! Say it! I want to hear you say it!
There's only one thing to do with a (4)________________. Kill it before it
kills again.
You're just like your father -- murderers, the both of you.
I'm a (5)________________.
Your father said that, but he kept leading me to them.
He had no idea what you were.
He knew. He might not have admitted it, but after all, we were making so
much progress together, why would he stop?
You know nothing about my father!
I know everything. He confided in me. He told me things he felt he could
never tell you. Things about your sister ... Shanti. He thought you were too –
what's the word – (6)________________ to know the truth. That's why he
liked me. You were always seeking his approval, while I provided
(7)________________. He gave up on you, but he adored me. Now who's
the real parasite here?
You're right. My father did want answers. He called you Patient Zero.
You're the template he used to create this (8)________________. You're the
key to (9)________________. his secret. As much as I'd like to, killing you
will not give me what I need.
So what are you gonna do?
I'm going to take a sample of your (10)________________ fluid. And it's
going to hurt. You might actually do some good before you die.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 118_02
1. brain
2. DNA
3. fed off
4. parasite
5. scientist
6. fragile
7. stimulation
8. formula
9. unlocking
10. spinal
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 118_03
Choose the sentence that best paraphrases the words in bold.
1. FRANCIS (SECURITY): Security just flagged you. You must be some kind of cheat.
a. Security has just got you.
b. Security has just signaled you.
c. Security has just warned you.
2. THOMPSON: Settle down. You'll tear your new stitches if you're not careful. (03:51)
a. Calm down. You’ll tear your new stitches if you’re not careful.
b. Pay attention. You’ll tear your new stitches if you’re not careful.
c. Be careful. You’ll tear your new stitches if you’re not careful.
3. NATHAN: My father served as an in-house attorney for the group before he passed
away. (07:23)
a. … before he died.
b. … before he became a president.
c. … before he ran for president.
4. AGENT QUESADA: You're the only one on our side who can get enough
incriminating evidence to put him behind bars. (08:03)
a. …get enough incriminating evidence to ruin him.
b. …get enough incriminating evidence to kill him.
c. …get enough incriminating evidence to send him to jail.
5. SANDRA: Don't worry. I know how to play dumb. (11:50)
a. Don’t worry. I know how to behave.
b. Don’t worry. I know how to pretend tp be a fool.
c. Don’t worry. I know how to play like a child.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 118_03
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 118_04
Write true (T) or false (F).
1. Matt says Mr. Bennet is lying about Claire. ( ) (03:07)
2. The FBI wants Nathan to wear a wire during a meeting with Mr. Linderman. ( )
3. Peter looks for Nathan and tells him Simone has been shot. Peter is feeling guilty.
Nathan makes an anonymous call to the police. ( ) (08:30)
4. Mr. Bennet remembers everything about Claire. His memory hasn’t been erased. ( )
5. Claire and the Haitian fly together to New York. ( ) (17:45)
6. Simone is found dead at Isaac’s house. ( ) (18:25)
7. Mohinder takes Sylar’s spinal fluid to do some tests. ( ) (23:45)
8. Jessica kills the FBI agents. ( ) (28:00)
9. Hiro and Ando can’t find the sword and they go back to Japan. ( ) (34:05)
10. Nathan shoots Mr. Linderman and flies away. ( ) (37:51)
11. Sylar pins Mohinder to the ceiling. ( ) (42:10)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 118_04
1. F
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. F
6. F
7. T
8. T
9. F
10. F
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 118_05
Answer the following questions.
1. Who does Issac shoot instead of Peter? (01:10)
2. Why does the FBI want Nathan to wear a wire? (07:59)
3. What happens when the NYPD arrives at Isaac’s place? (18:40)
4. How does Mohinder discover “Zane Taylor” is Sylar? (22:42)
5. What does Mohinder accuse Sylar of? (22:56)
6. Who warns Nathan that he is being followed? (31:50)
7. Where did Hiro teport himself and Ando to? (34:37)
8. Who does Claire meet in NY? (35:20)
9. What are the two different paths Mr. Linderman offers Nathan? (39:07)
10. What does Sylar do to Peter? (42:35)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 118_05
1. Isaac shoots Simone instead of Peter.
2. The FBI wants incriminating evidence of illegal campaign contributions.
3. Candice Willmer turned into Simone appears and the FBI leaves without much trouble.
4. Zane Taylor was found dead in his apartment three days before, the same day Mohinder
met Sylar.
5. Mohinder accuses Sylar of being a parasite and feeding off his father’s work.
6. Niki warns Nathan that Jessica is coming to kill him.
7. Hiro teleported himself and Ando to the future. They see New York after the atomic
8. Claire meets Angela Petrelli, her grandmother.
9. Mr. Linderman says there are to paths to be followed: a life of happiness and a life of
10. Sylar slices Peter’s forehead.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 119_01
Watch from 03:48 to 05:00, and from 06:18 to10:09 and answer the following questions.
