This syllabus is subject to change. Should it become necessary. notification of such changes will be handled via the FAMU Blackboard site to all students enrolled in this course on that site. Intro to Physical Science PSC1121CE 501-EMD(14022)Spring2012 All times are Eastern Time Zone Minimum Requirements: Have software secure testing device available on loan from Media Center Show competence using the software secure device by January 31, 2012 Be available for testing 8am until 9am on the following days; 2/8/12; 3/14/12; 4/4/12 and 10am– noon; 4/24/12 Dr. Robin J. Kennedy, Jones Hall, Rm 209C Office Hours: Wednesday 9:00am-10:00am, and via email Course Web / Lab site: Lecture site: Homework Service site: All announcements for this course will be posted on blackboard and/or Utexas sites or Assignments which are late cannot be accepted. All times are Eastern Time Zone Course Description: Physical Science is an introductory course uniting physics, chemistry, earth science (geology), and astronomy. The course will describe the fundamental concepts that shape man’s view of the laws of Nature and that have allowed man to orient himself in his physical laboratory - the universe. The course is designed for the non science major. The topics covered will follow sequentially the layout of the recommended text. The use of mathematics is restricted to simple algebra. At the end of this course a student who has passed the exams should have a fundamental and wide knowledge of the physical world around him or her. See the Academic Learning Compact: And click on Physics Conceptual Physical Science Explorations, Hewitt, Suchocki and Hewitt, 1st edition ISBN 0321051661 nd 2 edition ISBN 0321567919; ISBN 9780321567918 Either the first or second edition is acceptable. Used books can be found at Text: Lecture: ON-LINE Video Lectures Electronic video lectures are available on the Blackboard Site for this course. Students may access the lecture material and watch as often as they like. Links to each lecture are available on the class FAMU Blackboard site under the “Course Documents” folder in a folder called “Lectures”. The password to open the lectures is “psc1121”. You will need to be connected to the internet the entire video time. Note that each topic in the homework section of the 1 syllabus is associated with a separate video lecture. The best browser to view the lectures from a PC is Google Chrome which can be downloaded for free from the Google site. Lab: ON-LINE Nine (9) Computer/Web assignments (applets) will be given based on the course materials. An online quiz will be given for each lab to assess the student’s completion and understanding of the lab. The lab assignment, and quiz questions and answers will be handled via the class FAMU Black Board site and are available in the “Assignments” folder. Assignments which are late cannot be accepted. All labs are due by 11:55pm Eastern Time Zone. Due to computer firewall constraints, especially on campus, it may be necessary to cut and paste the various links in the labs to a separate window on your browser in order to view them. Homework: ON-LINE Homework will be given for each lecture (1-39, excluding chapter 36). In general, except for the last few homework, one week will be allowed for answering the homework questions after the date the material is covered on the schedule. The homework questions and answers will be handled via the University of Texas site (see below). Instructions on how to gain access to the homework will be available on the class FAMU Blackboard site under the “Course Documents” folder in a sub-folder called “Homework”. All homework is due by 11:55pm Eastern Time Zone. Assignments which are late cannot be accepted. Note: Answers to the homework questions become available on the UTexas server about 5 minutes after the due date. Consequently, requests for “extra time” or “re-opening up the homework” are not possible. GRADING There are no makeup exams and no such thing as extra credit! To be able to do the exams, students are required to have the Software Secure Device. Students must have shown competence in using the Software Secure device by January 31, 2012. The Software Secure device is available on loan to students in this class from the Media Center. For this purpose a practice exam will be made available; the score on the practice exam will not count towards the final grade. Exams: (45% = 10%+10%+25%) Exams will be done via the FAMU Blackboard site for the class and will be found under the “Exams” folder. There are three tests which will be given online on the following days during the time slot 8am until 9am Eastern Time Zone; 2/8/12; 3/14/12; 4/4/12. The link to an exam will be available for the first twenty minutes only i.e. from 8am until 8:20am. The top two tests will each count 10% toward the final grade. 