Beowulf Pronunciation Guide It might be of some help in reading Beowulf to know how to pronounce some of the names. The accent always falls on the first syllable of a name. The "sc" that starts many of the names is pronounced "sh." The "e" is usually pronounced as an independent vowel, so "Beowulf" sound like "Bay'­oh­wolf," "Heorot" is "Hay­oh­roht," and "Geats" are “Gay'ahts." The letter "h" at the beginning of a name is aspirated (strongly­breathed). The letter "g" is not always sounded, but it may have a hard "g" sound, and when it follows "c," as in "Ecgtheow," the sound "edge" is pronounced. "Ch" sounds like the "ch" in Bach or loch. Note: Do not worry too much about pronunciation. Just do the best you can! Old English Name: Pronunciation: Ælfhere alf hair uh Æschere ash hair uh Beanstan bayan stahn Dæghrefn day hreven Eadgils ayad gils (hard g) Eanmund ayan mund Earnaness er nuh ness Ecgtheow edge thayo Eofor ayo ver Freawaru fraya wah roo Geat gayat Geatas gayat as Hæthcyn hath kin Healfdene half day nuh (pronounce the l) Heardred har dred Heorogar hair uh gar Heorot hay oh roht Herebeald hair uh bald Heremod hair uh mode Hildeburh hil duh burch Hnæf hnaff Hoc hoke Hreosnabeorh hrayos nuh bairch Hrothgar hroth gar Hronesnes hron us ness Hygelac hee yuh lahk Nægling nail ing Ohthere ocht hair uh Ongentheow on gen thayo (hard g) Scefing shay ving scop shope Scyld shild Wealhtheow walch thayo Weohstan wech stahn Wiglaf wee lahf This information was adapted from the English department of Bakersfield College.