How does Mr. Linderman want to be remembered? (04:13)
What is Mr. Linderman power? (04:30)
What does Mr. Linderman want from the man Nathan knows? (06:20)
How does Mr. Linderman refer to his collection of art? (06:40)
What happened to Mr. Linderman’s “friends”? (07:43)
According to Mr. Linderman, what do people need? (08:15)
What does 0.07% mean? (08:20)
What is Nathan’s future to Mr. Linderman? (08:59)
Does Nathan believe he will be elected? Why? (09:16)
10. What is there in the painting Mr. Linderman shows Nathan? (09:35)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 119_01
1. He wants to be remembered as a humanitarian.
2. He can heal things.
3. He wants the sword that Hiro stole back.
4. He refers to it as a “road map.”
5. They lost their ways and started using their powers for personal gain.
6. According to him, people need hope.
7. 0.07% mean the percentage of the world population that would die because of
the explosion of the atomic bomb.
8. Mr. Linderman wants Nathan to be a leader to rule the nation.
9. No. Because he is still down in the polls.
10. Nathan is standing in the White House Oval Office.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 119_02
Fill in the blanks with one of the words from the box below. Then, watch the segments,
check your answers and write the meaning of the words.
curtain call
1. LINDERMAN: As I said, we all have our role to play. Peter's ____________________
will come the day after you're elected. (09:50)
2. ANGELA PETRELLI: I cared about you a great deal. Perhaps not in the traditional
sense -- oatmeal cookies and school plays -- but I did what I could. My husband and I
made ____________________ for you. (14:24)
3. CLAIRE: By ____________________ me off to Paris? (15:17)
4. JESSICA: What, money? Rent? Poor me. Nobody wants to hire a black
____________________. (18:03)
5. LINDERMAN: Yeah, well, uh ... that is, his talent. I want to help Micah achieve
something monumental in his life. I had a plan in place that, until recently, began to
____________________. I need your son to help me repair it. (22:15)
6. MATT: What it means is he's a ____________________, just like the rest of us. (31:17)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 119_02
1. curtain call (slang): to be recognized by something important someone may
have done.
2. arrangements:a plan for how something will happen.
3. shipping (to ship off): to send someone or something to somewhere else.
4. ex-con: someone who has already been convicted; an ex-convict.
5. unravel: to clarify the elements of something mysterious; to make it easy to
be noticed.
6. schlub (slang): clumsy, stupid, or unattractive.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 119_03
Watch from 11:36 to 13:47 and put the facts in order.
) Mohinder falls from the ceiling.
) Sylar smashes into the bookshelf at the other side of the room. Sylar falls on the
floor. He is momentously knocked out.
) Sylar telekinetically pushes Peter against the wall.
) Sylar brings up his finger and slices Peter’s forehead.
) Peter sees Mohinder bleeding and pinned in the ceiling.
) Peter arrives at Mohinder’s apartment. He walks around and something hits him on
his head and he scratches his head absently.
) Peter’s wound on his forehead starts healing. Sylar realizes that Peter is different.
Sylar is surprised.
) Mohinder rams the map board into Sylar, pushing him against the wall. Sylar falls
knocked out on the floor.
) Peter looks around and faces Sylar.
) Sylar gets to his feet and stares at Peter.
) Sylar raises pieces of broken glass from the floor with his hand. He stops as he
listens or tries to sense Peter location in the room. With a flick of his fingers, Sylar
throws the pieces of glass all around the room as knives flying in the air.
) Mohinder runs to Peter. But it’s too late. Peter is dead.
) Peter materializes with a piece of glass embedded in his head. He falls on the floor.
) Peter, using telekinesis, pushes Sylar away from him.
) Peter vanishes.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 119_03
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 119_04
Write true (T) or false (F).
1. Mr. Bennet uses Matt’s ability to tell Matt what to do to take them out of the paper
factory.( ) (05:46)
2. 0.07% is the percentage of the New York population which is going to die with the
atomic bomb explosion. ( ) (08:22)
3. Sylar kills Peter by slicing his forehead. (
) (11:45)
) (16:10)
4. Sylar gets the list with the other Heroes’ names. (
5. Isaac sends his last number of 9th Wonders to his editor. (
6. Jessica agrees to give Mica to Mr. Linderman. (
7. Claire brings Peter back to life. (
) (16:35)
) (21:30)
) (26:35)
8. Matt, Ted and Mr. Bennet are planning to stop the explosion. (
9. Jessica takes Micah to Mr. Linderman. (
) (30:05)
) (32:00)
10.Mohinder calls the paper factory to talk to Mr. Bennet, but Thompson shows up instead.