2 A two hour comprehensive final exam will be held on 4/24/12 at 10am – noon. The link to the final exam will be available for the first thirty minutes only i.e. from 10am until 10:30am. The final will count 25% toward the final grade. The top two test scores together with the final exam score will be used to compute your grade. (45% = 10%+10%+25%) The tests and final exam will be given online and handled through FAMU Blackboard system in conjunction with the Software Secure device. It is essential that you are at a computer with the Software Secure Device attached and that you know that both the computer and the Software Secure device are functioning properly. The exams will not be available outside the times set. There are no make-up exams and no such thing as extra credit. Missing an exam will result in a score of zero for that exam. Homework: (35%) Homework will count 35% toward the final grade. Lab: (20%) The results of the lab quizes will count 20% toward the final grade. Score Keeping – or “What grade am I going to get?” All students are responsible for keeping track of their scores on tests, lab, and homework. At no time will a running score be available for the students during the semester, although current homework averages and lab averages can be accessed on the UTexas and Blackboard websites, respectively. It is the duty of the individual student to maintain such a running total if they wish. The final grade for the course will be forwarded to the student courtesy of the US Postal Service or via the University ERP/EIT system. Comparison of an individual’s score on the homework and lab to the class average should provide an indication of how well an individual is performing. Practice Problems for Exams Practice Problems for Exams are available on the Blackboard site under the “Course Documents” folder in a sub-folder called “Practice Problems for Exams”. This opens a series of files with names similar to "RAT Test Lecture 1-10". Click on the Sample Test links to download the tests. If you have the second edition of the text, these questions appear at the end of each chapter. The answers for these multiple choice questions are also in this section. Other Sources of Study Material In addition to the text used for this class numerous additional resources are available. These can be found on the text's companion website and include interactive figures, interactive tutorials, demonstrations and videos. There is a Practice Book with exercises and a Laboratory Manual. Instructions on how to access these additional resources can be found inside the front cover of the recommended text, Conceptual Physical Science, 3 Hewitt, Suchocki and Hewitt. If you purchased a used book it is likely that the appropriate code to access these resources has already been used by the previous owner. In this case it is still possible to access the website for a small fee. 4 Class Schedule: Spring 2012 All times are Eastern Time Zone Date Homework becomes available Lecture Topic 1/4/12 Syllabus 1/6/12 1/9/12 1/11/12 1/13/12 1/18/12 1/20/12 1/23/12 1/25/12 1/27/12 1/30/12 2/1/12 2/3/12 2/6/12 2/8/12 8am – 9am 2/10/12 2/13/12 2/15/12 2/17/12 2/20/12 2/22/12 2/24/12 2/27/12 2/29/12 3/2/12 3/12/12 3/14/12 8am – 9am 3/16/12 3/19/12 3/21/12 3/23/12 3/26/12 3/28/12 3/30/12 4/2/12 4/4/12 8am – 9am 4/6/12 4/9/12 4/11/12 4/13/12 4/16/12 4/18/12 4/24/12 10am - noon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Read Syllabus; Enroll in UTexas Homework Service About Science Newton’s First Law Newton’s Second Law Newton’s Third Law Momentum Work and Energy Gravity Projectile Motion Thermal Energy Heat Transfer/Phase Changes Electricity Magnetism Waves and Sound Test 1 Lectures 1-10 Light and Color Reflection Refraction Properties of Light Atoms / Periodic Table Atomic Models Radioactivity Nuclear Fission / Fusion Chemistry Mixtures Chemical Bonding Molecular Mixing Test 2 Lectures 11-20 Acids and Bases Oxidation / Reduction Organic Compounds Chemistry of Drugs Plastics Mineral Formation Rocks The Earth Test 3 Lectures 21-29 Our Planet Water Our Landscape Atmosphere/Oceans Weather Solar System Comprehensive Chapters 1- 39 excluding Chapter 36 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 Final Homework due date (11:55pm) 1/13/12 1/18/12 1/18/12 1/20/12 1/25/12 1/27/12 1/30/12 2/1/12 2/3/12 2/6/12 2/8/12 2/10/12 2/13/12 2/17/12 2/20/12 2/22/12 2/24/12 2/27/12 2/29/12 3/2/12 3/12/12 3/14/12 3/16/12 3/19/12 3/23/12 3/26/12 3/28/12 3/30/12 4/2/12 4/4/12 4/6/12 4/9/12 4/13/12 4/16/12 4/18/12 4/20/12 4/24/12 4/24/12 5 Lab Assignments: All times are Eastern Time Zone Date Available Lab Number Topic Due Date (11:55pm) 1/4/12 1 Newton’s Laws 1/17/12 1/17/12 2 Work/Energy/Projectiles 1/31/12 1/31/12 3 Heat 2/7/12 2/7/12 4 Electricity Magnetism 2/14/12 2/14/12 5 Light and Waves 2/21/12 2/21/12 6 The Atom 2/28/12 2/27/12 7 Chemical Bonding 3/13/12 3/20/12 8 Organics/Drugs/Plastics 3/27/12 3/27/12 9 Minerals/Rocks/Earth 4/10/12 6 General Information PSC1221CE 501-EMD(14022) Spring 2012 Date; Name; Student