Harnessing Synergy Activity Description

Activity Description for the “Ugli Orange Scenario” (renamed for this activity as Harnessing Synergy)
Ugli Orange Scenario (Harnessing Synergy)
During the summer institute, rising seniors are asked to complete reading assignments and activities
linked directly with their future. These activities focus on proactive behaviors, setting goals and
teamwork. For this activity, students are given a scenario with two research scientists. Dr. Jones and
Dr. Roland both need to acquire oranges for their research from a citrus farmer, Mr. Cardoza.
Students are divided into two groups of four, one group is asked to play the role of Dr. Jones and the
other Dr. Roland. Each team is given the challenge of creating a strong argument for how and why the
oranges should be dispersed and present to the other group after 15 minutes. (Students are instructed
that these presentations must occur prior to any meeting with Mr. Cardoza.)
This SlideShare provides background of the confidential information given to each group:
After each group presents, a class discussion follows with a focus on the group decision making process,
synergy and how this exercise is a reflection of larger issues within a global society including poverty,
war, taxes and the environment.
Ultimately, through group dialogue, students are able to recognize that one group needs the rinds while
the other needs the juice. Both teams emerge as “winners” in the resource debate.
Lorenzo, L. (2012, September 17). The orange orange case negotiation. Retrieved from