( ) (33:10)
11.Sylar visits Isaac, kills him and takes his ability. (
) (34:22)
12.Nathan wants Claire to stay with him, supporting him and helping him win the
elections. ( ) (37:15)
13.Hiro and Ando meet Hiro’s father in the future. (
) (39:30)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 119_04
1. T
2. F
3. F
4. F
5. T
6. F
7. T
8. F
9. F
13. F
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 119_05
Watch from 37:04 to 39:00 and fill in the blanks.
Your mom said you (1)________________ to talk to me.
NATHAN: I did – I do. Come in, please. This (2)________________ a long time ago,
under better circumstances. It shouldn't take someone nearly dying for the
two of us to finally meet.
You know, you don't have to do this – pretend to be nice to me.
NATHAN: I'm not (3)________________. Claire, most people, uh ... they think the
worst of me, and I've probably (4)________________ them good reason to.
But I want to do better. I want to be there for you. But I can't. Not now.
Of course.
NATHAN: I'm sorry, but there are things (5)________________ right now that I can't
expect you to (6)________________. I barely understand them myself. I
(7)________________ into politics for the chance to do something good. I
have a chance to help, to be a part of something big. But in order to do that, I
have to –
The election. You can't have some illegitimate daughter popping up and
(8)________________ at the cameras.
NATHAN: I need to win.
You (9)________________ me to leave. Paris, with my grandmother.
NATHAN: She warms up. Sort of. It's just one week.
And then what?
NATHAN: And then you (10)________________ home to your family. Okay?
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 119_05
1. wanted
2. should have happened
3. pretending
4. given
5. happening
6. understand
7. got
8. waving
9. need
10. come
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 120_01
Five Years Gone
Watch from 01:03 to 05:53 and answer the following questions.
1. What do all the strings in Isaac’s loft represent? (01:15 / 02:45)
2. Who detonated the bomb in New York City? (02:15)
3. Why is Future Hiro working on the strings? (02:56)
4. What does Hiro have to do to stop the bomb? (03:25)
5. When is Hiro supposed to kill Sylar? (03:58)
6. Why is Hiro able to kill Sylar? (04:00)
7. Who is after Future Hiro? (04:35)
8. Which Hiro does Future Matt arrest? (04:43)
9. What is Future Hiro considered by the Homeland Security, the future guard? (05:12)
10.Who is powerful enough to help Future Hiro and Ando? (05:40)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 120_01
Five Years Gone
1. They represent a timeline. They are a map of time with all the facts that led to
the bomb explosion.
2. Sylar.
3. Future Hiro needs to determine the exact moment to go back in time to stop the
4. Hiro needs to kill Sylar.
5. Hiro is supposed to kill Sylar the day after the elections.
6. Because Peter saved Claire. Therefore, Sylar didn’t take her powers and, then,
Sylar is not able to regenerate and can be killed.
7. Future Matt with Homeland Security, the national guard.
8. Future Matt arrests the Hiro from the past. Future Hiro and Ando run away.
9. Future Hiro is considered a terrorist.
10. Peter Petrelli is powerful enough to help them. He has all kinds of power.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 120_02
Five Years Gone
Match the words in bold with the definitions below.
FUTURE HIRO: This is the moment you kill him ... on the day after the election. I
stabbed (1) him, but he regenerated. (04:00)
FUTURE HIRO: They must have spotted (2) you. Run! (04:23)
FUTURE NATHAN: We've been after him for years, and today he decides to get sloppy
(3) just before the anniversary? (10:50)
FUTURE NATHAN: You're a mind reader, Parkman. Rip it out (4) of him. If you can't
do it, I'll get someone who can. (11:15)
ANDY: You know, Sandra, for a girl who's supposed to hate the President, you sure do
perk up (5) whenever he's on. (19:25)
) to notice someone, specially when it is difficult to do so.
) something that shows a lack of care, thought or effort.
) to suddenly become happier or more energetic.
) to get something violently.
) to attack someone with a sharpened object: a knife, for example.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 120_02
Five Years Gone
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 120_03
Five Years Gone
Match each character to what they become in the future.
( ) He exploded the bomb in the heart of New York city five years ago, leaving a
devastated and dark place.
( ) He is elected president and makes the world population afraid of the “Heroes.” He
announces that they have found a “cure” to the special abilities, although it never
( ) He develops the “string theory” to determine the exact moment to go back in time to
stop the bomb explosion.
( ) He survived the bomb explosion. He is married with Niki and is trying to help Hiro
and Ando to go back in time to stop the bomb.
( ) His research has been financed by the government. He discovers the string theory and
gets excited about it. He’s been trying to eliminate the “Heroes” danger at any cost. He
doesn’t agree with the president about announcing the cure.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 120_03
Five Years Gone
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 120_04
Five Years Gone
Watch from 11:35 to 14:15 and answer the following questions.