I.D. Number (or last 4 digits of your SSN); Address (local); Address (permanent); Telephone (local); Telephone (permanent); Cell phone; Email address (please print clearly); Major; Classification (Freshman, Sophomore etc); Is this course required for your major? Signature Sheet; I have been informed of the responsibilities required for me to take PSC1221CE 501-EMD(14022) taught by Professor Robin Kennedy in Spring 2012 at Florida A&M University as specified on the class syllabus. I agree to the terms and conditions required for my being permitted to attend this class as specified in the University Catalog, the student Handbook and on this class syllabus. No taping of lectures, storage or retransmission of lectures or part thereof is permitted without specific written permission from the instructor. During exams, no outside communication or electronic device (e.g. IPods) with the exception of a simple scientific calculator, the Software Secure device and a computer, which is only for communicating the test answers to the instructor, may be used. During exams the computer may not be used to “Google” or in any other way search for answers to questions nor may it be used to communicate with any person other than the Instructor. Should I not follow this procedure I am fully aware I can be dismissed from the course with a grade of F. I have been informed of the grading system, and where the procedure for submitting homework and lab assignments can be found and that video lectures are available on-line. I am aware that I may be required to show ID and that only those students registered for the class are permitted to attend and/or partake in lectures, homework, lab and class discussions. I agree that all exams, homework, labs will be the result of my own work and that I will not copy, plagiarize or have others do the homework, labs, tests or exams for me. I further acknowledge that the video lectures and other documents used in this course are copyright, and belong to one, or all, of the following; the book publisher, the university (FAMU) or the instructor. Print Name: Signature: 7 Homework - Signing Up for UTEXAS Homework: The homework for this course is handled automatically by the university of Texas computer. You will NOT be a University of Texas student. They provide a homework grading system of which we are taking advantage. You are required to carry out 3 steps to be able to do your homework. Step 1. Get a UTexas EID Step 2. Register for this class at UTexas Step 3. Pick up the homework and enter your answers. Steps 1. and 2. will only be done initially (once). They are to get you a University of Texas EID and to register you at UTexas for the homework for this class. Step 3 will be done every time you do your homework; i.e. for every lecture we cover: i.e. three times a week. Step1. To get a UTexas EID Go to and select “Get a UT EID”; and follow the instructions inputting all the required data. Eventually you will arrive at a screen where you create your UT EID. Write down your UT EID and password in a safe place. Do not do either of the instructions on page 6 of 6. That is, DO NOT hit “Logon using your UT EID”; DO NOT hit “Return to main UT EID Page”. Rather, proceed to step 2 below. NOTE: I cannot look up your password so if you lose it. You will have to go through this process again. Further, I may not be able to see the scores you got for any homework you did prior to losing your password. Step 2. To Register for this class at UTexas Log into • Click the arrow beside "Get Started". You will be sent to a page to enter your UT EID and password. Hit “log on” and then OK on the pop-up box. • Make sure that the "Hello" in the upper right-hand corner shows your name. • Read the terms you agree to for using this site and click “I agree” • Under the MY COURSES tab, choose "ENROLL IN NEW COURSE" • Supply the unique number ‘24680’ in the box and choose "LOOKUP COURSE INFO" • In the “COURSES FOUND” drop down box, it should say “PSC1121(FAMU Spring 2012). This should be the only option. • Below the drop down box it will say(in orange writing) Course: PSC1121(24680) / PSC1121 SPRING 2012 Instructor: Kennedy Meets: 8am 8 • Choose "REQUEST ENROLLMENT" • You will get a yellow box stating “Your instructor will process the enrollment request". Log off • • Your instructor has to approve your request before you can proceed to do the course homework. This should be done within 24 hours. If you are not enrolled within 48 hours, email me at and let me know your UT EID, so I can check. Step 3. Pick up the homework and enter your answers. There are detailed instructions on the BlackBoard site on how to do this, but the basic steps are:………. 