Pill bug lab
Lab partners: ______________________________________________________________
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6
Materials: 5 pill bugs petri dish brush filter paper ruler
Procedure: Moisten the filter paper, and place in a petri dish. Add 5 pill bugs to the dish, and observe them first with the naked eye. Then observe them with the magnifying lens. Come to the teacher’s desk during the lab and observe them under a dissecting microscope.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the length of the pillbugs in millimeters? Longest________mm shortest ________mm average_______mm
2. How many segments do they have?___________________________________________
3. How many antennae does the pillbug have? _______________________________________
4. How many eyes does the pillbug have?___________________________________________
5. How many legs do they have? ______________________________________________
6. Describe the pillbug’s exoskeleton _______________________________________________
Take the brush and gently touch the pillbug.
7. What happens? _______________________________________________________________
8. How long does it stay in a rolled up position? _______________________________________
9. What happens when you place a pillbug on its back? _________________________________
10. How does it turn over?________________________________________________________
11. Describe the pillbugs behavior when they touch the sides of the petri dish: ______________
Pillbug sketch:
Clean up: return the pillbugs to the teacher. Wash and dry the petri dish. Replace the filter paper, if necessary. Return materials to your lab bin. Wipe lab counters, and wash your hands.