1. What happened five years ago in New York city? (11:56)
2. What did Nathan and Mohinder do soon after that event? (12:07)
3. Has Mohinder’s research improved enough during the last five years? (12:11)
4. Are the measures taken by Mohinder’s research working? (12:32)
5. What happened in Santa Cruz? (12:47)
6. What’s the solution Mohinder had first suggested? (13:05)
7. What did Mohinder mean by his suggestion? (13:18)
8. What is Nathan suggesting? (13:20)
9. Does Nathan consider himself dangerous? (13:36)
10.Can Mohinder find the cure? (13:55)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 120_04
Five Years Gone
1. A man, Sylar, blew up killing millions of people.
2. They made a pact to eliminate the “Heroes” considered dangerous, at any
3. No. The goverment has spent billions of dolars on the research, but Mohinder
has had problems to decode de DNAs.
4. No, they aren’t.
5. A boy sucked all the oxygen out of the air killing all his school mates.
6. He had first suggested to extinct all the “Heroes.”
7. He meant to extinct an specie to preserve the other: natural order of life.
8. Nathan is suggesting genocide by killing all the humans with special
abilities, acording to Mohinder. Nathan says it is “self-defense.”
9. No. He can only fly. He’s hardly dangerous.
10. Mohinder admits he can’t find the cure.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 120_05
Five Years Gone
Fill in the blanks with the right tense of the verbs below. Then watch from 17:25 from
19:03 and check your answers.
to tear apart
to freeze
to fold
to wish
to receive
to wish
Each string represents a person. Every action, every choice.
How people came together, how they were
(1)_________________. It's a living map of the past.
Why would a terrorist care so much about the past?
Maybe he thought he could change it. Hiro Nakamura can
stop time. Teleport by (2)_________________ space.
Theoretically, he can fold time as well.
So you're saying he's a time traveler.
Is that any stranger than being able to read someone's mind?
Yeah, it is.
Haven't you ever (3)_________________ you could change
the past? Set your life down a different path?
I used to be that guy. (4)_________________ it and making
it happen are two different things.
Not for Nakamura it isn't. Look here. These two dates seem
to be the focal points--both in the past. The first is the bomb.
The other –
What? What is it?
The other's the day I (5)_________________ my father's
ashes. I was with Peter Petrelli that day. On the subway, he
said he saw a man who could (6)_________________ time.
I don't know. He said he had a message for Peter.
What was the message? Hey! What was the message?
Save the cheerleader ... save the world.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 120_05
Five Years Gone
torn apart
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 121_01
The Hard Part
Watch “The hard part” and match each character to the attitudes they have to take in
order to stop the explosion.
) He goes to NY with two other
companions to meet Molly Walker, the
new “tracking system.”
( ) He starts working with Thompson
on the cure. He is working on Molly
Walker’s special ability to track people
wherever they are.
( ) He finds out about Ted Sprague,
who can also go nuclear, and realizes he
may not be the exploding man. He
needs to find Ted to stop him.
( ) He discovers he will kill a lot of
people in the future when he explodes
NY. He is shocked. He goes back to his
mother’s to try to get back to his normal
life again, but he can’t.
( ) He is the only one who can stop the
exploding man. He needs to kill him,
but this task is too difficult for him.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 121_01
The Hard Part
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 121_02
The Hard Part
Fill in the blanks with one of the words from the chart. Use the words in parentheses to
complete the sentence. Then, watch the segments, check your answers and try to find out
their meanings.
wipe out slaughtered turn in
ring bells
1. PETER: It's not some fantasy, okay? I explode. I see it. I ____________ whole city.
You, Nathan, everyone. (this) (03:35)
2. MOHINDER: Wait, listen. You don't have to. If you're truly repentant about what
you've done, ____________. (yourself) (07:00)
3. MOHINDER: ____________ my father's office in Chennai, planted Eden as my nextdoor neighbor. You want what I have -- the formula. I can find more of them. You're
the one who needs me. (you) (10:31)
4. THOMPSON: There's someone you need to meet. Molly Walker. Does the name
____________? (any) (11:10)
5. THOMPSON: That's right. Your father led Sylar right to her. He ____________
parents, then attacked her. (her) (11:17)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 121_02
The Hard Part
1. wipe out this
2. turn yourself in
3. You raided
4. ring any bells
5. slaughtered her
To wipe out: to destroy something in large scale.
To turn in: to take someone to the police or authorities.
To raid: to attack suddenly
To ring bells: to remember about something by listening or experiencing
something similar.
To slaughter: to kill people brutally
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 121_03
The Hard Part
Watch “The Hard Part” from 11:06 to 12:40 and answer the following questions.
