More about True Colors - Aurora Public Schools

Blue- Your strength is authenticity. You seek to express the inner you. You are sensitive to
subtlety and you create roles in life’s drama. You enjoy close relationships with those you love
and you possess a strong spirituality in your nature. You are imaginative and enthusiastic and
can do almost anything that interests you. They are highly creative and excellent at inspiring
group spirit and getting people together. Blues lose interest when things become routine, they
prefer family-like, friendly, personalized and warm work environments.
Life is a dream in which they must find meaning. They are sensitive to subtlety in others.
They create roles, with a special flair, in life’s drama. They enjoy close relationships with those
they love. They experience a spiritual pride in their nature. Making a difference in the world
comes naturally and is important to them. They work hard to cultivate the potential in
themselves and in others. Although they make up only 12% of the population, their influence
on the rest is significant, for most writers come from this group. Technical and scientific writers
are often Green but writers who inspire and persuade are often Blue.
Blue seeks harmony in life with both people and things. The vision of peace, the romance at
love ballads, the drama of stage and screen, the importance of people, the warmth of a hug
and a handshake-all are images and symbols of this person’s self-esteem.
Blue represents calm. Contemplation of this color pacifies the central nervous system. It
creates physiological tranquility and psychological contentment. Those with Blue as a Primary
Color value balance and harmony. They prefer lives free from tension... settled, united, and
Blue represents loyalty and a sense of belonging, and yet, when friends are involved, a
vulnerability. Blue corresponds to depth in feeling and a relaxed sensitivity. It is characterized
by empathy, aesthetic experiences, and reflective awareness.
Blue is the color of inspiration, sincerity and spirituality. Blue is often the chosen color by
conservative people. Using Blue to relax will encourage feelings of communication and peace.
Green Color types comprise about 12% of the population, about the same percentage as
Blues. Greens like knowledge and the power that comes with that knowledge. To
understand, control, predict, and explain reality drives many Greens. Note that these are also
the four aims of science-thus many scientists are Green. The power that Greens seek comes
from competency, ability, skill and ingenuity. People in this group esteem themselves when
they see themselves as competent. They want to understand and control the realities of life.
As a result, they develop many areas of ability, creating a sense of personal power and selfworth.
Green people feel best about themselves when they are solving problems. They feel
appreciated when their ideas are recognized. Greens are complex individualists with strong
analytical abilities. While they do not express their emotions openly, they do experience deep
Green-Your strength is knowledge. You feel best when you are solving problems and when
your ideas are recognized. You seek to express yourself through your ability to be an expert in
everything. You are the most reluctant to do things in a traditional manner. They are always
on the lookout for new projects, activities and procedures. Tend to lose interest when things
become routine. These people prefer to work for themselves and in a system will often work
against it, just for the fun of it.
Green expresses itself psychologically as human will in operation: as persistence and
determination. Green is an expression of firmness and consistency. Its strength can lead to a
resistance to change if it is not proven that the change will work or is warranted. Those with
Green as a Primary Color value their intellect and capabilities above all else. Comfort in these
areas creates a sense of personal security and self-esteem.
Green characteristics seek to increase the certainty of their own values through being
assertive and requiring differences from others in intellectual areas. They are rarely settled in
their countenance, since they depend upon information rather than feelings to create a sense
of well-being. Green expresses the grounding of theory and data in its practical applications
and creative constructs.
Orange Color types comprise about 38% of the population, about the same percentage as
Golds. Oranges must be free to do as they wish. To wait, to save, to store, to prepare, to live
for tomorrow-that is not their way. For them, today must be enjoyed, for tomorrow never
comes. Oranges do things for the sheer joy of doing.
Duty, power, and spirit are of secondary importance to Oranges. Action is the thing. Action
is its own end. Although they do not object when their deeds contribute to ends held by
others, that cannot be their reason for doing what they do. Oranges do things because they
have the urge, the whim. They enjoy feeling impulses well up within and even feel guilty if
they don’t have them. All Colors feel these impulses at one time or another, but society
disciplines them in the name of duty, power, or spirit. Imagine what school does to the
While most of us practice to improve our skills, Oranges do not practice, since this is only
preparation for action to be later on! They do no practice, they do! But their action can
become compulsive if they are caught up in it. Like the person who climbs a mountain
because it is there they may give way to their impulses, continuing an action as long as the
urge compels them to do so.
Orange-Your strength is skillfulness. You need freedom to take action. A zest for life and a
desire to test the limits best express your nature. You take pride in being highly skilled in a
variety of fields. These people are action oriented and highly resourceful. They are the “idea
men.”They lack interest in the details. They must have someone to follow through in order to
be successful. They have a need for excitement. Confining rules and routines are deadly to
orange personalities.
Orange represents energy, action, consuming physiological potency, power, and strength.
Orange is the expression of vital force, of nervous and glandular activity. Thus, it has the
meaning of desire and all forms of appetite and craving. Those with Orange as a Primary
Color feel the will to achieve results, to win, to be successful. They desire all things that offer
intense living and full experience.
Orange generates an impulse toward active doing: sport, struggle, competition and
enterprising productivity. It stimulates enthusiasm and creativity. Orange means vitality with
endurance. In temporal terms, Orange is the present.
Gold Color types comprise about 38% of the population. Golds like to belong and their
belonging has o be earned. They are givers, not receivers; caretakers, not the cared for. They
feel guild if they are dependent, as if, somehow, they were derelict in their duty. They usually
have a strong desire for organizational structure, and it can make its appearance early in life.
School is made for Golds and they largely run it (along with the Blues). Golds want to
transform the frolicking puppies into serious, duty-oriented little students who seek only to
know what they are supposed to do.
Gold-Your strength is duty. You value order and cherish the traditions of home and family.
You provide for and support the structure of society. Steadfastness and loyalty are your
trademarks. You are realistic and matter-of-fact and more curious about new products then
ideas and theories. You are good at following the rules and are usually neat and orderly.
Gold is the body's natural perceptions. It represents a need to be responsible, to fulfill duties
and obligations, to organize and structure our life and that of others. Those with Gold as a
Primary Color value being practical and sensible; they believe that people should earn their
way in life through work and service to others.
Gold reflects a need to belong through carrying a share of the load in all areas of living. It
represents stability, maintenance of the culture and the organization, efficiency, planning and
dependability. It embraces the concepts of home and family with fierce loyalty and
Golds work choices include: teachers, preachers, accountants, bankers, clerks, doctors,
insurance, managers, and sales persons. Each choice provides for others, and a desire to
conserve. They save, one way or another, sooner or later. They are the foundations
cornerstones, flywheel, and stabilizers of society. We certainly rejoice at their presence.
Orange represents energy, action, consuming physiological potency, power, and strength. Orange is the
expression of vital force, of nervous and glandular activity. Thus, it has the meaning of desire and all forms of
appetite and craving. Those with Orange as a Primary Color feel the will to achieve results, to win, to be
successful. They desire all things that offer intense living and full experience.
Orange generates an impulse toward active doing: sport, struggle, competition and enterprising
productivity. It stimulates enthusiasm and creativity. Orange means vitality with endurance. In temporal
terms, Orange is the present.