1. Log into 2. Click on the class – PSC1121SPRING 2012 3. Click on the homework you wish to do. A page should come up which shows an Acrobat PDF file on the left with the problems and on the right a box in which you can submit your answers for each problem. If the PDF document showing the problems doesn’t appear, right-click over the brown writing at the top of that space, and select “save link as”, save the pdf document to your desktop/flash drive, and open it from there. If you have problems either see me in class, come to my office hours or contact me by email. I am only too happy to help you. The WWW is notorious for having intermittent downtime. It is YOUR responsibility to submit your homework in a timely manner. Waiting until just before the deadline to submit answers and then experiencing network trouble is not a valid excuse. Nor will trouble with your computer be accepted. If your computer dies, go and use a library computer. Print out and READ the student instructions at the UTexas homework site carefully. This will tell you how to input large numbers and about significant figures. e.g. 1234 = 1.234E3 and 0.0004321 = 4.321E-4 Be aware that each student has a different assignment, so you can not work off your friend’s paper. Also realize that you get negative points for wrong answers for multiple choice questions. If the next attempt a a question will result in your getting a negative score for that question then stop doing that question. “A zero is worth more that a negative number!” 9 Remember, the program works automatically. Assignments are computer submitted. Thus assignments which are late cannot be accepted. All times are Eastern Time Zone. I cannot reopen the homework after the homework due dates stated on your syllabus as the answers have been published for all to see. DO NOT SEND ME YOUR HOMEWORK. HOMEWORK MUST GO TO U.TEXAS 10 Laboratory - How to get to the Blackboard site: Step 1: go to Step 2: Login to Blackboard using your FAMU username and password. If you are in my class you are automatically enrolled in Blackboard by the university. Step 3: Go to the “My Courses” tab. Find the course PSC1121CE_501_2123Intro Phy Science taught by Dr. Robin Kennedy. If the course does not appear, notify me immediately. Step 4. Click on the PSC1121CE_501_2123Intro Phy Science Step 5: A new screen will load containing the announcements for this course. On the left hand side of the screen there will be a menu. Step 7: Select the Assignments folder on this menu Step 8: Select the appropriate lab and follow the appropriate instructions opening links as required. Step 9: Between the dates listed on your syllabus a link to a quiz will appear below the instructions for that lab – like “Lab 1 Quiz”. Click on this link to submit your answers. Remember, the quiz is only open on the dates and times stated on your syllabus. Remember; assignments are computer submitted. Thus assignments which are late cannot be accepted. All times are Eastern Time Zone. 11 Class Conduct: Students are, at all times, to follow the university “Code of Conduct” Policy. No cheating is permitted in this or any other class at any time for any reason. The University’s Conduct Policy is in the Student Handbook (Fang) and in the University Catalog. Only those students registered for the class are permitted to attend lectures, do the homework and lab, and take the class examinations. Students may be required to show ID from time to time in class. As per official university policy; No children, especially babies, can be brought to class as they cause disruption. All cell phones and IPods are to be silenced and completely turned off in the classroom at all times. Cell phone conversations and Text messaging are not permitted during class. Should it be necessary to make an emergency telephone call / text message, then leave the room. Students are reminded that the University Cell Phone policy states: “Cellular phones, pagers and other electronic devices can be disruptive for the user and others when activated in classrooms. Therefore, electronic devices should be not be activated or operated unless express written permission to activate or operate the devices has been authorized by the classroom instructor or the University administrator.” Neither cell phones nor other electronic devices may be used in the lecture room for photographing or taping or any purpose at any time without express written permission. No electronic devices such as cell phones, Ipods, computers, with the exception of calculators, are to be in use once the instructor enters the room unless permission is specifically granted in writing. This includes the short period prior to the actual start of a lecture. With the exception of simple calculators, electronic devices, including computers, are not allowed to be used during the class. At no time is a computer or any attachment to a computer allowed to be operating unless specifically stated by the instructor. No taping of lectures or part thereof is permitted without specific written permission from the university or the instructor. All lectures are copyright the instructor and/or the publisher of the recommended textbook 12