1. Who is Molly Walker?
2. What happened to her parents?
3. What does Thompson do?
4. How can Mohinder tell she is sick?
5. Who can possibly help Molly?
6. What are her viruses causing her?
7. Who was the other case of this disease?
8. When did the other case die?
9. Did Mohinder’s father find the cure?
10. Why is Molly important for them?
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 121_03
The Hard Part
1. She’s a special ability girl who was on Mohinder’s father’s list.
2. They were slaughtered by Sylar.
3. Thompson’s mission is to find people with special abilities.
4. He sees her cells in the monitor and says that her nucleotides are
5. Thompson expects Mohinder to help her.
6. They are destroying her nervous system preventing her to use her ability.
7. It was an Indian girl: Shanti, Mohinder’s sister.
8. She died in 1974.
9. Mohinder’s father found the cure when it was already too late.
10. Because she is the only one who can stop Sylar.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 121_04
The Hard Part
Answer the following questions.
Why do Bennet, Matt and Ted have to keep switching cars and driving on the back
roads? (04:09)
Why are Hiro and Ando following Sylar? (15:17)
What do DL and Jessica find at Mr. Linderman’s place? (16:05)
What is Molly’s ability? (17:40)
Why does Nathan agree to help Claire and Peter? (18:53)
Why is Virginia proud of Sylar? (21:47)
Why does Sylar want to return to his mom’s? (22:03)
Why does Claire run away from Nathan’s office? (24:05)
What happens when Micah tries to run away from the apartment? (26:00)
10. What does Sylar do to his mom to show he is special? (27:47)
11. What happened when Hiro tried to kill Sylar? (33:30)
12. Why does Peter give a gun to Claire? (36:00)
13. What does Sylar draw with his mom’s blood? (39:40)
14. What happens when Peter meets Ted? (41:30)
Last update: June 26, 2008
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HEROES – Card 121_04
The Hard Part
Because they have been tracked by Molly Walker.
They are following him to kill him.
They find records of their entire life.
Molly can find people anywhere by just thinking about them.
Because he is convinced that Peter may not be the exploding man and that it
is possible to stop the bomb.
Because he has traveled the world and become an important person.
Because he found out he will kill a lot of people and he doesn’t want to be
special anymore.
She sees Thompson, the man who her father has been hiding her from.
He can’t run away because Candice makes him see the same place
anywhere he goes.
He produces snow and ends up hitting her with a snow globe.
Sylar iced Hiro’s sword and broke it.
He asks her to shoot the back of his head if he is the man who explodes
New York.
He draws a cloud of a bomb explosion.
Peter absorbs Ted’s ability and becomes nuclear.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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HEROES – Card 121_05
The Hard Part
Watch from 37:15 to 39:38 and fill in the blanks.
Nathan: What are you doing here? I didn't think I'd see you till (1)________________
Angela: A mother can't be (2)________________ about her son on the most important
day of his life?
Nathan: I was just working on the (3)________________, some details of the
Angela: I'm not talking about the election. Linderman called me. He said you're getting
cold feet. It's natural to feel (4)________________. Nobody expects you to feel
otherwise. So I wanted to give you (5)________________.
Nathan: You know about Linderman's plans?
Angela: Yes. Well, they're not just Linderman's. A lot of people put time and care into
making this a reality. Myself (6)________________.
Nathan: You?
Angela: Yes, you don't know everything about me, Nathan. But I do know everything
about you. And I know what you're (7)________________.
Nathan: Do you think I'm a (8)________________?
Angela: Important men make impossible decisions. President Truman
(9)________________ two atomic bombs on Japan to end World War II. Killed
thousands to save millions.
Nathan: That was different, Ma; we were at (10)________________. I can't accept this.
Angela: That is your one (11)________________, Nathan, you have no
(12)________________. So how could you possibly believe this bomb could
actually (13)________________ the world if you have no faith in the idea of
destiny? Your destiny, Nathan, is to set the course of history after this
(14)________________ act has occurred. The people will look back on what
you do as the (15)________________ congressman from New York, and they
will thank you for your (16)________________, for your conviction, for your
faith. In my day, we called it being (17)________________. Can you believe?
Can you be the one we need? That's my boy.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 121_05
The Hard Part
capable of
mass murderer
10. war
11. weakness
12. faith
13. heal
14. unspeakable
15. freshman
16. strength
17. presidential
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 122_01
Choose the option that best explain the words in bold.
1. CANDICE: Okay, Micah, it's time to boot up. (21:22)
a. It’s time to start working on the computer.
b. It’s time to start voting.
c. It’s time to turn off the computer.
2. CANDICE: After this, we do the same thing in twelve other precincts. (21:40)
a. We do the same thing in the other twelve voting booths.
b. We do the same thing in the other twelve computers.
c. We do the same thing in the other twelve electoral city areas.
