
Mr. Demonteverde’s
Advanced Placement European History (APEH)
Phone: (626) 915-5841
Website: Text Number 81010 Text Message: @coapeh
An academic mark of a “B” or higher in an honors level or an “A” in a college preparatory world history course for both semesters.
Semester grade of a “C” or higher to maintain enrollment in class for 2 nd semester. Students should possess strong reading and writing
Pens, pencils & highlighters
Spiral-bound notebook for Cornell Notes (C/N) for this class only!! (interactive notebook)
Spiral-bound notebook for AP “how to” curriculum and essays (FRQs & DBQs)
Sticky divider tabs for spiral-bound C/N notebook
Internet Access and Printer
Additional Resources:
* APEH Exam Preparation Book – bought no later than the end of October
APEH is a challenging elective course designed to be the equivalent of a college Western Civilization survey course. The course
traces European history from the Renaissance to the early 2000’s). All areas of studies, political, economical, religious, social,
intellectual and artistic, are incorporated into the course of study. Multiple choice quizzes/tests and essays will be used as knowledge
assessments. This class requires an extensive amount of critical reading & thinking, in-depth class discussions, and analytical
essay writing throughout the school year. Students should expect nightly Cornell Notes (C/N) & IHOS terms – average of 5-7
pages w/2-3 IHOS terms per night.
Enrolled students will take the national Advanced Placement European History Exam in May 2016. A passing score on this
exam will give students college credit for this course; amount of credit varies per college. Also, semester grades of a “C” or higher
will earn 1 additional GPA point to their weighted overall GPA. 
♦ The Renaissance and Reformation
♦ The Age of Expansion, Absolutism and
♦ The Scientific Revolution & the Enlightenment
♦ The French Revolution & the Napoleonic Era
♦ The Industrial Revolution
♦ Europe from 1815 – 1914
♦ WWI and the Russian Revolution
♦ Totalitarianism and WWII
♦ Cold War Era
♦ APEH Review & Exam – May 2016
♦ Mini Internal Assessment
♦ Terrorism Unit or U.N. Court Hearings
♦ Final Project
All assignments are due by the given time. No late work accepted!!
Work may be typed or written in pen/pencil unless otherwise stipulated by assignment. Writing must be legible; if I
can’t read it, I don’t grade it.
Heading (name, date & period) required on all assignments in upper right-hand corner.
You have as many days to make up the work as you have been excused for the absence. Absent work attempted to be
submitted after the allotted time is considered late and not accepted.
To find out what you missed:
1. Check the assignment calendar on my Weebly site
2. Ask classmates for instructions; if they cannot assist you, then see me after class.
Tests are made up on the date posted on the whiteboard (usually within 1 – 3 days) and administered during lunch or
Charger Time only. If you do not make it up during the time posted, the score will remain a zero.
I will not pursue you about your missed work/test; it is your responsibility to get it and submit it!
Points are awarded for each assignment & are kept on a cumulative basis per semester for each weighted category:
Classwork & Participation
20% (includes discussions, answering Qs, group work/presentations, class help)
100 – 90 = A
89 – 80 = B
79 – 70 = C
69 – 60 = D
59 & below = F
It is your responsibility to stay on top of your grade with “Student/Parent Portal”. If you have a question about a grade
discrepancy, print out a grade report from “Student Portal”, highlight the assignment & grade in question and paper clip
to graded work, then give to me after class.
RESPECT - Demonstrate it to everyone & everything in this classroom.
CLEANLINESS – Clean up around desk areas; it’s a team effort! Put supplies away in their proper place.
ETHICAL BEHAVIOR/WORK – Trustworthiness and honesty are mandatory with me! Collaboration is good;
Plagiarism is bad. Plagiarism will result in you & your “partner” receiving zero credit, parental contact & further
disciplinary action. (See COHS Handbook)
NO FOOD/DRINK - Finish your meal/snack (includes gum/candy/suckers) before entering room. Water is ok.
BE HERE!! Getting the make-up work doesn’t replace in-class discussion and commentary.
Students requesting to be excused for school-sponsored activities must meet the criteria of a current overall grade
percentage of 75% or higher AND no more than a total of 7 period absences.
I approve your excusal from class, not a list of names generated by someone else.
Students who do not receive my approval to be excused and still participate in the activity will receive a truancy (See
COHS handbook).
Make-up work policy applies to excused students.
Tardy policy applies to students not in their assigned seat when the final bell rings (See COHS handbook). This includes
those standing around socializing in the classroom while I am taking role or eating outside.
Calls or text messages NOT ALLOWED during class time.
Under my instruction, phones can be utilized as a curriculum resource during class time. If students abuse this privilege
by texting or playing games, then such privilege will be lost.
Consider this your warning – when caught, phone will be confiscated and kept until end of school day. Second offense,
phone is kept until a parent/guardian meets with me for release of item.
Not responsible for student’s stolen/lost property from teacher’s desk.
Only one student allowed out at a time.
Students must leave their cell phone (or other significant item deemed valuable) to access pass to bathroom.
If you are gone an excessive amount of time on a regular basis, you will lose this privilege.
First = verbal warning
Second = dismissal from class for an undisclosed amount of time plus phone call home
Third = detention w/me (must serve within 2 days or suffer further consequences)
Learning Contract
I have read and understand the guidelines & expectations Mr. Demonteverde has set forth for me to ensure
the successful completion of the A.P. European History course and to the best of my ability, will become an
active learner by
Date: __________________________________________________________________
Student’s Name: _________________________________________________________
Student’s Signature: ______________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name: ___________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Contact #: ________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Email: ___________________________________________________
Teacher: _______________________________________________________________
Any medical/psychological problems I should be made aware of? (will remain in a confidential folder)
Movie Authorization
Throughout the course of the year, students will be watching & analyzing historical films to broaden their
understanding & appreciation of history, as well as, critique films on their historical accuracy & impact on
society. In accordance with COUSD policy, parental permission must be obtained in order to show an “R” rated
film in class. Extreme discretion in the selection of films has been taken from an educational standpoint. If
parental permission is not granted, the student will be given an alternate assignment to complete in another
classroom or the library. Please check the appropriate box & provide a signature. Thank You – Mr.
I will allow my child to view the films in class.
I WILL NOT allow my child to view the films in class.
Parent Signature: ________________________________________________________________________
RETURN THIS PAGE TO Mr. Demonteverde by:
August 18, 2015