IU 3 : Performance Objectives & Assessments

Making Your Project, Come To Live
An E-Learning Course To Get You Started
Created By: Noe Granado
IU 3 : Performance Objectives & Assessments
K-12 teachers will be able to use Windows Movie Maker through an E-Learning
environment. Windows Movie Maker is a video creating/editing
software application, included in Microsoft Windows Me, XP, and Vista. It contains
features such as effects, transitions, titles/credits, audio track, timeline narration,
and Auto Movie (WIKIPEDIA, 2001).The PBworks wiki, for this tutorial, will be
available at the campus level individual websites.
Specific Goal
Using Windows Movie Maker, K-12 teachers will be able to develop
instructional multimedia that includes a combination of audio, video, and
Windows Movie Maker will enhance projects in the classroom with K-12 teachers.
The performance objectives and assessments chart below presents the steps
teachers will be taking during the instructional unit.
Entry Skills Pre-Assessment: The cultural of computers has exploded and rapidly
growing. This enables teachers to be knowledgeable on turning on a computer, and
selecting Windows Movie Maker.
Application Questions: As the teachers go through the process of completing the
instructional unit, they will be completing two comprehension assessments, to
assure they are ready to go on to the next step.
Post test: The teachers make sure that they are using a computer with Windows
Operating System and that they are able to click on start and click on Windows
Movie Maker (pre-installed program).
In-Depth Task Analysis
CN= Condition B=Behavior CR=Criteria
Instructional Goal
Goal: Using Windows
Movie Maker (CN),
K-12 teachers will be
able to develop
multimedia (B) that
includes a
combination of audio,
video, and text (CR).
Steps in
Instructional Goal
I. Teachers will
import video
clips and
Teachers will
edit video clips
and graphics
Instructional Goal
A. Using Windows
Movie Maker (CN),
teachers will be able
to create a
multimedia project
with the classroom
(B) with basic
knowledge of the
A. In the collections
task pane (CN)
teachers will be
able drag video
clips and
graphics to the
timeline (B)
without any
assistance (CR)
A. In the timeline
(CN) teachers
will be able to
edit video clips
and graphics (B)
without any
assistance (CR)
B. After objective
3.1 (CN)
teachers will take
a comprehensive
assessment to
A. See rubric below for post test
Assuring the possession of a PC
with internet connection, running
Windows Operation System will
allow the teacher to begin.
A. See rubric below for post
A. See rubric below for post test
B. Comprehensive Assessment:
1. As you are familiarizing
yourself with Windows Movie
Maker, When you import
video clips and graphic they
go straight to the
a) Collections folder
b) Storyboard
c) Timeline
(B) assure
mastery (CR)
Teachers will
import Audio
and Music
Teachers will
add titles and
A. Using MP3
format (CN)
teachers will be
able to import
audio and music
(B) without any
assistance (CR)
B. Given other free
programs like
Audacity (CN)
teachers will be
able to create a
voice narration
(B) into MP3
format (CR)
A. Using the movie
tasks bar (CN)
teachers will
make titles or
credits (B)
without any
assistance (CR)
d) Movie
2. When you drag video clips and
graphics to the timeline in
which mode can you edit
a) Timeline mode
b) Storyboard mode
c) Movie Maker mode
d) Edit Movie Mode
3. In what places can you find
the function for importing
video clips and graphics?
Check all that apply
a) Movie Task Bar
b) Capture Video
c) Edit Movie
d) Tools
A. See rubric below for post test
A. See rubric below for post test
Teachers will
add video
effects and
B. Given that the
teachers have
themselves with
Windows Movie
Maker (CN)
teachers will be
able to edit the
animation of the
video or graphic
(B) without any
A. In storyboard
mode (CN)
teachers will be
able to drag
video effects and
transitions (B)
without any
A. See rubric below for post test
1. Where can you find the effects
and transition for your movie?
a) In the movie tasks bar
under “Capture Video
b) In the movie tasks bar
under “Edit Movie”
c) In the movie tasks bar
under “Finish Movie”
d) All the above
2. When do the transitions and
effects play?
a) before the one clip ends
and while the other clip
starts to play
b) Whatever, the title of
your movie, your name,
date, etc.
c) Video effects folder in
the collections pane
d) The entire duration that
the video clip, picture,
or title displays in your
3. To delete any part of the
timeline, select the item and
press “delete”
a) True
b) False
Teachers will
be able to
finalize and
export or save
movie to the
A. From the movie
tasks bar (CN)
teachers will be
able to export or
save to my
computer or save
project (B)
without any
assistance (CR)
B. From my
computer folder
(CN) teachers
will be able to
playback the
creative movie
(B) without any
assistance (CR)
A. See rubric below for post test
Post-Test Rubric
The rubric below represents the way teachers will be evaluated after completed the
instructional unit.
Overall Task
Import Video
Clips and
Edit Video Clips
and Graphics
Skill Performed
1. Import video clip(s)
2. Import graphic(s)
3. Drag video and graphic
to timeline
4. Resize video clip(s) to
the desired dimension
5. Re-size graphic(s) to the
desired dimensions
6. In the clip menu adjust
the volume of the clip(s)
7. Arrange video clips and
Import Audio
and Music
Add Titles and
Add Video
Effects and
Finalize and
Movie To The
graphic in the order
8. Import audio with
connected microphone or
by utilizing Audacity to
narrate voice then
convert to MP3
9. Import desired music and
assure that MP3 format
or .wav files are being
10. Determine the title and
credits and assure that
the following content is
a. Title of movie
b. Created by:
c. Introduction to the
d. Provide credits of
the material used
to avoid
plagiarism and
copyright laws
11. Add a variety of effects
to the videos and
graphics to familiarize
yourself of the different
ways of presenting the
12. Drag the transition in
storyboard mode and
familiarized yourself
with the different
13. From the Movie Tasks
select save to my
computer or save project
Anticipation Guide
Please select the statements you agree before the training and after the training.
1. I now recognize a PC
with Windows
Operating System.
2. I’m comfortable with
importing video clips
and pictures to the
collections pane and
dragging them to the
3. I comprehend the
difference between
storyboard mode and
timeline mode.
4. I’m familiar with
editing video clips and
5. I recognize that
importing sound is not
the same as importing
music, since sound is
in form of a narrative
where you use your
personal voice and
music is in the form of
.wav or MP3 as is
when you export your
narrative from
6. I’m familiar with the
importance of adding
a title at the beginning
of the movie,
including an
introduction of the
7. I realize that adding
credits is very
important, since the
materials need to be
appropriately cited
and credits must be
given to all the
software, program,
and pictures in order
to avoid breaking
copyright laws.
8. I’m familiar with
changing the
animation and font on
video clips and
9. I’m familiar with
exporting/saving the
movie to my computer
or saving the project
for further
The performance objectives and assessments presented above provide an outline that
guides the teachers through this instructional unit. A post-test is provided to make
sure that the teacher is aware of the basic level skills required before starting the
instructional unit. Teachers will rate their knowledge on Windows Movie Maker by
an anticipated guide check list which will measure how much they already know
about the instructional unit. As the Teachers complete the individual units they will
be required to take a comprehensive assessment to keep them knowledgeable about
the topic. The application questions will keep them in check with the material of the
instructional unit. Teachers will be able to assess their knowledge according to the
rubric already provided and broken down according to the instructional unit. Once
teachers have reached their goal they can return to the anticipation guide and
complete the chart for the “After” of the instructional unit. If the teachers used the
rubric correctly, the must have seen much growth of the topic.