3. CANDICE: Make it a landslide. (21:55)
a. Make it a loss.
b. Make it an overwhelming majority victory.
c. Make it a simple victory.
4. NATHAN: How did -- I didn't think I'd be seeing you again. I thought after you tipped
me off about Linderman, you'd… (22:34)
a. I thought after you warned me about Linderman, you’d…
b. I thought after you turned me in to Linderman, you’d…
c. I though after you tried to eliminate me for Linderman, you’d…
5. MR. BENNET: The reason I brought you here, Parkman, was so that you could get us
to those elevators without raising a ruckus. (25:50)
a. …you could get us to those elevators without killing people.
b. …you could get us to those elevators without raising the enemy’s attention.
c. …you could get us to those elevators without raising a crowd.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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HEROES – Card 122_01
1. a
2. c
3. b
4. a
5. c
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 122_02
First, fill in the blanks with the words below, then watch from 20:48 to 22:16 and check
your answers.
POLL WORKER: Welcome, Ms ... Baker.
Do you mind if I take my son into the voting booth with me? I'm
trying to teach him about (1)________________ in action.
POLL WORKER: Oh, what a lovely thought. Follow me.
I've been thinking about how you make yourself look like that. You
must (2)________________ light or something.
How do you know this isn't the real me? Okay, Micah, it's time to
What do you want me to do?
You can tell computers what to do. So I want you to tell this one and
all the others here to (4)________________ for Nathan Petrelli. After
this, we do the same thing in twelve other (5)________________.
We don't have to go anywhere else. It says that they're all
(6)________________. So from here, I can change every one in the
It says that.
Yeah. How many votes does your boss want him to
(7)________________ by?
Make it a (8)________________. Whoa.
Can I go home now?
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 122_02
1. democracy
2. bend
3. boot up
4. vote
5. precincts
6. networked
7. win
8. landslide
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 122_03
What happened to these characters Watch the segments and answer the questions about
the characters below.
1. Why is he arrested? (17:44)
2. Who tips him off to the FBI? (18:05)
3. How is he killed? (32:53)
1. Is he helped by Nathan? (11:20)
2. Does he get his sword fixed? (13:31)
3. What does his father do with him? (18:32)
1. Does he like Candice? (15:20)
2. What does Linderman promise him back if he helps him? (16:28)
3. What does he do to help Linderman’s plan? (21:00)
1. Does he encourage Hiro to talk to his father? (14:30)
2. Does he wait for Hiro? (34:07)
3. What does he do to try to save the world? (34:14)
1. Why does he want to find Linderman? (22:45)
2. Does he believe Jessica will take the money? (37:35)
3. What does he do before he dies? (39:10)
1. Why he doesn’t help Hiro? (11:55)
2. Does he win the elections? (23:27)
3. What does he propose in his winner speech? (40:35)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 122_03
A. 1. He is arrested for exploding a van with federal agents in LA.
2. Sylar.
3. Sylar slices his forehead open.
B. 1. No. Nathan refuses to help him.
2. No, he doesn’t.
3. His father trains him to kill Sylar using martial arts.
C. 1. Yes. He thinks she is nice.
2. He promises him to let him go home.
3. He makes all the computers vote for Nathan.
D. 1. No, he doesn’t.
2. No, he doesn’t.
3. He buys a sword and goes after Sylar.
E. 1. He wants to find Linderman to take his son back.
2. No, he doesn’t.
3. He kills Linderman.
F. 1. Because he believes nobody can save the world.
2. Yes. He wins by a landslide.
3. He proposes to save the world with love to give the children a better future.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 122_04
Match the words in bold with their definitions.
1. CANDICE: Hmm. So am I. You said you like comic books, so ... I bought you a
2. LINDERMAN: I'm sure other grownups talk down to you, Micah. I'm not gonna make
that mistake. (16:31)
3. MOLLY: The police officer that saved me from the bogeyman. (29:16)
4. LINDERMAN: All right. $20 million to kill your husband and walk away. (38:07)
5. NATHAN: Because the world is sick and spinning out of control. But we can help.
( ) to rotate rapidly.
( ) an imaginary figure that causes fear.
( ) to abandon a situation or problem.
( ) a large amount of something.
( ) to speak in a condescending way.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 122_04
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 122_05
Watch “Landslide” from 40:20 to 42:30 and complete Nathan’s speech.
“Thank you. Thank you all. Thank you very much for your (1)________________
support. A (2)________________. That's what they're calling it. I'm sorry my brother
couldn't be with us tonight. But I know that Peter (3)________________ about this city
more than anyone.
You know, our father always said that we had a (4)________________ to use what
God gave us to help people, to make a real (5)________________. Pop always made the
hard (6)________________ for the greater good. He believed in that. And so do I. Our
children (7)________________ that. They deserve a better future. A future where they
don't have to face their (8)________________ alone, but can look into the
(9)________________ and find (10)________________.
I challenge everyone in here to (11)________________ by example to fight the
(12)________________, no matter the cost, because the world is (13)________________
and (14)________________ out of control. But we can help. With our help, it can
(15)________________. With our (16)________________, with our
(17)________________, and with our (18)________________ we can heal it.
Let's put (19)________________ our differences. Let's embrace our common
(20)________________. Let's do it for our (21)________________. Let's show them all
exactly what we're (22)________________ of. Thank you all. Thank you very much.
Thank you.”
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 122_05
1. amazing
2. landslide
3. cares
4. responsibility
5. difference
6. choices
7. deserve
8. fears
9. darkness
10. hope
11. inspire
12. battle
13. sick
14. spinning
15. heal
16. love
17. compassion
18. strength
19. aside
20. goals
21. children
22. capable
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 123_01
How to Stop an Exploding Man
Find the mistakes in Mohinder’s opening and final speeches. Then, watch the segments
and check your answers.
(00:07 to 01:40)
MOHINDER: Where do it come from? This question?
This need of solving life's mysteries when the simple of questions can never be answered?
Why are we here? What is the sun? Why does we dream? Perhaps, we'd better off not look
at all. Not delving, not yearning. But that's not human nature, not the human heart. That is
why we aren’t here. Yet still we have struggled to make a difference, to change the world,
to dream of hope. Never knowing for certain who we will meet along the way. Who,
among the world of strangers, will hold our hand,
touch our hearts and share the pain of crying?
(41:13 to 42:39)
MOHINDER: We dream of hope. We dream of change, of fire, of love, of death. And then
it happened. The dream became real.
And the answer to this quest, this need of solving life's mysteries finally showed itself.
Like the glowing light of a new dawn.
(Claire and Mr. Bennet talk.)
So much struggled for meaning, for purpose. And in the end, we find it only in each other:
our shared experiences of the fantastical and the mundane. The simple human needed to
find a kindred of connecting and of knowing in our hearts that we are not alone.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 123_01
How to Stop an Exploding Man
(00:07 to 01:40)
MOHINDER: Where does it come from? This quest?
This need to solve life's mysteries when the simplest of questions can never be
answered? Why are we here? What is the soul? Why do we dream? Perhaps, we'd
be better off not looking at all. Not delving, not yearning. But that's not human
nature, not the human heart. That is not why we are here. Yet still we struggle to
make a difference, to change the world, to dream of hope.
Never knowing for certain who we will meet along the way. Who, among the
world of strangers, will hold our hand, touch our hearts and share the pain of
(41:13 to 42:39)
MOHINDER: We dream of hope. We dream of change, of fire, of love, of death.
And then it happens. The dream becomes real. And the answer to this quest, this
need to solve life's mysteries finally shows itself. Like the glowing light of a new
(Claire and Mr. Bennet talk.)
So much struggle for meaning, for purpose. And in the end, we find it only in
each other: our shared experience of the fantastic and the mundane. The simple
human need to find a kindred to connect and to know in our hearts that we are
not alone.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 123_02
How to Stop an Exploding Man
Watch from 10:18 to 12:21 and fill in the blanks with the missing verbs.
Claire: What are we (1)________________ here? I actually (2)________________ you.
You (3)________________ to me. You said you (4)________________ gonna
call him.
Peter: Yeah, I know, but think about it, Claire. We (5)________________ do this alone.
Claire: No, you (6)________________ about it. We can't (7)________________ him.
Peter: Yes, we can trust him. Nathan (8)________________ never let me down.
Claire: Nathan doesn't (9)________________ about you. He doesn't care about anyone.
He doesn't care about me, and I'm his own daughter. We do not
(10)________________ him!
Peter: Yes, we (11)________________!
Claire: Why?
Peter: Because I'm afraid, okay? And I (12)________________ my brother to help us.
Claire: (thinking) You lied to me, Peter. I trusted you.
Nathan: What's the emergency?
Peter: The bomb. It's not me; it's Sylar.
Nathan: Sylar?
Peter: He (13)________________ Ted Sprague, which means he's radioactive. And if
he (14)________________ ... Look ... I know that this is a lot to
(15)________________, but it is real, I (16)________________. And I don't
(17)________________ a lot of time to find him.
Nathan: What do you (18)________________ me to do?
Peter: I don't know. Just ... (19)________________ me.
Nathan: Come here. Look, if what you're (20)________________ is real, then there's no
reason to (21)________________ Claire in this. It's just too dangerous.
Peter: No, she has to (22)________________ with me.
Nathan: She's just a kid, Pete.
Peter: If I (23)________________ Sylar and I'm (24)________________ stop him, then
she's the only one who can stop me if something (25)________________ wrong.
Nathan: You're gonna be fine.
Peter: How do you know?
Nathan: You (26)________________ me you could (27)________________, that you
could (28)________________. (thinking) There'
s nothing you can do to stop it,
Peter. They'
re all (29)________________ die. What is it?
Peter: Claire (30)________________ right about you.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 123_02
How to Stop an Exploding Man
able to
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 123_03
How to Stop an Exploding Man
Watch chapter 123 and match the character to their actions in the episode.
Peter Petrelli
( ) decides not to help his brother. He
wants to get away with his mother and
daughter. In the end, he finds out a way to
stop the exploding man and save the world.
( ) is the only one who can stop Peter if
something goes wrong. She is forced to run
away with her father and grandmother, but
she manages to get away from them.
Claire Bennet
( ) finds out Peter Petrelli is the exploding
man. He tries to kill Ando, but Hiro stops
him. He ends up stabbed by Hiro. His body
( ) becomes surprisingly powerful. She
fights against Candice. She rescues her son
and helps her husband.
Nathan Petrelli
Hiro Nakamura
( ) saves Ando from Sylar. He takes Ando
back to his native country. He kills Sylar,
but that is not enough to stop the exploding
( ) is believed to be the only one to stop
Sylar, the exploding man. He asks for his
brother’s help. He faints on the street and
travels back in his memories. He ends up
being the real exploding man. He is taken
to space to explode.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 123_03
How to Stop an Exploding Man
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 123_04
How to Stop an Exploding Man
Watch chapter 123 and answer these questions.
1. Who does Mr. Bennet believe to be the exploding man? (09:35)
2. What happens when Molly tries to see the man worse than the bogeyman? (13:55)
3. Where does Molly locate Sylar? (14:35)
4. What happens to Petter when he faints on the street? (17:17)
5. What are Angela and Charles talking about in Peter’s vision? (19:30)
6. Where does the blood that Matt sees in Isaac’s loft drip from? (24:42)
7. How does Claire escape from Angela and Nathan? (26:52)
8. Who tells Niki that she is not fighting against the real Jessica? (28:11)
9. Where does Hiro take Ando? (30:11)
10. Why does Hiro give the sword to Ando? (31:10)
11. Who makes the elevator work? (34:26)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 123_04
How to Stop an Exploding Man
1. He believes Sylar is the exploding man.
2. The worse man can see her.
3. She points to Isaac’s loft and sees Sylar there.
4. He travels back in his memory. He sees past Peter, Charles, Simone and
5. They are talking about Linderman’s plan to explode the bomb and the fact
that Nathan will be the one the world will turn to.
6. The blood drips from the painting Sylar had painted earlier.
7. She throws herself out the window.
8. Jessica, who is in the mirror, tells Niki that it is Candice.
9. Hiro takes Ando to Yamagato Industries in Japan.
10. Hiro gives the sword to Ando to prove that he will be back.
11. Micah makes it work.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 123_05
How to Stop an Exploding Man
Watch from 34:45 to 40:30 and put the facts in order.
( ) Sylar and Peter are face to face. Sylar laughs at Peter. He gets closer to Peter and
chokes him.
( ) Sylar taps Mr. Bennet on his shoulder. He turns and Sylar, telekinetically, pushes him
across the wall. He falls and drops the gun.
( ) Mohinder, Molly, Micah, Niki and DL leave the building. Mohinder hears Matt’s
groans and tries to help him.
( ) Sylar finds Peter amusing.
( ) Mr. Bennet and Peter Petrelli arrive at the Kirby Plaza Building. Bennet takes his gun
out and looks around waiting for Sylar.
( ) Sylar turns around and reaches his hand toward a parking meter.
( ) Niki reaches him and grabs the parking meter. She hits him in the stomach and he falls
on the ground.
( ) Sylar, with a flick of his hand, sends Hiro against a building. Hiro closes his eyes and
( ) Matt steps out from the building and fires his gun at Sylar. Sylar stops the three bullets
in the air and send them back to Matt. The bullets hit Matt in the chest.
( ) Peter’s hands start glowing. He doesn’t believe that is happening at that moment.
( ) Peter steps up and punches Sylar several times on the face.
( ) Hiro appears on Sylar’s back. Hiro calls him and stabs him in his chest. Sylar falls on
the ground.
( ) There’s a bright and strong explosion far away in the sky. People are staring at the sky.
( ) Sylar sends the parking meter straight to his hand. He hits Peter on the head with it.
( ) Nathan flies down from the sky and lands between Claire and Peter.
( ) Nathan says there’s another way. He wants to save the world with Peter. He takes Peter
and flies straight into space, where they disappear from view.
( ) Peter is on his knees with eyes closed trying to control it. Claire points the gun at him.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
HEROES – Card 123_05
How to Stop an Exploding Man
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni